Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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VLT 4.058 Additional Documentation
(C) Copyright 1989
W.G.J. Langeveld
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
With 4.058:
See Readme file in root directory for changes made since version
W.G.J. Langeveld, 16 July 1989.
This document describes the various enhancements that have been
made to VLT over the past six months, from version 3.656 to the present
version 4.036 . Since there have been quite a few changes, I will give a
brief description of most of it from scratch. More details will be found in
a new manual that I'll be working on in the future.
Some features people have asked for have not yet been implemented
for lack of time: it seemed better to release the current version first and
then add some more things. Most notably, the scripting facility has not yet
been rewritten, and therefore certain limitations to the ARexx interface
are still present. On the other hand, many features people have *not* asked
for, are now in place...
Section 1 describes what the menus of both alpha-numeric and
Tektronix screens do (very briefly). I will indicate at each point what is
new by ***> three-asterisk arrows <***. Section 2 gives a list of the
script commands with their arguments and limitations. Section 3 will give
some more detail on various other changes and will list some bugs that were
For any questions or bug reports contact me on BIX, user ID
langeveld, or at SLAC, extension 2280.
1. VLT's Menus
Quite a few menu items were added. The behavior of the existing
menu items was in some cases changed, so be careful! In the descriptions,
where applicable, the corresponding right-Amiga sequence is given in
1.1 VLT menu
- Capture Session (O) When first selected, diplays a file requester to enter
a capture file name.
***> If the file exists, a requester appears asking
whether it is okay to overwrite it, if the answer is
No, a requester appears asking whether you want to
append to it. <***
Subsequent selections of this option toggle between
Suspend Capture and Resume Capture.
- End Capture (E) Closes the capture file.
- Open Console ***> Opens a small four line console ("chat") window
at the bottom of the screen, if ConMan is installed.
Provides command history and editing. Allows execution
of VLT script commands by prefixing command with key
script character. Disadvantages: line oriented, no
access to VLT menus. <***.
- Save Configuration Save the file VTPrefs.dat in current directory or s:.
- Version (V) Display VLT version number.
- Exit Exit VLT.
1.2 Comm menu
- Select Device ***> Select a different serial device (used with, e.g.
ASDG's Twin-X serial boards). First a file requester
will appear to select the device, then a string
requester to select the unit number. <***
- Select Unit ***> Select a different unit number for the currently
selected serial device. <***
- Baud Select the baud rate.
- 110 ***> 110 baud is now supported. <***
- ...
- 19200
- Parity Select parity, wordlength, number of stop bits.
- 8N1
- ...
- 7O2
- Protocol Select handshake protocol.
- None
- xON/xOFF
- 7-Wire
- 7-Wire/X
- Send Break (B) Send a break.
- Hangup (H) Drop carrier for one second.
- Echo Switch local echo on or off.
- Off (*)
- On (+)
- Strip Bit 8 ***> Enable/disable masking of the 8th bit on
- Off parity/wordlength settings that allow 8 data
- On bits. <***
- Set Break Time ***> Set break time (micro-seconds). <***
- Set Buffer Size ***> Set buffer size (bytes). <***
1.3 Transfer Menu
- Send File (S) Send file using current protocol
- Receive File (R) Receive file using current protocol
- Protocol Select type of protocol
- External (T) ***> External protocols are now supported. <***
- Kermit (K)
- Kermit Options Select options for Kermit.
- Send/Receive (-)
- Host is Server (=)
- Change Directory (D) Set default directory for received files.
- Kermit Bye (Y) Send a Kermit Bye command.
- XMODEM Options Select options for XMODEM
- Checksum ([)
- Checksum / 1K Blocks
- CRC / 1K Blocks (])
- External Options ***> Enter options for external protocol (only
active when external protocol is selected). <***
- Translate Options Select various translation options.
- No Translation (,)
- CR/LF -> LF (.) Convert cr/lf pairs to lf.
- Downcase File Names (/) Downcase file names when receiving files.
1.4 Macros Menu
- ARexx Macro (A) Execute an ARexx macro.
- VLT Macro (M) Execute a VLT script
- Abort VLT Macro Abort a VLT script (cannot be used for ARexx macros).
- Keyboard Macros This menu item makes right-amiga 1, 2,... 0
- 1 (1) programmable key strokes.
- ...
- 0 (0)
- Program Mode Switch program mode on/off. In program mode, all
- On (() function keys can be programmed, ***> as well as
- Off ()) what the Beep function should do. <***
1.5 Screen Menu
- Clear Screen (C) Erase the screen contents.
- Screen to Back (J) Move VLT to the back of all other screen/windows.
- Select Screen Type Select screen type.
- Custom Screen
- Workbench
- Interlaced
- Non-Interlaced
- Number of Colors Select the number of colors.
- 2
- 4
- 8
- Select Colors (U) Brings up a Palette requester to adjust the screen
- Number of Lines (L) Set the number of lines to aim for. ***> This
option no longer shows the actual number of lines
but the requested number instead. This means that
resizing the screen/window no longer loses the
requested number of lines, and when possible, this
number of lines is indeed displayed. <***
- Number of Columns (Z) Set the number of columns to aim for. ***> Similar
changes were made as for the number of lines. <***
- Amount of Prescroll Sets the maximum number of lines to scroll in case
look-ahead has determined multiple line scrolls
are needed.
- Cursor Height ***> Set the block cursor's height in pixels. <***
- Rendering Mode Select the way in which text updates take place.
- Quick (Q) Fastest mode, uses 1 bitplane.
- Normal (N) Same, using second bitplane for BOLD.
- Color (G) Use colors instead of bold, italic, etc.
- ANSI Color ***> Use ANSI color sequences "properly".
"Color" mode recognizes ANSI colors, but
uses some of them in non-standard ways.
The ANSI switch can be set at the same time
to inhibit the non-standard behavior. <***
1.6 Operation Menu
These options, when selected, do the following:
- Wrap (W) Wrap lines longer than current columns seting.
- Numeric Keypad Keypad sends numeric values, not escape sequences.
- Application Cursor Cursor keypad sends application style sequences.
- Swap BS <-> Delete (I) Reverse the meaning of Backspace and Delete keys.
- Destructive BS Make backspace destructive in local echo mode.
- Help Key = LF Help key sens Linefeed.
- Shift TAB = ESC TAB Shifted TAB key sends <ESC> <TAB>
- Function Key Gadgets (P) Display function key gadgets at bottom of screen.
- Mouse Support (\) Clicking mouse sends arrow-key sequences.
- Beep Volume Adjust volume of built-in beep. Volume of 0
flashes the screen instead. Negative values
give different pitch. ***> In program mode, a
Beep Command can be entered, allowing arbitrary
things to be executed on receipt of a beep. <***
- CR-Key: Echo CR/LF ***> In local echo, echo CR and LF when CR is
pressed. <***
- CR-Key: Send CR/LF ***> Send CR and LF when CR is pressed. <***
- Auto-Screen to Back ***> During file transfers, bring the Workbench to
the front and display the status window there. <***
1.7 Graphics Menu
- Lock Graphics (;) Disallow switching to the graphics screen when
receiving Tektronix control characters.
- To Graphics (F) Display the graphics screen.
1.8 (Tek) Image Menu
- Save To Current File (S) Save vector file to currently designated file.
- Save To New File (A) Save vector file to disk.
- Load From Archive (L) Load a vector file from disk.
- Quit Archive (Q) Stop viewing a vector file and redisplay.
- Save Bitmap As IFF File (I) ***> Save current image as an IFF file. <***
- Print Bitmap ***> Print current image to an attached
- Maximum Size (() printer as a bitmap graphics dump in one
- 1/3 Page ()) of four different sizes. <***
- 2/3 Page (/)
- Full Page (*)
- Save/Print as PostScript® (E) ***> Save vector file in PostScript® format
(saving to par: will print it if a PS printer
is attached). <***
1.9 (Tek) Zoom/Pan Menu
- Select Zoom Area (Z) Set up for a Zoom operation.
- Select Pan Area (P) Set up for a Pan operation.
- Reset Zoom/Pan (R) Reset Zoom/Pan to default.
1.10 (Tek) Cursor Menu
- Switch Graphic Cursor On (X) Display the Graphic cursor.
- Switch Graphic Cursor Off (Y) Remove the Graphic cursor.
- Display Cross Hair Only (H) When on, only show the cross hair.
- Display Cross Hair + XY (N) When on, show both cross hair and the current
X,Y position ***> in a separate window. <***
1.11 (Tek) Screen Menu
- Clear Screen (C) Erase the screen contents.
- Screen To Back (J) Move VLT behind all other screens/windows.
- Select Screen Type Select type of screen.
- Custom Screen
- Workbench
- Interlaced
- Non-Interlaced
- Number of Colors Select the number of colors.
- 2
- 4
- 8
- 16 The use of 16 colors is not recommended.
- Select Colors (U) Bring up a Palette requester to adjust colors.
- Lock Colors (K) ***> Disallow the host to modify the current color
values. <***
- Mask Colors (M) ***> Draw only in the bitplanes necessary for the
currently selected pen. <***
- Close Screen (\) Close the graphics screen.
1.12 (Tek) Control Menu
- Lock Graphics (;) ***> Disallow switching to the graphics screen
when receiving Tektronix control
characters. <***
- Return to Alpha-Numeric (F) Return to Alpha-Numeric screen.
- Set Preferences (T) Set various Tektronix options.
2. VLT's Script language
Below is a list of commands VLT currently recognizes. The names are
none too pretty, but hey, the original code isn't my own... Typically, the
commands take one argument, which can be a string, a number, a keyword or a
boolean value. Boolean values are written ON or OFF, or equivalently YES or
The commands work in the context of a regular VLT script (by
convention called a .scp file). All commands save five are also recognized
when they come from a REXX script (please use the extension .vlt). Some may
not work: this part has not been tested very well. The five commands that
have no effect when used in a REXX script are: EXIT, GOTO, DELAY, WAIT and
ON. Also, since the RX command itself is SCRIPT ONLY and REXX scripts cannot
be used as init files, REXX scripts can not run any INIT ONLY commands.
Note, that the script language is likely to change in a next version
of VLT.
BIXmail me with any questions and I'll try to find out how something
is supposed to work... (Did I mention the script stuff isn't originally my
Name | argument values | function
INIT only commands
- - - - - - - - - -
BACkground hex (e.g. 000, FFF) Set background color (color 0)
BOLd Set bold color (color 2)
COL4 " Set color 4
COL5 " Set color 5
COL6 " Set color 6
COL7 " Set color 7
CURsor " Set cursor color (color 3)
DEPth " Set screen depth
FOReground " Set foreground color (color 1)
INTerlace ON/OFF, YES/NO Interlace ON/OFF
SCReen W, C Screen, Workbench/Custom
TEK_load ON/OFF, YES/NO Preload Tektronix screen
WB_colors ON/OFF, YES/NO Use Workbench colors
Script only commands
- - - - - - - - - - -
ACTivate V, T Move VT100/Tektronix Screen to front
BEEp none Beep
CAPture "filename" Capture to a file
CAPture OFF, SUSPEND, RESUME Capture off, suspend/resume capture
CD "new path" Change directory
DELay integer (seconds) Delay number of seconds
EMIT "string" Display line on screen
FLush Flush ascii capture buffer to disk
GOTo "labelname" Goto label
INITXPR "init string" Initialize an External Protocol
KB none Kermit bye (for server)
KG "filename" Kermit get file
KR none Kermit receive file
KS "filename" Kermit send file
ON "string" "command" On a 'string' do a command
RAWEMIT "string" Display line, no escape parsing
RAWSEND "string" Send string to host, no escape parsing
RX "Rexx command string" Do a REXX string command
SB none Send a break
SEND "string" Send string to host
SRX "Rexx command string" Do a REXX string command and wait
WAIT "string" Wait for a host string
XPR SENd,RECeive "filename" XPR send/receive a file
XR "filename" Xmodem receive file
XS "filename" Xmodem send file
Generally available commands
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
APPlication ON/OFF, YES/NO Turn app. cursor on/off
BAUd integer (110 - 19200) Set baud rate
BREaktime integer (microseconds) Set break time
BTAb_shift ON/OFF, YES/NO Shift-tab sends <ESC>-tab
BUFfer integer (512 - 2048) Set buffer size
DESTBS ON/OFF, YES/NO Set destructive backspace
DOWncase ON/OFF, YES/NO Kermit: downcase filenames
ECHo ON/OFF, YES/NO Turn echo on or off
ECHOLF ON/OFF, YES/NO Local echo: echo CR/LF when CR pressed
EXIt none Exit script file
EXIt QUIET Same without Script Completed message
EXIt VLT Exit VLT (can be dangerous!)
F integer "string" Define function key
HANdshake N, X, 7, W Handshake with serial
None, Xon/xoff, 7-wire, 7 + X
HEIgth_cursor integer (pixels) Set cursor height
KERmit_flags S, H Set kermit flags
Send/receive, Host is server
KEYscript_char hex value (e.g. 7E) Keyscript character
KMAXPACK integer (bytes) Maximum Kermit packet size
LFHelp ON/OFF, YES/NO Help key sends LF
LINes integer Number of lines
LOCk_graphics ON/OFF, YES/NO Disallow changing to graphics mode
MESSage "Message" Post a message on VLT's screen/window
MODe C, N, I N, I = None, Image; C = convert CR/LF
MOUse_to_host ON/OFF, YES/NO Convert mouseclicks to arrowkeys
NUMKEYpad ON/OFF, YES/NO Turn numeric keypad on/off
PARITY N, E, O, M, S Set parity
None, Even, Odd, Mark, Space
PREScroll integer Maximum number of lines of prescroll
RENDer Q, N, C, A Rendering mode
Quick, Normal, Color, ANSI
SENDLF ON/OFF, YES/NO Send CR/LF when CR is pressed
SER "device name" integer Change the serial device and unit used
SETXPR "XPR name" Set a particular external protocol
STRIP ON/OFF, YES/NO Strip bit 8 when 8-bit parity mode
SWAP_bs_del ON/OFF, YES/NO Swap BS and DEL
VOLume integer Set beep volume
VPFkeys ON/OFF, YES/NO Screen (virtual) PF keys
WIDth integer Number of columns
WRAP ON/OFF, YES/NO Turn wrap on or off
XFEr_protocol X, K, A Set transfer protocol
XMODEM, Kermit, External
XMOdem_flags N, 1, C, 1C Set xmodem flags
1 = 1K blocks, C = CRC
Script commands that require a string in their argument now allow a
different unquoting convention. When the string is preceded wit two quote or
double-quote characters, the rest of the string until the end of the line is
considered to be the argument. This allows one to embed any number of quotes
in the string. Previously, VLT would parse on the first quote sign and stop
parsing on the next matching quote sign, which is still the behavior if the
string starts with a single quote or double-quote. In combination with the
RAWSEND and RAWEMIT commands described above, one can now display or send any
ASCII character (except NULL).
3. Other changes in VLT
What follows is a brief description of other changes that were made to VLT
since version 3.656.
3.1 Bug fixes
A. VT100 part:
- - - - - - - -
The audible beep was modified such that it will not allocate any
audio channels unless the the beep function is invoked. This allows VLT to
multitask with such programs as Sonix.
Some bugs were fixed in case one attempted to switch to the graphics
screen without sufficient memory being available. VLT should no longer crash
under those circumstances.
The problem where VLT would sometimes use the Topaz 60 font instead
of Topaz 80 at 11 point is fixed. This problem did not show up when using
In some cases, VLT used to look for .scp files in the s: directory,
rather than the rexx: directory where they are now kept routinely. This was
fixed. VLT still looks for VLT.init (although pretty much obsolete), and
VTPrefs.dat and TekPrefs.dat in s:.
Although VLT used to run fine on 68020 based Amigas, it used to crash
when the SetCPU program had been run with the TRAP option. This is now fixed.
A problem with saving VTPrefs.dat files to the current default
directory when one in s: existed, was fixed.
VLT now correctly reads the meaning of the Interlace field in the
current Preferences structure. It used to be confused by bits set in that
field by alpha versions of the 1.4 operating system.
In some versions of VLT the wrap function used to eat one character.
This is now fixed.
A bug in the code for the various requesters was fixed. It would only
show up and crash the machine if some misbehaving program had changed the
value at address 0.
VLT's screens used to have no 'DefaultTitle'. These titles are now
the same as the shared screen names.
B. Tektronix part:
- - - - - - - - - -
Echoplex suppression is now performed on reports to the host.
A small problem with the block cursor was fixed: it sometimes didn't
appear when needed.
As indicated above, the crashes when changing to graphics mode in low
memory situations should be fixed now.
Because of additions to the Graphics menus it was necessary to change
the TekPrefs.dat file format. The message indicating that your TekPrefs.dat
file was obsolete used to appear on the VT100 screen. It now correctly
appears on the Tektronix screen. If you have an obsolete TekPrefs.dat file,
select Set Preferences from the Control menu and click on the Save gadget.
That should write a new TekPrefs.dat file.
A problem was found with handling text. The limited 4105 emulation
requires that at least 80 columns be displayed on the screen, whereas strict
4010/14 only allows 73 columns of text. I decided to change the emulation in
favor of 4105 compliance: it now has a text pitch that allows 80 columns to
be displayed. This is unfortunately not backwards compatible.
The escape sequence <ESC> ?, while implemented in previous versions
of VLT, apparently has never worked. This problem was fixed. It only affected
operation with mainframe applications that would use this sequence instead of
sending the <DEL> character (ASCII 127).
3.2 Enhancements
A. VT100 part:
- - - - - - - -
There are a number of new menu options, as we've seen already in
section 1. One new menu option is Open Console in the VLT menu. It opens a
little ConMan console window at the bottom of the screen. You can proceed to
type lines of text there instead of in the main VLT window. This has
advantages and disadvantages: you do have command history and you can edit
the line before sending it. Also, you can prefix the line with the keyscript
introducer (typically a tilda) and execute any of VLT's script commands. But
on the other hand, while this window is active you cannot use VLT's menus or
function keys, and such things as ctrl-S and ctrl-Q don't work either. For
those you will have to click in VLT's main window to activate it.
Also new are the options to set the serial device and unit to use,
though these are only of interest to people that have additional serial ports
such as the ASDG Twin-X board.
The ANSI color option in the Rendering Mode menu item is there to
allow VLT to work with certain bulletin board systems that support ANSI color
sequences. If the color option is selected, some of the ANSI sequences are
interpreted differently from ANSI standards unless the ANSI color option is
also selected.
The menu options CR-Key: Send CR/LF and CR-Key: Echo CR/LF affect the
behavior of the <return> key: normally, the return key just sends a return
character, and when in local echo mode, only a return is displayed on the
screen. With the Send CR/LF option set, VLT will send both a return and a
linefeed to the host. When Echo CR/LF is set, VLT will (in local echo mode)
echo both a return and a linefeed.
The action performed when VLT needs to beep is now more programmable.
Already, the user could set VLT to use the usual screen flash technique by
setting the beep volume to 0. An audible beep is used when the beep volume is
set to a value between 0 and 64 (or to between 0 and -64 for a higher pitched
beep). Now however, the beep function is truely programmable. When VLT is set
to Program Mode On, and you select Beep Volume, a requester pops up to ask
you which command to execute when a beep is needed. My favorite command
currently is
~srx "address 'PingServer' beep"
This executes a VLT command (srx) which sends the BEEP command to a host with
the name 'PingServer', which in turn starts sounding a nice 'Ping' sound. In
this context, the difference between rx and srx should be discussed: rx
sends a command to ARexx and then goes on to do other things, while srx does
the same, but waits until ARexx indicates the command was completed. This
synchronous behavior allows one to sequence ARexx commands correctly, and
this is one of the reasons srx is used in the above instead of rx.
There are various new script commands, see section 2. The ASCII
capture facility was modified substantially and bears closer inspection. The
menu options "Capture Session" and "End Capture" still work the same way:
when first selected, the "Capture Session" option displays a file requester
to allow the user to enter the name of a file to capture to. Selecting ths
option again suspends capture, and subsequent selection resumes capture. "End
Capture" closes the current capture file. New here is that if on first
selection, the selected file already exists, the user is asked whether to
append, overwrite or abort the capture attempt (see secion 1). The
corresponding script command "CAPture" was also modified. "CAPture
<filename>" now starts a new capture file, overwriting the file if a file of
the given name already existed. From a script, capture can now be supended,
resumed and turned off by "CAPture SUSPEND", "CAPture RESUME" and "CAPture
OFF" respectively, while the "FLUSH" (not "CAPture FLUSH"!) command only
flushes the current buffer to disk (or wherever it is written) without
suspending or closing the capture file. This implies, that certain file names
have now become illegal: you cannot call your files SUSPEND, RESUME or OFF.
At the request of many users, the EXIT script command can now be used
with the QUIET parameter, in order to prevent VLT from displaying the "Script
Completed" message.
A new escape sequence was introduced to allow the host to send a
script command to be executed by VLT. Together with VLT's 'rx' script
command, this allows one to execute ARexx scripts on command by the host.
The syntax is:
<start-of-VLT-command><SystemPassWord><VLT command><end-of-VLT-command>
<start-of-VLT-command> = <CSI>?91h
<end-of-VLT-command> = <CSI>?91l
<SystemPassWord> = current value of environment variable
<VLT command> = a valid VLT script command
<CSI> = <ESC>[ or ASCII command sequence introducer
<ESC> = ASCII escape character
An example would be:
<esc>[?91hMyAmigaPassword~rx "address
command 'WLens 100 100 VLT'"<esc>[?91l
The sequence of events in VLT, on receipt of this string from the host would
be: VLT would enter "command capture" mode after receiving the h of the
escape sequence, it would then store every incoming printable ASCII character
(with a maximum of 255 characters) until the <esc> character of the
end-of-command sequence in a buffer; it would then compare the first part of
the string with the current value of the environment variable SystemPassWord
on the Amiga, and if the two match, execute the rest of the string as a
standard VLT command. In this case, it would find the tilda, indicating that
this is indeed a VLT script command, and it would send the command "address
command 'WLens 100 100 VLT'" to ARexx, which, if WLens is installed would
open the WLens window on VLT's screen. The requirement of the SystemPassWord
is for security reasons. Obviously, an ill-intending person on a
not-too-secure mainfram could send you a command to reformat your hard disk.
Now, if the password does not match the current value of the environment
variable called SystemPassWord, you wil get a notice on your screen saying
that a command was sent to you, and it will also show the first part of that
command. If there is no such environment variable, the command will always
fail this way.
This version of VLT has support for external file transfer protocols
that comply with the XPR standard, now in the process of being set. In the
Transfer menu, one of the available protocols is now "External". When you
select this option, a file requester will appear showing you all available
XPR libraries. Currently, the only one you will find is "xprascii.library", a
simple external protocol that takes the place of the ASCII upload facility
that used to be in that place in the menu. When you select this library as
your upload protocol, you can then select the External Options item in the
Transfer menu, and you will find a requester asking you for the amount of
delay to be inserted after each 80 character packet sent to the host. When
you have selected that (say 50 ticks), you can proceed as you would in
previous versions of VLT: select Send File to upload a file to the host,
select Receive File to find out that you should use capture. Notice, that
when you have selected an external protocol, and you save your configuration,
the name of the protocol is also stored, and the next time you run VLT that
protocol is selected. Notice also that the External Protocol options string
is NOT saved.
VLT now has a number of new command line options. The full syntax is:
1> VLT [-i]
[+i <init-script-name>]
[+s <serial-device-name>]
[+u <unit-number>]
[+n <vlt-port-name>]
[<script-1> [<script-2> ... [<script-n>]]]
All these parameters are optional. As an example, let's consider what the
1> VLT -i +s siosbx.device +u 1 +n VLT2 myscript.scp
does. The -i tells VLT not to look for a vlt.init file. The +s options tells
VLT to use siosbx.device instaed of the normal Amiga serial.device (but the
device MUST look identical to the Amiga's serial device!), whereas the +u
option tells VLT to use unit 1 of that device. The +n option tells VLT that
it should use VLT2 for everything where it would normally have used VLT. This
means that the shared screen names will be VLT2 and VLT2TEK for the VT100 and
graphics screens respectively and that the ARexx port will be named VLT2. And
finally, VLT will start running myscript.scp once it has started up. Notice,
that withthe +s and +n options, it is now possible to run more than one copy
of VLT at the same time. Again, this is only useful if you have more than one
serial port. Notice, that when you save your configuration, all of these
settings (serial device name, unit, and port name) will also be saved.
Other enhancements include:
- The Quick Rendering Mode is now allowed on the Workbench.
- The status windows for file transfers have a much nicer format.
- VLT now checks if it is already running and brings the running version to
the front.
- VLT now scrolls even faster.
- VLT now works with characters above 127 in the ASCII character set. In
particular, the character $9B is now recognized as <CSI>.
- VLT now sounds a bell/flashes the screen twice after up- or downloads.
- VLT windows are now sizable and draggable and depth arrangeable when used
on the Workbench. One problem may be that on a standard size Workbench (no
morerows) VLT no longer can fit 80 columns. Solution: use morerows.
- The cursor height can now be changed from the menu.
- The Auto-Screen-to-Back menu option brings the Workbench to the front during
file transfers.
- The emit command was modified to emit its argument string in a manner
identical to text coming from the serial device, for greater speed.
- Support for 110 baud was added.
B. Tektronix part:
- - - - - - - - - -
In the Tektronix emulation, the most notable additions have been in
the Image menu: VLT now supports saving the current picture as a bitmap in
IFF form, or the vectors themselves in Encapsulated PostScript form. Also,
printing the bitmap as a graphics dump is now supported in four different
sizes. When the Tektronix emulation is busy doing something, it will show a
BUSY pointer, and it will no longer flash or beep at the end.
A Mask Colors option was added. This option changes the way in which
the picture is redrawn. When Mask Colors is in effect, graphics are drawn
only in the bitmaps needed for the particular color index. This allows you to
draw in separate bitplanes without erasing the contents of other bitplanes.
By carefully selecting which color index to draw with, you can herewith
determine which color is used for areas where two lines of different color
Other enhancements:
- when the Numeric option is selected for the graphics cursor, the X and Y
coordinates are now displayed in a separate window when the graphics cursor
is active.
- The Tektronix window now has a Lock Graphics option, just like the VT100
window. This option will set the graphics lock and switch to the VT100
- Many more menu options have command key abbreviations.
- The current picture will now be redrawn automatically whenever an operation
has changed the window or screen.
- A Lock Colors option has been added. It prevents the host from changing the
colors you had just set so carefully.
- The escape parser was rewritten and now eats most 4105 escape sequences
without leaving traces.