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Technical Note #7
How to deal with large stack needs
$ 7/4 How to deal with large stack needs
^ Special note: This replaces tech note #4. Please delete #4.
$ release
$ 11-Jan-87 Bryce Nesbitt / TVD
$ stack size, Workbench, CLI, process, startups, SetStack(), 68000
This note is all about what to do if there is a chance your program
might require more than 4000 bytes of stack.
If your program needs more than the 4000 byte default stack, it has
some work to do. It will need to check if the stack it is running on.
If the stack is too small it must take one of two actions:
1. Abort with an error requester.
2. Allocate enough space and use SetStack() to point to it. Source
for SetStack() is included.
If there is any chance at all that user input may cause your
program to use more stack than normal, it is vital that you leave the
stack checking option of your compiler enabled. Recursive functions
are particularly notorious stack blowers.
When stared from the Workbench tool, your stack size might have
come from one of three places:
1. The stack field of any random Project icon.
2. The stack field in your Tool's icon.
3. The Workbench's default stack size.
The icon that started you tool decides the stack size. If the
stack field of that icon is blank, then the default of ~4000 bytes is
If the user sets the stack size to an odd number then the Workbench
tool will crash, so don't worry about that situation.
When your code is started up it does NOT get a new process
invocation; as "CLI 3" your code is literally the same process that
runs CLI task 3. This is the reason for the warnings about restoring
the environment back just the way it was before launch.
When the CLI starts a program it does create one thing anew; the
stack. This is not the same stack the CLI itself uses. The size of
this stack is *not* recorded in the normal "task" structure. It must
be extracted from the top of the running stack. See the examples.
----------------------------- C EXAMPLE ------------------------------------
#include "libraries/dosextens.h"
char *malloc();
struct Process *FindTask();
void main()
ULONG stacksize;
struct Process *Process;
char *mem;
/* The stack size is the long pointed to by pr_ReturnAddr */
stacksize=*((ULONG *)Process->pr_ReturnAddr);
printf("Stack size is %ld\n",stacksize);
if (!( mem=malloc(8192) ))
stacksize=*((ULONG *)Process->pr_ReturnAddr);
printf("Stack size is %ld\n",stacksize);
; SetStack -- use a different process stack
; V1.0 Tuesday 19-Jan-88 04:14:15 By Bryce Nesbitt
; SetStack(newstack,size)
; a1 d0
; char *newstack;
; long size;
; This function points the current process' stack to a new memory
; location. The active part of the old stack is duplicated, so no
; context is lost. SetStack() also tickles the proper fields in the task
; structure to tell the system about the change. At this time it does
; not deallocate the old stack.
; Typically this is used by a process that needs a larger stack than it
; might have been started with. The stack size can be found with:
; #include "libraries/dosextens.h"
; ...
; stack=*(ULONG *)( ((struct Process *)FindTask(0L))->pr_ReturnAddr );
; Or in English, the long word at the address pointed to by pr_ReturnAddr.
; A future revision of exec may do stack blowout checking every time a
; process/task is switched out. This protective feature will not be
; available to programs that use funky methods of swapping stacks.
; This only works for processes, tasks are not eligible.
; Don't skimp on stack... you'll get burned. Any call to the dos.library,
; for example, takes just under 1600 bytes *minimum*.
; newstack - Pointer to memory block for stack. Must be longword aligned.
; size - The size of the block. Must be an even multiple of 4 bytes.
; AddTask()
newtop equr a0 ;Bind names to registers
newbottom equr a1 ;Search & replace to assemble
retaddr equr a2 ;Under Lattice V4.0
temp1 equr a3
temp2 equr a4
newsize equr d0
oldsize equr d1
oldtop equr d2
;V1.0 Tuesday 19-Jan-88 04:14:15 (C)1988 Bryce Nesbitt
;1712 Marin Ave. Berkeley, Ca 94707-2206 415-524-2110
;ucbvax!hoser!bryce -or- bryce@hoser.berkeley.EDU
;Structure of stack:
; -------
; -4 size
; -8 finalRTS
; ...
; -size blowoutdata ;For checking stack blowouts
XDEF _SetStack
XDEF SetStack
_SetStack move.l 4(a7),a1
move.l 8(a7),d0
SetStack movem.l d2/a2-a4/a6,-(a7)
move.l newsize,newtop
adda.l newbottom,newtop ;newbottom+size=newtop
move.l 4,a6 ;exec library
move.l $114(a6),temp1 ;Internal "magic";FindTask(0L);
lea.l $b0(temp1),retaddr ;&pr_ReturnAddr
move.l (retaddr),temp1 ;Get pr_ReturnAddr
move.l (temp1)+,oldsize ;Get old stack size. temp1+...
move.l temp1,oldtop ;...now points to old stack top
move.l newtop,temp2
copystack move.w -(temp1),-(temp2)
cmp.l temp1,a7
bne.s copystack
move.l newsize,-4(newtop) ;Set new stack size value
move.l oldtop,temp1
sub.l oldsize,temp1
move.l (temp1),(newbottom) ;Copy bottom long
addq.b #1,$127(a6) ;Internal "magic"
move.l newtop,(retaddr)
subq.l #4,(retaddr) ;pr_ReturnAddr is 4 under top...
sub.l a7,oldtop ;Get old stack offset
sub.l oldtop,newtop ;index into new stack
move.l newtop,a7
jsr -$138(a6) ;Public Permit();
movem.l (a7)+,d2/a2-a4/a6
-------------UUENCODED OBJECT FILE (See Fish #53 for decoder)----------------
begin 644 SetStack.o
size 140
;------------------ ASSEMBLY STARTUP MODULE W/STACK CHECK ------------------
; 25-Jan-87 Bryce Nesbitt
; A complete startup module for assembly language programs. Works from
; Workbench or CLI.
INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
INCLUDE "libraries/dosextens.i"
jsrlib MACRO
xref _LVO\1
jsr _LVO\1(a6)
; On startup (A7) contains a return address,
; 4(A7) contains the size of the stack in bytes
move.l 4(a7),d7 ;--Get CLI stack size--
move.l 4,a6 ;Get exec library pointer
suba.l a1,a1 ;Put zero in A1
jsrlib FindTask ;Find this task
move.l d0,a5
moveq #0,d0 ;Set zero for later
move.l pr_CLI(a5),d1 ;Check CLI/Workbench flag
bne.s fromCLI
move.l pr_StackSize(a5),d6 ;--Get Workbench stack size--
lea.l pr_MsgPort(a5),a0 ;Wait for the message
jsrlib WaitPort ; the Workbench will send
lea.l pr_MsgPort(a5),a0
jsrlib GetMsg
fromCLI move.l d0,-(a7) ;Save the message, or zero
****************************************** A5-This task D7-Stack size
;...your code here...
****************************************** D7-MUST contain result code
ExitToDOS: move.l (a7)+,d2
beq.s notWorkbench
jsrlib Forbid ;Required so we won't be unloaded by
move.l d2,a1 ; the Workbench too soon.
jsrlib ReplyMsg ;Reply to the Workbench message
notWorkbench move.l d7,d0 ;Return result code:
rts ; 0 = ok 10 = error
END ; 5 = warning 20 = severe failure