Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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C/C++ Source or Header
1,012 lines
/* */
/* MC68000 Cross Assembler */
/* */
/* Copyright 1985 by Brian R. Anderson */
/* */
/* Main program - April 16, 1991 */
/* */
/* This program may be copied for personal, non-commercial use */
/* only, provided that the above copyright notice is included */
/* on all copies of the source code. Copying for any other use */
/* without the consent of the author is prohibited. */
/* */
/* */
/* Originally published (in Modula-2) in */
/* Dr. Dobb's Journal, April, May, and June 1986. */
/* */
/* AmigaDOS conversion copyright 1991 by Charlie Gibbs. */
/* */
#define PRIMARY
#include "A68kdef.h"
#include "A68kglb.h"
char *Version = "2.71 (April 16, 1991)";
#ifdef MSDOS
/* */
/* NOTE: the following line, plus any additional references */
/* to _iomode, is inserted to make this program work under */
/* the MS-DOS version of Lattice C. It is not necessary */
/* for the Amiga version, but does no harm if left in. */
/* */
int _iomode = 0; /* File mode - 0x8000 for binary */
void main (argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[];
char ListFN[MAXFN], EquateFN[MAXFN]; /* File names */
int makeequ; /* Make an equate file. */
int keepobj; /* Keep object file with errors. */
int endfile; /* End-of-file flag */
long maxheap2; /* Maximum secondary heap size */
int cmderror, dummy;
long codesize, datasize, bsssize;
int *intptr;
long templong;
char tempchar[MAXLINE];
register int i, j;
struct SymTab **hashptr, **fsp;
struct FwdBr *fp1, *fp2, *fp3;
dummy = 0;
Hash = NULL; /* Clear all memory pointers - */
SymStart = NULL; /* we haven't allocated anything yet. */
NameStart = NULL;
RelStart = NULL;
Heap2 = NULL;
SymSort = NULL;
In.fd = Eq.fd = List.fd = Srec.fd = NULL; /* No files are open yet. */
In.Buf = Eq.Buf = List.Buf = Srec.Buf = NULL;
cmderror = FALSE; /* Clear command-line error flag. */
InclErrs = FALSE;
SourceFN[0] = '\0'; /* We don't have source name yet. */
HeaderFN[0] = EquateFN[0] = '\0'; /* No header or equate files yet */
makeequ = FALSE;
ListFN[0] = SrecFN[0] = '\0'; /* Indicate default file names. */
InclList[0] = '\0'; /* Clear the include directory list. */
IdntName[0] = '\0'; /* Clear program unit name. */
DataOffset = 32768L; /* Default small data offset */
LnMax = 60; /* Default page size */
Quiet = 100; /* Show progress every 100 lines. */
strcpy (MacSize, "W"); /* Macro call size (\0) */
XrefList = DumpSym = GotEqur = KeepTabs = keepobj = FALSE;
SuppList = TRUE; /* Default to no listing file. */
HashStats = FALSE; /* Default to no hashing statistics. */
HashSize = DEFHASH; /* Hash table size default */
maxheap2 = DEFHEAP2; /* Secondary heap size default */
DebugStart = 32767; DebugEnd = 0; /* Disable debug displays. */
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
OpPrec[i] = '\0'; /* Set up the operator precedence table. */
i = (unsigned int) '('; OpPrec[i] = 1;
i = (unsigned int) ')'; OpPrec[i] = 2;
i = (unsigned int) '+'; OpPrec[i] = 3;
i = (unsigned int) '-'; OpPrec[i] = 3;
i = (unsigned int) '*'; OpPrec[i] = 4;
i = (unsigned int) '/'; OpPrec[i] = 4;
i = (unsigned int) '&'; OpPrec[i] = 5;
i = (unsigned int) '!'; OpPrec[i] = 5;
i = (unsigned int) '|'; OpPrec[i] = 5;
i = (unsigned int) '<'; OpPrec[i] = 6;
i = (unsigned int) '>'; OpPrec[i] = 6;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { /* Analyze the command line. */
if (argv[i][0] != '-') {
if (SourceFN[0] == '\0')
strcpy (SourceFN, argv[i]); /* Source file name */
else if (SrecFN[0] == '\0')
strcpy (SrecFN, argv[i]); /* Object file name */
else if (ListFN[0] == '\0')
strcpy (ListFN, argv[i]); /* Listing file name */
else {
fprintf (stderr, "Too many file names.\n");
cmderror = TRUE;
} else {
switch (toupper(argv[i][1])) {
case 'D': /* Dump the symbol table. */
DumpSym = TRUE;
strcpy (DumpSymList, &argv[i][2]); /* Selections */
case 'E': /* Equate file name */
makeequ = TRUE;
if (getfilename (EquateFN, &argv[i][2], "Equate", FALSE))
cmderror = keepobj = TRUE;
case 'F': /* Dump the symbol table. */
FwdProc = TRUE;
cmderror |= checkswitch (argv[i], "forward reference");
case 'G': /* XREF all unknown globals */
GlobalXREF = TRUE;
cmderror |= checkswitch (argv[i], "automatic XREF");
case 'H': /* Header file name */
if (getfilename (HeaderFN, &argv[i][2], "Header", TRUE))
cmderror = keepobj = TRUE;
case 'I': /* Include directories */
if (argv[i][2]) {
if (InclList[0])
strcat (InclList, ","); /* Add to previous list */
strcat (InclList, &argv[i][2]);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Include directory list is missing.\n");
cmderror = keepobj = TRUE;
case 'K': /* Keep object code file. */
keepobj = TRUE;
cmderror |= checkswitch (argv[i], "object file keep");
case 'X': /* Cross-reference listing */
XrefList = TRUE; /* Falls through to case 'L': */
case 'L': /* Produce a listing file. */
SuppList = FALSE;
if (getfilename (ListFN, &argv[i][2], "List", FALSE))
cmderror = keepobj = TRUE;
case 'M': /* Offset to small data base */
if (argv[i][2] == '\0') {
fprintf (stderr, "Small data offset is missing.\n");
cmderror = keepobj = TRUE;
if (!isdigit (argv[i][2])) {
fprintf (stderr, "Small data offset is invalid.\n");
cmderror = TRUE;
DataOffset = CalcValue (&argv[i][2], 0);
case 'N': /* Suppress optimization. */
NoOpt = TRUE;
cmderror |= checkswitch (argv[i], "optimization suppress");
case 'O': /* Object file name */
if (getfilename (SrecFN, &argv[i][2], "Object", TRUE))
cmderror = keepobj = TRUE;
case 'P': /* Page depth */
if (argv[i][2] == '\0') {
fprintf (stderr, "Page depth is missing.\n");
cmderror = keepobj = TRUE;
if (!isdigit (argv[i][2])) {
fprintf (stderr, "Page depth is invalid.\n");
cmderror = TRUE;
if ((LnMax = CalcValue (&argv[i][2], 0)) < 10) {
fprintf (stderr, "Page depth is invalid.\n");
cmderror = TRUE;
case 'Q': /* Quiet console display */
if (argv[i][2] == '\0') {
Quiet = 0;
if (!isdigit (argv[i][2])) {
fprintf (stderr, "Quiet interval is invalid.\n");
cmderror = TRUE;
Quiet = CalcValue (&argv[i][2], 0);
case 'S': /* Motorola S-format */
SFormat = TRUE;
cmderror |= checkswitch (argv[i], "S-format");
case 'T': /* Keep tabs in listing. */
KeepTabs = TRUE;
cmderror |= checkswitch (argv[i], "tab");
case 'W': /* Work storage size(s) */
if (argv[i][2] == '\0') {
fprintf (stderr, "Work storage size is missing.\n");
cmderror = keepobj = TRUE;
if (argv[i][2] != ',') {
GetField (argv[i]+2, tempchar);
if (!isdigit (tempchar[0])) {
fprintf (stderr, "Hash table size is invalid.\n");
cmderror = TRUE;
HashSize = CalcValue (tempchar, 0);
if (HashSize >= 16384) {
fprintf (stderr, "Hash table size is too big.\n");
cmderror = TRUE;
for (j = 2; argv[i][j]; j++) {
if (argv[i][j] == ',') { /* Find secondary size. */
if (!isdigit (argv[i][j+1])) {
fprintf (stderr, "Secondary size is invalid.\n");
cmderror = TRUE;
maxheap2 = CalcValue (&argv[i][j+1], 0);
if (maxheap2 < MAXLINE)
maxheap2 = MAXLINE;
maxheap2 &= ~3L;
case 'Y': /* Display hashing statistics. */
HashStats = TRUE;
cmderror |= checkswitch (argv[i], "hash statistics");
case 'Z': /* Debug option */
DebugStart = 0;
DebugEnd = 32767;
if (argv[i][2] != ',') { /* Debug dump starts here. */
GetField (argv[i]+2, tempchar);
if (!isdigit (tempchar[0])) {
fprintf (stderr, "Debug start line is invalid.\n");
cmderror = TRUE;
DebugStart = CalcValue (tempchar, 0);
for (j = 2; argv[i][j]; j++) {
if (argv[i][j] == ',') { /* Debug dump ends here. */
if (!isdigit (argv[i][j+1])) {
fprintf (stderr, "Debug end line is invalid.\n");
cmderror = TRUE;
DebugEnd = CalcValue (&argv[i][j+1], 0);
if (DebugEnd == 0)
DebugEnd = 32767;
fprintf (stderr, "Unrecognized switch: %c\n", argv[i][1]);
cmderror = TRUE;
if (makeequ)
defaultfile (EquateFN, ".equ"); /* Default equate file name */
if (!SuppList)
defaultfile (ListFN, ".lst"); /* Default list file name */
else /* If there's no listing, don't bother */
KeepTabs = TRUE; /* expanding tabs - it's faster. */
if (SFormat)
defaultfile (SrecFN, ".s"); /* Default S-format file name */
defaultfile (SrecFN, ".o"); /* Default object file name */
/* Check for duplicate file names. */
if (SourceFN[0]) {
cmderror |= checkdupfile (SourceFN, "Source", EquateFN, "equate");
cmderror |= checkdupfile (SourceFN, "Source", ListFN, "listing");
cmderror |= checkdupfile (SourceFN, "Source", SrecFN, "object");
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Source file name is missing.\n");
cmderror = TRUE;
if (EquateFN[0]) {
cmderror |= checkdupfile (EquateFN, "Equate", ListFN, "listing");
cmderror |= checkdupfile (EquateFN, "Equate", SrecFN, "object");
if (ListFN[0]) {
cmderror |= checkdupfile (ListFN, "Listing", SrecFN, "object");
/* Open files. */
if (!cmderror) { /* Source file */
if ((In.Buf = (char *) malloc (BUFFSIZE)) == NULL)
quit_cleanup ("Out of memory!\n");
#ifdef MSDOS
_iomode = 0x8000;
if ((In.fd = open (SourceFN, 0)) < 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "Unable to open source file.\n");
In.fd = NULL;
cmderror = TRUE;
In.Ptr = In.Lim = In.Buf;
#ifdef MSDOS
_iomode = 0;
if (!cmderror && EquateFN[0]) /* Equate file */
cmderror |= xopen (EquateFN, &Eq, "equate");
if (!cmderror && !SuppList) /* Listing file */
cmderror |= xopen (ListFN, &List, "listing");
#ifdef MSDOS
if (!SFormat)
_iomode = 0x8000;
if (!cmderror) /* Object code file */
cmderror |= xopen (SrecFN, &Srec, "object code");
#ifdef MSDOS
_iomode = 0x8000;
if (cmderror) {
fprintf (stderr, "\n");
fprintf (stderr, "68000 Assembler - version %s\n", Version);
fprintf (stderr, "Copyright 1985 by Brian R. Anderson\n");
fprintf (stderr, "AmigaDOS conversion copyright 1991 by Charlie Gibbs.\n\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Usage: a68k <source file>\n");
fprintf (stderr, " [-d[[!]<prefix>]] [-o<object file>]\n");
fprintf (stderr, " [-e[<equate file>]] [-p<page depth>]\n");
fprintf (stderr, " [-f] [-q[<quiet interval>]]\n");
fprintf (stderr, " [-g] [-s]\n");
fprintf (stderr, " [-h<header file>] [-t]\n");
fprintf (stderr, " [-i<include dirlist>] ");
fprintf (stderr, "[-w[<hash size>][,<heap size>]]\n");
fprintf (stderr, " [-k] [-x]\n");
fprintf (stderr, " [-l[<listing file>]] [-y]\n");
fprintf (stderr, " [-m<small data offset>] ");
fprintf (stderr, "[-z[<debug start>][,<debug end>]]\n");
fprintf (stderr, " [-n]\n\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Heap size default: -w");
fprintf (stderr, "%ld,%ld\n", (long) DEFHASH, (long) DEFHEAP2);
SrecFN[0] = '\0'; /* Don't scratch the object file! */
quit_cleanup ("\n");
if (Quiet != 0) {
printf ("68000 Assembler - version %s\n", Version);
printf ("Copyright 1985 by Brian R. Anderson\n");
printf ("AmigaDOS conversion copyright 1991 by Charlie Gibbs.\n\n");
printf ("Assembling %s\n\n", SourceFN);
/* Allocate initial symbol table chunks. */
templong = sizeof (struct SymTab *) * HashSize;
Hash = (struct SymTab **) malloc ((unsigned) templong);
if (Hash == NULL)
quit_cleanup ("Out of memory!\n");
for (hashptr = Hash, i = 0; i < HashSize; hashptr++, i++)
*hashptr = NULL; /* Clear the hash table. */
SymStart = (struct SymTab *) malloc ((unsigned) CHUNKSIZE);
if (SymStart == NULL)
quit_cleanup ("Out of memory!\n");
SymCurr = SymStart; /* Make the first chunk current. */
SymCurr->Link = NULL; /* Clear forward pointer. */
SymLim = SymCurr;
SymLim++; /* Start of names */
NameStart = (struct NameChunk *) malloc ((unsigned) CHUNKSIZE);
if (NameStart == NULL)
quit_cleanup ("Out of memory!\n");
NameCurr = NameStart; /* Make the first chunk current. */
NameCurr->Link = NULL; /* Clear forward pointer. */
NameLim = (char *) NameCurr + sizeof (char *); /* Start of names */
/* Allocate the relocation attribute table. */
RelStart = (struct RelTab *) malloc ((unsigned) CHUNKSIZE);
if (RelStart == NULL)
quit_cleanup ("Out of memory!\n");
RelCurr = RelStart; /* Relocation table */
RelCurr->Link = NULL; /* No additional chunks */
RelLast = NULL; /* There are no entries yet. */
RelLim = RelStart;
RelLim++; /* First unused space */
/* Allocate the secondary heap (input files and parser stack). */
Heap2 = malloc ((unsigned) maxheap2);
if (Heap2 == NULL)
quit_cleanup ("Out of memory!\n");
/* Allocate the INCLUDE skip table. */
SkipLim = (struct SkipEnt *) malloc ((unsigned) INCSKSIZ);
if (SkipLim == NULL)
quit_cleanup ("Out of memory!\n");
SkipIdx = SkipLim;
SetFixLim = (struct SetFixup *) ((char *) SkipLim + INCSKSIZ);
IncStart = 0;
/* Allocate the forward branch optimization log. */
if (NoOpt) {
FwdStart = NULL;
} else {
FwdStart = (struct FwdTable *) malloc ((unsigned) FWDSIZE);
if (FwdStart == NULL)
quit_cleanup ("Out of memory!\n");
FwdCurr = FwdStart; /* Make the first chunk current. */
FwdCurr->Link = NULL; /* Clear forward pointer. */
FwdLim2 = (int *) ((char *) FwdCurr + sizeof (struct FwdTable *));
FwdPtr = FwdLim2; /* Current position in pass 2 */
Begin Pass 1.
Pass2 = FALSE;
startpass ('1', maxheap2);
NumSyms = 0; /* There's nothing in the symbol table yet. */
NextHunk = 0L; /* Start in hunk zero. */
LowInF = InF; /* Initialize secondary heap usage pointers. */
High2 = NextFNS;
Low2 = (char *) LowInF;
FwdLim1 = FwdBranch; /* Forward branch controls */
FwdFixLimit = FwdBranchFix;
/* Define ".A68K" as a SET symbol with an absolute value of 1.
This allows programs to identify this assembler. */
AddSymTab (".A68K", 1L, (long) ABSHUNK, 0, 4); /* All spellings */
AddSymTab (".A68k", 1L, (long) ABSHUNK, 0, 4);
AddSymTab (".a68K", 1L, (long) ABSHUNK, 0, 4);
AddSymTab (".a68k", 1L, (long) ABSHUNK, 0, 4);
endfile = FALSE;
Dir = None;
while (!endfile && (Dir != End)) {
PrevDir = Dir; /* Save previous directive. */
endfile = LineParts (dummy); /* Get a statement. */
GetObjectCode (dummy); /* Process the statement. */
if (IncStart != 0) {
if ((OpCode[0] != '\0') && (Dir < SkipDir)) {
IncStart = 0; /* We can't */
if (SkipLim->Set1 != NULL) { /* skip this */
SetFixLim = SkipLim->Set1; /* INCLUDE file */
SetFixLim++; /* in pass 2. */
if ((HunkType == HunkNone) && (AddrAdv != 0)) {
DoSection ("", 0, "", 0, "", 0); /* Start unnamed CODE section. */
MakeHunk = TRUE;
if ((Label[0] != '\0') /* If the statement is labeled */
&& (Dir != Set) && (Dir != Equr) && (Dir != Reg)) {
if (!ReadSymTab (Label)) { /* Make a new entry. */
AddSymTab (Label, AddrCnt, CurrHunk, LineCount, 0);
} else if ((Sym->Flags & 1) /* If dup., ignore... */
|| (Sym->Defn == NODEF)) { /* else fill in... */
Sym->Val = AddrCnt; /* Current loc. */
Sym->Hunk = CurrHunk; /* Hunk number */
Sym->Defn = LineCount; /* Statement number */
Sym->Flags &= ~1; /* Clear XREF flag. */
if (Sym->Flags & 0x80) { /* If it's PUBLIC, */
Sym->Flags |= 2; /* make it XDEF. */
if (Dir == Equ) {
Sym->Val = ObjSrc; /* Equated value */
Sym->Hunk = Src.Hunk; /* Hunk number */
if (!NoOpt && (Dir != Equ)) { /* Forward optimization */
PackFwdBranch (dummy); /* Drop expired entries. */
fp1 = FwdBranch;
while (fp1 < FwdLim1) { /* Scan forward branches. */
if (fp1->FwdSym == Sym) { /* It branched here. */
if (fp1->Loc != (AddrCnt-4)) { /* Don't make zero displacement! */
if (fp1->Line < LineCount)
Sym->Val -= 2; /* Move the label back. */
AddrCnt -= 2; /* Shorten the program. */
for (fsp = FwdBranchFix; fsp < FwdFixLimit; fsp++) {
if (fp1->Loc<(*fsp)->Val) { /* Adjust labels */
(*fsp)->Val -= 2; /* within range. */
if ((char *) FwdLim2 >= ((char *) FwdCurr + FWDSIZE)) {
FwdCurr->Link = /* Get a new chunk. */
(struct FwdTable *) malloc ((unsigned) FWDSIZE);
if (FwdCurr->Link == NULL)
quit_cleanup ("Out of memory!\n");
FwdCurr = FwdCurr->Link;
FwdLim2 = (int *)
((char *) FwdCurr + sizeof (struct FwdTable *));
*FwdLim2++ = fp1->Line; /* Flag this branch in pass 2. */
fp3 = fp2 = fp1;
while (fp3 < FwdLim1) { /* Remove processed entry. */
fp2->Loc = fp3->Loc - 2; /* Locations shifted too! */
fp2->FwdSym = fp3->FwdSym;
fp2->Line = fp3->Line;
FwdLim1--; /* Decrement table limit pointer. */
fp1--; /* Offset increment below. */
fp1++; /* Check the next entry. */
if (FwdLim1 > FwdBranch) { /* Store labels within */
*FwdFixLimit++ = Sym; /* range of fwd. branch. */
AddrCnt += AddrAdv * DupFact; /* Advance the location counter. */
if ((HunkType == HunkNone) && (NumSyms != 0)) { /* Dummy section */
DoSection ("", 0, "", 0, "", 0); /* to get XDEF */
MakeHunk = TRUE; /* symbols if any */
if (HunkType != HunkNone)
if (AddrCnt > OrgHigh)
Sect->Val = AddrCnt; /* End of the last section */
Sect->Val = OrgHigh; /* We've ORGed higher. */
if (InclErrs)
quit_cleanup ("Fatal errors - assembly aborted\n");
if (Quiet > 0)
fprintf (stderr, "%d\n", LineCount);
else if (Quiet < 0)
fprintf (stderr, "%d\n\n", InF->Line);
Begin Pass 2.
Pass2 = TRUE;
lseek (In.fd, 0L, 0); /* "Rewind" the source file. */
In.Ptr = In.Lim = In.Buf;
startpass ('2', maxheap2);
RefLim = (struct Ref *) SymLim; /* Cross-reference table */
/* Calculate the total size of each section type,
reset all section pointers to the beginning, and
write all absolute symbols to an equate file if desired. */
codesize = datasize = bsssize = 0;
if (EquateFN[0]) {
xputs (&Eq, "* Equate file for ");
xputs (&Eq, SourceFN);
xputs (&Eq, "\n* Created by");
xputs (&Eq, " A68k version ");
xputs (&Eq, Version);
xputs (&Eq, "\n");
Sym = SymChunk = SymStart;
SymChLim = (struct SymTab *) ((char *) SymChunk + CHUNKSIZE);
while (Sym) {
if (Sym->Flags & 0x10) {
templong = (Sym->Val + 3) & ~3L; /* Hunk size */
j = (Sym->Hunk & 0x3FFF0000L) >> 16; /* Hunk type */
if (j == HunkCode) /* Accumulate sizes by type. */
codesize += templong;
else if (j == HunkData)
datasize += templong;
bsssize += templong;
Sym->Val = 0L; /* Back to start of all sections */
if (EquateFN[0]) {
if (((Sym->Hunk & 0x00007FFFL) == ABSHUNK)
&& ((Sym->Flags == 0) || (Sym->Flags == 2))) {
xputs (&Eq, Sym->Nam);
xputs (&Eq, "\tEQU\t$");
LongPut (&Eq, Sym->Val, 4);
xputs (&Eq, "\n");
Sym = NextSym (Sym); /* Try for another symbol table entry. */
if (EquateFN[0])
xclose (&Eq);
/* Write sign-on messages for listing file. */
LnCnt = LnMax;
PgCnt = 0;
if (!SuppList) {
CheckPage (&List, FALSE); /* Print headings. */
xputs (&List, "68000 Assembler - version ");
xputs (&List, Version);
xputs (&List, "\nCopyright 1985 by Brian R. Anderson.\n");
xputs (&List, "AmigaDOS conversion copyright 1991");
xputs (&List, " by Charlie Gibbs.\n\n");
LnCnt += 4;
StartSrec (&Srec, IdntName); /* Write object header record. */
/* Process the second pass. */
endfile = FALSE;
Dir = None;
while (!endfile && (Dir != End)) {
PrevDir = Dir; /* Save previous directive. */
endfile = LineParts (dummy); /* Get a statement. */
if (!endfile) {
GetObjectCode (dummy); /* Process the statement. */
if (Label[0] != '\0') { /* If statement is labeled, */
ReadSymTab (Label); /* check for duplicate defn. */
if (Sym->Defn != LineCount) {
AddRef (LineCount); /* Got one - flag as reference. */
if (Dir == Set) {
if ((Sym->Flags & 4) == 0)
Error (LabLoc, SymDup); /* Can't SET normal label. */
} else {
Error (LabLoc, SymDup); /* Ordinary duplicate */
} else if (Dir == Set) {
AddRef (LineCount); /* Flag all SETs as references. */
} else {
if (Sym->Val != AddrCnt)
if ((Dir != Equ) && (Dir != Equr) && (Dir != Reg))
Error (0, Phase); /* Assembler error */
WriteListLine (&List);
WriteSrecLine (&Srec);
AddrCnt += AddrAdv * DupFact; /* Advance the location counter. */
} else {
Error (0, EndErr); /* END statement is missing. */
WriteListLine (&List);
if ((HunkType == HunkNone) && (NumSyms != 0)) { /* Dummy section */
DoSection ("", 0, "", 0, "", 0); /* to get XDEF */
MakeHunk = TRUE; /* symbols if any */
Clean up.
if (HunkType != HunkNone)
if (AddrCnt > OrgHigh)
Sect->Val = AddrCnt; /* End of the last section */
Sect->Val = OrgHigh; /* We've ORGed higher. */
if (Quiet > 0)
fprintf (stderr, "%d", LineCount); /* Final line number */
else if (Quiet < 0)
fprintf (stderr, "%d\n", InF->Line);
fflush (stderr); /* Make sure it gets out. */
close (In.fd); /* We're finished with the source file. */
In.fd = NULL;
free (In.Buf);
In.Buf = NULL;
EndSdata (&Srec, EndAddr); /* Write remaining data and end record. */
xclose (&Srec); /* We're finished with the object file. */
if ((ErrorCount != 0) && (!keepobj))
unlink (SrecFN); /* Scratch it if there were errors. */
RelCurr = RelStart;
RelStart = NULL;
while (RelCurr != NULL) {
RelLim = RelCurr;
RelCurr = RelCurr->Link;
free (RelLim); /* Free the relocation table. */
if (Heap2 != NULL) {
free (Heap2); /* Free the secondary heap. */
Heap2 = NULL;
if (XrefList)
WriteSymTab (&List); /* List the symbol table. */
/* Display final error count. */
if (Quiet != 0)
fprintf (stderr, "\nEnd of assembly - ");
if (!SuppList)
xputs (&List, "\nEnd of assembly - ");
if (ErrorCount == 0) {
if (Quiet != 0)
fprintf (stderr, "no errors were found.\n");
if (!SuppList)
xputs (&List, "no errors were found.\n");
} else if (ErrorCount == 1) {
if (Quiet != 0)
fprintf (stderr, "1 error was found.\n");
if (!SuppList)
xputs (&List, "1 error was found.\n");
} else {
if (Quiet != 0)
fprintf (stderr, "%d errors were found.\n", ErrorCount);
if (!SuppList) {
sprintf (tempchar, "%d errors were found.\n", ErrorCount);
xputs (&List, tempchar);
/* Display heap usage. */
if (Quiet != 0)
fprintf (stderr, "Heap usage: -w%ld", HashSize);
if (!SuppList) {
sprintf (tempchar, "Heap usage: -w%ld", HashSize);
xputs (&List, tempchar);
templong = (long) (High2 - Heap2);
if (Low2 < (char *) LowInF)
templong += (long) (Heap2 + maxheap2 - Low2);
templong += (long) (Heap2 + maxheap2 - (char *) LowInF);
if (Quiet != 0)
fprintf (stderr, ",%ld\n", templong);
if (!SuppList) {
sprintf (tempchar, ",%ld\n", templong);
xputs (&List, tempchar);
/* Display the total size of all section types. */
if (Quiet != 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "Total hunk sizes: %lx code, ", codesize);
fprintf (stderr, "%lx data, %lx BSS\n", datasize, bsssize);
if (!SuppList) {
sprintf (tempchar, "Total hunk sizes: %lx code, ", codesize);
xputs (&List, tempchar);
sprintf (tempchar, "%lx data, %lx BSS\n", datasize, bsssize);
xputs (&List, tempchar);
/* Display hashing statistics if required. */
if (HashStats && (NumSyms != 0)) {
printf ("\n");
printf ("HASH CHAIN STATISTICS - %d symbols\n\n", NumSyms);
templong = (NumSyms + 1) * sizeof (int);
HashCount = (int *) malloc ((unsigned) templong);
if (HashCount == NULL)
quit_cleanup ("Out of memory!\n");
printf ("Length No. of chains\n");
printf ("------ -------------\n");
intptr = HashCount;
for (i = 0; i <= NumSyms; i++)
*(intptr++) = 0; /* Clear hash chain length counters. */
hashptr = Hash;
for (i = 0; i < HashSize; i++) {
j = 0;
if ((Sym = *hashptr) != NULL) {
j++; /* This chain has at least one entry. */
while ((Sym = Sym->Link) != NULL) {
j++; /* Count entries in the chain. */
intptr = HashCount + j;
(*intptr)++; /* Bump counter by chain length. */
intptr = HashCount;
for (i = 0; i <= NumSyms; i++) {
if (*intptr)
printf ("%4d %4d\n", i, *intptr);
free (HashCount); /* Free hash statistics table. */
HashCount = NULL;
/* All done! */
if (!SuppList) {
xputs (&List, "\f"); /* One last page eject */
xclose (&List); /* We're finished with the listing file. */
quit_cleanup (""); /* Normal termination */
/* */
/* Subroutines used by the main program */
/* */
int getfilename (name, arg, desc, needit)
char *name, *arg, *desc;
int needit;
/* If "name" is not a duplicate, copies "arg" to it, else flags
duplicate using "desc". If "needit" is TRUE, also flags
an error if "arg" is a null string.
Returns TRUE if an error is found, FALSE otherwise. */
if (*name) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s file is declared more than once.\n", desc);
return (TRUE);
if (*arg) {
strcpy (name, arg);
return (FALSE);
if (needit) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s file name is missing\n", desc);
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);
int checkswitch (sw, name) char *sw, *name;
/* Displays an error message and returns TRUE if the argument
pointed to by "s" is more than two characters long.
Just returns FALSE otherwise. */
if (strlen (sw) > 2) {
fprintf (stderr, "Invalid %s switch (%s).\n", name, sw);
return (TRUE);
} else {
return (FALSE);
void defaultfile (name, ext) char *name, *ext;
/* If "name" is a null string, search for the last period in "name"
(if any) and append "ext".
If "name" doesn't contain a period, append a period and "ext". */
char *s;
if (*name == '\0') { /* If name isn't specified... */
strcpy (name,SourceFN); /* Start with source file name. */
s = name+strlen(name); /* Scan backwards for period. */
while (--s > name) {
if (*s == '.') {
*s = '\0'; /* Chop off name extension. */
strcat (name, ext); /* Add name extension. */
int checkdupfile (name1, desc1, name2, desc2)
char *name1, *desc1, *name2, *desc2;
/* If "name1" is the same as "name2", display an error message using
"desc1" and "desc2" and return TRUE. Otherwise, return FALSE. */
if (strcmp (name1, name2) == 0) {
fprintf (stderr,
"%s and %s file names are the same.\n", desc1, desc2);
return (TRUE);
} else {
return (FALSE);
void startpass (pchar, maxheap2) char pchar; long maxheap2;
/* Set up to start the next pass. */
if (Quiet > 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "PASS %c line ", pchar);
fflush (stderr);
} else if (Quiet < 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "PASS %c\n", pchar);
NextFNS = Heap2;
InF = (struct InFCtl *) (Heap2 + maxheap2);
InFNum = OuterMac = SkipNest = InF->Pos = InF->MCnt = 0;
InF->Line = 0;
InF->UPtr = 0;
InF->NPtr = NextFNS;
InF->NArg = -1;
InF->MCnt = 0;
strcpy (NextFNS, SourceFN);
ShowFile (FALSE); /* Show source file name. */
NextFNS += strlen (SourceFN) + 1;
LineCount = LabLine = MacCount = ErrorCount = 0;
AddrCnt = CurrHunk = SectStart = EndAddr = 0L;
HunkType = HunkNone; /* We're not in a hunk yet. */
HunkFlags = SectLine = HunkSeq = 0;
ListOff = MakeHunk = InnrFMac = FALSE;
SmallData = -1;
TTLstring[0] = '\0'; /* Clear the title string. */
void quit_cleanup (s) char *s;
/* Clean up and exit. If "s" doesn't point to a null string, print the
string as an error message, remove the partially-formed object
file if it exists, and exit with an error code. */
if (In.fd != NULL) /* Close all files... */
close (In.fd);
if (In.Buf != NULL) /* and free buffers. */
free (In.Buf);
if (Srec.fd != NULL)
xclose (&Srec);
if (List.fd != NULL)
xclose (&List);
if (Eq.fd != NULL)
xclose (&Eq);
if (Hash != NULL)
free (Hash); /* Free the hash table. */
SymCurr = SymStart;
while (SymCurr != NULL) {
SymLim = SymCurr;
SymCurr = SymCurr->Link;
free (SymLim); /* Free the symbol table. */
NameCurr = NameStart;
while (NameCurr != NULL) {
NameLim = (char *) NameCurr;
NameCurr = NameCurr->Link;
free (NameLim); /* Free the name table. */
RelCurr = RelStart;
while (RelCurr != NULL) {
RelLim = RelCurr;
RelCurr = RelCurr->Link;
free (RelLim); /* Free the relocation table. */
FwdCurr = FwdStart;
while (FwdCurr != NULL) {
FwdLim2 = (int *) FwdCurr;
FwdCurr = FwdCurr->Link;
free (FwdLim2); /* Free the forward branch log. */
if (Heap2 != NULL)
free (Heap2); /* Free the secondary heap. */
if (SymSort != NULL)
free (SymSort); /* Free symbol table sort area. */
if (HashCount != NULL)
free (HashCount); /* Free hash statistics table. */
if (*s) { /* If we have an error message, */
if (SrecFN[0])
unlink (SrecFN); /* scratch the object file, */
fprintf (stderr, "%s", s); /* display the error message, */
exit (20); /* and die. */
} else {
exit (ErrorCount ? 10 : 0); /* Normal termination */