Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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C/C++ Source or Header
468 lines
* NAME: pr.c
* FUNCTION: Prints a list of files to the printer.
* COPYRIGHT: 1987 by Samuel Paolucci
* NOTE: This code may be freely distributed provided this notice is retained.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#define NOT !
#define to_decimal(x) (x - '0')
BOOL io_error = FALSE;
FILE *in;
FILE *out;
FILE *fopen ();
static int page;
static int linetot;
static int linenum = 0;
static int linesize = 80;
static char output[32] = "prt:";
static char linebuffer[256];
static char *copyright = "Copyright 1987 by Samuel Paolucci";
int confirm = 0;
int control = 0;
int copies = 1;
int lines = 58;
int headers = 1;
int numbers = 0;
int wrap = 0;
struct tm *localtime();
char *scdir ();
char *fgets ();
char *gets ();
char *index ();
char *ctime ();
time_t time ();
int fputs ();
void help () /* print help page */
fprintf (stderr, "\npr [options] file1 [file2 ...]\n");
fprintf (stderr, " prints multiple files to the printer.\n\n");
fprintf (stderr, "The program will accept Un*x style wildcards:\n");
fprintf (stderr, " * matches any substring\n");
fprintf (stderr, " ? matches any single character\n\n");
fprintf (stderr, "The valid options are:\n");
fprintf (stderr, " -? - displays this page\n");
fprintf (stderr, " -c - confirms wild cards\n");
fprintf (stderr, " <CR>, y, or Y - print this file\n");
fprintf (stderr, " n or N - don't print this file\n");
fprintf (stderr, " ! - print this and all remaining files\n");
fprintf (stderr, " -f - specifies wide carriage\n");
fprintf (stderr, " -h - removes headers\n");
fprintf (stderr, " -l# - specifies the # of lines per page\n");
fprintf (stderr, " -m# - specifies the # of copies\n");
fprintf (stderr, " -n - displays line numbers\n");
fprintf (stderr, " -s - diverts output to the standard output file\n");
fprintf (stderr, " -w - wraps lines\n");
static short hour;
static short minute;
static short year;
static short day;
static short month;
void getdate ()
long clock;
struct tm *tm;
clock = time (0L);
tm = localtime (&clock);
hour = tm->tm_hour;
minute = tm->tm_min;
year = 1900 + tm->tm_year;
day = tm->tm_mday;
month = 1 + tm->tm_mon;
void putheader (name)
char *name;
int i = 0;
int j;
int ablanks = (linesize+numbers*5)/2 - 4;
int bblanks = (linesize+numbers*5)/2 - 21;
char outfb[133];
static char headbuffer[174];
if (out != stdout && page == 1) { /* reset printer */
headbuffer[i++] = 0x1b;
headbuffer[i++] = 0x63;
for (j = 0; name[j] != NULL; j++, i++) /* add filename */
headbuffer[i] = name[j];
for (j = 0; j < ablanks - strlen (name); j++, i++) /* add blanks */
headbuffer[i] = ' ';
sprintf (outfb, "Page %-3d", page++); /* add page number */
for (j = 0; outfb[j] != NULL; j++, i++)
headbuffer[i] = outfb[j];
for (j = 0; j < bblanks; j++, i++) /* add blanks*/
headbuffer[i] = ' ';
sprintf (outfb, "%02.2d/%02.2d/%4d, %02d:%02.2d\n\n\n",
month, day, year, hour, minute); /* add timestamp */
for (j = 0; outfb[j] != NULL; j++, i++)
headbuffer[i] = outfb[j];
headbuffer[i++]= '\0';
(void) fputs (headbuffer, out); /* write it out */
int get_a_line ()
char *i;
i = fgets (linebuffer, sizeof (linebuffer), in);
return (i != NULL);
void newpage (name)
char *name;
if (out == stdout)
else {
(void) fputs ("\f", out);
if (headers)
putheader (name);
linenum = 1; /* reset line number */
int remove_substring (string, first, num_char)
char string[];
int first; /* location of the first character to remove */
int num_char; /* number of characters to remove */
int length; /* length of the string */
int index1; /* points to the first character to remove */
int index2; /* points to the first character remaining after
removal of the other characters */
length = strlen (string);
if (first >= length || first < 0)
return (-1); /* invalid starting location */
if (first + num_char <= length)
index2 = first + num_char;
index2 = length; /* only delete to NULL */
/* remove the characters */
for (index1 = first; (string[index1] = string[index2]) != NULL; index1++)
return (first);
int insert_string (string, substring, location)
char *string;
char *substring;
int location;
int index1; /* index into the string */
int index2; /* index into the substring */
int index_temp; /* index into the temporary string */
char temp[256];
/* see if the location is valid */
if (location >= strlen (string))
return (-1);
/* copy the characters in the string prior to the
starting location to the temporary string temp */
for (index_temp = 0, index1 = 0; index1 < location; index1++, index_temp++)
temp[index_temp] = string[index1];
/* append the substring to the current contents of the temporary string */
for (index2 = 0; substring[index2] != NULL; ++index2, index_temp++)
temp[index_temp] = substring[index2];
/* append the remainder of the string to the temporary string */
while (temp[index_temp++] = string[index1++])
/* put contents of the temporary string back into the string */
strcpy (string, temp);
return (location);
void put_a_line (name)
char *name;
int len;
char string[144];
if ((len = strlen (linebuffer)) != 0) {
if (linenum == lines)
newpage (name);
if (numbers) /* print a line number */
fprintf (out, "%4d ", linetot++);
strncpy (string, linebuffer, linesize);
if (string[linesize-1] != NULL) {
if (string[linesize-1] != '\n') {
string[linesize] = '\n';
string[linesize+1] = '\0';
} else
string[linesize] = '\0';
(void) fputs (string, out);
len -= linesize;
while (len > 1 && wrap) {
(void) remove_substring (linebuffer, 0, linesize);
(void) insert_string (linebuffer, " ", 0);
strncpy (string, linebuffer, linesize);
if (string[linesize-1] != NULL) {
string[linesize] = '\n';
string[linesize+1] = '\0';
if (linenum == lines)
newpage (name);
(void) fputs (string, out);
len -= linesize;
void printfile (name) /* do the actual printing of the file */
char *name;
int nc;
nc = copies;
do {
if ((in = fopen (name, "r")) != NULL) {
if (out != stdout)
fprintf (stderr, "Printing: %s\n", name);
linetot = 1; /* reset line number */
page = 1; /* reset page number */
if (headers && out != stdout) { /* need a header */
getdate (); /* get timestamp */
putheader (name);
(void) get_a_line (); /* get a line */
do {
put_a_line (name);
} while (NOT io_error && (BOOL) get_a_line ());
if (io_error) {
io_error = FALSE;
fprintf (stderr, "pr: I/O error while printing %s\n", name);
if (out != stdout)
(void) fputs ("\f", out);
fclose (in);
} else
fprintf (stderr, "pr: unable to open '%s'\n", name);
} while (--nc);
int main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int i;
int accepted;
char *p;
char name[32]; /* name of file to print */
char answer[32];
char c;
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf (stderr, "Usage: pr [-?cfhl#m#nsw] file1 [file2 ...]\n");
fprintf (stderr, " use pr -? for more help\n");
exit (1);
if ((out = fopen (output, "w")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "pr: can't open the printer\n");
exit (1);
while (argv[1] != NULL) {
while (*argv[1] == '-') { /* process options if any */
p = (char *) &*argv[1];
p++; /* point to the option chars */
do {
switch (*p) {
case 's': /* list to stdout */
fclose (out);
out = stdout;
if (numbers)
linesize = 72;
linesize = 77;
case 'm': /* specify # of copies */
copies = 0;
while (isdigit (*p))
copies = copies*10 + to_decimal (*p++);
case 'h': /* do not print a header */
lines = 60;
case 'w': /* wrap lines */
case 'n': /* print line numbers */
linesize -= 5;
case 'f': /* specify wide carriage printer */
linesize = 132;
if (numbers) linesize -= 5;
case 'l': /* specify # of lines per page */
lines = 0;
while (isdigit (*p))
lines = lines*10 + to_decimal (*p++);
if (lines == 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "pr: the number of lines per page must be greater than zero\n");
exit (1);
case 'c': /* confirm any templates */
case '?': /* display help page */
help ();
exit (0);
default: /* invalid option */
fprintf(stderr, "pr: '%c' is an invalid option\n", *p);
exit (1);
} while (*p);
strcpy (name, argv[1]); /* must be a file name */
if (index (name, '*') || index (name, '?')) {
i = 0; /* a template was given, expand it */
while (((p = scdir (name)) != NULL) && ++i < 100) {
if (confirm) { /* if confirm ask him for each file */
fprintf (stderr, "confirm '%s'? ", p);
(void) gets (answer);
c = answer[0];
switch (c) {
case '!': /* if he answers ! then accept all remaining */
confirm = 0;
accepted = 1;
case '\0': /* if yes then include this name */
case 'y':
case 'Y':
accepted = 1;
case 'n': /* if no skip this name */
case 'N':
accepted = 0;
fprintf (stderr, "valid answers are: <CR>, y, or Y - yes do print\n");
fprintf (stderr, " n or N - no don't print this one\n");
fprintf (stderr, " ! - yes print this one and all remaining\n");
goto again;
} else /* if not confirming then match all items */
accepted = 1;
if (accepted) /* go ahead and print this one */
printfile (p); /* now print the file */
} else
printfile (name); /* now print the file */
return (0);