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522 lines
* Symbol tables, and keymap setup.
* The terminal specific parts of building the
* keymap has been moved to a better place.
#include "def.h"
#ifdef HASH
Since you're seeing this, you must have defined HASH to try and get the
hashing code back. You're getting an error because I (mwm@ucbvax) want you
to read this.
With the change in function completion, there is at least one linear search
through the function list for every hash lookup (ignoring the startup code).
Given that there are probably actually MANY more linear searches for
completion than fullname lookups, some structure other than a hash table is
better suited to this purpose. I suggest trying sorting the lists for more
speed, then going to a binary search tree, and finally going to a trie.
#endif HASH
* Defined here so to collect the #ifdef MEYN config stuff in one file
* If you set either MINDENT or MFILL, then you need to change the bindings
* in this file to match: KCTRL|'M' -> newline-and-indent and KCTRL|'J' ->
* insert-newline for MINDENT, and ' ' -> insert-with-wrap for MFILL.
* MEYN is used for compile-time customization of the system for micros.
#ifndef MEYN
int mode = 0; /* All modes off */
int mode = MBSMAP|MINDENT;
* Defined by "main.c".
extern int ctrlg(); /* Abort out of things */
extern int quit(); /* Quit */
extern int ctlxlp(); /* Begin macro */
extern int ctlxrp(); /* End macro */
extern int ctlxe(); /* Execute macro */
extern int showversion(); /* Show version numbers, etc. */
* Defined by "rexx.c".
extern int rexxcommand(); /* Issue REXX command */
extern int publishline(); /* Publish mark line */
extern int windowfront();
extern int windowback();
* Defined by "kdbmac.c".
extern int bindmacrotokey(); /* bind a macro to a key */
* Defined by "search.c".
extern int forwsearch(); /* Search forward */
extern int backsearch(); /* Search backwards */
extern int searchagain(); /* Repeat last search command */
extern int forwisearch(); /* Incremental search forward */
extern int backisearch(); /* Incremental search backwards */
extern int queryrepl(); /* Query replace */
* Defined by "basic.c".
extern int gotobol(); /* Move to start of line */
extern int backchar(); /* Move backward by characters */
extern int gotoeol(); /* Move to end of line */
extern int forwchar(); /* Move forward by characters */
extern int gotobob(); /* Move to start of buffer */
extern int gotoeob(); /* Move to end of buffer */
extern int forwline(); /* Move forward by lines */
extern int backline(); /* Move backward by lines */
extern int forwpage(); /* Move forward by pages */
extern int backpage(); /* Move backward by pages */
extern int pagenext(); /* Page forward next window */
extern int setmark(); /* Set mark */
extern int swapmark(); /* Swap "." and mark */
extern int gotoline(); /* Go to a specified line. */
* Defined by "buffer.c".
extern int listbuffers(); /* Display list of buffers */
extern int usebuffer(); /* Switch a window to a buffer */
extern int poptobuffer(); /* Other window to a buffer */
extern int killbuffer(); /* Make a buffer go away. */
extern int savebuffers(); /* Save unmodified buffers */
extern int bufferinsert(); /* Insert buffer into another */
extern int notmodified(); /* Reset modification flag */
#ifdef DIRLIST
* Defined by "dirlist.c".
extern int dirlist(); /* Directory list. */
* Defined by "file.c".
extern int filevisit(); /* Get a file, read write */
extern int poptofile(); /* Get a file, other window */
extern int filewrite(); /* Write a file */
extern int filesave(); /* Save current file */
extern int fileinsert(); /* Insert file into buffer */
#ifdef BACKUP
extern int makebkfile(); /* Control backups on saves */
* Defined by "match.c"
extern int blinkparen(); /* Fake blink-matching-paren var */
extern int showmatch(); /* Hack to show matching paren */
* Defined by "random.c".
extern int selfinsert(); /* Insert character */
extern int showcpos(); /* Show the cursor position */
extern int twiddle(); /* Twiddle characters */
extern int quote(); /* Insert literal */
extern int openline(); /* Open up a blank line */
extern int newline(); /* Insert CR-LF */
extern int deblank(); /* Delete blank lines */
extern int justone(); /* Delete extra whitespace */
extern int delwhite(); /* Delete all whitespace */
extern int indent(); /* Insert CR-LF, then indent */
extern int forwdel(); /* Forward delete */
extern int backdel(); /* Backward delete in */
extern int killline(); /* Kill forward */
extern int yank(); /* Yank back from killbuffer. */
extern int bsmapmode(); /* set bsmap mode */
extern int flowmode(); /* set flow mode */
extern int indentmode(); /* set auto-indent mode */
extern int fillmode(); /* set word-wrap mode */
* Defined by "region.c".
extern int killregion(); /* Kill region. */
extern int copyregion(); /* Copy region to kill buffer. */
extern int lowerregion(); /* Lower case region. */
extern int upperregion(); /* Upper case region. */
extern int prefixregion(); /* Prefix all lines in region */
extern int setprefix(); /* Set line prefix string */
* Defined by "spawn.c".
extern int spawncli(); /* Run CLI in a subjob. */
#ifdef VMS
extern int attachtoparent(); /* Attach to parent process */
* Defined by "window.c".
extern int reposition(); /* Reposition window */
extern int refresh(); /* Refresh the screen */
extern int nextwind(); /* Move to the next window */
extern int prevwind(); /* Move to the previous window */
extern int onlywind(); /* Make current window only one */
extern int splitwind(); /* Split current window */
extern int delwind(); /* Delete current window */
extern int enlargewind(); /* Enlarge display window. */
extern int shrinkwind(); /* Shrink window. */
* Defined by "word.c".
extern int backword(); /* Backup by words */
extern int forwword(); /* Advance by words */
extern int upperword(); /* Upper case word. */
extern int lowerword(); /* Lower case word. */
extern int capword(); /* Initial capitalize word. */
extern int delfword(); /* Delete forward word. */
extern int delbword(); /* Delete backward word. */
* Defined by "extend.c".
extern int extend(); /* Extended commands. */
extern int desckey(); /* Help key. */
extern int bindtokey(); /* Modify key bindings. */
extern int unsetkey(); /* Unbind a key. */
extern int wallchart(); /* Make wall chart. */
#ifdef STARTUP
extern int evalexpr(); /* Extended commands (again) */
extern int evalbuffer(); /* Evaluate current buffer */
extern int evalfile(); /* Evaluate a file */
* defined by "paragraph.c" - the paragraph justification code.
extern int gotobop(); /* Move to start of paragraph. */
extern int gotoeop(); /* Move to end of paragraph. */
extern int fillpara(); /* Justify a paragraph. */
extern int killpara(); /* Delete a paragraph. */
extern int setfillcol(); /* Set fill column for justify. */
extern int fillword(); /* Insert char with word wrap. */
* defined by prefix.c
extern int help(); /* Parse help key. */
extern int ctlx4hack(); /* Parse a pop-to key. */
typedef struct {
KEY k_key; /* Key to bind. */
int (*k_funcp)(); /* Function. */
char *k_name; /* Function name string. */
* Default key binding table. This contains
* the function names, the symbol table name, and (possibly)
* a key binding for the builtin functions. There are no
* bindings for C-U or C-X. These are done with special
* code, but should be done normally.
KEYTAB key[] = {
#ifdef MEYN /* Add meyer's peculiar bindings */
KCTRL|'J', newline, "insert-newline",
KCTRL|'M', indent, "newline-and-indent",
KCTLX|'N', nextwind, "next-window",
KCTLX|'P', prevwind, "previous-window",
KMETA|KCTRL|'C',quit, "save-buffers-kill-emacs",
KMETA|KCTRL|'L',refresh, "redraw-display",
KMETA|'G', gotoline, "goto-line",
KMETA|'J', fillpara, "fill-paragraph",
KMETA|'Q', queryrepl, "query-replace",
KCTRL|'@', setmark, "set-mark-command",
KCTRL|'A', gotobol, "beginning-of-line",
KCTRL|'B', backchar, "backward-char",
KCTRL|'D', forwdel, "delete-char",
KCTRL|'E', gotoeol, "end-of-line",
KCTRL|'F', forwchar, "forward-char",
KCTRL|'G', ctrlg, "keyboard-quit",
KCTRL|'H', help, "help",
KCTRL|'I', selfinsert, "self-insert-command",
#ifndef MEYN
KCTRL|'J', indent, "newline-and-indent",
KCTRL|'L', reposition, "recenter",
KCTRL|'K', killline, "kill-line",
#ifndef MEYN
KCTRL|'M', newline, "insert-newline",
KCTRL|'N', forwline, "next-line",
KCTRL|'O', openline, "open-line",
KCTRL|'P', backline, "previous-line",
KCTRL|'Q', quote, "quoted-insert",
KCTRL|'R', backisearch, "isearch-backward",
KCTRL|'S', forwisearch, "isearch-forward",
KCTRL|'T', twiddle, "transpose-chars",
KCTRL|'V', forwpage, "scroll-up",
KCTRL|'W', killregion, "kill-region",
KCTRL|'Y', yank, "yank",
#ifdef VMS
KCTRL|'Z', attachtoparent, "suspend-emacs",
KCTRL|'Z', spawncli, "suspend-emacs",
KCTLX|KCTRL|'B',listbuffers, "list-buffers",
#ifndef MEYN
KCTLX|KCTRL|'C',quit, "save-buffers-kill-emacs",
#ifdef DIRLIST
KCTLX|KCTRL|'D',dirlist, "display-directory",
KCTLX|KCTRL|'F',filevisit, "find-file",
KCTLX|KCTRL|'L',lowerregion, "downcase-region",
KCTLX|KCTRL|'O',deblank, "delete-blank-lines",
KCTLX|KCTRL|'S',filesave, "save-buffer",
KCTLX|KCTRL|'U',upperregion, "upcase-region",
KCTLX|KCTRL|'W',filewrite, "write-file",
KCTLX|KCTRL|'X',swapmark, "exchange-point-and-mark",
KCTLX|'=', showcpos, "what-cursor-position",
KCTLX|'(', ctlxlp, "start-kbd-macro",
KCTLX|')', ctlxrp, "end-kbd-macro",
KCTLX|'^', enlargewind, "enlarge-window",
KCTLX|'0', delwind, "delete-window",
KCTLX|'1', onlywind, "delete-other-windows",
KCTLX|'2', splitwind, "split-window-vertically",
KCTLX|'4', ctlx4hack, "ctrlx-four-hack",
KCTLX|'B', usebuffer, "switch-to-buffer",
KCTLX|'E', ctlxe, "call-last-kbd-macro",
KCTLX|'F', setfillcol, "set-fill-column",
KCTLX|'I', fileinsert, "insert-file",
KCTLX|'K', killbuffer, "kill-buffer",
KCTLX|'S', savebuffers, "save-some-buffers",
#ifndef MEYN
KCTLX|'O', nextwind, "next-window",
KMETA|'%', queryrepl, "query-replace",
KMETA|KCTRL|'V',pagenext, "scroll-other-window",
KMETA|'>', gotoeob, "end-of-buffer",
KMETA|'<', gotobob, "beginning-of-buffer",
KMETA|'[', gotobop, "backward-paragraph",
KMETA|'\\', delwhite, "delete-horizontal-space",
KMETA|']', gotoeop, "forward-paragraph",
KMETA|' ', justone, "just-one-space",
KMETA|'B', backword, "backward-word",
KMETA|'C', capword, "capitalize-word",
KMETA|'D', delfword, "kill-word",
KMETA|'F', forwword, "forward-word",
KMETA|'L', lowerword, "downcase-word",
#ifndef MEYN
KMETA|'Q', fillpara, "fill-paragraph",
KMETA|'R', backsearch, "search-backward",
KMETA|'S', forwsearch, "search-forward",
KMETA|'U', upperword, "upcase-word",
KMETA|'V', backpage, "scroll-down",
KMETA|'W', copyregion, "copy-region-as-kill",
KMETA|'X', extend, "execute-extended-command",
KMETA|'~', notmodified, "not-modified",
#ifndef MEYN
-1, prevwind, "previous-window",
-1, refresh, "redraw-display",
-1, gotoline, "goto-line",
#ifdef STARTUP
-1, evalexpr, "eval-expression",
-1, evalbuffer, "eval-current-buffer",
-1, evalfile, "load",
-1, bsmapmode, "bsmap-mode",
-1, flowmode, "flow-mode",
-1, indentmode, "auto-indent-mode",
-1, fillmode, "auto-fill-mode",
-1, fillword, "insert-with-wrap",
-1, shrinkwind, "shrink-window",
-1, searchagain, "search-again",
-1, unsetkey, "global-unset-key",
-1, bindtokey, "global-set-key",
-1, bindmacrotokey, "global-set-key-macro",
-1, killpara, "kill-paragraph",
-1, showversion, "emacs-version",
-1, blinkparen, "blink-matching-paren",
-1, showmatch, "blink-matching-paren-hack",
-1, bufferinsert, "insert-buffer",
-1, rexxcommand, "rexx",
-1, publishline, "post-line",
-1, windowfront, "window-to-front",
-1, windowback, "window-to-back",
#ifdef VMS
-1, spawncli, "push-to-dcl",
-1, prefixregion, "prefix-region",
-1, setprefix, "set-prefix-string",
#ifdef BACKUP
-1, makebkfile, "make-backup-files",
/* You can actually get to these with keystrokes. See prefix.c */
-1, poptobuffer, "switch-to-buffer-other-window",
-1, poptofile, "find-file-other-window",
-1, desckey, "describe-key-briefly",
-1, wallchart, "describe-bindings",
#define NKEY (sizeof(key) / sizeof(key[0]))
* Just some definitions, to keep ANSI compilers happy.
VOID keymapinit();
VOID keyadd();
VOID keydup();
* Symbol table lookup.
* Return a pointer to the SYMBOL node, or NULL if
* the symbol is not found.
symlookup(cp) register char *cp; {
register SYMBOL *sp;
#ifdef HASH
sp = symbol[symhash(cp)];
sp = symbol[0];
while (sp != NULL) {
if (strcmp(cp, sp->s_name) == 0)
return (sp);
#ifdef HASH
if ((sp->s_flags&SFEND) != 0) break;
sp = sp->s_symp;
return (NULL);
#ifdef HASH
* Take a string, and compute the symbol table
* bucket number. This is done by adding all of the characters
* together, and taking the sum mod NSHASH. The string probably
* should not contain any GR characters; if it does the "*cp"
* may get a nagative number on some machines, and the "%"
* will return a negative number!
symhash(cp) register char *cp; {
register int c;
register int n;
n = 0;
while ((c = *cp++) != 0)
n += c;
return (n % NSHASH);
* Build initial keymap. The funny keys
* (commands, odd control characters) are mapped using
* a big table and calls to "keyadd". The printing characters
* are done with some do-it-yourself handwaving. The terminal
* specific keymap initialization code is called at the
* very end to finish up. All errors are fatal.
keymapinit() {
register SYMBOL *sp;
register KEYTAB *kp;
register int i;
for (i=0; i<NKEYS; ++i)
binding[i] = NULL;
for (kp = &key[0]; kp < &key[NKEY]; ++kp)
keyadd(kp->k_key, kp->k_funcp, kp->k_name);
keydup((KEY) (KCTLX|KCTRL|'G'), "keyboard-quit");
keydup((KEY) (KMETA|KCTRL|'G'), "keyboard-quit");
keyadd((KEY) (KMETA|0x7F), delbword,
keyadd((KEY) 0x7F, backdel, "backward-delete-char");
* add duplicates (GNU-stuff)
keydup((KEY) (KCTLX|KCTRL|'Z'), "suspend-emacs");
* Should be bound by "tab" already.
if ((sp=symlookup("self-insert-command")) == NULL)
panic("no self-insert-command in keymapinit");
for (i=0x20; i<0x7F; ++i) {
if (binding[i] != NULL)
panic("nonull binding in keymapinit");
binding[i] = sp;
#ifdef HASH
/* Link up the symbol table entries */
for (sp = symbol[i = 0]; i < NSHASH-1; sp = sp->s_symp)
if (sp->s_symp == NULL) sp->s_symp = symbol[++i];
* Create a new builtin function "name"
* with function "funcp". If the "new" is a real
* key, bind it as a side effect. All errors
* are fatal.
keyadd(new, funcp, name) register KEY new; int (*funcp)(); char *name; {
register SYMBOL *sp;
#ifdef HASH
register int hash;
if ((sp=(SYMBOL *)malloc(sizeof(SYMBOL))) == NULL)
panic("No memory");
#ifdef HASH
hash = symhash(name);
if (symbol[hash] == NULL) sp->s_flags |= SFEND;
sp->s_symp = symbol[hash];
symbol[hash] = sp;
sp->s_symp = symbol[0];
symbol[0] = sp;
sp->s_name = name;
sp->s_funcp = funcp;
if (new >= 0) { /* Bind this key. */
if (binding[new] != NULL)
panic("rebinding old symbol");
binding[new] = sp;
* Bind key "new" to the existing
* routine "name". If the name cannot be found,
* or the key is already bound, abort.
keydup(new, name) register KEY new; char *name; {
register SYMBOL *sp;
if (binding[new]!=NULL || (sp=symlookup(name))==NULL) {
fprintf (stderr, "keydup: binding[%d] = %x",
new, binding[new]);
fprintf (stderr, " and symlookup(%s) == %x\n", name, sp);
binding[new] = sp;