Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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149 lines
(* *)
(* The global constants and variables defined in this module are optional: *)
(* if you don't want to access their features, you needn't import them into *)
(* your program. The variables in the parameter lists of the procedures are *)
(* the only variables you are required to supply. *)
(* When describing the order in which certain routines are called, I have *)
(* adopted the curly-bracket notation of EBNF: routines in curly brackets {} *)
(* may be called an arbitrary number of times (0 to n). A, {B}, {C, {D}} thus *)
(* implies that A is called once, followed by an arbitrary number of calls to *)
(* to B, followed by an arbitrary number of calls to C. Each of the calls to *)
(* C may be followed by an arbitrary number of calls to D. Likewise, {{C},{D}}*)
(* implies an arbitrary number of calls to C and D in any order. *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* Version 1.00a.002 (Beta) : March 2, 1988 *)
(* *)
(* These procedures were originally written under version 1.20 of the TDI *)
(* Modula-2 compiler. I have rewritten this module to operate under the v2.00 *)
(* compiler. However, should you find any problem or inconsistency with the *)
(* functionality of this code, please contact me at the following address: *)
(* *)
(* Jerry Mack *)
(* 23 Prospect Hill Ave. *)
(* Waltham, MA 02154 *)
(* *)
(* Check the module MenuUtils for TDI's (considerably less powerful) ver- *)
(* sions of my Menu and IntuitionText procedures. The modules GadgetUtils and *)
(* EasyGadgets should also be of great help. *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* The source code to WindowTools is in the public domain. You may do with *)
(* it as you please. *)
(* *)
FROM GraphicsBase IMPORT GfxBasePtr;
FROM GraphicsLibrary IMPORT BitMapPtr;
FROM Intuition IMPORT ScreenPtr, ScreenFlagSet, WindowPtr, WindowFlagSet,
IDCMPFlagSet, IntuitionBasePtr;
FROM Strings IMPORT String;
FROM Views IMPORT ModeSet;
NoTitle = 0C; (* no title for screen and/or window *)
ViewFeatures : ModeSet; (* ViewPort type and capabilities *)
ScreenBitMap : BitMapPtr; (* custom Screen bitmap, if desired *)
ScreenFeatures : ScreenFlagSet; (* Screen type and capabilities *)
TextPen : INTEGER; (* color of text drawn in Screen *)
FillPen : INTEGER; (* color of background in Screen *)
MinWindowWide : INTEGER; (* minimum width of next Window *)
MaxWindowWide : INTEGER; (* maximum width of next Window *)
MinWindowHigh : INTEGER; (* minimum height of next Window *)
MaxWindowHigh : INTEGER; (* maximum height of next Windwo *)
WindowBitMap : BitMapPtr; (* custom Window bitmap, if desired *)
WindowFeatures : WindowFlagSet; (* Window type and capabilities *)
IDCMPFeatures : IDCMPFlagSet; (* types of Intuition messages wanted*)
UserIntuiBase : IntuitionBasePtr;(* address of IntuitionBase *)
UserGraphBase : GfxBasePtr; (* address of GraphicsBase *)
PROCEDURE OpenGraphics () : BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE CreateScreen (Left, Top, Wide, High : INTEGER; (* Input *)
Bitplanes : INTEGER; (* Input *)
VAR ScreenTitle : String) : ScreenPtr;
PROCEDURE CreateWindow (Left, Top, Wide, High : INTEGER; (* Input *)
VAR WindowTitle : String; (* Input *)
UserScreen : ScreenPtr) : WindowPtr;
PROCEDURE CloseGraphics ();
(* Variables reset in PROCEDURE OpenGraphics (): *)
(* TextPen = 0 MinWindowWide = 30 MinWindowHigh = 20 ScreenBitMap = NULL *)
(* FillPen = 1 MaxWindowWide = 0 MaxWindowHigh = 0 WindowBitMap = NULL *)
(* ViewFeatures = Empty *)
(* ScreenFeatures = CustomScreen *)
(* IDCMPFeatures = MenuPick, CloseWindowFlag, NewSize, GadgetUp *)
(* WindowFeatures = SmartRefresh, WindowSizing, WindowDrag, WindowDepth, *)
(* Activate, ReportMouseFlag *)
(* OpenGraphics may return a value of FALSE if either the IntuitionLibrary *)
(* or the GraphicsLibrary could not be opened. Whichever of UserIntuiBase or *)
(* UserGraphBase = NULL is the library which could not be opened. You needn't*)
(* call CloseGraphics in such a case. *)
(* Both CreateScreen and CreateWindow do extensive checking to ensure that *)
(* you don't exceed the performance limits of the Amiga. (I am FED UP with *)
(* crashes!!) If you find any combination which doesn't work properly, I *)
(* would appreciate your dropping me a line describing the invocation. Also, *)
(* Left and Top are measured from the upper-left corner of the display in *)
(* CreateScreen, whereas in CreateWindow they are measured from the upper- *)
(* left corner of the Screen in which the Window will appear. *)
(* If UserScreen = NULL, then the Window will open in the WorkBench Screen; *)
(* otherwise, it will open in the UserScreen. *)
(* ScreenBitMap and WindowBitMap are pointers to custom bitmaps. Unless you *)
(* want to manage your own bitmaps, you should leave these alone (= NULL). *)
(* TextPen and FillPen are chosen from the color palette; the number of pens *)
(* available = 2**bitplanes { or 2^bitplanes }. Any pen choice outside of *)
(* this range results in choice wraparound, which I assume is done by ignor- *)
(* ing illegal higher-order bits. *)
(* ViewFeatures determines the type of ViewPort in which you wish your Screen*)
(* to be rendered. Setting this to the appropriate value allows you to obtain*)
(* high-resolution, interlaced, HAM, ExtraHalfBright, etc. ViewPorts. *)
(* ScreenFeatures determines how the Screen will appear in the display and *)
(* whether or not the new Screen will be a CustomScreen. *)
(* WindowFeatures determines how the Window will appear in the display,what *)
(* type of Gadgets you wish attached to it and how it will be refreshed. *)
(* MinWindowWide, MaxWindowWide, MinWindowHigh and MaxWindowHigh are only of *)
(* use if the Window has a sizing gadget: INCL(WindowFeatures, WindowSizing).*)
(* If any of these is set to 0, then the limit of that dimension will be the *)
(* current dimension of the Window. *)
(* IDCMPFeatures determines which messages your Window will receive from In- *)
(* tuition. If your program isn't responding to certain gadgets or events, *)
(* check that you have included the proper notification flags here. *)
(* CloseGraphics should not be called until you close ALL the Windows and *)
(* Screens opened with the above procedures. Otherwise... *)
(* If you want to open Windows and/or Screens without using these procedures,*)
(* you should assign IntuitionBase and GraphicsBase to UserIntuiBase and *)
(* UserGraphBase, resp. This allows you to use the libraries opened in the *)
(* procedure OpenGraphics as opposed to opening your own versions of these *)
(* libraries. *)
(* The order in which these procedures is called is as follows: OpenGraphics,*)
(* {{CreateScreen}, {CreateWindow}}, CloseGraphics. *)
END WindowTools.