Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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* Keyboard maps. This is character set dependent. The terminal specific
* parts of building the keymap has been moved to a better place.
#include "no_dir.h"
#include "no_dired.h"
#include "no_backup.h"
#include "no_help.h"
#include "no_macro.h"
#include "no_metakey.h"
#include "do_eval.h"
#include "gosmacs.h"
#include "regexp.h"
#include "bsmap.h"
#include "notab.h"
#include "prefixregion.h"
#undef AMIGA
#include "system.h"
#ifdef AMIGA
#include "do_menu.h"
#include "do_iconify.h"
#include "mouse.h"
#include "change_font.h"
#include "change_color.h"
#include "rexx.h"
#include "def.h"
#include "kbd.h"
#ifdef ANSI
#include <string.h>
* My one little static function.
static name_fent
PROTO((char *fname, int flag));
* Defined by "basic.c".
extern int gotobol(); /* Move to start of line */
extern int backchar(); /* Move backward by characters */
extern int gotoeol(); /* Move to end of line */
extern int forwchar(); /* Move forward by characters */
extern int gotobob(); /* Move to start of buffer */
extern int gotoeob(); /* Move to end of buffer */
extern int forwline(); /* Move forward by lines */
extern int backline(); /* Move backward by lines */
extern int forwpage(); /* Move forward by pages */
extern int backpage(); /* Move backward by pages */
extern int pagenext(); /* Page forward next window */
extern int setmark(); /* Set mark */
extern int swapmark(); /* Swap "." and mark */
extern int gotoline(); /* Go to a specified line. */
#ifdef GOSMACS
extern int forw1page(); /* move forward by lines */
extern int back1page(); /* move back by lines */
* Defined by "buffer.c".
extern int listbuffers(); /* Display list of buffers */
extern int usebuffer(); /* Switch a window to a buffer */
extern int poptobuffer(); /* Other window to a buffer */
extern int killbuffer(); /* Make a buffer go away. */
extern int savebuffers(); /* Save unmodified buffers */
extern int bufferinsert(); /* Insert buffer into another */
extern int notmodified(); /* Reset modification flag */
#ifndef NO_DIR
* Defined by "dir.c"
extern int changedir(); /* change current directory */
extern int showcwdir(); /* show current directory */
#ifndef NO_DIRED
* defined by "dired.c"
extern int dired(); /* dired */
extern int d_findfile(); /* dired find file */
extern int d_del(); /* dired mark for deletion */
extern int d_undel(); /* dired unmark */
extern int d_undelbak(); /* dired unmark backwards */
extern int d_expunge(); /* dired expunge */
extern int d_copy(); /* dired copy */
extern int d_rename(); /* dired rename */
extern int d_otherwindow();/* dired other window */
extern int d_ffotherwindow(); /* dired find file other window */
* Defined by "extend.c".
extern int extend(); /* Extended commands. */
extern int bindtokey(); /* Modify global key bindings. */
#ifdef DO_EVAL
extern int evalexpr(); /* Extended commands (again) */
extern int evalbuffer(); /* Evaluate current buffer */
extern int evalfile(); /* Evaluate a file */
* Defined by "bind.c".
extern int localbind(); /* Modify mode key bindings. */
extern int unbindtokey(); /* delete global binding */
extern int localunbind(); /* delete local binding */
extern int define_key(); /* Modify key in any map */
* Defined by "file.c".
extern int filevisit(); /* Get a file, read write */
extern int poptofile(); /* Get a file, other window */
extern int filewrite(); /* Write a file */
extern int filesave(); /* Save current file */
extern int fileinsert(); /* Insert file into buffer */
extern int revertbuffer(); /* revert buffer from file */
#ifndef NO_BACKUP
extern int makebkfile(); /* Control backups on saves */
* defined by help.c
#ifndef NO_HELP
extern int desckey(); /* describe key */
extern int wallchart(); /* Make wall chart. */
extern int help_help(); /* help help */
extern int apropos_command(); /* apropos */
* defined by "kbd.c"
#ifndef NO_METAKEY
extern int do_meta(); /* interpret meta keys */
#ifdef BSMAP
extern int bsmap(); /* backspace mapping */
extern int universal_argument(); /* Ctrl-U */
extern int digit_argument(); /* M-1, etc. */
extern int negative_argument(); /* M-- */
extern int selfinsert(); /* Insert character */
extern int rescan(); /* internal try again function */
* defined by "macro.c"
#ifndef NO_MACRO
extern int definemacro(); /* Begin macro */
extern int finishmacro(); /* End macro */
extern int executemacro(); /* Execute macro */
extern int insertmacro(); /* Insert macro definition */
extern int namemacro(); /* Name keyboard macro */
extern int macroquery(); /* Query user during kbd macro */
extern int macroset(); /* evalable macro definer */
* Defined by "main.c".
extern int ctrlg(); /* Abort out of things */
extern int quit(); /* Quit */
* Defined by "match.c"
extern int showmatch(); /* Hack to show matching paren */
/* defined by "modes.c" */
extern int indentmode(); /* set auto-indent mode */
extern int fillmode(); /* set word-wrap mode */
extern int blinkparen(); /* Fake blink-matching-paren var */
#ifdef NOTAB
extern int notabmode(); /* no tab mode */
extern int overwrite(); /* overwrite mode */
extern int set_default_mode(); /* set default modes */
* defined by "paragraph.c" - the paragraph justification code.
extern int gotobop(); /* Move to start of paragraph. */
extern int gotoeop(); /* Move to end of paragraph. */
extern int fillpara(); /* Justify a paragraph. */
extern int killpara(); /* Delete a paragraph. */
extern int setfillcol(); /* Set fill column for justify. */
extern int fillword(); /* Insert char with word wrap. */
* Defined by "random.c".
extern int showcpos(); /* Show the cursor position */
extern int twiddle(); /* Twiddle characters */
extern int quote(); /* Insert literal */
extern int openline(); /* Open up a blank line */
extern int newline(); /* Insert newline */
extern int deblank(); /* Delete blank lines */
extern int justone(); /* Delete extra whitespace */
extern int delwhite(); /* Delete all whitespace */
extern int indent(); /* Insert newline, then indent */
extern int forwdel(); /* Forward delete */
extern int backdel(); /* Backward delete in */
extern int killline(); /* Kill forward */
extern int yank(); /* Yank back from killbuffer. */
#ifdef NOTAB
extern int space_to_tabstop();
#ifdef REGEXP
* Defined by "re_search.c"
extern int re_forwsearch();/* Regex search forward */
extern int re_backsearch();/* Regex search backwards */
extern int re_searchagain(); /* Repeat regex search command */
extern int re_queryrepl(); /* Regex query replace */
extern int setcasefold(); /* Set case fold in searches */
extern int delmatchlines();/* Delete all lines matching */
extern int delnonmatchlines(); /* Delete all lines not matching */
extern int cntmatchlines();/* Count matching lines */
extern int cntnonmatchlines(); /* Count nonmatching lines */
* Defined by "region.c".
extern int killregion(); /* Kill region. */
extern int copyregion(); /* Copy region to kill buffer. */
extern int lowerregion(); /* Lower case region. */
extern int upperregion(); /* Upper case region. */
extern int prefixregion(); /* Prefix all lines in region */
extern int setprefix(); /* Set line prefix string */
* Defined by "search.c".
extern int forwsearch(); /* Search forward */
extern int backsearch(); /* Search backwards */
extern int searchagain(); /* Repeat last search command */
extern int forwisearch(); /* Incremental search forward */
extern int backisearch(); /* Incremental search backwards */
extern int queryrepl(); /* Query replace */
* Defined by "spawn.c".
extern int spawncli(); /* Run CLI in a subjob. */
#ifdef VMS
extern int attachtoparent(); /* Attach to parent process */
/* defined by "version.c" */
extern int showversion(); /* Show version numbers, etc. */
* Defined by "window.c".
extern int reposition(); /* Reposition window */
extern int refresh(); /* Refresh the screen */
extern int nextwind(); /* Move to the next window */
#ifdef GOSMACS
extern int prevwind(); /* Move to the previous window */
extern int onlywind(); /* Make current window only one */
extern int splitwind(); /* Split current window */
extern int delwind(); /* Delete current window */
extern int enlargewind(); /* Enlarge display window. */
extern int shrinkwind(); /* Shrink window. */
* Defined by "word.c".
extern int backword(); /* Backup by words */
extern int forwword(); /* Advance by words */
extern int upperword(); /* Upper case word. */
extern int lowerword(); /* Lower case word. */
extern int capword(); /* Initial capitalize word. */
extern int delfword(); /* Delete forward word. */
extern int delbword(); /* Delete backward word. */
#ifdef AMIGA
extern int tticon();
#ifdef DO_MENU
extern int amigamenu(); /* Menu function */
#ifdef MOUSE
extern int amigamouse(); /* Amiga mouse functions */
extern int mgotobob();
extern int mforwdel();
extern int mdelwhite();
extern int mdelwind();
extern int mgotoeob();
extern int menlargewind();
extern int mkillline();
extern int mkillregion();
extern int mdelfword();
extern int mreposition();
extern int mbackpage();
extern int mforwpage();
extern int mshrinkwind();
extern int msplitwind();
extern int myank();
extern int togglewindow(); /* Defined by "ttyio.c" */
extern int togglezooms(); /* "" "" */
extern int setfont(); /* Defined by "ttyio.c" */
/* functions to mess with the mode line rendition, window colors */
extern int ttmode(); /* Defined by "tty.c" */
extern int tttext(); /* "" */
extern int textforeground(); /* "" */
extern int textbackground(); /* "" */
extern int modeforeground(); /* "" */
extern int modebackground(); /* "" */
#ifdef REXX
* Defined by "rexx.c".
extern int rexxcommand(); /* Issue REXX command */
extern int rexxexitcommand();/* */
extern int rexxbuffer(); /* return buffer data */
extern int rexxbuflist(); /* return buffer list */
extern int rexxregion(); /* */
extern int rexxdisplay(); /* display a string in echo area */
extern int rexxinsert(); /* insert text into buffer */
extern int rexxline(); /* return line */
extern int rexxcomregion();/* execute region */
extern int rexxmark(); /* return mark data */
extern int rexxpoint(); /* return point data */
extern int rexxrequest(); /* request string from user */
extern int rexxreqbuf(); /* request buffer name from user */
extern int rexxreqfunc(); /* request function name from user */
extern int rexxreqmacro(); /* */
extern int rexxwindow(); /* return window data */
extern int rexxlock(); /* Lock to this rexx macro */
extern int rexxunlock(); /* Unlock current rexx macro */
extern int rexxwait(); /* Vanish the window and wait for rexx */
extern int rexxtopwindow();/* Pop the window to the top of it's screen */
* This file contains map segment definitions for adding function keys to
* keymap declarations. Currently you can add things to the fundamental mode
* keymap and the dired mode keymap. See the declaration of diredmap and
* fundmap for details.
#include "amiga_maps.h"
#endif /* AMIGA */
/* initial keymap declarations, deepest first */
* But first, the two struct functions that are the default for all cases.
* (NB - the keymap code just flat needs to be rewritten. It is both arcane,
* and profligate of space).
static struct function rescan_default = {rescan, F_CFUNCT};
static struct function selfinsert_default = {selfinsert, F_CFUNCT};
#ifndef NO_HELP
static struct function cHcG[] = {
{ctrlg, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^G */
{help_help, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^H */
static struct function cHa[] = {
{apropos_command, F_CFUNCT}, /* a */
{wallchart, F_CFUNCT}, /* b */
{desckey, F_CFUNCT}, /* c */
static struct KEYMAPE (2 + IMAPEXT) helpmap = {
CCHR('G'), CCHR('H'), cHcG
} ,
'a', 'c', cHa
} ,
static struct function cX4cF[] = {
{poptofile, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^f */
{ctrlg, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^g */
static struct function cX4b[] = {
{poptobuffer, F_CFUNCT}, /* b */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* c */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* d */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* e */
{poptofile, F_CFUNCT}, /* f */
static struct KEYMAPE (2 + IMAPEXT) cX4map = {
CCHR('F'), CCHR('G'), cX4cF
} ,
'b', 'f', cX4b
} ,
static struct function cXcB[] = {
{listbuffers, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^B */
{quit, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^C */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^D */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^E */
{filevisit, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^F */
{ctrlg, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^G */
static struct function cXcL[] = {
{lowerregion, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^L */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^M */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^N */
{deblank, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^O */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^P */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^Q */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^R */
{filesave, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^S */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^T */
{upperregion, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^U */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^V */
{filewrite, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^W */
{swapmark, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^X */
#ifndef NO_MACRO
static struct function cXlp[] = {
{definemacro, F_CFUNCT}, /* ( */
{finishmacro, F_CFUNCT}, /* ) */
static struct function cX0[] = {
{delwind, F_CFUNCT}, /* 0 */
{onlywind, F_CFUNCT}, /* 1 */
{splitwind, F_CFUNCT}, /* 2 */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* 3 */
int (*) ()) &cX4map, F_PREFIX}, /* 4 */
static struct function cXeq[] = {
{showcpos, F_CFUNCT}, /* = */
static struct function cXcar[] = {
{enlargewind, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^ */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* _ */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ` */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* a */
{usebuffer, F_CFUNCT}, /* b */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* c */
#ifndef NO_DIRED
{dired, F_CFUNCT}, /* d */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* d */
#ifndef NO_MACRO
{executemacro, F_CFUNCT}, /* e */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* e */
{setfillcol, F_CFUNCT}, /* f */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* g */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* h */
{fileinsert, F_CFUNCT}, /* i */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* j */
{killbuffer, F_CFUNCT}, /* k */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* l */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* m */
#ifdef GOSMACS
{nextwind, F_CFUNCT}, /* n */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* n */
{nextwind, F_CFUNCT}, /* o */
#ifdef GOSMACS
{prevwind, F_CFUNCT}, /* p */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* p */
#ifndef NO_MACRO
{macroquery, F_CFUNCT}, /* q */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* q */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* r */
{savebuffers, F_CFUNCT}, /* s */
#ifndef NO_MACRO
static struct KEYMAPE (6 + IMAPEXT) cXmap = {
static struct KEYMAPE (5 + IMAPEXT) cXmap = {
CCHR('B'), CCHR('G'), cXcB
} ,
CCHR('L'), CCHR('X'), cXcL
} ,
#ifndef NO_MACRO
'(', ')', cXlp
} ,
'0', '4', cX0
} ,
'=', '=', cXeq
} ,
'^', 's', cXcar
} ,
static struct function metacG[] = {
{ctrlg, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^G */
static struct function metacV[] = {
{pagenext, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^V */
static struct function metasp[] = {
{justone, F_CFUNCT}, /* space */
static struct function metapct[] = {
{queryrepl, F_CFUNCT}, /* % */
static struct function metami[] = {
{negative_argument, F_CFUNCT}, /* - */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* . */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* / */
{digit_argument, F_CFUNCT}, /* 0 */
{digit_argument, F_CFUNCT}, /* 1 */
{digit_argument, F_CFUNCT}, /* 2 */
{digit_argument, F_CFUNCT}, /* 3 */
{digit_argument, F_CFUNCT}, /* 4 */
{digit_argument, F_CFUNCT}, /* 5 */
{digit_argument, F_CFUNCT}, /* 6 */
{digit_argument, F_CFUNCT}, /* 7 */
{digit_argument, F_CFUNCT}, /* 8 */
{digit_argument, F_CFUNCT}, /* 9 */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* : */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ; */
{gotobob, F_CFUNCT}, /* < */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* = */
{gotoeob, F_CFUNCT}, /* > */
static struct function metalb[] = {
{gotobop, F_CFUNCT}, /* [ */
{delwhite, F_CFUNCT}, /* \ */
{gotoeop, F_CFUNCT}, /* ] */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^ */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* _ */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ` */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* a */
{backword, F_CFUNCT}, /* b */
{capword, F_CFUNCT}, /* c */
{delfword, F_CFUNCT}, /* d */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* e */
{forwword, F_CFUNCT}, /* f */
static struct function metal[] = {
{lowerword, F_CFUNCT}, /* l */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* m */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* n */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* o */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* p */
{fillpara, F_CFUNCT}, /* q */
{backsearch, F_CFUNCT}, /* r */
{forwsearch, F_CFUNCT}, /* s */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* t */
{upperword, F_CFUNCT}, /* u */
{backpage, F_CFUNCT}, /* v */
{copyregion, F_CFUNCT}, /* w */
{extend, F_CFUNCT}, /* x */
static struct function metatilde[] = {
{notmodified, F_CFUNCT}, /* ~ */
{delbword, F_CFUNCT}, /* DEL */
static struct KEYMAPE (8 + IMAPEXT) metamap = {
CCHR('G'), CCHR('G'), metacG
} ,
CCHR('V'), CCHR('V'), metacV
} ,
' ', ' ', metasp
} ,
'%', '%', metapct
} ,
'-', '>', metami
} ,
'[', 'f', metalb
} ,
'l', 'x', metal
} ,
'~', CCHR('?'), metatilde
} ,
static struct function fund_at[] = {
{setmark, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^@ */
{gotobol, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^A */
{backchar, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^B */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^C */
{forwdel, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^D */
{gotoeol, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^E */
{forwchar, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^F */
{ctrlg, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^G */
#ifndef NO_HELP
int (*) ()) &helpmap, F_PREFIX}, /* ^H */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^H */
{selfinsert, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^I */
{indent, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^J */
{killline, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^K */
{reposition, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^L */
{newline, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^M */
{forwline, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^N */
{openline, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^O */
{backline, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^P */
{quote, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^Q */
{backisearch, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^R */
{forwisearch, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^S */
{twiddle, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^T */
{universal_argument, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^U */
{forwpage, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^V */
{killregion, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^W */
{(int (*) ()) &cXmap, F_PREFIX}, /* ^X */
{yank, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^Y */
#ifndef VMS
{spawncli, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^Z */
{attachtoparent, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^Z */
{(int (*) ()) &metamap, F_PREFIX}, /* esc */
static struct function fund_del[] = {
{backdel, F_CFUNCT}, /* DEL */
#ifndef FUND_XMAPS
#define NFUND_XMAPS 0 /* extra map sections after normal ones */
static struct KEYMAPE (2 + NFUND_XMAPS + IMAPEXT) fundmap = {
CCHR('@'), CCHR('['), fund_at
} ,
CCHR('?'), CCHR('?'), fund_del
} ,
static struct function fill_sp[] = {
{fillword, F_CFUNCT}, /* ' ' */
static struct KEYMAPE (1 + IMAPEXT) fillmap = {
' ', ' ', fill_sp
} ,
static struct function indent_lf[] = {
{newline, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^J */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^K */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^L */
{indent, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^M */
static struct KEYMAPE (1 + IMAPEXT) indntmap = {
CCHR('J'), CCHR('M'), indent_lf
} ,
static struct function blink_rp[] = {
{showmatch, F_CFUNCT}, /* ) */
static struct KEYMAPE (1 + IMAPEXT) blinkmap = {
')', ')', blink_rp
} ,
#ifdef NOTAB
static struct function notab_tab[] = {
{space_to_tabstop, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^I */
static struct KEYMAPE (1 + IMAPEXT) notabmap = {
CCHR('I'), CCHR('I'), notab_tab
} ,
static struct KEYMAPE (1 + IMAPEXT) overwmap = {
1 + IMAPEXT, /* 1 to avoid 0 sized array */
/* unused dummy entry for VMS C */
} ,
#ifndef NO_DIRED
static struct function dirednul[] = {
{setmark, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^@ */
{gotobol, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^A */
{backchar, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^B */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^C */
{d_del, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^D */
{gotoeol, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^E */
{forwchar, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^F */
{ctrlg, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^G */
#ifndef NO_HELP
int (*) ()) &helpmap, F_PREFIX}, /* ^H */
static struct function diredcl[] = {
{reposition, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^L */
{forwline, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^M */
{forwline, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^N */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^O */
{backline, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^P */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^Q */
{backisearch, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^R */
{forwisearch, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^S */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^T */
{universal_argument, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^U */
{forwpage, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^V */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^W */
int (*) ()) &cXmap, F_PREFIX}, /* ^X */
static struct function diredcz[] = {
#ifndef VMS
{spawncli, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^Z */
{attachtoparent, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^Z */
int (*) ()) &metamap, F_PREFIX}, /* esc */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^\ */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^] */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^^ */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* ^_ */
{forwline, F_CFUNCT}, /* SP */
static struct function diredc[] = {
{d_copy, F_CFUNCT}, /* c */
{d_del, F_CFUNCT}, /* d */
{d_findfile, F_CFUNCT}, /* e */
{d_findfile, F_CFUNCT}, /* f */
static struct function diredn[] = {
{forwline, F_CFUNCT}, /* n */
{d_ffotherwindow, F_CFUNCT}, /* o */
{backline, F_CFUNCT}, /* p */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* q */
{d_rename, F_CFUNCT}, /* r */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* s */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* t */
{d_undel, F_CFUNCT}, /* u */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* v */
{rescan, F_CFUNCT}, /* w */
{d_expunge, F_CFUNCT}, /* x */
static struct function direddl[] = {
{d_undelbak, F_CFUNCT}, /* del */
#define NDIRED_XMAPS 0 /* number of extra map sections */
static struct KEYMAPE (6 + NDIRED_XMAPS + IMAPEXT) diredmap = {
#ifndef NO_HELP
CCHR('@'), CCHR('H'), dirednul
} ,
CCHR('@'), CCHR('G'), dirednul
} ,
CCHR('L'), CCHR('X'), diredcl
} ,
CCHR('Z'), ' ', diredcz
} ,
'c', 'f', diredc
} ,
'n', 'x', diredn
} ,
CCHR('?'), CCHR('?'), direddl
} ,
DIRED_XMAPS, /* map sections for dired
* mode keys */
* give names to the maps, for use by help etc. If the map is to be bindable,
* it must also be listed in the function name table below with the same
* name. Maps created dynamicly currently don't get added here, thus are
* unnamed. Modes are just named keymaps with functions to add/subtract them
* from a buffer's list of modes. If you change a mode name, change it in
* modes.c also.
struct maps map_table[] = {
/* fundamental map MUST be first entry */
{(struct keymap *) & fundmap, "fundamental"},
{(struct keymap *) & fillmap, "fill"},
{(struct keymap *) & indntmap, "indent"},
{(struct keymap *) & blinkmap, "blink"},
#ifdef NOTAB
{(struct keymap *) & notabmap, "notab"},
{(struct keymap *) & overwmap, "overwrite"},
{(struct keymap *) & metamap, "esc prefix"},
{(struct keymap *) & cXmap, "c-x prefix"},
{(struct keymap *) & cX4map, "c-x 4 prefix"},
#ifndef NO_HELP
{(struct keymap *) & helpmap, "help"},
#ifndef NO_DIRED
{(struct keymap *) & diredmap, "dired"},
#define NMAPS (sizeof map_table/sizeof(struct maps))
int nmaps = NMAPS; /* for use by rebind in extend.c */
char *
struct keymap *map;
struct maps *mp = &map_table[0];
do {
if (mp->p_map == map)
return mp->p_name;
} while (++mp < &map_table[NMAPS]);
return (char *) NULL;
struct maps *
char *name;
struct maps *mp = &map_table[0];
if (!name)
return NULL;
do {
if (strcmp(mp->p_name, name) == 0)
return mp;
} while (++mp < &map_table[NMAPS]);
return NULL;
struct keymap *
char *name;
struct maps *mp;
return (mp = name_mode(name)) == NULL ? (struct keymap *) NULL : mp->p_map;
* Warning: functnames MUST be in alphabetical order! (due to binary search
* in name_function.) If the function is prefix, it must be listed with the
* same name in the map_table struct above.
struct functnames functnames[] = {
#ifdef AMIGA
{tticon, "amiga-iconify"},
#ifdef DO_MENU
{amigamenu, "amiga-menu"},
{modebackground, "amiga-mode-background"},
{modeforeground, "amiga-mode-foreground"},
{ttmode, "amiga-mode-rendition"},
{setfont, "amiga-set-font"},
{textbackground, "amiga-text-background"},
{textforeground, "amiga-text-foreground"},
{tttext, "amiga-text-rendition"},
{togglewindow, "amiga-toggle-border"},
#ifdef REXX
{rexxtopwindow, "amiga-window-to-top"},
{togglezooms, "amiga-zoom-mode"},
#endif /* AMIGA */
#ifndef NO_HELP
{apropos_command, "apropos"},
{fillmode, "auto-fill-mode"},
{indentmode, "auto-indent-mode"},
{backchar, "backward-char"},
{delbword, "backward-kill-word"},
{gotobop, "backward-paragraph"},
{backword, "backward-word"},
{gotobob, "beginning-of-buffer"},
{gotobol, "beginning-of-line"},
{blinkparen, "blink-matching-paren"},
{showmatch, "blink-matching-paren-hack"},
#ifdef BSMAP
{bsmap, "bsmap-mode"},
{NULL, "c-x 4 prefix"},
{NULL, "c-x prefix"},
#ifndef NO_MACRO
{executemacro, "call-last-kbd-macro"},
{capword, "capitalize-word"},
#ifndef NO_DIR
{changedir, "cd"},
{copyregion, "copy-region-as-kill"},
#ifdef REGEXP
{cntmatchlines, "count-matches"},
{cntnonmatchlines, "count-non-matches"},
{define_key, "define-key"},
{backdel, "delete-backward-char"},
{deblank, "delete-blank-lines"},
{forwdel, "delete-char"},
{delwhite, "delete-horizontal-space"},
#ifdef REGEXP
{delmatchlines, "delete-matching-lines"},
{delnonmatchlines, "delete-non-matching-lines"},
{onlywind, "delete-other-windows"},
{delwind, "delete-window"},
#ifndef NO_HELP
{wallchart, "describe-bindings"},
{desckey, "describe-key-briefly"},
{digit_argument, "digit-argument"},
#ifndef NO_DIRED
{dired, "dired"},
{d_undelbak, "dired-backup-unflag"},
{d_copy, "dired-copy-file"},
{d_expunge, "dired-do-deletions"},
{d_findfile, "dired-find-file"},
{d_ffotherwindow, "dired-find-file-other-window"},
{d_del, "dired-flag-file-deleted"},
{d_otherwindow, "dired-other-window"},
{d_rename, "dired-rename-file"},
{d_undel, "dired-unflag"},
{lowerregion, "downcase-region"},
{lowerword, "downcase-word"},
{showversion, "emacs-version"},
#ifndef NO_MACRO
{finishmacro, "end-kbd-macro"},
{gotoeob, "end-of-buffer"},
{gotoeol, "end-of-line"},
{enlargewind, "enlarge-window"},
{NULL, "esc prefix"},
#ifdef DO_EVAL
{evalbuffer, "eval-current-buffer"},
{evalexpr, "eval-expression"},
{swapmark, "exchange-point-and-mark"},
{extend, "execute-extended-command"},
{fillpara, "fill-paragraph"},
{filevisit, "find-file"},
{poptofile, "find-file-other-window"},
{forwchar, "forward-char"},
{gotoeop, "forward-paragraph"},
{forwword, "forward-word"},
#ifndef NO_MACRO
{macroset, "fset"},
{bindtokey, "global-set-key"},
{unbindtokey, "global-unset-key"},
{gotoline, "goto-line"},
#ifndef NO_HELP
{NULL, "help"},
{help_help, "help-help"},
{bufferinsert, "insert-buffer"},
{fileinsert, "insert-file"},
#ifndef NO_MACRO
{insertmacro, "insert-kbd-macro"},
{fillword, "insert-with-wrap"},
{backisearch, "isearch-backward"},
{forwisearch, "isearch-forward"},
{justone, "just-one-space"},
#ifndef NO_MACRO
{macroquery, "kbd-macro-query"},
{ctrlg, "keyboard-quit"},
{killbuffer, "kill-buffer"},
{killline, "kill-line"},
{killpara, "kill-paragraph"},
{killregion, "kill-region"},
{delfword, "kill-word"},
{listbuffers, "list-buffers"},
#ifdef DO_EVAL
{evalfile, "load"},
{localbind, "local-set-key"},
{localunbind, "local-unset-key"},
#ifndef NO_BACKUP
{makebkfile, "make-backup-files"},
#ifndef NO_METAKEY
{do_meta, "meta-key-mode"}, /* better name, anyone? */
#ifdef AMIGA
#ifdef MOUSE
{mgotobob, "mouse-beginning-of-buffer"},
{mforwdel, "mouse-delete-char"},
{mdelwhite, "mouse-delete-horizontal-space"},
{mdelwind, "mouse-delete-window"},
{mgotoeob, "mouse-end-of-buffer"},
{menlargewind, "mouse-enlarge-window"},
{mkillline, "mouse-kill-line"},
{mkillregion, "mouse-kill-region"},
{mdelfword, "mouse-kill-word"},
{mreposition, "mouse-recenter"},
{mbackpage, "mouse-scroll-down"},
{mforwpage, "mouse-scroll-up"},
{amigamouse, "mouse-set-point"},
{mshrinkwind, "mouse-shrink-window"},
{msplitwind, "mouse-split-window-vertically"},
{myank, "mouse-yank"},
#ifndef NO_MACRO
{namemacro, "name-last-kbd-macro"},
{negative_argument, "negative-argument"},
{newline, "newline"},
{indent, "newline-and-indent"},
{forwline, "next-line"},
#ifdef NOTAB
{notabmode, "no-tab-mode"},
{notmodified, "not-modified"},
{openline, "open-line"},
{nextwind, "other-window"},
{overwrite, "overwrite-mode"},
{prefixregion, "prefix-region"},
{backline, "previous-line"},
#ifdef GOSMACS
{prevwind, "previous-window"},
#ifdef VMS
{spawncli, "push-to-dcl"},
#ifndef NO_DIR
{showcwdir, "pwd"},
{queryrepl, "query-replace"},
#ifdef REGEXP
{re_queryrepl, "query-replace-regexp"},
{quote, "quoted-insert"},
#ifdef REGEXP
{re_searchagain, "re-search-again"},
{re_backsearch, "re-search-backward"},
{re_forwsearch, "re-search-forward"},
{reposition, "recenter"},
{refresh, "redraw-display"},
{revertbuffer, "revert-buffer"},
#ifdef REXX
{rexxcommand, "rexx"},
{rexxbuffer, "rexx-buffer"},
{rexxbuflist, "rexx-buffer-list"},
{rexxdisplay, "rexx-display"},
{rexxexitcommand, "rexx-do-on-exit"},
{rexxcomregion, "rexx-do-region"},
{rexxinsert, "rexx-insert"},
{rexxline, "rexx-line"},
{rexxlock, "rexx-lock"},
{rexxmark, "rexx-mark"},
{rexxpoint, "rexx-point"},
{rexxregion, "rexx-region"},
{rexxrequest, "rexx-request"},
{rexxreqbuf, "rexx-request-buffer"},
{rexxreqfunc, "rexx-request-function"},
{rexxreqmacro, "rexx-request-macro"},
{rexxunlock, "rexx-unlock"},
{rexxwait, "rexx-wait"},
{rexxwindow, "rexx-window"},
{filesave, "save-buffer"},
{quit, "save-buffers-kill-emacs"},
{savebuffers, "save-some-buffers"},
{backpage, "scroll-down"},
#ifdef GOSMACS
{back1page, "scroll-one-line-down"},
{forw1page, "scroll-one-line-up"},
{pagenext, "scroll-other-window"},
{forwpage, "scroll-up"},
{searchagain, "search-again"},
{backsearch, "search-backward"},
{forwsearch, "search-forward"},
{selfinsert, "self-insert-command"},
#ifdef REGEXP
{setcasefold, "set-case-fold-search"},
{set_default_mode, "set-default-mode"},
{setfillcol, "set-fill-column"},
{setmark, "set-mark-command"},
{setprefix, "set-prefix-string"},
{shrinkwind, "shrink-window"},
#ifdef NOTAB
{space_to_tabstop, "space-to-tabstop"},
{splitwind, "split-window-vertically"},
#ifndef NO_MACRO
{definemacro, "start-kbd-macro"},
#ifdef VMS
{attachtoparent, "suspend-emacs"},
{spawncli, "suspend-emacs"},
{usebuffer, "switch-to-buffer"},
{poptobuffer, "switch-to-buffer-other-window"},
{twiddle, "transpose-chars"},
{universal_argument, "universal-argument"},
{upperregion, "upcase-region"},
{upperword, "upcase-word"},
{showcpos, "what-cursor-position"},
{filewrite, "write-file"},
{yank, "yank"},
#define NFUNCT (sizeof(functnames)/sizeof(struct functnames))
int nfunct = NFUNCT;/* used by help.c */
#ifdef LATTICE_50
static char a; /* Sigh */
* The general-purpose version of ROUND2 blows osk C (2.0) out of the water.
* (reboot required) If you need to build a version of mg with less than 32
* or more than 511 functions, something better must be done. The version
* that should work, but doesn't is: #define ROUND2(x)
* (1+((x>>1)|(x>>2)|(x>>3)|(x>>4)|(x>>5)|(x>>6)|(x>>7)|\
* (x>>8)|(x>>9)|(x>>10)|(x>>11)|(x>>12)|(x>>13)|(x>>14)|(x>>15)))
#define ROUND2(x) (x<128?(x<64?32:64):(x<256?128:256))
name_fent(fname, flag)
register char *fname;
int flag;
register int try;
register int x = ROUND2(NFUNCT);
register int base = 0;
register int notit;
do {
/* + can be used instead of | here if more efficent. */
if ((try = base | x) < NFUNCT) {
if ((notit = strcmp(fname, functnames[try].n_name)) >= 0) {
if (!notit)
return try;
base = try;
} while ((x >>= 1) || (try == 1 && base == 0)); /* try 0 once if needed */
return flag ? base : -1;
* Translate from function name to function pointer, using binary search.
name_function(fname)) ()
char *fname;
int i;
if ((i = name_fent(fname, FALSE)) >= 0 && functnames[i].n_funct)
return functnames[i].n_funct;
return NULL;
/* complete function name */
complete_function(fname, c)
register char *fname;
register int i, j, k, l;
int oj;
i = name_fent(fname, TRUE);
for (j = 0; (l = fname[j]) && functnames[i].n_name[j] == l; j++) {
if (fname[j] != '\0') {
if (++i >= NFUNCT)
return -1; /* no match */
for (j = 0; (l = fname[j]) && functnames[i].n_name[j] == l; j++) {
if (fname[j] != '\0')
return -1; /* no match */
if (c == CCHR('M') && functnames[i].n_name[j] == '\0')
return -3;
for (k = i + 1; k < NFUNCT; k++) { /* find last match */
for (l = 0; functnames[k].n_name[l] == fname[l]; l++) {
if (l < j)
oj = j;
if (k > i) { /* multiple matches */
while ((l = functnames[i].n_name[j]) == functnames[k].n_name[j]) {
fname[j++] = l;
if (l == '-' && c == ' ')
if (j == oj)
return -2; /* ambiguous */
} else { /* single match */
while (l = functnames[i].n_name[j]) {
fname[j++] = l;
if (!ISWORD(l) && c == ' ')
if (c == CCHR('M')) {
fname[j] = '\0';
return -3;
fname[j] = '\0';
return j - oj;
/* translate from function pointer to function name. */
char *
register int (*fpoint) ();
register struct functnames *fnp = &functnames[0];
if (fpoint == (int (*) ()) NULL)
return (char *) NULL; /* ambiguous */
do {
if (fnp->n_funct == fpoint)
return fnp->n_name;
} while (++fnp < &functnames[NFUNCT]);
return (char *) NULL;