Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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/* File drawmap.c */
#include "intuition/intuition.h"
#include "graphics/gfxmacros.h"
#include "exec/memory.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <popmenu.h>
#include <drawmap.h>
#include <drawmap-menu.h>
short *map, *map_trig; /* workspaces for map */
struct Screen *s; /* pointer to screen */
struct Window *w; /* pointer to Window */
struct RastPort *rp; /* pointer to RastPort */
struct ViewPort *vp; /* pointer to ViewPort */
struct AreaInfo mapAreaInfo;
struct TmpRas mapTmpRas;
struct Library *GfxBase;
struct Library *IntuitionBase;
short areaArray[5*NUMPTS]; /* 5 words per point for drawing */
short area[2*NUMPTS]; /* storage for each individual area */
unsigned short *arrow, *cross; /* storage for mouse pointers */
short rim_in[MAXRIM], rim_out[MAXRIM]; /* storge for rim point numbers */
/* ============================================================= */
main ()
struct IntuiMessage *msg;
PLANEPTR workspace;
extern void free_svector();
extern int readmap();
extern int HandleEvent();
extern short *svector();
int ix;
if ((GfxBase = OpenLibrary ("graphics.library",0)) == NULL) {
printf ("Can't open graphics library\n");
exit (10);
if ((IntuitionBase = OpenLibrary ("intuition.library",0)) == NULL) {
printf ("Can't open intuition library\n");
goto end1;
if ((s = OpenScreen (&mapscreen)) == NULL) {
printf ("Can't open screen\n");
goto end2;
mapWindow.Screen = s;
if ((w = OpenWindow (&mapWindow)) == NULL) {
printf ("Can't open window\n");
goto end3;
vp = &(s->ViewPort); /* pointer to viewport */
LoadRGB4 (vp, &mapcolors[0], 4); /* init. color values */
/* init. mouse pointers */
arrow = (UWORD *) AllocMem (arrow_size, MEMF_CHIP);
for (ix=0; ix<arrow_size/2; ++ix)
arrow[ix] = arrow_data[ix];
SetPointer (w, arrow, arrow_size/4-2, 16, arrow_x_offset, arrow_y_offset);
cross = (UWORD *) AllocMem (cross_size, MEMF_CHIP);
for (ix=0; ix<cross_size/2; ++ix)
cross[ix] = cross_data[ix];
rp = w->RPort;
if ((workspace = (PLANEPTR) AllocRaster (WWIDTH,WHEIGHT)) == NULL) {
printf ("No space for Temporary Raster\n");
goto end4;
InitTmpRas (&mapTmpRas, workspace, RASSIZE(WWIDTH,WHEIGHT));
rp->TmpRas = &mapTmpRas; /* link it to the RastPort */
InitArea (&mapAreaInfo, &areaArray[0], NUMPTS);
rp->AreaInfo = &mapAreaInfo; /* link it to the RastPort */
if ((map = svector (0, MAXVAL-1)) == NULL) {
printf ("Can't get space for map\n");
goto end5;
if ((ix = readmap (map, 0)) != OK) { /* read map file */
printf ("Error reading map file\n");
goto end6;
if ((map_trig = svector (0, MAXVAL-1)) == NULL) {
printf ("Can't get space for map_trig\n");
goto end6;
if ((ix = readmap (map_trig, 1)) != OK) { /* read map_trig file */
printf ("Error reading map-trig file\n");
goto end7;
SetAPen (rp,ORANGE); /* land */
SetBPen (rp,BLUE); /* water */
SetDrMd (rp,JAM2);
pi2 = pi/2.; /* initialize constants */
twopi = 2.*pi;
rad = pi/180.;
view_height = VIEW_HEIGHT; /* constants for globe view */
eta = view_height/RE;
facp = 1. + eta;
etap = 1./facp;
WaitPort ( w->UserPort ); /* wait for message from */
/* Intuition */
while (1) {
msg = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg (w->UserPort);
if (msg==NULL)
WaitPort (w->UserPort);
if (HandleEvent (msg->Class, msg->Code)!=OK)
free_svector (map_trig, 0, MAXVAL-1); /* done, so cleanup */
free_svector (map, 0, MAXVAL-1);
FreeRaster (workspace, WWIDTH, WHEIGHT);
FreeMem (cross, cross_size);
FreeMem (arrow, arrow_size);
ClearPointer (w);
CloseWindow (w);
CloseScreen (s);
CloseLibrary (IntuitionBase);
CloseLibrary (GfxBase);
/* ============================================================= */
int readmap (ws, iflag) /* reads map files into memory */
short *ws;
int iflag;
int ibin, disp, numrd;
if (iflag==0) {
if ((ibin = open ("map.bin", O_RDONLY)) == -1)
return (NOT_OK);
else {
if ((ibin = open ("map-trig.bin", O_RDONLY)) == -1)
return (NOT_OK);
disp = 0;
while (1) {
if ((numrd = read (ibin, (char*) &ws[disp], 4000)) <= 0)
disp += numrd / sizeof(short);
close (ibin);
if (disp!=MAXVAL)
return (NOT_OK);
return (OK);
/* ============================================================= */
int HandleEvent (class, code) /* processes main Intuition events */
long class;
unsigned short code;
struct IntuiMessage *msgf;
extern long PopChoose();
extern void fullmap(), globe(), stars(), floodfill(), getcoord();
extern void box(), grid();
extern int getbox();
static char title_FLAT[] = "Flat Map";
static char title_MERCATOR[] = "Mercator";
static char title_GLOBE[] = "Globe...view from infinitely far away";
static char title_ORBITAL[] = " "
" ";
static char title_zoom[] = " "
" ";
static char title_GRID[] = "Grid";
static char title_FLOOD[] = "Flood Fill";
static char title_BOX[] = "Box";
static char title_COLORS[] = "Colors";
static char title_CLEARS[] = "Clear Screen";
static char title_wait[] = "Wait for drawing to complete";
static char press_prompt[] = "Press left button to select center point";
static char drag_prompt[] = "Press and drag left button to select box";
static char stars_wait[] = "Wait for stars to appear";
static char flood_wait[] = "Flood fill...press left button to select "
"area to fill";
static char box_error[] = "Box of zero size not allowed";
static char grid_error[] = "Invalid map displayed for Grid option";
static char fmt_ORBITAL[] = "Orbital...view from %.2lf kilometers";
static char fmt_ZOOM_IN[] = "Zoom In...view from %.2lf kilometers";
static char fmt_ZOOM_OUT[] = "Zoom Out...view from %.2lf kilometers";
long val;
static long oldval = -1L;
static int fill = FILL;
static int color_offset = 0;
int i, x, y, x0, y0, result;
double lat[2], lam[2];
static double lamg, latg;
switch (class) {
return (NOT_OK);
switch (code) {
val = PopChoose (&map_menu, NULL);
switch (val) {
case COLOR_F: /* toggle color-fill flag */
if (map_COLOR_F.Flags & CHECKED)
fill = FILL;
fill = NOFILL;
case FLAT: /* flat map */
SetWindowTitles (w, title_wait, -1);
fullmap (map, FLAT, fill);
SetWindowTitles (w, title_FLAT, -1);
oldval = val;
case MERCATOR: /* Mercator map */
SetWindowTitles (w, title_wait, -1);
fullmap (map, MERCATOR, fill);
SetWindowTitles (w, title_MERCATOR, -1);
oldval = val;
case GRID:
if (oldval!=FLAT && oldval!=MERCATOR &&
oldval!=GLOBE && oldval!=ORBITAL &&
oldval!=ZOOM_IN && oldval!=ZOOM_OUT)
SetWindowTitles (w, grid_error, -1);
else {
SetWindowTitles (w, title_wait, -1);
grid (oldval, latg, lamg);
SetWindowTitles (w, title_GRID, -1);
case ZOOM_IN: /* zoom views */
case ZOOM_OUT:
if (val==ZOOM_IN) {
view_height /= 2.;
if (view_height<MIN_HEIGHT)
view_height = MIN_HEIGHT;
sprintf (title_zoom, fmt_ZOOM_IN, view_height);
else {
view_height *= 2.;
sprintf (title_zoom, fmt_ZOOM_OUT, view_height);
eta = view_height/RE;
facp = 1. + eta;
etap = 1./facp;
case GLOBE: /* globe views */
if ( (val!=ZOOM_IN && val!=ZOOM_OUT) ||
(oldval!=ZOOM_IN && oldval!=ZOOM_OUT &&
oldval!=GLOBE && oldval!=ORBITAL) ) {
if (oldval!=FLAT && oldval!=MERCATOR) {
SetWindowTitles (w, title_wait, -1);
fullmap (map, FLAT, FILL);
oldval = FLAT;
SetWindowTitles (w, press_prompt, -1); /* wait for mouse button */
SetPointer (w, cross, cross_size/4-2, 16,
cross_x_offset, cross_y_offset);
WaitPort (w->UserPort);
while (1) {
msgf = (struct IntuiMessage *) GetMsg (w->UserPort);
if (msgf==NULL)
WaitPort (w->UserPort);
if (msgf->Code==SELECTDOWN)
x = msgf->MouseX; /* get mouse position */
y = msgf->MouseY;
getcoord (x, y, oldval, &latg, &lamg);
SetPointer (w, arrow, arrow_size/4-2, 16,
arrow_x_offset, arrow_y_offset);
SetWindowTitles (w, stars_wait, -1);
Move (rp, 0, 0);
SetBPen (rp, BLACK); /* black background */
ClearScreen (rp);
SetAPen (rp, BLUE); /* blue globe */
Flood (rp, 1, CENTERX, CENTERY);
SetAPen (rp, ORANGE); /* reset colors */
SetBPen (rp, BLUE);
if (val==ORBITAL) { /* re-initialize values for */
view_height = VIEW_HEIGHT; /* orbital view */
eta = view_height/RE;
facp = 1. + eta;
etap = 1./facp;
sprintf (title_ORBITAL, fmt_ORBITAL, view_height);
globe (map, map_trig, latg, lamg, val, fill); /* draw map */
if (val==GLOBE)
SetWindowTitles (w, title_GLOBE, -1);
else if (val==ORBITAL)
SetWindowTitles (w, title_ORBITAL, -1);
SetWindowTitles (w, title_zoom, -1);
oldval = val;
case FLOOD: /* flood fill */
SetWindowTitles (w, flood_wait, -1);
SetPointer (w, cross, cross_size/4-2, 16,
cross_x_offset, cross_y_offset);
floodfill ();
SetPointer (w, arrow, arrow_size/4-2, 16,
arrow_x_offset, arrow_y_offset);
SetWindowTitles (w, title_FLOOD, -1);
case BOX: /* box */
if (oldval!=FLAT && oldval!=MERCATOR) {
SetWindowTitles (w, title_wait, -1);
fullmap (map, FLAT, FILL);
oldval = FLAT;
SetWindowTitles (w, drag_prompt, -1);
SetPointer (w, cross, cross_size/4-2, 16,
cross_x_offset, cross_y_offset);
result = getbox (&x0, &y0, &x, &y);
SetPointer (w, arrow, arrow_size/4-2, 16,
arrow_x_offset, arrow_y_offset);
if (result!=OK) {
SetWindowTitles (w, box_error, -1);
getcoord (x0, y0, oldval, &lat[0], &lam[0]);
getcoord (x, y, oldval, &lat[1], &lam[1]);
SetWindowTitles (w, title_wait, -1);
Move (rp, 0, 0);
ClearScreen (rp);
box (map, lat, lam, fill);
SetWindowTitles (w, title_BOX, -1);
oldval = val;
case COLORS: /* modify color table */
color_offset += 4;
if (color_offset>=num_colors)
color_offset = 0;
LoadRGB4 (vp, &mapcolors[color_offset], 4);
SetWindowTitles (w, title_COLORS, -1);
case CLEARS: /* clear screen */
SetWindowTitles (w, title_CLEARS, -1);
Move (rp, 0, 0);
ClearScreen (rp);
oldval = val;
if (map_COLOR_F.Flags & CHECKED)
fill = FILL;
fill = NOFILL;
return (OK);
/* ============================================================= */
void fullmap (ws, type, fill) /* draws flat map projections */
short *ws;
int type, fill;
extern void afill(), adraw(), plotpoint();
int i, j, k, h1, h2, narea;
double t;
long pen;
short np, xs, ys;
Move (rp, 0, 0); /* clear screen */
ClearScreen (rp);
j = 0;
np = 0;
narea = 0;
pen = ORANGE;
SetAPen (rp, pen);
for (i=0; i<MAXVAL; i+=2) {
if (ws[i]==0 && ws[i+1]==0) { /* check for end of area */
pen = ORANGE;
for (k=0; k<num_lakes; ++k) {
if (narea==lakes[k]) {
pen = BLUE;
SetAPen (rp, pen);
if (np<=1) {
xs = CENTERX + area[j-2];
ys = CENTERY + area[j-1];
plotpoint (xs, ys);
else {
if (fill==FILL)
afill (np, pen);
adraw (np);
j = 0;
np = 0;
area[0] = 0;
area[1] = 0;
pen = ORANGE;
SetAPen (rp, pen);
else { /* get coords of new point */
t = ws[i]; /* y = latitude */
if (type==FLAT)
t = (t/100.) * VFACTOR;
else if (type==MERCATOR) {
t = (t/200. + 45.) * rad;
t = log (tan (t)) * M_VFACTOR;
if (t<0.)
t -= 0.5;
t += 0.5;
h2 = -t;
t = ws[i+1]; /* x = longitude */
t = (t/100.) * HFACTOR;
if (t<0.)
t -= 0.5;
t += 0.5;
h1 = t;
if (np!=0) { /* disallow identical adjacent pts */
if (h1==area[j-2] && h2==area[j-1])
xs = CENTERX + h1;
ys = CENTERY + h2;
plotpoint (xs, ys);
area[j] = h1;
area[j+1] = h2;
j += 2;
if (np>0) { /* check for last area */
pen = ORANGE;
SetAPen (rp, pen);
if (np==1) {
xs = CENTERX + area[j-2];
ys = CENTERY + area[j-1];
plotpoint (xs, ys);
else {
if (fill==FILL)
afill (np, pen);
adraw (np);
SetAPen (rp, ORANGE);
/* ============================================================= */
void grid (val, lat0, lam0) /* controls drawing of grids */
long val;
double lat0, lam0;
extern void globe_grid();
long oldpen, h1;
double lam, lat, temp;
static double lat_interval = 20.;
static double lam_interval = 30.;
oldpen = rp->FgPen; /* save original pen color */
if (val!=FLAT && val!=MERCATOR) /* draw grid for globe */
globe_grid (val, lat0, lam0);
else { /* otherwise grid for flat */
/* or Mercator map */
SetAPen (rp, BLACK); /* set grid color to black */
for (lam=-180.; lam<=+180.; lam += lam_interval) {
Move (rp, h1, 0);
Draw (rp, h1, WHEIGHT-1);
for (lat=80.; lat>=-80.; lat -= lat_interval) {
if (val==FLAT)
h1 = -lat*VFACTOR;
h1 = -log (tan((lat/2.+45.)*rad)) * M_VFACTOR;
h1 += CENTERY;
Move (rp, 0, h1);
Draw (rp, WWIDTH-1, h1);
SetAPen (rp, WHITE); /* draw coordinate axes in white */
Move (rp, CENTERX, 0);
Draw (rp, CENTERX, WHEIGHT-1);
Move (rp, 0, CENTERY);
Draw (rp, WWIDTH-1, CENTERY);
SetAPen (rp, oldpen); /* restore pen color */
/* ============================================================= */
void globe_grid (val, lat0, lam0) /* controls drawing globe grid */
double lat0, lam0;
long val;
extern void globe_grid_plot();
extern int limit_lam(), limit_lat();
double lat, lam, c0, s0, c1, s1, c2, s2, rlam, rlat;
double hp, scale, fac3, dlat, dlam, ddelt;
double lamp[2], latp[2];
int k;
long oldpen;
char first;
static double lat_interval = 20.;
static double lam_interval = 30.;
static double delta = 5.;
lat0 *= rad;
c0 = cos (lat0);
s0 = sin (lat0);
dlat = lat_interval;
dlam = lam_interval;
ddelt = delta;
if (val==GLOBE) { /* ordinary globe view */
hp = 0.;
scale = 1.;
fac3 = 1.;
else { /* orbital view */
hp = etap;
scale = sqrt (1.-etap*etap);
fac3 = (facp/(facp-hp)) * scale;
if (view_height<=1200.) {
dlat /= 4.;
dlam /= 4.;
ddelt /= 5.;
SetAPen (rp, BLACK); /* grid lines in black */
for (lat=80.; lat>=-80.; lat-=dlat) { /* lines of equal latitude */
rlat = lat*rad;
if ((k=limit_lam (&lamp[0], rlat, lat0, hp))!=OK)
continue; /* skip if entirely out of view */
lamp[0] += lam0;
lamp[1] += lam0;
k = lamp[0]/ddelt - 1.; /* express limits as multiple */
lamp[0] = k*ddelt; /* of ddelt */
k = lamp[1]/ddelt + 1.;
lamp[1] = k*ddelt;
c1 = cos (rlat);
s1 = sin (rlat);
first = TRUE;
if (lat==0.)
SetAPen (rp, WHITE); /* draw equator in white */
for (lam=lamp[0]; lam<=lamp[1]; lam+=ddelt) {
rlam = (lam-lam0)*rad;
if (rlam<-pi)
rlam += twopi;
if (rlam>+pi)
rlam -= twopi;
c2 = cos (rlam);
s2 = sin (rlam);
globe_grid_plot (rlat, rlam, c0, s0, c1, s1, c2, s2,
val, hp, scale, fac3, &first);
if (lat==0.)
SetAPen (rp, BLACK); /* reset pen to black */
for (lam=-180.; lam<+180.; lam+=dlam) { /* meridian circles */
rlam = (lam-lam0)*rad;
if (rlam<-pi)
rlam += twopi;
if (rlam>+pi)
rlam -= twopi;
if ((k=limit_lat (&latp[0], lat0, rlam, hp))!=OK)
continue; /* skip if entirely out of view */
k = latp[0]/ddelt + 1.; /* express limits as multiple */
latp[0] = k*ddelt; /* of ddelt */
k = latp[1]/ddelt - 1;
latp[1] = k*ddelt;
if (latp[0]>=90.) /* exclude North polar point */
latp[0] = 90. - ddelt;
if (latp[1]<=-90.) /* exclude South polar point */
latp[1] = -90. + ddelt;
c2 = cos (rlam);
s2 = sin (rlam);
first = TRUE;
if (lam==0. || lam==-180.) /* prime meridian in white */
SetAPen (rp, WHITE);
for (lat=latp[0]; lat>=latp[1]; lat-=ddelt) {
rlat = lat*rad;
c1 = cos (rlat);
s1 = sin (rlat);
globe_grid_plot (rlat, rlam, c0, s0, c1, s1, c2, s2,
val, hp, scale, fac3, &first);
if (lam==0. || lam==-180.)
SetAPen (rp, BLACK); /* reset pen to black */
/* ============================================================= */
void globe_grid_plot (lat, lam, c0, s0, c1, s1, c2, s2,
val, hp, scale, fac3, first)
double lat, lam, c0, s0, c1, s1, c2, s2; /* draws globe grids */
long val;
double hp, scale, fac3;
char *first;
extern void plotpoint(), globe_rim_fix();
char in_view;
short h1, h1c; /* x-dist. (pix) from center */
short h2, h2c; /* y-dist. (pix) from center */
short xs, ys;
long x, y;
double lamc, dlam; /* longitude */
double latc, dlat; /* latitude */
double zp, facz, h1d, h2d, fac2;
static char prev_in_view;
static short h1prev, h2prev;
static double latprev, lamprev, zpprev;
in_view = FALSE; /* get status of current point */
zp = s1*s0 + c1*c0*c2;
if (zp>=hp) { /* zp > hp => in view */
in_view = TRUE;
h1d = HRADIUS * c1 * s2;
h2d = -VRADIUS * (s1*c0 - c1*s0*c2);
if (val!=GLOBE) {
fac2 = (facp/(facp-zp))*scale;
h1d *= fac2;
h2d *= fac2;
h1 = h1d;
h2 = h2d;
if (*first==TRUE) { /* get status of first point */
*first = FALSE;
if (in_view==TRUE) { /* if first point is in view, */
x = h1 + CENTERX; /* move pen to first point */
y = h2 + CENTERY; /* and plot it */
Move (rp, x, y);
xs = x;
ys = y;
plotpoint (xs, ys);
h1prev = h1;
h2prev = h2;
prev_in_view = in_view; /* save status of first point */
latprev = lat;
lamprev = lam;
zpprev = zp;
if (in_view==TRUE) { /* if current point is in view, */
if (prev_in_view==FALSE) { /* but previous point was not */
facz = zp / (zpprev-zp); /* in view, get rim point by */
latc = lat - (latprev-lat)*facz; /* linear interpolation */
lamc = lam - (lamprev-lam)*facz;
dlat = fabs (lat-latprev);
dlam = fabs (lam-lamprev);
if ( fabs (latc-latprev)> dlat || /* if rim point not between */
fabs (latc-lat) > dlat) /* current and previous */
latc = (lat+latprev)/2.; /* points, use midpoint */
if ( fabs (lamc-lamprev)> dlam ||
fabs (lamc-lam) > dlam )
lamc = (lam+lamprev)/2.;
c1 = cos (latc);
h1d = HRADIUS * c1 * sin (lamc);
h2d = -VRADIUS * (sin (latc)*c0 - c1*s0*cos (lamc));
if (val!=GLOBE) {
h1d *= fac3;
h2d *= fac3;
h1c = h1d;
h2c = h2d;
globe_rim_fix (&h1c, &h2c);
x = h1c + CENTERX; /* move to rim point & plot it */
y = h2c + CENTERY;
Move (rp, x, y);
xs = x;
ys = y;
plotpoint (xs, ys);
h1prev = h1c;
h2prev = h2c;
if (h1!=h1prev || h2!=h2prev) {
x = h1 + CENTERX; /* draw to current point */
y = h2 + CENTERY;
Draw (rp, x, y);
Move (rp, x, y);
h1prev = h1;
h2prev = h2;
else { /* current point is out of view */
if (prev_in_view==TRUE) { /* if previous point was in view, */
facz = zp / (zpprev-zp); /* get rim point by linear */
latc = lat - (latprev-lat)*facz; /* interpolation */
lamc = lam - (lamprev-lam)*facz;
dlat = fabs (lat-latprev);
dlam = fabs (lam-lamprev);
if ( fabs (latc-latprev)> dlat || /* if rim point not between */
fabs (latc-lat) > dlat) /* current and previous */
latc = (lat+latprev)/2.; /* points, use midpoint */
if ( fabs (lamc-lamprev)> dlam ||
fabs (lamc-lam) > dlam )
lamc = (lam+lamprev)/2.;
c1 = cos (latc);
h1d = HRADIUS * c1 * sin (lamc);
h2d = -VRADIUS * (c0*sin (latc) - c1*s0 * cos (lamc));
if (val!=GLOBE) {
h1d *= fac3;
h2d *= fac3;
h1c = h1d;
h2c = h2d;
globe_rim_fix (&h1c, &h2c);
x = h1c + CENTERX; /* draw to rim point */
y = h2c + CENTERY;
Draw (rp, x, y);
Move (rp, x, y);
prev_in_view = in_view; /* save status of current point */
latprev = lat;
lamprev = lam;
zpprev = zp;
/* ============================================================= */
int limit_lam (lam, lat, lat0, etap) /* computes limits on longitude */
/* for constant latitude */
double *lam, lat, lat0, etap;
double alpha;
alpha = (etap-sin(lat)*sin(lat0)) / (cos(lat)*cos(lat0));
if (alpha<=-1.) { /* negative => lamda covers */
lam[0] = -180.; /* entire hemisphere */
lam[1] = +180.;
return (OK);
else if (alpha>=+1.) /* positive => nothing in view */
return (NOT_OK);
else { /* otherwise, compute limits */
lam[0] = -acos (alpha)/rad;
lam[1] = -lam[0];
return (OK);
/* ============================================================= */
int limit_lat (lat, lat0, lam, etap) /* computes limits on latitude */
/* for constant longitude */
double *lat, lat0, lam, etap;
double radical, a, b, sum, fac1;
a = sin (lat0);
b = cos (lat0) * cos (lam);
sum = a*a + b*b;
radical = sum - etap*etap;
if (radical<=0.) /* no real solutions */
return (NOT_OK);
else { /* two real solutions */
radical = sqrt (radical); /* solve quadrtic equation */
fac1 = (a*etap + b*radical)/sum;
lat[0] = asin (fac1)/rad;
fac1 = (a*etap - b*radical)/sum;
lat[1] = asin (fac1)/rad;
if (lat[0]<lat[1]) { /* put in correct order */
b = lat[0];
lat[0] = lat[1];
lat[1] = b;
if (a>etap) /* check North pole */
lat[0] = 90.;
if (a<-etap) /* check South pole */
lat[1] = -90.;
return (OK);
/* ============================================================= */
void getcoord (x, y, val, lat, lam) /* converts screen coordinates */
/* into latitude and longitude */
int x, y;
long val;
double *lat, *lam;
(*lam) = (x - CENTERX) / HFACTOR;
if (val==FLAT)
(*lat) = (CENTERY - y) / VFACTOR;
(*lat) = -90. + 2.*atan(exp((CENTERY-y)/M_VFACTOR))/rad;
/* ============================================================= */
void globe (ws, ws_trig, lat0, lam0, val, fill) /* draws globe projections */
short *ws, *ws_trig;
double lat0, lam0;
long val;
int fill;
extern void plotpoint(), globe_fill(), globe_rim_fix();
char first, prev_in_view, in_view, latzero;
short h1, h1c, h1prev; /* x-dist. (pix) from center */
short h2, h2c, h2prev; /* y-dist. (pix) from center */
short np, narea, nrim_in, nrim_out;
short xs, ys;
int i, j;
long x, y, pen, first_color;
double lam, lamc, lamprev; /* longitude */
double lat, latc, latprev; /* latitude */
double c0, s0, c1, s1, c2, zp, zpprev;
double hp, fac2, fac3, facz, scale;
double h1d, h2d, dlat, dlam, lam0p;
static double fac = 1./32767.0;
latzero = FALSE;
if (val==GLOBE) { /* ordinary globe view */
hp = 0.;
scale = 1.;
fac3 = 1.;
else { /* orbital globe view */
hp = etap;
scale = sqrt (1.-etap*etap);
fac3 = (facp/(facp-hp)) * scale;
if (lat0==0.) {
c0 = 1.;
s0 = 0.;
if (val==GLOBE)
latzero = TRUE; /* equatorial, ordinary globe view */
else {
lat0 *= rad;
c0 = cos (lat0);
s0 = sin (lat0);
first = TRUE;
pen = ORANGE;
SetAPen (rp, pen);
first_color = BLACK;
j = 0;
np = 0;
narea = 0;
nrim_in = 0;
nrim_out = 0;
lam0p = lam0 * rad; /* convert lam0 to radians */
for (i=0; i<MAXVAL; i+=2) {
if (ws[i]==0 && ws[i+1]==0) { /* if end of area, then */
++narea; /* color-fill and skip to */
first = TRUE; /* next area */
if (np>0 && fill==FILL)
globe_fill (np, narea, nrim_in, nrim_out, lat0, lam0p,
j = 0;
np = 0;
nrim_in = 0;
nrim_out = 0;
first_color = BLACK;
lat = ws[i]; /* latitude */
lat = (lat/100.) * rad;
lam = ws[i+1]; /* longitude */
lam = (lam/100. - lam0) * rad;
if (lam<-pi)
lam += twopi;
if (lam>pi)
lam -= twopi;
c1 = ws_trig[i]; /* cosine of latitude */
c1 *= fac;
s1 = ws_trig[i+1]; /* sine of latitude */
s1 *= fac;
in_view = FALSE; /* get status of current point */
if (latzero==TRUE) { /* equatorial globe view */
zp = c1*cos (lam);
if (lam>=-pi2 && lam<=+pi2) {
in_view = TRUE;
h1 = HRADIUS * c1 * sin (lam);
h2 = -VRADIUS * s1;
else { /* oblique earth view */
c2 = cos (lam);
zp = s1*s0 + c1*c0*c2;
if (zp>=hp) { /* zp > hp => in view */
in_view = TRUE;
h1d = HRADIUS * c1 * sin (lam);
h2d = -VRADIUS * (s1*c0 -c1*s0*c2);
if (val!=GLOBE) {
fac2 = (facp/(facp-zp)) * scale;
h1d *= fac2;
h2d *= fac2;
h1 = h1d;
h2 = h2d;
if (first==TRUE) { /* get status of first point */
first = FALSE;
if (in_view==TRUE) { /* if first point is in view, */
x = h1 + CENTERX; /* move pen to first point */
y = h2 + CENTERY; /* and plot it */
Move (rp, x, y);
first_color = ReadPixel (rp, x, y);
xs = x;
ys = y;
plotpoint (xs, ys);
h1prev = h1;
h2prev = h2;
area[0] = h1; /* save first point for later use */
area[1] = h2;
j = 2;
np = 1;
prev_in_view = in_view; /* save status of first point */
latprev = lat;
lamprev = lam;
zpprev = zp;
if (in_view==TRUE) { /* if current point is in view, */
if (prev_in_view==FALSE) { /* but previous point was not */
facz = zp / (zpprev-zp); /* in view, get rim point by */
latc = lat - (latprev-lat)*facz; /* linear interpolation */
lamc = lam - (lamprev-lam)*facz;
dlat = fabs (lat-latprev);
dlam = fabs (lam-lamprev);
if ( fabs (latc-latprev)> dlat || /* if rim point not between */
fabs (latc-lat) > dlat) /* current and previous */
latc = (lat+latprev)/2.; /* point, use midpoint */
if ( fabs (lamc-lamprev)> dlam ||
fabs (lamc-lam) > dlam )
lamc = (lam+lamprev)/2.;
if (latzero==TRUE) {
h1c = HRADIUS * cos (latc) * sin (lamc);
h2c = -VRADIUS * sin (latc);
else {
c1 = cos (latc);
h1d = HRADIUS * c1 * sin (lamc);
h2d = -VRADIUS * (sin (latc)*c0 - c1*s0*cos (lamc));
if (val!=GLOBE) {
h1d *= fac3;
h2d *= fac3;
h1c = h1d;
h2c = h2d;
globe_rim_fix (&h1c, &h2c); /* correct the computed rim point */
x = h1c + CENTERX; /* move to rim point & plot it */
y = h2c + CENTERY;
Move (rp, x, y);
xs = x;
ys = y;
plotpoint (xs, ys);
h1prev = h1c;
h2prev = h2c;
area[j] = h1; /* save coords of rim point */
area[j+1] = h2;
j += 2;
if (nrim_in<MAXRIM) {
rim_in[nrim_in] = np;
if (h1!=h1prev || h2!=h2prev) {
x = h1 + CENTERX; /* draw to current point */
y = h2 + CENTERY;
Draw (rp, x, y);
Move (rp, x, y);
area[j] = h1; /* save coords of current point */
area[j+1] = h2;
j += 2;
h1prev = h1;
h2prev = h2;
else { /* current point is out of view */
if (prev_in_view==TRUE) { /* if previous point was in view, */
facz = zp / (zpprev-zp); /* get rim point by linear */
latc = lat - (latprev-lat)*facz; /* interpolation */
lamc = lam - (lamprev-lam)*facz;
dlat = fabs (lat-latprev);
dlam = fabs (lam-lamprev);
if ( fabs (latc-latprev)> dlat || /* if rim point not between */
fabs (latc-lat) > dlat) /* current and previous */
latc = (lat+latprev)/2.; /* point, use midpoint */
if ( fabs (lamc-lamprev)> dlam ||
fabs (lamc-lam) > dlam )
lamc = (lam+lamprev)/2.;
if (latzero==TRUE) {
h1c = HRADIUS * cos (latc) * sin (lamc);
h2c = -VRADIUS * sin (latc);
else {
c1 = cos (latc);
h1d = HRADIUS * c1 * sin (lamc);
h2d = -VRADIUS * (c0*sin(latc) - c1*s0 * cos(lamc));
if (val!=GLOBE) {
h1d *= fac3;
h2d *= fac3;
h1c = h1d;
h2c = h2d;
globe_rim_fix (&h1c, &h2c); /* correct the computed rim point */
x = h1c + CENTERX; /* draw to rim point */
y = h2c + CENTERY;
Draw (rp, x, y);
Move (rp, x, y);
area[j] = h1; /* save coords of rim point */
area[j+1] = h2;
j += 2;
if (nrim_out<MAXRIM) {
rim_out[nrim_out] = np;
prev_in_view = in_view; /* save status of current point */
latprev = lat;
lamprev = lam;
zpprev = zp;
/* ============================================================= */
void globe_fill (np, narea, nrim_in, nrim_out, lat0, lam0, first_color)
/* fills area on globe */
short np, narea, nrim_in, nrim_out;
double lat0, lam0;
long first_color;
extern void plotpoint ();
int k;
long x, y;
short xs, ys;
char is_lake;
static long pen = ORANGE;
static char area1 = FALSE;
if (nrim_in!=nrim_out)
if (nrim_in==0) { /* fill areas with no rim points */
is_lake = FALSE;
for (k=0; k<num_lakes; ++k) /* check for lake */
if (narea==lakes[k]) {
if (first_color==ORANGE) {
pen = BLUE; /* make lake blue if drawn */
is_lake = TRUE; /* into orange */
else /* don't color-fill if drawn */
return; /* into blue */
xs = CENTERX + area[0];
ys = CENTERY + area[1];
if (np==1)
plotpoint (xs, ys);
else if (np>=GLOBE_FILL_MIN)
afill (np, pen);
if (narea==1) /* check south polar region */
area1 = TRUE;
else if (narea==2) {
if (area1==TRUE) {
area1 = FALSE;
if (lat0<0.) {
y = CENTERY + VRADIUS * cos (lat0);
Flood (rp, 1, x, y);
if (is_lake==TRUE)
pen = ORANGE;
/* ============================================================= */
void globe_rim_fix (h1, h2) /* find nearest actual rim point */
short *h1, *h2;
short inc1, inc2;
int i;
long x, y, color;
static int itmax = 20;
if ((*h1)>=0) /* right half */
inc1 = +1;
else /* left half */
inc1 = -1;
if ((*h2)>=0) /* bottom half */
inc2 = +1;
else /* top half */
inc2 = -1;
x = (*h1) + CENTERX + 5*inc1; /* coords of test pixel */
y = (*h2) + CENTERY + 5*inc2;
for (i=0; i<itmax; ++i) { /* look for nearest black pixel */
if ((color = ReadPixel (rp, x, y))==BLACK)
x += inc1;
y += inc2;
x -= inc1;
y -= inc2;
for (i=0; i<itmax; ++i) { /* look back for previous blue one */
if ((color = ReadPixel (rp, x, y))==BLUE || color==ORANGE)
x -= inc1;
y -= inc2;
(*h1) = x - CENTERX;
(*h2) = y - CENTERY;
/* ============================================================= */
void stars () /* draws stars into black background */
extern double ran();
static int nmax = 150;
double t;
short x, y;
int i, nstars;
long oldpen, color;
oldpen = rp->FgPen;
SetAPen (rp, WHITE);
nstars = 0;
for (i=0; ; ++i) {
t = ran();
x = t * WWIDTH + 0.5;
t = ran();
y = t * WHEIGHT + 0.5;
if (x<0)
x = 0;
if (x>WWIDTH-1)
x = WWIDTH-1;
if (y<0)
y = 0;
if (y>WHEIGHT-1)
y = WHEIGHT-1;
if ((color = ReadPixel (rp, x, y)) == BLACK) {
WritePixel (rp, x, y);
if (nstars>=nmax)
SetAPen (rp, oldpen);
/* ============================================================= */
void floodfill () /* flood fills an area based */
/* on mouse position */
struct IntuiMessage *msgf;
short x, y;
long color;
WaitPort (w->UserPort); /* wait for message */
while (1) {
msgf = (struct IntuiMessage *) GetMsg (w->UserPort);
if (msgf==NULL)
WaitPort (w->UserPort);
if (msgf->Code==SELECTDOWN)
x = msgf->MouseX; /* get mouse coordinates */
y = msgf->MouseY; /* and flood fill */
if ((color = ReadPixel (rp, x, y))==BLUE)
Flood (rp, 1, x, y);
/* ============================================================= */
int getbox (x0, y0, x, y) /* selects a region to draw to */
/* larger scale */
int *x0, *y0, *x, *y;
extern void drawbox();
struct IntuiMessage *msgf;
int xd, yd, x1, x2, y1, y2;
char selectbutton;
selectbutton = FALSE;
SetDrMd (rp, JAM2 | COMPLEMENT); /* turn on complement mode and */
ModifyIDCMP (w, IDCMPFLAGS | MOUSEMOVE); /* enable mouse events */
WaitPort (w->UserPort);
while (1) {
msgf = (struct IntuiMessage *) GetMsg (w->UserPort);
if (msgf==NULL)
WaitPort (w->UserPort);
else if (msgf->Code==SELECTDOWN) { /* if user pressed left button, */
x1 = msgf->MouseX; /* get initial mouse position */
y1 = msgf->MouseY;
xd = x1;
yd = y1;
selectbutton = TRUE;
else if (selectbutton==TRUE && msgf->Class==MOUSEMOVE) {
x2 = msgf->MouseX;
y2 = msgf->MouseY;
drawbox (x1, y1, xd, yd); /* erase old box */
xd = x2;
yd = y2;
drawbox (x1, y1, xd, yd); /* draw new box */
else if (selectbutton==TRUE && msgf->Code==SELECTUP)
x2 = msgf->MouseX; /* erase current box */
y2 = msgf->MouseY;
drawbox (x1, y1, xd, yd);
SetDrMd (rp, JAM2); /* restore original drawing mode */
ModifyIDCMP (w, IDCMPFLAGS); /* and disable mouse events */
*x0 = x1;
*y0 = y1;
*x = x2;
*y = y2;
if (x1==x2 && y1==y2) /* error if box is of zero size */
return (NOT_OK);
if (x1>x2 && y1>y2) { /* ensure that the vertices of */
*x0 = x2; /* the box are in the proper */
*y0 = y2; /* order */
*x = x1;
*y = y1;
else if (x1<x2 && y1>y2) {
*x0 = x1;
*y0 = y2;
*x = x2;
*y = y1;
else if (x1>x2 && y1<y2) {
*x0 = x2;
*y0 = y1;
*x = x1;
*y = y2;
return (OK);
/* ============================================================= */
void drawbox (x1, y1, x2, y2) /* draws a box */
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
Move (rp, x1, y1);
Draw (rp, x2, y1);
Move (rp, x2, y1);
Draw (rp, x2, y2);
Move (rp, x2, y2);
Draw (rp, x1, y2);
Move (rp, x1, y2);
Draw (rp, x1, y1);
Move (rp, x1, y1);
/* ============================================================= */
void box (ws, latp, lamp, fill) /* draws areas contained within */
/* a rectangular region */
short *ws;
double *latp, *lamp;
int fill;
extern void plotpoint(), drawbox();
char first, prev_in_view, in_view, is_lake;
short h1, h1c, h1prev; /* x-dist. (pix) from center */
short h2, h2c, h2prev; /* y-dist. (pix) from center */
short np, xs, ys, nrim_in, nrim_out;
int i, j, k, narea;
long x, y, pen, first_color;
double lam, lamc, lamprev; /* longitude */
double lat, latc, latprev; /* latitude */
double bwidth, bheight, bcx, bcy, xscale, yscale;
double lat1, lat2, lam1, lam2;
lat1 = latp[0]; /* store values for box corners */
lat2 = latp[1]; /* locally */
lam1 = lamp[0];
lam2 = lamp[1];
bwidth = lam2 - lam1; /* box width (degrees) */
bheight = lat1 - lat2; /* box height (degrees) */
bcx = (lam1 + lam2)/2.; /* x-coord of box center (deg) */
bcy = (lat1 + lat2)/2.; /* y-coord of box center (deg) */
xscale = WWIDTH / bwidth; /* horizontal scale (pix/deg) */
yscale = (WHEIGHT-10) / bheight; /* vertical scale (pix/deg) */
j = 0;
np= 0;
narea = 0;
first = TRUE;
pen = ORANGE;
SetAPen (rp, pen);
first_color = BLACK;
drawbox (0, 0, WWIDTH-1, WHEIGHT-10); /* outline the box */
for (i=0; i<MAXVAL; i+=2) {
if (ws[i]==0 && ws[i+1]==0) { /* if end of area, then */
if (np>0 && fill==FILL) { /* color-fill if requested */
if (nrim_in!=nrim_out)
else if (nrim_in==0) {
is_lake = FALSE;
for (k=0; k<num_lakes; ++k)
if (narea==lakes[k]) {
is_lake = TRUE;
if (first_color==ORANGE)
pen = BLUE;
if (is_lake==FALSE || (is_lake==TRUE && pen==BLUE)) {
xs = CENTERX + area[0];
ys = CENTERY + area[1];
if (np==1)
plotpoint (xs, ys);
afill (np, pen);
j = 0;
np = 0;
nrim_in = 0;
nrim_out = 0;
pen = ORANGE;
first_color = BLACK;
first = TRUE;
continue; /* skip to next point */
lat = ws[i]; /* latitude */
lat = lat/100.;
lam = ws[i+1]; /* longitude */
lam = lam/100.;
in_view = FALSE; /* get status of current point */
if ( (lat<=lat1 && lat>=lat2)
&& (lam>=lam1 && lam<=lam2)) {
in_view = TRUE;
h1 = (lam-bcx) * xscale;
h2 = - (lat-bcy) * yscale;
if (first==TRUE) { /* check first point */
first = FALSE;
if (in_view==TRUE) { /* if first point is in view, */
x = h1 + CENTERX; /* move pen to first point */
y = h2 + CENTERY; /* and plot it */
Move (rp, x, y);
first_color = ReadPixel (rp, x, y);
xs = x;
ys = y;
plotpoint (xs, ys);
h1prev = h1;
h2prev = h2;
area[0] = h1;
area[1] = h2;
j = 2;
np = 1;
prev_in_view = in_view; /* save status of first point */
latprev = lat;
lamprev = lam;
if (in_view==TRUE) {
if (prev_in_view==FALSE) { /* if prev. point was not in view, */
if (lamprev<=lam1) { /* find rim point */
lamc = lam1;
if (latprev<=lat2) /* lower left */
latc = lat2;
else if (latprev>=lat1) /* upper left */
latc = lat1;
else /* left center */
latc = lat + (latprev-lat)*(lamc-lam)/(lamprev-lam);
else if (lamprev>=lam2) {
lamc = lam2;
if (latprev>=lat1) /* upper right */
latc = lat1;
else if (latprev<=lat2) /* lower right */
latc = lat2;
else /* right center */
latc = lat + (latprev-lat)*(lamc-lam)/(lamprev-lam);
else {
if (latprev>=lat1) /* top center */
latc = lat1;
else /* bottom center */
latc = lat2;
lamc = lam + (lamprev-lam)*(latc-lat)/(latprev-lat);
h1c = (lamc-bcx) * xscale;
h2c = - (latc-bcy) * yscale;
x = h1c + CENTERX; /* move to rim point & plot it */
y = h2c + CENTERY;
Move (rp, x, y);
xs = x;
ys = y;
plotpoint (xs, ys);
h1prev = h1c;
h2prev = h2c;
area[j] = h1;
area[j+1] = h2;
j += 2;
if (nrim_in<MAXRIM) {
rim_in[nrim_in] = np;
if (h1!=h1prev || h2!=h2prev) {
x = h1 + CENTERX; /* draw to current point */
y = h2 + CENTERY;
Draw (rp, x, y);
Move (rp, x, y);
area[j] = h1;
area[j+1] = h2;
j += 2;
h1prev = h1;
h2prev = h2;
else { /* else out of view */
if (prev_in_view==TRUE) { /* if previous point was in view, */
if (lam<=lam1) { /* find rim point */
lamc = lam1;
if (lat<=lat2) /* lower left */
latc = lat2;
else if (lat>=lat1) /* upper left */
latc = lat1;
else /* left center */
latc = lat + (latprev-lat)*(lamc-lam)/(lamprev-lam);
else if (lam>=lam2) {
lamc = lam2;
if (lat>=lat1) /* upper right */
latc = lat1;
else if (lat<=lat2) /* lower right */
latc = lat2;
else /* right center */
latc = lat + (latprev-lat)*(lamc-lam)/(lamprev-lam);
else {
if (lat>=lat1) /* top center */
latc = lat1;
else /* bottom center */
latc = lat2;
lamc = lam + (lamprev-lam)*(latc-lat)/(latprev-lat);
h1c = (lamc-bcx) * xscale;
h2c = - (latc-bcy) * yscale;
x = h1c + CENTERX; /* draw to rim point */
y = h2c + CENTERY;
Draw (rp, x, y);
Move (rp, x, y);
area[j] = h1;
area[j+1] = h2;
j += 2;
if (nrim_out<MAXRIM) {
rim_out[nrim_out] = np;
prev_in_view = in_view; /* save status of current point */
latprev = lat;
lamprev = lam;
/* ============================================================= */
void afill (pairs, pen) /* draws and fills a region */
/* using AreaDraw function */
short pairs; /* how many pairs of words */
long pen; /* pen number to use */
short i, j;
long x, y, oldpen;
oldpen = rp->FgPen;
SetAPen (rp, pen);
x = area[0] + CENTERX;
y = area[1] + CENTERY;
if (x<0)
x = 0;
if (x>WWIDTH-1)
x = WWIDTH-1;
if (y<0)
y = 0;
if (y>WHEIGHT-1)
y = WHEIGHT-1;
AreaMove (rp, x, y);
j = 2;
for (i=1; i<pairs; i++) {
if (area[j]==0 && area[j+1]==0)
x = area[j] + CENTERX;
y = area[j+1] + CENTERY;
if (x<0)
x = 0;
if (x>WWIDTH-1)
x = WWIDTH-1;
if (y<0)
y = 0;
if (y>WHEIGHT-1)
y = WHEIGHT-1;
AreaDraw (rp, x, y);
j += 2;
AreaEnd (rp);
SetAPen (rp, oldpen);
/* ============================================================= */
void adraw (pairs) /* draws area outlines */
short pairs;
short i, j;
long x, y, oldpen;
oldpen = rp->FgPen;
SetAPen (rp, ORANGE);
x = area[0] + CENTERX;
y = area[1] + CENTERY;
if (x<0)
x = 0;
if (x>WWIDTH-1)
x = WWIDTH-1;
if (y<0)
y = 0;
if (y>WHEIGHT-1)
y = WHEIGHT-1;
Move (rp, x, y);
j = 2;
for (i=1; i<pairs; ++i) {
if (area[j]==0 && area[j+1]==0)
x = area[j] + CENTERX;
y = area[j+1] + CENTERY;
if (x<0)
x = 0;
if (x>WWIDTH-1)
x = WWIDTH-1;
if (y<0)
y = 0;
if (y>WHEIGHT-1)
y = WHEIGHT-1;
Draw (rp, x, y);
Move (rp, x, y);
j += 2;
SetAPen (rp, oldpen);
/* ============================================================= */
void plotpoint (x, y) /* plots a single point */
short x, y;
if (x<0)
x = 0;
if (x>WWIDTH-1)
x = WWIDTH-1;
if (y<0)
y = 0;
if (y>WHEIGHT-1)
y = WHEIGHT-1;
WritePixel (rp, x, y);
/* ============================================================= */
short *svector (nl,nh) /* Allocates a short vector */
/* with range [nl..nh] */
int nl, nh;
extern char *calloc();
extern void errors();
short *v;
v = (short*) calloc (1, (unsigned) (nh-nl+1)*sizeof(short));
if (v==NULL)
return (NULL);
return v-nl;
/* ============================================================= */
void free_svector (v,nl,nh) /* Frees a short vector */
/* allocated by svector */
short *v;
int nl, nh;
free ((char*) (v+nl));