The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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----------------------J A Z Z B E N C H (alpha 0.8)---------------------------
Welcome to my Workbench replacement program! I haven't decided on a
name yet, but I've tentatively named it JazzBench.
JazzBench (0.8) Copyright 1989 by David Navas
Of course, this will have to change as code is written by other people,
but all of these details can be worked out later (unless someone
else finds some pressing need...).
Starting up:
0) copy <this disk>:libs/ppipc.library libs:
1) assign wb: <this disk>:wb
2) wb:wbsetup
This works much better if done BEFORE loadwb has executed...
(suggestion -- put it into your s:startup-seq.)
3) wb:wbaudio wb:hal9000 (for a cool beep...)
The code for this set of programs does not comfortably fit into
a 512k computer. If you've got a 512k computer -- return my disks!
(sorry, maybe we can work out something when code has been translated
into assembly...) Actually -- try running the program without
wb:WBrefr, wb:wbcal, wb:wbabout, etc., and wb:WBaudio.
In order to accomplish this, edit the file wb:startup and erase the line
with wb:wbrefr, wb:wbcal, etc., leaving only WBserver, WBwindow,
and WBinput. Don't execute the wb:wbaudio command.
Do the words I wanna Fat AGNUS ring a bell with anyone? sigh.
The programs:
1] WBsetup -- is now responsible for sending properly placed
default images, etc. to wbserver. It opens the backdrop
window and attaches the default Menu to it. It then starts
WBdisk. Searching the startup file it starts whatever programs
it finds there. It then waits for WBserver to request all of
WBsetup's default material, and then passes it on.
WBsetup opens a default configuration file and get its default
images, programs-to-start, etc. from there.
See info on MenuItem 'LibEdit', for whatever further information
is available.
2] WBserver -- handles all message passing between the different
WorkBench programs. It is the program which handles all of
the interpretation of IPCMsg Ids, and figures out to which
programs what messages will be sent. This is where hooks
have been attached to intercept certain types of Ids and send
them to some custom program. (See WBcool)
3] WBwindow -- in theory, handles Window graphic activities. All
scrolling (selected icons and window icons), Icon placement &
display, and window OPENs are done here. However, not all
the DrawImage()s are done here. Some errant ones may still
be done in WBdisk (when the backdrop disk icons are removed).
For the most part, WBwindow is complete and in its final form.
The code has been drastically cleaned (no more 3 page-long
if-then statements...). I don't see how much else will change.
Probably will display more info about files under TEXT windows.
4] WBinput -- obviously handles all IntuiMessages sent to the
JazzBench IntuiPort. Has some (perhaps) curious flags which
keep track of MouseMove messages: when another message is
available; what window ReportMouse activated; etc. This is
very important as all refreshes occur here as well. This
ought to be a message handled by WBwindow -- and will be.
Unfortunately, every once in awhile my program and Intuition
appear to fight over who reigns over refreshing, and the
window borders remain unrefreshed. I believe it has something
to do with what I'm doing with Begin/EndRefresh(), but I'm
not sure. Any bug fixes -- or firm ways in which to get this
to reoccur are welcome. (I believe this has been fixed since
last version)
WBinput also handles the stripping of the MsgPort, Menus, etc.
before a window is closed -- and puts this same information
back into the window structure when it is opened.
5] WBdisk -- currently referred to (fondly?) as THE MONSTER.
This is the program that needs the most attention, before
it makes the disk too heavy to lift ;-}.
Anyhow, WBdisk takes care of all disk copies, renames, deletes,
directory searches (valid form, and fastdir method from Amazing
Computing), icon retrievals, etc. It is also in charge
of Trash emptying (just a delete, right?), icon saves, and
other stuff that I'm sure exists but doesn't come to mind
right now.
There are at least two bugs in this program. It doesn't
react properly to the 1.2 RamDisk. Rename sometimes doesn't
return the error code correctly.
6] WBlist -- an outdated program, now that Hidden (the MenuItem)
works. It lists the directory of the window in which you
press the HELP key. Cute, but only useful for some debugging
operations now.
7] WBcool -- gives that MKnTOSS (:-)) look for the opening/closing
of windows/icons. Mostly a demonstration of some code
for intercepting messages.
8] WBrefr -- intercepts the refresh message and acts accordingly
with the knowledge that there is now a patterned backdrop
on the BackDrop window. I suppose this could be enhanced
to include putting an IFF picture onto the background.
8.5] WBcolrefr -- same as WBrefr -- different pattern (really
9] WBaudio -- reads in a binary dump of an audio sound and sends
the new data to WBserver to serve as JazzBench's new beep
sample. I like HAL9000 myself (being a Dave...).
10] WBabout -- the about window demoing graphic menu additions
11] WBleodie -- In the tradition of Leo Schwab (forgive my
misspellings), a cute way to kill a window when it's
12] WBiconize -- iconizes the current window. Needs to put the icon
in a more visible place. (Shoot, it needs a real icon,
really). Currently some text of the icons end up to
the left of the screen.
Well, all menu items are always on -- although that is perhaps not
the best way of doing things. If something is not available, JazzBench
will beep. Notice the lack of a ZZpointer. The only
time that you are prevented from getting an immediate response from the
program is when the program is LoadSeg'ing another program, or WBdisk
is trying to do a copy to prt: or something that takes a long time --
although input requests ARE queued (be patient...).
custom programs put menuitems and stuff here.
OPEN -- opens the current Select List. Amiga-O
CLOSE -- closes the active window.
COPY -- copies selected objects. Amiga-C
RENAME -- renames first object on Select List Amiga-R
DELETE -- deletes all objects on Select List Amiga-X
INITIALIZE -- the disk format
MAKE DRAWER -- makes a directory with Amiga-M
default icon
ASSIGN -- will assign <selected object's name>: Amiga-@
to the object.
EXECUTE -- executes script with IconX
EMPTY TRASH -- obvious
CLIPBOARD -- the non-existent program which
I'd like to have show clipboard contents.
(Anyone want to write one?)
INFO -- hey, talk to David S. King about this one.
LIBEDIT -- edit the config and startup files which define
startup conditions:
Device Copy: am't in bytes to transfer to a non-disk format (eg.
File Copy: am't in bytes to transfer between disks at one time
Menu: MenuTitle. Use arrows to scroll.
Item: Title (if TEXT!) Use arrows to scroll.
Command: keyboard equivalent of current MenuItem (if any -- bug if
Item not TEXT)
Assign: command the ASSIGN menuitem calls.
DiskCopy: not used -- DiskCopy gets it's default ToolName from the
DefaultTool in the Disk Icon.
Format: command INITIALIZE calls.
INFO: Not used, really.
LibEdit: the program LibEdit runs.
New Drawer -- title of new drawer that MAKE DRAWER creates.
Title -- screen title.
Startup -- list of files started on entry. Must include WBwindow,
WBinput, WBserver!
LAST ERROR -- displays last error Amiga-E
VERSION -- displays version Amiga-V
STOP ALL COPYING -- stops any copying the
program is doing.
SHOW DEVICES -- shows devices available
SHOW HIDDEN ICONS -- shows hidden icons.. Amiga-H
SHOW TEXT -- show icons as text titles only Amiga-T
ORIGINAL ICONS -- show normal icons only Amiga-N
ALPHABETIZE -- alphabetize the text-only Amiga-A
SNAPSHOT -- due to user demand, I'd like a Amiga-S
mask to determine just what information to
save, and what information to leave intact.
REDRAW -- redraw, refresh window/gadgets
CLEAN UP -- reorganize icons.
PUT AWAY -- ever want to rid youself of those Amiga-P
pesky icons you've left on the backdrop window?
Well, PUT it AWAY...
CYCLE COLORS -- change window colors Amiga-=
Interesting stuff:
SHIFT-CTRL-LEFTMOUSE unselects a selected icon without loosing
the rest of the selected icons.
Drag-starts. Drag POroject onto Tool.
There are 12 ways to add ports and intercept messages from WBserver:
GADB, GADA -- intercept GADG, GADU, GADD, DOUB, MOUS, CLOZ messages
(Before/After) WBserver does its 'thing'
GADG -- obj selected
DOUB -- open this obj
MENB, MENA -- intercept all Menu commands.
KEYB, KEYA -- intercept all RAWKEYS
WINB, WINA -- intercept Window Open events (window already open --
intercept before/after WBinput and WBdisk changes
UserPort/gets directory/etc.
see ipc.h, WBserver.c, and example programs for implementation
Known Bugs:
Locking problems with 1.2 Ram Disk. (get 1.3...)
Disk whirs a lot when deleting lots of files. Not a bug, just getting
all the necessary locks.
WBLibEdit -- Command key not recognized if MenuItem not TEXT upon
Rename does not return the correct error code.
WBcal does NOT work completely well with A1000 keyboards --
no divides/multiplies. Fix as you'd like.
To be added:
WBLibEdit needs to be made pretty printed.
Better support for text listings/edits. (see BackDropPass in jb.h)
WBserver needs to be cleaned as far as ports/names are concerned.
(why is a CLOZ sent within a GADG scope? -- I don't
know either, it seemed best at the time...)
WBdisk may get better hooks -- need to compress COPY code.
WBiconize needs to be prettied-up.
WBaudio/server needs layering (multiple sounds for different msgs)
WBserver port adds need to use ln_Pri bits.
TEXT windows will display more info about the files (creation dates/
Unlike the rest of the world, I haven't learned how to use make files
efficiently -- so here's how to compile my program.
If you can precompile jb.h, that'll help, otherwise uncomment the
#include "jb.h" in the program.
You will need ipc.lib for linking all programs
which use the ipc functions (as in, all of these programs...)
Now compile the program and link in with ipc.lib
Note: please use long (32 bit) integers
Writing support routines:
For a good idea of what goes on, see WBserver.c. You may
intercept six kinds of messages -- refresh, raw keycodes,
menu operations, disk inserted/removed, window opened,
and gadget type messages. You may intercept these messages
either before or after the program is done with them. The Id
to pass in the IPCMessage is something like GADA, GADB (for
GADget After, GADget Before), MENA, MENB, etc. To remove, the
Id will look something like RMEN, RKEY, RREF (for Remove MENu,
Remove KEY, Remove REFresh). See ipc.h for IPCMessage format.
Also see example programs
You might try an online HELP guide to the program. Or even nioer,
a menu item to reload the directory of an already open window.
Be careful to de-allocate the previously allocated directory
list stored in obj->wo_DrawerData->dd_Dir. When the menuitem
is selected, dd_Dir is cleared and freed, and a WIND message
is sent to WBserver. Now that I think about it, I might just
write it to see how it works.
Try using the GlobalInfo (reported back from server when you 'RINF'
it [puts into msg->ipc_Items[0].ii_Ptr])
->showtext to write a simple showtext. IE. program puts
a menuitem into menubar with 'MIAL', waits for it to be selected,
then sends a 'RUN ' with Items[0].ii_Id = GlobalInfo->showtext,
and Items[0].ii_Ptr = GlobalInfo->Select;
Experiment, and REPORT BUGS!!!
Until next time, ideas, etc. welcome at:
David Navas
1918 Hackett Ave.
Mt. View, CA 94043
(415) 967-2382 (voice only -- unless some kind gent wants to donate
a modem...)
you can try to send messages to c60c-1ea@WEB.Berkeley.Edu but that
account closes in June, I'll try to post new accounts later.
Thank YOU very much for your time and effort in this project.
Hopefully others will appreciate it also -- and not to far off either...
Many thanks go to the author of Hackbench, without whose code I would
not have had the guts to write this program (and no idea of
how to write some of it). Also my deep thanks to Dave H. who
wrote the fastdir algorithm making those idiot .info files
found in all directories to be pretty much useless and
unnecessary. And last but not least, thanks to Pete Goodeve and
Peter da Silva for thrashing out the IPC code used for all of
my communication needs.
All code compiled by Manx 3.4a compiler -- feel free to modify to
whatever extent necessary in order to work with other compilers.
Until next we meet,
David Navas