The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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C/C++ Source or Header
106 lines
/* tdm.h -- header file for tdm.c */
#define TDM_H
#include "exec/types.h"
#include "exec/nodes.h"
#include "exec/memory.h"
#include "libraries/dosextens.h"
#include "intuition/intuitionbase.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#define NULB ((UBYTE)0)
#define ONEB ((UBYTE)1)
#define JAMX JAM1
#define CTRL_C 3
#define ERRSTRLN 127
#define MAXSTRLN 255
#define HSL 7
struct LinePart
ULONG lp_Address;
UBYTE lp_Length;
BYTE lp_Move;
UBYTE lp_FontStyle; /* c.f. "style" arg of SetSoftStyle */
BYTE lp_DrawStyle; /* c.f. "mode" arg of SetDrMd */
struct LinePart *lp_Next;
struct LinePart *lp_Prev;
LONG lp_Trans;
#define LPSZ ((ULONG)sizeof(struct LinePart))
#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
#define ABS(x) ((x<0)?(-(x)):(x))
/***** GLOBALS *****/
struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
LONG txtline; /* line number of line waiting for screen */
LONG golinem; /* line number passed back to main by txttw */
LONG golinet; /* line number decided by main, passed to txttw */
UWORD screenline; /* current screen line number */
SHORT maxrowpix; /* last printable y arg. in pixels for RastPort */
SHORT delta; /* size in pixels of partial line move */
WORD maxline; /* number of screen lines for text */
ULONG linesize; /* number of lines in stream */
ULONG enable; /* alg. font styling mask from AskSoftStyle */
ULONG style; /* the last request to SetSoftStyle */
ULONG savestyle; /* the last return from SetSoftStyle */
LONG drawmode; /* current drawmode in the document */
struct Window *mw; /* the Window we open */
struct RastPort *rp; /* -- and its RastPort */
FILE *stream; /* either file argument or stdin */
FILE *filearg; /* the file being read, if it's not stdin */
UBYTE *instr; /* buffer for the last string taken in */
UBYTE *pvstr; /* buffer for the previous string */
UBYTE gflag; /* user wants to start at line no. found in stdin */
UBYTE tflag; /* user wants screen to scroll without pause */
UBYTE *errsp[10]; /* pointers for errstr assembly */
UBYTE errstr[ERRSTRLN+1]; /* buffer for messages to user */
UBYTE *bfgets();
UBYTE getdirs();
struct Window *makewindow();
SHORT ltoa();
LONG numget();
struct LinePart *parseline();
LONG tnump();
SHORT txttw();
SHORT writeline();
FILE *fopen();
UBYTE *strcat();
UBYTE *strcpy();
void *AllocMem();
ULONG AskSoftStyle();
void ClearScreen();
void Close();
void CloseLibrary();
void CloseWindow();
void Delay();
void DisplayBeep();
void Exit();
void FreeMem();
struct Message *GetMsg();
struct FileHandle *Input();
SHORT IsInteractive();
ULONG LockIBase();
void ModifyIDCMP();
void Move();
struct FileHandle *Open();
struct Library *OpenLibrary();
struct Window *OpenWindow();
struct FileHandle *Output();
LONG Read();
void ReplyMsg();
void ScrollRaster();
LONG Seek();
void SetAPen();
void SetBPen();
void SetDrMd();
ULONG SetSoftStyle();
LONG Text();
LONG TextLength();
void UnlockIBase();
LONG Wait();
SHORT WaitForChar();
LONG Write();