The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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1,862 lines
* FileRequest V2.0 by Fabrice LIENHARDT *
* Written in november 1989 7, rue de Leicester *
* 67000 STRASBOURG (France) *
* (This is Public Domain) *
* 100% assembler - Written with Hisoft's DEVPAC Assembler V2.12 *
opt a+,d+,o+ :PC Modus, labels, optimise instr.
incdir ":include/" :Load include files
include exec/exec_lib.i
include intuition/intuition.i
include intuition/intuition_lib.i
include graphics/graphics_lib.i
include libraries/dos_lib.i
include libraries/dos.i
include libraries/filehandler.i
include libraries/dosextens.i
lea intname,a1
CALLEXEC OldOpenLibrary :Open Intuition
tst.l d0
beq int_error :quit if error
move.l d0,_IntuitionBase
lea grafname,a1
CALLEXEC OldOpenLibrary :Open Graphics
tst.l d0
beq gfx_error :quit if error
move.l d0,_GfxBase
lea.l dosname,a1
CALLEXEC OldOpenLibrary :Open Dos
tst.l d0
beq dos_error :quit if error
move.l d0,_DOSBase
move.l #$10000,d1 :clear all reserved memory
move.l #5252,d0 :ram with 52*101 characters
CALLEXEC AllocMem :allocate memory for buffer (oblig.!)
tst.l d0
beq mem_error :if error, quit
move.l d0,filebuffer
*-------------------------- CALLING _FileRequest routine -------------------
* a0=_FileRequest (Outputhandle, xpos, ypos, windowtitle)
* d0 d1 d2 a1
CALLDOS Output :Output gives current handle in d0
move.l #160,d1
move.l #18,d2
lea.l a00NewWindowName1,a1
bsr _FileRequest :and call routine FileRequest
* Result in a0. (a0 = adress of beginning drawername/filename)
* Example: (a0)= "DF0:devs/printers/epson"
move.l filebuffer,a1
move.l #5252,d0
CALLEXEC FreeMem :free memory for file buffer
move.l _DOSBase,a1
CALLEXEC CloseLibrary :Close dos library
move.l _GfxBase,a1
CALLEXEC CloseLibrary :Close gfx library
move.l _IntuitionBase,a1
CALLEXEC CloseLibrary :Close int library
* FileRequest -------------------------------------------------------------
move.l d0,a00scrp :move outputhandle in structure
move.l a1,a00wdnm :window name
lea.l a00NewWindowStructure1,a0
move.w d1,(a0)+ :x coord to window
move.w d2,(a0) :y coord to window
sub.l #2,a0
CALLINT OpenWindow :and open Window
move.l d0,filewinhd :save the handle
move.l d0,a0
move.l wd_RPort(a0),fRport :Determine RastPort
move.l wd_UserPort(a0),fUport :Determine UserPort
lea.l fdevDF0,a0
add.l #3,a0
tst.b (a0) :test if df0 is present
bne fnodevicetest :(if deviceflags are positionned)
bsr fdevstat :if not, test all hardware devices
lea.l fdevDF0,a5 :Read all device flags
addq #3,a5
tst.b (a5) :test if DF0 is present
bne fdf0exists
lea.l a00Gadget1,a0
move.l filewinhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
CALLINT OffGadget :if not disable the gadget
addq #4,a5
tst.b (a5) :test if DF1 is present
bne fdf1exists
lea.l a00Gadget12,a0
move.l filewinhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
CALLINT OffGadget :if not disable the gadget
addq #4,a5
tst.b (a5) :test if DF2 is present
bne fdf2exists
lea.l a00Gadget13,a0
move.l filewinhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
CALLINT OffGadget :if not disable the gadget
addq #4,a5
tst.b (a5) :test if DF3 is present
bne fdf3exists
lea.l a00Gadget14,a0
move.l filewinhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
CALLINT OffGadget :if not disable the gadget
addq #4,a5
tst.b (a5) :test if DH0 is present
bne fdh0exists
lea.l a00Gadget15,a0
move.l filewinhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
CALLINT OffGadget :if not disable the gadget
addq #4,a5
tst.b (a5) :test if DH1 is present
bne fdh1exists
lea.l a00Gadget16,a0
move.l filewinhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
CALLINT OffGadget :if not disable the gadget
addq #4,a5
tst.b (a5) :test if JH0 is present
bne fjh0exists
lea.l a00Gadget17,a0
move.l filewinhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
CALLINT OffGadget :if not disable the gadget
addq #4,a5
tst.b (a5) :test if VD0 is present
bne fvd0exists
lea.l a00Gadget18,a0
move.l filewinhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
CALLINT OffGadget :if not disable the gadget
addq #4,a5
tst.b (a5) :test if RAM is present
bne framexists
lea.l a00Gadget22,a0
move.l filewinhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
CALLINT OffGadget :if not disable the gadget
addq #4,a5
tst.b (a5) :test if RAD is present
bne fstartprocess
lea.l a00Gadget23,a0
move.l filewinhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
CALLINT OffGadget :if not disable the gadget
bsr frefreshdrawer :refresh the drawer gadget
bsr freset :Unlock/clr filenames&name/init mover
move.b #0,flaglock :lock not opened
move.l #fdrawer,d1 :adress of drawer
move.l #$fffffffe,d2 :read mode
CALLDOS Lock :Lock
tst.l d0
beq flockerr :If error print error message
move.b #1,flaglock :lock now activated (no error)
move.l d0,lockhd
move.l lockhd,d1
move.l #fileinfo,d2 :buffer = fileinfo
CALLDOS Examine :Examine disk name
tst.l d0 :error?
beq flockerr :if yes print error message
move.b #0,flagdiskremoved :drawer has changed, no diskremove
lea.l fileinfo,a0
addq #8,a0
lea.l folddiskname,a1
move.b (a0)+,d0 :test if disk inserted is known
cmp.b (a1),d0
bne fnosamedisk :compare Oldname = Newname
tst.b (a1)+
bne ftestifsamedisk
tst.b flagreadaborted :last reading was aborted?
bne frestartreading :if yes, restart reading disk
bra fprintonly :if not print filenames without reading
subq #1,a0
move.b (a0)+,(a1) :if not same diskname,copy Newname
tst.b (a1)+ :in Oldname (save it)
bne fcopyNewinOldname
move.b #0,flaglect :reading possible = new disk
move.b #0,d :number of directories = 0
move.b #0,f :number of filenames = 0
bra fprocess :and begin operations
bsr funlock :close lock if possible
bsr ftestdrawerremoved :test if disk removed
bne fnodskindrv :if removed print 'No disk...'
lea.l fileerror3,a0 :else prepare 'Bad drawer'
bra fbaddrv
lea.l fileerror1,a0 :prepare 'No disk in drive'
move.b #$ff,flagdiskremoved :set flag
lea.l filename,a1
moveq #4,d0
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ :copy message error in filename
subq #1,d0
bne fcopyerr1
bsr frefreshfile :and print it out on screen
move.b #1,flaglect :set flag
move.l fUport,a0
CALLEXEC GetMsg :read message in MessagePort
tst.l d0
beq fnomessage :if no message continue
move.l d0,a1
move.l im_Class(a1),d4
move.l im_Code(a1),d5
move.l im_IAddress(a1),a4 :if message, prepare it
CALLEXEC ReplyMsg :and Reply
bra freadgadget :read the message
tst.b flaglect :reading directory ?
bne fnoread
move.l lockhd,d1
move.l #fileinfo+2,d2
CALLDOS ExNext :if yes continue to read
tst.l d0
bne fnofileend :if no file more then fileend
move.l #0,filename
bsr frefreshfile :clear filename (or error msg)
move.b #0,flagreadaborted :reading can be aborted
move.b d,d0
add.b f,d0
tst.b d0 :test if some files are present
bne fileend :ok something is present
move.b #1,flaglect :reading is stopped
bsr funlock :Unlock if possible
bra fprocess :and restart the process
move.b #$ff,flagreadaborted :reading must not be aborted
lea.l fileinfo+8,a0 :Begin to sort filenames
move.b (a0),d7 :d7,first letter of the name
cmp.b #$5b,d7
bcc fnomajuscule :test if capital letter
add.b #$20,d7 :not case sensitive
tst.l fileinfo+4
bpl filedir :if + then directory
lea.l fileinfo+8,a0 :else filename
lea.l filename,a1
moveq #25,d0
move.w (a0)+,(a1)+ :copy filename in buffer
subq #1,d0
bne fcopyname1
bsr frefreshfile :print name
add.b #1,f :number of files +1
moveq #1,d6 :prepare color
moveq #1,d1
add.b d,d1 :beginning of filenames = d+1
move.b f,d2
add.b d,d2 :end of filenames = f+d
bra filesavename :and compare and stock in memory
lea.l fileinfo+8,a0
lea.l filename,a1
move.l #'(Dir',(a1)+ :if dir put first 'dir' in buffer
move.w #') ',(a1)+
moveq #11,d0
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ :now copy dir name
subq #1,d0
bne fcopyname2
bsr frefreshfile
add.b #1,d :number of directories +1
moveq #3,d6 :and prepare color
moveq #1,d1 :beginning of filenames = 1
move.b d,d2 :end of filenames = d
cmp.b d1,d2 :last filename?
beq filemove :if yes the move buffer
move.l d1,d3
subq #1,d3
mulu #52,d3 :offset name (d1) in buffer
move.l filebuffer,a0
add.l d3,a0
move.b (a0),d3 :d3 = first letter name (d1)
cmp.b #$5b,d3
bcc filenomajuscule2 :test if Capital letter for sorting
add.b #$20,d3 :not case sensitive
cmp.b d7,d3
bcs filenolower :if not lower then continue
bra filemove :else move buffer
addq #1,d1
bra filesavename :next name and loop
moveq #1,d3
add.b d,d3 :move all names in buffer
add.b f,d3
mulu #52,d3
move.l filebuffer,a0
add.l a0,d3
move.l d3,a3 :a3 = (f+d+1)*52 ad end transfert
sub.l #52,d3
move.l d3,a2 :a2 = a3-52 adress begin transfert
moveq #1,d3
add.b f,d3
add.b d,d3
sub.b d1,d3 :d3 = (f+d+1-d1) nb of transferts
moveq #13,d4
move.l -(a2),-(a3) :transfert 52 octets
subq #1,d4
bne filetrans
subq #1,d3
bne filetransfert
clr.l d3 :prepare saving name
move.l d1,d3
subq #1,d3
mulu #52,d3
lea.l fileinfo+8,a0 :adress beginning source
move.l filebuffer,a1
add.l d3,a1 :adress beginning destination
moveq #25,d4
move.w (a0)+,(a1)+ :copy name
subq #1,d4
bne filecopyname
move.b #0,(a1)+ :move 0 at end of name
move.b d6,(a1) :move color value at end name
move.b f,d0
add.b d,d0
cmp.b #100,d0
bne fprocess
move.l filewinhd,a0
CALLINT DisplayBeep :directory truncated
move.b #1,flaglect
bsr funlock :no more reading to do
lea.l a00Gadget11,a0
move.l filewinhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
moveq #5,d0
moveq #0,d1 :prepare all parameters for Modifyprop
moveq #0,d2
moveq #0,d3
clr.l d5
move.b f,d5
add.b d,d5
cmp.b #9,d5
bcs filenogreater :prepare prop gadget
move.l #$ffff,d4
divu d5,d4
and.l #$0000ffff,d4
mulu #8,d4 :mover size = $ffff*8/(f+d)
bra fileprop
move.l #$ffff,d4
CALLINT ModifyProp :modify prop gadget
move.b #1,faffstart :--print at first name--
clr.l d2 :print all file names
move.b f,d2
add.b d,d2 :number of names present
cmp.b #9,d2
bcs fminuseight
moveq #8,d2 :if > 8 then = 8
move.l fRport,a0
lea.l faffnames,a1 :initialise parameters
moveq #0,d1
move.l filebuffer,a3 :print 8 first names
moveq #25,d0
lea.l fnames,a2
move.w (a3)+,(a2)+ :50 caracters to copy
subq #1,d0
bne filecopynames
addq #1,a3
move.b (a3)+,faffnames :place color for dir or file
movem.l a0-a3/d0-d2,-(sp) :save parameters
CALLINT PrintIText :print file name
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a3/d0-d2 :load parameters
add.l #9,d1
subq #1,d2
bne filenamesbcle :print all names
bra fprocess :and restart process
tst.b flagdiskremoved
bne fprocess :if disk removed loop
clr.l d0
move.b f,d0
add.b d,d0 :number of files
cmp.b #9,d0 :if <8 loop
bcs fprocess
sub.b #8,d0 :search mover position
mulu fmoverp,d0
divu #$ffff,d0
and.l #$0000ffff,d0
addq #1,d0 :d0 = first name to print
move.b faffstart,d1
cmp.b d1,d0
beq fprocess :if no modif, then loop
bcc filescrollup :else scroll up
sub.b d0,d1 :or scroll down
move.l d1,d0
cmp.b #4,d0 :if <4 then scroll 1 pixel
bcc fscrollnot1p
moveq #9,d6
moveq #-1,d7
bra fscroll9p
cmp.b #10,d0 :if <10 then scroll 3 pixels
bcc fscrollnot3p
moveq #3,d6
moveq #-3,d7
bra fscroll9p
moveq #1,d6 :else if >10 scroll 9 pixels
moveq #-9,d7
bsr filescroll :scroll routine
sub.b #1,faffstart :affstart = affstart -1
move.b faffstart,d0
subq #1,d0
move.w #17,faffpos :print new name up
bsr fileafterscroll :and print it
bra fprocess :loop
sub.b d1,d0
cmp.b #4,d0 :if <4 scroll 1 pixel
bcc fscrollnot1
moveq #9,d6
moveq #1,d7
bra fscroll9
cmp.b #10,d0 :if <10 scroll 3 pixels
bcc fscrollnot3
moveq #3,d6
moveq #3,d7
bra fscroll9
moveq #1,d6 :else scroll 9 pixels
moveq #9,d7
bsr filescroll :scroll routine
add.b #1,faffstart :faffstart = faffstart +1
move.b faffstart,d0
addq #6,d0
move.w #80,faffpos :print new name down
bsr fileafterscroll
bra fprocess
moveq #0,d0
move.w gg_GadgetID(a4),d0 :d0 = ID from gadget
cmp.w #0,d0
beq fstartprocess :when CR in drawer string
cmp.w #01,d0
beq filedf0 :Reading all gadgets
cmp.w #02,d0
beq filedf1
cmp.w #03,d0
beq filedf2
cmp.w #04,d0
beq filedf3
cmp.w #05,d0
beq filedh0
cmp.w #06,d0
beq filedh1
cmp.w #07,d0
beq filejh0
cmp.w #08,d0
beq filevd0
cmp.w #09,d0
beq fileram
cmp.w #10,d0
beq filerad
cmp.w #11,d0
beq fileparent
cmp.w #12,d0
beq filecancel
cmp.w #13,d0
beq fileok
cmp.w #15,d0
beq filetitre
cmp.w #16,d0
beq filetitre
cmp.w #17,d0
beq filetitre
cmp.w #18,d0
beq filetitre
cmp.w #19,d0
beq filetitre
cmp.w #20,d0
beq filetitre
cmp.w #21,d0
beq filetitre
cmp.w #22,d0
beq filetitre
cmp.w #23,d0
beq fileok
btst #15,d4
beq fdiskremoved
btst #16,d4
beq fdiskinserted
bra fprocess
lea.l fdrawer,a0
move.l #'DF0:',(a0)+ :put new drawer in buffer (df0:)
move.b #$00,(a0)
bra fstartprocess
lea.l fdrawer,a0
move.l #'DF1:',(a0)+ :put new drawer in buffer (df1:)
move.b #$00,(a0)
bra fstartprocess
lea.l fdrawer,a0
move.l #'DF2:',(a0)+ :put new drawer in buffer (df2:)
move.b #$00,(a0)
bra fstartprocess
lea.l fdrawer,a0
move.l #'DF3:',(a0)+ :put new drawer in buffer (df3:)
move.b #$00,(a0)
bra fstartprocess
lea.l fdrawer,a0
move.l #'DH0:',(a0)+ :put new drawer in buffer (dh0:)
move.b #$00,(a0)
bra fstartprocess
lea.l fdrawer,a0
move.l #'DH1:',(a0)+ :put new drawer in buffer (dh1:)
move.b #$00,(a0)
bra fstartprocess
lea.l fdrawer,a0
move.l #'JH0:',(a0)+ :put new drawer in buffer (jh0:)
move.b #$00,(a0)
bra fstartprocess
lea.l fdrawer,a0
move.l #'VD0:',(a0)+ :put new drawer in buffer (vd0:)
move.b #$00,(a0)
bra fstartprocess
lea.l fdrawer,a0
move.l #'RAM:',(a0)+ :put new drawer in buffer (ram:)
move.b #$00,(a0)
bra fstartprocess
lea.l fdrawer,a0
move.l #'RAD:',(a0)+ :put new drawer in buffer (rad:)
move.b #$00,(a0)
bra fstartprocess
bsr funlock :unlock if possible
move.l filewinhd,a0
CALLINT CloseWindow :Close fileselect Window
move.l #0,a0
rts :and quit
bsr funlock :unlock if possible
lea.l filename,a0 :test if filename exists
tst.b (a0)
beq filenoload :if not print "No file selected"
cmp.l #'No f',(a0)
beq filenoload
cmp.l #'Bad ',(a0) :test if filename is not an
beq filenoload :error message
cmp.l #'No d',(a0)
beq filenoload
move.l filewinhd,a0
CALLINT CloseWindow :Close filerequest Window
lea.l fdrawer,a0
lea.l fexitbuffer,a1
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ :copy drawer name in exitbuffer
tst.b (a0)
bne fcopyexitbuffer
move.b #"/",(a1)+ :"/" between drawer and filename
lea.l filename,a0
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ :copy file name in exitbuffer
tst.b (a0)
bne fcopyexitbuffer2
lea.l fexitbuffer,a0 :a0 = pointer of exitbuffer
rts :and quit
lea.l fileerror2,a0 :'No file selected'
lea.l filename,a1
moveq #4,d0
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ :copy error msg in filename
subq #1,d0
bne fcopyerr2
bsr frefreshfile :and print it
bra fprocess
lea.l fdrawer,a0
moveq #49,d0
cmp.b #'/',(a0,d0) :search an '/'
beq fileparentexist
cmp.b #':',(a0,d0) :search an ':'
beq fileparentexist2
subq #1,d0 :if not found continue
bne fileparentex :and loop
bra fprocess :if nothing loop to process
move.b #0,(a0,d0) :if '/' founded, move 0
bra fileparexit
addq #1,d0
tst.b (a0,d0)
beq fprocess :if just dfx: then do nothing
move.b #0,(a0,d0) :do not delete ':'
bsr freset :Unlock-clr filenames&name-initmover
bsr frefreshdrawer :and print new drawer
bra fstartprocess
tst.b flagdiskremoved
bne fprocess
add.b faffstart,d0 :d0 = position - 16(gadget) -1 (off)
sub.b #16,d0 :d0 from 0 to x
move.b f,d1
add.b d,d1
cmp.b d1,d0
bcc fprocess :if field not present then error
mulu #52,d0
move.l filebuffer,a0
add.l d0,a0 :adress of buffer
move.b 51(a0),d7
cmp.b #03,d7 :d7 = color
beq fileseldir :directory
lea.l filename,a1 :else filename
move.l a0,a2
move.b (a1)+,d5
cmp.b (a2),d5 :it is present in filename?
bne filefirst :if not copy it in string filename
tst.b (a2)+
bne filetittst
bra fileok :else go to fileok
moveq #25,d0
lea.l filename,a1
move.w (a0)+,(a1)+ :copy name in string
subq #1,d0
bne filecopyfile
bsr frefreshfile :and print name in filename string
bra fprocess
moveq #7,d0 :it is a directory
lea.l fdrawer,a1
tst.b (a1)+ :search end of drawer
bne filetestend
subq #2,a1
cmp.b #':',(a1)+
beq filenewdrawer
move.b #'/',(a1)+ :put slash
move.b (a0),(a1)+ :copy new drawer
tst.b (a0)+
bne filenewdrawer
bsr freset :Unlock-clr titres-no oldname
bsr frefreshdrawer :print new drawer
bra fstartprocess
tst.b flaglect
beq fprocess :is no disk operation now?
tst.b flagdiskremoved
bne fprocess :is a disk removed?
bsr funlock
bsr ftestdrawerremoved :Z flag if drawer is present
beq fprocess
lea.l fdrawer,a0
move.b #0,4(a0) :cut drawer after :
move.b #$ff,flagdiskremoved :set flag
bsr freset
bsr frefreshdrawer
bra fprocess
tst.b flaglect
beq fprocess
tst.b flagdiskremoved
beq fprocess
bsr ftestdrawerremoved :Z flag if drawer is inserted
bne fprocess
bra fstartprocess
* Sub-Routines -------------------------------------------------------------
move.w #0,fdrawp :print starting first character
move.l #0,a00Gadget2 :Refresh only the string gadget
lea.l a00Gadget2,a0 :"Drawer"
move.l filewinhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
CALLINT RefreshGadgets :Refresh it
lea.l a00Gadget3,a0
move.l a0,a00Gadget2 :replace the next gadget pointer
move.w #0,ffilep :print starting first character
lea.l a00Gadget25,a0 :Refresh the string gadget Filename
move.l filewinhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
CALLINT RefreshGadgets :Refresh it
tst.b flaglock :Unlock possible?
beq fnounlock :if not quit this sub-routine
move.b #0,flaglock :else clear flag
move.l lockhd,d1
CALLDOS UnLock :and unlock
bsr funlock :unlock before new drawer
move.l fRport,a1
moveq #0,d0
CALLGRAF SetAPen :Set color before filling area
move.l fRport,a1
moveq #10,d0
move.l #17,d1
move.l #208,d2
move.l #87,d3
CALLGRAF RectFill :clear all file names
bsr frefreshmover :re init mover
move.w #1,faffstart
move.b #$0,filename :delete old filename
bsr frefreshfile
lea.l a00Gadget11,a0
move.l filewinhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
moveq #5,d0
moveq #0,d1 :replace all original parameters
moveq #0,d2
moveq #0,d3
move.l #$ffff,d4
CALLINT ModifyProp :modify the proportionnal gadget
cmpi.b #1,$dff006
bne filescroll :wait sync. before scrolling
move.l fRport,a1 :prepare scrollraster
move.l #0,d0
move.l d7,d1
move.l #10,d2
move.l #17,d3
move.l #208,d4
move.l #87,d5
CALLGRAF ScrollRaster :scroll text x pixelline(s) down
move.l d7,d1
subq #1,d6
bne filescroll :scroll 8 bits down
move.l filebuffer,a0
clr.l d0
mulu #52,d0
add.l d0,a0 :a0 = adress begin of new title
lea.l fafftext,a1 :copy text for next title
moveq #25,d0
move.w (a0)+,(a1)+ :50 characters to copy
subq #1,d0
bne fcopy
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ :copy the 0
move.b (a0),faffnewline :copy the colour
move.l fRport,a0
lea.l faffnewline,a1
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d1
CALLINT PrintIText :print file name
bsr funlock
cmp.l #'DF0:',fdrawer
bne fnodf0rem
clr.l d0
bra ftestrem
cmp.l #'DF1:',fdrawer
bne fnodf1rem
moveq #1,d0
bra ftestrem
cmp.l #'DF2:',fdrawer
bne fnodf2rem
moveq #2,d0
bra ftestrem
cmp.l #'DF3:',fdrawer
beq fdf3rem
sub.l d0,d0 :Z > Not DFx or Bad drawer
bra fexitdrawerremoved
moveq #3,d0
clr.l d1
lea.l fdiskio,a1
lea.l ftrddevice,a0
lea.l fdiskio,a1
move #$e,28(a1)
lea.l fdiskio,a1
CALLEXEC CloseDevice
lea.l fdiskio,a1
tst.l 32(a1)
** Sub-routine that open Ram Disk and search all mounted devices **********
* (see also public domain programm: DevStatus)
move.l #fdevactram,d1 :Open ram disk
move.l #$fffffffe,d2 :
move.l d0,d1 :
CALLDOS UnLock :ram disk is now activated
move.l _DOSBase,a0 :Search pointer of DeviceNodes------
move.l dl_Root(a0),a1 :search dl_Root
move.l rn_Info(a1),d0 :search rn_Info (BPTR)
asl.l #2,d0 :(convert BPTR in APTR)
move.l d0,a0 :
move.l di_DevInfo(a0),d0 :search di_DevInfo (BPTR)
asl.l #2,d0 :
move.l d0,a5 :save pointer of Devicenodes
cmp.l #DLT_DEVICE,dn_Type(a5) :is it a harware device?
bne fdevdevcont
move.l dn_Name(a5),d0
asl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a0
move.l (a0),d0
asl.l #8,d0 :d0 = devicename
moveq #10,d7 :prepare to compare with all devices
lea.l fdevDF0,a1
move.l (a1),d1
cmp.l d0,d1 :compare name with names in table
beq fdevrecon
subq #1,d7
beq fdevdevcont :next name if not standard name
add.l #4,a1
bra fdevnextdev
add.l #3,a1
move.b #$ff,(a1)+ :modify flag of name if founded
move.l dn_Next(a5),d7 :Search the next pointer
tst.l d7
beq fdevend :if no more, then end of sub-routine
asl.l #2,d7
move.l d7,a5
bra fdevDLT_DEVICE :else search other devicename
* Declaration of system variables and handles ------------------------------
_IntuitionBase dc.l 0 :Bases of libraries
_DOSBase dc.l 0
_GfxBase dc.l 0
intname INTNAME :Name of libraries
grafname GRAFNAME
dosname DOSNAME
ftrddevice dc.b 'trackdisk.device',0
fdiskio ds.l 20
fRport dc.l 0
fUport dc.l 0
filewinhd dc.l 0
filebuffer dc.l 0
fexitbuffer ds.l 25
folddiskname ds.w 25
fdevDF0 dc.b 'DF0',0
fdevDF1 dc.b 'DF1',0
fdevDF2 dc.b 'DF2',0
fdevDF3 dc.b 'DF3',0
fdevDH0 dc.b 'DH0',0
fdevDH1 dc.b 'DH1',0
fdevJH0 dc.b 'JH0',0
fdevVD0 dc.b 'VD0',0
fdevRAM dc.b 'RAM',0
fdevRAD dc.b 'RAD',0
fdevactram dc.b 'ram:',0
lockhd dc.l 0
cnop 0,4
fileinfo ds.l 260
f dc.w 0
d dc.w 0
faffstart dc.w 0
flaglect dc.w 0
flaglock dc.w 0
flagdiskremoved dc.w 0
flagreadaborted dc.w 0
fileerror1 dc.b 'No disk in drive',0
fileerror2 dc.b 'No file selected',0
fileerror3 dc.b 'Bad drawer ',0
* Declaration of window and gadgets structures -----------------------------
dc.w 114,27 ;window XY origin relative to TopLeft of screen
dc.w 420,107 ;window width and height
dc.b 0,1 ;detail and block pens
dc.l WINDOWDRAG+ACTIVATE+RMBTRAP ;other window flags
dc.l a00GadgetList1 ;first gadget in gadget list
dc.l NULL ;custom CHECKMARK imagery
a00wdnm dc.l a00NewWindowName1 ;window title
a00scrp dc.l NULL ;custom screen pointer
dc.l NULL ;custom bitmap
dc.w 5,5 ;minimum width and height
dc.w -1,-1 ;maximum width and height
dc.w WBENCHSCREEN ;destination screen type
dc.b 'FileRequest V2.0 by F.Lienhardt 1989',0
cnop 0,2
dc.l a00Gadget2 ;next gadget
dc.w 251,49 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 34,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border1 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l a00IText1 ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 01 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 3,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors1 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 35,0
dc.w 35,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.b 1,2,RP_JAM1,0 ;front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte
dc.w 5,1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.l NULL ;font pointer or NULL for default
dc.l a00ITextText1 ;pointer to text
dc.l NULL ;next IntuiText structure
dc.b 'DF0',0
cnop 0,2
dc.l a00Gadget3 ;next gadget
dc.w 251,31 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 153,8 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border2 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l NULL ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l a00a00Gadget2SInfo ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 0 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.l fdrawer ;buffer where text will be edited
dc.l NULL ;optional undo buffer
dc.w 0 ;character position in buffer
dc.w 50 ;maximum number of characters to allow
fdrawp dc.w 0 ;first displayed character buffer position
dc.w 0,0,0,0,0 ;Intuition initialized and maintained variables
dc.l 0 ;Rastport of gadget
dc.l 0 ;initial value for integer gadgets
dc.l NULL ;alternate keymap (fill in if you set the flag)
dc.b "DF0:"
dcb.l 12,0
cnop 0,2
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 3,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors2 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 154,0
dc.w 154,9
dc.w 0,9
dc.w 0,0
dc.l a00Gadget4 ;next gadget
dc.w 10,16 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 200,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border3 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l NULL ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 15 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 1,2,RP_JAM2 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors3 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 201,0
dc.w 201,73
dc.w 0,73
dc.w 0,1
dc.l a00Gadget5 ;next gadget
dc.w 10,25 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 200,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border4 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l NULL ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 16 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 0,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors4 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 201,0
dc.w 201,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.l a00Gadget6 ;next gadget
dc.w 10,34 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 200,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border5 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l NULL ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 17 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 0,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors5 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 201,0
dc.w 201,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.l a00Gadget7 ;next gadget
dc.w 10,43 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 200,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border6 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l NULL ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 18 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 0,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors6 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 201,0
dc.w 201,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.l a00Gadget8 ;next gadget
dc.w 10,52 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 200,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border7 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l NULL ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 19 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 0,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors7 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 201,0
dc.w 201,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.l a00Gadget9 ;next gadget
dc.w 10,61 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 200,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border8 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l NULL ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 20 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 0,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors8 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 201,0
dc.w 201,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.l a00Gadget10 ;next gadget
dc.w 10,70 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 200,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border9 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l NULL ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 21 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 0,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors9 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 201,0
dc.w 201,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.l a00Gadget11 ;next gadget
dc.w 10,79 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 200,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border10 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l NULL ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 22 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 0,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors10 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 201,0
dc.w 201,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.l a00Gadget12 ;next gadget
dc.w 218,15 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 20,74 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w NULL ;activation flags
dc.w PROPGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Image1 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l NULL ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l a00a00Gadget11SInfo ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 14 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w AUTOKNOB+FREEVERT ;PropInfo flags
dc.w 0 ;horizontal and vertical pot values
fmoverp dc.w 0
dc.w 0 ;horizontal and vertical body values
fmovers dc.w $ffff
dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0 ;Intuition initialized and maintained variables
dc.w 0,0 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.w 12,70 ;Image width and height in pixels
dc.w 0 ;number of bitplanes in Image
dc.l NULL ;pointer to ImageData
dc.b $0000,$0000 ;PlanePick and PlaneOnOff
dc.l NULL ;next Image structure
dc.l a00Gadget13 ;next gadget
dc.w 291,49 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 34,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border11 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l a00IText2 ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 02 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 3,1,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors11 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 35,0
dc.w 35,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.b 1,0,RP_JAM2,0 ;front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte
dc.w 6,1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.l NULL ;font pointer or NULL for default
dc.l a00ITextText2 ;pointer to text
dc.l NULL ;next IntuiText structure
dc.b 'DF1',0
cnop 0,2
dc.l a00Gadget14 ;next gadget
dc.w 331,49 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 34,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border12 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l a00IText3 ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 03 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 3,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors12 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 35,0
dc.w 35,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.b 1,2,RP_JAM1,0 ;front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte
dc.w -3,1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.l NULL ;font pointer or NULL for default
dc.l a00ITextText3 ;pointer to text
dc.l NULL ;next IntuiText structure
dc.b ' DF2 ',0
cnop 0,2
dc.l a00Gadget15 ;next gadget
dc.w 371,49 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 34,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border13 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l a00IText4 ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 04 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 3,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors13 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 35,0
dc.w 35,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.b 1,0,RP_JAM1,0 ;front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte
dc.w 5,1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.l NULL ;font pointer or NULL for default
dc.l a00ITextText4 ;pointer to text
dc.l NULL ;next IntuiText structure
dc.b 'DF3',0
cnop 0,2
dc.l a00Gadget16 ;next gadget
dc.w 251,62 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 34,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border14 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l a00IText5 ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 05 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 3,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors14 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 35,0
dc.w 35,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.b 1,0,RP_JAM1,0 ;front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte
dc.w 5,1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.l NULL ;font pointer or NULL for default
dc.l a00ITextText5 ;pointer to text
dc.l NULL ;next IntuiText structure
dc.b 'DH0',0
cnop 0,2
dc.l a00Gadget17 ;next gadget
dc.w 291,62 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 34,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border15 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l a00IText6 ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 06 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 3,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors15 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 35,0
dc.w 35,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.b 1,0,RP_JAM1,0 ;front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte
dc.w 6,1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.l NULL ;font pointer or NULL for default
dc.l a00ITextText6 ;pointer to text
dc.l NULL ;next IntuiText structure
dc.b 'DH1',0
cnop 0,2
dc.l a00Gadget18 ;next gadget
dc.w 331,62 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 34,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border16 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l a00IText7 ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 07 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 3,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors16 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 35,0
dc.w 35,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.b 1,0,RP_JAM1,0 ;front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte
dc.w 5,1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.l NULL ;font pointer or NULL for default
dc.l a00ITextText7 ;pointer to text
dc.l NULL ;next IntuiText structure
dc.b 'JH0',0
cnop 0,2
dc.l a00Gadget19 ;next gadget
dc.w 371,62 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 34,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border17 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l a00IText8 ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 08 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 3,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors17 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 35,0
dc.w 35,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.b 1,3,RP_JAM1,0 ;front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte
dc.w 5,1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.l NULL ;font pointer or NULL for default
dc.l a00ITextText8 ;pointer to text
dc.l NULL ;next IntuiText structure
dc.b 'VD0',0
cnop 0,2
dc.l a00Gadget20 ;next gadget
dc.w 262,94 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 48,8 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border18 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l a00IText9 ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 12 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 3,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors18 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 49,0
dc.w 49,9
dc.w 0,9
dc.w 0,0
dc.b 1,2,RP_JAM2,0 ;front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte
dc.w 0,0 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.l NULL ;font pointer or NULL for default
dc.l a00ITextText9 ;pointer to text
dc.l NULL ;next IntuiText structure
dc.b 'Cancel',0
cnop 0,2
dc.l a00Gadget21 ;next gadget
dc.w 346,94 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 48,8 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border19 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l a00IText10 ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 13 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 3,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors19 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 49,0
dc.w 49,9
dc.w 0,9
dc.w 0,0
dc.b 1,2,RP_JAM2,0 ;front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte
dc.w 0,0 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.l NULL ;font pointer or NULL for default
dc.l a00ITextText10 ;pointer to text
dc.l NULL ;next IntuiText structure
dc.b ' Ok ',0
cnop 0,2
dc.l a00Gadget22 ;next gadget
dc.w 291,75 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 74,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border20 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l a00IText11 ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 11 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 3,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors20 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 75,0
dc.w 75,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.b 1,0,RP_JAM1,0 ;front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte
dc.w 13,1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.l NULL ;font pointer or NULL for default
dc.l a00ITextText11 ;pointer to text
dc.l NULL ;next IntuiText structure
dc.b 'Parent',0
cnop 0,2
dc.l a00Gadget23 ;next gadget
dc.w 251,75 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 34,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border21 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l a00IText12 ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 09 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 3,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors21 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 35,0
dc.w 35,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.b 1,2,RP_JAM1,0 ;front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte
dc.w 5,1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.l NULL ;font pointer or NULL for default
dc.l a00ITextText12 ;pointer to text
dc.l NULL ;next IntuiText structure
dc.b 'RAM',0
cnop 0,2
dc.l a00Gadget24 ;next gadget
dc.w 371,75 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 34,9 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border22 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l a00IText13 ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 10 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 3,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors22 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 35,0
dc.w 35,10
dc.w 0,10
dc.w 0,0
dc.b 1,2,RP_JAM1,0 ;front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte
dc.w 6,1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.l NULL ;font pointer or NULL for default
dc.l a00ITextText13 ;pointer to text
dc.l NULL ;next IntuiText structure
dc.b 'RAD',0
cnop 0,2
dc.l a00Gadget25 ;next gadget
dc.w 283,14 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 85,8 ;hit box width and height
dc.w GADGHBOX+GADGHIMAGE ;gadget flags
dc.w NULL ;activation flags
dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border23 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l a00IText14 ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l NULL ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 99 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.w -38,1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 1,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors23 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 165,0
dc.w 165,73
dc.w 0,73
dc.w 0,1
dc.b 2,1,RP_JAM2,0 ;front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte
dc.w 6,2 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.l NULL ;font pointer or NULL for default
dc.l a00ITextText14 ;pointer to text
dc.l NULL ;next IntuiText structure
dc.b ' Drawer ',0
cnop 0,2
dc.l NULL ;next gadget
dc.w 10,94 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
dc.w 200,8 ;hit box width and height
dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type flags
dc.l a00Border24 ;gadget border or image to be rendered
dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
dc.l NULL ;first IntuiText structure
dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
dc.l a00a00Gadget25SInfo ;SpecialInfo structure
dc.w 23 ;user-definable data
dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
dc.l filename
dc.l NULL ;optional undo buffer
dc.w 0 ;character position in buffer
dc.w 50 ;maximum number of characters to allow
ffilep dc.w 0 ;first displayed character buffer position
dc.w 0,0,0,0,0 ;Intuition initialized and maintained variables
dc.l 0 ;Rastport of gadget
dc.l 0 ;initial value for integer gadgets
dc.l NULL ;alternate keymap (fill in if you set the flag)
dcb.b 52,0
cnop 0,2
dc.w -1,-1 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.b 3,0,RP_JAM1 ;front pen, back pen and drawmode
dc.b 5 ;number of XY vectors
dc.l a00BorderVectors24 ;pointer to XY vectors
dc.l NULL ;next border in list
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 201,0
dc.w 201,9
dc.w 0,9
dc.w 0,0
* Structure to print filenames ---------------------------------------------
faffnames dc.b 1,1 :Colors
dc.b 0 :Modus JAM1
even :parity
dc.w 10 :pos X
dc.w 17 :pos Y
dc.l 0 :font
dc.l fnames :text
dc.l 0 :next text
fnames ds.l 13
* Structure to print new filename after scrolling up or down ---------------
faffnewline dc.b 1,1 :Colors
dc.b 0 :Modus JAM1
even :parity
dc.w 10 :pos X
faffpos dc.w 80 :pos Y
dc.l 0 :font
dc.l fafftext :text
dc.l 0 :next text
fafftext ds.l 13