Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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Text File
552 lines
a program by
Matthias Zepf
(C)opyright 1990
1. Introduction
1.1. Copyright
1.2. Distribution
1.3. Registered Users
2. Installation
2.1. On a disk based System
2.2. On a harddisk based System
3. Functions/Limits
3.1. What is a Archive?
3.2. Functions and Possibilies of IntuiFace
3.3. Limits of IntuiFace
4. Handling
4.1. The "Defaults" Window, first Installation
4.2. The gadgets in the main Window
4.3. Creating an Archive
4.4. Extracting file from Archive
5. Error Messages
6. Known Bugs/Problems
6.1. Known bugs
6.2. Problems/Limits
7. Further Developement
7.1. Future Options
7.2. Your Bug Report
7.3. Your Suggestion
1. Introduction
1.1. Copyright
IntuiFace (C)opyright 1990 by Matthias Zepf
Riegeläckerstraße 27
D-7250 Leonberg
West Germany
(+49) 7152 41917
All rights reserved.
1.2. Distribution
IntuiFace is socalled SHAREWARE. This means you are allowed to make
as lot as copies you want. Give this copies to your friends, but you
must not make any commercial profit! The German Public Domain distri-
butor "Stefan Ossowski" may not distribute this program!
If you like IntuiFace and you want to use register at the author.
Send US-$ 15.- to the author. As registered user you are allowed to
use IntuiFace and you will get one (1) free update if a update is
necessary (this is selected by the author only).
1.3. Registered Users
The following Amiga users are registered and legal users of IntuiFace:
001. Markus Stoll D-7000 Stuttgart-Heumaden
002. Hanns-Eugen Stöffler D-7000 Stuttgart-Feuerbach
003. Ingo Feulner D-7030 Böblingen
004. Markus Mayer D-7250 Leonberg-Warmbronn
005. Heiko Rath D-6150 Weiterstadt
2. Installation
2.1. Installation on a disk based system
The installation of IntuiFace on any disk is very simple. There is
only the programm "Intuiface" and the icon "IntuiFace.info". You will
also find the manual called "IntuiFace.Doc" and its icon. (It is
possible the name changed to something like "IntuiFace_Eng" for the
english version.) If you want to copy IntuiFace to your disk then
simply drag its icon and move it to the destination. You may also
copy it with CLI/Shell by using a command like "copy df0:IntuiFace#?
Workbench:Utilities". The configuration of IntuiFace is explaned in
chapter 4.1.
Please verify that the commands "run", "execute", "cd", "endcli" and
"copy" are available in the logical directory "C:". IntuiFace needs
these commands to run correct.
2.2. Installation on a harddisk based system
The installation of IntuiFace on harddisks is also very simple.
Please read first the instructions for installation on a disk based
system (chapter 2.1.), there you will find list of the supplied files.
Install IntuiFace on harddisk in the same way as you would install it
on a disk based system, by moving the Intuiface icon to your selected
harddisk partition.
Please verify that the commands "run", "execute", "cd", "endcli" and
"copy" are available in the logical directory "C:". IntuiFace needs
these commands to run correct.
3. Functions/Limits
3.1. What is a Archive?
Long time ago, a program called "Arc" was developed for MS-DOS. It
made it possible to compress serveral files into one file. This was
especially done for transfer via telephone lines, to cut down the
Nowadays there are serveral archive programs, called "PkArc", "Zoo",
"PkZip", "LhArc", "Ice", "Pak", etc. The most of them are available
for the Amiga computer, too. Here is a list:
- ARC : The oldest one, nearly everbody has got it.
- ZOO : Very fast one with high compression rate.
- LHARC : Not very fast, but the highest compression rate.
- PKAZIP : High compression rate, not very fast but not too
slow and nice Intuition interface for simple use.
3.2. Functions and Possibilities of IntuiFace
Only PkAZip has got a Intuition interface for simple use. All the
other archive programs must be directed by CLI-commands. IntuiFace
gives you a Intuition interface for the other three archive programs
(Arc, Zoo and LhArc)!
Of course, the programs Arc, Zoo and LhArc are not included in
IntuiFace. IntuiFace is only an interface between the archive program
and the use to make it very simple for the user to create and extract
3.3. Limits of IntuiFace
The programs Arc, Zoo and LhArc give you different possibilies how to
handle and modify an archive. There are serveral functions like
archiving, extracting, deleting, showing, etc.
IntuiFace only supports the most important functions:
1. Create an archive and add files to it.
2. Add files to an exstiting archive (works in the same way as 1.).
3. Show contents of an archive.
4. Extract files of an archive.
All the other functions are not supported. If you need one of the
other functions, you must open a CLI and type them in.
4. Handling
4.1. The "Defaults" window, first installation
Before you start using IntuiFace, you must configurate it. This
configaration is saved and then loaded as standard for future use of
IntuiFace. Please open Intuiface by double click on its icon or type
IntuiFace in a CLI. A window named "IntuiFace" will be opened on your
Workbench screen. The different gadgets will be explained later.
Please click on the gadget "Defaults" (middle, right). A new window
This new window (called "Intuiface Defaults") gives you serveral
gadgets to configurate IntuiFace. If you don't know how to use string
gadgets, please look into your AmigaDOS manual.
- Default Destination Dir
You may enter the path and name of a directory here, which you want to
use as your default directory for archives and files extracted from
- Extract with path (only Zoo archives)
If you select this option files archived in a Zoo archive will be
extracted with its complete path. Arc doesn't support storing paths
into an archive and files in LhArc archives are extracted with
complete path every time. Your are not able to turn this of.
- Convert path
If you type in "Fonts:" as source directory in IntuiFace, "Fonts:"
will leave in that string gadget if this switch is turned off. If you
turn on this switch, IntuiFace will convert "Fonts:" to
"Workbench:Fonts" (or equivalent). So the logical path will be
converted to the real physical path.
- Save every Quit
If you switch on this switch every time you quit IntuiFace, the
defaults will be saved. So IntuiFace will start up every time in that
configaration, you leaved it last time.
- Show >info< files
Info files are icons on the Workbench. If you select this option the
info files are also shown in IntuiFace's list. If it is off, info
files are hidden. Turning on the function will automatically turn off
the next switch.
- Automatically archive >info< files
If this switch is on, icons (info files) will be automatically
archived, if file with icon is archived. Turning on the function will
automatically turn off the prev. switch.
- Window position
In this two string gadgets you may enter the position of the IntuiFace
window. The window will automatically moved there, if the position is
inside the borders of the Workbench screen.
- Current (window position)
If you click onto the "Current" gadget the values of the current
window position of IntuiFace will be entered into the window position
string gadgets.
- Path for ...
In this string gadgets you must enter the path and name of the archive
programs. Only when entered a correct path and name IntuiFace will
work correct.
IntuiFace requires the following archive programs:
- ARC V0.23 - comp. MS-DOS V5.0
- ZOO V2.01
- LHARC V1.10
If you do not own this programs look into local BBS' or ask your
dealer for this public domain programs. You will also find them on
Fish disks.
If you do not use the correct version of an archive program I cannot
guarantee the correct work of Intuiface. It is possible you get any
errors or Gurus!
Now an example: If your program "Arc" is in your directory "C:" then
please enter in the string gadget "Path for ARC" exactly this:
"C:Arc". Please do it in the same way for Zoo and LhArc.
When entered all default data you should click onto "Save" to save it
on disk or harddisk. The defaults will be saved to the file
>S:IntuiFaceDefaults<. If you click onto "Use" the data will be used
for this session but not saved. If you click onto "Cancel" every
changes are gone.
At your next IntuiFace session this configuration will be
automatically taken from >S:IntuiFaceDefaults<.
4.2. The gadgets in the main window
Now back in the main window of IntuiFace I'll explain the differnt
gadgets available:
- Parent Dir
Click on this gadget to go to the parent directory (as sources
directory). If you have reached the root directory of the device,
there will come up warning message.
- Devices
Click to this gadget and there will be a list of all mounted volumes.
Now you are able to select a volume by double click onto that volume.
- About
A window with information about IntuiFace will come up.
- Defaults
Look chapter 4.1.
- All
Select all entries.
- None
Deselect all entries.
- Arc, Zoo, LhArc
Create an archive. Look chapter 4.3.
- Extract
Extract files from archive. Look chapter 4.4.
- Arrows, Prop Gadget, File and Dir List
The file and dir list show the contents of any directory (as source
directory). If that list has more entries than rows, you will be able
to control the displayed entries with the arrows and the prop gadget.
All arrows have the same function.
To select or deselect an entry simple click onto it. If you want to
select more than one entry then hold left mouse botton and move the
mouse point across all the wished entries. All entries under the
pointer will be selected/deselected.
On the leftmost side of the list you see special information about the
entry. A directory is indicated by "Dir>". Double click onto a dir
entry will bring up the contents of this directory. "Arc>", "Zoo>"
and "LhArc>" indicate archive files. Double click on archive files
will bring up the archive contents for extracting. Double click onto
a "Device>" will bring up the root directory of that device.
- String Gadgets
The source string gadget every time shows the current path. You may
also edit this string gadget to change path. The destination string
gadget shows the destination path. To change this path click into
string gadget and edit contents.
4.3. Create an archive
Creating an archive is very simple by using IntuiFace. Select the
files you want to archive, type a path and archive name in destination
string gadget and click onto the desired archive program gadget. If
you made everything correct, a window will open and you can look to
the archive program's output.
4.4. Extract files from an archive
Extracing files is also very simple. Double click onto the entry of
the desired archive. Contents will come up. Select all entries you
want extract and click onto extract gadget. Of course, you should
select a possible destination path with enough space for the files you
want to extract. If you made everything correct, a window will open
and you are able to watch the archive program's output.
5. Error messages
- Please enter correct destination directory.
The path of your destination directory is not possible. Please enter
a correct one.
- This directory or file does not exist.
You typed in a path and name of a directory or file that does not
exist. Please try again or use try and error principle by clicking
onto devices gadget and then going through directories by clicking
onto them.
- Directories cannot be archived.
Complete directories cannot be archived with the current version.
- Devices cannot be archived.
Devices and volumes cannot be archived.
- Archive name is missing in lower gadget.
You did not enter a name for archive to create. Please enter a path
and name in lower/destination string gadget.
- Wrong archive program was choosen.
You tried to use a archive program not fitting to the suffix of the
archive name. Please remove the suffix or use the corresponding
archive program.
- Please enter a complete path for destination.
You did not enter a complete and correct path for destination
directory. Correct path and try again.
- Destination path not possible.
The destination path you entered is not possible. Correct path and
try again.
- Problems with Workbench. Moving window is not possible.
There are some problems with the system software. Better stop all
activities and reset your Amiga. Then try again.
- Window position not possible.
The desired position is not possible. Standard position will be used.
- Values for window don't fit.
The values for window position you entered are not on the Workbench
screen. Please try again or move window and click current gadget.
- >S:IntuifaceDefaults< cannot be opened.
Something is accessing >S:IntuiFaceDefaults<. Saving your defaults is
not possible.
- Not enough RAM for save available.
There is not enough free memory for the desired operation. Please
closed other applications and try again.
- Root directory reached.
You tried to go to the parent dir, but your are in the root directory.
There is no parent dir available.
- Archive program cannot be found.
The selected archive program is missing. Please goto defaults window
and set the correct path for the desired archive program.
- Fatal error while accessing achive. See manual.
An error occured while access the archive contents. Propably the
archive is corrupt. Please try to extract files using Intuiface.
- Temp file in directory >T:< cannot be created.
You didn't assign "T:" to any directory or device is write protected.
- There is not enough RAM for this operation.
Close some other applications to free some memory and try again.
6. Known Bugs/Problems
6.1. Known Bugs
There are no known bugs in IntuiFace V1.00.
6.2. Problems/Limits
The following limits are caused by programing technic of IntuiFace:
- Paths may contain maximum of 255 chars.
- The maximum of entries in files and dir list is only limited by
available free memory. It will take some time to read a long
directory from disk/harddisk.
7. Further Developement
7.1. Future Options
IntuiFace V1.00 was developed on an Amiga 1000 with 2.5 Meg of RAM and
harddisk by using Kickstart and Workbench 1.3 Rev. 34.28. IntuiFace
was tested on an Amiga 2500 and it works correct. IntuiFace is able
to run correct on higher Kickstart and Workbench versions.
Developement took about 14 week-ends. IntuiFace is written completly
in Assembler.
Following further developement is planned:
- new version if there will come up a new version of Arc, Zoo or
LhArc, inkomp. to the old one.
- new version if there will come up a new archive program without
Intuition interface.
7.2. Your Bug report
If you will find an error/bug in IntuiFace please write to:
Matthias Zepf
Riegeläckerstraße 27
D-7250 Leonberg
West Germany
If you are able to use electronic mail, you'll reach me in the
following nets:
sub-net : ...!doitcr!nadia!amylnd!agnus -or-
cbm-net : ...!cbmvax!cbmehq!cbmger!isolde!amylnd!agnus
internet: ...!uunet!cbmvax!cbmehq!cbmger!isolde!amylnd!agnus -or-
Fido-net: Matthias Zepf @ 2:507/630.7633
Of course, you may reach me by a phone call. Please dial (+49) 7152
41917, but remember current time! Please call only between 18.00 and
23.00 o'clock CET (Central European Time)!!
If you write a error report, please make it as exact as possible.
Write also down version numbers of IntuiFace, system software, archive
programs, etc.
7.3. Your Suggestion
If you think there is something to do better in IntuiFace, please
write to the same address listed in chapter 7.2.