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- M A G N E T I C P A G E S: Displayer (V1.30)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Introduction
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This is the program used to view a magazine. In addition to displaying
- the magazine, the reader may save text as a standard ascii file, save an
- entire page as an IFF picture, or print the text and/or graphics on a page.
- Running the Displayer
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The Displayer can be run from the CLI or the Workbench. In addition to
- the actual magazine articles, the Displayer requires a special control file
- which contains information about the magazine contents. This control file
- is created using the Organiser and unless you have this program you can't
- make a magazine.
- Running from CLI:
- The displayer has one argument, the AmigaDos path/name of the control
- file. This control file may be called anything and located anywhere on the
- disk. eg.
- 1> Displayer My_Mag
- ^ ^
- | |
- | Control file name
- |
- CLI prompt
- Note that you don't need to use the AmigaDOS RUN command. It will
- detach itself from the CLI automatically.
- Running from Workbench:
- To run the Displayer from Workbench, simply give your Control file a
- project icon and specify the Displayer as the 'Default Tool'. You can use
- icon supplied on this disk or make your own using IconEdit. You can have
- several different magazines on a disk, each with their own control file and
- icon.
- Memory Requirements
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- An optimum setup is an Amiga with 512k of Chip ram and 512k of Fast Ram.
- However it will run on all other configurations. It is up to the magazine
- editor to make sure that all articles can be displayed on a 512k machine.
- When an article is loaded, the Displayer will try and load it all into
- Fast ram. Then when a page is displayed, any graphics, sound or music needed
- for the page will be copied into Chip ram. As the graphics are copied to
- Chip Ram they will also be decompressed.
- If the Displayer is running on an Amiga with only chip ram, then all
- data must have been loaded into Chip Ram. This means it's not necessary to
- copy sound/music data from Fast Ram before playing it. If possible, two
- copies are still made on an all chip machine because when you move to
- another article you want any background sound/music to continue playing,
- and the original article containing the sound/music will be erased by the
- new article. If however there isn't enough ram for two copies of the data,
- the sound/music is played using the data contained in the article but when
- the reader loads in a new article, the sound/music will be stopped and the
- article erased.
- Using the Displayer
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Moving around a magazine:
- The most basic operation is moving around the magazine. On a standard
- text page, you can use the menus or gadgets. On a custom graphics page you
- have to use the menu commands. The menu bar is hidden so it is important
- that people realise this is the only method of getting off a graphics page.
- The commands for moving around the magazine are as follows:
- Menu Gadget KeyBoard
- ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
- Next Page > Cursor Right - Takes you to the next page in an
- article. If you are on the last
- page of an article, you will be
- taken to the first page of the
- next article.
- Prev Page < Cursor Left - Takes you to the previous page in
- an article. If you are on the first
- page of an article, you will be
- taken to the last page of the
- previous article.
- 1st Page |< SHIFT + Cursor Left - Takes you to the 1st page of an
- article. If you are already on
- page one of an article or the
- article only contains one page,
- this command has no effect.
- Last Page >| SHIFT + Cursor Right -Takes you to the last page of an
- article. If you are already on
- the last page of an article or the
- article only contains one page,
- this command has no effect.
- Next Article >> Cursor Up - Takes you to the next article in
- the magazine. If you are at the
- last article of the magazine, you
- will be taken back to the first
- article.
- Prev Article << Cursor Down - Takes you to the previous article
- in the magazine. If you are on the
- first article of the magazine, you
- will be taken to the last article.
- Contents Contents Space Bar - This depends on the layout of the
- magazine and where you currently are.
- For example a magazine may be
- divided up into various sections.
- Eg Articles, Reviews, Feedback,
- Art Gallery, etc. There may also
- be a main contents page which has
- icons on it that allow you to branch
- to the different sections. Once you
- have branched to a section (eg
- articles) you should be able to get
- back to the main contents by
- selecting the Contents command.
- As well as moving through a magazine sequentially, a well designed
- magazine will be divided up into different sections, each with their own
- contents page. On a contents page, you can select an article to read, or
- branch to another section by clicking on icons (boxes) on the page. A box
- that can be clicked on will respond with a push-button effect or with
- several frames of animation. To get back to the previous contents page,
- select the 'Contents' command.
- Sound/Music:
- Some pages may play a piece of sound or music when you turn to them.
- This is nothing to be frightened about, it is perfectly normal. If it is
- a long piece of music or sound, or it has been told to repeat continuously
- it may not stop until you exit the magazine. You can turn the sound off
- yourself at any stage by toggling the menu item 'Sound On' in the 'Other'
- menu.
- Some pages may also have boxes on them which will play sound/music
- when you click on them.
- Sleep:
- Allows you to free almost all memory used by the magazine. A small window
- will be displayed in the top right corner of the Workbench screen. To return
- to the magazine click in this window once with the left mouse button and then
- once with the right button.
- Save as IFF:
- This menu command allows you to save one or several pages as IFF
- pictures. If you want to save off one page, simply enter the filename
- at the prompt.
- To save off a whole article, you use the same procedure. Each page will
- be saved as filename.PAGENUM, where filename is the AmigaDos path/name you
- entered at the prompt and PAGENUM is the page number. Only pages from the
- current page to the end of the article will be saved. For example if an
- article has 6 pages and you are on page 3 when you select 'Save as IFF',
- only pages 3,4,5 and 6 will be saved.
- Save Text:
- This menu command allows you to save a page of text or all the text
- from an article. The text will be saved as a standard ASCII file. Simply
- enter the filename at the prompt.
- Print:
- This menu command allows you to print a page, an article, a section
- or the whole magazine. There are two printing modes available.
- 'Text Only' will only print out the text on a page.
- 'Screen Dump' will print out the whole page as a graphics dump, similar to
- printing on Deluxe Paint.
- 2 Pages/Single Sheet - If this gadget is selected, 2 text pages will be
- printed on every sheet of paper. Otherwise every page
- will be printed on a new sheet of paper. This gadget
- has no effect when printing in the 'Screen Dump' mode.
- Note that when you are printing a whole article, section or the entire
- magazine, printing will always begin with the page you are currently on. This
- means that if you have to abort printing part way through, you can resume from
- where you left off.
- Text Search:
- This command allows you to search the magazine for a particular word or
- sentence. You can choose to search the current page, article, section or
- entire magazine. When you select this command a requester containing
- several gadgets will be displayed. Firstly enter the word or string of words
- you want to search for. The 'Case Sensitive' gadget allows you to distinguish
- between upper and lowercase characters. If this gadget is selected, the
- strings 'keeP Nz Nuclear free' and 'Keep NZ Nuclear Free' would not match.
- If 'Case Sensitive' is not selected the previous strings would match.
- When searching the magazine any multiple spaces encountered between words
- are removed. This is because the text in a magazine is often right-justified
- which causes extra spaces to be inserted between words. This means the
- strings 'Keep NZ Nuclear Free' and 'Keep NZ Nuclear Free' will match.
- Also any sentences that are split over 2 or more lines, text boxes or pages
- will be found.
- To begin a search click on the 'Find' gadget. Unlike the Print command
- searching will always start at the beginning of an article, section or
- magazine. If a match is found, the appropriate page will be displayed and
- the matching text will be highlighted. To continue searching for the next
- occurence of the string, click on the 'Next' gadget. When no more matches
- can be found, the message 'No Match Found' will be displayed. To search
- for a new string or to start searching from the beginning again, click on the
- 'Find' gadget.
- If you are searching a section or the whole magazine, you can abort the
- search by clicking on the 'Exit' gadget. Note that there may be a slight
- delay after clicking on 'Exit' and the current article will have to be
- reloaded.
- -----------------------------------
- Customising the Displayer
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- It is possible to customise the Help File and all the menu, gadget and
- requester text used in the Displayer. This allows you to translate the
- text into your own language, should it be different from English. It also
- allows you to change the terminology used within the Displayer, should you
- be using Magnetic Pages for something other than a disk magazine.
- Help File
- ~~~~~~~~~
- When you request Help from within the Displayer, it will load a special
- text file from disk and display it in the Help Window. You can customise
- this file to suit your own requirements using a text editor such as
- Az (my favourite!), Ed, MicroEmacs, or CED. The help file is called
- Displayer_Help. You cannot change its name and it must be in the same
- directory as the Displayer.
- The help window can display 38 columns and 20 rows. You can have up to
- 20 pages of help information. Within the Help text you can use the standard
- ANSI control codes to change the text style and colour.
- The following ANSI control codes are supported.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ESC [0m - Resets text to default colour and plain style
- ESC [3m - Italics On
- ESC [23m - Italics Off
- ESC [4m - Underline On
- ESC [24m - Underline Off
- ESC [1m - Boldface On
- ESC [22m - Boldface Off
- ESC [3nm - Set foreground colour (where n = 0 - 9)
- ESC [4nm - Set background colour (where n = 0 - 9)
- ESC [6"m - Shadow On { Note: Normal ANSI uses 6"Z
- ESC [5"m - Shadow Off and 5"Z for Shadow control. }
- ESC = Ascii code 27 and appears as an inverse left square
- bracket when using Workbench 1.3 or a small square
- when using Worbench 2. There should be no space
- between ESC and the [.
- In addition to the above escape sequences there are some special ones
- that I've defined to allow you to display the title bar gadgets in the Help
- text. This is so the user can see exactly what the gadget looks like that
- you are describing. The special codes are as follows:
- ESC [G0m - Display the 'Go to the first page of an article' gadget.
- ESC [G1m - Display the 'Go to the last page of an article' gadget.
- ESC [G2m - Display the 'Next article' gadget.
- ESC [G3m - Display the 'Next page' gadget.
- ESC [G4m - Display the 'Contents' gadget.
- ESC [G5m - Display the 'Previous page' gadget.
- ESC [G6m - Display the 'Previous article' gadget.
- Have a look at the standard Help file for an example of how to use the
- escape codes.
- Once you have set up the Help file as you want it, you can crunch it
- with PowerPacker to save disk space.
- Other Languages
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- It is possible to redefine all the text used in the Displayer program.
- The Displayer comes with English built in. When the Displayer starts up,
- it looks for a file called Displayer_Text. This file must be in the same
- directory as the Displayer and it cannot be renamed. If it finds this file
- it will use the text in it and automatically reformat all the menus, gadgets,
- and requester text. If it doesn't find this file, it defaults to English.
- The format of this file is quite simple. It is a plain text file, with
- each text string separated by a line feed. There is a sample file included
- on this disk called Displayer_Text.example. This is an English version of
- all the text used in the Displayer. You should edit this file with a text
- editor (translating the text into your own language) and then save it as
- Displayer_Text. Below I've listed this file and added comments to explain
- what the text is used for. Note that you cannot have comments in the real
- file.
- Project ; The Menu Text. These are in order from top left
- Sleep ; to bottom right.
- Save As IFF »
- Page... ; Save as IFF Sub Menu
- Article...
- Save Text »
- Page... ; Save Text Sub Menu
- Article...
- Print »
- Page... ; Print Sub Menu
- Article...
- Section...
- All...
- About...
- Quit
- Move To ; The Move To Menu starts here.
- Next Page
- Prev Page
- 1st Page
- Last Page
- Next Article
- Prev Article
- Contents
- Other ; The Other Menu starts here.
- Sound On
- Text Search »
- Page... ; Text Search Sub Menu.
- Article...
- Section...
- All...
- Help...
- CONTENTS ; This is for the CONTENTS Gadget in the titlebar.
- OK ; This is for the OK or confirmation gadget used in requesters.
- CANCEL ; This is for the CANCEL gadget used in requesters.
- CONTINUE ; This is used for the gadget in Error requesters.
- Find ; Icon in the Text Search requester.
- Next ; Icon in the Text Search requester.
- Prev ; Icon in the Help requester.
- Exit ; Icon in the Text Search and Help Requesters.
- Save Page as an IFF Picture. ; Title for the file requester.
- Save Article as IFF Pictures. ; Title for the file requester.
- Enter Filename: ; Used in the file requester.
- Save Page of Text. ; Title for the file requester.
- Save Article Text. ; Title for the file requester.
- Print Page ; Title for the print requester.
- Print Article ; Title for the print requester.
- Print Section ; Title for the print requester.
- Print All ; Title for the print requester.
- Text Only ; Used in the print requester.
- Graphic Dump ; Used in the print requester.
- 2 Pages/Single Sheet ; Used in the print requester.
- STOP PRINTING ; The icon used to abort a printing operation.
- Search Page ; Title for the Text Search requester.
- Search Article ; Title for the Text Search requester.
- Search Section ; Title for the Text Search requester.
- Search All ; Title for the Text Search requester.
- Case Sensitive ; Used in the Text Search requester.
- Enter a Search String ; Used in the Text Search requester.
- This version belongs to: ; Used in the small loading window.
- Usage: MP_Displayer [CONTROL FILE] ; The following are error messages.
- Unable to Load Control File
- Unable to Open Article
- Error Reading Article
- Out of Memory Error
- This Article has been Encrypted?
- File Loaded was not an Article
- Unable to Open File
- Error Writing File
- Unable to Open Page
- Error: Article not in List
- Can't Create Printer Request
- Can't Open Printer Device
- User Canceled Dump ; Printing Error.
- Not A Graphics Printer ; Printing Error.
- Wierd Printer Error ; Printing Error.
- Illegal Dimensions ; Printing Error.
- Wierd Printer Error ; Printing Error.
- No Memory For Variables ; Printing Error.
- No Memory For Buffer ; Printing Error.
- No Match Found ; Displayed when a Text Search finds nothing.
- Error Loading the Help File!
- The Displayer reformats all the Menus and Gadgets automatically, so you can
- make the text strings longer or shorter. Note however, if you make them too big
- then they may overrun some of the gadgets and windows. You have to take
- particular care when designing the menus. If you are going to use low
- resolution screens, make sure that the menus will fit on. A low res screen
- is half the width of the standard text screen.
- Finally once you've redefined the text and save it as Displayer_Text, you
- can save disk space by crunching the file with PowerPacker.
- Upgrades
- ~~~~~~~~
- The Displayer is by no means perfect. I will continue to work on it when
- I get the time. I'm not promising anything but if enough interest is shown
- in Magnetic Pages, then there are many new features I'd like to add.
- If you have any suggestions, or complaints please let me know when you
- register.
- Mark Gladding.