Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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(c) 1990
Made In The U.S.A.
by Jason Bauer
NAME : SeaLance
$15 ShareWare
SEND TO : Jason Bauer
Crystall Springs Rd
Box 184 Rt 1
Bellaire, Michigan 49615
1) Any Questions, Comments, Ideas, etc I'll try to answer them for
2) Donation of $15 or more.
3) Your Address for Mailing List and Hint and Tips Sheet, without
this I cannot mail this to you.
1) Name on Mailing List
2) Possible Updates For SeaLance with More Features listed in
Upcoming Versions part of file. This depends on the number of
contributions I receive, the more I receive the better chance of
SeaLance V2.0 becoming MORE than just a DREAM.
3) Hints and Tips and some extra data on SeaLance. I'll try to get
this out to you as soon as possible. I am not responible for any
one who does not receive a copy of this who sends a donation to me.
However, I will try my best to get a copy to you, thanks.
SYSTEMS : Amiga 500, 1000, 2000 and 3000
CONTAINS : Game Disk, with Disk Manual (One DISK)!
TYPE : Modern Trident Submarine Simulator
WRITTEN IN: Aztec C v3.6
WRITTEN BY: Jason Bauer
DEVELOPING TIME: 1 1/2 Years (Avg: 2-3 hours a day)
SeaLance is a modern day advanced version of a modified Trident
submarine, currently serving in the United States Navy.
There are 4 main screens that the Captain uses while commanding
SeaLance are:
1) Bridge Screen
2) Damage Screen
3) Convential Weapon Screen
4) Trident Missile Screen
Each of these screens will be taken a look at in the following
paragraphs. First, I would like to discuss the Controls of the
submarine that are contained in all of the Screens. This is called the
Control Module Center and will hence be refered to as the CMC.
Location: The Far Lower Left Hand side of the Screen there is a box
that has 2 pictures in it. They are:
1) Top View of SeaLance
-This Tells the Captain how many trident missiles he has left (White is
Full Trident Missile Tube) and (Black is an Empty Trident Missile Tube).
2) The Front View of SeaLance
-This Tells the Captain if any torpedo tubes have a weapon in them and
if they are armed or set for a specfic target.
-(Grey is Empty Torpedo Tube)
-(Red is a Full Torpedo Tube with either a Tomahawk, SubRoc, or Torpedo
armed and ready to be fired at a Target.
-This also has displayed in it the Dive Planes of the sub when SeaLance
is diving the dive planes are facing down and when SeaLance is
surfacing the are facing up, running at level depth they are parallel
with the hull.
3) The only other thing located in this section is the Stealth or
how quiet SeaLance is being. The higher the number the greater chance
SeaLance has of staying undected. The quietest SeaLance can be is 99%.
There will be more on the Stealth aspact in later parts.
The Next part of the CMC is right next to the above section and this is
where the Captain controls most of the functions of SeaLance along with
monitoring some very important systems.
A Description of Each of these:
DEP: is the depth of SeaLance under the water, this is in yds so to
get feet multiply it by 3.
SPD: is the speed that SeaLance is traveling in MPH or miles per hour.
Knots where not used because more people understand MPH than knots,
however, to get knots multiply number by 1.1.
HED: is the bearing that SeaLance is traveling based upon the World
000 = North
090 = East
180 = South
270 = West
Gadgets Used in Controlling Depth, Speed, and Heading of SeaLance
are below the above readouts on the CMC.
-The Steering wheel is used to change the heading, using the mouse
click on the left once or twice to go to the left. For example,
clicking on the left side once will change your heading from 000 to
359. To go Right Follow the above steps. Also, to stop SeaLance from
turning either right or left. This is called "Rudder Amidship!"
-The Up and Down arrows beside the wheel are used to control the dive
planes of SeaLance. Clicking on the Up arrow will either stop SeaLance
from diving or make it begin to Surface. The opposite is true for the
down arrow. (HINT: The Hull can start leaking after a depth of
500yds. Max Depth Possible Hull can withstand is 750yds before SeaLance
Blows apart.
-The Speed of SeaLance is controled by the throttle device located next
to the dive arrows. To Increase Speed Click above but inside the
Throttle gadget, and the same is true to decrease speed but click on
the bottom half of throttle gadget.
Besides these control is 8 Special buttons that control certain
functions of Sealance.
Types of Buttons:
1) Outlined in Red can only be used once during entire mission.
2) With Black Arrows on right side of Letters tells Captian if device
is up or down. (HINT: Must be <= DEP: 30yds for device to
work. Also, reduces SeaLance's stealth should not be kept up for very
long unless on surface.)
3) Blue ones when depressed inwards they are ON, and when the are
pressed out towards the Captain they are OFF.
Data on 8 Buttons on CMC:
BAL: (BLOW BALLAST TANKS) if SeaLance is sinking then you can
blow your ballast tanks to try to reach the surface.
DEB: (LAUNCH FAKE DEBRIS) is used if you are detected and taking
heavy embardment of enemy fire, you can use this to try to make them
think that SeaLance SUNK. (Hint: Better have a high stealth and be
deep, or else they will pick you back up on there sonar screens.
MST: (ELECTRONIC MAST UP/DOWN) is used to receive information from the
satellite. This must be up and depth <= 30yds to receive a satellite
view of the world.
RAD: (RADAR UP/DOWN) is used to receive information about the where
abouts of enemy helicopters in the sky. This must be up and depth also
<= 30yds to get data.
N: (NUCLEAR REACTOR ON/OFF) is used to turn on or off the SeaLances
power supply. (Hint: The only time this should be turned off is when
the reactor is damaged and the RC Meter is nearing the Top.)
P: (EMERGENCY POWER ON/OFF) can only be used when nuclear reactor
is damaged, this allows Sealance to maintain speed, however, it will be
PRS: (EMERGENCY PRESSURE ON/OFF) is used if SeaLance is leaking from
either battle damage or exceed safe depth of hull. What it does is
pumps air into leaking segments of the submarine to keep it from
sinking any deeper. (Hint: When using watch the PS meter because you
can only keep this up for 90 minutes. To get another supply of Pressure
SeaLance must SURFACE.)
AB: (ABANDONE SHIP) well I hope that you will never have to use
this, however, I think that you will. This allows you to save your
crew from a sub that can no longer stay afloat and or can no longer
fight! A word of caution SeaLance depth must be <= 99yds inorder for
this command to take place.)
Next to These Buttons is located a recessed little window that is full
of 4 meters and some digital information important to the Captain at
all times. They are listed below:
Meters Include:
ST: (STATUS OF SEALANCE) This meter should be at the top for a
completely healthy sub. If it isn't than you have sustained battle
damage and should goto the DAMAGE SCREEN.
LS: (LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM) By far one of the most important things on
SeaLance for without this system all the crew and you will not be able
to sustain life aboard SeaLance. Should be to the top of the Gauge,
when it reaches the bottom, Its TOO LATE. To resupply LSS you must
surface SeaLance and also fix the Life Support System.
PS: (PRESSURE METER) Tells the Captain how much air he has left to be
used for pressure when the meter is at the top there is 90 minutes of
air pressure. To Turn on the pressure use the PRS button described
earlier. To Get more pressure SeaLance must Surface.
RC: (RADIATION LEVEL) This meter should be at the very bottom of the
gauge. The closer it gets to the top the more radiation is release
from the nuclear reactor and if it reached the top. All the crew of
Sealance die of Radiation poisoning and SeaLance Sinks to the bottom of
the Sea. In order to get the level back down the Nuclear Reactor must
be fixed. In order to stop the level from rising any higher turn the
Reactor off.
Digital Readouts:
LEK: (LEAKAGE OF SEALANCE) This means SeaLance is taking on water and
this tells the captain how many gallons are rushing in. See the damage
Section to see how to stop this.
CRW: (CREW MEMBERS OF SEALANCE) You start off the mission with 150
crew members and when the number decreases they are either dead or
wounded. The more men that are killed the more time it takes to repair
battle damage. After a certain number of men are killed damage can be
no longer fixed.
(Hint: At the beginning of the 16th Mission Day if your on the
surface SeaLance will be resuppled with new weapons of your choice and
new replacements for dead or wounded crew members)
TOMS: Number of TomaHawk Cruise Missiles SeaLance Has Stored or that
are not armed with a target.
TORS: Number of Torpedos SeaLance has Stored or that are not armed at
a target.
SBRS: Number of Subrocs II that SeaLance has Stored or that are not
armed at a target.
[NOTE: More on these weapons later on in Part II of manuel.]
Next to this data window are two checkered rectangles that have the
heading CON and TRI above them, these fire the selected missiles.
CON: This lauches the Convential weapons that are programmed in the
CON Screen. It is a double click gadget, the first opens the
outer doors and arms the weapon warhead, and the next click lauches the
TRI: This lauches the Trident D-5 missiles that have been selected as
weapons to destroy targets that are in range. This works the same as
the CON one. [NOTE: That SeaLance must be submerged and >= 30 yds to
fire these weapons.]
Another part of the CMC is the Clock located in the lower right hand
corner that has a RED Color number over the analog clock. This allows
the user to speed up the amount of time it takes minutes to go by. The
RED number is how many hours actually go by in a real hour of play.
For Example,
1 = 1 hour of game is 1 hour of playing
16 = 16 hours of game is 1 hour playing time
The Parts below this allow the Captain to switch to other screens
and there are 4 major screens those being Bridge, Convention Weapons,
Damage, and Trident Screen. Each of These Screens will be discussed in
the following Sections.
All Screens have a Dark Grey Header Above them this contains various
useful information. This part is also the same on all 4 screens. The
Data is explained below:
DAYS: The amount of days that you have been at sea the Maxium days you
have to complete your mission is 32 full days, so watch this closely to
plan the course of SeaLance to obtain range with all of your Trident
TIME: This is in Miltary Time this tells you the time of day it is and
also can give you an idea of when patrols come in and out of sonar
range. Remember they sort of no where your sub is and what your
mission is so there out to SHUT YOU DOWN!
DET (Range of Nearest Enemy Ship): This is not up at all times it only
comes up when SeaLance has been and is detected. It also
gives you the range of the nearest enemy ship. (Hint: Watch this
because this tells you what kind of weapons they can use!)
(NAME) Tells you what screen you are currently on.
EWP: Very Important warning message tells you that enemy weapons
CITIES FREE: How many cities that are freed from aliens by your
trident missiles. (NOTE: Inorder to win SeaLance you must free
the correct citiest and there is 20 of them.)
SCORE: The score that you have earned so far while playing SeaLance.
The point values are as follows:
-FREE A CITY = 2000 pts
-HIT WROND CITY = -500 pts
-SINK KIEVS = 1000 pts
-SINK MOSKVAS = 900 pts
-SINK TYPHOONS = 800 pts
-ALL OTHERS = 100 pts
The bridge screen contains a world map that visually shows you
the place where you are located on the map.
SEALANCE: Displayed in Red on Map
CITIES: Displayed in White on Map
GX: Grid X positon on Map.
GY: Grid Y position on Map.
Inorder for the map to work you must put up the electronic mast, and
click on the HUP Blue button on this screen. This will uplink you
to the satellite.
By moving the pointer around inside the map, the program will
give you the range to that point at which you clicked. It will be
the shortest path to that point. This data will be located under
the RANGE section.
In this section I will list all possible damage and tell you
what the systems does on SeaLance.
To Fix Damage: Move the mouse pointer over top of the name of the
damage and click to begin fixing. The letters will turn light blue.
You can only repair one thing at a time, so fix the system that you
need to stay alive or fight back, this is up to you. [Note: The more
crew that are wounded or killed the longer it takes to repair the
damage. One Beep of sound = damage system repaired, then go back and
select the next one to repair.
---------------------- Damage List If Damaged ------------------------
Bow Tubes: cannot fire any convential weapons.
Dive Planes: cannot dive, surface, or level off.
Radar: cannot raise or lower this mast and no view of helis
around Sealance.
Electronic Mast: cannot get a satellite picture of the world.
Hull: SeaLance is leaking and sinking this is a priority
thing to fix.
Life Support: you are losing air to breath and if the guage gets
to the buttom you pass out and die, this is also a
priority system to fix.
Rudder: cannot steer Sealance on course where rudder is stuck.
Con Weapon Sys: cannot select a target and arm a weapon.
Ballast Tanks: cannot use Emergency Ballast to try to stay
Water Intake: reduces speed.
Conning Tower: (Unknown???)
Tri Weapon Sys: cannot fire or arm trident missiles.
Proplusion Sys: reduces speed.
Sonar: cannot tell where any of the enemy ships are but the
one that the Con Weapon System is locked onto with the
backup system.
Nuclear Reactor: Gives most of the power to ship, must be fixed
or you lose control of speed, and also if damaged
the reactor is leaking and if it leaks to much, you
die of radiation. This is a Priority system to fix!
Emergency Power: cannot use emergency power.
This is considered the most important screen for staying alive
and well because this lets you keep track of all enemy activity both
helis amd ships.
ESP: (##) This tells you how many enemy ships there is that are
within range of sonar. The Maxium range of Sonar is 75 miles.
EHC: (##) This tells you how many enemy helicopters there is you
don't even need the radar mast up because the sonar picks up the
sonar that they drop into to the water to try to detect SeaLance.
L : Est 60 Miles
M : Est 30 Miles
S : Est 10 Miles
These let you select the range you want to view the ships and
helicopters on your sonar screen. Click on the one to change the
WHITE: Enemy Ship!
RED: Selected Ship!
YELLOW: Ship that has been Fired at!
GREEN: Helicopters!
The top square shows a picture of the ship that the data is all
about, this also shows you what type of ship it is.
CLASS: Tells the Class of Enemy Ship.
DEPTH: Tells the Depth of The Enemy Ship in yds.
RANGE: Tells the Range in miles that the ship is away from SeaLance.
SPEED: Tells the Speed of the Ship in mph.
B: Tells where the ship is according to SeaLance.
H: Tells where the ship is heading or its course.
UP ARROW: Allows you to scan up enemy targets.
DOWN ARROW: Allows you to scan down enemy targets.
NUM: (##) Tells you what number of ship that you are on in the list
of enemy ships, that are detected by sonar.
RED MISSILE: This is the Icon for Tomahawk Missile.
WHITE MISSILE: This is the Icon for Subroc II's Missile.
GREY TORPEDO: This is the Icon for MK-52 Torpedo's.
Selecting a Target with Missile:
Click on the missile or weapon of choice to destroy the enemy ship,
then the missile that you selected will be put in the bow tubes and
prepared to be armed. Next click inside the information box to
select that target. After this is done the data will be placed next
to the information box, which allows you to remember what ships that
you have targeted.
[Note: Two Beeps of Sound = more enemy ships detected!]
Without this system your mission can not be complete and the world,
will not be saved. In this screen there is a list of 40 possible
targets of cities, 20 of which are actual targets that must be
destroyed by a trident d-5 missile. The 20 targets are listed below
in target identification section. Some of the functions on this screen
are explained below:
SELECTING A CITY: Click on the City name and the City will be targeted
with a Trident D-5 missile when you launch them. [Note: It will not
be launched if the city is out of missile range.] When selected the
city will be outlined in Red on this screen.
Update messages will be displayed in the city spot to tell you the
progress of the missiles that have been fired. [Note: These are
displayed in light blue color.]
MIS: Tells you how many missiles that are still on SeaLance and
that have not be launched.
ARM: Tells how many missiles have been armed and with selected
AVA: Tells how many missiles that you have left to arm.
TOMAHAWKS: Are cruise missiles that can be lauched from torpedo
tubes of submarines, at specfic ground and sea targets. For example,
and enemy ship or enemy radar stations as they are performing in combat
in the persian gulf. The range of Sealances Tomahawks cruise missiles
is 125 miles, due to the primary role on board SeaLance is an antiship
missile defense system. The speed of this weapon system is great and
this information is classified, (Given in the range data section when
arming SeaLance.) These are by far the best weapons to use against
enemy ships. [Note: These can not be used against enemy submarines.]
These Weapons are very effective as they had shown in the Persian Gulf
in 1991.
SUBROC II'S: Are an antisubmarine missile designed to be launched
form torpedo tubes, against enemy submarines. These weapons are the
most effective weapon used against enemy submarines. They have a
Maxium range of 35 miles but travel at a speed of (Classified:
Given in the Range Data when arming SeaLance.) The class II of the
weapon differs from the orginal subrocs in that they don't have a
nuclear device on board, instead they use a homing torpedo. [Note:
These weapons don't travel through the water the launch out of the
torpedo tubes and fly towards there targets at about 6 ft above the
surface of the water. These are hard for enemy submarines to detect
and when they do its to late.
TORPEDOS MK-52: Are by far the most common weapon of submarines
in the past and why should SeaLance be the only submarine never to use
these weapons. They are effective against submarines or surface
combatants. They travel at a speed of over 55mph and have a Maxium
Range of 35 miles. (Hint: Remember when firing a torpedo at a target
at great range that the target could possibly outrun the range of the
torpedo, therefor the the torpedo will be wasted. Weapons on board
submarines are a great commodity and should not be wasted, for there
your only defense.
TRIDENT D-5: Are setup to be fired against cities that have been
taken over by the aliens. The warhead contains a small nuclear device
to pentrate the aliens force field, and then the rest of the warheads
hit the city releasing a virus that kills the aliens, putting the
humans or us back in control. The rest of the information about this
weapon system is classified and the data is contained in SeaLance
itself. (Note: These weapons are not toys and should be used with
extreme caution, and with right reasons. Hopefully, they will never be
used in a real life, but a weapon that is made, can never be
disregarded as never going to be used, Unfortunatly.)
TORPEDO: These are basically the same as the ones used on
SeaLance, however, there ability to cause extreme damage to Sea:ance is
very very unlikly. The range and speed of this weapon is estimated to
be they same as SeaLance. Howver, that information is not aviable.
(Hint: Remember the best way to avoid being hit is staying
undetected.) They can be launched from
helicopters also.
DEPTH CHARGES: These are weapons that can fit on just about any
craft and be somewhat accurate and destructfull. The disadvantages of
using depth charges is that they enemy must be almost overtop of you
and they have to be set to a certain depth before they expode, so you
can either be deeper than there set depth or shallower.
RBU'S: These are weapons somewhat like a depth charge, however,
they can launched up to 2 miles away from SeaLance and also they are
set to variable depths. So the enemy gets an even spread of the
warheads to all depths of the water. (Hint: Harder to avoid from
being hit.)
PART III SeaLance Game Options and Options Screens
This section goes into some detail on the Main Option screen of the
game which is brought up on the screen, when you click on the Menu
Mouse button. I will describe what each option, does the pictures on
all of the menu screens certain parts are gadgets so just click on them
to get that part to work.
SHIPS: (Novice or Expert) Makes the Enemy better and searching for
you and also in combat.
WEAPONS: (Novice or Expert) Makes SeaLance weapons less accurate and
the enemy weapons more effective.
MOVIES: (On or Off) Allows you to turn off the animation part of
SeaLance after you get sick of seeing the screens during play. When
the option is off, sound makes up for the lack of animation.
SOUND: (On or Off) If you don't want to here the sound of the game
either because you don't want someone to know your playing a game, or
if you are listening to music then you can use this option.
MIDDLE PART: This is a List of SeaLances best 10 Captains and how
they scored, I myself have never yet finished the Mission. Thats
why I have given you the mission, I designed the weapon system and
now it is time for you to take command.
LOAD GAME: Allow you to load up to 4 versions of the mission, so that
you can come back at play again. Also the game should take about 30
real time hours to WIN because of Travel time around the globe.
SAVE GAME: Allows you to save up to 4 versions of the mission.
NEW GAME: Allows you to start a new game without having to reboot
the system.
QUIT GAME: Allows you to quit either back to Amiga Dos or WorkBench
depending on how you loaded Sealance.
*** To get back to the game click again on the menu button or on the
continue SeaLance gadget.
There is some other option and data screens they are:
-Arming SeaLance
-Enter High Score
-Start New Game or Load Old Game
-Game Over (Sunk or Won)
-Load Game
-Save Game
These screens work the same way that all the others have so I will
let your knowledge figure them out they are pretty easy to
PART IV Future Updates of SeaLance
Future updates totally depend on the amount of response I get
back from users of SeaLance. Hopefully, this will be everybody
because I have spent alot of time making this program one of the
truly best Submarine simulators avaiable to date. The following is
a list of possible ideas avaible on upcoming versions, if I get
enough shareware response. Oh, also I welcome your ideas to just
include them with your shareware fee. Please recognize all ideas
sent to me will be the property of Jason Bauer.
Future Ideas:
-More Enemy Ships including ships from other navies such as the U.S
-Improved Enemy Capbilities
-Continous Action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-3d Graphics
-Revolving Torpedo Tubes (Classified)
-More Digitized Pictures and More Sound Effects
-Better Sonar Screen with more options for this function
-Fiber Optics MST and RADAR so SeaLance can stay at maxium depth
-Better Materials in the Hull, Greater Depths
-More Detailed World Map
-Faster Code!
-KeyPad Control
-ECM System (Use: Classified, Sorry.)
-NAP System (Use: Classified, Sorry.)
PART V About Programmer and ShareWare
This section will tell you a little more about me the programmer and
about shareware. First of all, Shareware is where you get a copy of a
program and play or use it, before you actually purchase it by sending
the author money then you have purchase the program. If you don't like
the program which I cannot believe why you wouldn't like SeaLance you
don't have to send in the donation. This is basically and Honor system,
well I just wanted to clear up what shareware is. I would like to
encourage everyone to spread the disk all over as long as all the files
stay with the running version.
I am a sophmore at Central Michigan University majoring in
computer science, and minoring in earth science. I have been
programming since I was in 6th grade, and taught myself 'C' when I
was a sophmore in high school. I have written a couple public
domain programs before starting this project. They are Ups & Downs and
Humartia. Oh, I just wanted to mention I'm sorry for any spelling
errors in this documentation, but I have been trying to get this
written so I can get Sealance out to the public. I am currently
workly on 2 other programs that will be released as commercial
software. The titles and ideas behind them I cannot release at this
time but in the future, look for other programs by Jason Bauer. I
wrote SeaLance on an Amiga 500 with no hard disk drive, so for all
programmers out there it can be done without the use of the best model
of computer such as the Amiga 3000. I hope you enjoy SeaLance and
I look forward to hearing from you in your letters. Thanks!
Well, Good Luck on Your Mission Sir!
Recommended: Buy some books on Modern Submarines for Tactics and more
information about systems, etc. Alot of these things
are used in SeaLance.
Remember: Success is 100% Confidence in your ablities and in your crew!!!