Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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r:This is the Manual for PILOT for the Amiga
t: Introduction to PILOT for the Amiga
: PILOT is a language or authoring system used to
:Develop Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI). The name
:PILOT is derived from the words
: #3P#1rogrammed #3I#1nquiry #3L#1earning #3O#1r #3T#1eaching.
: PILOT was developed in the early 1970's by researchers
:at San Francisco Medical University and developed into
:a somewhat standardized version at Western Washington
:University. The Apple II and the IBM PC computers both
:have implementations of PILOT that start on the base of
:common PILOT.
: The PILOT language uses a small number of commands
:along with modifiers and conditioners to operate a lesson.
:A basic set of nine commands provides most of the work
:required to conduct a lesson. Depending on the implemen-
:tation, added commands are added to give more capacity to
:the language.
th: Press return for next page
: Pilot has been used in the field of Interactive Video.
:In an interactive video application, input from a touch
:panel and integrated control of a laser disk video player
:is frequently used.
: The commerical version includes limited support for
:these devices using RS-232 serial port-controlled units.
:Version 1.0 supports the Sony PVM-1911 touchscreen monitor
:and the Pioneer LD-V4200 laser disk player. Customized
:support of other units may be obtained by contacting
:Flight Training Devices-Alaska.
t:Press return for next page
t:$a$ Chapter Index
: 1. How PILOT Operates
: 2. Labels
: 3. Type Instruction
: 4. Dimension
: 5. Compute
: 6. Accept
: 7. Match
: 8. Problem
: 9. Jump
: 10. Use
: 11. End
: 12. eXecute Indirect
: 13. Remark
: 14. Execution Time Commands
: 15. Pilot Details (Functions, etc,.)
: 16. Quit this manual
th: Enter number of your choice:
u(choice = 1):operate
u(choice = 2):labels
u(choice = 3):type
u(choice = 4):dim
u(choice = 5):compute
u(choice = 6):acpt
u(choice = 7):match
u(choice = 8):pr
u(choice = 9):jump
u(choice = 10):use
u(choice = 11):end
u(choice = 12):xi
u(choice = 13):rem
u(choice = 14):etc
u(choice = 15):details
r: insert here
e(choice = 16):
: How PILOT Operates
: To use a PILOT program, a text-file is created using a
:text editor with each line containing a valid pilot statement.
:The file must end in ".pil". The following sample shows a
:valid PILOT program:
: Name of file Sample1.pil
: r: Sample1
: t: Hello World.
: e:
t:Press return for next page
:This program will open the pilot screen, print "Hello World"
:and then shut down.
: To test various Pilot commands, the program named
:CON: 20/20/300/120/test can be used. A console device window
:is opened on the Workbench screen and may be used by sliding
:the PILOT Screen down.
: From the CLI, PILOT is run by the command: PILOT [-d]
:name where the PILOT file is name.pil and the -d option outputs
:debugging information such as symbol tables, label lists and
:error messages.
: From the Workbench, double clicking on a PILOT file icon
:will operate the program.
t:Press return for next page
:PILOT Statements:
:A PILOT statement consists of a label, a space and an
:instruction on one line. Not all three are required so the
:following are valid PILOT statements:
: label space instruction
: label
: instruction
t:Press return for next page
: Submenu: Pilot Operation
: 1. Op-codes
: 2. Modifiers
: 3. Conditioners
: (Y, N, C, relational, E, answer-counter)
: 4. Colon
: 5. Object
: 6. PILOT Window
: 7. Main Menu
th: Press Number for choice!
u(subchoice = 1):opcode
u(subchoice = 2):modifier
u(subchoice = 3):conditional
u(subchoice = 4):colon
u(subchoice = 5):object
u(subchoice = 6):window
u(subchoice = 7):menu
:PILOT label:
: A PILOT label must have an asterisk in the first
:column followed by a letter and, optimally, followed by
:up to 29 alphanumeric characters or underscores. For
:compatability, PILOT labels should be limited to 6 alpha
:characters following the asterisk. (Version 1.0).
: Labels may not be duplicated within a lesson unless
:the Wipe-Labels option is used (see Problem instructions).
:(Version 1.0) No specific limit on the number of labels
:has been established - each label uses memory.
: example: *num_1
: A PILOT Instruction is in this format:
: op-code [modifier][conditioner]: object
t:Press return for next page
: The op-code is one of the basic pilot instructions.
:Each of these instructions are covered in a separate
:section of the manual. Grouping the op-codes by their
:functions, they are:
: Op-codes that place something on the screen:
: t: type--including th:, tx: and ts:
: g: graphic--including gx: (not included
: in Common Pilot)
t:Press return for next page
: Op-codes that compute, accept, or compare values:
: d: dimension
: c: compute
: a: accept--including ah:, as:, ap:, apx:
: and ax:.
: m: match--including mj:, ms: and ms:
: Op-codes that control flow or effect input:
: e: end
: j: jump
: p: problem--including pr:
: u: use
: x: eXecute Indirect--including xi:
: w: wait
t:Press return for menu!
: The Modifier
: The Modifier is one or two characters that appear
: immediately after the op-code. The modifier may be one
: of the letters H,J,P,S or X if the particular op-code
: does not use the modifier, it will be ignored. Otherwise
: the instruction will be modified. See the section on
: each instruction for particular modifications. Modified
: instructions are:
: th: type-hang ts: type-special (not included)
: tx: type-erase ah: accept-hang
: ap: accept-point as: accept-single
: mj: match-jump ms: match-spell
: mx: match-expression
: See each instruction for specific details
t: Press return for menu!
: The conditional is a 'yes' or 'no' operator. More
: than one conditional operator can be a part of a PILOT
: instruction. If any conditional operator is evaluated
: FALSE, the PILOT instruction is not executed and the
: next line is then read in. The conditions are:
: Yes Y last match result
: No N last match result
: Error E error flag raised by a match
: error or timeout
:Previous condition C last use of conditional
: Answer count n where 'n' is a single digit
: number or a variable containing
: a integer from '0' to 'n'.
t:Press return for next page
: (Expression) A relational or mathematical
: expression. '0' is FALSE and
: anything else is TRUE for
: mathematical expressions.
: For a detailed summary of use of conditionals,
: see the section on Conditionals.
t:Press return for menu!
: In each valid PILOT instruciton, there is a colon
: following the op code and any modifiers or conditioners.
:Continuation Colon:
: The use of a colon as the first character in a PILOT
: instruction is treated as the last type instruction. The
: instruction is executed if the last conditional evaluated
: was TRUE.
t:Press return for menu!
: The object of a PILOT instruction is the material that
: follows the colon. The format of the object varies with
: the type of op-code and ,modifier. See each instruction
: for details.
:Commands that put something on the screen
: T Type commands
: G Graphic commands
t:Press return for menu!
:Type commands:
: The Type command is divided into two major catagories.
: The basic type command including modifiers of 'TH' for
: Type-hang and 'TX' for Type- erase is the primary Type
: command. When modified with an 'S', the TS: command is
: referred to as 'Type-special'. The format of the object
: is different as is described separately below.
: Type (format) T: TH: TX: THX: :
: T [modifier][conditioner]
t:Press return for next page
: The general use of the Type command is to take the
: object and print it to the screen. The cursor starts
: where it was left last and returns to the first position
: of the next line. Thus, the statement:
: T:Hello World
: is displayed on screen as 'Hello World' and returns the
: cursor to the first position of the next line. If a
: variable is placed in a line of PILOT instructions, it
: will be expanded into the variable full value. Variables
: in a line of text must be introduced with the character
: ## (for numerical variable) or $$ (for a string variable)
: followed by the variable name and then followed by a
: space or end of line. For example, name$$ is the string
: variable equal to "Amiga".
t:Press return for next page
: T:Hello $name$, How are you!
:The screen prints:
: Hello Amiga, How are you!
:Also, number is the numeric variable equal to 10.
: T:Hello Number ## number, how are you!
t:Press return for next page
:The screen prints:
: Hello Number 10, How are you!
:In order to print the character ## or $$ on the screen,
:two of these characters must be in a row. For example:
: T:$$$$10.00 (or) ####125
:The screen prints:
: $$10.00 ##125
t:Press return for next page
: To properly use a variable, it must be assigned a
: value using the 'compute' or 'accept' instructions. A
: string variable must be dimensioned prior to assigning it
: a value using the dimension instruction.
t:Press return for menu!
:The PILOT window.
: On opening, PILOT opens a fullscreen window with a
: title bar. Normal window functions can be performed and
: the output text will be aligned inside the window. In
: this Version, there is no option to remove the title bar
: or deactivate window gadgets. That capability will be in
: the commerical version. An abort capability has been
: placed at several levels in PILOT. To interrupt a program
: you may:
: -click to activate the Workbench window and press
: Control-C on the keyboard. Then reactivate the
: PILOT window.
: -at any 'accept' statement, enter a Control-C as
: the first character in the response.
t:Press return for menu!
: Match is used to test a users input in responce
: to questions, menu options or any other data needed
: by a program. It can be used to compare a specific
: string of characters, either in a specific order or
: a string of characters contained anywhere in the line.
: It can match numerical data also. Match sets the
: condition flag to Y (true) if the match is successful
: or to N (false) if not successful. You can use special
: characters to match different types of patterns. These
: are listed below.
: Please press return for next page!
:* Use this to match any single character.
:% Use this to match a space or a start or end of an
: answer.
:& (AND) Use this to match one word and another.
:@ Use this to match specific words in a string of
: characters. These can be in any order.
:! (OR) Use this to match specific alternative patterns.
: Press return for next page!
: The flow of the program can be changed if there is no
:match by using MJ:(Jump). If negative then the program
:will jump to the next Match statement.
:MS:(Spell) This will ignore minor spelling errors.
:MX:(Exp) Numeric match. True if the expression is true.
:Some examples:
:T: What color are most fire engines?
:M:red R:( If the responce is red then the match is true)
:T: What colors are zebras?
:MJ:black&white R: (Black and White) must be in this order.
: Press Return for next page!
: You can use the ! moderator if you wanted just one color.
:T: Name one color of a zebra?
:M:black!white R:(Black OR White) either answer will be true.
: There are many ways to use Match. You can make it relaxed
:where it will accept spelling mistakes and any order of words
:or make it stringent, where only the correct answer at the
:right place will test true.
: Press Return for Menu!
: Jump allows you to change the flow of the program.
:You can jump to a different part of your program based
:on inputed data or just jump to a specific part of your
:program that you define.
:J:label This would jump to the label specified.
:J:@A Jump to the last Accept instruction.
:J:@P Jump to the next Problem instruction.
:J:@M Jump to the next Match instruction.
: Press Return for next page!
: You can make a jump conditional by using modifiers,
:relational expressions or conditioners.
:JN:@M If match is false (N) then Jump to next Match.
:JY:@P If match is true (Y) then Jump to next Problem.
:JY(B>3):GREATER If match is True and B is greater than 3
: then Jump to label called GREATER.
: Press Return to for Menu!
: The R instruction is used to make comments within
:a program. Anything after the R: is ignored. This is
:useful for putting remarks in a program for others
:to know what certain parts of the program do or to
:remind the programmer about certain things a section
:of the program does. A commented listing of a program
:is much easier to understand for those that havn't
:written the program, but may be studying it. It's
:also useful for marking the different sections of a
:program for easy location during debugging!
: Press Return for Menu!
t: Dimension
: D: variable (length)
: Dimension is used to reserve space for numeric
: arrays or string variables. String variable lengths
: must be between 1 and 255 and numeric arrays are
: limited to 1 to 255 per dimension.
: Numeric arrays are one dimensional.
: You can only dimension one variable by a D: instruc-
: tion. Any variables that require dimensions must be
: dimensioned before there use.
: i.e.
t: D: A$$(14)
: D: M(20)
: D: M2(20,10)
: Press Return for next Page!
: It's good practice to place all your di-
: mensions at the beginning of the program and
: not in a section that will be executed more
: than once, so no space is wasted by reserving
: space more than once for the same variable.
: The first subscript of a numeric array
: is 0. And the first substring position of a
: string is always 1.
: Press Return for Menu!
: C: variable = expression
: Compute is used for numeric and alphanumeric character
: manipulations. Compute may contain any of the following
: types of data and variables:
: Numeric Constants: Either decimal numbers from a list of
: 0 to 9, signed and unsigned, which can
: contain an embedded decimal point or
: floating point numbers written in E
: format, consisting of a mantissa
: (written as a decimal ##), followed by
: the letter E, a sign +(optional) or -,
: and a 1to 3 digit exponent.
: Press Return for next page!
: Numeric Variables: This is used to store a numeric value
: that can be changed by the program.
: This can be written as a single letter
: or a letter followed by a single number.
: i.e.
: A A2 C C3
: Assign the value of a numeric variable
: by setting the variable equal to an
: expression.
: i.e.
: C: A = 1234
: C: A2 = 12*34
: Press Return for next page!
: Numeric Arrays: This is used to store a one-dimensional
: array. An array is a series of elements,
: each denoted as a subscript. Each element
: of an array can store a number which can
: be set or changed by the program. All sub-
: scripts must be enclosed in parentheses
: and can be numeric constants or numeric
: variables, but cannot be a expression. The
: name of an array can be a single letter or
: a letter followed by a digit or underscore.
: i.e.
: C: A(3) = 5
: C: C(1) = 45
: No element of an array can be used until
: space for it has been reserved by the use
: of the Dim instruction.
: Press return for next page!
: Alphanumeric constants, Character string constants, or
: Literals:
: All three of the above are synonymous.
: Literals must be enclosed in quotation
: marks.
: i.e.
: "Example"
: Literals can be used to assign values to
: an alphanumeric variable or as an argu-
: ment in an alphanumeric expression.
: Press Return to next page!
: Alphanumeric Variable or Character String Variables:
: This is normally known as a string and is
: used to store a string of characters that
: can be used or changed by the program.
: String variables are recognized by a
: single letter followed by a $$ sign, or
: a letter followed by a digit and a $$ sign.
: i.e.
: A$$ B2$$
: A string variable cannot be used in a C:
: instruction until space for the string
: has been reserved by using the D: instruc-
: tion. Maximum length for the string is
: established by the D: instruction and can
: be from 1 to 255.
: Press Return for next page!
: A particular part of the string can be
: accessed by using subscripts. A string
: variable can appear in an expression with
: one or two subscripts. The 1st subscript
: is the start of the portion of the string
: you want and the 2nd subscript is the
: length of that portion.
: i.e
: C: A$$ = "A slice of life"
: C: B$$ = A$$(3,5)
: This sets B$$ = to "slice"
: C: B$$ = A$$(1)
: This would set B$$ = to "A"
: Press Return for next page!
: Subscripts can be from 1 to 255.
: Numeric variables or contants can be
: used as subscripts, but not expressions.
: Values are stored in a string from left
: to right and truncated on the right if
: the maximum string length is not large
: enough to hold the string. If the string
: is shorter than the maximum length than
: the length is the value of the string it
: holds.
: Press Return for next page!
: Pseudo Variables:
: This term is used only when a part of a
: string variable is used on the left of an
: assignment. Only the specified part of the
: string is altered. The rest of the string
: and the length stay the same.
: i.e.
: C: A$$ = "My name is Joe Shmoe"
: C: A$$(13,3) = "Sam"
: A$$(13,3) is a Pseudo Variable of length
: 3. This assigns A$$ the string "My name is
: Sam Shmoe".
: Press Return for next page!
: System Variables:
: Two system variables can be used in a Com-
: ute instruction.
: %A Current value of the A counter.
: %B Current string value in the answer
: buffer.
: Press Return for Menu!
t: USE
: The USE instruction transfers control to a
:subroutine in the same program. This is like a
:GoSub in Basic. When the program exits the sub-
:routine it continues with the command after the
:USE. The destination of the USE command can be
:any of the four destinations that Jump can use.
:1. A Label.
:2. The previous Accept instruction.
:3. The next Match instruction.
:4. A Problem instruction.
: Press Return for next page!
: USE eliminates having to constantly recode an
:often used sequence of instructions. It's not a
:recommended programming practice to use any other
:destination than a Label.
:T: This will be printed after the USE instruction is
:*ADDRESS (here we would have a routine to print an
: address)
: Press Return for Menu!
t: Accept
: A: string or number
: Accept is used to accept one line of input
: from a user. The line is saved in an internal
: buffer for use in subsequent match instructions.
: The line is automatically edited as follows.
: All leading spaces are removed.
: If the S option was set on the last PR: then
: all spaces are removed, if not all multiple spaces
: are compressed to one single space.
: Press Return for next Page!
: If the U option is set all letters are converted
: to upper case and to lower case if the L option is
: in effect. Neither will effect non-alphanumeric
: characters.
: If you want the line exactly as typed you can over-
: ride the editing functions by using the X (exact) mo-
: difier.
: i.e., AX:
: Variable names can be placed in the text field of
: the Accept instruction. A variable preceeded by a dol-
: lar sign ($$) is treated as a string variable and one
: preceeded by a number sign (##) are treated as a numeric
: variable. You can use both within one Accept if needed.
: Press Return for Next Page!
: Example:
: T: What's your name?
: A: $$N$$
: T: How old are you?
: A: ##O
: T: Enter your name and age.
: A: $$N$$ ##O
: The S modifier can be used to Accept a single
: keypress.
: i.e.
: T: Press a key to continue.
: AS:
: Press Return for next page!
: There is a counter in the system that keeps
: track of how many times in a row the same Accept
: is executed. This can be accessed as the system
: variable %A.
: Press Return for Menu!
: End has two functions.
:1. To end a program.
:2. To end a subroutine.
: END knows whether it's ending a subroutine
:or the program itself by the status of the
:subroutine stack. A USE instruction places the
:address of the following instruction on the
:subroutine stack prior to jumping to the sub-
:routine. If a USE is in force the END will find
:the address on the stack and jump to that address.
:If there is no address, the END will terminate
:the program. It's good practice to only use a
:label as a destination.
: Press Return for next page!
: The destination of the jump can be controlled
:by using the destination-field of the End instruction.
:The destination-field can be any of the four choices
:that the Jump instruction can use. A instruction
:label, an Accept instruction, a Match or Problem
:instruction. Using any of these will automatically
:remove the USE return address from the stack.
: Press Return for Menu!
: PR or P is used to begin a new frame, problem or
:section of dialogue. It can be used as a destination
:for a Jump or to specify execution of options. The
:following options can be used:
:U Convert all input to upper case.
:L Convert all input to lower case.
:S Remove all spaces from input.
:G Allow the use of GOTO command within program.
:W Discard current label table.
:E Allow the use of escape command within program.
: Press Return for next page!
: When PR is used with no options all current
:options remain in force, but if any option is de-
:clared, then all options must be reset to remain
:in effect. You can change options at any time by
:executing another PR instruction. No modifiers,
:conditioners, or relational conditioners can be
:used with PR.
: Press Return for Menu!
: Execute Indirect
: XI is used to execute an instruction created in a
:string variable. The string must contain a valid Pilot
:Opcode and text field. It cannot be preceeded by a label.
: i.e.
T: C: B$$="T: We are using Execute Indirect here!"
: XI: B$$
: Press Return for Next Page!
: You can also use XI to execute functions you make or
: those users can make.
: Here is a function to multiply a number by two.
: C: add$$= "C:B*2"
: T: Enter a number.
: A: ##B
: XI: add$$
: Most any function or operation can be contained in
: string and executed by XI.
: Press Return for Menu!
: Execution Time Commands
: There are two commands that can be given by a user
: during a Pilot program. These can be used anytime a user
: is asked for input and can be disabled or enabled by the
: PR: instruction. If they are enabled the action will take
: place, otherwise they are treated just as any other input.
: Press Return for next page!
: GOTO destination.
: The Goto command allows a user to perform a jump to
: another part of a program, with valid destinations usually
: described to the user in the program. Destinations can be
: any that are available to the Jump instruction, but are
: usually labels.
: i.e. GOTO mathroutine
: Goto is usefull to the programmer for testing sections
: of a program by jumping to the areas he wants to test.
: Note that the first four letters of a label should be
: upper case for a goto to recognize it. If you use PR:L
: to set input to lower case a goto will never work.
: Press Return for next page!
: @ any text
: If the PR: instruction has enabled it, every line
: of input is searched for a @ character in column one.
: If one is found a "U:SYSX" is executed. If the escape
: function is enabled a labeled routine called SYSX that
: scans the inputed text and performs the desired function
: must be included in the program.
: This permits the building of custom execution time
: commands. You must use an E: instruction to return from
: SYSX. The return point will be the next instruction after
: the A: unless a label is specified after the E:.
: Press Return for Main Menu!
t:$a$ Menu
: 1. Operators
: 2. Functions
: 3. Expressions
: 4. Conditioners
: 5. Relational Expressions
: 6. Precedence Table
: 7. Main Menu
th: Enter number of your choice!
u(dtchoice = 1):dtoperator
u(dtchoice = 2):dtfun
u(dtchoice = 3):dtexpres
u(dtchoice = 4):dtcond
u(dtchoice = 5):dtrelat
u(dtchoice = 6):dtprec
e(dtchoice = 7):menu
: An expression can contain any of four types of
: operators.
: 1. Arithmetic Operators.
: An operator that combines two elements into a single
: result is a dyadic operator. These are all legal dyadic
: operators:
: Symbol Meaning Example
: + Addition 1+2
: - Subtraction 3-1
: * Multiplication 5*5
: / Division 25/5
: Press Return for next page!
: Monadic Operators
: Symbol Meaning Example
: + Positive +5
: - Negative -5
: This is used to express positive and nagative numbers.
: Monadic + is assumed and ignored. Monadic - denotes the
: negative of a number.
: Press Return for next page!
: Relational Operators
: An expression can contain relational operators that
: compare numbers or strings. They are dyadic and both
: quantities must be of the same type. The result of a
: relational operation is True (1) or False (0). These are
: legal Relational Operators.
: Symbol Meaning Example
: = Equal Y=Z: Y equal to Z?
: < Less Than Y<Z: Y less than Z?
: > Greater Than Y>Z: Y greater than Z?
: <> Not = to Y<>Z: Y not equal to Z?
: <= Less than or equal Y<=Z: Y less or = to Z?
: >= Greater than or = Y>=Z: Y greater or = to Z?
: Press Return for next page!
: Logical Operators
: An expression can contain a logical operator with a
: numeric value. They are usually used in relational expres-
: sions with relational operators. The result of a logical
: operation is True (1) or False (0). Any non-zero value is
: considered to be True. These are the Logical Operators.
: Symbol Meaning Example
: ~ or ^ NOT ~Y: NOT Y. If Y is 0 then ~Y is 1.
: If Y is <> 0 then ~Y is 0.
: & AND Y&Z: Y AND Z. Y&Z is True(1) if Y is
: <> 0 and Z is <> 0.
: Press Return for next page!
: ! OR Y!Z: Y OR Z. Y!Z is True(1) if Y is
: <> 0 or Z is <> 0 or both are
: <> 0.
: Due to some character sets some implementation use "^"
: as the logical negation operator (NOT).
: Press Return for next page!
: String Operators
: Concatenation is merging one string onto the right of
: another string. The Concatenation operator is a double
: exclamation point (!!).
: i.e.
: C: NAME$$ = "John Doe"
: C: G$$ = "Hello "
: C: A$$ = G$$!!NAME$$
: Now A$$ will contain the string "Hello John Doe".
: Remember all strings must be dimensioned prior to use.
: Press Return for Menu!
: An expression can contain any of the built-in
: functions to carry out a numerical calculation or a
: string manipulation. Function arguments are enclosed
: in parentheses and immediately follow the function
: name. Multiple arguments are separated by a comma.
: These functions always return a number or a string
: value.
: Press Return for next page!
: Arithmetic Functions
: Example Meaning Illustration
: C: Y=ABS(Z) Absolute value of Z ABS(5)=5
: C: Y=ATN(Z) Arctangent of Z in ATN(1)=PI/4
: radians.
: C: Y=COS(Z) Cosine of Z in radians COS(PI)=-1
: C: Y=EXP(Z) E to the Z power EXP(2.4)=11.02
: C: Y=FIX(Z) Truncate Z FIX(7.5)=7
: C: Y=INT(Z) Integer _.<=Z INT(3.2)=3
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: Example Meaning Illustration
: C: Y=LOG(Z) Base 10 logrithm of Z LOG(10)=1
: C: Y=LNE(Z) Base E logrithm of Z LN(10)=2.3026
: C: Y=RND(Z) Random number If Z < 1 RND(Z)=
: 0 to -1. If Z =>
: 1 then RND(Z) =
: an integer from
: 0 to Z -1.
: C: Y=SGN(Z) Sign of Z -1 for Neg. Z
: 0 for Z=0
: 1 for Pos. Z
: C: Y=SQR(Z) Square root of Z SQR(4)=2
: SQR(25)=5
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: Example Meaning
: C: Y=ASC(Z$$) The result is a number from 0 to
: 255. The value is the ASCII value
: of the first character in the $$.
: C: Y$$="THE"
: C: Z=ASC(Y$$) Z=84
: C: Y$$=CHR(Z) The result is the ASCII character
: of the number Z.
: C: Y$$=CHR(13) Y$$ = a carriage return. ASCII 13.
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: The CHR function can be used to put screen and cursor
: control characters in a string, but definitions of these
: control characters vary with each terminal. The programmer
: should consult the ROM Kernal manual of Amiga or the Amiga
: 2000 and 500 manuals for control sequences for screen out-
: put.
: Example Meaning
: C: Y=FLO(Z$$) The result is the numeric value of
: the first number in Z$$.
: C: Z$$="I am 16 years and 2 months old"
: C: Y=FLO(Z$$) Y=16
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: Example Meaning
: C: Y=LEN(Z$$) The result is a number, the length of
: Z$$.
: C: Z$$="How long is this"
: C: Y=LEN(Z$$) Y=16
: C: Y$$=STR(Z) The result is the conversion of the
: floating-point or decimal number
: into a string. The format will be
: decimal if the number is within the
: limits for decimal numbers.
: Otherwise it will be in E notation.
: Only one STR function is allowed
: per expression.
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: Expressions are combinations of variables, operators,
: constants, and functions. These indicate the calculations
: or string manipulations that are to be performed. An ex-
: pression can be evaluated to yield a single value, either
: a number or a string. Remember that the operators must be
: the same type as the variable or constant.
: For complex expressions a set of rules determine how
: the expression is evaluated. The rules are:
: 1. Sub-expressions in the inner most sets of paren-
: theses are evaluated first; these values then become oper-
: ands for the expression which contained those sets of
: parentheses.
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: 2. When the order of calculation is not set by paren-
: theses the operations are computed according to precedence
: as shown in the precedence table.
: 3. Operators of equal precedence are computed from
: left to right.
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: A Conditioner is a single letter appended to an Op
: Code. Conditioners are valid on all op codes. The purpose
: of a Conditioner is to execute an instruction only if a
: certain condition is met. Any number or combination of
: Conditioners can be used with a single instruction, order
: is not important, but if more than one Conditioner is used
: all conditions must be met for the instruction to execute.
: The four types of Conditioners are:
: Yes and No Conditioners
: Digit Conditioner
: Error Conditioner
: Last Relational Conditioner
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: These test the success of the last Match instruction
: executed. If the Match was successful (YES) then the Y
: Conditioner cause an instruction to execute. If the Match
: failed (NO) then the N Conditioner causes a instruction
: to execute.
: i.e.
: T: How was the movie?
: A:
: M: Good
: TY: Well, then I'll go see it. (If the answer was good)
: JY:@P
: M: Bad
: TY: Glad you told me. (Print this if the answer was bad)
: TN: Say what? (If answer doesn't match good or bad.)
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: The Digit Conditioner executes an instruction based on
: the value of the answer count. Whenever an Accept in-
: struction is encountered its line number is compared to
: the last Accept. If it is the same the asnwer count is in-
: cremented. If not the answer count is reset to 1. Instuc-
: tions with a Digit Conditioner will execute only when the
: answer count equals the Digit Conditioner. The Digit Con-
: ditioner must be a number from 1 to 9.
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: i.e.
: T: What's the best computer made?
: A:
: M: Amiga
: TY1: Right! You're smart!
: TY2: Well, you got it on your second try.
: JY:out
: J2:whoops
: T: Not quite. Try again.
: J:@A
: *whoops
: T: You blew it twice!
: T: Go buy and Amiga and you'll find out!
: J: wheretobuy
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: The Digit Conditioner is useful for scoring a user
: on the basis of how many times it takes to answer a
: question correctly. The answer counter can be accessed
: as system variable %A.
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: The Error Conditioner causes an instruction to be
: executed only if the Error Condition was raised by the
: last instruction capable of raising it. It's raised by
: the following cases:
: 1. The last Accept contained a numeric variable, but
: no number was found in the users input.
: 2. A C: instruction contained an erroneous statement.
: 3. A Relational Expression contained an error.
: 4. When any error message is displayed.
: Any successful C: instruction or any True relational
: expression will lower the error flag.
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: The C Conditional simplifies the use of Relational
: Expressions. Relational expressions cause a statement
: to be skipped based on the truth of the expression. When
: the same relational expression applies to several instruc-
: tions in a series, a C Conditioner can be used for the
: expression on all instructions but the first. The C Con-
: ditioner allows an instruction to be skipped if the last
: instruction for which a relational expression was
: evaluated was skipped.
: i.e.
: T(A<18): Sorry, your too young.
: JC: Juveniles
: The Type and Jump are both executed if, and only if,
: A is less than 18.
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: Execution of any instruction can be made conditional
: based upon the truth of an expression coded in parentheses
: after the op code and before the colon. The expression can
: be arithmetic or relational. If the value of the expres-
: sion is True (1) the instruction is executed. If False (0)
: it is skipped. If Conditioners are tested first and the
: Conditioner causes the instruction to be skipped the
: relational expression is not evaluated. This is only
: crucial when using the C Conditioner on subsequent in-
: structions because a C Conditioner refers to the last
: relation tested. Relational expressions are subject to the
: same rules as expressions in the Compute instruction.
: i.e.
: T(A=17): So, you are 17. (Print this only
: if A=17.
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: ~ or ^ First Evaluated
: : * /
: + - !!
: = <> < > <= >=
: ! & Last Evaluated
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