Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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Why Another Text Editor
After using Ed for the past two years to develop "C" programs, I decided
to develop my own text editor. My goal was to develop an editor that
provides all the functions that I had become used to using, while at the
same time, eliminate many of those annoying features found in Ed, i.e.,
inability to use the mouse, ackward scrolling, run away commands, no file
requester, etc. I also wanted an editor that was less than 28K in size
that would fit on my Work Bench disk. Hed is the result of my effort. I
hope that you will find the program useful also.
I have provided no documentation for Hed. However, I feel that an
experienced text editor user will not require it. All commands are given
with either a menu or function key selection. On-screen help is available
for function key usage.
Here are a few points that may not be obvious even to the experienced text
editor user:
(1) If you position the pointer on the title bar and click the left
mouse button, the text will scroll down one screen.
(2) If you position the pointer on the last line of the screen (error
line) and click the left mouse button, the text will scroll up
one screen.
(3) Hed does not store TAB characters in the text file. If you load
and save a file that contains TABs, they will be removed and
replaced by spaces (three spaces for each TAB character).
(4) If you load and save a file that contains carriage returns, they
will be removed and replaced by line feeds.
(5) An empty file will not be saved.
(6) When RETURN is depressed, the cursor is positioned under the first
non-space in the previous line. This feature along with the
Back Tab is very handy for "C" programmers.
(7) The following notations can be used in the Find Command search
? Matches any single character
c* Matches zero or more occurrences of character c
c+ Matches one or more occurrences of character c
\? Matches a question mark (?)
\* Matches an asterisk (*)
\+ Matches a plus sign (+)
I hope that I have eliminated all the bugs. However, if you find one please
let me know.
Hal Carter