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422 lines
July 2nd 1991
Term II
version 1.1
(c) 1990,1991 - Eric GONTIER
Term II is able to communicate with some Amiga processes,
getting commands from them, executing these commands and
returning values to them. So, anyone which is a "programer" can
create his own programs to add functionalities to Term II or
programs which can use some Term II functionalities to perform
their own work. The examples include here were written in C
(with DICE, Matt Dillon's shareware C compiler), but other
languages can be used.
"The command panel" is a very simple example of such
This file will try to explain how to write your own "XCMDs"
(eXternal CoMmanDs).
Really, XCMD are only messages exchanged between the Term II
message port, and the message port of an other process. The
name of the Term message port is XTERM. Processes can post
message to this port and wait for the answer. When Term get a
message in his XTERM port, it will try to interpret it, excute
the command and return the result.
Each process must have its very own port. In the "panel"
example, the port is named PANEL.
Don't forget that each message received must be returned to the
Term has two special commands that can be sent to its external
processes. These commands are Exec messages with special
values. They are called START and STOP :
· With START, Term II can wake up a waiting process. It
gives also locks on the current screen and the current
· STOP is used to stop an external process.
These two commands are send by Term II to external processes.
Term user decide when to send this command. These are the only
two messages Term II can send to external process (and the
external process must return the messages when they are
On the other side, the external process can send all the
commands recognized by Term II. See the file COMMANDES.doc for
a complete description of each command available.
So an XCMD is an Exec message. Here is the C structure
corresponding to an XCMD :
struct XCMD
struct Message xcmd_Message;
long xcmd_TermCmd;
struct Screen *xcmd_TermScreen;
BPTR xcmd_TermDir;
char *xcmd_Command;
void *xcmd_Args[16];
BOOL xcmd_TermError;
And here is the signification of each fields :
xcmd_Message :
This is a standard Exec message
xcmd_TermCmd :
0 if not used. Otherwise, START or STOP value in case
of a message sent by Term II (see XCMD.h file)
xcmd_TermScreen :
A pointer to the current screen used by Term. It is
also a lock on a public screen. This value is used only
in case of START or STOP command.
xcmd_TermDir :
A lock on the current Term II directory. This field is
only used in case of START or STOP command.
xcmd_Cmd :
This is where to put the command to be executed by Term
II. It is a pointer to a string. The external process
initialise this field with the command to be executed,
send the message to the TERM port and wait for the
xcmd_Args :
16 pointers to exchange values with Term II. Can be
used to send arguments with some Term commands, or to
obtains some values from Term II
xcmd_TermError :
This boolean field is TRUE if an error occur when Term
II try to execute the command.
They are some files to look at to get informations :
- XCMD.h defines the XCMD data type as well as START and
STOP command.
- XCMDTools.h : prototypes for functions to the XCMD
toolkit (XCMDTools.c)
- XCMDTools.c : XCMD toolkit, with simple and useful
functions to deal with XCMD
- Panel.c : XCMD example. Implementation of a panel
command, with 25 buttons. The user can set a command to be
executed by Term to each buttons. This is nearly the same
version than the one that came with Term II.
- XCMDLaser.c : an other XCMD example to download a
postscript file to an Apple Laser Writer.
XCMDTool is a set of functions to help to make your own XCMD.
There are nothing "magic" about it : it is simple and useful.
You are not even obliged to use it. Here are the functions
define in the toolkit :
struct XCMD *CreateXCMD(struct MsgPort *);
This creates and XCMD. Return NULL if failed, or a
pointer to an XCMD if succeeded. All fiels in the
Message part are set properly. The MsgPort in argument
is the port where the message will be returned by Term
II. Once the XCMD has been created, the process has to
put its command in the xmcd_Cmd field.
void DeleteXCMD(struct XCMD *);
Delete and free memory allocated to an XCMD
BOOL SendXCMD(struct XCMD *);
Send an XCMD to Term II. Return TRUE if succeded, FALSE
The Term II user can send a START (to wake up an external
process sleeping in the background), or a STOP to stop running
an external process. These commands can be sent by the
following Term II commands (see the file COMMANDS.doc)
xcmd_start "port_name"
Term II will try to send a START command to a message
port named "port_name"
xcmd_stop "port_name"
Term II will try to send a STOP command to a message
port named "port_name"
The programmer of an external process has only one charge :
asnwer the messages send by Term II.
However, when a START command is issued by Term II, Term will
get a lock on the current directory, and a lock on the public
screen the Term II window is opened on. The external process
_will have to_ unlock these locks before quitting. The screen
lock can be freed with UnlockPubScreen(), and the directory
lock can be freed with UnLock().
Note that the some external processes might not need or use
START and STOP. See the examples : the panel use the start and
stop command, but the XCMDLaser does not.
The START and STOP commands are the only messages Term can
send. In all the other cases, it is always the external process
that sends commands to Term II.
Term II recognizes special commands in the case of XCMD. These
commands can be used only from an external process. (Not an
ARexx script, or directly from Term II). They have been added
to make the writing of external processes simpler. These
commands are described in the paragraph SPECIAL COMMANDS.
The external process can send any of the commands recognized by
Term II as well as special commands defined for XCMD.
Here is an example on how to send a command (sending the string
"This is a test\n" on the serial device) :
/* The message port MyPort must have been created */
struct XCMD *xcmd = CreateXCMD(MyPort);
if(xcmd) {
xcmd->xcmd_Cmd = "serial_send \"This is a test\n\"";
/* The XCMD has been sent. We have to wait */
/* for the returned message */
/* We can test xcmd->xcmd_TermError to know */
/* if everything was all right */
The commands recognized by Term II are described in the file
COMMANDS.doc. But here are the commands that can be used only
in the case of XCMD :
This is the same as rexx_delay. It allows the external
process to perform a delay. The value of the delay is
given in seconds. xcmd_Args[0] is a pointer to a long
which is the value of the delay.
This command allows the external process to ask for
locks on the screen used by Term II, and on the
directory used by Term II. This is useful if the
external process is not waiting for a START. The
external process must free the locks before quitting
(see UnlockPubScreen() in intuition.library to unlock
the screen and UnLock() in dos.library to unlock the
directory). The lock values can be found in
xcmd_TermScreen and xmcd_TermDir when the message is
returned from Term.
Before using this command, the external process has to
tell Term II to put its "memory" on. See the command
xmcd_memory_on and xcmd_memory_off.
Ask Term II to returned the last 80 characters received
from the serial device. The external process has to
provide a valid pointer to a string of 81 chars (80
chars + NULL) in which Term will copy the last 80 chars
received. This pointer has to be placed in the
xcmd_Args[0] field before the command is sent to Term
by the external process.
This turn the "memory" of Term II off. When this
command is executed, Term will stop to memorize the
last 80 chars received from the serial device.
Turn the "memory" on. When the "memory" is on, Term II
will always memorize the last 80 chars received from
the serial.device. These characters can be read from
the external process with a xcmd_memory_request
This command allows the external process to change the
parameters of the serial device. The mechanism used is
the same as the one defined by Willy Langeveld in the
XPR 2.0 standard. When the message is sent to Term, the
xcmd_Args[0] field must contain a long with the new
parameters. Term II return the old parameters in
xmcd_Args[15], or -1 in case of error. If, when the
message is sent by the external process, the value in
xmcd_Args[0] is -1, then Term II will returned the
current parameters without changing anything. A long to
define the parameters of serial device made of :
byte 0 : same as field SerFlags in IOExtSer
bit 0 : parity ON if set
bit 1 : parity odd if set
bit 2 : 7-wire protocol if set
bit 3 : queued break if set
bit 4 : rad-boogie if set
bit 5 : shared mode if set
bit 6 : EOF mode if set
bit 7 : protocol if set
byte 1 :
bit 0 : parity mark or space if set
bit 1 : parity mark if set, space otherwise
bit 2 : 2 stop bits if set, 1 otherwise
bit 3 : read word length is 7 if set, 8 otherwise
bit 4 : write word length is 7 if set, 8 otherwise
bit 5 : not used
bit 6 : not used
bit 7 : not used
byte 2 : speed, like in preferences.h
- 110 baud = 0
- 300 baud = 1
- 1200 baud = 2
- 2400 baud = 3
- 4800 baud = 4
- 9600 baud = 5
- 19200 baud = 6
- midi = 7
- 38400 baud = 8
- 57600 baud = 9
- 76800 baud = 10
- 115200 baud = 11
byte 3 : not used
flush serial device buffers
Return the number of chars waiting in the buffer of the
serial device in xcmd_Args[15]. -1 in case of error
This command allows the external process to read
characters from the serial device. xcmd_Args[0] is a
pointer to buffer (provided by the external process),
xcmd_Args[1] is the number of characters to read, and
xcmd_Args[2] is a timeout given in micro-seconds. Term
II will return the number of characters read in
xcmd_Args[15], or -1 in case of error. If the time out
value (in xcmd_Args[2]) is 0, Term will try to read as
many characters as possible without waiting. Term
return the message as soon as they are no characters
waiting to be read from the serial device, or if the
buffer is full (size of buffer is in xcmd_Args[1])
ATTENTION : when reading, be sure to be the only one to
read the serial port. See the commands serial_on and
serial_off in COMMANDS.doc
This command allows the external process to write chars
on the serial.device. xcmd_Args[0] is the address of a
buffer and xcmd_Args[1] is the number of characters to
Like rexx_wait. This command can be used to perform a
delay. xcmd_Args[0] is a pointer to a long which is the
value of the delay in seconds.