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ASimplex Version 1.2
THE AMIGA-Simplex-Program
(c) 18.03.1989 Stefan Foerster
"ASimplex" is placed in the Public Domain. Nevertheless no part of this
program may be sold or used in any commercial program. Private use is free.
If there are any bugs (I hope not!) or if you like the program so much that
you have the desire to send me (poor student) a small donation, write to:
Stefan Foerster
Weinbergstr. 29
8877 Burtenbach
ASimplex is an implementation of the famous simplex-algorithm for solving
linear programs. It was developed as a project in the course "Optimierung I"
held at the university of Augsburg by Prof. Dr. Groetschel. It is written
in C using the Manx Aztec C Compiler V3.6a.
In general, linear programs are of the form
max dx (or min dx), Ax = a, Bx <= b, Cx >= c, l <= x <= u,
where A, B and C are matrices and a,b,c,d,x,l and u are vectors.
dx is called the objective (or cost) function that is to be maximized (or
minimized) subject to the constraints Ax = a, Bx <=b, Cx >=c and l <= x <= u.
For example:
min x1 + x2 - x3
subject to x1 - 4*x2 + 3*x3 <= 6
x1 + 2*x2 - x3 <= 1
x1 + 2*x2 + x3 <= 8
0 <= x1 <= 1
0 <= x2 <= 1
0 <= x3 <= 3
/ 1 -4 3 \ / 6 \ / 1 \ / 0 \ / 1 \ / x1 \
B = | 1 2 -1 |, b = | 1 |, d = | 1 |, u = | 0 |, l = | 1 |, x = | x2 |
\ 1 2 1 / \ 8 / \-1 / \ 0 / \ 3 / \ x3 /
Starting ASimplex:
i) CLI: Type "ASimplex" (Do not "run" ASimplex. This will cause an
ii) Workbench: Use the icon and a CON:-window will open.
Commands of ASimplex:
HELP lets you see all possible commands.
VERBOSE is a flag that can be ON or OFF. If it is ON, you get further
information what ASimplex is currently doing. Default is OFF.
PRIORITY N sets the task-priority of ASimplex to N (0<=N<=20).
PRIORITY gives the current task-priority. Default is 0.
Leave ASimplex.
LOAD <file> [-cGOAL] [-bRHS] [-rRANGE] [-uBOUND] [-m] [-fFILE]
With LOAD ASimplex reads the data of a linear program. The data must be
in the standardized MPSX-format (MPSX is a trademark of IBM). A brief
description of this format follows later; now you should only know, that
the data is subdivided into sections and it is possible for some sections
to contain data for different linear programs (e.g. different objective
functions: Data belonging to a certain objective function has a unique
<file> The file-name of the file you want to load.
-cGOAL GOAL is the identifier of the objective function you want to use.
if -cGOAL is not specified then ASimplex uses the objective
function it finds (if there is only one) or it asks you to choose
-bRHS RHS is the identifier of the right hand side you want to use.
(b in the above example).
-rRANGE RANGE is the identifier of the range you want to use.
-uBOUND BOUND is the identifier of the bounds (l and u in the above
-m If -m is specified, ASimplex tries to minimize the objective
functions; otherwise it tries to maximize it.
-fFILE If -fFILE is specified, ASimplex writes the result (also) to the
file "FILE" (FILE could also be PRT: to get the results to
The MPSX-format
The data of a linear program is subdivided into sections. This sections are
where RANGES and BOUNDS are optional.
i) NAME-section:
The NAME-section determines the name of the linear program. In the
above example you could write
NAME example
ii) ROWS-section:
You have to give every constraint of the linear program a name. This
name and the type of the constraint is determined in the ROWS-section.
The possible types are:
N no constraint, objective function
E "=" equality
L "<=" less than or equal
G ">=" greater than or equal
In the above example you could write:
N goal
L constr1
L constr2
L constr3
iii) COLUMNS-section:
The COLUMNS-section determines the variables and the coefficients
for every variable (in the constraints and in the objective function).
If a coefficient is not specified, it is assumed to be 0.
In the above example you could write:
x1 goal 1
x1 constr1 1
x1 constr2 1
x1 constr3 1
x2 goal 1
x2 constr1 -4
x2 constr2 2
x2 constr3 2
x3 goal -1
x3 constr1 3
x3 constr2 -1
x3 constr3 1
It is possible to use two fields in one line, e.g.
x1 goal 1 constr1 1
iv) RHS-section:
In this section every value of the right hand side is determined.
If a value is missing it is assumed to be 0. Our example:
b constr1 6 constr2 1
b constr3 8
b is the name of this right hand side. If you want to define a second
right hand side, you could write
b2 constr1 -2 constr2 9
b2 constr3 3.5
It is possible to use two fields in one line.
v) RANGES-section:
Say you have the two constraints 2*x1 + x2 <= 10 and
2*x1 + x2 >= 8 .
You could write them in the form 8 <= 2*x1 + x2 <= 10 .
Then it is possible to define only one constraint in the ROWS-section
and define a range (a left hand side) in the RANGES-section, e.g.:
l constr
b constr 10
r constr 2 ( IMPORTANT: not 8, but 2 = 10-8 !!! )
r is the name of the range. It is possible to have several different
ranges in one RANGES-section and to specify two fields in one line.
The RANGES-section is optional.
vi) BOUNDS-section:
The BOUNDS-section defines the lower and upper bound (l and u) of the
linear program. Missing values in l are assumed to be 0 and missing
values in u are assumed to be "infinite". The BOUNDS-section is
optional. Every line begins with a "UP" (for upper bound) or "LO"
(for lower bound), followed by the name of the bounds. It is possible
to specify more than one bounds-name. Our exaple:
UP bound x1 1
UP bound x2 1
UP bound x3 3
vii) ENDATA-section:
ENDATA simply is the end of the data.
Further notes on MPSX:
- Identifiers are restricted to 8 characters. They can consist of every
printable character (except of space- and tab-characters). Lowercase
letters are converted to uppercase letters.
- Fields don't have to start in special columns (as in the original MPSX-
format coming from hollerith-cards). The only restriction is, that
section names have to start in column 1 the other lines mustn't start in
column 1.
- Lines can have a maximum length of 255 charcters. Every line must have a
new-line-character ('\n') at the end.
Technical notes:
- ASimplex uses double precision IEEE-arithmetic. "infinite" is represented
as NAN (Not A Number).
- The linear programs can have any size that fits into memory. The only
"restriction" is that you can't have more than 32767 rows or columns.
But that's not really restricting, because if you'd have a LP with e.g.
10000 rows and 20000 columns you'd need 2.2GBytes!