Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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146 lines
Version 2.2
By Eric Lavitsky
(C) 1987 by Eric Lavitsky
DropCloth lets you place a pattern, a 2 bitplane IFF image or a
combination of a pattern and image into your Amiga's WorkBench
To use DropCloth from the CLI, type:
1>dropcloth [-d number] [-i filename]
where "number" is between 0 and 64 inclusive and "filename" is a
valid 2 bitplane (4 color) IFF image file. The number specifies
the intensity of the pattern used for the backdrop, 0 will render
a clear pattern into the display, while 64 will render a solid
backdrop. If you don't specify a pattern, DropCloth will default
to 0, a clear pattern. To remove DropCloth and any pattern or image
it has rendered into the backdrop, simply run DropCloth a second
time. It is generally recommended that DropCloth be "RUN" or
"RUNBACKED" from the CLI.
To use DropCloth from the WorkBench:
Double click directly on the DropCloth Icon or
Double click on an IFF image Icon whose default
tool points to DropCloth.
The image must be an IFF image (ILBM). Change it's default tool to
point to DropCloth. Assuming DropCloth resides in the C: directory,
select the image icon and then select "Info" from the WorkBench menu.
The next to last field in the Icon is the default tool:
DEFAULT TOOL | C:DropCloth |
If your image does not have an Icon, you may create an Icon for it by
copying one of the Icons normally created by DPaint. If you want
DropCloth to render a pattern, specify the pattern you want in the
ToolTypes of the DropCloth Icon (if you are rendering a pattern only)
or in the ToolTypes of the image Icon (if you are rendering an image
along with a pattern). Again, select the Icon in question, pull down
"Info" from the WorkBench menu, go down to the ToolTypes field, select
"ADD", click in the ToolTypes text gadget and enter:
where n is again a number between 0 and 64 inclusive.
To remove dropcloth and any pattern or image it has rendered into the
WorkBench backdrop, simply run DropCloth a second time by double
clicking on it's Icon.
- Features and Limitations
- Current version wants 640x200x2 images - patterns work fine in any
size screen including "morerowed" (overscan) screens.
- We make a few assumptions about the IFF image that limit us to
accepting only 2 bitplane images.
- The fuel gauge in main disk windows is not properly refreshed by
RefreshWindowFrame() ... (sigh)
- Requires V1.2 or greater of KickStart to run
- Future considerations
- We could give an option to add bitplanes to the workbench screen for
images > 2 bitplanes or try and map colors to 2 bitplanes. This would
slow things down and eat lots of CHIP memory (ugh!).
- How it started
- When I first got my Amiga way back in August '85, I was
dissapointed to find that I couldn't put an image or pattern in my
backdrop like we could on the AI workstations and Macintoshes at Rutgers.
- One day, someone posted on the net that at a gathering in the
Apple Computer cafeteria one day, Andy Hertzfeld, of Macintosh design
team fame, was quoted as saying that the Amiga wasn't a serious machine:
"C'mon, a user interface with windows the same color as the screen?!!!".
I vowed that one day, I'd show him! :-)
- One day, in one of our usual hacking sessions, Perry Kivolowitz
and I started fooling with the layers library to see what we could make it
do. It was here we discovered that the WorkBench backdrop was a backdrop
borderless window and that we could look at it as a layer.
- On Sunday February 8th, 1987, Perry and I decided to take a trip
over to Rutgers (just 10 minutes away) to take a look at how the Suns and
Macintoshes allowed you to change backdrop patterns and images.
- That same night we went to his apartment to begin writing our
own backdrop enhancer for the Amiga. At eight o'clock the next morning we
had DropCloth in what essentially became release 1.0 (it was heavily
cleaned up first :-)
- We had hoped that DropCloth would be part of a complete package
of tools and enhancments for the Amiga, but soon decided that it couldn't
be supported well since it could degrade the preformance of the workbench
(notice the delay incurred from clicking a disk icon to it's being available
to be dragged). So, the project was shelved in favor of other things.
- Suddenly, we saw other people on Usenet attempting the very same
thing (doesn't it always happen this way, Amiga hackers are always on the
same wavelength). We posted the V1.0 binary so people could have patterns
at last. The V1.0 release was also placed on Fish Disk 59
- About two weeks before the first AmiExpo in New York, Perry and
I were talking about DropCloth again. He asked me if we really couldn't
put an image into the backdrop (at one point we thought we couldn't for
some silly reason). A large rock promptly hit me in the back of the head
and voila! (Get the source to see how it's done).
- Perry's wrote the initial code for rendering more than just a
pattern into the backdrop for a nice little demo at AmiExpo. I took his
prototype and extended it to allow all IFF images and put in WorkBench
support as well.
- What it does
- Things we had to realize about the workbench:
- The Workbench renders it's icons into a
backdrop borderless window.
- When an icon is moved SetRast() is called to
clear the layer and all the icons are redrawn.
This is fairly fast, but destroys anything you
render yourself into the backdrop.
- So, get the source to see how it's done! (plug, plug :-)
Thanks to:
Perry Kivolowitz - Spurring me on, helping fix my bugs
Jon Trudel - The DropCloth Icon
Andy Hertzfeld - The original fire (
Copyright and Shareware Notice:
DropCloth is Copyright 1987 by Eric Lavitsky. DropCloth is a shareware
product. If you feel this product enhances your environment, please
send a contribution to:
Eric Lavitsky
34 Maplehurst Ln.
Piscatway, NJ 08854
Keep the shareware concept alive! Suggested donation is $10. Donations
of $15 or more will yield a disk replete with the source code to the
latest version of DropCloth ($20 would be greatly appreciated). The
source code was written using Manx Aztec C, V3.5a (Yes Jim, a plug! :-),
remains proprietary to Eric Lavitsky and may not be redistributed or
sold without the expressed written consent of Eric Lavitsky. The
executable version of DropCloth and it's associated icons may be freely
redistributed provided this document is included in the distribution.