The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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Assembly Source File
134 lines
;; Interface.ASM
;; Copyright 1986, James M Synge
;; This file contains the assembly language interfaces which
;; allow the C routines to be called from any language which
;; can push arguments on to the stack.
far code
far data
;; Imported Functions:
public _Library_Open
public _Library_Close
public _Library_Expunge
public _CreateTask
public _DeleteTask
;; Exported Functions:
public __Library_Open
public __Library_Close
public __Library_Expunge
public __CreateTask
public __DeleteTask
;; Due to the fact that the Aztec C68K compiler does not use
;; the same register allocation as the rest of the system,
;; it tromps on some of the registers which it is supposed
;; to preserve. It is designed to be the top level, making
;; calls to the rest of the system and NOT being called by
;; the OS.
;; Using version 3.4a of the compiler, I find it necessary
;; to save A6. Version 3.2a also stepped on D2 and D3. I
;; have not yet seen any use of register A4, even though I'm
;; using the +R option on the CC command line. Nonetheless,
;; I'll be cautious, and save A4.
;; So? So I've written an interlude for each of the
;; routines which the OS will be calling. These interludes
;; know where the arguments are in the registers, and push
;; them onto the stack where they are useful.
;; And after these interludes are the library specific
;; interlude routines. These are designed to have their
;; arguments on the stack, as if called by a C routine.
AztecBugList: reg a4/a6
AztecBugSize: equ 2 ; 2 registers
; AztecBugList_3_2a: reg d2/d3/a4/a6
;; These are the interlude routines for Library_Open,
;; Library_Close and Library_Expunge. They enable these C
;; routines to receive the arguments which are in registers.
movem.l AztecBugList,-(sp)
move.l d0,-(sp) ; Push the version
move.l a6,-(sp) ; and the lib base
jsr _Library_Open
addq.l #8,sp ; Pop them
movem.l (sp)+,AztecBugList
movem.l AztecBugList,-(sp)
move.l a6,-(sp) ; Push lib base
jsr _Library_Close
addq.l #4,sp ; Pop it
movem.l (sp)+,AztecBugList
movem.l AztecBugList,-(sp)
move.l a6,-(sp) ; Push lib base
jsr _Library_Expunge
addq.l #4,sp ; Pop it
movem.l (sp)+,AztecBugList
;; Library specific interface routines. These first push
;; certain registers to the stack to protect them, then push
;; the arguments from earlier on the stack. The only reason
;; this is done is so that we can protect two of the
;; registers. Otherwise the need for these silly routines
;; would totally disappear.
;; In order to make it easy for those not familiar with
;; 68000 assembly language to add their own routines to a
;; library, and the corresponding interface routines, I've
;; written a macro which can be invoked to generate all the
;; code to protect the registers and move the arguments.
;; The macro, protect, is defined in the file Protect.i, but
;; I don't recommend reading it until after you get a good
;; feeling for the way macro's and assembly work.
;; It is very easy to use protect. The syntax should be:
;; label PROTECT.L address,n
;; where label is the name of the routine you are creating,
;; for example __CreateTask below; address is the name of a
;; C routine (with the underscore prepended), just like
;; _CreateTask below; and finally n is the number of
;; longword arguments the routine takes. No support is
;; supplied for variable numbers of arguments. Nor support
;; for arguments which are not longwords.
include protect.i
; CreateTask(Task_Name, Startup_Routine, Cleanup_Routine,
; Priority, Stack_Size)
__CreateTask protect.l _CreateTask,5
; DeleteTask( Child )
__DeleteTask: protect.l _DeleteTask,1
; Now that was pretty painless, wasn't it. Macros are great
ds.w 0