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405 lines
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* USER DOCUMENTATION -- Annotate 1.0 *
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* Annotate Version 1.0 program and concept by Doug Bakewell *
* *
* Annotate Version 1.0 documentation by Kevin Buckham *
* *
* *
Ann - executable
Annotate.Doc - this file
Anntools - example tools file for annotate
Readme - a quick note about Anntools
First of all I will give a brief summary of Annotate, and the purpose
for it's being. Annotate was a concept first dreamt up by Doug while
finishing his last year of high school. Annotate was created as an answer
to a lack of good public domain text editors for programming purposes. Some
P.D. text editors existed (and exist) for this purpose, but tend to be
confusing, and non-intuitive. So Mr.Bakewell, the crusader he is, attempted
to put right what once went wrong. Annotate 1.0, is Doug's first widespread
release of this text editor, and it seems to have reached his goals and
expectations. Annotate has become far more encompassing than the original
plan, and many new features have been added.
This text editor has been designed on and Amiga 3000 running
AmigaDOS 2.04, and is designed to only run in 2.04. So if you don't yet
have 2.04, get it! This program's optimum performance is realized with a
3000 and a large virtual screen (however if the screen is too large
scrolling speed will be sacrificed). This program will come up on the
currently ACTIVE PUBLIC SCREEN, but it will not run if the screen is too
small (less than 640 x 200). Annotate may be run from the WorkBench by
merely double clicking the icon or run from the CLI or shell by typing its
name and an optional file or files to load. ie: ann [file] [file] ...
Some of the basic concepts of this text editor are far different than
regular text editors.
Firstly, Annotate has a cursor separate from the selection. For
instance,one could move the cursor wherever he or she pleases without losing
the selection. In fact, if one was to edit the text inside the selection,
the highlight would resize accordingly. As this text editor was created
with programmers in mind, it has many features useful to programmers.
When editing text in Annotate, one would notice the current status line
at the bottom.
A typical display would look like:
"work:Ann/AnnotateDoc" Col: 30 Line: 85/ 85 Modified Srl Sel
On the very left is the current document you are editing. Next is the
current column and line display, then "Modified". If Modified is present,
then the text has been edited since the last save, and will prompt for
saving changes, if one tries to exit. "Sel" is used to indicate if there
is any text currently selected. This is useful as many menu items act on
a selection, and not neccesarily the cursor. Also, any error messages are
conveyed on this bottom line, temporarily replacing the stats.
A very important part of annotate is it's ScrollStores, these beasties
are used to save your current position in the document. It is useful when
programming, when trying to find the little piece of code within 3000 lines
or more. All one has to do, is set a ScrollStore there, and then call that
same ScrollStore when one wants to return. There are 6 different ScrollStore
locations, so up to six positions may be saved. - Note: ScrollStore merely
identifies line number, not the text, so your text may not be where you left
One other recently added "feature" is the "shift-TAB". By holding down
the shift key and hitting TAB, the cursor will delete the number of
characters the current TAB is set to. This is useful for programming when
one wants to move out one tab space. **Caution, this will delete characters
as well as spaces.
Under the tools menu, is an item called "Config...". If Config is
modified, it creates a file in "s:" called "AnnConfig". The config item
will bring up a requestor that will permit the user to define many options.
Another feature is a tools menu. Any program may be added to this menu
by merely creating a file in "s:" called "AnnTools".
run sys:tools/calculator >nil:
This "AnnTools" would put the word "Calculator" in the tools menu, and as it
is the first entry it would become function F1. When F1 is hit, or the menu
is selected, the line below the word "Calculator" would be executed. To add
a second, merely repeat the pattern of "name" and on the next line the
"statement" to be executed.
ABOUT - This item merely give some information on this version of
Annotate and a brief description. ( And a plea for "gifts".)
NEW - This will start a "new" document in a new window (it will be the
front one).
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-N, (CAPITAL "N" only)
OPEN NEW - This will bring up the AmigaDOS 2.04 requester for opening
files and will open the selected one on a new screen
placed in the front.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-O, (CAPITAL "O" only)
OPEN - This will bring up the AmigaDOS 2.04 requester for opening
files and will open the selected one. Careful this is
destructive, it will replace current document.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-o, (lower "o" only)
SAVE AS - Lets you save the file as a different name, and this will
remain the current name.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-s, (lower "s" only)
SAVE - This just saves the file. (As it's current name - rewriting the
old file if there was one.) It will prompt for a name if this
is a "new" document.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-S, (CAPITAL "S" only)
LAST SAVED - This will "revert" the text to the last version saved.
Caution - destructive!
DELETE FILE... - This will bring up an AmigaDOS 2.04 requester
prompting for which file to delete.
This is obviously DESTRUCTIVE!
SAVE ALL/QUIT - This option saves all current documents open (like
doing a "SAVE" for each one) and quits the program.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-Q, (CAPITAL "Q" only)
QUIT - This option lets the user quit without saving the documents.
If changes have been made, a requester will pop up asking if
you wish to really quit.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-q, (lower "q" only)
CUT - This will allow you to "cut" ( which copies to the clipboard and
deletes ) to one of six clipboards from the current selection.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-x, (lower "x" only) for clipboard 0,
and the Quick Key is Right-Amiga-X, (CAPITAL "X" only) for
clipboard 1.
COPY - This will allow you to "copy" ( which copies to the clipboard )
to one of six clipboards from the current selection.. Quick Key
is Right-Amiga-c, (lower "c" only) for clipboard 0, and the
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-C, (CAPITAL "C" only) for clipboard 1.
PASTE - This will allow you to "paste" ( which prints from the
clipboard ) from one of six clipboards to current cursor
position. Quick Key is Right-Amiga-v, (lower "v" only) for
clipboard 0, and the Quick Key is Right-Amiga-V, (CAPITAL "V"
only) for clipboard 1.
ERASE - This will delete the current selection. Caution - destructive.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-d, (lower "d" only)
FOLD - This will fold the currently selected lines.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-( (Yes, a "(" !)
UNFOLD - This will unfold the line the cursor is currently on.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-) (Yes, a ")" !)
UNFOLD ALL - This will unfold all of the folded lines in the current
SHIFT RIGHT - This will shift all of the characters in the current
selection right on the assumption that ENTIRE lines are
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-]
SHIFT LEFT - This will shift all of the characters in the current
selection left on the assumption that ENTIRE lines are
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-[
UPPER CASE - This will shift all of the characters in the current
selection to upper case.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-U, (UPPER "U" only)
LOWER CASE - This will shift all of the characters in the current
selection to lower case.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-u, (lower "u" only)
DUPLICATE LINE - This will take the line the curent cursor is on, and
will duplicate it on the next line.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-L, (UPPER "L" only)
MERGE LINE - Merge line takes the current line the cursor is on and
tacks the next line to the end of it. (Try it and you
will see what I meen.)
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-M, (UPPER "M" only)
DELETE LINE - This menu item deletes the line the cursor is on.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-D, (UPPER "D" only)
FIND... - Find produces a "find" requester. The "string" gadget
accepts a string of characters to find.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-f, (lower "f" only)
FIND NEXT - Uses the string from the original find requester to find
the next instance of the string.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-=
REPLACE - Produces a "replace" requester with several option gadgets.
The string gadgets accepts strings to search for and replace
with. There are cycle type gadgets from search type and
prompt type.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-r, (lower "r" only)
Sel->Find - Takes the current selection and places it in the "find"
requester of Find or Replace.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-F, (UPPER "F" only)
Sel->Replace - Takes the current selection and places it in the
"replace" requester.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-R, (UPPER "R" only)
Line Number... - Brings up a requester prompting for the line number
you wish to go to.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-l, (lower "l" only)
Match Brace - This finds the opposite bracket or brace and takes the
cursor to it.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-b, (lower "b" only)
Match Brace/Sel - This finds the opposite bracket or brace and selects
everything between the two.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-B, (UPPER "B" only)
Select All - Simply selects the entire document.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-a, (lower "a")
Select Line - Selects entire line the cursor is on.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-W, (UPPER "W" only)
Select Word - Selects the word your cursor is on.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-w, (lower "w" only)
Shrink Ann - Makes Annotate shrink to minimum possible size.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-, , (Yes, ",")
Enlarge Ann - Makes Annotate grow to a maximum possible size.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-. , (Yes, ".")
Ann to Front - Takes Annotate's window and pushes it front.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-m, (lower "m")
Ann to Back - Takes Annotate's window and pushes it to the back.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-n, (lower "n" )
Go->ScrollStore - (1 - 6) Goes to previously set scrollstore from one
to six.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-(1-6), (1,2,3,4,5, or 6)
Set->ScrollStore - (1 - 6) Sets the "scroll store" to the current
location of the cursor. ( One may call the
location back at any time by using the
Go->ScrollStore. )
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-(!-^), (UPPER "(1-6)")
Goto Cursor - Moves your "scroll" or view back to the cursor. It may
not be at the cursor if you have used the Scroll Store.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-g, (lower "g" only)
Goto Selection - Moves your "scroll" or view to the currently selected
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-G, (UPPER "G" only)
Scroll/Num - Sets the keypad between scroll movement and typing
numbers. Much like a "NumLock" key on an IBehM.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-/, (Yes, a "/")
Redraw All - This will redraw all of Annotate's current windows.
Quick Key is Right-Amiga-e, (lower "e")
Config... - This is the item for changing the default configuration of
Annotate. Almost everything here is self explanatory
except for a few items. The "scroll unit" is the number
of characters from all sides of the window, where Annotate
will decide to scroll if you are in. ( - Note: you may
wish to make it quite small, if you are using a small
window size. It will let you to continue to operate with
scrolling intact. The "Window TopEdge" is where you want
the top, left edge of Annotate to default to (in pixels
from the top, left of your screen). "Window Width" and
"Height" are also set the default configuration of Ann's
window in pixels. The make .info file switch, determines
if icons are created for your text files. (If there is a
.info file, there is an icon.) The make .bak switch sets
wether or not the program creates ".bak" backup files, of
your current version of the text you are editing. Auto
Indent tells Annotate if it should automatically indent
you when you press return to where you indented to on the
previous line. You can also set the default search and
prompt type for the various requesters throughout Annotate
(ie. Search and Replace requesters).
-Tool Items - after this menu item, are the tools that may be added.
Tools may be added by adding them to the text file
"AnnTools. Explained previously in the setup section.
If they are added correctly, they will be here.
Q.: Why is my window not scrolling?
A.: There may be several reasons. Your window may be too small to
scroll, and a message stating this should be printed on the bottom
of the window. You should also check the settings for the scroll
unit in the config menu item.
Q.: After moving my scroll by using Go->ScrollStore, I start typing,
but my scroll goes back to it's origanal posinsion.
A.: Most likely, your cursor is where you left it, and you are typing
there. After going to a scroll store, click the cursor at the
current position you wish to type. One of the most common
mistakes using Ann is not checking where your cursor is, as it is
a completely separate identity from what you are looking at.
Q.: (From Doug) Why is this "doc" file so short?
A.: (By Doug( YES IT IS A RETORICAL QUESTION! )) Well, it could be the
fact Kevin just got a girlfreind, or the fact I have to proof read
this, and have never read anything unless it has pictures.
Q.: (From Doug ) Why did Doug really make Ann?
A.: (By Doug) He's too cheap buy Turbo Text.
This software and manual file are offered "as is" and without
warranties as to performance. Any statments made about the uses of this
software do not constitute warranties and shall not be relied on by the
user in deciding to use this program.
This program is given without any express or implied warranties
whatsoever. Because of the diversity of conditions and hardware under
which this program may be used, no warranty of fitness for a particular
purpose is offered. The user is advised to test the program thoroughly
before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the