Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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Text File
482 lines
/* */
/* Filename: hp_math.include */
/* */
/* Contains C source code for */
/* routines ProcessFloat, */
/* ProcessComplex, ProcessInteger, */
/* matherr, StoreRegister, */
/* RecallRegister, SelectStoreReg */
/* and CheckStack. */
/* */
double temp;
if ( inkey == 52 ) {
if ( entry_in_progress == FALSE ) {
t = z;
z = y;
y = x; }
return(0); }
/* The binary operators that remove y and replace x */
if ( (inkey == 4) || (inkey == 8) || (inkey ==12) ||
(inkey == 51) || (inkey == 39) ) {
if ( inkey == 4 ) x = y * pow( x, -1.0 );
if ( inkey == 8 ) x = y*x;
if ( inkey == 12 ) x = y-x;
if ( inkey == 51 ) x = y+x;
if ( inkey == 39 ) x = pow( y, x );
if ( error_occurred ) return(0); /* leave the stack alone */
y = z;
z = t;
t = 0.0;
return(0); }
/* Polar to rectangular */
if ( inkey == 44 ) {
temp = y * angfac;
y = x * sin( temp );
x = x * cos( temp );
return(0); }
/* Rectangular to polar */
if ( inkey == 45 ) {
temp = y;
y = atan2( y, x ) / angfac;
x = sqrt( x*x + temp*temp );
return(0); }
if ( inkey == 28 ) x = sin( x * angfac );
if ( inkey == 29 ) x = cos( x * angfac );
if ( inkey == 30 ) x = tan( x * angfac );
if ( inkey == 34 ) x = asin( x ) / angfac ;
if ( inkey == 35 ) x = acos( x ) / angfac ;
if ( inkey == 36 ) x = atan( x ) / angfac ;
/* Use math library functions where possible to get friendly errors */
if ( inkey == 53 ) x = -x;
if ( inkey == 33 ) x = pow( x, -1.0 );
if ( inkey == 37 ) x = pow( x, 2.0 );
if ( inkey == 38 ) x = sqrt( x );
if ( inkey == 40 ) x = log10( x );
if ( inkey == 41 ) x = log( x ) / log ( 2.0 );
if ( inkey == 42 ) x = log( x );
if ( inkey == 46 ) x = pow( 10.0, x );
if ( inkey == 47 ) x = pow( 2.0, x );
if ( inkey == 48 ) x = exp( x );
if ( inkey == 43 ) {
t = z;
z = y;
y = x;
x = PI; }
/* If we've already encountered an error, nevermind. . . */
if ( error_occurred ) return(0);
/* Force over(under)flow if number cannot be displayed */
if ( abs(x) > 9.99999999999E99 ) x = pow( 10.0, 10000.0 );
if ( (abs(x) < 1.0000000000E-99) && (abs(x) > 0.0) )
x = pow( 10.0, -10000.0 );
double temp, temp2, r, theta, lnr, coeff, coshx, sinhx, a,b,c,d, xy;
if ( inkey == 52 ) {
if ( entry_in_progress == FALSE ) {
t = z;
z = y;
y = x; }
return(0); }
/* Note that in all the following computations, x represents the */
/* imaginary part of the argument, while y is the real part. This */
/* notation is contrary to that used in analysis, where the roles */
/* of x and y are precisely reversed. This arises since it is more */
/* natural to enter the real part of a number first, which causes */
/* it to end up in the y-register. Just think backwards. I know */
/* I certainly do. */
/* The binary operators that remove t,z and replace y,x */
if ( (inkey == 4) || (inkey == 8) || (inkey ==12) ||
(inkey == 51) || (inkey == 39) ) {
if ( inkey == 4 ) { temp = pow( y*y + x*x , -1.0 );
temp2 = y;
y = (y*t + x*z) * temp;
x = (temp2*z - x*t) * temp; }
if ( inkey == 8 ) { temp = y;
y = y*t - x*z;
x = x*t + temp*z; }
if ( inkey == 12 ) { x = z-x;
y = t-y; }
if ( inkey == 51 ) { x = z+x;
y = t+y; }
/* y to the x */
if ( inkey == 39 ) { r = sqrt(t*t + z*z);
theta = atan2( z, t );
lnr = log(r);
coeff = exp( y*lnr - x*theta );
temp = y;
y = coeff * cos( x*lnr + y*theta );
x = coeff * sin( x*lnr + temp*theta ); }
t = 0.0;
z = 0.0;
return(0); }
/* Polar to rectangular */
if ( inkey == 44 ) {
temp = y * angfac;
y = x * sin( temp );
x = x * cos( temp );
return(0); }
/* Rectangular to polar */
if ( inkey == 45 ) {
temp = y;
y = atan2( y, x ) / angfac;
x = sqrt( x*x + temp*temp );
return(0); }
if ( ( inkey > 27) && (inkey < 31) ) {
coshx = cosh( x * angfac );
sinhx = sinh( x * angfac );
if (error_occurred) return(0);
/* sine */
if ( inkey == 28 ) { x = cos(y*angfac) * sinhx;
y = sin(y*angfac) * coshx; }
/* cosine */
if ( inkey == 29 ) { x = -sin(y*angfac) * sinhx;
y = cos(y*angfac) * coshx; }
/* tangent */
if ( inkey == 30 ) { x = sin(y*angfac);
y = cos(y*angfac);
a = x * coshx;
b = y * sinhx;
c = y * coshx;
d = -x * sinhx;
temp = pow( c*c + d*d , -1.0 );
if ( error_occurred ) return(0);
y = (a*c + b*d) * temp;
x = (b*c - a*d) * temp; } }
/* arcsine */
if ( inkey == 34 ) { xy = x*y;
temp = 1.0 - y*y + x*x;
r = sqrt( temp*temp + 4.0*xy*xy );
theta = atan2( -2.0*xy, temp );
if (theta < 0.0) theta = theta + 2.0 * PI;
r = sqrt( r );
theta = theta / 2.0;
b = r * sin( theta ) + y;
a = r * cos( theta ) - x;
x = -log( sqrt( a*a + b*b ) ) / angfac;
y = atan2( b, a );
if ( y < 0.0 ) y = y + 2.0 * PI;
y /= angfac; }
/* arccosine */
if ( inkey == 35 ) { xy = x*y;
temp = 1.0 - y*y + x*x;
r = sqrt( temp*temp + 4.0*xy*xy );
theta = atan2( -2.0*xy, temp );
if (theta < 0.0) theta = theta + 2.0 * PI;
r = sqrt( r );
theta = theta / 2.0;
a = r * cos( theta ) + x;
b = -r * sin( theta ) + y;
x = -log( sqrt( a*a + b*b ) ) / angfac;
y = atan2( a, b );
if ( y < 0.0 ) y = y + 2.0 * PI;
y /= angfac; }
/* arctangent */
if ( inkey == 36 ) { d = (1.0-x)*(1.0-x) + y*y;
a = (-x*x - y*y + 1.0) / d;
b = (-2.0 * y) / d;
r = sqrt( a*a + b*b );
theta = atan2( b, a );
y = -theta / 2.0 / angfac;
x = log(r) / 2.0 / angfac; }
if ( inkey == 53 ) { x = -x;
y = -y; }
/* 1/x */
if ( inkey == 33 ) { r = pow( x*x + y*y, -1.0 );
y = r*y;
x = -r*x; }
/* x squared */
if ( inkey == 37 ) { r = y;
y = y*y - x*x;
x = 2.0*x*r; }
/* sqrt(x) */
if ( inkey == 38 ) { theta = atan2( x, y ) / 2.0;
r = sqrt( sqrt( x*x + y*y ) );
x = r * sin( theta );
y = r * cos( theta ); }
/* logarithms */
if ((inkey > 39) && (inkey < 43)) {
theta = atan2( x, y );
r = sqrt( x*x + y*y );
if ( inkey == 40 ) a = log( 10.0 );
if ( inkey == 41 ) a = log( 2.0 );
if ( inkey == 42 ) a = 1.0;
x = theta / a;
y = log(r) / a;
/* exponentials */
if ((inkey > 45) && (inkey < 49)) {
if ( inkey == 46 ) a = log( 10.0 );
if ( inkey == 47 ) a = log( 2.0 );
if ( inkey == 48 ) a = 1.0;
r = exp( y * a );
y = r * cos( x * a );
x = r * sin( x * a );
if ( inkey == 43 ) {
t = z;
z = y;
y = x;
x = PI; }
/* If we've already encountered an error, nevermind. . . */
if ( error_occurred ) return(0);
/* Force over(under)flow if number cannot be displayed */
if ( abs(x) > 9.99999999999E99 ) x = pow( 10.0, 10000.0 );
if ( (abs(x) < 1.0000000000E-99) && (abs(x) > 0.0) )
x = pow( 10.0, -10000.0 );
/* Force over(under)flow if number cannot be displayed */
if ( abs(y) > 9.99999999999E99 ) y = pow( 10.0, 10000.0 );
if ( (abs(y) < 1.0000000000E-99) && (abs(y) > 0.0) )
y = pow( 10.0, -10000.0 );
x = ix;
y = iy;
z = iz;
t = it;
/* Truncate toward zero after slight rounding: */
ix = ( x > 0.0 ) ? x + TRUNC_MARGIN : x - TRUNC_MARGIN;
iy = ( y > 0.0 ) ? y + TRUNC_MARGIN : y - TRUNC_MARGIN;
iz = ( z > 0.0 ) ? z + TRUNC_MARGIN : z - TRUNC_MARGIN;
it = ( t > 0.0 ) ? t + TRUNC_MARGIN : t - TRUNC_MARGIN;
matherr( exc )
struct exception *exc;
if (error_occurred) return(0);
error_occurred = TRUE;
Move( rp, 250, 55 );
Text( rp, errstring[ exc->type ], 14 );
WaitPort( hp_window -> UserPort );
if ( GadgetPoked() ) {
CloseWindow( hp_window );
CloseScreen( hp_screen );
if ( print_on ) {
fputs("\33#1", printer ); /* restore default setting */
fclose( printer ); }
exit(); }
if ( message -> Code != SELECTDOWN ) goto Acknowledge;
/* Zero out appropriate stack elements */
if ( base < BINARY ) {
x = 0.0;
if ( base == COMPLEX ) y = 0.0;
DisplayFloatXY(); }
else {
ix = 0;
DisplayIntXY(); }
if ( entry_in_progress ) {
entry_in_progress = FALSE;
PushX(); }
Move( rp, start_display[ base ], 59 );
Text( rp, " ", display_length[ base ] );
Move( rp, start_display[ base ], 59 );
Text( rp, " STO _ ", 9 );
if ( base < BINARY ) {
registers[reg] = x;
DisplayFloatXY(); }
else {
iregisters[reg] = ix;
DisplayIntXY(); }
if ( entry_in_progress ) {
entry_in_progress = FALSE;
PushX(); }
Move( rp, start_display[ base ], 59 );
Text( rp, " ", display_length[ base ] );
Move( rp, start_display[ base ], 59 );
Text( rp, " RCL _ ", 9 );
if ( base < BINARY ) {
t = z;
z = y;
y = x;
x = registers[reg];
DisplayFloatXY(); }
else {
it = iz;
iz = iy;
iy = ix;
ix = iregisters[reg];
DisplayIntXY(); }
int k;
WaitPort( hp_window -> UserPort );
if ( GadgetPoked() ) {
CloseWindow( hp_window );
CloseScreen( hp_screen );
if ( print_on ) {
fputs("\33#1", printer ); /* restore default setting */
fclose( printer ); }
exit(); }
if ( message -> Code != SELECTDOWN ) goto Sleep;
regcode = KeyCode();
if ( (regcode > 18) && (regcode < 49) ) goto Sleep;
if ( regcode > 49) goto Sleep;
if ( (regcode == 0) || (regcode == 4) ||
(regcode == 8) || (regcode == 12 )) goto Sleep;
Move( rp, start_display[ base ] + 39, 59 );
Text( rp, opcode[ regcode ], 5 );
for ( k = 1; k < 7000; k++) xmin = 5;
if ( regcode == 1 ) reg = 7;
if ( regcode == 2 ) reg = 8;
if ( regcode == 3 ) reg = 9;
if ( regcode == 5 ) reg = 4;
if ( regcode == 6 ) reg = 5;
if ( regcode == 7 ) reg = 6;
if ( regcode == 9 ) reg = 1;
if ( regcode == 10 ) reg = 2;
if ( regcode == 11 ) reg = 3;
if ( (regcode > 12) && (regcode <19) ) reg = regcode - 3;
if ( regcode == 49 ) reg = 0;
double t_float;
int t_int;
if ( inkey < 56 ) return(0);
/* RCLz */
if ( inkey == 56 ) { it = iz;
iz = iy;
iy = ix;
ix = it; /* was iz a moment ago */
t = z;
z = y;
y = x;
x = t; }
/* RCLt */
if ( inkey == 57 ) { t_int = it;
it = iz;
iz = iy;
iy = ix;
ix = t_int;
t_float = t;
t = z;
z = y;
y = x;
x = t_float; }
/* LastX */
if ( inkey == 58 ) {
tempbase = base;
base = lastbase;
base = tempbase; }
/* x <> y */
if ( inkey == 59 ) { t_int = ix;
ix = iy;
iy = t_int;
t_float = x;
x = y;
y = t_float; }
if ( (inkey == 60) && ( entry_in_progress == FALSE ) ) {
x = y;
y = z;
z = t;
t = 0.0;
ix = iy;
iy = iz;
iz = it;
it = 0; }