Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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369 lines
/* txttw.c -- (part of efr) Copyright © 1989 by William F. Hammond */
/* -- the efr window manager */
#ifndef TDM_H
#include "tdm.h"
SHORT txttw() /* return 0 to quit main */
register LONG idff;
register int ichtx;
static UBYTE promptstring[] =
" <sp>:page+, q:quit, <cr>:line+, b:page-, sN:skip N pp, gN:go to line N ";
static UBYTE goprompt[] =
" n:next(pr), c:stop(pr), q:quit, b:page-, sN:skip N pp, gN:go to line N ";
static UBYTE stdinprompt[] =
" <sp>:page+, q:quit, <cr>:line+, sN:skip N pp, gN:go to line N ";
static UBYTE endstring[] =
" File End -- q:quit, b:page-, sN:skip N pp if N < 0, gN:go to line N ";
static UBYTE stdinend[] =
" File End -- q:quit (sorry -- cannot back up \"standard input\") ";
static UBYTE eofstring[] = " End of File ";
UBYTE chtxt, ltbuf[2][12];
struct LinePart *lp;
struct IntuiMessage *msg;
LONG askline, mwwidth, mwheight, difflines, skiplines, tpline;
LONG pnum, pvmode;
ULONG dmax, pagesize, pvstyle;
UWORD scrollsize;
WORD skippages;
SHORT rowpix, txj;
int sltxb;
BYTE letmeback;
UBYTE gtch, prflag;
UBYTE *cgdstr;
rowpix = (SHORT)rp->TxBaseline;
mwwidth = (LONG)(mw->Width);
mwheight = (LONG)(mw->Height);
SetAPen(rp, 1L);
SetBPen(rp, 0L);
SetDrMd(rp, (LONG)JAM2);
Move(rp, 0L, 0L);
drawmode = (LONG)JAMX;
pvmode = drawmode;
SetDrMd(rp, drawmode);
pvstyle = style;
savestyle = SetSoftStyle(rp, style, enable);
dmax = (ULONG)(maxline -1);
screenline = 0;
skippages = 0;
difflines = golinem - txtline;
difflines --;
idff = 0L;
if(idff < difflines)
while( ( ichtx = getc(stream) ) != EOF )
idff ++;
if(idff >= difflines) break;
txtline = txtline + idff;
letmeback = NULB;
if(txtline == 0) strcpy(pvstr, "");
while(1) /****** perpetual loop dependent on user directions ******/
while( (bfgets(instr, MAXSTRLN+1, stream) != NULL) || (letmeback) )
instr[MAXSTRLN] = '\0';
screenline ++;
txtline ++;
if(linesize) txtline = MIN(txtline, linesize);
strcpy(instr, eofstring);
if(letmeback <= 2) letmeback ++;
/* Compute the screenline -- either set it or return */
while ( (screenline > maxline) || (letmeback >= 3) )
skippages = 0;
if( (tflag) && !(letmeback) ) /***** time to "type" *****/
chtxt = 't'; /* This pre-empts the other cases */
gtch = NULB;
while(msg = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(mw->UserPort))
if(msg->Class == VANILLAKEY) gtch = (UBYTE)msg->Code;
if(gtch == CTRL_C) /* Ctrl-C signal to quit */
return 0;
if(gtch) /* This is a pause request -- no prompt */
gtch = NULB;
Wait(1L << mw->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
while(msg = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(mw->UserPort))
if(msg->Class == VANILLAKEY) gtch = (UBYTE)msg->Code;
if(gtch == CTRL_C) return 0;
if(gtch == 'x') /* Exit from scrolling mode */
tflag = NULB;
gtch = NULB;
scrollsize = rp->TxHeight;
ScrollRaster(rp, 0L, (LONG)scrollsize,
0L, 0L, mwwidth, mwheight);
screenline --;
if(letmeback) /* Choose prompt string */
if( (linesize) && (linesize < golinem) )
golinet = (LONG)(linesize - ((ULONG)maxline) + 1L);
return 1;
cgdstr = endstring;
if(stream == stdin) cgdstr = stdinend;
cgdstr = promptstring;
if(gflag) cgdstr = goprompt;
if(stream == stdin) cgdstr = stdinprompt;
tpline = txtline - (LONG)screenline + 1L; /* line at top of screen */
if(letmeback >=2) tpline = tpline - 1L + (LONG)letmeback;
if( (letmeback) || !(tflag) ) /* Put prompt together */
pnum = txtline - 1L;
if( (txtline==linesize) && (letmeback >= 2) )
pnum = txtline;
if(linesize) pnum = (100L * pnum)/linesize;
strcpy(errstr, " ");
ltoa(ltbuf[0], pnum, 10);
strcat(errstr, ltbuf[0]);
if(linesize) strcat(errstr, "%");
sltxb = strlen(errstr);
txj = (SHORT)(8 - sltxb);
while(txj > 0)
errstr[sltxb] = ' ';
sltxb ++;
txj --;
errstr[sltxb] = '\0';
strcat(errstr, cgdstr);
askline = 0L;
chtxt = getdirs(errstr, &skippages); /*** Ask user ***/
if( (chtxt | 0x20) == 't')
if(letmeback >=3) return 0;
tflag = ONEB;
letmeback = NULB;
/* new */
askline = tpline;
chtxt = 'g';
if ( (chtxt | 0x20) == 'q') return 0;
if ( (chtxt | 0x20) == 'c') gflag = NULB; /* need more directions */
if (chtxt == '<')
askline = 1L;
chtxt = 'g';
if (chtxt == '>')
if(letmeback >= 3) return 0;
if (filearg == NULL)
tflag = ONEB;
letmeback = NULB;
askline = tpline;
chtxt = 'g';
askline = LINETOOBIG;
chtxt = 'g';
askline = (LONG)(linesize - ((ULONG)maxline) + 1L);
if (askline <= 0L) askline = 1L;
chtxt = 'g';
if ( ( (chtxt | 0x20) == 'n') && (gflag) )
golinet = tpline;
return -1;
if ( ( (chtxt | 0x20) == 'b') || (chtxt == 0x08) )
skiplines = (LONG)(maxline);
skiplines --;
askline = tpline - skiplines;
if (askline <= 0L) askline = 1L;
chtxt = 'g';
if ( (chtxt == 0x0a) || (chtxt == 0x0d) )
if(letmeback >= 3) return 0;
askline = tpline;
askline ++;
if (askline <= 0L) askline = 1L;
chtxt = 'g';
if ( (chtxt == 0x20) || (chtxt == 0xa0) )
if(letmeback >= 3) return 0;
if(letmeback == 2)
askline = tpline;
askline ++;
if (askline <= 0L) askline = 1L;
chtxt = 'g';
askline = txtline - 1L;
chtxt = 'g';
if ( (chtxt | 0x20) == 'u')
askline = tpline - ( (dmax + 1L)/2L );
if (askline <= 0L) askline = 1L;
chtxt = 'g';
if ( (chtxt | 0x20) == 'd')
if(letmeback >= 3) return 0;
askline = tpline + ( (dmax + 1L)/2L);
chtxt = 'g';
if ( (chtxt | 0x20) == 'g')
if(!askline) /* get askline from user */
strcpy(errstr, " ");
ltoa(ltbuf[0], tpline, 10);
errsp[0] = ltbuf[0];
errsp[1] = (UBYTE *)"-";
pnum = txtline - 1L;
if( (txtline==linesize) && (letmeback >= 2) )
pnum = txtline;
ltoa(ltbuf[1], pnum, 10);
errsp[2] = ltbuf[1];
for(txj = 0; txj < 3; txj ++) strcat(errstr, errsp[txj]);
sltxb = strlen(errstr);
errstr[sltxb] = '/';
sltxb ++;
errstr[sltxb] = '\0';
errstr[sltxb] = '?';
sltxb ++;
errstr[sltxb] = '\0';
ltoa(ltbuf[0], linesize, 10);
strcat(errstr, ltbuf[0]);
strcat(errstr, ": Go to line > ");
askline = numget(errstr);
if (askline <= 0L)
golinet = 1L;
return 5;
else if (askline < tpline)
golinet = askline; /* rewind file */
return 5;
else if (askline <= txtline)
Move(rp, 0L, (LONG)maxrowpix);
SetDrMd(rp, (LONG)JAM2); /* really clear out the prompt */
Move(rp, 0L, (LONG)rowpix); /* re-write the last line in */
drawmode = pvmode; /* case its subs were scratched */
SetDrMd(rp, drawmode);
style = pvstyle;
savestyle = SetSoftStyle(rp, style, enable);
lp = parseline(pvstr, NULL);
scrollsize = (rp->TxHeight)*( (UWORD)(askline - tpline) );
ScrollRaster(rp, 0L, (LONG)scrollsize,
0L, 0L, mwwidth, mwheight);
screenline = screenline - ( (UWORD)(askline - tpline) );
if(letmeback >=3) return 0;
golinet = askline; /* advance without scroll */
return 5;
if ( (chtxt | 0x20) == 's')
skiplines = (LONG)(skippages * (maxline - 1));
if (skiplines > 0)
if(letmeback) return 0;
skiplines --;
else skiplines = skiplines - (LONG)maxline;
golinet = txtline + skiplines;
return 6;
} /* loop while (screenline > maxline) */
rowpix = (screenline * rp->TxHeight) - rp->TxHeight + rp->TxBaseline;
Move(rp, 0L, (LONG)rowpix);
/* Now rowpix is set. */
/* How must this string be cut up? */
strcpy(pvstr, instr); /* save this line in case it is overwritten */
pvstyle = style;
pvmode = drawmode;
lp = parseline(instr, NULL); /* lp = pointer to first LinePart */
} /***** loop(bfgets(instr)) *****/
letmeback ++;
tflag = NULB;
prflag = NULB;
if (!(linesize))
linesize = (ULONG)txtline; /* only setting of linesize */
pagesize = ( (linesize << 1) + dmax)/(dmax << 1);
prflag = ONEB;
ltoa(ltbuf[0], linesize, 10);
strcpy(errstr, ltbuf[0]);
errsp[0] = (UBYTE *)" lines, approx. ";
ltoa(ltbuf[1], pagesize, 10);
errsp[1] = ltbuf[1];
errsp[2] = (UBYTE *)" screen pages\xa";
for(txj = 0; txj < 3; txj ++) strcat(errstr, errsp[txj]);
fputs(errstr, stdout);
if ( (linesize < golinem) && (letmeback == 1) ) letmeback =2;
} /* end of perpetual loop */
return 0; /* never used */