Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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# Makefile for DKB Ray Tracing Program by David Buck and Aaron Collins
# This file is released to the public domain.
# MAKE Macros and Such...
#* Amiga Options
# Uncomment for Amiga Lattice C FFP
# CFLAGS = -cusrft -ff -m0 -q5w5e -b0 -O -v
# DUMPFLAGS = -cusrt -ff -m0 -q5w5e -O -v
# Uncomment for Amiga Lattice C with 68881
# CFLAGS = -cusrft -f8 -m2 -q5w5e -b0 -O -v
# Flags for debugging
# CFLAGS = -cusrft -f8 -m2 -b0 -q5w5e -d5 -v
#LIBSFFP = lib:lcmffp.lib lib:lcnb.lib lib:amiga.lib
#LIBS881 = lib:lcm881.lib lib:lcnb.lib lib:amiga.lib
#OBJ = o
#MACHINE_OBJ = amiga.$(OBJ)
# Make's implicit rules for making a .o file from a .c file...
#.c.o :
# $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
# Generic "Unix" MAKE's implicit rules for making a .OBJ file from a .C file
#*.o : *.c
# $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
#* IBM Options
# Note for the IBM Version:
# Uses system environment variable LIB for the linker's .LIB file path.
# (Example: Set LIB=C:\LIB) if you change this the two .LNK files will also
# need to be changed as well. The system environment variable CMODEL also
# may be defined for the memory model of the compiler. DKBTrace requires
# the "Large" memory model. (Example Set CMODEL=l) If you don't want to
# use the DOS environment variables, uncomment the following two lines:
LIB =c:\lib
CC =tcc
OBJ =obj
# Uncomment Turbo Link for Symbolic Debugging, or use DOS/MS-LINK for
# faster .EXE execution speed (shame on you, Borland, for no FARCALL!...)
# Note: you also must use a -v in the CFLAGS rather than -v- if you want
# to use the symbolic debugging facilities of Turbo-Debug.
#TLINK =tlink /l/v
# IBM (Turbo-MAKE, actually) Specific MAKE Directives:
# Uncomment This for No Numeric Data Processor Extension (No Math Co)
# Uncomment This for NDP Extension (80x87 Co-Processor) Support
# Uncomment for 8086/8088 instruction set usage
#CFLAGS =-m$(CMODEL) -r -K -G -O -Z -d -c -v- -k- -N- -DTURBOC
# Uncomment for 80186/80268 (incl. V20!) instruction set usage
CFLAGS =-m$(CMODEL) -1 -a -r -K -G -O -Z -d -c -v- -k- -N- -DTURBOC
# Turbo-MAKE's implicit rules for making a .OBJ file from a .C file...
.c.obj :
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
# Generic "Unix" MAKE's implicit rules for making an .OBJ file from a .C file
#*.obj : *.c
# $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
#* Common Stuff
DKBOBJS = trace.$(OBJ) render.$(OBJ) tokenize.$(OBJ) parse.$(OBJ) \
objects.$(OBJ) spheres.$(OBJ) quadrics.$(OBJ) lighting.$(OBJ) \
prioq.$(OBJ) texture.$(OBJ) matrices.$(OBJ) csg.$(OBJ) \
colour.$(OBJ) viewpnt.$(OBJ) ray.$(OBJ) planes.$(OBJ) iff.$(OBJ) \
gif.$(OBJ) gifdecod.$(OBJ) triangle.$(OBJ) raw.$(OBJ) dump.$(OBJ) \
targa.$(OBJ) quartics.$(OBJ) vect.$(OBJ) $(MACHINE_OBJ)
# Amiga Linkage...
trace881: $(DKBOBJS)
blink with withfile LIB $(LIBS881) TO trace881
traceffp: $(DKBOBJS)
blink with withfile LIB $(LIBSFFP) TO traceffp
Sculpt2DKB: Sculpt2DKB.o
blink lib:c.o Sculpt2DKB.o lib $(LIBSFFP) to Sculpt2DKB
# IBM Linkage...
dkb.exe : $(DKBOBJS)
$(TLINK) @dkbtc87.lnk
dkbno87.exe : $(DKBOBJS)
$(TLINK) @dkbtc.lnk
Dump2RAW.exe : Dump2RAW.obj
TGA2Dump.exe : TGA2Dump.obj
Sculpt2D.exe : Sculpt2D.obj
$(TLINK) $(LIB)\c0$(CMODEL)+Sculpt2D,Sculpt2D,Sculpt2D/m,$(LINKFLAGS)
gluetga.exe : gluetga.obj
$(TLINK) $(LIB)\c0$(CMODEL)+gluetga,gluetga,gluetga/m,$(LINKFLAGS)
halftga.exe : halftga.obj
$(TLINK) $(LIB)\c0$(CMODEL)+halftga,halftga,halftga/m,$(LINKFLAGS)
# Specific module/header dependencies for DKBtrace:
Dump2RAW.$(OBJ) : Dump2RAW.c config.h
TGA2Dump.$(OBJ) : TGA2Dump.c
Sculpt2DKB.$(OBJ) : Sculpt2DKB.c dkbproto.h frame.h
halftga.$(OBJ) : halftga.c
gluetga.$(OBJ) : gluetga.c
trace.$(OBJ) : trace.c dkbproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
tokenize.$(OBJ) : tokenize.c dkbproto.h frame.h config.h
parse.$(OBJ) : parse.c dkbproto.h frame.h config.h
render.$(OBJ) : render.c dkbproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
lighting.$(OBJ) : lighting.c dkbproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
prioq.$(OBJ) : prioq.c dkbproto.h frame.h config.h
texture.$(OBJ) : texture.c dkbproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
objects.$(OBJ) : objects.c dkbproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
spheres.$(OBJ) : spheres.c dkbproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
planes.$(OBJ) : planes.c dkbproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
quadrics.$(OBJ) : quadrics.c dkbproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
quartics.$(OBJ) : quartics.c dkbproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
vect.$(OBJ) : vect.c dkbproto.h frame.h config.h
matrices.$(OBJ) : matrices.c dkbproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
csg.$(OBJ) : csg.c dkbproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
colour.$(OBJ) : colour.c dkbproto.h frame.h config.h
viewpnt.$(OBJ) : viewpnt.c dkbproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
ray.$(OBJ) : ray.c dkbproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
iff.$(OBJ) : iff.c dkbproto.h frame.h config.h
gif.$(OBJ) : gif.c dkbproto.h frame.h config.h
gifdecod.$(OBJ) : gifdecod.c dkbproto.h frame.h config.h
raw.$(OBJ) : raw.c dkbproto.h frame.h config.h
triangle.$(OBJ) : triangle.c dkbproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
amiga.$(OBJ) : amiga.c dkbproto.h frame.h config.h
ibm.$(OBJ) : ibm.c dkbproto.h frame.h config.h
unix.$(OBJ) : unix.c dkbproto.h frame.h config.h
# Utilities
# Amiga Linkage
Dump2RGB: Dump2RGB.o
blink lib:c.o Dump2RGB.o LIB $(LIBSFFP) TO Dump2RGB
Dump2Raw: Dump2Raw.o
blink lib:c.o Dump2Raw.o LIB $(LIBSFFP) TO Dump2Raw
DumpToIFF: DumpToIFF.o palette.o showprioq.o gio.o iffw.o ilbmw.o putpict.o packer.o
blink with dumpwithfile LIB $(LIBSFFP) TO DumpToIFF
DumpToIFF.o: DumpToIFF.c
Dump2RGB.o: Dump2RGB.c
Dump2Raw.o: Dump2Raw.c
TGA2Dump.o: TGA2Dump.c
palette.o: palette.c showprioq.h
showprioq.o: showprioq.c showprioq.h
gio.o: gio.c
iffw.o: iffw.c
ilbmw.o: ilbmw.c
putpict.o: putpict.c
packer.o: packer.c