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An Overview of the Icon Programming
Ralph E. Griswold
TR 83-3f
May 13, 1983; last revised December 27, 1987
Department of Computer Science
The University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721
*This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under
Grant DCR-8401831.
An Overview of the Icon Programming
1. Introduction
Icon is a high-level programming language with extensive
facilities for processing strings and lists. Icon has several
novel features, including expressions that may produce sequences
of results, goal-directed evaluation that automatically searches
for a successful result, and string scanning that allows opera-
tions on strings to be formulated at a high conceptual level.
Icon resembles SNOBOL4 [1] in its emphasis on high-level
string processing and a design philosophy that allows ease of
programming and short, concise programs. Like SNOBOL4, storage
allocation and garbage collection are automatic in Icon, and
there are few restrictions on the sizes of objects. Strings,
lists, and other structures are created during program execution
and their size does not need to be known when a program is writ-
ten. Values are converted to expected types automatically; for
example, numeral strings read in as input can be used in numeri-
cal computations without explicit conversion. Whereas SNOBOL4
has a pattern-matching facility that is separate from the rest of
the language, string scanning is integrated with the rest of the
language facilities in Icon. Unlike SNOBOL4, Icon has an
expression-based syntax with reserved words; in appearance, Icon
programs resemble those of several other conventional programming
Examples of the kinds of problems for which Icon is well
suited are:
+ text analysis, editing, and formatting
+ document preparation
+ symbolic mathematics
+ text generation
+ parsing and translation
+ data laundry
+ graph manipulation
Version 7 of Icon, the most recent version, is implemented in
C [2]. There are UNIX* implementations for many computers,
- 1 -
including the Amdahl 580, the AT&T 3B series, the HP 9000, the
IBM PC/XT/AT, the IBM RT PC, the PDP-11, the Pyramid 90x, the
Ridge 32, the Sun Workstation, the UNIX PC, and the VAX-11.
There also are implementations for VAX/VMS, MS-DOS, the Amiga,
the Atari ST, and the Macintosh. Other implementations are in
A brief description of some of the representative features of
Icon is given in the following sections. This description is not
rigorous and does not include many features of Icon. See [3] for
a complete description and [4] for a description of recent
changes to the language.
2. Strings
Strings of characters may be arbitrarily long, limited only by
the architecture of the computer on which Icon is implemented. A
string may be specified literally by enclosing it in double quo-
tation marks, as in
greeting := "Hello world"
which assigns an 11-character string to greeting, and
address := ""
which assigns the zero-length empty string to address. The
number of characters in a string s, its size, is given by *s. For
example, *greeting is 11 and *address is 0.
Icon uses the ASCII character set, extended to 256 characters.
There are escape conventions, similar to those of C, for
representing characters that cannot be keyboarded.
Strings also can be read in and written out, as in
line := read()
Strings can be constructed by concatenation, as in
element := "(" || read() || ")"
If the concatenation of a number of strings is to be written out,
the write function can be used with several arguments to avoid
actual concatenation:
*UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories.
- 2 -
Substrings can be formed by subscripting strings with range
specifications that indicate, by position, the desired range of
characters. For example,
middle := line[10:20]
assigns to middle the string of characters of line between posi-
tions 10 and 20. Similarly,
writes the second character of line. The value 0 is used to
refer to the position after the last character of a string. Thus
writes the substring of line from the second character to the
end, thus omitting the first character.
An assignment can be made to the substring of string-valued
variable to change its value. For example,
line[2] := "..."
replaces the second character of line by three dots. Note that
the size of line changes automatically.
There are many functions for analyzing strings. An example is
which produces the position in s2 at which s1 occurs as a sub-
string. For example, if the value of greeting is as given ear-
produces the value 8. See Section 4.2 for the handling of situa-
tions in which s1 does not occur in s2, or in which it occurs at
several different positions.
3. Character Sets
While strings are sequences of characters, csets are sets of
characters in which membership rather than order is significant.
Csets are represented literally using single enclosing quotation
marks, as in
vowels := 'aeiouAEIOU'
- 3 -
Two useful built-in csets are &lcase and &ucase, which consist of
the lowercase and uppercase letters, respectively. Set opera-
tions are provided for csets. For example,
letters := &lcase ++ &ucase
forms the cset union of the lowercase and uppercase letters and
assigns the resulting cset to letters, while
consonants := letters -- 'aeiouAEIOU'
forms the cset difference of the letters and the vowels and
assigns the resulting cset to consonants.
Csets are useful in situations in which any one of a number of
characters is significant. An example is the string analysis
which produces the position s at which any character in c occurs.
For example,
produces 2. Another string analysis function that uses csets is
which produces the position in s after an initial substring con-
sisting only of characters that occur in s. An example of the
use of many is in locating words. Suppose, for example, that a
word is defined to consist of a string of letters. The expres-
writes a word at the beginning of line. Note the use of the posi-
tion returned by a string analysis function to specify the end of
a substring.
4. Expression Evaluation
4.1 Conditional Expressions
In Icon there are conditional expressions that may succeed and
produce a result, or may fail and not produce any result. An
example is the comparison operation
i > j
which succeeds (and produces the value of j) provided that the
value of i is greater than the value of j, but fails otherwise.
- 4 -
The success or failure of conditional operations is used
instead of Boolean values to drive control structures in Icon. An
example is
if i > j then k := i else k := j
which assigns the value of i to k if the value of i is greater
than the value of j, but assigns the value of j to k otherwise.
The usefulness of the concepts of success and failure is
illustrated by find(s1,s2), which fails if s1 does not occur as a
substring of s2. Thus
if i := find("or",line) then write(i)
writes the position at which or occurs in line, if it occurs, but
does not write a value if it does not occur.
Many expressions in Icon are conditional. An example is
read(), which produces the next line from the input file, but
fails when the end of the file is reached. The following expres-
sion is typical of programming in Icon and illustrates the
integration of conditional expressions and conventional control
while line := read() do
This expression copies the input file to the output file.
If an argument of a function fails, the function is not
called, and the function call fails as well. This ``inheritance''
of failure allows the concise formulation of many programming
tasks. Omitting the optional do clause in while-do, the previous
expression can be rewritten as
while write(read())
4.2 Generators
In some situations, an expression may be capable of producing
more than one result. Consider
sentence := "Store it in the neighboring harbor"
Here or occurs in sentence at positions 3, 23, and 33. Most pro-
gramming languages treat this situation by selecting one of the
positions, such as the first, as the result of the expression. In
Icon, such an expression is a generator and is capable of produc-
ing all three positions.
The results that a generator produces depend on context. In a
- 5 -
situation where only one result is needed, the first is produced,
as in
i := find("or",sentence)
which assigns the value 3 to i.
If the result produced by a generator does not lead to the
success of an enclosing expression, however, the generator is
resumed to produce another value. An example is
if (i := find("or",sentence)) > 5 then write(i)
Here the first result produced by the generator, 3, is assigned
to i, but this value is not greater than 5 and the comparison
operation fails. At this point, the generator is resumed and pro-
duces the second position, 23, which is greater than 5. The com-
parison operation then succeeds and the value 23 is written.
Because of the inheritance of failure and the fact that com-
parison operations return the value of their right argument, this
expression can be written in the following more compact form:
write(5 < find("or",sentence))
Goal-directed evaluation is inherent in the expression evalua-
tion mechanism of Icon and can be used in arbitrarily complicated
situations. For example,
find("or",sentence1) = find("and",sentence2)
succeeds if or occurs in sentence1 at the same position as and
occurs in sentence2.
A generator can be resumed repeatedly to produce all its
results by using the every-do control structure. An example is
every i := find("or",sentence)
do write(i)
which writes all the positions at which or occurs in sentence.
For the example above, these are 3, 23, and 33.
Generation is inherited like failure, and this expression can
be written more concisely by omitting the optional do clause:
every write(find("or",sentence))
There are several built-in generators in Icon. One of the most
frequently used of these is
i to j
- 6 -
which generates the integers from i to j. This generator can be
combined with every-do to formulate the traditional for-style
control structure:
every k := i to j do
Note that this expression can be written more compactly as
every f(i to j)
There are a number of other control structures related to gen-
eration. One is alternation,
expr1 | expr2
which generates the results of expr1 followed by the results of
expr2. Thus
every write(find("or",sentence1) | find("or",sentence2))
writes the positions of or in sentence1 followed by the positions
of or in sentence2. Again, this sentence can be written more com-
pactly by using alternation in the second argument of find:
every write(find("or",sentence1 | sentence2))
Another use of alternation is illustrated by
(i | j | k) = (0 | 1)
which succeeds if any of i, j, or k has the value 0 or 1.
5. String Scanning
The string analysis and synthesis operations described in Sec-
tions 2 and 3 work best for relatively simple operations on
strings. For complicated operations, the bookkeeping involved in
keeping track of positions in strings becomes burdensome and
error prone. In such cases, Icon has a string scanning facility
that is analogous in many respects to pattern matching in SNO-
BOL4. In string scanning, positions are managed automatically and
attention is focused on a current position in a string as it is
examined by a sequence of operations.
The string scanning operation has the form
s ? expr
where s is the subject string to be examined and expr is an
expression that performs the examination. A position in the
- 7 -
subject, which starts at 1, is the focus of examination.
Matching functions change this position. One matching func-
tion, move(i), moves the position by i and produces the substring
of the subject between the previous and new positions. If the
position cannot be moved by the specified amount (because the
subject is not long enough), move(i) fails. A simple example is
line ? while write(move(2))
which writes successive two-character substrings of line, stop-
ping when there are no more characters.
Another matching function is tab(i), which sets the position
in the subject to i and also returns the substring of the subject
between the previous and new positions. For example,
line ? if tab(10) then write(tab(0))
first sets the position in the subject to 10 and then to the end
of the subject, writing line[10:0]. Note that no value is writ-
ten if the subject is not long enough.
String analysis functions such as find can be used in string
scanning. In this context, the string that they operate on is not
specified and is taken to be the subject. For example,
line ? while write(tab(find("or")))
do move(2)
writes all the substrings of line prior to occurrences of or.
Note that find produces a position, which is then used by tab to
change the position and produce the desired substring. The
move(2) skips the or that is found.
Another example of the use of string analysis functions in
scanning is
line ? while tab(upto(letters)) do
which writes all the words in line.
As illustrated in the examples above, any expression may occur
in the scanning expression. Unlike SNOBOL4, in which the opera-
tions that are allowed in pattern matching are limited and
idiosyncratic, string scanning is completely integrated with the
rest of the operation repertoire of Icon.
6. Structures
Icon supports several kinds of structures with different
organizations and access methods. Lists are linear structures
- 8 -
that can be accessed both by position and by stack and queue
functions. Sets are collections of arbitrary values with no
implied ordering. Tables provide an associative lookup mechanism.
6.1 Lists
While strings are sequences of characters, lists in Icon are
sequences of values of arbitrary types. Lists are created by
enclosing the lists of values in brackets. An example is
car1 := ["buick","skylark",1978,2450]
in which the list car1 has four values, two of which are strings
and two of which are integers. Note that the values in a list
need not all be of the same type. In fact, any kind of value can
occur in a list - even another list, as in
inventory := [car1,car2,car3,car4]
Lists also can be created by
a := list(i,x)
which creates a list of i values, each of which has the value x.
The values in a list can be referenced by position much like
the characters in a string. Thus
car1[4] := 2400
changes the last value in car1 to 2400. A reference that is out
of the range of the list fails. For example,
The values in a list a are generated by !a. Thus
every write(!a)
writes all the values in a.
Lists can be manipulated like stacks and queues. The function
push(a,x) adds the value of x to the left end of the list a,
automatically increasing the size of a by one. Similarly, pop(a)
removes the leftmost value from a, automatically decreasing the
size of a by one, and produces the removed value.
A list value in Icon is a pointer (reference) to a structure.
Assignment of a structure in Icon does not copy the structure
itself but only the pointer to it. Thus the result of
- 9 -
demo := car1
causes demo and car1 to reference the same list. Graphs with
loops can be constructed in this way. For example,
node1 := ["a"]
node2 := [node1,"b"]
constructs a structure that can be pictured as follows:
node1 a
node2 b D'l -50u 0'D'l 30u -10uD'l 30u 10uD'l .2i 0'D'l 6u -6u'D'l 0 -270u'D'l -6u -6u'D'l -.2i 0D'l 50u 0'D'l -30u -10u' D'l -30u 10u' D'l -.2i 0'D'l -6u 6u'D'l 0 270u'D'l 6u 6u'D'l .2i 0'
6.2 Sets
Sets are collections of values. A set is obtained from a list
by set(a), where a contains the members of the set. For example,
s := set([1,"abc",[]])
assigns to s a set that contains the integer 1, the string "abc",
and an empty list.
The set operations of union, intersection, and difference are
provided. The function member(s,x) succeeds if x is a member of
the set s but fails otherwise. The function insert(s,x) adds x to
the set s, while delete(s,x) removes x from s. A value only can
occur once in a set, so insert(s,x) has no effect if x is already
in s.
The operation *s produces the number of members in s and !s
generates the members of s.
A simple example of the use of sets is given by the following
segment of code, which lists all the different words that appear
in the input file:
words := set()
while line := read() do
line ? while tab(upto(letters)) do
every write(!words)
- 10 -
6.3 Tables
Icon has a table data type similar to that of SNOBOL4. Tables
essentially are sets of pairs of values, an entry value and a
corresponding assigned value. The entry and assigned values may
be of any type, and the assigned value for any entry value can be
looked up automatically. Thus tables provide a form of associa-
tive access in contrast with the positional access to values in
A table is created by an expression such as
symbols := table(x)
which assigns to symbols a table with the default assigned value
x. Subsequently, symbols can be referenced by any entry value,
such as
symbols["there"] := 1
which assigns the value 1 to the thereth entry in symbols.
Tables grow automatically as new entry values are added. For
example, the following program segment produces a table contain-
ing a count of the words that appear in the input file:
words := table(0)
while line := read() do
line ? while tab(upto(letters)) do
words[tab(many(letters))] +:= 1
Here the default assigned value for each word is 0, as given in
table(0), and +:= is an augmented assignment operation that
increments the assigned values by one. There are augmented
assignment operations for all binary operators.
A list can be obtained from a table by the function sort(t,1).
The form of the list depends on the value of i. For example, if i
is 3, the list contains alternate entry and assigned values of t.
For example,
wordlist := sort(words,3)
while write(pop(wordlist)," : ",pop(wordlist))
writes the words and their counts from words.
7. Procedures
An Icon program consists of a sequence of procedure declara-
tions. An example of a procedure declaration is
- 11 -
procedure max(i,j)
if i > j then return i else return j
where the name of the procedure is max and its formal parameters
are i and j. The return expressions return the value of i or j,
whichever is larger.
Procedures are called like built-in functions. Thus
k := max(*s1,*s2)
assigns to k the size of the longer of the strings s1 and s2.
A procedure also may suspend instead of returning. In this
case, a result is produced as in the case of a return, but the
procedure can be resumed to produce other results. An example is
the following procedure that generates the words in the input
procedure genword()
local line, letters, words
letters := &lcase ++ &ucase
while line := read() do
line ? while tab(upto(letters)) do {
word := tab(many(letters))
suspend word
The braces enclose a compound expression.
Such a generator is used in the same way that a built-in gen-
erator is used. For example
every word := genword() do
if find("or",word) then write(word)
writes only those words that contain the substring or.
8. An Example
The following program sorts graphs topologically.
- 12 -
procedure main()
local sorted, nodes, arcs, roots
while nodes := read() do { # get next node list
arcs := read() # get arc list
sorted := "" # sorted nodes
# get nodes without predecessors
while *(roots := nodes -- snodes(arcs)) > 0 do {
sorted ||:= roots # add to sorted nodes
nodes --:= roots # delete these nodes
arcs := delarcs(arcs,roots)# delete their arcs
if *arcs = 0 then write(sorted)# successfully sorted
else write("graph has cycle")# cycle if node remains
procedure snodes(arcs)
local nodes
nodes := ""
arcs ? while move(1) do { # predecessor
move(2) # skip "->"
nodes ||:= move(1) # successor
move(1) # skip ";"
return nodes
procedure delarcs(arcs,roots)
local newarcs, node
newarcs := ""
arcs ? while node := move(1) do {# get predecessor node
if many(roots,node) then move(4)# delete arc from root node
else newarcs ||:= node || move(4)# else keep arc
return newarcs
Graph nodes are represented by single characters with a list of
the nodes on one input line followed by a list of arcs. For exam-
ple, the graph
a D'l 270u 0'D'l 50u 0'D'l -30u -10u' D'l -30u 10u' b D'l 270u 0'D'l 50u 0'D'l -30u -10u' D'l -30u 10u' c
d D'l 270u 0'D'l 50u 0'D'l -30u -10u' D'l -30u 10u' e D'l 370u 0'D'l 6u -6u'D'l 0 -190u'D'l 0 -50u'D'l -10u 30u'
D'l 10u 30u'
D'l 0 50u'D'l -10u -30u'
D'l 10u -30u'
D'l 0 -240u'D'l -6u -6u'D'l -850u 0'D'l -6u 6u'D'l 0 240u'
D'l 0 -50u'D'l -10u 30u'
D'l 10u 30u'
D'l 0 200u'
D'l 0 50u'D'l -10u -30u'
D'l 10u -30u'
D'l 0 -190u'
is given as
- 13 -
for which the output is
The nodes are represented by csets and automatic type conver-
sion is used to convert strings to csets and vice versa. Note
the use of augmented assignment operations for concatenation and
in the computation of cset differences.
Icon was designed by the the author in collaboration with Dave
Hanson, Tim Korb, Cary Coutant, and Steve Wampler. The current
implementation is largely the work of Cary Coutant and Steve
Wampler with recent contributions by Bill Mitchell and Janalee
O'Bagy. Dave Hanson and Bill Mitchell made several helpful
suggestions on the presentation of material in this paper.
1. Griswold, Ralph E., James F. Poage, and Ivan P. Polonsky. The
SNOBOL4 Programming Language, second edition. Prentice-Hall,
Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 1971.
2. Griswold, Ralph E. and Madge T. Griswold. The Implementation
of the Icon Programming Language. Princeton University Press,
Princeton, New Jersey. 1986.
3. Griswold, Ralph E. and Madge T. Griswold. The Icon Programming
Language. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
4. Griswold, Ralph E. and Kenneth Walker. Version 7 of Icon,
Technical Report TR 88-5, Department of Computer Science, The
University of Arizona. 1988.
- 14 -
8-5, Department of Computer Science, The
University of Arizona. 1988.