Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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Instruction to "ShowGuru V 2.1.b"
© 1991 Thomas Carstens
Who doesn`t know it, this furious announces?
Oftly they come then, when you can use them at least. But what shall they
mean? Shall they tell us that the computer do not longer that, what he
should do? That we notice then automaticielly. No: The system try to tell
us the reason of the programm-crash. What to do with sud an announce is
leave by yourself. The most Gurus are pressed away, without looking at
the Guru-number. But who want to find the reasons of his programm-crash,
will find a good help in my programm. You can wallow yourself through
the programming literature and search the Guru-numbers, but because it is
often a very troublesome work, you let it be for the most times. I`ve
made me the trouble to collect so much Guru-munbers as possible for me.
This are surely not all numbers, but already much of them. I want to save
you for the searching in many books. At this point I want to remember at
the "Amiga-Guru-Book" from Ralph Babel. There has someone give much work
and trouble for a book. This book is a must for every programmer. (I
doesn`t know before, that you can make so many mistakes while writing a
programm!) The version V 2.1.b recognize 168 Gurus. New in this version:
In the option "Info" the last requester will inform you about the free
memory of your computer and the condition of fhe systemvectors. If
necessary you`ll be informated, that it is any programm in memory, wich
have change the original vectors. You can put back the vectors in the
original condition. Are you sure, that you not interrupt an intentional
installed programm? I think at this moment for example at VirusControl.
This can also be the reason for a programm-crash!? Additional the
programm now have an option, which make you able to print the
announcements. The programm try to analyse the input number and then the
found informations splitted give out on the printer. (Also look under
Give-out A and Give-out B etc.) Usually it doesn`t come out very much
nearly, but at fist it is all what I found at informations until now
and second it`s already better than nothing, or not?! So, and now to the
You can splitt the announcements in three areas. Also on this way you
can get many informations above the programm-crashs. The programm works
with the mouse. It gives four possibilities to choose, for analyse Gurus:
Give-out A:
Click on the gadget give-out AA. The first pair of numbers refer to:
libraries, devices, recources etc. The programm you show now, where
to find the cause (not the adress) of the programm-crash.
Give-out B:
Click on the gadget BB with the mouse. This pair of numbers declare
the reason of the crash. A"01" at this place will mean, that the
reason is that there is not enough of memory. Now you can already
recognize some things with this two first pairs of numbers. We put
simply following numbers: "8201". The first pair "82" means, that
the graphics.library makes troubles. The reason we`ll se in the
second pair of numbers. "01" means memory-troubles. We infere from
this, that there isn`t enough memory for the graphics.library.
Isn`t it simply, isn`t it ???
Give-out C:
Click on the gadget CC. This pair of numbers also refer to the
libraries, devices, recorces etc. The programm you gives out now
exactlier, where is to find the reason of the crash (not the adress)
Give-out complete:
You can also cause the programm, to analyse for you the whole Guru
number. There to you must click on the gadget "Give-out complete!"
The programm now give you out a complete description of the failure,
if it exist. Shall you have a Guru-number, which the programm isn`t
acquainted with, then write to me. In this cause please write to
me following points: 1. How it came to this programm-crash? 2. The
alert-number and 3. the configuration of your computer. Then I`ll
go out of that you get that number really from a Guru-Meditation.
I`ll try then to hear more of this Guru.
Adjust of the numbers:
For adjust the wished number, you must do following: Notice after
the programm-crash the first eight numbers of the meditationsnumber.
Restart the computer and load the programm "ShowGuru V 2.2". Over
and under the field, on wich are to see the digits of the Guru-
number, are the gadgets. If you click a gadget with a "+" it will
count up for one number. If you click on a gadget with a "-", so it
will be subtract one number. The maximal value is "F". If you click
a "+" when there is an "F", so the programm starts again with a "0".
Do you click on a "-", when there is a "0", so the counting goes on
by "F". Proceed so with all digits, wich you want to adjust. You`ll
see, it`s very simple.
Attention! This programm is Shareware. If you want to use this
programm more frequently, let yourself register by me. The registry
coste US 10$. You`ll be then register by me as user. I think that is
holdable, or not?! If you want to let you register, select the gadget
"Reg.". The programm then print a form for you.
Epilog (important too!)
This programm can be take in other PD-Series only with the permission
of the outer. But I`ll be pleased about every letter of editors of
PD-Series. Attention: The disk, on which is the programm, may not cost
more than 5,--DM incl. expenses and material. The instructions is
element of the programm and it doesn`t be absent and it isn`t allowed
to erase it from the programm-disk. So, now my adress for Tips, more
Gurus, no more used Ferraris and gifts of all kinds (only small bank-
Thomas Carstens
Eichenweg 7
4047 Dormagen 1
P.S.: Big thanks at this version I`ll send to:
Ralph Babel -> for promt help
Heinz Pohlmann (alias Heinzling) -> for help and assistance
The boys from the Mailbox SKY -> for help me!!!!
Popsi-Cola-Company -> for the self payed drinks!!
And to my computer -> no more programm-crashs in the last two hours!
At last an very special thanx to ANNA HORSTMANN!!!! -> for translate