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SIM - A simulator for register-transfer-nets
1 Introduction
2 Syntax rules for the VLI
3 Usage of the simulator
4 Devices
4.1 List of the available devices
4.2 Description of the devices
4.2.1 AND gate
4.2.2 NAND gate
4.2.3 OR gate
4.2.4 NOR gate
4.2.5 XOR gate
4.2.6 Inverter
4.2.7 Tristate buffer
4.2.8 Inverting tristate buffer
4.2.9 Multiplexer
4.2.10 Demultiplexer
4.2.11 Register, positive-edge-triggered
4.2.12 Register, negative-edge-triggered
4.2.13 J-K-Register, positive-edge-triggered
4.2.14 J-K-Register, negative-edge-triggered
4.2.15 Register, positive-level-triggered
4.2.16 Register, negative-level-triggered
4.2.17 Lamp board
4.2.18 Switch board
4.2.19 Adder
4.2.20 Counter
4.2.21 Comparator
4.2.22 Lead assignment
4.2.23 Left rotation
4.2.24 Read/Write memory
4.2.25 Read-only-memory
4.2.26 Stop condition
4.2.27 Pattern generator
4.2.28 Recorder
4.2.29 Register set, positive-level-triggered
4.2.30 Register set, negative-level-triggered
5 Warnings and Error messages
5.1 Warnings
5.2 Error messages
1 Introduction
Register-transfer-nets are used to descripe hardware systems.
A register-transfer-net can be compared with a digital circuit.
Its devices are divided into three classes:
- Registers, with an inner state (sequential logic systems)
- Combinatorial cicuits, without an inner state
- bundles of leads, for the connections between devices
For the simulation of a register-transfer-net, a list of all
devices and connections (called VLI) must exist. This happens
by a call of the devices which are used. The connections are
made with the names of the bundles of leads of the in- and out-
puts of the devices. Every lead-name represents a 16-bit-wide
Because the devices must be sequenzialised by force, which work
parallel in reality, the resulting model system can be very
susceptible for hazards and races. So it's better to used only
hazard- and race-free circuits.
2 Syntax rules for the VLI
Every call of a devices must start with the name of the device.
The pre-defined device-names must be written in capitals and
seperated from the list of the lead-names by one space or tab at
Lead-names are freely eligible. SIM distinguish between lower
and upper case of a letter. The following characters are allowed
in lead-names: 'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', '0'...'9', '_'
The first character in a lead-name must be no digit.
The lead-names must be seperated by commas. Additional spaces or
tabs are permitted. If a device needs a list of lead-names of
the same type with variable length, this list must be seperated
by brackets ('(' and ')'). Inside the brackets, there must must
one lead-name at least.
It's also possible to define an input lead as a constant. This
number is recognized as a hexadecimal if it starts with a '0',
otherwise as a decimal number.
Parameter in '[' ']' are optional. These are mostly initial
values for an output lead. Missing initial values are set to 0.
If the value of a lead is relevant as a number, this value is
interpreted as a unsigned 16-bit-integer.
The first not-space or not-tab character of a comment line must
be a semicolon, this means that a comment cannot be appended
behind the call of a device.
Beside the user-defined lead-names exists a pre-defined clock
lead 'CLOCK'. This lead should be used as the clock for all
edge-triggered registers. It is realised as the output of a
counter. So Bit 0 can be used for the clock input of the regi-
The CLOCK-lead is an output of the unit SWITCH. This device
must be the first in the VLI. SWITCH and unit LAMP cannot be
used more than one time in the VLI.
3 Usage of the simulator
The simulator can be started only from the CLI with the follo-
wing command:
sim <name>
name is the name of a text file, in which the VLI is defined.
After the translation of an error-free VLI, two windows will be
opened. The upper window is the switch board. It contains four
16-bit-wide switch panels and two hex-adjusters. At the begin
of a simulation the outputs of switches and adjusters have low
level. The levels of switches can be changed by clicking them.
The digits of hex-adjuster can be incremented and decremented by
clicking the plus- and minus-gadgets. Normaly every single mani-
pulation of a switch or an adjuster is recognized and processed.
For simultaneous change of more than one switch or adjuster, it
is possible to change the Scan-Mode. When the corresponding gad-
get is clicked, the Scan-Mode turns to 'all'. In this mode, eve-
ry manipulation of a switch or adjuster is saved but mot opera-
ted in the simulator. When the Scan-Mode-gadget is activated
again, the mode is changed back to single and the current set-
tings of the switch board are transfered to the simulator.
The lower window is the lamp board. It contains four 16-bit-wide
level displays and two hex-displays. Until the first values are
computed irrelevant levels are shown. The Run-Mode-gadgets lie
above the displays. The one of the following states is possible:
RUN Continuous simulation of the register-transfer-net
CYCLE All devices are computed until the next increment of
the model time CLOCK. Then the simulation enters the
STOP mode.
STEP Only the next device is computed and the simulation
STOP The simulation is stopped.
The first three states are shown with borders surrounding the
specified gadget. In the STOP mode, no gadget is surrounded. The
change between the different modes can be made by one of the
When clicking the DEBUG gadget, a requester appears. Inside this
requester, a lead-name can be typed. After the use of the ENTER
key or the show gadget, the levels and the hexadecimal value of
this lead is shown. The use of the DEBUG gadget stops the simu-
The manipulation of the RESET-Gadget resets the simulator to the
state immediate after the program was loaded.
A logical high level of bit 0 of CLOCK is shown with the word
'CLOCK' in right upper edge of the LAMP window.
The simulator can be leaved with the CLOSE gadget in the SWITCH
In the STOP mode the simulator waste actively no CPU time.
4 Devices
4.1 List of the available devices
AND (in0,in1,...,inx),out[,init]
NAND (in0,in1,...,inx),out[,init]
OR (in0,in1,...,inx),out[,init]
NOR (in0,in1,...,inx),out[,init]
XOR (in0,in1,...,inx),out[,init]
NOT in,out[,init]
BUFFER in,ctrl,out[,init]
BUF_INV in,ctrl,out[,init]
MUX (in0,in1,...,inx),slct,out[,init]
DEMUX in,slct,(out0,out1,...,outx)[,init_slct,init]
REG_PE clk,in,out,not_out[,init]
REG_NE clk,in,out,not_out[,init]
JK_REG_P clk,j,k,s,r,out,not_out[,init]
JK_REG_N clk,j,k,s,r,out,not_out[,init]
REG_PL clk,in,out,not_out[,init]
REG_NL clk,in,out,not_out[,init]
LAMP B0,B1,B2,B3,H0,H1
SWITCH B0,B1,B2,B3,H0,H1
ADD in0,in1,c_in,out,c_out[,init[,c_init]]
COUNT clk,set,delta,reset,load,dir,out[,init]
COMPARE llimit,hlimit,in,out[,init]
ASSIGN in_maske,out_maske,in,out[,init]
ROTATE in,bits,out[,init]
RAM ([name]),len,write,cs,addr,data[,init]
ROM name,len,cs,addr,data[,init]
STOP ((in0,cond,in1),(in2,cond,in3),...,(inx-1,cond,inx))
PAT_GEN name,len,repeat,clk,out[,init]
RECORDER name,clk,in
REG_SET_P len,wrclk,wraddr,rdaddr,in,out[,init]
REG_SET_N len,wrclk,wraddr,rdaddr,in,out[,init]
4.2 Description of the devices
4.2.1 AND gate
AND (in0,in1,...,inx),out[,init]
in0,...,inx Inputs
out Output
init Initial value for out (constant)
Function: The inputs are AND-combined bit by bit.
The result is transfered to the output.
4.2.2 NAND gate
NAND (in0,in1,...,inx),out[,init]
in0,...,inx Inputs
out Output
init Initial value for out (constant)
Function: The inputs are NAND-combined bit by bit.
The result is transfered to the output.
4.2.3 OR gate
OR (in0,in1,...,inx),out[,init]
in0,...,inx Inputs
out Output
init Initial value for out (constant)
Function: The inputs are OR-combined bit by bit.
The result is transfered to the output.
4.2.4 NOR gate
NOR (in0,in1,...,inx),out[,init]
in0,...,inx Inputs
out Output
init Initial value for out (constant)
Function: The inputs are NOR-combined bit by bit.
The result is transfered to the output.
4.2.5 XOR gate
XOR (in0,in1,...,inx),out[,init]
in0,...,inx Inputs
out Output
init Initial value for out (constant)
Function: The inputs are XOR-combined bit by bit.
The result is transfered to the output.
4.2.6 Inverter
NOT in,out[,init]
in Input
out Output
init Initial value for out (constant)
Function: The input is inverted bit by bit. The result
is transfered to the output.
4.2.7 Tri-state-buffer
BUFFER in,ctrl,out[,init]
in Input
ctrl Control for output
out Output
init Initial value for out (constant)
Function: The value of in is transfered to out as
long as bit 0 of ctrl has high level. There
is no connection between in and out, if bit 0
has low level. Then out can be used as an out-
put by another device. Until this happens,
out keep the last assign value.
4.2.8 Inverting tri-state-buffer
BUF_INV in,ctrl,out[,init]
See BUFFER. Before the value of in is transfered to out, it is
inverted bit by bit.
4.2.9 Multiplexer
MUX (in0,in1,...,inx),slct,out[,init]
in0,...,inx Inputs
slct Selected input
out Output
init Initial value for out (constant)
Function: The inputs are numbered in its order in the
input list (start with 0).
The value of that Input, which has the same
number as the value of slct, is transfered to
the output.
If the value of slct characterize no present
input, the output is set to 0.
4.2.10 Demultiplexer
DEMUX in,slct,(out0,out1,...,outx)[,init_slct,init]
in Input
slct Selected output
out0,...,outx Outputs
init_slct Number of the output to be initialized (const.)
init Initial value for the selected ouput (const.)
Function: The outputs are numbered in its order in the
output list (start with 0).
The value of in is transfered to that output,
which has the same number as the value of slct.
All other output are set to 0.
If the value of slct charactize no present
output, all output are set to 0.
4.2.11 Register, positive-edge-triggered
REG_PE clk,in,out,not_out[,init]
clk Clock
in Input
out Output
not_out Inverted output
init Initial value for out (constant)
Function: The register consists of 16 D-flip-flops. The
value of in is transfered to the output with a
0-1-edge on bit 0 of clk and saved until the
next 0-1-edge.
For a correct function, it's necessary to use
CLOCK as the clk lead.
4.2.12 Register, negative-edge-triggered
REG_NE clk,in,out,not_out[,init]
See REG_PE. The register is triggered with a 1-0-edge.
4.2.13 J-K-Register, positive-edge-triggered
JK_REG_P clk,j,k,s,r,out,not_out[,init]
clk Clock
j J-input
k K-input
s Asynchronous set
r Asynchronous reset
out Output
not_out inverted output
init Initial for output (constant)
Bit 0 (-----------Bit i-----------)
clk j k s r out | out+
x x x 0 0 q | q
x x x 0 1 x | 0
x x x 1 0 x | 1
x x x 1 1 q | ?
^ 0 0 0 0 q | q
^ 0 1 0 0 x | 0
^ 1 0 0 0 x | 1
^ 1 1 0 0 q | -q
?: undefined level
x: irrelevant level
^: 0-1-edge
The register consists of 16 J-K-flip-flops. A
single flip-flop works indepently from the others
except the common clock.
4.2.14 J-K-Register negative-edge-triggered
JK_REG_N clk,j,k,s,r,out,not_out[,init]
See JK_REG_N. The register is triggered with a 1-0-edge.
4.2.15 Register, positive-level-triggered
REG_PL clk,in,out,not_out[,init]
clk Clock
in Input
out Output
not_out Inverted output
init Initial value for out (constant)
Function: The Register consists of 16 D-flip-flops. The
value of in is transfered to the output as long
as bit 0 of clk lies on logical high level.
After a 1-0-edge the last assigned value is
4.2.16 Register, negative-level-triggered
REG_NL clk,in,out,not_out[,init]
See REG_PL. The transfer from the input to the output happens
on a logical low level on bit 0 of clk.
4.2.17 Lamp board
LAMP B0,B1,B2,B3,H0,H1
B0,...,B3 Inputs for binary display
H0,H1 Inputs for hexadecimal display
Function: The values of the inputs ar displayed in the
lamp window of the simulator.
LAMP can be used only one time in a VLI.
4.2.18 Switch board
SWITCH B0,B1,B2,B3,H0,H1
B0,...,B3 Outputs of the binary switch strips
H0,H1 Outputs of the hex-adjusters
Function: The settings of the switch board is polled on
each change of CLOCK and transfered to the
SWITCH must be the first device and can be
used only one time a VLI.
4.2.19 Adder
ADD in0,in1,c_in,out,c_out[,init[,c_init]]
in0,in1 Inputs
c_in Input carry
out Output
c_out Output carry
init Initial value for out (constant)
c_init Initial value for c_out (constant)
Function: out := in0 + in1 + (bit 0 of c_in)
The carry of the result affects bit 0 of c_out.
4.2.20 Counter
COUNT clk,set,delta,reset,load,dir,out[,init]
clk Clock
set Input for setting
delta Input for increment/decrement
reset Reset the counter
load Load the counter
dir Increment/decrement
out Output
init Initial value for the counter (constant)
bit 0 of the leads |
reset load dir clk | out
x x x 0 | out
x x x 1 | out
1 x x ^ | 0
0 1 x ^ | set
0 0 1 ^ | out+delta
0 0 0 ^ | out-delta
x : irrelevant level
^ : 0-1-edge
For a correct function, it's necessary to use
CLOCK as the clk lead.
4.2.21 Comparator
COMPARE llimit,hlimit,in,out[,init]
llimit Lower limit
hlimit Upper limit
in Input
out Output
init Initial value for out (constant)
Function: If the value of in is larger or equal than
llimit and smaller or equal than hlimit, all
bits of out are set to 1. Otherwise all bits
of out are set to 0.
4.2.22 Lead assignment
ASSIGN in_mask,out_mask,in,out,[,init]
in_mask Input-bit-mask (constant)
out_mask Output-bit-mask (constant)
in Input
out Output
init Initial value for out (constant)
Function: With this device it's possible to simulate the
assignment of single bits of a lead to another
lead. The bits of in, specified by in_mask, are
assigned to the bits of out, specified by
out_mask. The assignment starts with the least
significant bits.
Example: in_mask = 4a1a (hex) = 0100101000011010 (bin)
out_mask = 90c5 (hex) = 1001000011000101 (bin)
input lead: output lead:
15 +---------------> 15
14 -----------------------+ 14
13 13
12 +---------> 12
11 -----------------------------+ 11
10 10
9 --------------+ 9
8 | 8
7 +------------------------> 7
6 +---------------------------> 6
5 | 5
4 -----------+ 4
3 --------------------------+ 3
2 +------------> 2
1 --------------------+ 1
0 +------------------> 0
4.2.23 Left rotation
ROTATE in,bits,out[,init]
in Input
bits Number of bits to rotate (constant)
out Output
init Initial value for out (constant)
Function: The value of in is rotated left as long as it
is given by bits. The bits, which are shifted
out left, are shifted in right. The result of
the operation is transfered to out.
The constant bits must lie in the range 0..15.
Example: in = 369b (hex)
bits = 5
out = d366 (hex)
4.2.24 Read/Write memory
RAM ([name]),len,write,cs,addr,data[,init]
name Name of the data file
len Number of storage cells (16-bit-wide) (const.)
write Read/write lead
cs Chip select
addr Address of a cell
data Input or output of the memory
init Initial value of data (constant)
Function: The memory is only active, if bit 0 of cs has
logical high level.
If bit 0 of write has high level, on a 0-1-edge
of cs the actual value of data is written in
that cell that is selected by the value of
addr. If bit 0 of write has low level, the va-
lue of the selected cell is transfered to the
data lead.
A optional pre-allocation of the memory can be
defined in a file with the given name.
This file contains the pre-allocation as 16-bit
numbers. These are interpreted as hexadecimal
values and must be seperated at least by a tab,
space or carriage return ("whitespace").
Example: 3f5a 126c d094
73e1 893a b012
Not pre-allocated cells are initialized with 0.
This happens also if no name of a file is gi-
If the value of addr leaves the range 0..len-1,
the memory becomes inactive.
4.2.25 Read-only-memory
ROM name,len,cs,addr,data[,init]
See RAM. The pre-alloction file must exist and there is no write
access possible.
4.2.26 Stop condition
STOP ((in0,cond,in1),(in2,cond,in3),...,(inx-1,cond,inx))
in0,...,inx Inputs
cond Conditions
Function: If all listed conditions are fulfilled, the
simulation enters the STOP mode.
The following conditions are possible:
== : equal
!= : not equal
> : larger
>= : larger or equal
< : smaller
<= : smaller or equal
The stop condition should be used only for
troubleshotting, because it slows down the
speed of the simulation.
4.2.27 Pattern generator
PAT_GEN name,len,repeat,clk,out[,init]
name Name of the file containing the pattern
len Length of the file (constant)
repeat Mode on overflow (constant)
clk Clock
out Output
init Initial value of out (constant)
Function: This device allows to generate a pattern on the
output lead. The sequence is defined in the file.
The contents of this file must correspond to the
requirements of RAM/ROM files. With every change
of a bit of the clock lead a new pattern is writ-
ten to the output. If the end of the file is rea-
ched, repeat defines the next pattern. On repeat
equal 0, the output holds its last value. On re-
peat unequal 0, the next pattern is again the
first pattern of the data file.
4.2.28 Recorder
RECORDER name,clk,in
name Name of the file containing the record after the
clk Clock
in Input
Function: With every change of a bit of the clock lead the
value on the input lead is written to the file.
4.2.29 Register set, positive-level-triggered
REG_SET_P len,wrclk,wraddr,rdaddr,in,out[,init]
len Number of registers (constant)
wrclk Write clock
wraddr Write address
rdaddr Read address
in Data input
out Data output
init Initial value of out (constant)
Function: The register set can be read and write at the
time. The value of in is transfered to the regi-
ster wraddr as long as bit 0 of clk lies on logi-
cal high level. After a 1-0-edge the last assigned
value is saved.
The contents of register rdaddr is transfered to
the output.
If the value of wraddr or rdaddr leaves the range
0..len-1, the register becomes inactive for that
4.2.30 Register set negative-level-triggered
REG_SET_N len,wrclk,wraddr,rdaddr,in,out[,init]
See REG_SET_P. The transfer from the input to the register hap-
pens on a logical low level on bit 0 of wrclk.
5 Warnings and error messages
5.1 Warnings
- Warning: Lead <name> is only used as an output
This can be the succession of misspellings in the VLI.
Although the simulation will be started.
5.2 Error messages
- Bad statement
The call of the simulator doesn't correspond to:
sim <name>
- File not found : <name>
The given file, that contains the VLI, doesn't exist.
There's not enough memory available to translate the VLI.
- '(' expected
- ')' expected
- ',' expected
Lead names must be seperated by commas.
- Lead name expected
- Output lead name expected
- Init value expected
- Constant expected
- Condition expected (==,!=,>,>=,<,<=)
- No constant allowed as output lead
- Too many characters (max. 255)
- Unknown device
- Too many lead names
- Out of range (0..0FFFF)
- Out of range (0..0F)
- Device cannot be used more than one time
The devices SWITCH or LAMP are used more than one time.
- SWITCH must be used
- SWITCH must be the first device
- No such data file for RAM/ROM/PAT_GEN
- Error in data file for RAM/ROM/PAT_GEN
- Unable to write to recorder file
- Bad statement
The device definition doesn't correspond to the given
syntax. Mostly an illegal character is used.
- Error while opening intuition.library
- Error while opening graphics.library
- Error while opening LAMP-window
- Error while opening SWITCH-window
- Error while creating new task
- Unable to load/create process
- Different version of Sim and external device definition
On errors, that occur during the translation of the VLI, the in-
correct line is shown (an extract) and the wrong place is marked.
The error lies directly at the marked place, at the character
ahead or in the name ahead.
Only the first error in a line is recognized.
After every five errors is asked if the translation should conti-
nue. On abortion, the number of the errors, that are detected
until this point, is shown.