Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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SID Docs
"Break Glass In Case of Emergency"
A Programmer's Plea
SID is shareware. If you find this program useful, please send $25 to:
Timm Martin
P.O. Box 10084
Largo, FL 34643
You may adjust that figure if you feel that it is too high or low. Even
if you think that SID stinks, I would appreciate a nasty (but constructive)
letter telling me how I can improve it.
Please promote the shareware system by making a contribution to the authors
of the shareware products you commonly use. There are many advantages to
the shareware system:
-- You can receive quality programs at a decent price. Had this been
a commercial program, you could expect to pay at least $49.95.
-- You can thoroughly examine a shareware program before reimbursing
the author. Once you've purchased a commercial program, however,
you're stuck with it.
-- You promote the creation of a number of exciting and diverse
programs that would otherwise not reach the public if commercial
marketing was the only alternative.
Along with your $25, please send your name, address, and the version number
of SID that you are currently using. This can be found by displaying the
Information requester located in the Program menu.
In return, all registered SID users will receive the most recent version of
SID, any available support programs (such as the planned interactive
configuration editor), the most recent version of the manuals, a set of
update docs which describe the changes made in each SID update, and a
number of other unique public domain programs and utilities.
Registered users will also receive timely announcements of major future
upgrades. These upgrades can be acquired long before their national
release for only $4 each, or for free if you send an Amiga diskette and a
stamped (65 cents postage), self-addressed envelope or diskette mailer.
I cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged mail, so a mailer is
recommended. For orders outside of the United States, please add $4 per
As an additional bonus, registered SID users will be able to download the
most recent version of SID from Deep C--the SID Electronic Bulletin Board.
Each new version of SID will be made available to registered users at least
one month before it is released nationally. You can also ask questions,
give suggestions, or submit bug reports. Complete details will be mailed
to you when you send in your shareware fee.
A Quick History about SID --
the directory utility WITH all the "bells and whistles"...
SID has been in development since October 1988, and has undergone nine
months of rigorous testing by over a dozen people. After 28 updates, 1
complete rewrite, hundreds of hours of work, and over 527,050 bytes of C
and assembler code spread over 80 modules, SID has emerged into what I hope
you find is the best directory utility available for the Commodore Amiga.
I welcome any comments, suggestions, or complaints that you may have about
SID. It was the excellent suggestions from my beta-testers that made SID
great in the first place, and I'm always looking for ways to improve SID.
Personal replies to your comments can be obtained by including a self-
addressed, stamped envelope.
There are a number of people I'd like to thank for helping me make SID what
it is today:
Elaine Martin
for her patience, understanding, and the world's best chocolate
chip cookies. Without her as the lifeblood of my existence, SID
would never have been possible.
Jeff Hoag
for his great ideas, beta-testing, PR, and advice; for boosting my
spirits when they needed boosting; and for letting me win the RC
car races, even though his car was clearly faster.
Mike Monaco (Dr. Assembler, also known as "The Gnat")
for his pattern-matching state machine, 68000 assembler help, and
combat basketball games ("it's not a foul unless you strike blood")
that helped me release some of that programming stress.
Jimbo Barber
for his great ideas, continuous bug reports, for being my liason to
the outside world, and for being my biggest critic--I really had to
bust my ass to please him.
John Ruckart (SYSOP of the Tsunami Wave BBS)
for giving me my own SID section on the Wave so that it could be
properly beta-tested, dissected, and analyzed; and for being my
first shareware contributor, long before SID was officially
David Head
for finding source code when I needed it, for putting SID on the
Tsunami club disk, and for his excellent suggestions in the later
hours of SID development.
I'd also like to thank my other beta-testers for their suggestions,
comments, and support through the development of SID:
Fabbian Dufoe
Dave Fournier
Tom Fredericks
Scott Fry
Allen Maroney
Ed Paquette
Mark Weddell
And to my new official beta testers and SID supporters:
Michael Ferrari
Gewinner Garrison
Steve McDonnell
Vernon Marcum
Jack Murray
Ron Sudweeks
Jeff Todd
Michael Vandellos
And to everyone who has sent in their SID shareware fee...THANKS!
SID is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or
implied. By using SID, you agree to accept the entire risk as to the
quality and performance of the program. Any liability of Timm Martin will
be limited exclusively to product replacement.
My Lawyer Tells Me I Need This...
Now, for the legal stuff. You don't need to read this unless you plan on
uploading, distributing, marketing, or stealing SID...
SID is © Copyright 1989 by Timm Martin
All Rights are Reserved Worldwide
SID is freely distributable as long as all of the following conditions
are met:
1) All of the files must be included in their original form without
additions, deletions, or modifications of any kind. Any such
modifications must appear in separate files.
2) All copyright notices must remain intact.
3) SID may not be sold commercially alone or as a component in
another product.
4) SID may not appear on shareware or public domain disks for which
the consumers are charged more than a nominal disk copying fee of
seven dollars (US $7) per disk.
5) SID may not appear on any electronic service which charges more
than the basic access fee to download SID.
6) SID may not appear on any electronic service that claims copyrights
to uploaded programs, either alone or as part of a collection.
If you would like a variance to any of the above conditions, please contact
me for written permission.
Now, on to the program...
Running SID
From the Workbench
Double click on the SID icon.
From the CLI
Enter in the CLI window:
SID [dir1 [dir2]]
If specified, "dir1" and "dir2" will be loaded in the directory lists.
Specifying -c will load the current directory. SID detaches from the
CLI, meaning that you can close the CLI window after running SID by
entering "endcli" in the CLI window.
You can completely customize SID to your needs and environment with the
configuration file. Because the configuration changes as often as SID
does, I've opted to place the instructions in the separate SID.ConfigDocs
file. See that file for more details.
Window Buttons
Close Button, Depth Buttons, Drag Bar
These operate as you would expect them to. The Drag Bar does not
appear in the SID window when it opens on its own custom screen.
Sizing Button
Can only be used to size the window when SID is sleeping (ZZ pointer is
visible) to allow you to reach icons on the Workbench screen. When SID
reawakens, it will reopen its window at the previous size.
Standard Colors
NOTE: When I speak of the Workbench screen colors, I am speaking of the
standard Workbench screen colors set by Commodore. They are:
Blue ..... Color 0
White .... Color 1
Black .... Color 2
Orange ... Color 3
You may also edit and configure the colors on the SID custom screen. See
"Custom Screen Colors" for more details.
Directory Lists
Normally, files and directories are mixed and displayed alphabetically in
the lists. You can separate directories and files with the SeparateDirs=
flag in the SID.config file.
Active (or Source) List
Denoted by orange highlighting above and below the list. All commands
operate on highlighted files in the active list.
Inactive (or Destination) List
No orange lines. This is the destination list for two-directory
commands (such as COPY and MOVE).
Can select the active list by:
1) Clicking the left mouse button on the list. Will also highlight/
unhighlight any directory entries.
2) Clicking the right mouse button (RMB) anywhere in the window. The
list on the side of the window where you click becomes the active
list. If you click the RMB above the lists, the menus will activate.
3) Clicking on the corresponding arrow buttons, slider bar, parent
button, or rehighlight button. Check out SID.iff to see where these
buttons are located in the SID window.
Directory Entries
Highlighted ..... white letters on black background
Unhighlighted ... black letters on white background
Highlighted ..... orange letters on black background
Unhighlighted ... black letters on orange background
To highlight an entry, click the left mouse button (LMB) on the desired
entry. You can (un)highlight multiple entries by holding the button and
dragging mouse. The list will scroll when you move the pointer above or
below the list. To unhighlight an entry, just click on it again.
Directory Buttons
Up Arrow Button
Click once to display the previous entry. Click and hold to scroll.
Down Arrow Button
Click once to display the next entry. Click and hold to scroll.
Once you've clicked on an arrow button, hold the left mouse button and move
the pointer off the button. The list will continue to scroll. As you move
the pointer toward the vertical center of the list, the scroll will slow
down until the direction reverses when you pass the center.
You can also scroll the file list by clicking the right mouse button while
the pointer is over the list. Moving the pointer up will scroll the list
up, and moving the pointer down will scroll the list down. The scrolling
slows down as the pointer moves toward the vertical center of the list.
Stop the scroll by releasing the right mouse button.
Slider Bar
Click once to page forward or backward. Click and hold to scroll.
Parent Button
A tall, skinny button hidden in window border next to each list. Click
on it to load the parent of the current directory.
Rehighlight Button
Hidden to the left and right of the command buttons. Will highlight
entries highlighted before the execution of the previous command. Any
entries you've highlighted so far will remain highlighted.
Path Field
Located above each directory list, the Path Field contains the name of
the directory. To manually enter a path name, click the left mouse
button in it, type the name of the path, and press RETURN. Or press
ESCape to get rid of the cursor. Can return cursor to the Path Field
by pressing the left arrow for the left field, right arrow for the
right field. Pressing ENTER in a blank path field will load the
current directory.
Previous Directory Button
Hidden in the window border next to each path field. Clicking on this
button will load the previous directory for this list. This is handy
when you accidentally wipe out the current directory by loading another
directory. Click on this button, and the previous directory will be
reloaded. You can also use this to toggle back and forth between two
Field Editing
The fields in SID are not Intuition string buttons, but rather, a modified
form of SmartFieldsII by Software Ingenuity. Because of this, there are a
number of powerful editing features available that are not found in regular
string buttons:
Cursor Movement
LeftArrow .......... to the previous character
RightArrow ......... to the next character
SHIFT-LeftArrow .... to the beginning of the previous word
SHIFT-RightArrow ... to the beginning of the next word
ALT-LeftArrow ...... to the beginning of the field
ALT-RightArrow ..... to the end of the field
TAB ................ jump right
SHIFT-TAB .......... jump left
Field Editing
DELete ...... delete character under cursor
BACKSPACE ... delete character to left of cursor
CTRL-X ...... delete entire field contents
CTRL-R ...... restore deleted contents
CTRL-F ...... delete forward
CTRL-B ...... delete backward
Clipboard Commands
CTRL-C ..... copy field contents to clip
CTRL-K ..... cut field contents to clip
CTRL-P ..... paste clip contents into field
Miscellaneous Commands
CTRL-I ..... place in insert mode
CTRL-T ..... place in typeover mode
RETURN ..... accept data in field
ESCape ..... stop current command
As you can see above, SID maintains its own private clipboard, allowing you
to transfer data between fields. You can also adjust the TAB jump by
pressing CTRL-TAB then the number of spaces between 1 and 9. For example,
CTRL-TAB then '5' will set the TAB jump to five spaces. And the desired
type mode (either insert or typeover) is configurable.
The standard Intuition string button editing keys are also supported.
Right-Amiga-X ... to delete entire field contents
Right-Amiga-Q ... to restore deleted contents
Directory Messages
Message Box
Bottom of the window. All SID messages are displayed here.
Directory Message
Displayed every time an active side is selected. For example:
001/023 Files 002/004 Dirs 6.3K Free
The numbers in the above example are:
001 ... (white) .... number of highlighted files
023 ... (white) .... total number of files
002 ... (orange) ... number of highlighted directories
004 ... (orange) ... total number of directories
6.3 ... (black) .... approximate number of bytes free on the
corresponding device, listed in decimal K-bytes
or megabytes, whichever is appropriate
Loading Directories
In same list
To load one of the directories listed, double click on it.
In the other list...Explore Button
Click on the arrow (the Explore Button) located in the center of the
window. It turns orange to indicate "Explore Mode". Every directory
you double-click on in the active list will be loaded in the inactive
list. Click on Explore Button again to stop Explore Mode.
Swapping or Copying Directories
There are three buttons which appear in the center of the window title bar.
They are, from left to right:
Copy Right to Left Button
Clicking on this button will copy the directory from the right list
into the left list. This is done instantly--there is no need to wait
for the new directory to load. The new directory is clean, meaning no
files are highlighted and the list is displayed with the first file.
This will only work if the directory in the right list is valid.
Swap List Button
Clicking on this button will instantly swap the two directory lists.
All highlighting characteristics, previous highlighting
characteristics, and scroll positions are retained. The stored
previous directory, however, remains fixed with the list (it is not
Copy Left to Right Button
Clicking on this button will copy the directory from the left list into
the right list.
Device Buttons
Two identical sets of ten buttons located immediately under each list. The
eight on the left of each set are named after different devices which may
be found on your system. The remaining two are the VOL and DIR buttons.
Device Buttons
Originally configured as DF0 DF1 RAM RAD DH0 DH1 DH2 DH3. Clicking on
one of these will activate the list above the button and load the
directory of the selected device in that list.
You can also specify an alternate path to be loaded when you click on a
device button. That way you can give the device buttons more
meaningful names such as WKB for Workbench instead of the generic DH0.
See the "Button= keyword" in the ConfigDocs for more details.
VOLume Button
Will load the names of all mounted volumes on your system in the list
above the button. This not only includes physical volumes (diskettes
in the drive or hard disk partitions), but logical volumes (created
with the AmigaDOS Assign command) as well.
DIR Button
Will reload the same directory listed in the Path Field above the
button. This is equivalent to clicking the cursor in one of the Path
Fields and pressing RETURN. Since SID does not reload the directory
after each command, it only knows about directory changes that it has
made. If you suspect another program has changed the directory listed
(by adding or deleting files), click on this button to reload it.
If the Path Field is empty, clicking on the DIR button will load the
current directory.
STOP! Requester
The white STOP! Requester appears in the middle of the SID window during
the execution of each command. The window's sizing button works when the
STOP! requester is in the window.
STOP! Button
Click on this to terminate the current command. All highlighted files
which have not been affected yet by the command will remain
PAUSE Button
Click on this to pause the current command. The button then becomes
the RESUME Button which you click on to resume the command.
One convenient feature about the STOP! Requester is you can select a large
directory, click on STOP! as it begins to load, then copy or move files to
it, load its parent, or get DISK information about it. You can perform
these operations without having to wait for the entire directory to load.
You can also partially load a directory by clicking the STOP! button. This
is handy when loading diskette directories--you can stop the load as soon
as you see the desired file.
Window Sizes
There are three standard window sizes:
Half Size - 640 pixels wide by 104 pixels high ( 3 files visible)
Full Size - 640 pixels wide by 200 pixels high (15 files visible)
Lace Size - 640 pixels wide by 384 pixels high (38 files visible)
You can select these sizes with the "Window" item in the "Environment"
menu. A check mark will appear next to the current size.
Specify Size
You specify the size of the window based on the number of files that
are visible in each list at one time (also referred to as the number of
rows). A requester will appear asking you to enter the number of rows
desired. It will list the minimum, current, and maximum number of rows
SID will allow you to open a window as large as possible. Using
VScreen, a public domain utility by Davide P. Cervone, you can open a
SID window that's 118 rows tall on a 1024-pixel-high Workbench screen!
Shrink Window
The SID window will iconify itself on the Workbench screen when you
click on the SHRINK Button in the upper right corner of the window.
Clicking on the EXPAND Button in the iconified window or pressing 'E'
will return the SID window to its original size.
Workbench Screen
To save memory
Custom Screen
SID's own high-resolution NON-interlaced custom screen. The position
of the SID window is fixed in the screen. Move the SID window in and
out of view with the screen's drag bar and depth buttons.
Interlace Screen
SID's own high-resolution interlaced custom screen. The position of
the SID window is fixed in the screen. Move the SID window in and out
of view with the screen's drag bar and depth buttons.
Custom Screen Colors
You can edit and configure the colors on the SID custom or interlace
screen. To edit the colors, place SID on its custom or interlace screen
and select "Colors" from the "Environment" menu, and the Color requester
will appear. Notice that this option is not available when the SID
window is on the Workbench screen.
You've used color requesters before, I'm sure (Preferences, for example),
so I don't think I need to go into detail with how this one works. The
slider buttons adjust the red, green, and blue hues in each color. The
hexadecimal value of each color is listed, and the hex value for the
currently active color is highlighted.
You can select which color you want to "be active" and edit by clicking
in the desired color box or on its hex value, or by clicking the left
mouse button anywhere in the SID window other than in the requester.
The color of the pixel on which you clicked will become the active color.
For example, this allows you to edit the color of the window title bar
just by clicking on it.
Clicking on ACCEPT will accept the colors you've selected, clicking on
RESET will reset the colors to those when the requester was first
displayed, and clicking on CANCEL will ignore your color selection and
make the requester disappear.
Entry Display
SID has six different entry display modes:
SIZE: <--------- File Name --------->9999999
DATE: <--------- File Name ------> MM/DD/YY
TIME: <--------- File Name -----> HH:MM:SSam
BITS: <--------- File Name -------> HSPARWED
NOTE: <-- File Name --> <---- Comment ----->
DESC: <-- File Name --> <-- Description --->
To select the desired display, click the left mouse button in the message
box. The six display modes will appear under each list, and the current
mode for each list will be highlighted in orange (color 3). Click the left
mouse button on the desired mode, and the entries will be redisplayed
instantly (exception: if you select DESC mode, the directory will be
reloaded. This is because loading file descriptions takes alot longer and
therefore it is not done automatically). Notice that you can select a
different display mode for each list.
Note from the above diagram that the file name may be truncated in every
mode except the SIZE mode. If a file name is truncated, double arrows '»'
will appear at the end of the name to indicate this.
File Description
SID can currently identify a number of files on the Amiga:
AmigaBASIC program
ARC file
Assignment ........... logical device created with Assign command
Executable Object .... program, library, etc.
Font Header
IFF Graphic
IFF Sound
IFF Music
IFF Text
.info Icon ........... Workbench icon image file
Lattice Object
LHArc file
Manx Object
Maxiplan Spreadsheet
PageStream Document
PAK file
ProPage Document
Superbase File Defn
Superbase Query
Volume ............... diskette, hard disk partition
WARP file
WordPerfect Text
ZOO file
If SID cannot identify an entry as one of the above, it will classify it as
either an
ASCII file or
Binary file
depending on whether any binary is found in the file. International
characters are considered to be ASCII characters.
Double Clicking
Double clicking on a file will attempt to execute the proper command for
that file (remember that double clicking on a directory will load it).
This is handy when you are highlighting a number of entries and you want to
check out a single entry without looking at all the other entries. The
commands executed are:
ARC file ........... LISTARC
ASCII file ......... READ
IFF Graphic ........ VIEW
IFF Sound .......... HEAR
LHArc file ......... LISTARC
WordPerfect Text ... READ
ZOO file ........... LISTARC
all others ......... INFO
Note that because PAK and WARP do not support LISTARC yet, the INFO
command will be executed for these files.
When you run SID (from the CLI or Workbench), it opens a 1x1 pixel CLI
window in the upper left corner of the Workbench screen. This catches
the output from any program you run from SID without clicking on the
OUTPUT button. AmigaDOS doesn't like it when there's nowhere to send a
program's output, and your program will crash without it.
Before running, however, SID checks to see if the NULL: device is mounted.
If it is, it uses the NULL: device for program output, and the 1x1 pixel
window is not opened. This saves you about 5K in memory, plus some system
overhead that Intuition needs to maintain the output window.
To use the NULL: device, copy the supplied "null-handler" file into your
L: directory, and add the supplied "MountList" entry to your
devs:MountList file. Then be sure to "mount null:" sometime before
running SID. If you plan on using this on a regular basis, you might
want to put the mount command in your startup-sequence.
Note that SID does NOT require the NULL: device to run. It is merely
provided for those users who wish to save a little memory and system
overhead. Many new programs including RunBack are using the NULL: device
as a replacement for NIL: (NIL: is not a real device and therefore cannot
be used by programs which require a real device for output).
Input Requester
A white Input Requester will appear in the middle of the SID window for
some of the commands. The requester has a single field for input and can
have either two or four buttons:
Accept Button
This button appears on the far left and will usually take the name of
the command you are executing. Click on this to accept the data you
have typed.
STOP! Button
This button appears on the far right. Click on this to stop the
command from executing. The command will stop without executing upon
the remaining highlighted entries, if any.
PREVious Button
This button will appear for single file commands. If enabled (not
ghosted), click on this button to execute the command on the previous
highlighted file. The current file will be ignored.
NEXT Button
This button will appear for single file commands. If enabled, click
on this button to ignore the current file and execute the command on
the next highlighted file.
As with almost everything in SID, there are keyboard equivalents to the
above buttons:
Accept Button ... press RETURN
STOP! Button .... press ESCape
PREV Button ..... press CTRL Left Arrow
NEXT Button ..... press CTRL Right Arrow
When entering file names in the input requester, SID will reject blank or
duplicate names.
Program Menu
Nearly every feature in SID is configurable. A set of defaults are
hardwired into the program making SID usable by itself, but if your
system environment or personal tastes differ from mine, you will need
a config file to change these defaults. See the ConfigDocs for more
Allows you to edit the config file with the text editor you
specified to use with the EDIT command.
Loads the configuration file.
Displays an information requester about SID. The program version
number is found here.
Last Error
Explains the meaning of the previous error in the message box. You can
also display the last error by pressing the '?' or '/' key.
Last Message
Redisplays the previous important message in the message box.
Currently, only the results of the BYTES command are redisplayed.
System Menu
Three programs are launched from this menu. Set the name and location of
each program in the config file.
Your favorite calculator program.
Executes an AmigaDOS command. The Input Requester will appear,
allowing you to type the command. You can string multiple commands
together by typing a newline character after each command with the
CTRL-N keyboard combination. The newline character will appear in the
input field as a capital 'J' in reverse video.
If you execute the command, SID will open the Output window to display
the results. When the command has finished, a prompt will appear in
the Output window, which will now act like a regular CLI window. To
get rid of the window, type "endcli" (without the quotes) and press
RETURN. You can force the window to close immediately after the
command has executed by appending "endcli" to the end of your command
line (separated from the command by a newline, of course).
If a valid directory is displayed in the active list, the active
directory will be made the current directory before the command is
executed, otherwise SYS: will be the current directory. You can always
change the current directory by preceeding your command with the
AmigaDOS "cd" command.
Opens a new CLI (actually, an AmigaDOS shell) window. Type "endcli" in
the window to make it disappear.
Runs the Preferences program.
Disk Menu
Tells you whether the highlighted files and directories in the active
list will fit in the inactive list. SID displays a message in the
message box telling you whether the files will fit and how many blocks
you needed or have to spare. This command takes into account the
blocking factor of the device in the inactive list. For example, the
same group of files requires more room on a diskette (which can fit
only 488 bytes per block) than on a FastFileSystem hard disk (which can
fit 512 bytes per block).
Allows you to relabel the disk corresponding to the active list. The
Input Requester will appear in the center of the window with the
current name of the disk, asking you what you want the new name to be.
DO NOT INCLUDE THE TRAILING COLON! If the relabel command is
successful, the new name will replace the old name in the path field.
Be aware that the actual relabelling of diskettes occurs a second or two
after you issue the relabel command (this is due to AmigaDOS, not SID).
Wait for the drive light to turn on AND turn off before removing the
File Menu
Copy As
The Input Requester will display the name of each highlighted file in
the active list, allowing you to rename the file as it's copied. Note
that you can give the copied file the same name as a file in the
destination directory. In this case, that file in the destination
directory WILL BE OVERWRITTEN! If you want to prevent this, set the
"Copy" flag in the "Flags" menu to "Only New", in which case the Error
Requester will appear for files that already exist.
Allows you to create a blank file (usually for editing). The Input
Requester will appear, asking you for the name of the file to create.
You cannot specify the name of a file that already exists.
Select by Date
Allows you to highlight files and directories in the active list by
date. The input requester will appear allowing you to type in the date
range. SID is looking for two arguments, each separated by at least
one blank, and each containing no imbedded blanks. The first argument
is the "from" date, and the second argument is the "to" date. Both
arguments are inclusive, meaning all entries (files and directories)
greater than or equal to the "from" date and less than or equal to the
"to" date will be highlighted.
Similar to the PATTERN command, this only highlights entries--no
unhighlighting is done (in other words, already highlighted files which
don't fall within the specified dates will not be unhighlighted). This
means that you can multiply select entries in a number of different
ways--by pattern, by date, or by manually clicking on them.
This command will accept dates in one of three formats:
English dates
You can spell out the days such as "Today", "Yesterday",
"Monday", "Tuesday", etc. Only the first three characters are
checked, so you can just as easily specify "tod", "yes", "mon",
etc. Case is not important. Note that the days you specify are
prior to the current day. For example, if today is Wednesday and
you specify "Tuesday", this really means yesterday, and not next
Tuesday. Also, if you were to specify "Weds", this would give
you one week ago today--not today. To get today, you must
explicitly specify "today" (or "tod").
AmigaDOS dates
This is the dd-mmm-yy format that AmigaDOS uses, where "dd" is
the day in numeric digits, "mmm" is the first three characters of
the month name (case is not important), and "yy" is the last two
digits of the year (such as "89" for 1989). Note that you do not
have to specify a leading zero if the day is less than 10. You
may also omit the year if you want the current year.
Actual dates
This is the mm/dd/yy format (or dd/mm/yy format if you set the
SID.config flag DateMDY=NO). You can use the slash, period,
hyphen, or comma as a date separator, or use no separator at all.
The leading zero for the month is not required, and if you omit
the year, the current year will be assumed.
You may also select all dates prior to a given date by specifying a
hyphen (-), "upto" (as with the AmigaDOS "list" command), or "to" as the
first argument. For example, "to 11/4/89" will highlight all entries
dated on or before November 4, 1989.
You may select all dates after a given date by specifying a hyphen as
the second argument, or the word "since" (again as with the "list"
command) as the first argument. For example, "sin yes" will higlight
all entried created since yesterday. As another example, "10-jun-89 -"
will highlight all entries created on or after June 10, 1989.
Command Buttons
There are thirty command buttons located in the bottom of the SID window.
Some of the commands operate independently, but most of them act upon the
highlighted files and directories in the active list. If you attempt to
execute a command on an invalid directory in the active list, an error
message will be displayed.
The commands can be categorized by which files they act upon:
System Commands
Do not act upon any files:
List Commands
Highlight or unhighlight entries in the list:
Directory Commands
Operate on the directory corresponding to the list:
Single File Commands
Operate on each highlighted file and directory in the active list
one at a time:
Multiple File Commands
Operate on highlighted entries in the active list all at once:
Two List Commands
Operate on both lists, moving files and directories from the active
list to the inactive list:
Highlight Method
All highlighted entries in the active list will be unhighlighted as a
command executes upon them (exception: the INFO command). If you stop the
command before it can finish, all entries that it didn't get to will remain
highlighted. Remember that you can rehighlight the files that were
highlighted before the execution of the previous command by clicking on the
hidden Rehighlight Button for that list.
Directory Requester
Some commands such as COPY, DELETE, and BYTES operate on entire
directories. When such a command is executed, a black Directory Requester
will appear in the center of the SID window. Each time a directory is
entered by one of these commands, its name will appear in the requester.
Since the Directory Requester obscures the STOP! requester, it has its own
set of STOP! and PAUSE buttons that operate exactly as they do on the STOP!
Error Requester
This orange requester will appear in the middle of the SID window when an
error occurs during the execution of a command. It has the following
WHY? Button
Will explain in the message box why the error occurred.
STOP! Button
Will stop the command immediately, ignoring any remaining
highlighted entries.
Will skip over this file and continue executing the current command.
RETRY Button
Will try to re-execute the command on the current file.
The keyboard equivalents to the buttons are:
WHY? Button ....... 'W' key or '?' and '/' key
STOP! Button ...... 'S' or ESCape key
CONTINUE Button ... 'C' key
RETRY Button ...... 'R' key
System Commands
Will display the number of bytes of CHIP RAM, FAST RAM, and total RAM
available on your system.
Will display the current day, date, and time.
List Commands
A single click will highlight all of the files in the active list. A
double click will highlight all files AND directories in the active
Will unhighlight all files and directories in the active list.
Will highlight entries in the active list based on a pattern that you
enter in the Input Requester. This supports all AmigaDOS pattern
matching wildcards:
Matches any number of repetitions of the character 'c',
including none. For example:
TI#M matches TI, TIM, TIMM, and TIMMMMM
Indicates that a group of characters is to be treated as a
single character.
Matches any single character, NOT including none. For example:
T?MMY matches TAMMY, TIMMY, TOMMY, but not TMMY
Matches either pattern "a" or pattern "b". For example:
#?.(C|O) matches names ending in .C or .O
Matches the NULL character. For example:
DISK(S|%) matches DISK or DISKS
Placed before a wildcard character, the apostophe indicates
that you want to match the next character, not use its wildcard
abilities. For example:
FILE'(?') matches FILE(1) and FILE(2) instead of FILE1
You can also combine wildcards to perform even more powerful pattern
Matches any number of repetitions of the the group of
characters enclosed in the parentheses, including none.
For example:
Matches any number of repetitions of any character, including
none. This is identical to the MS-DOS asterik wildcard. For
#?.C matches any entry whose name ends in .C
H#?D will match HD, HEAD, and HARVARD
Matches any character or no character. For example:
(?|%)ICK matches LICK, SICK, or ICK
The PATTERN button also supports the MS-DOS asterik wildcard:
Matches any number of repetitions of any character, including
none. This is the same as the AmigaDOS #? wildcard
combination. For example:
*.C matches any entry whose name ends in .C
Note that even though all of the above examples were presented in upper
case, AmigaDOS is not case sensitive, so "H#?" will match both "HI"
and "hi".
The PATTERN command does NOT unhighlight entries which do not fit the
pattern; therefore, you can execute this command a number of times for
multi-layered pattern selections.
Directory Commands
Displays a requester containing information about the disk
corresponding to the active list:
NAME ..... disk name
SIZE ..... approximate storage size in K (=1024 bytes) or MB
TOTAL .... total number of blocks and bytes
USED ..... number of blocks and bytes used
FREE ..... number of available blocks and bytes
FULL ..... percent full (0% = empty, 100% = full)
DENSITY .. storage density in the number of bytes per block
ERRORS ... number of errors recorded for this disk
STATUS ... either "Read/Write" or "Read Only" if write protected
DATE ..... format date
TIME ..... format time
Click the RMB to display the DISK requester for the inactive list.
Continually clicking the RMB will toggle back and forth between the
active and inactive list. Clicking the LMB or pressing any key will
make the requester disappear.
Creates a directory in the active list. You enter the name of the
directory in the Input Requester. You cannot specify a name that
already exists in the active list.
You can also make a directory and load it at the same time. These
make/load directory commands are accessible only from the keyboard.
CTRL-< or CTRL-,
Creates the dir you specify and loads it in the left list.
CTRL-> or CTRL-.
Creates the dir you specify and loads it in the right list.
For example, if the left list is active and you press CTRL-<, the
current directory will be replaced with the directory you create. If
you press CTRL->, however, the directory you specify will appear in the
left list, but will be loaded in the right list.
You can automatically create a corresponding drawer icon for the new
directory by setting the MakeDirIcon= flag in the SID.config file.
This flag must specify a valid file name, and the name of the directory
you create must be 25 characters or less so that the .info extension
can be added to the file name.
Single File Commands
Allows you to attach a comment to the highlighted files and directories
in the active list. If a comment already exists for an entry, it will
appear in the Input Requester, allowing you to edit or delete it.
Unlike AmigaDOS, SID copies comments along with their respective files,
making the idea of a file comment a little more attractive. You can
view a file's comment with the INFO command.
Deletes all highlighted files and directories.
Delete Requester
After clicking on the DELETE button, a requester will appear under
the active list asking you if you are sure you want to delete the
highlighted files. You can either click on the DELETE button to
delete the files, or the CANCEL button to cancel the DELETE
command. Double clicking (very quickly) the DELETE button will
bypass this requester.
If you never make any mistakes, you can configure this requester to
not appear. You can also toggle it on and off during the program
with the "Delete" item in the "Flags" menu.
Directory Delete Requester
Each time the DELETE command encounters a non-empty directory, the
Directory Delete Requester will appear asking you if you are sure
you want to delete that directory. You can either click on the
DELETE button to delete the specified directory, or click on the
CANCEL button to skip that directory. The DELETE command will
continue with any remaining highlighted entries.
You can also configure this requester to not appear, or toggle it
on and off during the program with the "Directory Delete" item in
the "Flags" menu.
Duplicates all highlighted files in the active list (but not
directories at this time). The Input Requester will appear with the
name of each file selected, allowing you to enter a name for the
duplicate file. You cannot specify a name that already exists in the
active list.
Loads the highlighted files into your favorite text editor or word
processor one at a time. You specify the name and path of your text
editor in the config file. The size of the file is updated in the list
to reflect any changes that you may have made.
Executes the highlighted files in the active list with the AmigaDOS
"Execute" command. It is up to you to make sure that the files you
selected are indeed batch files.
Plays digitized sound samples with the play program that you specify in
the config file.
Displays a requester containing information about the highlighted files
and directories in the active list:
NAME ..... name of the file or directory
DATE ..... date file or directory was created
TIME ..... time file or directory was created
SIZE ..... size of file in bytes (0 for directories)
BLOCKS ... number of blocks occupied by file (0 for directories)
DESC ..... file description
STATUS ... file protection mask and set bits (see PROTECT command)
COMMENT .. file comment
PREV Button
Displays the INFO requester for the previous entry in the list.
Next Button
Displays the INFO requester for the next entry in the list.
STOP! Button
Stops the INFO requester display.
As with all buttons in SID, there are command key equivalents:
PREV Button .... press 'P'
STOP! Button ... press 'S' or ESCape
NEXT Button .... press any other key or click the mouse anywhere
else in the window with the left or right mouse
button except on top of the PREV or STOP! buttons
Lists in the READ window the contents of an archived file. SID reads
the file and automatically detects which archive program to use, either
ARC, LHARC, or ZOO. You specify in the config file the name and paths
used by each archival program to list a file's contents. Note that PAK
and WARP currently do not have the ability to list the contents of
their files.
If SID cannot identify the archival method used on a file, the Input
Requester will appear, allowing you to type in the program to use or to
cancel the command. This is handy if you select a file that hasn't
been archived or if you are trying to list the contents of a file
archived by a new program such as ZIP.
This is a command that you configure to your own liking. It operates
on all highlighted files in the active list.
Allows you to set the protection bits for the highlighted files in the
active list. A requester will appear for each file, displaying the
current protection mask for that file.
AmigaDOS files have eight protection bits:
H - Hidden ..... file will not be displayed
S - Script ..... batch file can be run as a program
P - Pure ....... program can be made resident
A - Archived ... file has not changed since the last backup
R - Read ....... file can be read
W - Write ...... file can be written to
E - Execute .... file can be executed
D - Delete ..... file can be deleted
There are eight buttons in the requester corresponding to the eight
protection bits. Click on a button to change the state of that bit.
You can click and hold the LMB, then move the pointer over the other
buttons to change them all to the state of the first bit on which you
clicked. Or, click the RMB over a button to change all of the bits to
that state.
Both the current protection mask and the new one that you select appear
at the bottom of the requester, for example:
Old: ----RWED New: -S--RWED
You can revert back to the Old protection mask by clicking on the word
"Old" (or anywhere near it).
There are four more familiar buttons:
PROTECT Button .... click to accept the pattern you've entered
PREVious Button ... ignore this file, go to previous file
NEXT Button ....... ignore this file, go to next file
STOP! Button ...... stop the PROTECT command
And the keyboard equivalents:
PREVious Button ... 'P' key
NEXT Button ....... 'N' key
STOP! Button ...... ESCape key
Note that these protection bits are preserved by the SID copy command.
Reads the highlighted files in the active list. SID loads the file
into its own text reader. Binary characters are represented as blanks.
Tabs are currently not represented.
You can scroll the text by clicking on a button, pressing a key, or
simply clicking the mouse:
Up Arrow Button
Click to display previous line. Click and hold to scroll.
Down Arrow Button
Click to display next line. Click and hold to scroll.
Slider Bar
Click to page forward or backward. Click and hold to scroll.
Up Arrow ........... previous line
Down Arrow ......... next line
SHIFT Up Arrow ..... previous page
SHIFT Down Arrow ... next page
ALT Up Arrow ....... top of file
ALT Down Arrow ..... bottom of file
Or you can just click the left mouse button anywhere in the window
to scroll the display. Click in the bottom half of the window to
scroll toward the bottom of the file, or the top half of the window
to scroll toward the top of the file. The scroll slows down as you
move the pointer toward the vertical center of the window, until it
finally reverses direction as you cross the center.
PREVious Button, 'P' key
Reads the previous highlighted file.
NEXT Button, Window Close Button, 'N' key
Reads the next highlighted file.
STOP! Button, 'S' key, ESCape key
Ends the READ command.
Renames highlighted files and directories in the active list. The
Input Requester will appear for each entry with its current name in the
input field, allowing you to edit it. You cannot specify a name that
already exists in the list.
Runs the highlighted programs in the active list. If you need to
specify command-line arguments for the programs, be sure to click on
the REQ button. If you need to interact with the programs from the
command line, be sure to run the program in the foreground (see the
"Run" item in the "Flags" menu).
Unarchives the highlighted files in the active list. SID reads each
file and automatically selects which archive method to use, either ARC,
LHARC, PAK, WARP, or ZOO. If SID cannot identify which archive method
was used, the Input Requester will appear, allowing you to specify the
archive program or to cancel the command.
Once the file has been identified, a CLI window is opened, allowing you
to watch the progress of the unarc program. When it has finished, SID
will reload the active directory to show the unarc'd files.
You can unarc to the inactive list by clicking on the arrow (Explore
button) in the top center of the SID window. It will turn orange to
indicate the "Explore Mode." In this mode, the contents of all
highlighted arc files in the active list will be unarc'd to the
inactive list when you click on the UNARC button. The inactive list
will then be reloaded to reflect the newly unarc'd files.
Views IFF graphic files with your favorite viewing program. You
specify the name and path of your view program in the config file.
Loads the highlighted files into your favorite hex editor. You specify
the name and path of the editor in the config file. The size of the
file is updated in the list to reflect any changes that you may have
Displays the contents of the highlighted files in hexadecimal format as
(in truncated form):
000030 69 63 65 20 6D ... 73 6F 75 72 63 ice misc.resourc
The XREAD command uses the same window as the READ command, displaying
sixteen bytes per line. The ASCII repesentation of those characters
are listed in the far right. Binary characters are replaced with a
dot. The hexadecimal equivalent of each character is listed in the
middle, separated into four-byte groups. The six-digit number on the
left is the address in hex of the first character in that line.
Multiple File Commands
Creates an archived file containing all of the highlighted files and
directories in the active list. You select the archive method to be
used in the "Archive Method" item in the "Flags" menu. The Input
Requester will appear asking you to enter the name of the archive file.
Counts the number of bytes in the highlighted files and directories in
the active list. If a directory is highlighted, the files and sub-
directories contained in that directory are also counted. See the
"Bytes" item in the "Flags" menu for the two counting methods possible
with this command.
Prints all highlighted files with your favorite print program. The
program must be able to accept multiple files. In the config file,
prefacing the name of the print program with "run" will cause the files
to be printed in the background, allowing you to use SID immediately
after executing the PRINT command. If you don't do this, SID will
sleep until all the files have printed.
Allows you to set or unset protection bits for all of the highlighted
files in the active list. The requester which appears is similar to
the PROTECT requester, except that each bit button has three states
instead of two. For example, in the case of the Script button:
NOT SCRIPT ... turn off the script bit (-)
SCRIPT ....... turn on the script bit (S)
ignore S ..... ignore the script bit (*)
In the protection mask, a bit that is on is represented by the first
letter of its name, a bit that is off is represented by a hyphen, and a
bit that is to be ignored is represented by an asterik.
Instead of allowing you to set the protection for each highlighted file
one at a time as with the PROTECT command, the SET command sets the
protection for all of the highlighted files at once. For example, to
archive all highlighted files and protect them from deletion, you would
choose the mask:
Note that the Archive bit will be set, the Delete bit will be cleared,
and all other bits will be ignored. Otherwise, the operation of the
SET requester is identical to the PROTECT requester.
Two List Commands
Copies highlighted files and directories from the active list to the
inactive list. The directory in the inactive list does NOT need to be
loaded to copy files to it. Unlike AmigaDOS, files and directories
copied with SID retain their comments and protection bits.
Moves highlighted files from the active list to the inactive list. If
both directories are on the same device, SID will use the Rename
command to move the files, speeding up the operation considerably. If
the directories are on different devices, SID will copy the files from
the source directory to the destination directory, then delete the
files in the source directory. Files which already exist in the
destination directory are not moved and will remain highlighted. SID
will currently move directories only if they reside on the same device.
Command-Key Equivalents
There are keyboard equivalents for many of the SID button commands:
ALL ........ CTRL-A
DISK ....... CTRL-D
DUP ........ CTRL-U
EDIT ....... CTRL-E
EXPAND ..... E (when in shrink mode only)
INFO ....... CTRL-I
NONE ....... CTRL-N
There are also keyboard equivalents for some of the menu commands:
Command .......... (System Menu) ... CTRL-! or CTRL-1
Copy As .......... (File Menu) ..... CTRL-@ or CTRL-2
Create ........... (File Menu) ..... CTRL-C
Relabel .......... (Disk Menu) ..... CTRL-L
Select by Date ... (File Menu) ..... CTRL-Y
Plus a few other goodies:
LeftArrow .......... move cursor to left path field
RightArrow ......... move cursor to right path field
SHIFT-LeftArrow .... make left list active
SHIFT-RightArrow ... make right list active
CTRL-UpArrow ....... load parent of active list
CTRL-LeftArrow ..... rehighlight left list
CTRL-RightArrow .... rehighlight right list
Flag Buttons
Located in the title bar of the SID window, each button represents the
state of a configuration flag. The flag is "on" if the button is
highlighted (black with orange letters), and "off" if the button is
unhighlighted (white with blue letters). The initial state of these flags
upon program startup can be set in the config file.
REQ Button
If highlighted, the Input Requester will appear for each command you
execute, allowing you to change the command or its arguments. The text
you enter in the requester will be saved for the next time you execute
that command. This can be handy for temporarily changing a command
without having to edit and reload the config file.
If highlighted, a CLI window will open for every program you run from
SID, allowing you to view the output from that program. This includes
programs launched by commands such as ARC, UNARC, VIEW, etc. The
OUTPUT option is handy when you run SID from the Workbench, as there is
no CLI window in which the output will be displayed.
Flags Menu
A number of other configuration flags can be toggled in the "Flags" menu.
The initial values upon program startup of these flags are also
configurable. A check mark appears next to the flag's current value.
Note that you can change the state of multiple flags by keeping the right
mouse button pressed while clicking the left mouse button to make your flag
selections. This extended-menu selection technique works only with the
"Flags" menu.
Archive Method
The archive method that you wish to use to archive files with the ARC
command. You can select from ARC, LHARC, PAK, WARP, and ZOO.
Byte Count
The BYTES command will display the actual number of bytes in the
highlighted files and directories. This is calculated by just
summing the size of each file selected. The directories themselves
are ignored, but the files within highlighted directories are added
to the count.
The BYTES command will display the number of bytes the highlighted
files and directories occupy on the disk. This takes into account
the blocking factor of the disk (the number of bytes that can fit
into each block). This will be larger than the figure you would
get with the Actual selection because: 1) each file requires one
block for its directory header, 2) each file requires a whole
number of blocks even though it may not entirely fill up the last
block, and 3) each directory requires one block for its entry.
Will overwrite existing files in the destination directory when you
copy files with the COPY command.
Only New
Will only copy files which do not exist in the destination
directory. Uncopied files will remain highlighted.
Whether or not the Delete Requester will appear each time you click on
the DELETE button. The Delete Requester asks you if you are sure you
want to delete the selected files (see DELETE command). It's handy to
be able to prevent the requester from appearing during sessions where
you do alot of deleting.
Directory Delete
Whether or not the Directory Delete requester will appear for each
non-empty directory selected for deletion by the DELETE command. The
Directory Delete requester asks you if you are sure you want to delete
the specified directory (see DELETE command).
Error Stop
Whether the Error Requester will appear for errors which occur during
the execution of commands.
Whether the root directory of a diskette inserted into any drive will
automatically be loaded into the active list. This feature is handy
when you want to scan a bunch of diskettes. There are three possible
flag settings:
The directory of an inserted diskette will always be loaded into
the same list (the active one).
The directory of an inserted diskette will load into the active
list, then the inactive list will be made the active list. This
means the diskette directories will be loaded alternating left and
The directory of an inserted diskette will not be loaded
Hidden Files
Even though AmigaDOS doesn't support the Hidden protection bit, SID
will. If set to "Hide", SID will not display files whose Hidden
protection bits are set. You can set these bits with the PROTECT or
SET commands. This feature is provided for those of you who don't want
to be bothered with files you rarely need to access. By hiding files
and directories, you can eliminate alot of clutter such as ".info"
files. Note that selecting "Show" from the "Hidden Files" menu item
doesn't automatically display hidden files. The flag takes effect on
the very next directory load. If you wish to display hidden files in
the current directory, click on the DIR button to reload the directory.
Whether the directory name will be replaced with its absolute path
name. For example, DF1: would be replaced with the name of the
diskette, such as "Workbench1.3:". When you have two diskettes with
the same name, SID cannot distinguish between the two, and therefore
you would need to turn off the absolute path and reference the disks by
device, such as DF0: and DF1: In this case, you would need to select
the "As Specified" subitem.
Whether programs launched from SID using the RUN command will be
launched in the background or foreground.
Immediately frees SID for further use.
SID sleeps until the launched program has finished executing. Use
this option along with the OUTPUT window to interact with a program
that requires command-line input.
There are no physical limits to this program. SID supports an unlimited
number of files per directory and an unlimited directory depth. Everything
is dynamically allocated as needed to conserve memory and to eliminate
restrictions. However, there are some AmigaDOS restrictions which limit
Disk Name .......... 30 characters
File Name .......... 30 characters (enforced in AmigaDOS v1.3)
File Comment ....... 70 characters
Path Name .......... 255 characters (curse that BCPL!)
AmigaDOS Command ... 255 characters
Known Problems
SID has problems with early versions of TxED and NewZAP. This has to do
with the non-standard parsing routines these programs used. These problems
have been corrected with TxED Plus and the newer version of NewZAP, as SID
works fine with these. Also, I know for a fact that many features do NOT
work with Workbench v1.2. You must be using Workbench v1.3 to use SID!
A number of people have complained about the size of SID. In the early
days of development as SID began to grow, I had to decide just who my
target audience was going to be. Since there were already a number of
good, small DU's available, I decided to make create SID especially for
power users, for whom 100K of disk space and 200K of RAM is a drop in the
bucket (though I do know some 512K/single-drive people who are using SID!)
Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You
There are a number of features still on the drawing board for SID.
Registered users will be notified when these changes have been made and
will be given the opportunity to acquire major upgrades long before they
are available nationally. Planned features include:
-- interactive configuration editor
-- second set of user-defined buttons
-- directory queue to store and quickly retrieve directories
-- completely revamped text reader with search and horizontal scrolling
-- DUP directories
-- print queue
-- search disks for a specified file
-- search files for a specified string
-- copy, edit, erase, and format disks
-- compare and sort files
-- macros and a command recorder for repetitious operations
-- ARexx interface
If there's something else you'd like to see, please let me know!
SID Docs v1.06 12/02/89
© Copyright 1989 Timm Martin
All Rights Reserved Worldwide
/*-- END --*/