Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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Assembly Source File
151 lines
; ircserver.asm
; This Lattice V5.04 assembly language routine gets added to the
; level 2 interrupt server chain to deal with INT2 interrupts
; caused by bringing the ACK pin on the parallel port low.
; NOTE: Lattice asm doesn't like: move.l _irc, a1
; and DOES like: move.l _irc,a1
; Only difference is the space before "a1".
; Also, calling an external Lattice C routine from assembly must be
; done after the Enable(), Permit(). (Would probably work before
; the Forbid(), Disable() too.)
; To pass a variable which is a pointer to a C function use:
; [struct Interrupt *SoftInterrupt; Cause(SoftInterrupt);]
; move.l _SoftInterrupt,a1 ; Put address of Interrupt structure
; move.l a1,-(a7) ; onto stack.
; JSR _Cause
; ADDQ #4,A7 ; Fix the stack pointer.
; To pass a variable which is NOT a pointer AS a pointer to a C function use:
; [struct Interrupt SoftInterrupt; Cause(&SoftInterrupt);]
; LEA _SoftInterrupt,A1
; MOVE.L A1,-(A7)
; JSR _Cause
; ADDQ #4,A7 ; Fix the stack pointer.
csect data,1,,2,2
xref _LVOSignal
csect text
xdef _ircserver
xref _ciab
xref _SoftInterrupt
xref _thisTask
xref _TimerSigMask
xref _buffer
xref _NSamples
xref _Forbid
xref _Disable
xref _Enable
xref _Permit
xref _custom
data1 equ $bfe101
dir1 equ $bfe301
; Save registers on stack.
MOVEM.L A2-A6/D2-D7,-(SP) ; Push Registers
; Disable interrupts and tasking.
JSR _Forbid ; RKM says this is a no-no but don't work without it.
JSR _Disable
; Machine is MINE now until I let it go!
; Read from parallel port to see if IR hardware triggered this interrupt.
; If not then let the server chain continue without further ado.
; Set up parallel port for reading.
move.b #0,dir1 * all lines read
move.b #0,data1
move.b data1,d0 ; Move byte from parallel port to register.
andi.b #$01,d0 ; Mask off bit 0.
beq proceed ; If bit is one, then proceed to capture data.
JSR _Enable
JSR _Permit ; RKM says this is a no-no but don't work without it.
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A6/D2-D7 ; Pop Registers
MOVEQ #$00,D0 ; Continue the server chain.
; Disable the ACK interrupt until after processing is done.
; (Is re-enabled in irc.c)
; Hex 10 = 00010000 Should disable the 8520 FLAG interrupt.
proceed: move.b #$10,$BFED01
; Turn off the display so that DMA access for screen update doesn't
; steal cycles from the 68000 processor.
; $0100 = clear BPLEN bit; custom+$96 = dmacon register
move.w #$100,$96+_custom
; Start timer B.
lea.l _ciab,a1 ; Get address of ciab
adda.l #$F00,a1 ; Add offset for ciacrb register.
or.b #$01,(a1) ; $01 = CIACRBF_START ---> Starts timer b!
; Read data from parallel port until buffer is full.
hold: move.b $bfdd00,d0 ; Read 8520 IRC register to get/reset interrupt bit
andi.l #$02,d0 ; Mask off timer B interrupt bit.
beq hold ; Loop till get an interrupt.
; Read a byte from 8250-A (parallel port) The data direction registers are
; set up in SoftHandler.
movea.l _buffer,a1 ; a1 now holds buffer location
move.b data1,(a1)+ ; Move byte from parallel port to buffer.
move.l a1,_buffer ; Update pointer to buffer.
subq.l #$1,_NSamples ; 8
bne hold ; Go wait for next timeout if buffer not full.
move.b #$02,$BFDD00 ; Disable timer B interrupts.
move.b $bfdd00,d0 ; Read 8520 IRC register to reset interrupt bit.
; Turn on the display (enable bitplane DMA).
; $8100 = set BPLEN bit; custom+$96 = dmacon register
move.w #$8100,_custom+$96
; Enable interrupts and tasking.
JSR _Enable
JSR _Permit ; RKM says this is a no-no but don't work without it.
; Signal main task to wake up. Data is ready!
move.l _TimerSigMask,d0 ; Set up data in registers.
movea.l _thisTask,a1
movea.l $4,a6
jsr _LVOSignal(a6) ; Send signal (see note above.)
; Clean up, restore registers and return.
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A6/D2-D7 ; Pop Registers
MOVEQ #$00,D0 ; Continue the server chain.