Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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Assembly Source File
536 lines
; ViewDir 2.0/ size directory - Jim Butterfield. April 5/90.
; Exec library calls
_LVOAllocMem EQU -$C6
_LVOFreeMem EQU -$D2
_LVOSetSignal EQU -$132
_LVOCloseLibrary EQU -$19E
_LVOOpenLibrary EQU -$228
; DOS library calls
_LVOOpen EQU -$1E
_LVOClose EQU -$24
_LVORead EQU -$2A
_LVOWrite EQU -$30
_LVOOutput EQU -$3C
_LVOLock EQU -$54
_LVOUnLock EQU -$5A
_LVOExamine EQU -$66
_LVOExNext EQU -$6C
_LVOCurrentDir EQU -$7E
_LVOIoErr EQU -$84
INFOSIZE equ 260
DATASIZE equ 100
; FileInfoBlock items
fib_FileName equ 8
fib_EntryType equ 120
fib_Size equ 124
fib_NumBlocks equ 128
; IO Error Type
;-- Initial setup:
; offsets from A5
tSize equ -4
tCount equ -8
dosBase equ -12
argv equ -16
OutHandle equ -20
DataBlk equ -24
Blocker equ -25 ;byte
KillInf equ -26 ;byte
Look equ -27 ;byte
FileErr equ -28 ;byte
Level equ -30 ;word
String equ -42 ;12 bytes
link a5,#-44 ; common work area
moveq #0,d1
move.l d1,FileErr(a5) ; four bytes
trsp move.b d1,-1(a0,d0) ; c style string
move.b -2(a0,d0),d1
cmp.b #$20,d1
bne.s lastCh
subq.w #1,d0
bra.s trsp
lastCh sub.b #$22,d1 ; kill trailing quote
bne.s spdump
move.b d1,-2(a0,d0)
spdump move.b (a0)+,d0
cmp.b #$20,d0
beq.s spdump
cmp.b #$22,d0 ; leading quote
beq.s skipq
cmp.b #$2d,d0 ;dash
beq.s fgdump
sub.b #'?',d0
beq.s hook
bra.s spbak
fgdump move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s hook
and.b #$5f,d0
cmp.b #$49,d0 ;-i
bne.s NotI
move.b d0,KillInf(a5)
bra.s fgdump
NotI cmp.b #$54,d0
bne.s NotT
move.b d0,Look(a5)
bra.s fgdump
NotT cmp.b #$42,d0 ;-b
bne.s spdump
move.b d0,Blocker(a5)
bra.s fgdump
skipq addq.l #1,a0
spbak move.b -(a0),d0
move.l a0,argv(a5)
;** Level=0; tCount=0;
hook moveq #0,d1
move.l d1,Level(a5)
move.l d1,tCount(a5)
; set up dos, output, here
movem.l a0/a1/d0/d1,-(A7)
move.b #1,FileErr(a5)
lea dosname(pc),a1 ; Name 'dos.library'.
clr.l d0 ; Any version (0)
move.l $4,a6 ; Using Exec library
jsr _LVOOpenLibrary(a6) ; Open Dos library.
move.l d0,dosBase(a5) ; Remember DosBase ptr.
beq StartupQuit ; dos not opened
move.l d0,a6 ; set Dos library
jsr _LVOOutput(a6) ; get CLI outhandle,
move.l d0,OutHandle(a5) ; & then remember it.
movem.l (a7)+,a0/a1/d0/d1
tst.l d0 ; no file name?
beq.s Prompt
;** GetDir(argv[1]);
move.l $4,a6 ; this calls for Exec
moveq #0,d1 ; any type of memory
moveq #DATASIZE,d0 ; size of block needed
jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6) ; go get it
move.l dosBase(a5),a6 ; restore Dos Library
move.l d0,DataBlk(a5) ; save the block address
beq.s DosQuit ; quit if no memory
move.l argv(a5),a0 ; file name
bsr.s GetDir
move.l $4,a6 ; set Exec library
move.l DataBlk(a5),a1 ; memory block address
moveq #DATASIZE,d0 ; size of block
jsr _LVOFreeMem(a6) ; release this memory
DosQuit move.l dosBase(a5),a6 ; set Dos Library
;** switch (FileErr)
subq.b #1,FileErr(a5)
bne.s Ncase1
;** case 1:
;** printf("Out of Memory\n");
move.l OutHandle(a5),d1 ;file handle
lea NoMemMsg(pc),a1
move.l a1,d2 ;outbuffer
moveq #NoMemLen,d3 ;length
jsr _LVOWrite(A6)
;** case 2:
;** printf("Can't find file.\n");
Ncase1 subq.b #1,FileErr(a5)
bne.s Ncase2
move.l OutHandle(a5),d1 ;file handle
lea NoFileMsg(pc),a1
move.l a1,d2 ;outbuffer
moveq #NoFileLen,d3 ;length
jsr _LVOWrite(A6)
;** case 3:
;** printf("^C\n");
Ncase2 subq.b #1,FileErr(a5)
bne.s endSwitch
move.l OutHandle(a5),d1 ;file handle
lea CtrlCMsg(pc),a1
move.l a1,d2
moveq #CtrlCLen,d3
jsr _LVOWrite(A6)
endSwitch bra.s LastGasp
;** }
;** }
;** else printf("FORMAT: ViewDir <DirectoryName>\n");
Prompt move.l OutHandle(a5),d1
lea PromptMsg(pc),a1
move.l a1,d2
moveq #PromptLen,d3
jsr _LVOWrite(A6)
;** }
LastGasp: move.l dosBase(a5),a1 ; DosBase to a1;
move.l $4,a6 ; then using Exec library,
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6) ; close Dos library.
StartupQuit unlk a5
rts ; End of Program
;**void GetDir(char * Name)
;** {
;** unsigned long Size, Count, newLock, oldLock;
;** struct FileInfoBlock *fibb;
;** char *NameSave;
; offsets from A4
Size equ -4
Count equ -8
newLock equ -12
oldLock equ -16
fibb equ -20
NameSave equ -24 ;drawer (calling) name
xName equ -28 ;name to be printed
fType equ -32 ;dir or file
GetDir link A4,#-32
move.l a0,xName(a4)
move.l a0,NameSave(a4)
;** Size = 0;
;** Count =0;
;** Count = 0;
moveq #0,d0
move.l d0,Size(a4)
move.l d0,Count(a4)
;** FileErr =1; /* signal Alloc error */
move.b #1,FileErr(a5)
;** if ((fibb = AllocMem(INFOSIZE,0)) != 0)
move.l $4,a6 ; this calls for Exec
moveq #0,d1 ; any type of memory
move.l #INFOSIZE,d0 ; size of block needed
jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6) ; go get it
move.l dosBase(a5),a6 ; restore Dos Library
move.l d0,fibb(a4) ; save the block address
beq GDExit ; quit if no memory
;** {
;** FileErr =2; /* signal file unreadable */
move.b #2,FileErr(a5)
;** if ((newLock = Lock(Name,ACCESS_READ)) != 0)
move.l xName(a4),d1
moveq #ACCESS_READ,D2 ; get a read lock
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
move.l d0,newLock(a4) ; store the lock pointer
beq DropMem ; couldn't get lock
;** { if ((Examine(newLock,fibb)) != 0)
move.l d0,d1 ; lock
move.l fibb(a4),d2 ; file info block address
jsr _LVOExamine(a6) ; go for the data
; Assume Examine never fails. Go for the data.
;** {
;** FileErr =0; /* got file, normal error sequence */
move.b #0,FileErr(a5)
;** {
;** if (fibb->fib_EntryType < 0)
move.l fibb(a4),a3
move.l fib_EntryType(a3),d0
move.l d0,fType(a4)
bpl.s TypeDir2
;** {
;** Size = fibb->fib_Size;
;** Blox = fibb->fib_NumBlocks;
;** Count = 1;
;** } /* file */
move.l NameSave(a4),a0
jsr FilBit
bra NextItem
;** else
;** {
;** oldLock = CurrentDir(newLock);
move.l newLock(a4),d1
jsr _LVOCurrentDir(a6)
move.l d0,oldLock(a4)
;** Level += 1;
addq.w #1,Level(a5)
;** {
;** if ((ExNext(newLock,fibb)) == 0)
move.l newLock(a4),d1 ; lock
move.l fibb(a4),d2 ; file info block address
jsr _LVOExNext(a6) ; go for the data
tst.l d0
beq.s EndDir
tst.b FileErr(a5)
bne.s EndDir
;** if (fibb->fib_EntryType < 0)
move.l fib_EntryType(a3),d0
bpl.s TypeDir3
lea fib_FileName(a3),a0
jsr FilBit
bra.s Join3
;** GetDir(fibb->fib_FileName);
;** Size += tSize;
;** Count += tCount;
TypeDir3 lea fib_FileName(a3),a0
bsr GetDir
Join3 move.l tSize(a5),d0
add.l d0,Size(a4)
move.l tCount(a5),d0
add.l d0,Count(a4)
; collect stats?
move.l fibb(a4),a3
bra.s DirLoop
;** Level -= 1;
EndDir subq.w #1,Level(a5)
;** newLock = CurrentDir(oldLock);
move.l oldLock(a4),d1
jsr _LVOCurrentDir(a6)
move.l d0,newLock(a4)
;** } /* dir */
;** ??Count += Count;
tst.b FileErr(a5)
bne.s EndSplit1
move.l Size(a4),d7
;** if (Level <1 0)
move.w Level(a5),d0
beq.s Dir3 ; assuming a directory
subq.w #1,d0
bne.s NextItem
;** {
;** else
;** printf(" DIR %3d",Count);
Dir3 move.l OutHandle(a5),d1
lea DirMsg(pc),a1
move.l a1,d2
moveq #DirLen,d3
jsr _LVOWrite(A6)
move.l Count(a4),d0
bsr MakeAscii
move.l OutHandle(a5),d1
lea String+5(A5),a1
move.l a1,d2
moveq #5,d3
jsr _LVOWrite(A6)
;** printf(" %7d %4d %s\n",Size,Blox,NameSave);
move.l NameSave(a4),a2
bsr PrintStuff
;** }
; look for file join here
move.l a6,d7
moveq #0,d0
move.l #$1000,d1
move.l $4,a6
jsr _LVOSetSignal(a6)
move.l d7,a6
and.l #$1000,d0
beq.s EndSplit1
move.b #3,FileErr(a5)
;** tSize = Size;
;** tCount = Count;
move.l Size(a4),tSize(a5)
move.l Count(a4),tCount(a5)
;** } /* Examine OK */
;** UnLock(newLock);
DropLock move.l dosBase(a5),a6 ; set Dos Library
move.l newLock(a4),d1 ; take off the lock
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
;** } /* Lock OK */
;** FreeMem(fibb,INFOSIZE);
DropMem: move.l $4,a6 ; set Exec library
move.l fibb(a4),a1 ; memory block address
move.l #INFOSIZE,d0 ; size of block
jsr _LVOFreeMem(a6) ; release this memory
move.l dosBase(a5),a6 ; set Dos Library
;** } /* Alloc OK */
GDExit unlk A4
FilEnd rts
;** }
FilBit move.l a0,xName(a4)
move.l fib_Size(a3),d7
tst.b Blocker(a5)
beq.s noblox2
move.l fib_NumBlocks(a3),d7
noblox2 move.l d7,tSize(a5)
moveq #1,d0
move.l d0,tCount(a5)
;** if (Level <1 0)
move.w Level(a5),d0
beq.s pf ; assuming a file
subq.w #1,d0
bne.s FilEnd
; Check .info status
pf tst.b KillInf(a5)
beq.s PeekFile
move.l xName(a4),a2
TryCharx move.b (a2)+,d0
bne.s TryCharx
lea -6(a2),a2
lea InfoLine(pc),a1
InfLp cmp.b (a1)+,(a2)+
beq.s InfLp
tst.b -1(a2)
beq.s FilEnd
; We're gonna print the file. Empty? Will we look at it?
PeekFile lea EmptyMsg(pc),a2
tst.l d7
beq FlEmp
tst.b Look(a5)
bne DoNotLook
; Open the file in order to check details
move.l xName(a4),d1 ; filename pointer
move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2 ; get a read lock
jsr _LVOOpen(a6)
move.l d0,d6 ; store the file handle
beq FlEmp ; couldn't get file
; Read DATASIZE bytes of the file, then close it
move.l d6,d1 ;infile handle
move.l DataBlk(a5),d2 ; input buffer address
moveq #DATASIZE,d3 ; how many bytes
jsr _LVORead(a6) ; so read it
move.l d0,d5 ; actual bytes read
move.l d6,d1 ; inhandle
jsr _LVOClose(a6) ; close the file
lea TextMsg(pc),a2
; check for text characters only
move.l DataBlk(a5),a0
moveq #0,d3
TxLp move.b 0(a0,d3),d0
cmp.b #9,d0
beq.s TryMore
cmp.b #10,d0
beq.s TryMore
cmp.b #$20,d0
blt.s NoText
TryMore addq.w #1,d3
cmp.w d3,d5
bne.s TxLp
bra FlEmp
; Not Text - try longword start
NoText move.l (a0),d0
lea LdblMsg(pc),a2
cmp.l #$3F3,d0
beq.s FlEmp
; special IFF sequence
cmp.l #'FORM',d0
bne.s WordStart
lea String(a5),a2
move.l #'IFF:',(a2)
move.l 8(a0),4(a2)
bra.s FlEmp
; look for magic word start
WordStart move.w (a0),d0
lea WBOMsg(pc),a2
cmp.w #$E310,d0
beq.s FlEmp
lea FLisMsg(pc),a2
cmp.w #$f00,d0
beq.s FlEmp
lea WBWMsg(pc),a2
cmp.w #$f34c,d0
beq.s FlEmp
; special Basic sequence
and.w #$FE7F,d0
lea BasMsg(pc),a2
cmp.w #$F400,d0
beq.s FlEmp
; special longword-text test
moveq #3,d1
lngtst move.b 0(a0,d1.w),d0
cmp.b #$30,d0
blt.s DoNotLook
cmp.b #$7f,d0
bgt.s DoNotLook
dbf d1,lngtst
lea String(a5),a2
move.l #'....',(a2)
move.l (a0),4(a2)
bra.s FlEmp
DoNotLook lea FileMsg(pc),a2
FlEmp move.l a2,d2
move.l OutHandle(a5),d1
moveq #FileLen,d3
jsr _LVOWrite(a6)
move.l xName(a4),a2
; PeekFile drops into PrintStuff
; ...or PS may be called directly...
move.l d7,d0
bsr.s MakeAscii
move.l OutHandle(a5),d1
lea String(a5),a1
moveq #11,d3
tst.b Blocker(a5)
beq.s noblox3
lea String+4(a5),a1
moveq #7,d3
noblox3 move.l a1,d2
jsr _LVOWrite(a6)
move.w Level(a5),d0
bne.s Flush
move.l OutHandle(a5),d1
lea SpaceMsg(pc),a1
move.l a1,d2
moveq #SpaceLen,d3
jsr _LVOWrite(A6)
Flush move.l OutHandle(a5),d1
move.l a2,d2
moveq #0,d3
TryChara move.b 0(a2,d3),d0
beq.s FoundEnd
addq.b #1,d3
bra.s TryChara
FoundEnd jsr _LVOWrite(A6)
move.l OutHandle(a5),d1
lea MsgNewLine(pc),a1
move.l a1,d2
moveq #NewLineLen,d3
jsr _LVOWrite(A6)
PrEnd rts
moveq #$20,d1
lea String(a5),a1
moveq #11,d2
SpacedOut move.b d1,0(a1,d2)
dbf d2,SpacedOut
moveq #9,d2
DigLoop swap d0
moveq #0,d1
move.w d0,d1
beq.s Skipper
divu #10,d1
Skipper move.w d1,d0
swap d0
move.w d0,d1
divu #10,d1
move.w d1,d0
swap d1
or.b #$30,d1
move.b d1,0(a1,d2)
tst.l d0
dbeq d2,DigLoop
InfoLine dc.b '.info.'
MsgNewLine dc.b $0a
NewLineLen equ *-MsgNewLine
SpaceMsg dc.b $20
SpaceLen equ *-SpaceMsg
DirMsg dc.b 'DIR'
DirLen equ *-DirMsg
PromptMsg dc.b 'ViewDir (by Jim Butterfield) V2.0',$0a
dc.b 'FORMAT: ViewDir [-b -i -t] directory',$0a
PromptLen equ *-PromptMsg
TextMsg dc.b 'TextFile'
LdblMsg dc.b 'Loadable'
WBOMsg dc.b 'WBObject'
WBWMsg dc.b 'WBWindow'
BasMsg dc.b 'AmiBasic'
FLisMsg dc.b 'FontList'
FileMsg dc.b 'FILE '
FileLen equ *-FileMsg
EmptyMsg dc.b 'Empty ',$0a
EmptyLen equ *-EmptyMsg
NoMemMsg dc.b 'Out of Memory',$0a
NoMemLen equ *-NoMemMsg
NoFileMsg dc.b 'Can t find file.',$0a
NoFileLen equ *-NoFileMsg
CtrlCMsg dc.b '^C',$0a
CtrlCLen equ *-CtrlCMsg
dosname dc.b 'dos.library',0