Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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The files in this archive are all:
Copyright 1991, Mike Meyer
All Rights reserved
This collection of files may be freely redistributed so long as the
entire contents of the collection is included, with no changes to
either any of the files in the archive, or to their locations relative
to each other in the directory tree they are contained in. Further,
the collection must be distinct from any other files distributed on
the same media. Arranging the files contained in this collection so
that they reside in either an archive or a directory with no other
files is sufficient for the purposes of this paragraph.
There is a commercial version of this archive available, which
includes a much larger selection of saver modules and utilities. You
can buy it by sending one of three things (see below) to me:
1) $20 US.
2) $10 US, and a stamped, self-addressed disk.
3) A saver or guard module usable in the commercial distribution.
This must include both source and a document giving complete,
non-exclusive distribution rights (which is to say - I can do whatever
I want with it, but so can you). For good measure, include either item
#1 or item #2 in case the module is not acceptable. If I accept the
module, I will return your money (or disk) with the commercial
distribution. If you send an unacceptable saver module without either
#1 or #2, I will send you a note.
Send one of these three along with a note asking for the commercial
ShadowMaster distribution to one of the following addresses:
Mike Meyer
3657 Ramona Circle
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Phone: +1 415 424 8273
BIXname: mwm
Internet: mwm@berkeley.edu
UUCP: ucbvax!mwm
If you have access to the electronic addresses, you should verify the mail
address before sending either money or disks to that address.
The order will be sent back to the address from which it was recieved.
Please include either surface and electronic mail addresses and a
phone number with all orders.
For a group purchase (site license, or similar usage), the cost is
reduced to $10/copy, plus either $10 or a stamped, self-addressed
disk. One copy of the commercial distribution will be shipped to the
purchaser; further distribution to the group is the purchaser's
responsibility. For each copy ordered, please give the name and
address of the person who will be contacting me for support or
updates. Other arrangements are possible, please contact me at any of
the above addresses for more information.
You may receive an update to the commercial distribution at any time
by sending either $10, or a stamped, self-address disk to me at the
above addresses.
This software is warranted to display graphics programs on your screen
under suitable conditions. No other warranties, either explicit or
implicit, are made for this software. In particular, no warranties are
made regarding life of hardware or compatability with other software
on your system.