Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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Text File
488 lines
include "exec/types.i"
include "exec/lists.i"
include "devices/inputevent.i"
waiting equ 0
selregion equ 1
waitext equ 2
selgfx equ 3
waitgfx equ 4
inserting equ 5
pendsnap equ 6
noaction equ 0
snapgfx equ 1
snaptext equ 2
snapinit equ 3
insert equ 4
XREF _myhandler
XREF _geta4
XREF _SysBase
XREF _MyTask
XREF _action
XREF _state
XREF _startsignal
XREF _insertsignal
XREF _cancelsignal
XREF _donesignal
XREF _movesignal
XREF _clicksignal
XREF _timersignal
XREF _initsignal
XREF _textqual ; qualifier for snapping text
XREF _gfxqual ; -"- -"- -"- gfx
XREF _insertkey
; On entry: a0 : Pointer to event list
; a1 : Pointer to data
; In loop: a1 : Pointer to event
; d0 : scratch
; Result: d0 : New event list
movem.l a4,-(sp)
jsr _geta4 ; Get offset base a4
move.l a0,a1 ; a1 = Event list = a0
cmpa.l #0,a1 ; Check for end of list
beq .done
cmp.w #noaction,_action ; forced noaction - cancel
bne .notcanceled ; no, we're in action
move.w #waiting,_state ; no action -> wait state
bra .dostate
cmp.w #insert,_action ; forced insert - cancel
bne .dostate ; no
move.w #inserting,_state ; set correct state
move.w _state,d0
cmp.w #waiting,d0 ; state waiting?
beq .Waiting ; goto state waiting
cmp.w #selregion,d0 ; state selregion?
beq .SelRegion ; goto state selregion
cmp.w #waitext,d0 ; state waitext?
beq .WaitExt ; goto state waitext
cmp.w #selgfx,d0 ; state selgfx?
beq .SelGfx ; goto state selgfx
cmp.w #waitgfx,d0 ; state waitgfx?
beq .WaitGfx ; goto state waitgfx
cmp.w #pendsnap,d0
beq .PendSnap
cmp.w #inserting,d0 ; state inserting?
beq .Insert ; don't mess with inserted chars
bra .EventHandled ; shouldn't happen
; ********************************************************
; State: Waiting
; Actions New state Signal
; TQ PendSnap init
; LMB+GQ SelGfx init+start
; LCOM+IKEY Inserting insert
cmp.b #IECLASS_RAWKEY,ie_Class(a1) ; Is it RAWKEY?
bne .wait_RAWMOUSE
move.w ie_Qualifier(a1),d0
and.w _textqual,d0 ; TQ?
bne .signalinit ; Yes -- init
move.w ie_Qualifier(a1),d0
and.w #LCOM,d0 ; LCOM?
beq .EventHandled ; No
move.w _insertkey,d0
beq .EventHandled ; Key = 0 -- disabled
cmp.w ie_Code(a1),d0 ; The insert key?
bne .EventHandled ; No, pass it on
bra .signalinsert ; Tell'em to insert
cmp.b #IECLASS_RAWMOUSE,ie_Class(a1) ; Is it RAWMOUSE?
bne .EventHandled ; Nope, pass it on
move.w ie_Qualifier(a1),d0
and.w _textqual,d0 ; TQ?
bne .signalinit ; Yes
cmp.w #LMB,ie_Code(a1) ; OK, is it SELECTDOWN?
bne .EventHandled ; Too bad
move.w ie_Qualifier(a1),d0
and.w _gfxqual,d0 ; GQ?
beq .EventHandled ; No, not interested
; Handle event LMB+GQ
move.b #IECLASS_NULL,ie_Class(a1) ; Kill event
move.w #snapgfx,_action ; action snapgfx;
move.w #selgfx,_state ; state selgfx
move.l _initsignal,d0 ; Signal init and
or.l _startsignal,d0 ; start
bra SignalTask
move.w #pendsnap,_state
move.w #snapinit,_action
move.l _initsignal,d0 ; Signal start
bsr Signal
bra .PendSnap
; *******************************************************
; State: PendSnap
; Actions New state Signal
; ~TQ Waiting cancel
; LCOM+IKEY Inserting insert
; TQ+LMB SelRegion start
; TQ+RMB Inserting insert
cmp.b #IECLASS_RAWKEY,ie_Class(a1) ; RAWKEY?
bne .ps_RAWMOUSE
move.w ie_Qualifier(a1),d0
and.w _textqual,d0 ; TQ?
bne .ps_IKEY ; Still down, continue
;Handle event ~TQ
move.w #noaction,_action ; no action
move.w #waiting,_state ; state waiting
move.l _cancelsignal,d0 ; snap cancelled
bra SignalTask
move.w ie_Qualifier(a1),d0
and.w #LCOM,d0 ; LCOM?
beq .EventHandled ; No
move.w _insertkey,d0
beq .EventHandled ; Key = 0 -- disabled
cmp.w ie_Code(a1),d0 ; The insert key?
bne .EventHandled ; No, pass it on
bra .signalinsert ; Tell'em to insert
cmp.b #IECLASS_RAWMOUSE,ie_Class(a1) ; Is it RAWMOUSE?
bne .EventHandled ; Nope, pass it on
cmp.w #LMB,ie_Code(a1) ; OK, is it SELECTDOWN?
bne .ps_RMB ; Too bad
; Handle event LMB+TQ
move.b #IECLASS_NULL,ie_Class(a1) ; Kill event
move.w #snaptext,_action ; action snaptext
move.w #selregion,_state ; state selregion
move.l _startsignal,d0 ; start
bra SignalTask
cmp.w #RMB,ie_Code(a1) ; MENUDOWN
bne .EventHandled
; Handle event RMB+TQ
move.b #IECLASS_NULL,ie_Class(a1) ; Kill event
move.w #inserting,_state
move.w #insert,_action
move.l _insertsignal,d0 ; and insert
bra SignalTask
; *******************************************************
; State: SelRegion
; Actions New state Signal
; ~TQ Waiting cancel
; ~LMB+TQ WaitExt
; MOVE SelRegion move
; RMB+TQ SelRegion click
; ~RMB SelRegion Needs no action
; TIMER SelRegion timer
cmp.b #IECLASS_TIMER,ie_Class(a1) ; Timer event?
bne .sr_RAWKEY
;Handle timer event
move.l _timersignal,d0
bra SignalTask
cmp.b #IECLASS_RAWKEY,ie_Class(a1) ; RAWKEY?
bne .sr_LMB_UP
move.w ie_Qualifier(a1),d0
and.w _textqual,d0 ; TQ?
bne .EventHandled ; Still down, continue
;Handle event ~TQ
move.w #noaction,_action ; no action
move.w #waiting,_state ; state waiting
move.l _cancelsignal,d0 ; snap cancelled
bra SignalTask
cmp.b #IECLASS_RAWMOUSE,ie_Class(a1) ; Is it RAWMOUSE?
bne .EventHandled ; Nope, pass it on
cmp.w #LMB_UP,ie_Code(a1) ; SELECTUP
bne .sr_MOVE ; no, check for move
; Handle event ~LMB
move.b #IECLASS_NULL,ie_Class(a1) ; Kill event
move.w #waitext,_state ; state waitext
bra .EventHandled
cmp.w #NO_BUTT,ie_Code(a1) ; MOVE
bne .sr_RMB ; No, check for RMB
move.w ie_Qualifier(a1),d0
beq .sr_RMB
; Handle event MOVE
move.l _movesignal,d0
bra SignalTask
cmp.w #RMB,ie_Code(a1) ; MENUDOWN
bne .EventHandled ; No, not interested
; Handle event RMB
move.b #IECLASS_NULL,ie_Class(a1) ; Kill event
move.l _clicksignal,d0
bra SignalTask
; ***************************************************
; State WaitExt
; Actions New state Signal
; ~TQ Waiting done
; LMB SelRegion click
; MOVE WaitExt No action needed.
; RMB Inserting done & insert
; TIMER WaitExt timer
cmp.b #IECLASS_TIMER,ie_Class(a1) ; Timer event?
bne .we_RAWKEY
;Handle timer event
move.l _timersignal,d0
bra SignalTask
cmp.b #IECLASS_RAWKEY,ie_Class(a1) ; RAWKEY?
bne .we_LMB
move.w ie_Qualifier(a1),d0
and.w _textqual,d0 ; TQ?
bne .EventHandled ; Still down, continue
;Handle event ~TQ
move.w #noaction,_action ; no action
move.w #waiting,_state ; state waiting
move.l _donesignal,d0 ; snap finished
bra SignalTask
cmp.b #IECLASS_RAWMOUSE,ie_Class(a1) ; Is it RAWMOUSE?
bne .EventHandled ; Nope, pass it on
cmp.w #LMB,ie_Code(a1) ; SELECTDOWN
bne .we_RMB ; no, check for RMB
; Handle event LMB
move.b #IECLASS_NULL,ie_Class(a1) ; Kill event
move.w #selregion,_state ; state waitext
move.l _clicksignal,d0 ; Extend selection
bra SignalTask
cmp.w #RMB,ie_Code(a1) ; MENUDOWN
bne .EventHandled ; No, not interested
; Handle event RMB
move.b #IECLASS_NULL,ie_Class(a1) ; Kill event
move.w #insert,_action
move.w #inserting,_state
move.l _donesignal,d0
or.l _insertsignal,d0
bra SignalTask
; *******************************************************
; State: SelGfx
; Actions New state Signal
; ~GQ Waiting cancel
; ~LMB+GQ WaitGfx
; MOVE SelGfx move
; TIMER SelGfx timer
; RMB SelGfx removed
cmp.b #IECLASS_TIMER,ie_Class(a1) ; Timer event?
bne .sg_RAWKEY
;Handle timer event
move.l _timersignal,d0
bra SignalTask
cmp.b #IECLASS_RAWKEY,ie_Class(a1) ; RAWKEY?
bne .sg_LMB_UP
move.w ie_Qualifier(a1),d0
and.w _gfxqual,d0 ; TQ?
bne .EventHandled ; Still down, continue
;Handle event ~GQ
move.w #noaction,_action ; no action
move.w #waiting,_state ; state waiting
move.l _cancelsignal,d0 ; snap cancelled
bra SignalTask
cmp.b #IECLASS_RAWMOUSE,ie_Class(a1) ; Is it RAWMOUSE?
bne .EventHandled ; Nope, pass it on
cmp.w #LMB_UP,ie_Code(a1) ; SELECTUP
bne .sg_MOVE ; no, check for move
; Handle event ~LMB
move.b #IECLASS_NULL,ie_Class(a1) ; Kill event
move.w #waitgfx,_state ; state waitext
bra .EventHandled
cmp.w #NO_BUTT,ie_Code(a1) ; MOVE
bne .EventHandled ; No, check for RMB
move.w ie_Qualifier(a1),d0
beq .EventHandled
; Handle event MOVE
move.l _movesignal,d0
bra SignalTask
move.b #IECLASS_NULL,ie_Class(a1) ; Kill event
bra .EventHandled
; ***************************************************
; State WaitGfx
; Actions New state Signal
; ~GQ Waiting done
; LMB SelGfx click
; MOVE WaitGfx No action needed.
; TIMER WaitGfx timer
; RMB WaitGfx -- remove event
cmp.b #IECLASS_TIMER,ie_Class(a1) ; Timer event?
bne .wg_RAWKEY
;Handle timer event
move.l _timersignal,d0
bra SignalTask
cmp.b #IECLASS_RAWKEY,ie_Class(a1) ; RAWKEY?
bne .wg_LMB
move.w ie_Qualifier(a1),d0
and.w _gfxqual,d0 ; GQ?
bne .EventHandled ; Still down, continue
;Handle event ~TQ
move.w #noaction,_action ; no action
move.w #waiting,_state ; state waiting
move.l _donesignal,d0 ; snap finished
bra SignalTask
cmp.b #IECLASS_RAWMOUSE,ie_Class(a1) ; Is it RAWMOUSE?
bne .EventHandled ; Nope, pass it on
cmp.w #LMB,ie_Code(a1) ; SELECTDOWN
bne .wg_RMB ; no -- finished
; Handle event LMB
move.b #IECLASS_NULL,ie_Class(a1) ; Kill event
move.w #selgfx,_state ; state waitext
move.l _clicksignal,d0 ; Extend selection
bra SignalTask
cmp.w #NO_BUTT,ie_Code(a1) ; Any button?
beq .EventHandled ; No, moves are ok
move.b #IECLASS_NULL,ie_Class(a1) ; Kill event
bra .EventHandled
; ***************************************************
; State Insert
; Snap actions are removed, the rest are passed along.
cmp.b #IECLASS_RAWMOUSE,ie_Class(a1) ; Is it RAWMOUSE?
bne .EventHandled ; Nope, pass it on
cmp.w #LMB,ie_Code(a1) ; Left mouse button
bne .insert_TQ ; No -- just kill
move.w #noaction,_action ; Cancel paste
move.w ie_Qualifier(a1),d0
and.w _textqual,d0 ; TQ?
beq .EventHandled ; no
cmp.w #NO_BUTT,ie_Code(a1) ; Any button?
beq .EventHandled ; No, moves are ok
move.b #IECLASS_NULL,ie_Class(a1) ; Kill event
bra .EventHandled
bsr Signal
move.l ie_NextEvent(a1),a1 ; Get next event
bra .nextevent
movem.l (sp)+,a4
move.l a0,d0
movem.l a0-a2/a6,-(sp)
move.l _MyTask,a1
move.l _SysBase,a6 ; Get ExecBase for Signal
jsr _LVOSignal(a6)
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a2/a6