Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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1,089 lines
(*$R-V-*) (* range checking OFF, overflow checking OFF *)
(* This is the implementation module of all the graphics stuff for my
ataxx program.
FROM TermInOut
IMPORT WriteString, WriteLn;
FROM Memory
IMPORT AllocMem, FreeMem, MemReqSet, MemChip, MemClear;
FROM Preferences
IMPORT Preferences, GetPrefs;
FROM Views
IMPORT ViewModesSet, Sprites, LoadRGB4, SetRGB4, ViewPort, ColorTable,
FROM Rasters
IMPORT RastPort, Jam1, Jam2;
FROM Drawing
IMPORT SetAPen, SetOPen, SetDrMd, Draw, Move, RectFill, DrawCircle,
WritePixel, ReadPixel;
FROM header
IMPORT boardtype, playertype, squaretype, boardrange, state, pointercode,
movetype, printmsgtype;
FROM input
IMPORT WaitForMouseUp, ChangeToMainMenu;
FROM attackssprites
IMPORT InitPointers, circle, mypointer, emptysquare, blocksquare;
FROM Ports
IMPORT GetMsg, ReplyMsg, MsgPortPtr, WaitPort, MessagePtr;
FROM Conversions
IMPORT ConvNumberToString;
FROM Intuition
IMPORT NewScreen, OpenScreen, ScreenPtr, Screen, CustomScreen,
CloseScreen, NewWindow, WindowPtr, WindowFlagsSet,
IDCMPFlagsSet, OpenWindow, CloseWindow, ClearMenuStrip,
WindowFlags, IDCMPFlags, ScreenFlags, IntuiMessagePtr,
SetPointer, ClearPointer, IntuiText, PrintIText, ShowTitle;
Black = 0;
White = 1;
BGrey = 2;
Red = 3; DarkRed = 4; LtRed = 5;
Blue = 6; DarkBlue = 7; LtBlue = 8;
HGrey = 9; HDarkGrey = 10; HLtGrey = 11;
Green = 14; DarkGreen = 13; LtGreen = 12; (* other colors *)
Yellow = 15; DarkYellow = 16; LtYellow = 18;
Orange = 18; DarkOrange = 19; LtOrange = 20;
Purple = 21; DarkPurple = 22; LtPurple = 23;
Violet = 24; DarkViolet = 25; LtViolet = 26;
Cyan = 27; DarkCyan = 28; LtCyan = 29;
ns : NewScreen; (* The screen and graphics vars *)
myscreenptr : ScreenPtr;
myrastport : RastPort;
myviewport : ViewPort;
mycolortable : ColorTable;
nw : NewWindow; (* The backdrop window vars *)
itext : IntuiText; (* For displaying text *)
oldmousecolor1, oldmousecolor2, oldmousecolor3 : (* Hold the colors *)
ARRAY [1..3] OF CARDINAL; (* of the original *)
(* mouse. *)
PROCEDURE InitializeScreen() : BOOLEAN;
(* Starts the graphix running. *)
(* Sets up all the graphics variables and draws the first graphics *)
(* that will be presented. It returns true if all the actions worked, *)
(* false otherwise. *)
(* *)
(* INPUT *)
(* n/a *)
(* *)
(* OUTPUT *)
(* Returns a boolean value that tells if the operation was *)
(* succussful or not. If successful, the screen (along *)
(* with the accompanying graphics) is started. *)
(* *)
(* NOTE: This uses mostly globals to this module. It should *)
(* work fine. *)
oldcolor : LONGCARD; (* holds the initial result of GetRGB4 *)
preferences : Preferences;
foo : ADDRESS;
(* Making new screen structure *)
ns.LeftEdge := 0; ns.TopEdge := 0;
ns.Width := 320; ns.Height := 200;
ns.Depth := 4;
ns.DetailPen := BYTE(0); ns.BlockPen := BYTE(1);
ns.ViewModes := ViewModesSet{Sprites}; (* Not quite sure about this *)
ns.Type := CustomScreen;
ns.Font := NIL; (* Using default font *)
ns.DefaultTitle := ADR("Attacks");
ns.Gadgets := NIL;
myscreenptr := OpenScreen(ns);
IF myscreenptr = NIL THEN
WriteString ("Couldn't open screen."); WriteLn;
ShowTitle(myscreenptr^, FALSE); (* Put title BEHIND the backdrop's *)
(* Get vars for the graphics routines *)
myrastport := myscreenptr^.RastPort;
myviewport := myscreenptr^.ViewPort;
foo := GetPrefs(ADR(preferences), SIZE(Preferences));
(* Here, I'm getting the default colors for the orig. mouse *)
oldmousecolor1[1] := preferences.color17 DIV 128;
oldmousecolor1[2] := preferences.color17 DIV 8;
oldmousecolor1[3] := preferences.color17;
oldmousecolor2[1] := preferences.color18 DIV 128;
oldmousecolor2[2] := preferences.color18 DIV 8;
oldmousecolor2[3] := preferences.color18;
oldmousecolor3[1] := preferences.color19 DIV 128;
oldmousecolor3[2] := preferences.color19 DIV 8;
oldmousecolor3[3] := preferences.color19;
(* Preparing the ColorMap structure *)
(* Defining the colors *)
mycolortable [0] := 0000H; (* Black *)
mycolortable [1] := 0FFFH; (* White *)
mycolortable [2] := 0AAAH; (* BGrey *)
mycolortable [3] := 0D00H; (* Red *)
mycolortable [4] := 0900H; (* Dark Red *)
mycolortable [5] := 0F55H; (* Light Red *)
mycolortable [6] := 024EH; (* Blue *)
mycolortable [7] := 000AH; (* Dark Blue *)
mycolortable [8] := 066FH; (* Light Blue *)
mycolortable [9] := 0666H; (* HGrey *)
mycolortable [10] := 0444H; (* HDark Grey *)
mycolortable [11] := 0888H; (* HLight Grey *)
mycolortable [12] := 09F9H; (* Light Green *)
mycolortable [13] := 0090H; (* Dark Green *)
mycolortable [14] := 00E0H; (* Green *)
mycolortable [15] := 0EE0H; (* Yellow *)
(* This changes the colors *)
LoadRGB4 (myviewport, ADR (mycolortable), 16);
(* Now, open a backdrop window *)
nw.LeftEdge := 0; nw.TopEdge := 0;
nw.Width := 320; nw.Height := 200;
nw.DetailPen := BYTE(-1); nw.BlockPen := BYTE(-1); (* use screen's pens *)
nw.Flags := WindowFlagsSet {BackDrop, Borderless, Activate};
nw.IDCMPFlags := IDCMPFlagsSet {MouseButtons, MenuPick};
nw.FirstGadget := NIL;
nw.CheckMark := NIL;
nw.Title := NIL; (* NO TITLE *)
nw.Type := CustomScreen;
nw.Screen := myscreenptr;
mywindowptr := OpenWindow(nw);
IF mywindowptr = NIL THEN
WriteString ("Couldn't open window."); WriteLn;
(* Draw the initial screen *)
(* Set the drawing mode *)
SetDrMd(myrastport, Jam1);
(* Blank the screen *)
SetAPen(myrastport, Black); (* set A pen *)
SetOPen(myrastport, Black); (* and the outline pen too! *)
(* Drawing a blank board *)
SetAPen(myrastport, BGrey);
SetOPen(myrastport, BGrey);
i := 82; (* draw vertical lines *)
SetAPen(myrastport, Black); (* black *)
Move(myrastport, i, 18);
Draw(myrastport, i, 199);
i := i + 31;
UNTIL i = 268;
i := 43; (* now the horizontal *)
Move(myrastport, 52, i);
Draw(myrastport, 268, i);
i := i + 26;
UNTIL i = 199;
(* Put in the scores *)
itext.FrontPen := BYTE(Red);
itext.DrawMode := Jam1;
itext.LeftEdge := 10; itext.TopEdge := 15;
itext.ITextFont := NIL;
itext.IText := ADR("SCORE");
itext.NextText := NIL;
PrintIText(myrastport,itext, 0, 0);
itext.FrontPen := BYTE(Blue);
itext.LeftEdge := 270;
PrintIText(myrastport,itext, 0, 0);
RETURN InitPointers(); (* Lastly, set up the pointer sprites *)
END InitializeScreen;
PROCEDURE CleanupGraphics;
(* Stops the graphix and deallocates all graphix allocated *)
(* memory. It assumes that the graphics HAS been succussfully initi- *)
(* ated. *)
(* *)
(* INPUT *)
(* n/a *)
(* *)
(* OUTPUT *)
(* n/a *)
(* *)
(* NOTE: This accesses and (hopefully) removes all the globals *)
(* that were activated by the init procedure. *)
FreeMem (ADDRESS(circle), 76); (* deallocate sprite mem *)
FreeMem (ADDRESS(mypointer[red]), 76);
FreeMem (ADDRESS(mypointer[blue]), 76);
FreeMem (ADDRESS(emptysquare), 76);
FreeMem (ADDRESS(blocksquare), 76);
CloseWindow(mywindowptr^); (* With intuition, this is easy! *)
END CleanupGraphics;
PROCEDURE DrawSquare (xloc : boardrange; yloc : boardrange;
square : squaretype);
(* This routine modifies only a single square, rather than the *)
(* whole board like the DrawBoard routine does. Considering the upper *)
(* left corner as square (1,1), this routine will replace the given *)
(* square with the specified item (either a block, empty, red, or *)
(* blue). *)
(* *)
(* INPUT *)
(* xloc, yloc These two numbers describe the location *)
(* of the square to change. *)
(* *)
(* square This tells the routine what to change *)
(* the square to. *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* OUTPUT *)
(* The display is change so that only the square *)
(* indicated looks like the new type. *)
x, y : CARDINAL; (* The top left corner of the square *)
foo : INTEGER;
(* First, find the upper left corner of the square in question *)
x := xloc * 31 + 21;
y := yloc * 26 - 8;
CASE square OF
| empty :
SetAPen(myrastport, BGrey);
SetOPen(myrastport, BGrey);
RectFill(myrastport, x, y, x + 29, y + 24);
| block :
SetAPen(myrastport, HGrey);
SetOPen(myrastport, HGrey);
RectFill(myrastport, x + 3, y + 3, x + 26, y + 21);
SetAPen(myrastport, HLtGrey); (* highlight *)
Move(myrastport, x, y + 23);
Draw(myrastport, x, y);
Draw(myrastport, x + 29, y);
Move(myrastport, x + 28, y + 1);
Draw(myrastport, x + 1, y + 1);
Draw(myrastport, x + 1, y + 22);
Move(myrastport, x + 2, y + 21);
Draw(myrastport, x + 2, y + 2);
Draw(myrastport, x + 27, y + 2);
SetAPen(myrastport, HDarkGrey); (* shading *)
Move(myrastport, x, y + 24);
Draw(myrastport, x + 29, y + 24);
Draw(myrastport, x + 29, y + 1);
Move(myrastport, x + 28, y + 2);
Draw(myrastport, x + 28, y + 23);
Draw(myrastport, x + 1, y + 23);
Move(myrastport, x + 2, y + 22);
Draw(myrastport, x + 27, y + 22);
Draw(myrastport, x + 27, y + 3);
| red :
SetAPen(myrastport, BGrey);
SetOPen(myrastport, BGrey);
RectFill(myrastport, x, y, x + 29, y + 24);
SetAPen(myrastport, Red);
SetOPen(myrastport, Red);
RectFill(myrastport, x + 6, y + 4, x + 22, y + 20);
Move(myrastport, x + 7, y + 3); (* Innermost lines *)
Draw(myrastport, x + 21, y + 3);
Move(myrastport, x + 23, y + 5);
Draw(myrastport, x + 23, y + 19);
Move(myrastport, x + 21, y + 21);
Draw(myrastport, x + 7, y + 21);
Move(myrastport, x + 5, y + 19);
Draw(myrastport, x + 5, y + 5);
Move(myrastport, x + 9, y + 2);
Draw(myrastport, x + 19, y + 2);
Move(myrastport, x + 24, y + 7);
Draw(myrastport, x + 24, y + 17);
Move(myrastport, x + 19, y + 22);
Draw(myrastport, x + 9, y + 22);
Move(myrastport, x + 4, y + 17);
Draw(myrastport, x + 4, y + 7);
SetAPen(myrastport, DarkRed); (* Draw Outer circle *)
DrawCircle(myrastport, x + 14, y + 12, 11);
SetAPen(myrastport, Red); (* Correct the circle *)
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 7, y + 4);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 21, y + 4);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 6, y + 5);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 22, y + 5);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 6, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 7, y + 20);
SetAPen(myrastport, DarkRed);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 7, y + 3);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 21, y + 3);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 5, y + 5);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 23, y + 5);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 5, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 23, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 7, y + 21);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 21, y + 21);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 16, y + 6); (* put in shading *)
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 17, y + 6);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 9, y + 8);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 10, y + 8);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 12, y + 8);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 13, y + 8);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 16, y + 8);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 12, y + 9);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 14, y + 9);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 9, y + 10);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 14, y + 10);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 7, y + 11);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 11, y + 11);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 8, y + 12);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 13, y + 12);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 8, y + 13);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 12, y + 13);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 24, y + 14);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 10, y + 15);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 12, y + 16);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 17, y + 21);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 18, y + 21);
Move(myrastport, x + 13, y + 5 );
Draw(myrastport, x + 15, y + 5);
Move(myrastport, x + 10, y + 6 );
Draw(myrastport, x + 14, y + 6);
Move(myrastport, x + 9, y + 7);
Draw(myrastport, x + 16, y + 7);
Move(myrastport, x + 17, y + 8 );
Draw(myrastport, x + 17, y + 10);
Move(myrastport, x + 7, y + 9);
Draw(myrastport, x + 10, y + 9);
Move(myrastport, x + 8, y + 10);
Draw(myrastport, x + 10, y + 12);
Move(myrastport, x + 15, y + 22);
Draw(myrastport, x + 17, y + 22);
Move(myrastport, x + 19, y + 21);
Draw(myrastport, x + 23, y + 17);
Move(myrastport, x + 22, y + 17);
Draw(myrastport, x + 24, y + 15);
SetAPen(myrastport, LtRed); (* Highlight circle *)
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 13, y + 2);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 10, y + 3);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 19, y + 6);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 8, y + 7);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 21, y + 8);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 6, y + 9);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 19, y + 10);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 6, y + 11);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 15, y + 11);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 20, y + 11);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 23, y + 12);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 9, y + 13);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 18, y + 13);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 20, y + 13);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 16, y + 14);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 23, y + 14);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 6, y + 15);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 14, y + 15);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 18, y + 15);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 18, y + 16);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 8, y + 17);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 16, y + 17);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 13, y + 18);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 17, y + 18);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 9, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 10, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 12, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 14, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 17, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 18, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 13, y + 21);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 14, y + 21);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 16, y + 21);
Move(myrastport, x + 12, y + 3 );
Draw(myrastport, x + 15, y + 3 );
Move(myrastport, x + 8, y + 4);
Draw(myrastport, x + 17, y + 4);
Move(myrastport, x + 9, y + 5);
Draw(myrastport, x + 12, y + 5);
Move(myrastport, x + 16, y + 5);
Draw(myrastport, x + 18, y + 5);
Move(myrastport, x + 7, y + 5);
Draw(myrastport, x + 7, y + 8);
Move(myrastport, x + 6, y + 6);
Draw(myrastport, x + 9, y + 6);
Move(myrastport, x + 5, y + 8);
Draw(myrastport, x + 8, y + 8);
Move(myrastport, x + 5, y + 8);
Draw(myrastport, x + 5, y + 13);
Move(myrastport, x + 11, y + 20);
Draw(myrastport, x + 18, y + 20);
Move(myrastport, x + 19, y + 17);
Draw(myrastport, x + 19, y + 19);
Move(myrastport, x + 20, y + 16);
Draw(myrastport, x + 20, y + 18);
Move(myrastport, x + 21, y + 14);
Draw(myrastport, x + 21, y + 16);
Move(myrastport, x + 22, y + 11);
Draw(myrastport, x + 22, y + 15);
| blue :
SetAPen(myrastport, BGrey);
SetOPen(myrastport, BGrey);
RectFill(myrastport, x, y, x + 29, y + 24);
SetAPen(myrastport, Blue);
SetOPen(myrastport, Blue);
RectFill(myrastport, x + 6, y + 4, x + 22, y + 20);
Move(myrastport, x + 7, y + 3); (* Innermost lines *)
Draw(myrastport, x + 21, y + 3);
Move(myrastport, x + 23, y + 5);
Draw(myrastport, x + 23, y + 19);
Move(myrastport, x + 21, y + 21);
Draw(myrastport, x + 7, y + 21);
Move(myrastport, x + 5, y + 19);
Draw(myrastport, x + 5, y + 5);
Move(myrastport, x + 9, y + 2);
Draw(myrastport, x + 19, y + 2);
Move(myrastport, x + 24, y + 7);
Draw(myrastport, x + 24, y + 17);
Move(myrastport, x + 19, y + 22);
Draw(myrastport, x + 9, y + 22);
Move(myrastport, x + 4, y + 17);
Draw(myrastport, x + 4, y + 7);
SetAPen(myrastport, DarkBlue); (* Draw Outer circle *)
DrawCircle(myrastport, x + 14, y + 12, 11);
SetAPen(myrastport, Blue); (* Correct the circle *)
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 7, y + 4);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 21, y + 4);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 6, y + 5);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 22, y + 5);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 6, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 7, y + 20);
SetAPen(myrastport, DarkBlue);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 7, y + 3);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 21, y + 3);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 5, y + 5);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 23, y + 5);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 5, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 23, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 7, y + 21);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 21, y + 21);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 16, y + 6); (* put in shading *)
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 17, y + 6);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 9, y + 8);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 10, y + 8);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 12, y + 8);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 13, y + 8);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 16, y + 8);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 12, y + 9);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 14, y + 9);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 9, y + 10);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 14, y + 10);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 7, y + 11);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 11, y + 11);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 8, y + 12);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 13, y + 12);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 8, y + 13);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 12, y + 13);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 24, y + 14);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 10, y + 15);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 12, y + 16);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 17, y + 21);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 18, y + 21);
Move(myrastport, x + 13, y + 5 );
Draw(myrastport, x + 15, y + 5);
Move(myrastport, x + 10, y + 6 );
Draw(myrastport, x + 14, y + 6);
Move(myrastport, x + 9, y + 7);
Draw(myrastport, x + 16, y + 7);
Move(myrastport, x + 17, y + 8 );
Draw(myrastport, x + 17, y + 10);
Move(myrastport, x + 7, y + 9);
Draw(myrastport, x + 10, y + 9);
Move(myrastport, x + 8, y + 10);
Draw(myrastport, x + 10, y + 12);
Move(myrastport, x + 15, y + 22);
Draw(myrastport, x + 17, y + 22);
Move(myrastport, x + 19, y + 21);
Draw(myrastport, x + 23, y + 17);
Move(myrastport, x + 22, y + 17);
Draw(myrastport, x + 24, y + 15);
SetAPen(myrastport, LtBlue); (* Highlight circle *)
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 13, y + 2);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 10, y + 3);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 19, y + 6);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 8, y + 7);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 21, y + 8);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 6, y + 9);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 19, y + 10);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 6, y + 11);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 15, y + 11);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 20, y + 11);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 23, y + 12);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 9, y + 13);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 18, y + 13);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 20, y + 13);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 16, y + 14);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 23, y + 14);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 6, y + 15);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 14, y + 15);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 18, y + 15);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 18, y + 16);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 8, y + 17);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 16, y + 17);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 13, y + 18);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 17, y + 18);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 9, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 10, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 12, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 14, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 17, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 18, y + 19);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 13, y + 21);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 14, y + 21);
foo := WritePixel(myrastport, x + 16, y + 21);
Move(myrastport, x + 12, y + 3 );
Draw(myrastport, x + 15, y + 3 );
Move(myrastport, x + 8, y + 4);
Draw(myrastport, x + 17, y + 4);
Move(myrastport, x + 9, y + 5);
Draw(myrastport, x + 12, y + 5);
Move(myrastport, x + 16, y + 5);
Draw(myrastport, x + 18, y + 5);
Move(myrastport, x + 7, y + 5);
Draw(myrastport, x + 7, y + 8);
Move(myrastport, x + 6, y + 6);
Draw(myrastport, x + 9, y + 6);
Move(myrastport, x + 5, y + 8);
Draw(myrastport, x + 8, y + 8);
Move(myrastport, x + 5, y + 8);
Draw(myrastport, x + 5, y + 13);
Move(myrastport, x + 11, y + 20);
Draw(myrastport, x + 18, y + 20);
Move(myrastport, x + 19, y + 17);
Draw(myrastport, x + 19, y + 19);
Move(myrastport, x + 20, y + 16);
Draw(myrastport, x + 20, y + 18);
Move(myrastport, x + 21, y + 14);
Draw(myrastport, x + 21, y + 16);
Move(myrastport, x + 22, y + 11);
Draw(myrastport, x + 22, y + 15);
END DrawSquare;
PROCEDURE HighlightSquare (xloc : boardrange; yloc : boardrange;
player : playertype);
(* This routine highlights the given square in the color of the *)
(* specified player. It is assumed that checking has already been *)
(* made so that the highlighting makes sense. *)
(* *)
(* INPUT *)
(* xloc, yloc These two numbers describe the location *)
(* of the square to change. *)
(* *)
(* player This tells the routine what colors to *)
(* use. *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* OUTPUT *)
(* The display is change so that only the square *)
(* indicated looks highlighted. *)
x, y : CARDINAL; (* The top left corner of the square *)
(* First, find the upper left corner of the square in question *)
x := xloc * 31 + 21;
y := yloc * 26 - 8;
(* Now, change the color of the border of the square *)
IF player = red THEN
SetAPen(myrastport, Red);
ELSE SetAPen(myrastport, Blue);
Move(myrastport, x - 1, y - 1);
Draw(myrastport, x + 30, y - 1);
Draw(myrastport, x + 30, y + 25);
Draw(myrastport, x - 1, y + 25);
Draw(myrastport, x - 1, y - 1);
Move(myrastport, x , y );
Draw(myrastport, x + 29, y );
Draw(myrastport, x + 29, y + 24);
Draw(myrastport, x , y + 24);
Draw(myrastport, x , y );
IF player = red THEN (* Do the highlighting *)
SetAPen(myrastport, DarkRed);
ELSE SetAPen(myrastport, DarkBlue);
Move(myrastport, x + 4, y + 7); Draw(myrastport, x + 9, y + 2);
Move(myrastport, x + 3, y +10); Draw(myrastport, x +12, y + 1);
Move(myrastport, x + 3, y +12); Draw(myrastport, x +14, y + 1);
Move(myrastport, x + 3, y +14); Draw(myrastport, x +16, y + 1);
Move(myrastport, x + 4, y +15); Draw(myrastport, x +17, y + 2);
Move(myrastport, x + 4, y +17); Draw(myrastport, x +19, y + 2);
Move(myrastport, x + 5, y +18); Draw(myrastport, x +20, y + 3);
Move(myrastport, x + 6, y +19); Draw(myrastport, x +21, y + 4);
Move(myrastport, x + 7, y +20); Draw(myrastport, x +22, y + 5);
Move(myrastport, x + 8, y +21); Draw(myrastport, x +23, y + 6);
Move(myrastport, x + 9, y +22); Draw(myrastport, x +24, y + 7);
Move(myrastport, x +11, y +22); Draw(myrastport, x +24, y + 9);
Move(myrastport, x +12, y +23); Draw(myrastport, x +25, y +10);
Move(myrastport, x +14, y +23); Draw(myrastport, x +25, y +12);
Move(myrastport, x +16, y +23); Draw(myrastport, x +25, y +14);
Move(myrastport, x +19, y +22); Draw(myrastport, x +24, y +17);
END HighlightSquare;
PROCEDURE UnHighlightSquare (xloc : boardrange; yloc : boardrange;
player : playertype);
(* This routine UNhighlights the given square. It undoes the *)
(* effects of HighlightSquare. Similarly, it assumes that checking *)
(* has already been done so that unhighlighting makes sense. *)
(* *)
(* INPUT *)
(* xloc, yloc These two numbers describe the location *)
(* of the square to change. *)
(* *)
(* player This is the color of the square to UN- *)
(* highlight. *)
(* *)
(* OUTPUT *)
(* The display is change so that only the square *)
(* indicated looks UNhighlighted. *)
x, y : CARDINAL; (* The top left corner of the square *)
(* First, find the upper left corner of the square in question *)
x := xloc * 31 + 21;
y := yloc * 26 - 8;
SetAPen(myrastport, Black);
Move(myrastport, x - 1, y - 1);
Draw(myrastport, x + 30, y - 1);
Draw(myrastport, x + 30, y + 25);
Draw(myrastport, x - 1, y + 25);
Draw(myrastport, x - 1, y - 1);
SetAPen(myrastport, BGrey);
Move(myrastport, x , y );
Draw(myrastport, x + 29, y );
Draw(myrastport, x + 29, y + 24);
Draw(myrastport, x , y + 24);
Draw(myrastport, x , y );
CASE state.board[xloc,yloc] OF (* UnDo the highlighting *)
| red :
SetAPen(myrastport, Red);
| blue :
SetAPen(myrastport, Blue);
| empty :
SetAPen(myrastport, BGrey);
| block :
SetAPen(myrastport, Black);
Move(myrastport, x + 4, y + 7); Draw(myrastport, x + 9, y + 2);
Move(myrastport, x + 3, y +10); Draw(myrastport, x +12, y + 1);
Move(myrastport, x + 3, y +12); Draw(myrastport, x +14, y + 1);
Move(myrastport, x + 3, y +14); Draw(myrastport, x +16, y + 1);
Move(myrastport, x + 4, y +15); Draw(myrastport, x +17, y + 2);
Move(myrastport, x + 4, y +17); Draw(myrastport, x +19, y + 2);
Move(myrastport, x + 5, y +18); Draw(myrastport, x +20, y + 3);
Move(myrastport, x + 6, y +19); Draw(myrastport, x +21, y + 4);
Move(myrastport, x + 7, y +20); Draw(myrastport, x +22, y + 5);
Move(myrastport, x + 8, y +21); Draw(myrastport, x +23, y + 6);
Move(myrastport, x + 9, y +22); Draw(myrastport, x +24, y + 7);
Move(myrastport, x +11, y +22); Draw(myrastport, x +24, y + 9);
Move(myrastport, x +12, y +23); Draw(myrastport, x +25, y +10);
Move(myrastport, x +14, y +23); Draw(myrastport, x +25, y +12);
Move(myrastport, x +16, y +23); Draw(myrastport, x +25, y +14);
Move(myrastport, x +19, y +22); Draw(myrastport, x +24, y +17);
END UnHighlightSquare;
PROCEDURE DrawBoard (board : boardtype);
(* Replaces the current display with the given board. *)
(* *)
(* INPUT *)
(* board A variable of boardtype that describes the *)
(* contents of every location of a board. *)
(* *)
(* OUTPUT *)
(* The screen is modified to display the contents of the *)
(* input data. *)
i, j : boardrange;
x, y : CARDINAL; (* The top left corner of the square *)
FOR j := 1 TO 7 DO
FOR i := 1 TO 7 DO
x := i * 31 + 35; (* Find the center of the square in question *)
y := j * 26 + 4;
CASE board[i,j] OF
| red :
IF ReadPixel(myrastport, x, y) # Red THEN
DrawSquare(i, j, red);
| blue :
IF ReadPixel(myrastport, x, y) # Blue THEN
DrawSquare(i, j, blue);
| empty :
IF ReadPixel(myrastport, x, y) # BGrey THEN
DrawSquare(i, j, empty);
| block :
IF ReadPixel(myrastport, x, y) # HGrey THEN
DrawSquare(i, j, block);
END; (* case *)
END DrawBoard;
PROCEDURE ChangePointer (code : pointercode);
(* This changes the mouse pointer. The code determines what the *)
(* pointer is changed to. *)
(* *)
(* INPUT *)
(* code This variable is of the enumerated type, *)
(* pointercode. It consists of RedCircle, *)
(* BlueCircle, and Default. The Default code *)
(* tells this routine to restore the pointer *)
(* to whatever it was when the program was *)
(* started. *)
(* *)
(* OUTPUT *)
(* The mouse pointer is immediately changed to the desired *)
(* pointer. *)
CASE code OF
| RedCircle :
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 18, 15, 5, 5); (* Red *)
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 17, 13, 0, 0); (* Lt Red *)
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 19, 9, 0, 0); (* Dark Red *)
SetPointer(mywindowptr^, ADDRESS(circle), 16, 16, -7, -7);
| BlueCircle :
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 18, 6, 6, 15); (* Blue *)
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 17, 3, 4, 14); (* Lt Blue *)
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 19, 0, 0, 10); (* Dark Blue *)
SetPointer(mywindowptr^, ADDRESS(circle), 16, 16, -7, -7);
| RedPointer :
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 17, 13, 0, 0); (* red *)
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 18, 0, 0, 0); (* black *)
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 19, 0, 0, 0); (* black *)
SetPointer(mywindowptr^, ADDRESS(mypointer[red]), 10, 16, -1, -2);
| BluePointer :
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 17, 2, 4, 14); (* blue *)
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 18, 2, 4, 14); (* blue *)
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 19, 0, 0, 0); (* black *)
SetPointer(mywindowptr^, ADDRESS(mypointer[blue]), 10, 16, -16, -2);
| DefaultPointer :
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 17, oldmousecolor1[1], oldmousecolor1[2], oldmousecolor1[3]);
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 18, oldmousecolor2[1], oldmousecolor2[2], oldmousecolor2[3]);
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 19, oldmousecolor3[1], oldmousecolor3[2], oldmousecolor3[3]);
| EmptySquare :
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 18, 10, 10, 10);
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 17, 0, 0, 0);
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 19, 0, 0, 0);
SetPointer(mywindowptr^, ADDRESS(emptysquare), 16, 16, -7, -7);
| BlockSquare :
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 18, 8, 8, 8);
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 17, 6, 6, 6);
SetRGB4 (myviewport, 19, 4, 4, 4); (* This is color 11 *)
SetPointer(mywindowptr^, ADDRESS(blocksquare), 16, 16, -7, -7);
END ChangePointer;
PROCEDURE PrintTurn (player : playertype);
(* Displays whose turn it is by the message on the top of the *)
(* screen *)
(* *)
(* INPUT *)
(* player The player whose turn it now is. *)
(* *)
(* OUTPUT *)
(* The screen is modified to display whose turn it is. *)
(* First, blank out the old message *)
itext.FrontPen := BYTE(Black);
itext.BackPen := BYTE(Black);
itext.DrawMode := Jam2;
itext.LeftEdge := 0; itext.TopEdge := 0;
itext.ITextFont := NIL;
itext.IText := ADR(" ");
itext.NextText := NIL;
PrintIText(myrastport,itext, 117, 7);
itext.FrontPen := BYTE(Black);
IF player = red THEN
itext.BackPen := BYTE(Red);
itext.IText := ADR("Red's Turn");
PrintIText(myrastport,itext, 121,7);
itext.BackPen := BYTE(Blue);
itext.IText := ADR("Blue's Turn");
PrintIText(myrastport,itext, 117,7);
END PrintTurn;
PROCEDURE PrintMsg (msg : printmsgtype);
(* Prints the message at the top of the screen. This procedure should *)
(* not be confused with the procedure PrintTurn, which displays who's *)
(* turn it is to play. *)
(* *)
(* INPUT *)
(* msg This is which message to display. *)
(* *)
(* OUTPUT *)
(* The screen is changed to display the desired message. *)
(* First, blank out the old message *)
itext.FrontPen := BYTE(Black);
itext.BackPen := BYTE(Black);
itext.DrawMode := Jam2;
itext.LeftEdge := 0; itext.TopEdge := 0;
itext.ITextFont := NIL;
itext.IText := ADR(" ");
itext.NextText := NIL;
PrintIText(myrastport,itext, 117, 7);
GameOver :
itext.FrontPen := BYTE(White);
itext.IText := ADR("Game Over");
PrintIText(myrastport, itext, 125,7);
Thinking :
IF state.turn = red THEN
itext.FrontPen := BYTE(Red);
ELSE itext.FrontPen := BYTE(Blue);
itext.IText := ADR("Thinking...");
PrintIText(myrastport, itext, 129,7);
END PrintMsg;
PROCEDURE ShowScore (redscore : CARDINAL; bluescore : CARDINAL);
(* Displays the scores. *)
(* *)
(* INPUT *)
(* redscore The number of squares occupied by the red *)
(* player. *)
(* *)
(* bluescore The number of squares occupied by the blue *)
(* player. *)
(* *)
(* OUTPUT *)
(* The screen is modified to display the scores. *)
str : ARRAY [1..8] OF CHAR;
(* First, blank out the old scores *)
itext.FrontPen := BYTE(Black);
itext.BackPen := BYTE(Black);
itext.DrawMode := Jam2;
itext.LeftEdge := 0; itext.TopEdge := 0;
itext.ITextFont := NIL;
itext.IText := ADR(" ");
itext.NextText := NIL;
PrintIText(myrastport,itext, 22, 25);
PrintIText(myrastport,itext, 282, 25);
itext.FrontPen := BYTE(Red);
itext.DrawMode := Jam1;
ConvNumberToString(str, LONGWORD(redscore), FALSE, 10, 2, " ");
itext.IText := ADR(str);
PrintIText(myrastport,itext, 23, 25);
itext.FrontPen := BYTE(Blue);
ConvNumberToString(str, LONGWORD(bluescore), FALSE, 10, 2, " ");
itext.IText := ADR(str);
PrintIText(myrastport,itext, 282, 25);
END ShowScore;
(* Simply displays a message about the programmer and then waits for *)
(* a mouse click to then erase this new display and return to the old *)
(* one. *)
i, j : boardrange;
ClearMenuStrip( mywindowptr^ );
SetAPen(myrastport,DarkGreen); (* Draw the rectangle *)
itext.FrontPen := BYTE(White); (* Printing the text *)
itext.DrawMode := Jam1;
itext.LeftEdge := 56; itext.TopEdge := 73;
itext.ITextFont := NIL;
itext.IText := ADR("ATTACKS");
itext.NextText := NIL;
PrintIText(myrastport,itext, 0, 0);
itext.TopEdge := 93;
itext.IText := ADR("was brought to you by");
PrintIText(myrastport,itext, 0, 0);
itext.TopEdge := 113;
itext.IText := ADR(" Scott Biggs");
PrintIText(myrastport,itext, 0, 0);
itext.TopEdge := 123;
itext.IText := ADR(" 6313 Walnut Hills");
PrintIText(myrastport,itext, 0, 0);
itext.TopEdge := 133;
itext.IText := ADR(" Austin, TX 78723");
PrintIText(myrastport,itext, 0, 0);
SetAPen(myrastport,Black); (* Erase the rectangle *)
FOR j := 3 TO 5 DO
FOR i := 1 TO 7 DO
END ShowAbout;
END attacksgraphics.