Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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ImageLab V2.2
Copyright 1989
by Gary Milliorn
All Rights Reserved
Distribution for non-commercial purposes is ok, as long as the
program and accompanying files remain unchanged.
ImageLab is a program which may be used to explore many common image
processing operation, from simple averaging to Fast Fourier Transforms
(FFT's). ImageLab makes use of the Amiga's blitter to perform fast
operations where available.
ImageLab is copyrighted, and is freely distributable for non-commercial
ImageLab is: an evolving program. If you find it interesting, have
suggestions, bug reports, etc. you can contact me at:
mail: Gary Milliorn
5915 Shanghai Pierce Rd.
Austin, Tx 78745
bix: gmill
I can't promise everything, but I do endeavor to make it as good as I can.
** Note: This is the most unusual aspect of ImageLab (V2.2):
ImageLab opens a window on the WorkBench screen, which allows access
to its menus even when the picture you use is 320 or less. The menu
strip is also attached to any picture you load, but it may be difficult
to use on small screens, since there are so many menus.
The easiest way to use ImageLab in this manner is to position the
screen partially down the screen and start functions from the exposed
WorkBench window.
An alternate method is to position the image screen at the top, move
WorkBench to front, and drag it partially down. However, application
programs cannot reposition the WorkBench window, so you must do this.
A this possibility is to keep both screens at the top and flip between
them using the AMIGA-N and AMIGA-M key.
The following applies throughout ImageLab unless otherwise specified:
ImageLab uses the ESCAPE key to terminate an operation in progress.
Whenever lengthy operation are being performed, the pointer changes to
a small spinning clock. When this is true, you can press ESC to stop
whatever it is doing; however, this may leave your picture in a partially
altered state.
ImageLab uses the RETURN and ENTER keys to simulate the "Ok" gadget
which appears in requester windows. Similarly, the ESCAPE key siumulates
the cancel gadget.
Function can be applied to the entire picture, or to a selected area.
To select an area, use the mouse to "draw" a selection rectangle by
pressing the left mouse button at one corner and dragging it (with the
button still down) to the opposite corner. To cancel an area selection
in progress, press the ESCAPE key or the MENU button.
All menu items which call up a requester for additional information
have '...' appended to them.
* Amiga 500..2000
* MC68000 or better.
* 512K memory (the more, the better).
* System V1.2 software or newer.
ImageLab allocates some memory from the C-heap, instead of the system
memory pool. This means you will probably need a large stack space to
run extensive operations. If you experience problems, try setting the
stack size to 25K or more.
ImageLab's undo function is not very complete.
ImageLab cannot take advantage of a MC68881 or MC68882, alas.
* You cannot invoke the palette from the paint function.
* Much of ImageLab is ready for V1.4: you can use fixed or
proportional fonts, of any size. That is the intention.
Some things don't adjust, so you will get best results if
your font is 11 points or less.
* ImageLab doesn't save "unknown" IFF objects, like DPPV and
* Process images in HSI space.
* Programmable convolution kernel sizes.
* Super bitmap screens.
* Multiple image screens.
* Use menus on image screens exclusively. Pictures less than 640
pixels wide will be 320
* Use system memory allocation exclusively.
* Better 'undo'.
* ???
Copyright 1989 by Gary W. Milliorn
All rights reserved.
Developed using Manx C 3.4 (!), 32-bit mode.
To install ImageLab in your system, you can use the install program
to use the default installation procedure. Review the file first, and
if it is acceptable to you, just enter "execute install" and it will
run automatically.
Otherwise, review the following paragraphs to install whatever
portions you would like to have.
The ImageLab program does not have any special requirements. By
default, a directory is created on your SYS: directory, and ImageLab
is placed in there. You can use the WorkBench or CLI to move it to
a more suitable directory, if you like.
ImageLab comes with two fonts, "tau" and "ceres". "Tau" is an
8-point font I run on my system (using the 1.3 command "FF"). The
special feature of this font is the characters at positions $80 and
$81 (hex), when printed sequentially, create an Amiga-style checkmark.
Currently, application programs cannot specify the font used in menu
titles, so it must be handled separately by specifying it as the
default system font. If you don't like the appearance of "tau", you
might consider changing those two characters to the checkmark, if only
to help keep alive the old (better, IMHO) symbol of the Amiga.
The second font is "ceres", and is a proportional, bold, 9-point
font. ImageLab handles fonts of any style and size, up to a point.
Using it is also strictly optional; if present, ImageLab uses it by
default, or reverts to the system default font. You can also specify
other fonts of your own choosing - see the startup section.
Installing the fonts is strictly optional.
ImageLab can be provided with on-line help by storing the help file
("ImageLab.help") in the same location where the ImageLab program is
stored (generally, "SYS:ImageLab/ImageLab.help"); alternately, it can
be stored in the "S:" directory (ImageLab will locate it automatically).
Installing the help file is strictly optional.
ImageLab can be run via the CLI or via WorkBench. Operation is
basically identical, except that some of the defaults are changed.
When started from the CLI, the ImageLab command line has the
following format:
ImageLab [-d dir] [-f file] [-r ram] [-v] [-F font] [-c] [-?]
the options are:
-? : summarize CLI usage.
-b : enable the bell.
-c : enable the checkmark character. If you are using
the "tau" font, or have modified your own, setting
this option changes the "Project" menu title to an
Amiga checkmark.
-d dir : set the file directory to 'dir'. Otherwise, the
default is the directory ImageLab was 'run' from.
-f file : load initial image from 'file' (in the specified
-F font : specify font. Fonts are specified as "name/size",
-i : enable icon generation.
-r ram : use 'ram' as a ram disk. If not specified, ImageLab
uses 'RAM:'. This is only needed by the "Save/Choose"
-v : verbose. If set, ImageLab prints debugging info.
as in "Helvetica/9".
Icon creation is disabled when ImageLab is started from the CLI. To
enable it, you must specify the "-i" option.
ImageLab can be started up via the WorkBench. Its icon is a tool,
which allows it to receive filenames by clicking on a Project icon
such as ImageLab creates, or selecting both to open "alien" files,
such as those created by Deluxe Paint, DigiView, etc.
The ImageLab icon accepts the tool types listed below. To set
them, use the WorkBench "Info" function.
BELL=ON|OFF : if ON, create bells; otherwise, do not.
CHECKMARK=ON|OFF : if ON, enable the checkmark character.
If you are using the "tau" font, or have
modified your own, setting this option
changes the "Project" menu title to an
Amiga checkmark.
DIRECTORY=name : set the file directory to "name"
FONT=name : set the ImageLab font to "name"
Fonts are specified as "name/size",
ICON=ON|OFF : if ON, create icons; otherwise, do not.
RAM=name : use "name" as a ram disk. If not
specified, ImageLab uses "RAM:" This
is only needed by the "Save/Choose" option.
WINDOW=CON:0/0/100/100 : create a message window of the specified size.
Mostly just for debug support.
VERBOSE=ON|OFF : if ON, ImageLab writes debugging information
to its WorkBench window. Do NOT use without
a "WINDOW..." specification.
If you had also selected a PROJECT when ImageLab was started, it tries
to open that file as an IFF image file. Only one file may be specified this
way, however.
Icon creation is enabled when ImageLab is started from the CLI. To
disable it, you must specify the "ICON=OFF" option.
The following table lists the keyboard keys which can be used in
ESC - terminate an operation. Same as 'CANCEL'.
RETURN - select an operation. Same as 'OK'.
ENTER - same as return.
HELP - invoke the help utility.
SHIFT-UP - move the screen up 10 lines.
SHIFT-DOWN - move the screen down 10 lines.
AMIGA-A - Average.
AMIGA-B - Color to black and white.
AMIGA-C - Copy selected area.
AMIGA-D - Display FFT.
AMIGA-E - Edit/paint picture.
AMIGA-G - Greyscale.
AMIGA-H - Histogram.
AMIGA-I - Inverse FFT.
AMIGA-K - Close picture.
AMIGA-L - Laplacian convolution.
AMIGA-M - Move area.
AMIGA-O - Open picture.
AMIGA-P - Palette.
AMIGA-R - Revert to old version.
AMIGA-S - Save picture.
AMIGA-X - Cut selected area.
AMIGA-V - Paste selected area.
AMIGA-Z - Undo last operation.
AMIGA-- - Negative.
AMIGA-_ - Vertical edge convolution.
AMIGA-| - Horizontal edge convolution.
AMIGA-, - Occupy all of screen.
AMIGA-. - Occupy half of screen.
AMIGA-/ - Occupy little of screen.
The following sections describe the function of each menu item in
detail. Each is listed in alphabetical order. In general, each item
has its own paragraphs; however, simple items are grouped unter the
parent menu.
The "About" menu item provides the requisite display of the program
status (version number, etc.), a monitor of the free memory available
(total), and access to the "help" system.
The "Average" item performs area averaging of the picture or selected
area. Averaging is performed by using a 3x3 control matrix to select
points of interest surrounding each pixel in the pixture (or selected
area). For each non-zero term in the matrix, the corresponding pixel
value is added to a sum. Then the center pixel is replaced by the
average value.
The effect of averaging an area is to reduce noise by blurring the
area, in a manner similar to (but faster) the 'Smooth' convolution
kernel. The various averaging options select different severities of
The available suboptions are:
H & V
"Horizontal" averages based upon a pixels two neighbors to the left and
right, using the following 3x3 matrix:
0 0 0
1 1 1
0 0 0
"Vertical" averages based upon the two neighbors above and below, using
the following 3x3 matrix:
0 1 0
0 1 0
0 1 0
The "H & V" average combines the previous two methods to base the average
on those four pixels, using the following 3x3 matrix:
0 1 0
1 1 1
0 1 0
The "Diagonal" average varies the previous one by using the four pixel
at each corner, using the following 3x3 matrix:
1 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 1
The "All" average (the usual one) averages each pixel based upon all
surrounding pixels. This produces the best average. It is based upon
the following 3x3 matrix:
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
The "Custom..." option brings up a custom matrix editor. This window
displays nine cells in a three by three format. You can select and
edit the value in each of the cells. Enter a non-zero value to
enable that location (pictorially speaking) to be used in the averaging,
or leave it as zero to ignore that location.
If SHIFT is held when one of these options is selected, then
the custom matrix editor is brought up with the contents of the
selected averaging matrix. You can edit it to suit your needs.
Note: the built-in matrices cannot be changed, they are fixed
and will be reset each time you use them.
If CTL is held while selecting an averaging option, then the
sum of the selected pixels is always divided by 9 (the kernel size),
instead of the number of pixels selected by the matrix. This has
the effect of squashing the result into a darker image.
The "Bell" item controls whether ImageLab signals an alarm on the
completion of any operation. The options are:
If ON, then the Amiga's alarm function is calle. This will simply
flash the screen by default, but several public domain functions are
available which intercept this call and substitute an audible bell or
sampled sound.
The primary use of the bell function is to alert you when some of
the lengthier functions have completed. Some functions, especially
the FFT function, can take several minutes to complete.
The bell is off by default, since they tend to be annoying. They
can be enabled by the options:
-b (from the CLI)
BELL=ON (from the WorkBench)
The "Binary..." function replaces each pixel with black if it
is less than a specified limit, or with white if it is greater than
or equal to that limit. The limit is specified by a sliding bar,
which allows you to specify the color index number (0..max).
The effect of the "Binary" functions is much like orthographic
film: the result is pure black and white. Of course, the resolution
is cut off sharply.
The "Clear" operation sets the selected area to the background color.
If the SHIFT key is held, the area is set to the last color that
was selected in the color palette.
Close closes the current picture and frees all associated memory items,
including any FFT computations. If the picture has been modified but
not saved, a warning requester will be displayed first.
The "Color to B&W" option converts a color picture to a black and
white one (a grey scale, actually). This function is the primary tool
used to allow ImageLab to process color IFF files (it is also known as
the Un-Ted Turner function). "Color to B&W" uses the standard EIA
weighting levels to obtains an evenly distributed grey scale. Note:
if your picture has more than 16 colors, the greyscale will cause the
picture to appear grainier -- this is a limitation of the Amiga DAC
The "Colors" item provides access to the color map functions for
this picture. The available options are:
For information on the color operations, refer to the individual
command descriptions.
The "Convolve" item enables performing graphical convolution of
the selected area. Convolution alters the center pixel by replacing
it with the weighted pixel values in the surrounding area (usually
including itself as well). The available convolve operations are:
The "Custom..." option brings up a custom matrix editor. This
window displays nine cells in a three by three format. You can select
and edit the value in each of the cells. Each cells value will be
multiplied by the corresponding pixel value, and the sum of all nine
will be stored at the center pixel.
For information on the other convolutions, refer to the individual
command descriptions.
If SHIFT is held when one of these options is selected, then
the custom matrix editor is brought up with the contents of the
selected averaging matrix. You can edit it to suit your needs.
Note: the built-in matrices cannot be changed, they are fixed
and will be reset each time you use them.
The "Copy" operation copies the selected area to the clipboard.
The "Cut" operation copies the selected area to the clipboard,
then clears the resulting area to the background color.
If the SHIFT key is held, the area is set to the last color that
was selected in the color palette.
The "Delete..." item calls up the file requester. Selecting a
file and then the OK gadget will delete the that file.
The "Delete Colors..." function beings up a requester which has
a box for every possible color, numbered from 0..n. To delete a
represented color, click on an open box and an 'X' will appear in
it. When "OK" is selected, every marked color will be deleted from
the picture. The remaining colors are then packed further down into
the palette. "Delete Colors..." allows you to remap the color palette,
possibly reducing the number of colors (and therefore, graphics bit
planes) required.
The "Display" function causes ImageLab to open a screen and display
the two-dimensional representation of the FFT you have computed (you
cannot select this function unless FFT data is present, whether created
or loaded).
The "Display" function is controlled by the two options:
"Log Display" and "Normal Display".
Note: you do not have to re-compute the FFT if you only change the
display modes.
The "Distort..." function introduces distortion into the picture or
selected area. Distortion is simulated by displacing the pixel in a
random direction at random intervals (the distortion probability).
A requester allows you to specify the approximate percentage
probability that distortion will occur, from 0 (never) to 100 (always).
The "Edit Parameter..." function allows you to change the size,
depth, or modes of the current picture. When selected, a requester
is brought up, as follows:
| Enter the new screen parameters: |
| |
| Width: 640 |
| |
| Height: 200 |
| |
| Depth: 5 |
| |
| [] HAM [] Interlace |
| |
| [] Extra-Half-Bright |
| |
| [ Ok ] [ Cancel ] |
To enable a screen mode (HAM, Interlace, or Extra-Half-Bright), click
in the box until an 'X' is present. To disable that mode, click until
the 'X' is not present. Size parameters can be changed by editing the
displayed values.
If the SHIFT key is held while "Edit Parameters..." is selected,
it will ignore the selected area and will use the total size of the
picture as the default size instead.
Note: FFT data is preserved across this function, although its
applicability is highly questionable.
The "FFT" Menu provides access to the FFT operations. The available
functions are:
For information on the FFT operations, refer to the individual
command descriptions.
The "FFT Tools" menu performs operations on FFT data that has been
generated. It has the following options:
The "Zero Real" option sets the real part of the complex FFT data to
zero, while "Zero Imaginary" clears the imaginary part. "Invert Real"
replaces the real part with its reciprocal. Phase randomize replaces
the phase component of the FFT data with a random value (it must
convert the data to polar form and back, so this can be slow).
The "Filter" menu provides access to various image filter methods
other than the Convolve and Average functions. The available filters
For information on the filter operations, refer to the individual
command descriptions.
The "Flip" item flips the selected area around an imaginary
axis. The "Horizontal" options flips it around an vertical axis,
producing a mirror image. The "Vertical" options flips it around
a horizontal axis, producing an upside-down image.
The "Free FFT" function releases all memory associated with an
FFT. If you are pressed for space, this function will free up quite
a bit, since 16 bytes are required for each pixel in the FFT area.
The "Gamma Correction" applies a series of corrective factors to
the greyscale color map, based upon empirical values for the Amiga
monitor. These factors vary quite a bit; to alter them, hold down
the SHIFT key when selecting "Gamma Correction" and a requester will
allow you to enter other values for gamma, c, and I0. The default
values are:
gamma = 0.5
c = 1.75
I0 = 1.00
The "Greyscale" option sets the picture's color map to a linearly
increasing range. This option automatically adjusts to different
picture depths, but since the Amiga's video DAC's are only 4 bits
wide, only 16-color pictures can make proper use of greyscale images.
Pictures with more than 16 colors will have repeated grey colors,
while those with less than 16 colors will have skipped values.
The "Halftone..." function allows the conversion of the current
screen to a halftoned image. A requester allows the selection of a
two-cell or three-cell halftone (note that this implies that the
resulting picture will be two or three times as large as the
selected area).
The "HAM Conversion" option is enabled only when the loaded
picture is in HAM mode. Selecting this function converts the
picture or selected area to a 4-plane greyscaled image.
"HAM Conversion" correctly processes selected area that do not
begin in the left-most column by scanning all pixels to the left of
the selection area and tracking the resulting RGB values.
The "Histogram" function "Display" counts the number of each pixel
value in the picture or selected area, and displays the totals. The
"Equalize" function uses this information to "tweak" the color palette
values to obtain a more uniform color distribution.
The options for the Histogram Display function is:
The "Include Black" and "Exclude Black" options determine whether
black colors are included in the display. Since the plot is
automatically scaled to fit the main ImageLab display window, if your
picture has a lot of black (as in a picture on a background), it will
be hard to see the pixel distribution if the large number of black
pixels flattens the curve. Normally, this is not a problem and black
pixels are included.
The "Bar Graph" and "Line Graph" options cause the histogram
plot to be a bar graph or a line graph, as expected.
Note: The Display options do not affect the Equalize function in
any way.
The "Horizontal Edge" operation uses graphical convolution to
highlight horizontal edges (but not vertical ones). The kernel used is:
-1 -1 -1
0 0 0
1 1 1
The "Icons" item controls whether ImageLab creates an icon whenever
a file is saved (via "Save" or "Save As..."). The options are:
If ON is selected, an icon is generated that resembles the Deluxe
Paint (tm) icon, except that the default project is ImageLab.
Icon generation defaults to off if ImageLab is run from the CLI,
and to on if it is run from WorkBench. Icon generation can be
controlled by the options:
-b (from the CLI)
ICON=OFF (from the WorkBench)
The "Intensity" item is used to alter the intensity of the picture
or selected area. The first three options are:
These functions incrementally add or subtract a value from the picture,
causing the image to brighten or darken, respectively. The "Other..."
option allows you to enter a step value other than one; to use it,
enter the decimal step value you want, and click on the direction
gadget (the 'delta' symbol to the left) to select the up direction
( /\ ) or the down direction ( \/ ).
These three function cause the intensity to be scaled more strongly
than the previous three by using a multiplicative function. "Scale Up"
scales each pixel value by 2 (overflow values are truncated at the
maximum pixel intensity), while "Scale Down" halves its intensity.
The "Other..." option works like the previously described requester,
except that the value obtained from you is either multiplied or divided,
depending upon the direction you select.
The "Root" option dramatically scales down large intensity range by
replacing each pixel by its square root.
The "Inverse" operation computes the complex conjugate of the FFT
data. If the data has not been modified, you can use Display and your
original picture will be regenerated. If it has been altered in some
way, you source may substantially return, with some errors introduced.
The "Merge/XOR" function can quickly highlight changed pixels.
Note: if translation is enabled, you picture will return rotated 180
degrees. You can use the "Flip" functions (both in sequence) to
quickly correct this.
The "Laplacian" operation uses graphical convolution to highlight
outline edges. The kernel used is:
-1 -1 -1
-1 8 -1
-1 -1 -1
The "Linearize" option converts the palette to a monotonically
increasing palette. ImageLab requires such a palette for its
image processing function to perform properly. For example, if your
four color palette is:
000 555 fff aaa
the "Linearize" function will re-order it as:
000 555 aaa fff
Note that this function requires rewriting all pixels in the picture
in order to avoid changing its appearance. This function will be
required for some DigiView pictures which do not use a linearly
increasing palette.
If the "Log Display" option is enabled, the "Display" function will
perform a logarithmic enhancement to the FFT data before displaying it.
The dynamic range of the FFT falls off sharply along the axes from the
DC component at zero.
The "Low Frequency" kernel highlights unchanging areas. The kernel
used is:
-1 -1 -1
-1 1 -1
-1 -1 -1
The "Map Colors..." function operates similarly to "Delete Colors",
except that only two colors can be selected. When "Ok" is selected,
those two colors are exchanged in both the color map and the picture.
The "Maximum" function replaces each pixel with the maximum value
found in the surrounding eight pixels.
The "Median" function replaces each pixel with the median value
found in the surrounding eight pixels. Since a sort is required to
find a median, this function is slower than the corresponding "Minimum"
or "Maximum" functions.
The "Merge" item is used to combine the current picture with
another loaded from disk. The options available with merge are:
The "Overlay" function copies all pixels in the merge picture onto
the current one wherever the current one contains a zero pixel.
The "Add" and "Subtract" functions perform arithmetic merges of the
two pictures, paying attention to underflow/overflow issues.
The "AND", "OR", "XOR", and "Other..." functions use the Amiga's
blitter to perform the requested boolean operations. The "Other..."
function allows custom blitter operations; to use, enter the blitter
minterm as a decimal number (or i hex if you preceed it with '$').
Refer to the Amiga Hardware Reference Manual for details on the
The "Minimum" function replaces each pixel with the minimum value
found in the surrounding eight pixels.
The "Move" item moves the pixels from the currently selected area
to a destination of your choosing. When "Move" is selected, a
draggable box is positioned on the screen. Click down to begin
positioning it, and release the button when you are over the target
Note: the image is copied off-screen first, so overlapping images can
be produced.
The "Negative" option reverses the order of the color map. If
the picture currently has a greyscale color map, the picture will
appear as a negative. This can make it easier to pick out features
of the picture. Using this function on color pictures is...
interesting -- you will generally want to convert it to black and
white first.
The "No Translation" function disables the displacement of the
FFT function to the center of the FFT area. With this option
enabled, the FFT data places the DC component at the lower left
corner, with reflection in all the other corners.
Note: if the translation options is changed, you must re-compute
the FFT for it to have any effect.
The "Noise..." function introduces impulse noise into the picture
or selected area. Noise is generated by writing the brightest pixel
(white) at random intervals (the noise probability).
A requester allows you to specify the approximate percentage
probability that noise will occur, from 0 (never) to 100 (always).
If SHIFT is held while making this selection, then the impulse
noise generated will be the darkest color instead (black).
If the "Normal Display" option is enabled, the "Display" function
will not perform a logarithmic enhancement to the FFT data before
displaying it. Unless you source picture is quite extraordinary,
all you will probably get is a white pixel at the DC term location.
Use the "Log Display" option to enhance the display.
The "Open..." item brings up a file requester (C. Heath's famous
one). Select the IFF file you want to use, and select OK. ImageLab
does not currently support SuperBitMap screens, so your picture must
fit within the standard Intuition limits: about 720 x 500.
If there is an image opened already, and it has been modified,
then a requester will be displayed. Select "OK" to discard your
changes, and proceed with loading the new image.
If SHIFT is held while making the "Open..." selection, then
one bit plane will be stripped from the file while it is read in.
This is useful to process Digi-View files (which have an extra bit
plane in them) in ImageLab. This has the same effect as the
"Restrict Palette" item, but conserves the memory that would otherwise
be needed.
The "Paint" item puts creates a toolbox on the picture and allows
you to modify the pixels with the mouse. The toolbox contains
gadgets for:
The "Draw" option draws the last color selected with the palette.
If FFT data is present, the real component is changed to the
selected color value.
The "Xor" option toggles the pixels on the screen using the
exclusive-or operator. If FFT data is present, the real
component is replaced by the reciprocal.
The "Random" option draws a random color on the screen. If FFT
data is present, the real component is changed to a floating
point random value.
The "Trace" option works like "Draw", except that intermediate
pixels are connected. This produces smooth line drawing.
The "Palette..." option brings up a color palette on the screen.
You can select a particular color from the block on the palette window,
and alter its red, green, and blue components using the three sliders
labelled R, G, and B.
If you select "OK", the changes are added to your picture. If
you select "Cancel", the old palette is restored.
The "Paste" item copies the contents of the clipboard into the
current picture, if it is an IFF image. It the clipboard is empty,
you will receive an error message. Otherwise, a draggable rectangle
will be placed on the picture, which you can position where desired.
Click once to begin dragging it, then release it over the position
you want, and the data will be inserted.
The "Picture Info" item opens a window and displays the following
information about the picture file currently open:
Name: .......... (name of the file)
File Size: ..... (size in bytes)
Size: .......... (size of the picture: L x W x H)
Mode: .......... (picture modes: EHB, HAM, INTERLACE flags)
Area: .......... (selected area, if any: location and size)
FFT: ........... (number of bytes of FFT information available)
The "Position" item has some functions used to position the picture.
Since there are no front/back gadgets, and no drag bar, positioning the
screen is somewhat more difficult. The options are:
The FRONT and BACK items can also be performed by the LEFT-AMIGA M and
LEFT-AMIGA N keys, respectively, if no other screen are open. The ALL,
MIDDLE, and LOW items position the screen to occupy all, half, or a small
portion of the WorkBench screen. The menu keys for these three functions
are LEFT-AMIGA- ',', '.', and '/', respectively (chosen for convenience,
not for any mnemonic function).
The "PsuedoColor" option converts the palette to values such that
dark colors are tinted blue (i.e., "cold") and bright colors
are tinted red (i.e., "hot"). Average colors are given a green hue.
The effect is much like a thermograph, and tends to accentuate the
difference between pixels. If the SHIFT key is held when the "Pseudo-
Color" function is selected, the color map is randomized. This is
mostly for fun.
The "Quit" item closes the picture and leaves ImageLab. If the
picture has been modified but not saved, a requester will be brought
up to give you a chance to save it first.
The "Resize" item causes the selected item to be resized. The
resizing options are:
The "Copy" and "Interpolate" items are operated identically: you
drag the resizing rectangle to the desired size. When you release
the mouse button, the selected area is scaled up or down to fit in
the desired area (it is possible to scale up in one dimension and
scale down in another at the same time).
The difference between "Copy" and "Interpolate" arise when the
area is expanded: "Copy" just copies the first pixel to fill the
expanded area, while "Interpolate" employs bilinear interpolation
to fill in the area. Interpolation produces a smoother picture,
but is slower to operate.
The "Halve" and "Double" options allow you to quickly resize the
selected area to half or twice its original size, respectively. The
"Double" operation employs interpolation for best results.
If SHIFT is held while selecting the target area, the selection
box will be kept square.
The "Restrict Palette" function if primarily used to deal with
image files which have a palette larger than is necessary to
represent the picture (i.e., the picture has 16 colors, but the
palette has 32 locations reserved). This occurs often with DigiView
pictures, which creates an extra bit-plane for internal control
functions. The options are:
If ON, then the palette is halved (regardless of the total number).
This option is reset to OFF whenever a new picture is loaded (or
reverted), or when the screen parameters are edited.
The "Pixelize..." function replaces each pixel with <n> copies
of itself, where <n> is from 2 to 10. This effect "computerizes"
images, by craeting a blocky image of low resolution (i.e., IBM
The "Revert" menu item is enabled when any changes have been made
to your image, or to its color-map. Selecting "Revert" recalls the
file from disk.
The "Roberts" transform is a variation of the "Sobel" transform,
both of which are effective at outline tracing. The Roberts transform
uses the L->R, U->D, and diagonal gradients at each pixel location
in the picture or selected area.
The "Saturate" function converts the palette to values such that
all colors are saturated (i.e, if a color is mostly red, it becomes
pure red).
If the SHIFT key is held while selecting this function, then
the intensity level is also intensified; this forces each pixel to a
primary color.
The "Save" item allows writing to disk your current image file, and
any changes that have been made to it. A user-settable option allows
ImageLab to create icons and include ImageLab specific information in
the IFF file.
The "Save As..." item allows writing to disk your current imageo
using a different file name. Selecting this item brings up a file
requester, allowing you to alter the current filename or enter a new
one. If OK is selected, then the file is saved as described in the
"Save" function.
The "Save Type" item specifies how pictures will be saved. The
first three items are:
which are mutually exclusive. The first two items can be selected to
indicate what type of data compression to use in the IFF picture file.
The default is to save in the mode that the currently open picture was
originally saved (usually "COMPRESS RUNS").
If the special item 'CHOOSE' is selected, ImageLab will write out
the file using both methods, then bring up a requester showing the
total file sizes using both methods. You can then elect to save the
smallest one.
The second set of Save options are:
which control the saving of any FFT data generated by the FFT function.
By default, this is disabled, since ImageLab uses a custom IFF id
to do so (this *should* be transparent to picture display programs, but
that is not always true).
The "Sharpen" operation uses graphical convolution to accentuate
the differences between the center pixel and the surrounding ones.
The kernel used is:
-1 -1 -1
-1 9 -1
-1 -1 -1
The "Smooth" operation uses graphical convolution to smooth the
area selected by using the smoothing kernel:
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
The "Sobel" transform is a highly effective outline tracing
function, which examines the gradients present at each pixel
location in the picture or selected area.
The "Threshold..." function reduces the range of a picture or
selected area by clipping pixels which fall outside a user-defined
range. Values outside this range are clipped to the minimum or
maximum, as appropriate.
To select a threshold, a requester is brought up which has two
sliders on it: adjust the minimum and maximum values to your
desired range. Note: the requester will reject attempts to set a
minimum greater than a maximum.
The "Transform" function invokes ImageLab's two-dimensional FFT
routine. FFT's convert time domain information (a picture is a valid
representation of this) to frequency domain information. Using the
default settings, the transform of an image produces a strong DC
component at the center (representing the uniform background) with
sine circles radiating outwards (representing the edge frequencies
of components in the picture).
Refer to any good textbook for a better explanation of this.
When the FFT has been computed, you can use the "Paint" functio
to introduce errors in the transform, and use the "Inverse" function
to try to recover your picture. For fun, try blotting out the strong
DC term in the center of the picture.
ImageLab uses an FFT instead of a DFT for speed; however, FFT's
must be a power of two in both dimensions (2, 4, 8, etc.). If the
picture or selected area is not a power of two in size, the FFT Size
requestor is brought up first. This requester looks like:
| The selected FFT area must be a power of two in |
| size. Adjust the desired size: |
| |
| +---------+---------------+ |
| |@+--+@@@@| | |
| |@+--+@@@@| | [] Overscan |
| |---------+ | |
| | | Size: /\ |
| | | < > |
| | | \/ |
| +-------------------------+ |
| Select: (77,18)..(140,33) Area: [64 x 16] |
| Screen size: (320,200) |
| FFT Max: (1024,1024) |
| |
| [ Ok ] [ Cancel ] |
To alter the size of the selected area, click on the arrow gadgets.
The "up" and "left" arrow reduce the Y and X dimensions, respectively;
the "down" and "right" arrows increase them. You can also use the
arrow keys on the keyboards.
To alter the origin of the selected area, use the arrow gadgets as
described before, but hold the SHIFT key down while clicking on the
gadgets or using the keyboard. This steps the origin by one in the
selected direction; if the ALT key is also held, the origin shifts
by ten.
If the "Overscan" gadget is selected, you can perform FFT's of
entire pictures (if you have enough memory). Selecting this gadget
transforms the requester as shown:
| The selected FFT area must be a power of two in |
| size. Adjust the desired size: |
| |
| +-------------------------+ |
| | | |
| | +-----------+ | [] Overscan |
| | | @@@@@@@ | | |
| | | @@@@@@@ | | Size: /\ |
| | +-----------+ | < > |
| | | \/ |
| +-------------------------+ |
| Select size: (512,256) |
| Screen size: (320,200) |
| FFT Max: (1024,1024) |
| |
| [ Ok ] [ Cancel ] |
The FFT Transform function pads the FFT data to fill in the
unspecified areas when overscan is performed.
When the FFT is properly set up, select OK to begin the transform.
This can take some time for FFT's over about 32 by 32 (on a standard
MC68000 Amiga). A bar chart tracks the FFT's progress in the ImageLab
display window.
Note: the only functions which can alter the associated FFT data is
the "Paint" function.
If the SHIFT key is held while selecting "Transform", then the
FFT Size requester is brought up regardless of the selected size.
The "Translation On" function enables the displacement of the
FFT function to the center of the FFT area. Without this option
enabled, the FFT data places the DC component at the lower left
corner, with reflection in all the other corners.
Note: if the translation options is changed, you must re-compute
the FFT for it to have any effect.
The "Undo" operation attempts to undo the last operation that was
done. Undo works well with color palette changes, but currently
cannot undo changes to the picture itself; use the "Revert" command
for that.
Only one level of "undo" is supported.
The "Unselect" operation clears the select rectangle from the
picture, causing all ImageLab operations to be performed on the
entire picture.
The "Vertical Edge" operation uses graphical convolution to highlight
vertical edges (but not horizontal ones). The kernel used is:
-1 0 1
-1 0 1
-1 0 1