Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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Text File
159 lines
Uedit V2.3
Copyright (C) 1986-87, Rick Stiles
(S=Shift, A=Alt, C=Ctl, L=lAmiga, R=rAmiga, BS=BackSpace, KP=KeyPad)
*** SEE MENUS for commands NOT IN THIS HELP ***
*** Use TEACH KEYS to learn key assignments ***
Click window's Title Bar to switch to Tiny Window.
(In Interlace, click and slide into Title Bar and release.)
Amiga-esc: ABORT PROCESS | HELP: get/release Help
LOAD/QUIT | C-mouse: click-load file "name"
f4: quit gracefully | A-f4: Fast Quit - does NOT save files!
((CloseBox quits gracefully when all modified files are closed.))
upArrow: scroll up line | downArrow: scroll down line
S-upArrow: scroll up 11 lines | S-downArrow: scroll down 11 lines
A-upArrow, gadget4: scroll up page | A-downArrow, gadget3: scroll down page
C-upArrow: scroll to start of file | C-downArrow: scroll to end of file
leftArrow: scroll left | rightArrow: scroll right
S-leftArrow: scroll left 10 chars | S-rightArrow: scroll right 10 chars
A-leftArrow: scroll left 20 chars | A-rightArrow: scroll right 20 chars
C-leftArrow: scroll to end of line | C-rightArrow: scroll to start of line
gadget1: next file | gadget2: prev file
C-d: delete line | KP0: undo scratch deletes
KP7: del word left | A-KP7: del to start of line
KP9: del word right | A-KP9: del to end of line
S-KP7: del char left | C-KP7: del to top of screen
S-KP9: del char right | C-KP9: del to bottom of screen
button: deposit cursor | KP5: "find" cursor
C-KP8: move up a page | KP8: move cursor down line
C-KP2: move down a page | KP2: move cursor up line
KP4: move cursor left word | KP6: move cursor right word
S-KP4: move cursor left char | S-KP6: move cursor right char
A-KP4: move to start of line | A-KP6: move to end of line
C-KP4: move to start of line | C-KP6: move to end of line
HILITE/INVERT | SAC-button: drag mouse to make hilite
KP1: start hilite at cursor | C-KP1: start invert at cursor
KP3: end hilite at cursor | C-KP3: end invert at cursor
S-button: start hilite | SC-button: start invert
A-button: end hilite | AC-button: end invert
SC-f5: speak messages AC-f5: speak alerts
S-f7: modify existing search text S-f8: modify existing replace text
S-del: insert a space for typing A-del: insert line below line
C-del: delete line above cursor line S-bs: open space in front of word
A-bs: open line above cur line C-bs: delete line below cursor line
S-tab: transparent tab fwd A-tab: transparent tab bkwd
C-tab: untab, del spaces to prev tab
A-c: trim spaces betw words C-c: input a Ctl-character
SA-c: count times next cmd executed
C-d: delete line
SA-d: input # tenths sec for delays A-d: delay # tenths
A-e: set new end-of-line value
A-f: free a buffer
A-l: shift hilite left by one space A-r: shift hilite right by one space
C-l: convert to lower case C-f: flip upper/lower case
C-u: convert to upper case C-x: toggle number hex/decimal
C-o: open line for typing C-j: join two lines together
A-0: line up columns A-2: center text in line
A-1: justify left A-5: justify right
A-4: match indent of prev line
A-6: store cursor line length in n45 A-8: show value of n-variable
A-9: set value of n-variable C-n: go to line number
A-3: go to page # C-/: ASCII value of char
C-0: zero running total C-\: insert total at cursor
C-=: add next word to running total
C--: subtract next word from running total
SAC-a: About... SAC-d: run demo
C-s: start Learn Mode | C-s: abort Learn Mode
C-r: end Learn Mode | C-r: run Learned sequence
C-5: save Learn as numbered file | C-6: load Learn file #
| C-7: load & run Learn file #
((ctl-m sets the general purpose command-multiplier. Then ctl-r will run the
sequence as many times as the command-multiplier says to.))
del: del char under cursor | BS: del char to left of cursor
S-space: move cursor forward | S-BS: move cursor backward.
esc: LEAVE Primitive Mode | Amiga-esc: Abort
((Mouse-click substitutes for ESC and terminates Primitive Mode.))
Columnar regions are rectangles. The Start of the region must be in a Lower
Column and Row than the End of the region. Columnar display mode ("Col
display" in menu) shows columnar regions as rectangles. In "Col display"
mode, TABs are shown as ctrl-characters. (This facilitates columnar data
transfers.) Do the following: Put the mouse at the beginning of this
paragraph and press shft-mousebutton. Put the mouse HERE and press alt-
mousebutton. Notice how the region is colored. Select "Col display" and
note the rectangular coloring. Look at the "Columnar" menu and try the
selections in it.
SA-buttonDown: click/ drag mouse, store word for index.
SA-buttonUp: used with SA-buttonDown to build index.
SA-i: Scan list in buf41, create index.
Document in window will be searched for the key words. When index has been
built, it will be in buffer 41. (ctl-w swaps current file with buf41.)
The startup command (see "startup:" in Config!) contains menu instructions,
buffer names, and has a runKey(shftAltCtl-z) in it for convenience.
Key SAC-z is run at start-up. No command exists, unless you define one.
There are no restrictions placed on what it can do:
1.) To auto-load your files next time, select "Make command" in the menu.
Then type in:
<shftAltCtl-z: LoadFile("myfile1") loadFile("myfile2") etc >
Select "Compile" (F6), then select "Save config" (A-F6).
They'll be loaded next time you start Uedit. Auto-load them anytime, by
pressing SAC-z.
2.) To get rid of startup-command:
Select "Kill key" in the Commands menu. Then press SAC-z. If you press
the wrong key, select "Load config" and then select "Kill key" again.
If you pressed the right key, select "Save config".
BUFFER CONVENTIONS: ("See buffers" shows you these, if they are not empty.)
buf55-99 = for user commands buf50-54 = temporary purposes
buf49 = search string buf48 = replace string
buf47 = copied hilite buf46 = copied invert
buf45 = scratch deletes (for Undo) buf44 = edit-command buffer
buf43 = filenames buf42 = HELP
buf41 = used in swapBuf (ctl-w) buf40 = used for AmigaDOS command
buf39 = AmigaDOS result buf38 = directory name
buf37 = copied columnar data
You can change this convention by editing the Config! file.
NUMBER CONVENTIONS: (These variables are used by certain commands. Press
alt-8 to see them. Press alt-9 to set any number to a value.)
n50-n54 = temporary purposes n49 = dollars in running total
n48 = cents in running total n47 = plus/minus flag
n46 = tenths of second to delay n45 = length cursor line (alt-6)
These keys are "borrowed" by other keys. Do not save the configuration if
you swap or kill any of them:
f9 f10 kp0 kp1 kp3 kpDot kpMinus kpEnter S-f1
S-f4 S-f7 S-f8 S-f9 S-del S-kp7 S-kp9 A-g A-1
A-6 A-kp7 C-kpDot L-v
If you modify Config! or make your own config file, search on "runKey",
locate all keys it uses, and update this list. You can eliminate the need
for this list altogether by attaching all "borrowed" keys to virtual keys.
(See manual.)