Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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Text File
576 lines
;Program CPUSet by Nic Wilson Assembled with Macro68
;This source code is copyright Nic Wilson Software
;it may not be used in whole or in part without
;permission of Nic Wilson. It is supplied here as
;example of how to manipulate the caches of the
;68020, 68030, 68040 processors. This source
;calls some macros that are not included in this
;source code. This source code uses the new
;Motorola syntax and was assembled with Macro68
incdir "includes:"
maclib "includes:commonmac/allmacs.mac
include "commonmac/macs.i"
StartCode ;startup stuff
main move.l (_argv),d0
beq.b noargs
movea.l d0,a0
movea.l (a0),a0
cmpi.b #'?',(a0)
beq.w dispusage
noargs movea.l (4).w,a6 ;get execbase
move.w (AttnFlags,a6),d0 ;check for 040
btst #AFB_68040,d0 ;have we got one?
bne.w do040 ;yup! do 40 code
btst #AFB_68030,d0 ;else check 030
bne.b do030 ;yup! do 30 code
btst #AFB_68020,d0 ;check for 020
beq.w error ;minimum not found
movea.l (4).w,a6
cmpi.w #36,(LIB_VERSION,a6)
bge.b noneed
lea (checkproc,pc),a5
CALLEXEC Supervisor
tst.l d1
bpl.b no040
bset.b #AFB_68040,(AttnFlags+1,a6)
bset.b #AFB_68030,(AttnFlags+1,a6) ;020 should already be
bra.w do040 ;set
no040 btst #CACRB_DBE,d1
beq.b noneed
bset.b #AFB_68030,(AttnFlags+1,a6)
bra.b do030
noneed lea (iburst,pc),a0 ;get data burst gad
ori.w #GFLG_DISABLED,(gg_Flags,a0) ;disable it
lea (dburst,pc),a0 ;get ins burst gad
ori.w #GFLG_DISABLED,(gg_Flags,a0) ;disable it
move.b #-2,(procflag) ;set 020 flag
bra.b do020 ;jump into 030 code
do030 move.b #-1,(procflag) ;set 030 flag
do020 lea (winddatc,pc),a0 ;get second gadget
move.l #dburst,(a0) ;put burst gadgets in
;Initialise the gadgets for the 68020 and 68030 processors
tst.l (_argv) ;have we CLI args?
bne.w dodos ;do CLI code if so
bsr.w getstat ;get current cache modes
btst #CACRB_EnableI,d0 ;check for ICACHE
bne.b checkdc1 ;if on default settings
move.l #ICText2,(Icache) ;else put off bg text
move.l #ICText2,(ICa) ;and put off fg text
ori.w #SELECTED,(inflag) ;make gadget selected
move.b #1,(ICText) ;reverse bg colour
move.b #2,(ICTextb) ;reverse fg colour
checkdc1 btst #CACRB_EnableD,d0 ;check for DCACHE
bne.b checkib1 ;if on use default
move.l #DCText2,(Dcache) ;else put off bg text
move.l #DCText2,(DCa) ;and put on fg text
ori.w #SELECTED,(dflag) ;make gadget selected
move.b #1,(DCText) ;reverse bg colour
move.b #2,(DCTextb) ;reverse fg colour
;we allow 020 through
;so they will show 'off'
checkib1 btst #CACRB_IBE,d0 ;check for IBURST
bne.b checkdb1 ;if on use default
move.l #IBText2,(IB) ;else put off bg text
move.l #IBText2,(IBa) ;and put on fg text
ori.w #SELECTED,(ibflag) ;make it selected
move.b #1,(IBText) ;reverse bg colour
move.b #2,(IBTextb) ;reverse fg colour
checkdb1 btst #CACRB_DBE,d0 ;check for DBURST
bne.w dowindow ;if on go open window
move.l #DBText2,(DB) ;else put off bg text
move.l #DBText2,(DBa) ;and put on fg text
ori.w #SELECTED,(dbflag) ;select the gadget
move.b #1,(DBText) ;reverse the bg colour
move.b #2,(DBTextb) ;reverse the fg colour
bra.w dowindow ;and go open the window
;Initialise the gadgets for the 68040 processor
do040 tst.l (_argv) ;do we have CLI args?
bne.w dodos ;do dos code if so
bsr.w getstat ;get current cache modes
btst #15,d0 ;check for ICACHE
bne.b checkdc ;default if its on
move.l #ICText2,(Icache) ;else put off bg text
move.l #ICText2,(ICa) ;and put on fg text
ori.w #SELECTED,(inflag) ;select the gadget
move.b #1,(ICText) ;reverse the bg colour
move.b #2,(ICTextb) ;reverse the fg colour
checkdc btst #31,d0 ;check for DCACHE
bne.b checkcb ;default if on
move.l #DCText2,(Dcache) ;else put off bg text
move.l #DCText2,(DCa) ;and put on fg text
ori.w #SELECTED,(dflag) ;select the gadget
move.b #1,(DCText) ;reverse the bg colour
move.b #2,(DCTextb) ;reverse the fg colour
checkcb andi.b #$20,d1 ;check for Copyback
bne.b dowindow ;default if on
move.l #CBText2,(CB) ;else put off bg text
move.l #CBText2,(CBa) ;and put on fg text
ori.w #SELECTED,(cflag) ;select the gadget
move.b #1,(CBText) ;reverse the bg colour
move.b #2,(CBTextb) ;reverse the fg colour
dowindow lea (window,pc),a0 ;get the window
CALLINT OpenWindow ;open it
tst.l d0 ;did it open?
beq.w error ;error out if not
move.l d0,(windsave) ;save the ptr
waitloop movea.l (windsave,pc),a0 ;get window ptr
movea.l (wd_UserPort,a0),a0 ;get the msg port
moveq #0,d0 ;set do WaitPort
moveq #0,d1 ;set for ReplyMsg
WaitMsg ;wait for a msg
cmpi.w #1,(gg_GadgetID,a1) ;was it ICACHE
beq.w doi ;do it if so
cmpi.w #2,(gg_GadgetID,a1) ;was it DCACHE
beq.w dod ;do it if so
cmpi.w #3,(gg_GadgetID,a1) ;was it third gad
beq.w docb ;do it if so
cmpi.w #4,(gg_GadgetID,a1) ;was it IBURST
bne.w exitwb ;must be close so exit
bsr.w getstate ;get the gads state
tst.l d0 ;test the return
bmi.b setiboff ;turn it off
move.l #IBText1,(IB) ;else on bg text
move.l #IBText1,(IBa) ;and on fg text
move.b #2,(IBText) ;reverse the fg colour
move.b #1,(IBTextb) ;reverse the bg colour
bsr.w refresh ;refresh the gadget
moveq #0,d3 ;clear cache bits reg
bset #CACRB_IBE,d3 ;set cache bits on
move.l d3,d2 ;set the cache mask
bra.w doit
setiboff move.l #IBText2,(IB) ;the rest of these are
move.l #IBText2,(IBa) ;the similar as ones
move.b #1,(IBText) ;above
move.b #2,(IBTextb)
bsr.w refresh
moveq #0,d2
move.l d2,d3
bset #CACRB_IBE,d2 ;set the cache mask
bra.w doit
dodb bsr.w getstate
tst.l d0
bmi.b setdboff
move.l #DBText1,(DB)
move.l #DBText1,(DBa)
move.b #2,(DBText)
move.b #1,(DBTextb)
bsr.w refresh
moveq #0,d3
bset #CACRB_DBE,d3
move.l d3,d2
bra.b doit
setdboff move.l #DBText2,(DB)
move.l #DBText2,(DBa)
move.b #1,(DBText)
move.b #2,(DBTextb)
bsr.w refresh
moveq #0,d2
move.l d2,d3
bset #CACRB_DBE,d2
bra.b doit
docb tst.b (procflag)
bmi.b dodb
bsr.w getstate
tst.l d0
bmi.b setcboff
move.l #CBText1,(CB)
move.l #CBText1,(CBa)
move.b #2,(CBText)
move.b #1,(CBTextb)
bsr.w refresh
moveq #0,d3
bset #CACRB_CopyBack,d3
move.l d3,d2
doit bsr.w dowb
bra.w waitloop
setcboff move.l #CBText2,(CB)
move.l #CBText2,(CBa)
move.b #1,(CBText)
move.b #2,(CBTextb)
bsr.w refresh
moveq #0,d3
move.l d3,d2
bset #CACRB_CopyBack,d2
bra.b doit
dod bsr.w getstate
tst.l d0
bmi.b setdcoff
move.l #DCText1,(Dcache)
move.l #DCText1,(DCa)
move.b #2,(DCText)
move.b #1,(DCTextb)
bsr.w refresh
moveq #0,d3
bset #CACRB_EnableD,d3
move.l d3,d2
bra.b doit
setdcoff move.l #DCText2,(Dcache)
move.l #DCText2,(DCa)
move.b #1,(DCText)
move.b #2,(DCTextb)
bsr.w refresh
moveq #0,d3
move.l d3,d2
bset #CACRB_EnableD,d2
bra.w doit
doi bsr.w getstate
tst.l d0
bmi.b seticoff
move.l #ICText1,(Icache)
move.l #ICText1,(ICa)
move.b #2,(ICText)
move.b #1,(ICTextb)
bsr.b refresh
moveq #0,d3
bset #CACRB_EnableI,d3
move.l d3,d2
bra.w doit
seticoff move.l #ICText2,(Icache)
move.l #ICText2,(ICa)
move.b #1,(ICText)
move.b #2,(ICTextb)
bsr.b refresh
moveq #0,d3
move.l d3,d2
bset #CACRB_EnableI,d2
bra.w doit
exitwb movea.l (windsave,pc),a0 ;get the window
JMPINT CloseWindow ;close it
refresh movea.l a1,a0 ;refresh the gadget
movea.l (windsave,pc),a1 ;in a1
suba.l a2,a2
moveq #1,d0
JMPINT RefreshGList
;depending on the processor this routine will go into
;supervisor and return either the cacr in d0 or cacr
;in d0 and dtt1 in d1
getstat lea (supcode,pc),a5
JMPEXEC Supervisor
supcode movec cacr,d0
tst.b (procflag)
bmi.b sc_xit
movec dtt1,d1
sc_xit rte
;Test the state of the gadget in a1 and return
;a boolean result in d0
getstate move.w (gg_Flags,a1),d0
andi.w #GFLG_SELECTED,d0
bne.b gadset
moveq #0,d0
gadset moveq #-1,d0
;error routine, display credits, do an audible beep
;and flash the screen and exit
error bsr.b dispcredit
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d1
suba.l a0,a0
CALLINT DisplayBeep
lea (errmsg,pc),a0
bsr.w print
bra.b errorout
dispusage bsr.b dispcredit
lea (usage,pc),a0
bsr.w print
bra.b errorout
dispcredit lea (credit,pc),a0
bsr.w print
errorout rts
dodos lea (credit,pc),a0
bsr.w print
tst.l (_argv)
beq.w exit
movea.l (_argv),a2
move.l (_argc),d7
subq.l #1,d7
tst.l (a2)
beq.w exit
moveq #0,d2
moveq #0,d3
loop lea (cbon,pc),a1 ;CopyBack on
bsr.b docmp
bne.b nocbon
tst.b (procflag)
bmi.w next
bset #CACRB_CopyBack,d3
bset #CACRB_CopyBack,d2
lea (cben,pc),a0
bsr.b print
bra.w next
nocbon lea (cboff,pc),a1 ;CopyBack off
bsr.b docmp
bne.b nocboff
tst.b (procflag)
bmi.w next
bset #CACRB_CopyBack,d2
bclr #CACRB_CopyBack,d3
lea (cbdis,pc),a0
bsr.b print
bra.w next
nocboff lea (icon,pc),a1 ;Ins cache on
bsr.b docmp
bne.b noicon
bset #CACRB_EnableI,d3
bset #CACRB_EnableI,d2
lea (icen,pc),a0
bsr.b print
bra.w next
docmp movea.l (a2),a0
moveq #-1,d0
tst.l d0
print move.l (_stdout),d1
beq.b prexit
prexit rts
noicon lea (icoff,pc),a1 ;Inc Cache off
bsr.b docmp
bne.b noicoff
bclr #CACRB_EnableI,d3
bset #CACRB_EnableI,d2
lea (icdis,pc),a0
bsr.b print
bra.w next
noicoff lea (dcon,pc),a1 ;Data Cache on
bsr.b docmp
bne.b nodcon
bset #CACRB_EnableD,d3
bset #CACRB_EnableD,d2
lea (dcen,pc),a0
bsr.b print
bra.w next
nodcon lea (dcoff,pc),a1 ;Data Cache off
bsr.b docmp
bne.b nodcoff
bclr #CACRB_EnableD,d3
bset #CACRB_EnableD,d2
lea (dcdis,pc),a0
bsr.w print
bra.w next
nodcoff cmpi.b #-1,(procflag) ;is it the 030
bne.w next ;if not rest are invalid
lea (ibon,pc),a1 ;Ins Burst on
bsr.w docmp
bne.b noibon
bset #CACRB_IBE,d3
bset #CACRB_IBE,d2
lea (iben,pc),a0
bsr.w print
bra.b next
noibon lea (iboff,pc),a1 ;Ins Burst off
bsr.w docmp
bne.b noiboff
bclr #CACRB_IBE,d3
bset #CACRB_IBE,d2
lea (ibdis,pc),a0
bsr.w print
bra.b next
noiboff lea (dbon,pc),a1 ;Data Burst on
bsr.w docmp
bne.b nodbon
bset #CACRB_DBE,d3
bset #CACRB_DBE,d2
lea (dben,pc),a0
bsr.w print
bra.b next
nodbon lea (dboff,pc),a1 ;Data Burst off
bsr.w docmp
bne.b next
bclr #CACRB_DBE,d3
bset #CACRB_DBE,d2
lea (dbdis,pc),a0
bsr.w print
next addq.l #4,a2
dbf d7,loop
dowb lea (do030code,pc),a5
;if we're under V2.0x
movea.l (4).w,a6 ;then there is no need
cmpi.w #36,(LIB_VERSION,a6) ;to do our own code
blt.b isneed ;we'll call the V2.0x
;function instead with
move.l d3,d0 ;the same parameters as
move.l d2,d1 ;we use
JMPEXEC CacheControl
isneed and.l d2,d3 ;d3=cache bits
not.l d2 ;d2=cache mask (inverted)
;< 68040 ?
tst.b (procflag) ;branch if not 68040
bmi.b super
lea (docode,pc),a5 ;get 68040 code
super CALLEXEC Supervisor
exit rts
;This is to check for the presence of the 68040, 68030 or 68020
;cpu, we try to set specific modes for each and return the result
;in d1, this is need if we are running under kickstart 1.3
checkproc movec cacr,d0
move.l d0,d1 ;I dont use the name CACR_Copyback
bset #31,d1 ;in this place it is misleading
bset #CACRB_DBE,d1
movec d1,cacr
movec cacr,d1
movec d0,cacr
;Set the required modes of the 68030 or 68020 processors
;This is called if under kickstart 1.3
do030code movec cacr,d0 ;get cache control
or.l d3,d0 ;add our manipulate bits
or.l d3,d2 ;add any set bits to the mask
and.l d2,d0 ;clear unwanted
movec d0,cacr ;set new settings
;Set the required modes of the 68040 processor
;This is called if under kickstart 1.3
docode movec cacr,d4 ;get cache control register
move.l d2,d0 ;make a copy of new bits
move.l d3,d1 ;make a copy of the mask
andi.l #$0101,d1 ;clear any cback bit
bset #31,d0 ;set the bit in the mask
moveq #15,d7 ;get 15 into a data reg
lsl.l d7,d1 ;get icache into bit 15
lsl.l d7,d0 ;and do the mask
swap d1 ;swap the 16 bit halves
swap d0 ;swap the mask too
lsl.w #8,d1 ;shift dcache to bit 31
lsl.w #8,d0 ;shift any dcache to bit 31
swap d1 ;return the halves
swap d0 ;and the mask
or.l d1,d4 ;set the bits were gonna manipulate
or.l d1,d0 ;add the set bits in the mask
and.l d0,d4 ;clear the bits not in the mask
andi.l #$80000000,d3 ;clear all except any copyback
rol.l #6,d3 ;shift to its correct position
or.l #$7fffffff,d2 ;add the cleared bits to the mask
rol.l #6,d2 ;shift it too
cpusha dc ;push the data cache to update memory
movec dtt1,d6 ;get transparent trans reg
andi.b #$9f,d6 ;clear the CacheMode bits
or.l d3,d6 ;set our manipulate bit
or.l d3,d2 ;add the bit to the mask
and.l d2,d6 ;clear the unwanted bit
movec d6,dtt1 ;set the reg
cpusha bc ;push data/ins caches to update memory
movec d4,cacr ;and set the cache control
INCLUDE /cpuset/cpuset.window
windsave dc.l 0
procflag dc.b 0
cbon dc.b 'CBACK_ON',0
cboff dc.b 'CBACK_OFF',0
icon dc.b 'ICACHE_ON',0
icoff dc.b 'ICACHE_OFF',0
dcon dc.b 'DCACHE_ON',0
dcoff dc.b 'DCACHE_OFF',0
ibon dc.b 'IBURST_ON',0
iboff dc.b 'IBURST_OFF',0
dbon dc.b 'DBURST_ON',0
dboff dc.b 'DBURST_OFF',0
cben dc.b 'COPYBACK CACHE ENABLED',$0a,0
cbdis dc.b 'COPYBACK CACHE DISABLED',$0a,0
dcen dc.b 'DATA CACHE ENABLED',$0a,0
dcdis dc.b 'DATA CACHE DISABLED',$0a,0
dben dc.b 'DATA BURST ENABLED',$0a,0
dbdis dc.b 'DATA BURST DISABLED',$0a,0
credit dc.b $0a,$1b,'[0;33m CPUSet V1.5 ',$1b,'[0;32mWritten in Assembler ',$1b,'[0;m © Nic Wilson',$0a
dc.b ' For 68020, 68030 & 68040 Processors',$0a
dc.b $1b,'[0;32m This program is Shareware',$1b,'[0;m',$0a,$0a,0
errmsg dc.b 'You ',$1b,'[0;33mMUST ',$1b,'[0mhave a 68020, 68030 or 68040 Processor',$1b,'[0;32mCPU',$1b,'[0m',$0a,$0a,0
usage dc.b $0a,$1b,'[0;33m68040-> ',$1b,'[0;32mCPUSet ',$1b,'[0;mICACHE_ON/S,ICACHE_OFF/S,DCACHE_ON/S,DCACHE_OFF/S',$0a
dc.b ' CBACK_ON/S,CBACK_OFF/S',$0a
dc.b $0a,$1b,'[0;33m68030-> ',$1b,'[0;32mCPUSet ',$1b,'[0;mICACHE_ON/S,ICACHE_OFF/S,DCACHE_ON/S,DCACHE_OFF/S',$0a
dc.b $0a,$1b,'[0;33m68020-> ',$1b,'[0;32mCPUSet ',$1b,'[0;mICACHE_ON/S,ICACHE_OFF/S,DCACHE_ON/S,DCACHE_OFF/S',$0a,$0a,0