Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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449 lines
/* */
/* DumpToIFF24: Convert DKB/QRT Dump file to IFF 24 bit format. */
/* */
/* This can be used when converting output from the DKB raytracer to*/
/* HAM-E format. */
/* */
/* Usage: */
/* dump2i24 <dump-file> <iff-file> */
/* */
/* History: */
/* 17-Oct-90: First version. */
/* Helge E. Rasmussen (her@compel.dk) */
/* */
/* 25-Apr-91: 2nd version - somewhat ANSI-ized */
/* David K. Buck and Aaron A. Collins */
/* */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef lint
static char *RCS_Version =
"@(#)dump2i24.c v. 1.0 17-Oct-90 by Helge E. Rasmussen";
unsigned char *PutDump(unsigned char *, long);
unsigned char *PutRun(unsigned char *, long, long);
long PackRow(unsigned char *, unsigned char **, long);
void Plot_Pixel(unsigned char **, long, long);
void Write_String(FILE *, char *, long);
void Write_Byte(FILE *, long);
void Write_Word(FILE *, long);
void Write_Long(FILE *, long);
void Convert_Dump_To_Iff24(FILE *, FILE *);
#define USAGE "Usage: dump2i24 <dump_file> <iff_file>"
#define DEPTH 24 /* Depth of Amiga rgb24 image */
#define BMHDsize 20L /* Size of BMHD chunk */
int Compress = 1; /* compress image? */
/************************ run length encoding from Amiga RKM *****************/
unsigned char *Dst_Ptr, Dst_Buf[BUFSIZ];
long Dst_Size;
char Rle_Buf[256];
#define DUMP 0 /* list of different bytes */
#define RUN 1 /* single run of bytes */
#define MinRun 3 /* shortest allowed run */
#define MaxRun 128 /* longest run (length is signed char) */
#define MaxDat 128 /* longest block of unencoded data */
#define PutByte(dst,c,size) { *dst++ = (char)(c); ++size; }
#define OutDump(dst,nn) dst = PutDump(dst,nn);
#define OutRun(dst,nn,cc) dst = PutRun(dst,nn,cc);
unsigned char *PutDump(Dst_Ptr, nn)
unsigned char *Dst_Ptr;
long nn;
/* */
/* */
long i;
PutByte(Dst_Ptr, nn - 1, Dst_Size);
for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) PutByte(Dst_Ptr, Rle_Buf[i], Dst_Size);
return (Dst_Ptr);
} /* PutDump */
unsigned char *PutRun(Dst_Ptr, nn, cc)
unsigned char *Dst_Ptr;
long nn, cc;
/* */
/* */
PutByte(Dst_Ptr, -(nn - 1), Dst_Size);
PutByte(Dst_Ptr, cc, Dst_Size);
return (Dst_Ptr);
} /* PutRun */
long PackRow(Source, pDst, RowSize)
unsigned char *Source;
unsigned char **pDst;
long RowSize;
/* */
/* PackRow - pack a row of data using Amiga IFF RLE */
/* */
unsigned char *Dst_Ptr;
char c;
char lastc;
long mode = DUMP;
long rstart = 0; /* Buf index current run starts */
long nBuf; /* number of chars in Buf */
Dst_Ptr = *pDst;
Dst_Size = 0;
Rle_Buf[0] = lastc = c = *Source++;
nBuf = 1;
for (; RowSize > 0; --RowSize) {
Rle_Buf[nBuf++] = c = *Source++;
switch (mode) {
case DUMP:
if (nBuf > MaxDat) {
OutDump(Dst_Ptr, nBuf - 1);
Rle_Buf[0] = c;
nBuf = 1;
rstart = 0;
if (c == lastc) {
if (nBuf - rstart >= MinRun) {
if (rstart > 0) OutDump(Dst_Ptr, rstart);
mode = RUN;
else if (rstart == 0)
mode = RUN;
rstart = nBuf - 1;
case RUN:
if ((c != lastc) || (nBuf - rstart > MaxRun)) {
OutRun(Dst_Ptr, (nBuf - 1) - rstart, lastc);
Rle_Buf[0] = c;
nBuf = 1;
rstart = 0;
mode = DUMP;
} /* switch */
lastc = c;
} /* for */
switch (mode) {
case DUMP:
OutDump(Dst_Ptr, nBuf);
case RUN:
OutRun(Dst_Ptr, nBuf - rstart, lastc);
} /* switch */
*pDst = Dst_Ptr;
} /* PackRow */
/******************* end of RKM RL encoding routines **********************/
void Plot_Pixel(Planes, Column, Color)
unsigned char *Planes[];
long Column;
long Color;
/* */
/* Plot 'Color' in the bitplanes at the position given by 'Column' */
/* */
register long Bit;
register unsigned char Shifted_Bit = (unsigned char)(1 << (7 - (Column % 8)));
register long Array_Offset = Column / 8;
register long Plane;
for (Plane = 0; Color && (Plane < DEPTH); Plane++) {
Bit = Color & 1;
Color >>= 1;
if (Bit) *(Planes[Plane] + Array_Offset) |= Shifted_Bit;
} /* for */
} /* Plot_Pixel */
void Write_String(Stream, String, Length)
FILE *Stream;
char *String;
long Length;
/* */
/* */
fwrite(String, 1, (unsigned int)Length, Stream);
} /* Write_String */
void Write_Byte(Stream, Value)
FILE *Stream;
long Value;
/* */
/* */
putc ((int) (Value & 0xFF), Stream);
} /* Write_Byte */
void Write_Word(Stream, Value)
FILE *Stream;
long Value;
/* */
/* */
putc ((int) (Value>>8 & 0xFF), Stream);
putc ((int) (Value & 0xFF), Stream);
} /* Write_Word */
void Write_Long(Stream, Value)
FILE *Stream;
long Value;
/* */
/* */
putc ((int) (Value>>24 & 0xFF), Stream);
putc ((int) (Value>>16 & 0xFF), Stream);
putc ((int) (Value>>8 & 0xFF), Stream);
putc ((int) (Value & 0xFF), Stream);
} /* Write_Long */
void Convert_Dump_To_Iff24(Dump_Stream, Iff_Stream)
FILE *Dump_Stream;
FILE *Iff_Stream;
/* */
/* Write an DKB/QRT Dumpimage from 'Dump_Stream' and write the image in */
/* IFF 24-bit format on 'Iff_Stream'. */
/* */
long Row, Col;
long Plane;
long i;
unsigned char *Red, *Green, *Blue;
long RgbVal;
long Row_Size; /* number of bytes in IFF row of data */
long Length;
long Body_Size;
long Form_Size;
long Pos_Form_Size;
long Pos_Body_Size;
unsigned char *Planes[DEPTH];
long Nbr_Cols, Nbr_Rows;
long Dump_Buffer_Length;
unsigned char *Dump_Buffer;
long Dump_Row;
printf("Reading DKB/QRT Dump file.\n");
Nbr_Cols = getc(Dump_Stream);
Nbr_Cols |= (getc(Dump_Stream)<<8);
Nbr_Rows = getc(Dump_Stream);
Nbr_Rows |= (getc(Dump_Stream)<<8);
Row_Size = ((Nbr_Cols + 15) / 16) * 2;
printf("Width = %d, Height = %d.\n", Nbr_Cols, Nbr_Rows);
Dump_Buffer_Length = Nbr_Cols * 3;
Dump_Buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc((unsigned int)Dump_Buffer_Length);
if (Dump_Buffer == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate space for Dump file buffer\n");
/* Allocate memory for bit planes for one scanline. */
for (Plane = 0; Plane < DEPTH ; Plane++) {
Planes[Plane] = (unsigned char *)malloc((unsigned int)Row_Size);
if (Planes[Plane] == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate memory for planes.\n");
} /* for */
Write_String(Iff_Stream, "FORM", 4);
Pos_Form_Size = ftell(Iff_Stream);
Write_Long(Iff_Stream, 0L); /* This value is filled out later */
Write_String(Iff_Stream, "ILBM", 4);
Write_String(Iff_Stream, "BMHD", 4);
Write_Long(Iff_Stream, BMHDsize);
Write_Word(Iff_Stream, Nbr_Cols); /* Width */
Write_Word(Iff_Stream, Nbr_Rows); /* Height */
Write_Word(Iff_Stream, 0); /* Top */
Write_Word(Iff_Stream, 0); /* Left */
Write_Byte(Iff_Stream, DEPTH); /* Depth */
Write_Byte(Iff_Stream, 0); /* Mask */
Write_Byte(Iff_Stream, Compress); /* Compress */
Write_Byte(Iff_Stream, 0); /* Pad */
Write_Word(Iff_Stream, 0); /* Transparency */
Write_Byte(Iff_Stream, 10); /* Aspect x */
Write_Byte(Iff_Stream, 11); /* Aspect y */
Write_Word(Iff_Stream, Nbr_Cols); /* Page Width */
Write_Word(Iff_Stream, Nbr_Rows); /* Page Height */
Write_String(Iff_Stream, "BODY", 4);
Pos_Body_Size = ftell(Iff_Stream);
Write_Long(Iff_Stream, 0L); /* This value is filled out later */
Body_Size= 0;
for (Row = 0; Row < Nbr_Rows; Row++) {
if (Row % 50 == 0) { printf("%d", Row); fflush(stdout); }
else if (Row % 10 == 0) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); }
for (Plane = 0; Plane < DEPTH ; Plane++) {
for (i = 0; i < Row_Size; i++) Planes[Plane][i] = 0;
} /* for */
Dump_Row = getc(Dump_Stream);
Dump_Row |= (getc(Dump_Stream)<<8);
if (! fread(Dump_Buffer, (unsigned int)Dump_Buffer_Length, 1, Dump_Stream)) {
"Premature end of file at line %d (%d).\n", Row, Dump_Row);
} /* if */
Red = Dump_Buffer;
Green = Red + Nbr_Cols;
Blue = Green + Nbr_Cols;
for (Col = 0; Col < Nbr_Cols; Col++) {
RgbVal = ((*Blue++) << 16) +
((*Green++) << 8) +
Plot_Pixel(Planes, Col, RgbVal);
} /* for */
for (Plane = 0; Plane < DEPTH ; Plane++) {
if (Compress) {
Dst_Ptr = Dst_Buf;
Length = PackRow(Planes[Plane], &Dst_Ptr, Row_Size);
Write_String(Iff_Stream, Dst_Buf, Length);
Body_Size += Length;
} else {
Write_String(Iff_Stream, Planes[Plane], Row_Size);
Body_Size += Row_Size;
} /* for */
} /* for */
fseek(Iff_Stream, Pos_Body_Size, 0);
Write_Long(Iff_Stream, Body_Size);
Form_Size = Body_Size + BMHDsize + 28;
fseek(Iff_Stream, Pos_Form_Size, 0);
Write_Long(Iff_Stream, Form_Size);
for (Plane = 0; Plane < DEPTH ; Plane++) free(Planes[Plane]);
} /* Convert_Dump_To_Iff24 */
void main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
/* */
/* Convert DKB/QRT Dump File to IFF 24 bit format. */
/* */
FILE *Dump_Stream;
char *Dump_Filename;
FILE *Iff_Stream;
char *Iff_Filename;
if (argc != 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", USAGE);
} /* if */
Dump_Filename = argv[1];
Iff_Filename = argv[2];
Dump_Stream = fopen(Dump_Filename, "rb");
if (Dump_Stream == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening '%s' for reading.\n", Dump_Filename);
} /* if */
Iff_Stream = fopen(Iff_Filename, "wb");
if (Iff_Stream == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening '%s' for writing\n", Iff_Filename);
} /* if */
Convert_Dump_To_Iff24(Dump_Stream, Iff_Stream);
} /* main */