Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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From tlm@newton.physics.purdue.edu Thu Dec 8 09:53:55 1988
Received: by postgres.Berkeley.EDU (5.57/1.26)
id AA15642; Thu, 8 Dec 88 09:53:55 PST
Received: by newton.physics.purdue.edu (5.54/2.2)
id AA19181; Thu, 8 Dec 88 12:52:30 EST
From: tlm@newton.physics.purdue.edu (Timothy Lee Meisenheimer)
Message-Id: <8812081752.AA19181@newton.physics.purdue.edu>
To: dillon@postgres.Berkeley.EDU (Matt Dillon)
Cc: tlm@newton.physics.purdue.edu
Subject: Re: dme & programing objectively
In-Reply-To: Your message of Sun, 27 Nov 88 14:59:27 PST.
Date: Thu, 08 Dec 88 12:52:29 EST
Well, I'm a few days older and a little wiser. I finally figured out
that DME looks for it's icon (dme.info) to get some tooltype arguments
when it starts up. The original code barfed and exited when it couldn't
find "dme.info" which is the first argument passed to it be the workbench.
(Of course since BROWSER "does" the same thing as the WORKBENCH I had similar
results) I just added some code to account for the case when there might
not be a dme.info file around and it all works correctly. I've included
a comparison from old to new code:
(this is from main.c)
************** old code *************
if (mac == 0) { /* WORKBENCH STARTUP */
long oldlock;
Wdisable = 0; /* allow icon save */
Wbs = (WBS *)mav;
if (!openlibs(ICON_LIB))
exiterr("unable to open icon library");
oldlock = CurrentDir(Wbs->sm_ArgList[0].wa_Lock); /* Tool */
Do = GetDiskObject(Wbs->sm_ArgList[0].wa_Name);
if (Do == NULL)
exiterr("unable to get disk object");
mac = 99;
if (Do) {
ops(Do->do_ToolTypes, 1);
nf = Wbs->sm_NumArgs - 1;
Dirlock = Wbs->sm_ArgList[0].wa_Lock;
} else {
nf = ops(mav+1, 0);
for (ni = 0, i = 1; i < mac; ++i) {
************** old code *************
************** new code *************
if (mac == 0) { /* WORKBENCH STARTUP */
long oldlock;
Wdisable = 0; /* allow icon save */
Wbs = (WBS *)mav;
if (!openlibs(ICON_LIB))
exiterr("unable to open icon library");
Do = GetDiskObject(Wbs->sm_ArgList[0].wa_Name);
if(Do != NULL){
oldlock = CurrentDir(Wbs->sm_ArgList[0].wa_Lock); /* Tool */
/* let it be ok not to find dnet.info !!! */
/* if (Do == NULL)
exiterr("unable to get disk object"); */
mac = 99;
if (Do != NULL) {
ops(Do->do_ToolTypes, 1);
nf = Wbs->sm_NumArgs - 1;
Dirlock = Wbs->sm_ArgList[0].wa_Lock;
/* check that it might still be a workbench startup */
} else if(Wdisable == 0){
nf = Wbs->sm_NumArgs - 1;
/* this is for CLI startup */
} else {
nf = ops(mav+1, 0);
for (ni = 0, i = 1; i < mac; ++i) {
************** new code *************
Anyway, wasn't much but it did force me to learn how the workbench
startup stuff should go.
On a slightly different topic. I'd like to try to automate dnet a little
more - have it dial up and transfer files automatically using Amicron. Would
you suggest putting a scripting fascility in dnet itself - or put in
some type of IPC port with which you could send and receive from
the serial line (to dial out and login etc.) and maybe give a few informative
things like the CLI # for dnet etc. Of course once dnet is up and running on
both ends, one could just us the usual client and server program (or make
new ones). I think the versatility of the latter would be preferable.
Guess I'm looking for enlightened comments, suggestions and "permission"
to hack at your code.