Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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* Copyright 1991 by "Soft from the Wood" and Stefan Otto
* All rights reserved.
* This programm is in the Pulic Domain.
* Send flames, bug reports, requests to :
* Stefan Otto
* Uhlandstr. 21
* W-6200 Wiesbaden - Germany
* You may pass the program around as long as this doc file
* remains a part of it.
* If you would like to distribute this program with your
* software, you must contact me first.
* The entire risk as to the quality and performance
* of this program is with you.
* Hey distributors !
* Please read "IMPORTANT NOTICE" at the end of this text.
Env V2.08
© 1991 by "Soft from the Wood"
and Stefan Otto
Env is a user-friendly tool to edit your "environments". You can
change, add, copy, rename and delete them with a new OS2.x intuition
GUI, instead of using DOS SetEnv/GetEnv:
- All windows and gadgets open up "font-sensitiv"!!!
- Window opens on default publicscreen.
- Includes a "window appears under mouse-pointer" feature.
- All custom gadgets have a keyboard shortcut for "power users"
(look at the underlined character in the labels).
- Your can cancel all windows with the ESC-key.
- Additionally all windows have intuition pull-down menus.
- All settings can be saved (as environment of course).
- Doubleclick in listview is supported.
- shell command line support
- nice icon :-)
- DAU - tested (*1)
AmigaOS 2.x
Because of heavy use of 2.0 functions it would be hard to do
the same under old 1.3 OS.
gadtools.library V37.xx or higher
According to some features not been supported by previous
versions of gadtools.library Env needs V37.xx
graphics.library V36
intuition.library V36
diskfont.library V36
about 50k Byte of free memory.
Assigns ENV: and ENVARC:
New Env... (shortcut: 'N', menu: right Amiga 'N')
Opens a new window asking for the new name of the new environment and
its contents. Your must give at least the name - without I can`t create
a file and the only way to leave is to cancel it. This window has also
its own menu.
Save (shortcut: 'S', menu: right Amiga 'S')
The "Save" command saves the file to "ENV:" AND also to "ENVARC:",
so that it will not be lost even if your reset or switch off your
Use (shortcut: 'U', menu: right Amiga 'U')
The "Use" command saves the file only to "ENV:". Normaly "ENV:"
is in your RAM Disk, so it will be lost is you reset or switch
off your computer!!!
Cancel (shortcut: 'C', menu: right Amiga 'C')
"Cancel" cancels this window. Clicking on the system's Close-
Window-Gadget or pressing ESC will do the same.
Get Env... (shortcut: 'G', menu: right Amiga 'G')
You see the value of the selected environment. To leave this window use:
Save (shortcut: 'S', menu: right Amiga 'S')
Saves the file to "ENV:" AND also to "ENVARC:".
Use (shortcut: 'U', menu: right Amiga 'U')
"Use" saves the file only to "ENV:". Normaly "ENV:" is in your
RAM Disk, so that it will be lost if you reset or switch off
your computer.
Cancel (shortcut: 'C', menu: right Amiga 'C')
"Cancel" cancels creating a new environment. Clicking on the
gadget "Cancel" or the system's Close-Window-Gadget or pressing
ESC or just "C" will do the same.
Rename Env... (shortcut: 'R', menu: right Amiga 'R')
You rename the selected environment. To leave this window use:
Save (shortcut: 'S', menu: right Amiga 'S')
Rename the file in "ENV:" and also in "ENVARC:".
Use (shortcut: 'U', menu: right Amiga 'U')
"Use" renames the file only in "ENV:". Normaly "ENV:" is in
your RAM Disk, so that it will be lost if you reset or switch
off your computer!
Cancel (shortcut: 'C', menu: right Amiga 'C')
"Cancel" cancels this window. Clicking on the system's Close-
Window-Gadget or pressing ESC will do the same.
Delete Env (shortcut: 'D', menu: right Amiga 'D')
Deletes the selected environment. If the option "ask before Delete"
has been turned on, Env will ask:
"Warning: you cannot get back what you delete!"
OK! Delete No! Cancel
Otherwise "Env" doesn`t ask and deletes directly.
Any suggestions?
Quit (shortcut: 'Q', menu: right Amiga 'Q')
Clicking on gadget "Quit" will quit Env. Using the system's Close-
Window-Gadget or pressing the Key "q" or even ESC will do the same.
If the option "ask before Quit" is checked I will ask:
OK Cancel
Copy to ENVARC: (shortcut: 'U', menu: right Amiga 'U')
This function will copy all environments (without subdirectories!!!)
from the volatile "Env:" to EnvArc:, which is located for example
on your Harddisk.
Copy to ENV: (shortcut: 'C', menu: right Amiga 'C')
Just the same as "Copy to ENVARC:" but in the opposite direction.
ask before Delete (right Amiga '?')
ask before Quit (right Amiga 'A')
don`t appear under Mouse (right Amiga 'M')
Save as Defaults (right Amiga 'E')
Save the currend settings to "ENVARC:".
ask before Delete (right Amiga '?')
If this option is checked I ask before deleting an environment.
By default this option is turned off.
ask before Quit (right Amiga 'A')
If this option is checked I ask before quiting the program.
By default this option is turned off.
don`t appear under Mouse (right Amiga 'M')
If this option is checked I open all windows at the same location
on the screen (about 10,10) and NOT under your mouse pointer, which
is the default setting.
case senitive Sort
This option has no menu item. The default setting of this option is
off, but if you wish to change, create an environment named
"EnvEnv" and fill in the keyword "CASE". Next time you start Env
the Listview of environments will be sorted case-sensitiv.
(see COMMANDS for more information)
New Env... (right Amiga 'N')
Get Env... (right Amiga 'G')
Rename Env... (right Amiga 'R')
Delete Env (right Amiga 'D')
Quit (right Amiga 'Q')
Copy to ENVARC: (right Amiga 'U')
Copy to ENV: (right Amiga 'C')
Ask before Delete (right Amiga '?')
Ask before Quit (right Amiga 'A')
don`t appear under Mouse (right Amiga 'M')
Save as Defaults (right Amiga 'E')
<no option>
Opens the main window including the environment listview.
Prompts for further arguments (see below). You can cancel
now by simply pressing RETURN (DOS return code is set to 5).
The first (or only) name you specify will be interpreted by Env
as the name of an environment. If you don't specify any other
argument Env will come up with its "Get Env..." requester where
you can edit the environment's value. Especially Env will NOT
open its main window with the listview and it will end immediatly
after finishing the "Get Env..." requester.
ALL following arguments will be copied into the environment
specified by the first NAME argument!!!! No window will show up,
no message printed out. Only changes the environment in "ENV:"!
env Username foo bar
- Sets the environment "Username" to its value "foo bar".
env Workbench
- Brings up the "Get Env..." requester for environment "Workbench".
In critical situations (No free memory, ENV: not assigned) Env will
set both Shell return codes, Result1 to a value above 0 and Result2
the according DOS error code.
assign env: remove
- No window will be opened.
Result1: 25
Result2: 218 (Volume not mounted)
Today Env doesn't support subdirectories in ENV: which means that
subdirectories will not be listed and for that can nor be entered,
renamed or removed.
The Help! gadget and the Help key are both not supported today.
Localiced software version :-)
D ümmster (most stupid)
A nzunehmender (supposeabel)
U ser (user)
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: This program is copyrighted by Stefan Otto, but can
be freely distributed, providing that the following rules are respected.
- No change is made to the program or to the accompaning documentation
- The package is always distributed in its complete form consisting of
2 files: "Env" and "Env.doc".
- Every form of distribution is allowed and encouraged, but no fee can
be charged for this program exept for, possibly, the cost of magnetic
media and/or disk duplication and shipping.
- Inclusion in PD software libraries such as Fish Disks is allowed.
- The program cannot be distributed in any commercial product without the
written consent of the author.
By copying, distributing and/or using the program you indicate your
acceptance of the above rules.
In no event will the author be liable for direct or indirect damage or
loss resulting from the use of this program.
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