Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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Text File
1,811 lines
;This code is Copyright © Nic Wilson 1991, 1992
;It is supplied here only as an example of programming
;the 68040 MMU on a fully blown 68040 compatible assembler.
;such as the one I use, Macro68.
;I am a dealer for Macro68, if anyone is interested in
;purchasing this, then please contact me.
;No part of this source code may be used without permission
;in writing from Nic Wilson, but i'm easy to talk to so phone or
;email me {cbmvax|cbmehq}!cbmaus!wilson!nic@uunet.uu.net
;The source, docs and executable must remain completely unmodified
;I would be grateful if you notify me of any bugs or suggestions
;If you find this source useful as an example when
;writing your own then give credit to the author
;NOTE: The macro's used in this source code, are not supplied but
;they work in a unique way. All macros are always included but do
;not produce object code unless called. When called for the first
;time the assembler is forced to change hunk and insert the macro.
;The macro call in the main hunk is replaced with a "JSR macro" call,
;subsequent calls to the same macro are just replaced with the
;"JSR macro". This has benefits, in that code is smaller because
;macros are never expanded more than once, and under a debugger
;the code looks the same as the source without falling into macro
;code that may have been written ages ago. It can then be debugged
;without having to see old code. If a large library of routines is
;built up this way, it also allows for bug free programming as the
;macros will become bug free after a period of time. All this makes
;the macros similar to function calls.
;All this could be done with a link library, but it is done this way for
;sheer speed. This program assembles in under one second, with an
;average pass time of .41 seconds.
;Try that with a C complier and blink!!
INCPATH "includes:"
super ;want supervisor ins
newsyntax ;using new syntax
exeobj ;want executable file
strict ;all ins are strict
objfile "Set040" ;ouptut name
maclib "commonmac/allmacs.mac" ;pre-assembled macros
include "commonmac/macs.i" ;macro kludge
SECTION main,CODE ;needed for macros
;The beginning and end of the program.
;First we do the startup stuff, parse
;the cli command string, get the output
;file handle, branch to the main code
;on return free it all up and exit
pushregs ;save non scratch
ParseCL ;parse the command line
FindLibs ;get the libraries
CALLDOS Output ;get output handle
move.l d0,(_stdout) ;save it
bsr.b main ;go do the stuff
FreeCL ;free cli args
popregs ;pop the regs
rts ;bye bye!!
;We check for V2.04, we cannot allow V36 because
;this program calls some V37 exec calls. Then we
;check if we are using a 68040 CPU.
main movea.l (4).w,a6 ;get exec
cmpi.w #37,(LIB_VERSION,a6) ;check if vers is 2.0x
blt.w check4kick ;if not check kickrom
move.w (AttnFlags,a6),d0
btst #AFB_68040,d0 ;check for 68040
bne.b found040 ;skip to 040 stuff
;If a 68030 is found then the only switch allowed
;is the -s for switch to 68040, we check for this
;and error if any other switch or none is found.
btst #AFB_68030,d0 ;at least 68030 ?
beq.w cpuerr ;error if not
tst.l (_argv) ;do we have args
beq.w cpuerr ;error if not
movea.l (_argv),a0 ;get the arg array
movea.l (a0),a0 ;get the first arg
cmpi.b #'-',(a0)+ ;is it a switch
bne.w cpuerr ;error if not
move.b (a0)+,d0 ;get next byte
bset #5,d0
cmpi.b #'s',d0 ;is it switch cpu's
bne.w cpuerr ;error if not
bra.w doswitch ;go switch 030-040
;Check for CLI args, as we only
;permit one multiple switch we do
;not bother checking for any more
found040 tst.l (_argv) ;check for CLI args
beq.w noargs ;skip if none
movea.l (_argv),a1 ;else get ptr
movea.l (a1)+,a0 ;get first arg
move.b (a0)+,d0 ;get byte
cmpi.b #'?',d0 ;is it usage
beq.w useprint ;go if so
cmpi.b #'-',d0 ;else a switch ?
bne.w noargs ;not valid if not
move.b (a0)+,d0 ;get next byte
bset #5,d0 ;set lower case
cmpi.b #'k',d0 ;is it kickrom
bne.b notkickrom ;skip if not
move.l (a1)+,(kickname) ;else get the filename
bra.w instkick ;and do it
notkickrom cmpi.b #'f',d0
bne.w notinst
argloop move.b (a0)+,d0
cmpi.b #' ',d0
ble.w instfast
cmpi.b #'z',d0 ;is it allow zcaching
bne.b .notz
not.b (zcache)
bra.b argloop
.notz cmpi.b #'w',d0 ;is mother board space
bne.b .notw
not.b (mbspace)
bra.b argloop
.notw cmpi.b #'d',d0 ;is it data cache
bne.b .notd
clr.w (dcaches)
move.l #datoff,(datstr)
bra.b argloop
.notd cmpi.b #'i',d0 ;is it ins cache
bne.b .noti
clr.w (icaches)
move.l #insoff,(insstr)
bra.b argloop
.noti cmpi.b #'t',d0
bne.b .nott
not.b (scrtit)
bra.b argloop
.nott cmpi.b #'c',d0
bne.b .notc
clr.b (z3var1+3)
clr.b (z3var0+3)
bra.b argloop
.notc cmpi.b #'n',d0
bne.b argloop
not.b (noclick)
bra.w argloop
notinst cmpi.b #'r',d0 ;is it remove
beq.w removefr ;do it if so
cmpi.b #'s',d0
beq.w doswitch
cmpi.b #'c',d0
bne.b noargs
movea.l a0,a2
maniploop move.b (a2)+,d0
cmpi.b #' ',d0
ble.b noargs
cmpi.b #'I',d0
beq.w icacheon
cmpi.b #'i',d0
beq.w icacheoff
cmpi.b #'D',d0
beq.w dcacheon
cmpi.b #'d',d0
beq.w dcacheoff
cmpi.b #'B',d0
beq.w bcacheon
cmpi.b #'b',d0
beq.w bcacheoff
cmpi.b #'A',d0
beq.w acacheon
cmpi.b #'a',d0
beq.w acacheoff
cmpi.b #'C',d0
beq.w con
cmpi.b #'c',d0
beq.w coff
;There were no parameters so we
;will just display some info unless
;we find a CHIPROM setup, in which
;case we will go and change it
noargs lea (credstr,pc),a0 ;our main credits string
Printf ;print it
lea (getregs,pc),a5 ;point to supervisor code
CALLEXEC Supervisor
move.w d0,(tcreg) ;store tcreg
move.l d7,(vbreg) ;store vbr
move.l d5,(it0) ;store itt0 in a var
move.l d6,(it1) ;store itt1 in a var
move.l d3,(dt0) ;store dtt0 in a var
move.l d4,(dt1) ;store dtt1 in a var
move.l d1,(table1) ;store urp in var
move.l d1,(urpreg) ;user root pointer
move.l a0,(srpreg) ;supervisor root pointer
tst.w d0
bpl.b .notchiprom
tst.l (8,a0)
beq.b .notchiprom
movea.l (8,a0),a1
move.l #$80008000,(dcaches)
move.l (fr_kickmem,a1),d3
cmpi.l #'KICK',(fr_id,a1)
beq.w dochipkick
.notchiprom moveq #0,d3 ;clear a reg
move.l d3,d4 ;and another
tst.w d0 ;test bit 15 of tc reg
beq.b tcoff ;clear = MMU is off
tst.l d1 ;test urp
beq.b putzeros ;zero = all tables clear
movea.l d1,a0 ;get into address
move.l (a0),d0 ;get table 2
clr.b d0 ;clear the descriptor byte
move.l d0,d3 ;save it
lea (testcode,pc),a5 ;see if MMU set-up is ours
CALLEXEC Supervisor
tst.l d0 ;test result
beq.b isours
lea (kickinst,pc),a0
cmpi.l #'FAST',(fr_id,a4)
beq.b ourkick
bmi.b notours ;nope not ours
tcoff clr.l (table1)
bra.b putzeros
isours lea (fastinst,pc),a0 ;else get ours string
ourkick bsr.b fprint ;print it
notours tst.l d3 ;test table 2
beq.b putzero ;skip if null
movea.l d3,a0 ;else get in add reg
move.l (a0),d0 ;get table 3
clr.b d0 ;extract address
move.l d0,d4 ;replace d4
putzeros move.l d3,(table2) ;fill table 2 var
putzero move.l d4,(table3) ;and table 3 var
tst.l d2 ;test data cache
bpl.b printoff ;branch if off
lea (daton,pc),a0 ;else get on string
bsr.b fprint ;print it
bra.b skipoff ;skip off code
printoff lea (datoff,pc),a0 ;get off code
bsr.b fprint ;print it
skipoff tst.w d2 ;test ins cache
bpl.b printoff1 ;branch if off
lea (inson,pc),a0 ;else get on string
bsr.b fprint ;print it
bra.b skipoff1 ;skip off code
printoff1 lea (insoff,pc),a0 ;get off string
bsr.b fprint ;print it
skipoff1 lea (infostr,pc),a0 ;get rest of info
lea (table1,pc),a1 ;data for string
bsr.b fprint ;print it
lea (usage1,pc),a0 ;info on usage
bsr.b fprint ;print it
rts ;we're outa here!!
fprint Printf
;The cache manipulation area, all cache modes
;are handled here also copyback and writethrough
;for the data cache.
;bits to change in D0 and the Mask in D1
icacheon moveq #0,d0
or.l #CACRF_EnableI,d0
move.l d0,d1
bra.b docache
icacheoff moveq #0,d0
move.l d0,d1
or.l #CACRF_EnableI,d1
bra.b docache
dcacheon moveq #0,d0
or.l #CACRF_EnableD,d0
move.l d0,d1
bra.b docache
dcacheoff moveq #0,d0
move.l d0,d1
or.l #CACRF_EnableD,d1
bra.b docache
acacheon moveq #0,d0
or.l #CACRF_EnableI|CACRF_EnableD,d0
move.l d0,d1
CALLEXEC CacheControl
bra.b con
acacheoff moveq #0,d0
move.l d0,d1
or.l #CACRF_EnableI|CACRF_EnableD,d1
CALLEXEC CacheControl
bra.b coff
bcacheon moveq #0,d0
or.l #CACRF_EnableI|CACRF_EnableD,d0
move.l d0,d1
bra.b docache
bcacheoff moveq #0,d0
move.l d0,d1
or.l #CACRF_EnableI|CACRF_EnableD,d1
docache CALLEXEC CacheControl
dout bra.w maniploop
con lea (getmttx,pc),a5
CALLEXEC Supervisor
bset #5,d1
cmp.l (z3var1,pc),d1
bne.w testerr
bset #5,d0
cmp.l (z3var0,pc),d0
bne.w testerr
bra.b cout
coff lea (getmttx,pc),a5
CALLEXEC Supervisor
bclr #5,d1
cmpi.l #$4fbc000,d1
bne.w testerr
bclr #5,d0
cmpi.l #$8f7c000,d0
bne.w testerr
cout lea (setdttx,pc),a5
CALLEXEC Supervisor
bra.b dout
;This function is the start of the kickrom code, it allocates
;all memory required in one big block in chip ram in the
;highest aligned block possible. The MMU set up remaps the
;area to $F00000 so that the new kickstart will not see this
;chip ram, making our set-up safe through the boot process.
;We allocate the required ram as high as possible by alloc-
;ating all of the largest block available, calculating the
;end address of this new block, subtracting the required
;amount and then lowering this new address to the closest
;boundary required. Once we have this new address we give
;back the allocated block and AllocAbs the new location.
;This is the reason for the Forbid, we cannot allow some
;other task to jump in ahead of us and take some ram in
;between our alloc, de-alloc and allocabs.
instkick lea (testcode,pc),a5 ;get registers
CALLEXEC Supervisor ;fetch it
tst.l d0
bmi.w mmuerr
not.b (kickflag) ;set the flag
JSREXEC Forbid ;multitasking off
JSREXEC AvailMem ;get largest chip
cmp.l #559592+fr_SIZEOF,d0 ;enough?
blt.w mem1err ;err if not
move.l d0,d2 ;save a copy
move.l #MEMF_CHIP,d1 ;want chip
JSREXEC AllocMem ;allocate it
tst.l d0 ;did we?
beq.w mem1err ;err if not
move.l d0,-(sp) ;save it
add.l d2,d0 ;add largest
subi.l #559592+fr_SIZEOF,d0 ;sub amount required
andi.l #$ffff8000,d0 ;alignment required
move.l d2,d1 ;allocated size
move.l d0,d2 ;new location
movea.l (sp)+,a1 ;get allocated area
move.l d1,d0 ;shift size for call
JSREXEC FreeMem ;free the block
movea.l d2,a1 ;get new location
move.l #559592+fr_SIZEOF,d0 ;size needed
JSREXEC AllocAbs ;allocate it
move.l d0,(kickmem) ;save ptr
JSREXEC Permit ;multitasking on
move.l (kickmem,pc),d0 ;get ptr
beq.w mem1err ;exit if error
;Clear this new block
movea.l d0,a0
addi.l #559592+fr_SIZEOF,d0 ;get the end address
..loop clr.w (a0)+ ;clear the whole block
cmpa.l d0,a0 ;with words, may not be
blt.b ..loop ;multiples of longs
;Set up pointers to each table within
;this new block for the kickstart and
;ATC entries.
move.l (kickmem,pc),d0 ;get block start
addi.l #524288,d0 ;add kickstart size
move.l d0,(table1) ;table 1
move.l #512,d1
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(table2) ;table 2
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(table3) ;table 3
addi.l #16384,d0
move.l d0,(table22) ;2nd table 2
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(table23) ;2nd table 3
addi.l #16384,d0 ;get end of table2/3
movea.l d0,a0 ;our struct
lea (fr_SIZEOF,a0),a0
move.l a0,(kickchip)
lea (crunmmu,pc),a1 ;get the chip code
lea (crunend,pc),a2 ;and its end
..kmloop move.w (a1)+,(a0)+ ;move it to chip
cmpa.l a2,a1 ;until finished
bne.b ..kmloop
bra.w gotkick
;OK so we have to install
;FASTROM, but first we make
;sure that the MMU isn't
;already in use
instfast lea (getregs,pc),a5 ;get registers
CALLEXEC Supervisor ;fetch it
tst.w d0 ;is it enabled
bpl.b mmuok ;no its disabled
tst.l d1 ;test urp reg
beq.b .mmuerr ;exit (saves a reloc)
lsr.l #1,d1 ;make sure its even
add.l d1,d1 ;quicker than lsl.l
movea.l d1,a0
movea.l (8,a0),a0 ;get third ptr
cmpi.l #'NICS',(fr_id,a0) ;is it our fastrom
beq.w ourfastrom
.mmuerr bra.w mmuerr
;Now we allocate 512k of memory
;aligned on a 8k boundary this is
;handled by my AllocAligned macro and
;it will clear the block if the
;MEMF_CLEAR attribute is set. It will
;return an aligned block according to
;the value in D2
mmuok move.l #524288,d0 ;512k size
move.l #MEMF_FAST,d1 ;clear not required
move.l #32768,d2 ;32k boundary
tst.l d0 ;did we get it
beq.w mem1err ;exit if not
move.l d0,(kickmem) ;save the ptr
;Now we allocate memory
;for the first table
move.l #512,d3 ;we'll use this more
move.l d3,d0 ;size of table1
move.l #MEMF_FAST+MEMF_CLEAR,d1 ;we want fast & clear
move.l d3,d2 ;512 byte boundary
AllocAligned ;get it
tst.l d0 ;did we?
beq.w mem2err ;exit if not
move.l d0,(table1) ;save it
;Now we allocate memory
;for the second table
move.l d3,d0 ;size of table2
move.l #MEMF_FAST+MEMF_CLEAR,d1 ;we want fast & clear
move.l d3,d2 ;512 byte boundary
AllocAligned ;get it
tst.l d0 ;did we?
beq.w mem3err ;exit if not
move.l d0,(table2) ;save it
;Now we allocate memory
;for the third table
move.l #16384,d0 ;size of table3
move.l #MEMF_FAST+MEMF_CLEAR,d1 ;fast and clear
move.l d3,d2 ;512 byte boundary
AllocAligned ;get it
tst.l d0 ;did we?
beq.w mem4err ;exit if not
move.l d0,(table3) ;save it
;Now we allocate memory for
;the second-second table
move.l d3,d0 ;size of table2-2
move.l #MEMF_FAST+MEMF_CLEAR,d1 ;we want fast & clear
move.l d3,d2 ;512 byte boundary
AllocAligned ;get it
tst.l d0 ;did we?
beq.w mem5err ;exit if not
move.l d0,(table22) ;save it
;Now we allocate memory for
;the second-third table
move.l #16384,d0 ;size of table3
move.l #MEMF_FAST+MEMF_CLEAR,d1 ;fast and clear
move.l d3,d2 ;512 byte boundary
AllocAligned ;get it
tst.l d0 ;did we?
beq.w mem6err ;exit if not
move.l d0,(table23) ;save it
;Now we allocate a structure to hold
;all the old values so we can remove all
;this if asked to this will be linked on
;to an invalid entry in table 1 so we
;can retreive it later if needed
move.l #fr_SIZEOF,d0 ;size of struct
move.l #MEMF_FAST,d1 ;fast
move.l #32768,d2 ;32k byte boundary
AllocAligned ;get it
tst.l d0 ;did we?
beq.w mem7err ;exit if not
gotkick movea.l d0,a4
move.l d0,(fr_struct,a4) ;save it
move.l (table23,pc),(fr_table5,a4)
move.l (table22,pc),(fr_table4,a4)
move.l (table3,pc),(fr_table3,a4)
move.l (table2,pc),(fr_table2,a4)
move.l (table1,pc),(fr_table1,a4)
move.l (kickmem,pc),(fr_kickmem,a4)
move.l #'NICS',(fr_id,a4) ;our id
;If we're kickromming we check the supplied filename, if a floppy
;drive only we read the disk to see if its a valid kickstart disk,
;if no disk is found we bring up a requester and ask for one,
;else we check to see if its an old kickstart or superkickstart.
;If superkickstart we bring up a requester asking if they want
;kick 1.3 or v2.0. If the filename is a pointer to a file we
;load that file check if its a 256k kick or 512k kick and set it up
tst.b (kickflag,pc) ;check the flag
bpl.w notkick ;skip if not kickrom
move.l #'KICK',(fr_id,a4) ;change the id
movea.l (kickname,pc),a0 ;get the filename
move.b (a0)+,d0 ;get first byte
bset #5,d0 ;set for lower case
cmpi.b #'d',d0 ;is it a d
bne.w notrack ;not trackdisk if not
move.b (a0)+,d0 ;get next byte
bset #5,d0 ;lower case
cmpi.b #'f',d0 ;is it an f
bne.w notrack ;not trackdisk if not
move.b (a0)+,d0 ;get next byte
cmpi.b #$30,d0 ;is it in range
blt.w notrack ;skip if not
cmpi.b #$33,d0 ;check upper range
bgt.w notrack ;skip if not
move.b (a0),d0 ;get next byte
cmpi.b #':',d0 ;is it a colon
bne.w notrack ;skip if not
movea.l (kickname,pc),a0 ;get the name
tst.b (4,a0) ;is it null terminated
bne.w notrack ;skip out if not
InitDrive ;initialise the drive
tst.l d0 ;test result
ble.w kickerr ;end if error
move.l d1,(ioreq) ;save the iorequest
.testdisk movea.l (ioreq,pc),a1
tst.l d0
beq.b .diskisin
lea (easyreq,pc),a0 ;else get easy struct
move.l #diskgads,(es_GadgetFormat,a0) ;change the gadgets
move.l #disktext,(es_TextFormat,a0) ;and the the text
move.l #DISKINSERTED,(esidcmp)
move.l #kickname,d0 ;data
bsr.w requester ;do the requester
tst.l d0 ;check their answer
beq.w kickabort ;they want kick 2.0
bra.b .testdisk
.diskisin movea.l (kickmem,pc),a0 ;get the buffer
movea.l (ioreq,pc),a1 ;and the ioreq
moveq #0,d0 ;offset 'bootblock'
move.l #TD_SECTOR*2,d1 ;two sectors
ReadBlocks ;read it
bsr.w motoroff
tst.l d0 ;check result
bne.w kick1err ;end if error
movea.l (kickmem,pc),a0 ;get buffer
cmpi.l #'KICK',(a0) ;check if kickstart
bne.w kick1err ;end if not
cmpi.l #'SUP0',(4,a0) ;check super
bne.b notsuper ;skip if not
lea (easyreq,pc),a0 ;else get easy struct
move.l #eskickgads,(es_GadgetFormat,a0) ;change the gadgets
move.l #eskick,(es_TextFormat,a0) ;and the the text
moveq #0,d0 ;no data
move.l d0,(esidcmp) ;clear idcmp
bsr.w requester ;do the requester
tst.l d0 ;check their answer
beq.b kick2.0 ;they want kick 2.0
move.l #$400,d0 ;offset for 1.3 super
bra.b loadkick ;and go load it
kick2.0 move.l #$40400,d0 ;offset for 2.0 super
move.l #$80000,d1 ;512k length
movea.l (kickmem,pc),a0 ;get buffer
bra.b load2.0 ;and go load it
notsuper move.l #$200,d0 ;offset for 1.3 normal
loadkick movea.l (kickmem,pc),a0 ;get buffer
lea ($40000,a0),a0 ;add 256k for 1.3
move.l #$40000,d1 ;and 256k as length
load2.0 movea.l (ioreq,pc),a1 ;get it requester
ReadBlocks ;read the data
bsr.b motoroff
tst.l d0 ;test result
bne.w kick1err ;end if error
movea.l (ioreq,pc),a1 ;get ioreq
ExitDrive ;un-init the drive
bra.b endtrack ;and skip file part
motoroff move.l d0,-(sp)
movea.l (ioreq,pc),a1
move.l (sp)+,d0
notrack movea.l (kickname,pc),a1 ;get the name
movea.l (kickmem,pc),a0 ;and the buffer
moveq #4,d0 ;want 4 bytes
ReadFile ;read it
movea.l (kickname,pc),a1 ;get the name
movea.l (kickmem,pc),a0 ;and the buffer
cmpi.w #$1111,(a0) ;what type of kick
beq.s dosmall ;is a 256k kick
cmpi.w #$1114,(a0) ;else is it 512k
bne.w kickfilerr ;end if not kickstart
move.l #524288,d0 ;else set size
bra.b dobig ;and go get it
dosmall clr.l (a0) ;clear the kick id
lea ($40000,a0),a0 ;add 256k to 1.3 buffer
move.l #262144,d0 ;and its size
dobig ReadFile ;read the data
endtrack movea.l (kickmem,pc),a0
cmpi.w #$1114,(a0)+ ;is it 2.0
bne.w not2.0 ;skip if not
lea (patch,pc),a0 ;else tell we're patching
movea.l (kickmem,pc),a1 ;get buffer
lea ($7ffff,a1),a1 ;get end address
;This next part scans through a V2.0x kickstart and
;patches out any 68040 MMU instructions that would
;corrupt our set up. Each one found is converted
;into a 'nop' instruction.
movea.l (kickmem,pc),a0 ;get buffer
.loop cmpa.l a1,a0 ;are we finsihed
bgt.w not2.0 ;exit if so
cmpi.w #$4e7b,(a0)+ ;look for movec
bne.b .loop ;loop to find
move.b (1,a0),d0 ;if next byte less than
cmpi.b #3,d0 ;3 we're not interested
blt.b .loop ;so loop back
cmpi.b #7,d0 ;if it is greater than
bgt.b .loop ;7 we're not interested
moveq #$f,d0
and.b (a0),d0 ;test bits 0-3 if >0
bne.b .loop ;we're not interested
move.w #$4e71,(-2,a0) ;OK so we've got an MMU
move.w #$4e71,(a0)+ ;instruction so nop'em
bra.b .loop ;and loop
;Once all the above mods are made we correct
;the checksum of the kickstart
not2.0 movea.l (kickmem,pc),a0
movea.l a0,a1
lea ($7ffe8,a0),a0
moveq #0,d5
move.l d5,(a0) ;clear checksum
moveq #-1,d1
moveq #1,d2
.oneloop add.l (a1)+,d5
bcc.b .csloop
addq.l #1,d5
.csloop dbf d1,.oneloop
dbf d2,.oneloop
moveq #-1,d0
sub.l d5,d1
move.l d1,(a0)
CALLEXEC CacheClearU ;flush the changes
bra.w skipclick
;Now we copy the ROM image, that's the beauty of
;assembler, we can take advantage of the efficiency
;of the MOVE16 instruction. C programmers have no
;idea, they call CopyMemQuick and hope for the
;best!! Plus it saves us from having to flush
;the cache as MOVE16 instruction prevents the
;data from being cached and invalidates any entry
;in the cache.
notkick move.l #$7fff,d0 ;(512k/16)-1 loop count
lea ($f80000),a0 ;ROM kickstart address
movea.l (kickmem,pc),a1 ;destination
..turbocopy move16 (a0)+,(a1)+ ;16 bytes at a time
dbf d0,..turbocopy ;loop till done
;This will change the Workbench screen
;title to Amiga FastBench if the command
;line option allows it.
lookbyte tst.b (scrtit,pc)
bmi.b skiptit
subq.l #1,a1
cmpi.b #'W',-(a1)
bne.b lookbyte
cmpi.b #'o',(1,a1)
bne.b lookbyte
cmpi.b #'r',(2,a1)
bne.b lookbyte
cmpi.b #'k',(3,a1)
bne.b lookbyte
cmpi.b #' ',(-1,a1)
bne.b lookbyte
cmpi.b #'a',(-2,a1)
bne.b lookbyte
move.b #'F',(a1)+
move.b #'a',(a1)+
move.b #'s',(a1)+
move.b #'t',(a1)+
;This will patch the kickstart to stop drives
;from clicking if the command line option allows
skiptit tst.b (noclick,pc)
beq.b skipclick
movea.l (4).w,a0
lea (DeviceList,a0),a0
lea (tdname,pc),a1
tst.l d0
beq.b skipclick
movea.l d0,a0
movea.l (LN_NAME,a0),a0
.look6b cmpi.b #$6b,(a0)+ ;find bchg instruction
bne.b .look6b
tst.b (a0)+ ;2nd byte of instruction
bne.b .look6b
cmpi.b #1,(a0)+ ;is it the one we want
bne.b .look6b ;nope! keep looking
suba.l #$f80003,a0 ;calculate offset value
adda.l (kickmem,pc),a0 ;add new start address
move.b #$eb,(a0) ;change it to bset
;place the pointer to the second table in the first
;and 'OR' in the descriptor type the rest are set
;as invalid but we link our structure of old values
;onto an invalid descriptor.
skipclick movea.l (table1,pc),a0 ;get first table
move.l (table2,pc),d0 ;get second table
or.b #3,d0 ;UDT descriptor
move.l d0,(a0)+ ;shove it in
move.l (table22,pc),d0 ;get 2nd table 2
or.b #3,d0 ;UDT descriptor
move.l d0,(a0)+ ;shove it in
move.l a4,(a0) ;link our struct on
;invalid entry UDT=0
;Now we set-up table 2, 128 pointers to table3 entries
;and descriptor type 'ORed' in.
movea.l (table2,pc),a0 ;get table 2
move.l (table3,pc),d2 ;get table 3
moveq #127,d0 ;128 entries
or.l #3,d2 ;UDT descriptor
dotable2 move.l d2,(a0)+ ;move one in
addi.l #128,d2 ;add next address
dbf d0,dotable2 ;loop till done
;Addresses from $0 up to $f7ffff marked as
;global, non-cachable serialized
movea.l (table3,pc),a0
move.l #$441,d1
move.l #1983,d0
dotable32 move.l d1,(a0)+
addi.l #$2000,d1
dbf d0,dotable32
;If kickrom, this will map the Chip memory area
;we allocated as $F00000 - $FFFFFF to fool the
;kickstart as to the size of chip memory
tst.b (kickflag,pc)
beq.b skipk
movea.l (table3,pc),a1
move.l (kickmem,pc),d0
moveq #11,d1
lsr.l d1,d0
lea (a1,d0.l),a1
move.l #$f00000,d1
sub.l (kickmem,pc),d1
moveq #63,d0
dokickm add.l d1,(a1)+
dbf d0,dokickm
;If allowed by the CLI switch this will map the
;ZorroII memory area $200000 - $A00000 as
;cachable copyback
skipk tst.b (zcache,pc)
beq.b skipz
movea.l (table3,pc),a1
lea ($400,a1),a1
move.l #1023,d0
move.b #$21,d1
dozorro move.b d1,(3,a1)
dbf d0,dozorro
;the rest of table 3 for the kickstart remap
;64 entries mapping 8k each, and write protected
skipz moveq #63,d0
move.l (kickmem,pc),d1
or.l #$405,d1
dotable33 move.l d1,(a0)+
addi.l #$2000,d1
dbf d0,dotable33
;The second 16MB/256k segments are mapped here
;each entry maps 8k of the 256k making a total
;of 32 per 256k & 64 of these map the 16MB
;These are set for Data Cachable Copyback as
;memory on some boards will reside here but an
;optional cli flag allows this to be changed
;to writethrough
move.l #2047,d0
move.l #$1000421,d1
tst.b (mbspace,pc)
beq.b dotable34
bclr #5,d1
dotable34 move.l d1,(a0)+
addi.l #$2000,d1
dbf d0,dotable34
;Now we set-up table 2 for the second 32 Meg address
;space, 128 pointers to table3 entries and descriptor
;type 'ORed' in. Each table3 entry controls 8k of
;the 256k of each table 2 entry, each is a long word
;so the address increment value is 32*4 = 128 as shown.
movea.l (table22,pc),a0
move.l (table23,pc),d2
moveq #127,d0
or.l #3,d2
dotable22 move.l d2,(a0)+
addi.l #128,d2
dbf d0,dotable22
;and now table 3 number 2. This maps each of the 256k segments
;in table 2 above with 32 8k page descriptors.
movea.l (table23,pc),a0
move.l #$2000421,d1
move.l #4095,d0
tst.b (mbspace,pc)
beq.b dotable23
bclr #5,d1
dotable23 move.l d1,(a0)+
addi.l #$2000,d1
dbf d0,dotable23
;We save the old transparent values
;straight into our structure that is
;tagged on to an invalid entry.
;A4 points to the table.
lea (getmttx,pc),a5
CALLEXEC Supervisor
move.l d0,(fr_dtt0,a4)
move.l d1,(fr_dtt1,a4)
move.l d2,(fr_itt0,a4)
move.l d3,(fr_itt1,a4)
;ZorroIII Memory expansion space is set for Data Cachable
;Copyback and the ZorroIII Expansion space is invalid at
;the moment.
;This is all done in the Transparent Translation
;instruction and data registers.
;When setting all this up we do as much as we can without
;being disabled. We can only disable for a very short
;period of time, so there is no need to be disabled for
;the entire installation. The Transparent settings will
;take effect immediately but thats ok too! We only need
;be disabled for turning the MMU on.
;OK, now the magic stuff. Stick in the keys, clean out the
;carby, give a couple of pumps, and a bit of choke and lets
;see if she'll start.
move.l (table1,pc),d3 ;get table start
move.l (z3var0,pc),d6 ;copyback up to $0FFFFFFF
move.l (z3var1,pc),d4 ;copyback up to $07FFFFFF
move.w #$c000,(tcreg)
move.l (table1,pc),(urpreg)
move.l (table1,pc),(srpreg)
move.l d4,(dt1) ;save for printing
move.l d6,(dt0) ;save for printing
move.l #$c040,d5
tst.b (kickflag,pc)
bmi.b .leaveon
moveq #0,d0 ;d0 = cache bits
move.l d0,d1 ;clear d1
or.l #CACRF_EnableI|CACRF_EnableD,d1 ;ins & data caches mask
CALLEXEC CacheControl ;turn 'em both off
bsr.w flushcaches ;flush the caches
.leaveon moveq #0,d2 ;need a clear reg
lea (setmmu,pc),a5 ;set-up some of the regs
JSREXEC Supervisor
move.l d0,(vbreg)
JSREXEC Disable ;really selfish!!
lea (magic,pc),a5 ;turn this all on
JSREXEC Supervisor
move.l d4,(it1) ;save for printing
move.l d5,(it0) ;save for printing
lea (fastinst,pc),a0 ;finsihed string
bra.w printit ;we're outa here
setmmu movec d2,tc ;make sure the MMU is off
pflusha ;invalidate all ATC entries
movec d3,urp ;set the user root pointer
movec d3,srp ;and the supervisor one
movec d4,dtt1 ;set the data trans' reg
movec d5,dtt0 ;control the lowest 16MB
move.l #$8f7c000,d5
move.l #$4fbc000,d4
movec d4,itt1 ;and set the itt1 reg
movec d5,itt0 ;and the itt0 reg
movec vbr,d0
magic tst.b (kickflag,pc)
bmi.b notfast
move.w #$c000,d2 ;set for MMU on with 8k pages
movec d2,tc ;IGNITION...
movec d6,dtt0 ;set dtt0 for ZorroIII control
move.l (dcaches,pc),d0 ;requested cache settings
movec d0,cacr ;and do it
rte ;I can smell the rubber..
notfast move.l #$80008000,d0
movec d0,cacr
lea (crunjmp,pc),a0
moveq #0,d3
lea (crun,pc),a6
crunloop jmp (a6)
crunit reset
crun move.w ($dff010),d0 ;read something
subq.l #1,d3
bpl.b crun
move.b #3,($bfe201)
move.b #2,($bfe001)
cmpa.l a0,a6
beq.b crunloop
movea.l a0,a6
move.l #400,d3
bra.b crunit
crunjmp movea.l (kickchip,pc),a0
lea ($f80002),a2
movea.l (kickmem,pc),a1
cmpi.w #$1114,(a1)
beq.b crungo
lea ($fc0002),a2
crungo jmp (a0)
crunmmu movea.l (4).w,a0
movea.l a0,a1
lea ($2000,a1),a1
..loop clr.l (a0)+
cmpa.l a0,a1
bge.b ..loop
moveq #0,d0
move.l d0,(4).w
move.l d0,(0).w
movec d0,cacr
movec d0,tc
cpusha bc
cinva bc
moveq #19,d0
.loopled move.l #$3fff,d1
bchg #1,($bfe001)
.led dbf d1,.led
dbf d0,.loopled
move.l #$c000,d0
movec d0,tc
movec d6,dtt0
jmp (a2)
crunend nop
;Return various registers
getregs movec tc,d0 ;traslation control
movec urp,d1 ;user root pointer
movec cacr,d2 ;cache control register
movec dtt0,d3 ;data transparaent translation 0
movec dtt1,d4 ;data transparaent translation 1
movec itt0,d5 ;ins transparaent translation 0
movec itt1,d6 ;ins transparaent translation 1
movec vbr,d7
movec srp,a0
flushcaches suba.l a0,a0 ;clear a0
moveq #-1,d0 ;length = all
moveq #0,d1 ;clear d1
or.l #CACRF_ClearI|CACRF_ClearD,d1 ;both ins & data
JMPEXEC CacheClearE ;flush 'em
getmttx movec dtt0,d0
movec dtt1,d1
movec itt0,d2
movec itt1,d3
;This routine will test if the MMU set-up is ours, if so
;it will extract our structure from the invalid descriptor
;and remove the MMU set-up, restore it the way it was and
;free up all the resources.
removefr lea (testcode,pc),a5 ;go and see if MMU is ours
CALLEXEC Supervisor
tst.l d0 ;is it? (struct returned in a4)
beq.b .oursison
bpl.w prnorom
cmpi.l #'FAST',(fr_id,a4)
beq.w remerr
bra.w testerr
.oursison move.l (fr_dtt0,a4),d2 ;get old dtt0 value
move.l (fr_dtt1,a4),d3 ;get old dtt1 value
move.l (fr_itt0,a4),d4 ;get old itt0 value
move.l (fr_itt1,a4),d5 ;get old itt1 value
moveq #0,d0 ;se the bits as off
move.l d0,d1 ;clear the mask
or.l #CACRF_EnableI|CACRF_EnableD,d1 ;set the mask bits
CALLEXEC CacheControl ;turn them off
bsr.w flushcaches ;and flush 'em
lea (restoremmu,pc),a5 ;replace old values
JSREXEC Supervisor
JSREXEC Disable ;shut down till fastrom is gone!
lea (removemmu,pc),a5 ;go remove MMU set-up
JSREXEC Supervisor
JSREXEC Enable ;all OK if we're still here
move.l (fr_table1,a4),(table1)
move.l (fr_table2,a4),(table2)
move.l (fr_table3,a4),(table3)
move.l (fr_table4,a4),(table22)
move.l (fr_table5,a4),(table23)
move.l (fr_kickmem,a4),(kickmem)
bsr.w freetab6 ;go free all memory
moveq #0,d0 ;se the bits as off
or.l #CACRF_EnableI|CACRF_EnableD,d0 ;set the mask bits
move.l d0,d1 ;clear the mask
CALLEXEC CacheControl ;turn them on
move.l #remstr,-(sp) ;tell 'em we removed it OK
printstr lea (credstr,pc),a0 ;print the credits
bra.w nobuff ;bye bye
;Print kickrom aborted
kickabort move.l #opabo,-(sp)
bra.b freedr
;Print error opening drive
kickfilerr move.l #notkickf,-(sp)
bra.b freeabs
;Print error opening drive
kickerr move.l #baddrive,-(sp)
bra.b freeabs
;Print disk read error
kick1err move.l #readerr,-(sp)
freedr movea.l (ioreq,pc),a1
freeabs move.l #559592+fr_SIZEOF,d0 ;total size alloced
movea.l (kickmem,pc),a1
bra.b printstr
;Print cannot kickrom
remerr move.l #badkick,-(sp)
bra.b printstr
;Print credits and unkown mmu setup
testerr move.l #unkmmu,-(sp)
bra.b printstr
;Print credits and cannot remove fastrom
prnorom move.l #norom,-(sp)
bra.w printstr
;Print credits and usage
useprint move.l #usage,-(sp)
bra.w printstr
;Print credits and error if no PP&S card is found
perr move.l #ppserr,-(sp)
bra.w printstr
;This will turn the FASTROM settings
;off and restore all as it was before
;we changed it
;It is done in two sections because
;some of it does not need to be done
;on a disable and the other should.
removemmu moveq #0,d0
movec d0,tc
restoremmu movec d2,dtt0
movec d3,dtt1
movec d4,itt0
movec d5,itt1
movec d0,urp
movec d0,srp
;Check if the urp register is pointing to
;our FASTROM table or something else and
;return the result
;INPUT = none RESULT = 0 our fastrom installed
; 1 if MMU not on
; -1 MMU on but not ours
testcode movec tc,d0 ;get tc reg
tst.w d0 ;is MMU on?
beq.b tc_err1 ;nope! branch
movec urp,d0 ;else get urp reg
beq.b tc_err ;exit if NULL
movea.l d0,a4
move.l (8,a4),d0 ;get third entry
beq.b tc_err ;not ours if NULL
movea.l d0,a4
cmpi.l #'NICS',(fr_id,a4) ;check for our ID
bne.b tc_err ;not ours
moveq #0,d0 ;else set as ours
tc_err moveq #-1,d0
tc_err1 moveq #1,d0
;Set the dttx registers
setdttx movec d0,dtt0
movec d1,dtt1
;Free memory routines for removal of FASTROM or
;partial freeing if memory error on installing
freetab6 movea.l (fr_struct,a4),a1
move.l #fr_SIZEOF,d0
bsr.b freeit
freetab5 movea.l (table23,pc),a1
move.l #16384,d0
bsr.b freeit
freetab4 movea.l (table22,pc),a1
move.l #512,d0
bsr.b freeit
freetab3 movea.l (table3,pc),a1
move.l #16384,d0
bsr.b freeit
freetab2 movea.l (table2,pc),a1
move.l #512,d0
bsr.b freeit
freetab1 movea.l (table1,pc),a1
move.l #512,d0
bsr.b freeit
freekick movea.l (kickmem,pc),a1
move.l #524288,d0
freeit CALLEXEC FreeMem
;Error string handling and printing
mem7err lea (strstruct,pc),a0
bsr.b dofree
bra.b freetab5
mem6err bsr.b dotrans
bra.b freetab4
mem5err bsr.b dotrans
bra.b freetab3
mem4err bsr.b dotrans
bra.b freetab2
mem3err bsr.b dotrans
bra.b freetab1
mem2err bsr.b dotrans
bra.b freekick
mem1err lea (strkick,pc),a0
dofree move.l a0,-(sp)
lea (memstr,pc),a0
bsr.b steprintf
movea.l (sp)+,a0
bra.b printit
dotrans lea (strtrans,pc),a0
bsr.b dofree
steprintf Printf
ourfastrom lea (ourrom,pc),a0
bra.b printit
mmuerr lea (mmustr,pc),a0
bra.b printit
cpuerr lea (cpustr,pc),a0
bra.b printit
vererr lea (verstr,pc),a0
printit move.l a0,-(sp)
lea (credstr,pc),a0
bsr.b steprintf
tst.l (table1,pc)
beq.b nobuff
lea (kickstr,pc),a0
lea (kickmem,pc),a1
bsr.b steprintf
lea (infostr,pc),a0
lea (table1,pc),a1
bsr.b steprintf
movea.l (datstr,pc),a0
bsr.b steprintf
movea.l (insstr,pc),a0
bsr.b steprintf
nobuff move.l (sp),d0
cmp.l #unkmmu,d0
blt.b .skip
cmp.l #memstr,d0
bgt.b .skip
lea (error,pc),a0
bsr steprintf
.skip movea.l (sp)+,a0
bra steprintf
;We have to be careful here, we came here if we have found
;that we are not running under 2.0x. We maybe illegal but
;we might also be a kick'ed rom 1.3 or 1.2 and they are
;asking us to do a FASTROM. Firstly exec probably is not
;aware of the 68040. We make sure we have a 68040 then we
;will check the MMU set up for our magic kickrom id. As we
;need the mmu urp register, and that instruction is 68040
;specific, we may aswell use that to test for 68040 presence.
;The movec instruction will always except to the trap code
;but if we are on a 68040 the exception will be a privilege
;violation else it will be an illegal instruction.
;If all is OK, we copy the entire kickstart and atc entries
;over into an allocated fast ram area, then modify the
;necessary atc entries for this new ram area, kill the
;current set up, turn on the new one and add the used chip
;memory to the meg boundary to exec.
check4kick move.l #$8000,(dcaches)
movea.l (_TaskBlock),a0 ;get our task
move.l (TC_TRAPCODE,a0),-(sp) ;save trap code
move.l #test040,(TC_TRAPCODE,a0) ;patch ours in
movec urp,d0 ;do 68040 instruction
move.l (sp)+,(TC_TRAPCODE,a0) ;replace trap code
tst.l d0 ;test result
beq.w vererr ;error, we're illegal
tst.w d1 ;check if MMU is on
bpl.w vererr ;if not we're illegal
movea.l (4).w,a6 ;get execbase
move.w (AttnFlags,a6),d1 ;get the attn flags
bset #AFB_68040,d1 ;set for 68040
bset #AFB_FPU40,d1 ;set for 040 FPU
bset #AFB_68030,d1 ;and for 68030
move.w d1,(AttnFlags,a6) ;and put back
movea.l d0,a0 ;make a copy of urp
tst.l (8,a0) ;test for a third ptr
beq.w vererr ;skip if null
movea.l (8,a0),a0 ;else get third ptr
cmpi.l #'KICK',(fr_id,a0) ;look for our id
bne.w vererr ;skip out if not kickrom
move.l (fr_kickmem,a0),d3
dochipkick move.l #559592+fr_SIZEOF,d0 ;total size needed
move.l #MEMF_FAST,d1 ;need fast memory
move.l #32768,d2 ;32k boundary
AllocAligned ;get aligned memory
tst.l d0 ;test result
beq.w mem1err ;out on error
move.l d0,(kickmem) ;we just put it there
movea.l d0,a1 ;copy dest ram
move.l #$7fff,d0 ;(512k/16)-1 loop count
lea ($f80000),a0 ;ROM kickstart address
..turbocopy move16 (a0)+,(a1)+ ;16 bytes at a time
dbf d0,..turbocopy ;loop till done
move.l #35304+fr_SIZEOF,d0 ;remainder (-512k)
movea.l d3,a0
lea ($80000,a0),a0
movea.l a0,a2 ;make a copy
lea (a2,d0.l),a2 ;calc end address
movea.l (kickmem,pc),a1 ;get new block
lea ($80000,a1),a1 ;calc end address
..loop move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ;move it over
cmpa.l a0,a2 ;finished?
bpl.b ..loop ;nope! more yet
move.l (kickmem,pc),d0 ;set up all the
addi.l #524288,d0 ;pointers to each
move.l d0,(table1) ;table1
move.l #512,d1
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(table2) ;table2
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(table3) ;table3
addi.l #16384,d0
move.l d0,(table22) ;table2/2
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(table23) ;table2/3
addi.l #16384,d0 ;last on is our struct
movea.l d0,a4 ;save, need it later
move.l d0,(fr_struct,a4) ;save it
move.l (table23,pc),(fr_table5,a4) ;fill
move.l (table22,pc),(fr_table4,a4) ;er
move.l (table3,pc),(fr_table3,a4) ;up
move.l (table2,pc),(fr_table2,a4) ;please
move.l (table1,pc),(fr_table1,a4)
move.l (kickmem,pc),(fr_kickmem,a4)
move.l #'FAST',(fr_id,a4) ;our id
movea.l (table3,pc),a1 ;third level
move.l d3,d0
moveq #11,d1
lsr.l d1,d0
lea (a1,d0.l),a1
move.l #$f00000,d1
sub.l d3,d1
moveq #63,d0 ;512k to remap = 64
..dokickm sub.l d1,(a1)+ ;convert to same address
dbf d0,..dokickm ;till done
movea.l (table3,pc),a0 ;third level
lea ($1f00,a0),a0 ;$f80000 mapping
moveq #63,d0 ;64 to do
move.l (kickmem,pc),d1 ;get new block
or.l #$405,d1 ;or in types
..dotable33 move.l d1,(a0)+ ;and map it new area
addi.l #$2000,d1 ;each is 8k
dbf d0,..dotable33 ;till done
movea.l (table1,pc),a0 ;get first table
move.l (table2,pc),d0 ;get second table
or.b #3,d0 ;UDT descriptor
move.l d0,(a0)+ ;shove it in
move.l (table22,pc),d0 ;get 2nd table 2
or.b #3,d0 ;UDT descriptor
move.l d0,(a0)+ ;shove it in
move.l a4,(a0) ;link our struct on
movea.l (table2,pc),a0 ;get table 2
move.l (table3,pc),d2 ;get table 3
moveq #127,d0 ;128 entries
or.l #3,d2 ;UDT descriptor
..dotable2 move.l d2,(a0)+ ;move one in
addi.l #128,d2 ;add next address
dbf d0,..dotable2 ;loop till done
CALLEXEC Disable ;implies Forbid
movea.l (table1,pc),a2 ;get table start
move.l a2,(urpreg) ;load print var
move.l a2,(srpreg) ;load print var
move.l #inson,(insstr) ;load print var
move.l #daton,(datstr) ;load print var
cmpi.l #$80008000,(dcaches,pc) ;all caches on?
beq.b .callon ;skip if so
move.l #datoff,(datstr) ;else change print var
.callon lea (chipfast,pc),a0 ;tell we're changing it
lea (changemmu,pc),a5 ;get main code
CALLEXEC Supervisor ;go do it
JSREXEC Enable ;turn it all back on
move.l #MEMF_PUBLIC,d1
moveq #12,d0
tst.l d0
beq.b .skpname
movea.l d0,a1
lea (memname,pc),a0
..copname move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.b ..copname
movea.l d0,a1
.skpname JSREXEC Forbid
movea.l d3,a0 ;set base address
move.l d3,d1 ;make a copy
andi.l #$fffff,d1 ;clear any leading 1
move.l #$100000,d0 ;a meg boundary
sub.l d1,d0 ;less d1 = size to bound
moveq #-10,d2 ;chip priority -10
pushregs ;save regs
movea.l (4).w,a6 ;get exec
movea.l (MemList,a6),a2 ;get the memlist
.doloop cmp.l (MH_UPPER,a2),d3 ;get the upper bound
bne.b .incit ;if not ours then inc
cmp.w (MH_ATTRIBUTES,a2),d1 ;are the atts equal
bne.b .doadd ;addmemlist if not
add.l d0,d3 ;calc upper
move.l d3,(MH_UPPER,a2) ;change upper bound
movea.l (MH_FIRST,a2),a3 ;get the MC struct
..loop1 tst.l (MC_NEXT,a3) ;last one?
beq.b .gotlast ;yep branch
movea.l (MC_NEXT,a3),a3 ;get next
bra.b ..loop1 ;and loop
.gotlast add.l d0,(MC_BYTES,a3) ;add mem to chunk
add.l d0,(MH_FREE,a2) ;and to total
bra.b .finadd ;and exit
.incit movea.l (LN_SUCC,a2),a2 ;get next
tst.l (a2) ;last ?
bne.b .doloop ;nope! loop
bra.b .finadd ;yep! finish
.doadd JSREXEC Permit
JSREXEC AddMemList ;add the memory
bra.b .xitadd
.finadd JSREXEC Permit
.xitadd lea (fastinst,pc),a0 ;get all done string
bra.w printit ;and exit
;At this point the chiprom OS is alive
;and we are going to change it over to
;the fastrom setup. We flush all atc
;entries and all caches, so that any
;references to the chip OS are gone.
changemmu moveq #0,d0 ;set for caches off
movec d0,cacr ;turn the caches off
movec d0,tc ;turn MMU off
pflusha ;invalidate all ATC
cpusha bc ;flush all caches
cinva bc ;inavalidate all
movec dtt0,d0 ;get dtt0
move.l d0,(dt0) ;set print var
movec dtt1,d0 ;get dtt1
move.l d0,(dt1) ;set print var
movec itt0,d0 ;get itt0
move.l d0,(it0) ;set print var
movec itt1,d0 ;get itt1
move.l d0,(it1) ;set print var
movec vbr,d0 ;get vbr
move.l d0,(vbreg) ;set print var
movec a2,urp ;set new urp
movec a2,srp ;and srp
move.l #$c000,d0 ;mmu on 8k pages
move.w d0,(tcreg) ;set print var
movec d0,tc ;MMU on
move.l (dcaches,pc),d0 ;cache settings
movec d0,cacr ;set caches
rte ;finished
;This is the trapcode handler to check if we
;have a 68040 in the system. The instruction
;used before always gave an exception and will
;come here. We get the supplied exception from
;the stack and we check if it is a privilege
;violation, if so we have a 68040 and we return
;the URP in D0, and TC in D1, else we return
;NULL in D0.
test040 move.l (sp)+,d0 ;get Amiga exception
cmpi.w #8,d0 ;privilege violation?
bne.b .not040 ;skip if not
movec urp,d0 ;get the urp reg
movec tc,d1
.trapxit addq.l #4,(2,sp) ;skip movec instruction
rte ;return from exeption
.not040 moveq #0,d0 ;clear return reg
bra.b .trapxit ;and exit
;This routine will manipulate a register on the
;PP&S 68040 card so that the next boot will
;switch to the required processor. The choice
;to switch or abort is done via the V2.04
;function, EasyRequestArgs.
doswitch lea ($800c000),a2 ;address of PP&S register
move.l (a2),d2
move.l #68040,(from) ;set data for RDF string
move.l #68030,(to) ;set data for RDF string
move.b (a2),d0 ;get a byte
not.b d0 ;invert it
beq.b .mode030 ;if zero we're in 68040
move.l #68030,(from) ;set data for RDF string
move.l #68040,(to) ;set data for RDF string
.mode030 move.l #from,d0 ;get data for RDF string
clr.l (esidcmp)
bsr.b requester ;do the EasyRequestArgs
tst.l d0 ;which gadget?
beq.b .dsexit ;abort
cmpi.b #-1,(a2)
beq.b .do030
move.l #-1,(a2) ;set for 68040
move.l #-1,(a2) ;push it twice
cmpi.b #-1,(a2) ;read it byte! did it set?
beq.b .pok ;PP&S is here!
.pperr bra.w perr ;else they dunna got one
.do030 move.l #$fefefefe,(a2) ;set for 68030
move.l #$fefefefe,(a2) ;set long
cmpi.b #$fe,(a2) ;check read byte
bne.b .pperr ;if not no PP&S here!
.pok lea (easyreq,pc),a0 ;else get easy struct
move.l #esabort,(es_GadgetFormat,a0) ;change the gadgets
move.l #esboot,(es_TextFormat,a0) ;and the the text
moveq #0,d0 ;no data
move.l d0,(esidcmp)
bsr.b requester ;will not come back
;unless they aborted
move.l d2,($800c000) ;set old value back
move.l d2,($800c000) ;set old value back
bsr.w flushcaches ;flush em
.dsexit lea (credstr,pc),a0
bsr.b .prntf
lea (opabo,pc),a0 ;get aborted string
.prntf Printf ;print it
rts ;and we're gone..
;Call the requester
requester movem.l a2-a3,-(sp) ;save non scratch
suba.l a0,a0 ;WB window
lea (easyreq,pc),a1 ;easy struct
lea (esidcmp,pc),a2 ;null ext idcmp
movea.l d0,a3 ;data for string
CALLINT EasyRequestArgs ;do requester
movem.l (sp)+,a2-a3 ;pop 'em
rts ;and return
;Data section
;Don't change the order of any
;vars, some print routines expect
;them in this order.
include "/set040/set040.i" ;structure definitions
ioreq dc.l 0
kickchip dc.l 0
kickname dc.l 0
from dc.l 0
to dc.l 0
_stdout dc.l 0
kickmem dc.l 0
table1 dc.l 0
table2 dc.l 0
table3 dc.l 0
it0 dc.l 0
it1 dc.l 0
dt0 dc.l 0
dt1 dc.l 0
urpreg dc.l 0
srpreg dc.l 0
vbreg dc.l 0
tcreg dc.w 0
table22 dc.l 0
table23 dc.l 0
zcache dc.b 0
mbspace dc.b 0
scrtit dc.b 0
noclick dc.b 0
kickflag dc.b 0
kludge dc.b 0
datstr dc.l daton
insstr dc.l inson
dcaches dc.w $8000
icaches dc.w $8000
z3var1 dc.l $4fbc020
z3var0 dc.l $8f7c020
ver dc.b '$VER: Set040 1.15 (5.4.92)',0
tdname dc.b 'trackdisk.device',0
credstr dc.b $0a,$1b,'[1;33m',$1b,'[4mSet040 V1.15 ',$1b,'[31m',$1b,'[4mWritten in Assembler by Nic Wilson',$1b,'[0m',$0a,$0a,0
infostr dc.b 'Level A ->',$1b,'[0;32m$%lx ',$1b,'[0mLevel B ->',$1b,'[0;32m$%lx',$1b,'[0m Level C ->',$1b,'[0;32m$%lx',$0a,$0a
dc.b $1b,'[0mITT0 ->',$1b,'[32m$%-8.lx',$1b,'[0m ITT1 ->',$1b,'[32m$%-8.lx ',$1b,'[0m',$0a
dc.b 'DTT0 ->',$1b,'[32m$%-8.lx',$1b,'[0m DTT1 ->',$1b,'[32m$%-8.lx',$1b,'[0m',$0a
dc.b 'URP ->',$1b,'[32m$%-8.lx',$1b,'[0m SRP ->',$1b,'[32m$%-8.lx',$1b,'[0m',$0a
dc.b 'VBR ->',$1b,'[32m$%-8.lx',$1b,'[0m TC ->',$1b,'[32m$%-4.x',$1b,'[0m',$0a,0
usage dc.b $0a,'USAGE-> ',$1b,'[0;33mSet040 <switch> (only one ',"'-'",' switch is permitted).',$0a
dc.b $1b,'[0;33m',TAB,'If no switch is supplied, the current setup will be displayed,',$0a
dc.b TAB,'and if a CHIPROM setup is found, it will be changed to FASTROM ',$1b,'[0m',$0a
dc.b $1b,'[0;32m-f<args> = install FASTROM with optional parameters (EG. -fzi).',$1b,'[0m',$0a
dc.b $1b,'[0;33m',TAB,'If no arguments are supplied, a default FASTROM will be installed.',$1b,'[0m',$0a
dc.b TAB,'z = allow caching of ZorroII memory space ($200000 - $A00000).',$0a
dc.b TAB,'w = set ($1000000 - $3FFFFFF) as Writethrough.',$0a
dc.b TAB,'c = set ($4000000 - $FFFFFFF) as Writethrough.',$0a
dc.b TAB,'d = do not enable data cache.',$0a
dc.b TAB,'i = do not enable instruction cache.',$0a
dc.b TAB,'t = do not change Workbench screen title.',$0a
dc.b TAB,'n = patch to stop floppy drives clicking.',$0a
dc.b $1b,'[0;32m-k <file> = Load, install and boot a different kickstart',$1b,'[0m',$0a
dc.b ' <file> = Path and filename to kickstart file (1.2 - 2.0).',$0a
dc.b TAB,' For loading from Kickstart or SuperKickstart disk,',$0a
dc.b TAB,' use floppy drive name for <file> (EG. Set040 -k DF0:).',$0a
dc.b $1b,'[0;32m-c<args> = manipulate caches as per options (EG. -cIdC).',$1b,'[0m',$0a
dc.b TAB,'I = Enable Instruction Cache.',$0a
dc.b TAB,'i = Disable Instruction Cache.',$0a
dc.b TAB,'D = Enable Data Cache.',$0a
dc.b TAB,'d = Disable Data Cache.',$0a
dc.b TAB,'B = Enable Both Caches.',$0a
dc.b TAB,'b = Disable Both Caches.',$0a
dc.b TAB,'A = Enable Both Caches & Copyback ($4000000 - $FFFFFFF).',$0a
dc.b TAB,'a = Disable Both Caches & Copyback ($4000000 - $FFFFFFF).',$0a
dc.b TAB,'C = Enable Copyback ($4000000 - $FFFFFFF).',$0a
dc.b TAB,'c = Disable Copyback ($4000000 - $FFFFFFF).',$0a
dc.b $1b,'[0;32m-r',TAB,' = remove FASTROM & reclaim resources.',$1b,'[0m',$0a
dc.b $1b,'[0;32m-s',TAB,' = Switch CPU 68040-><-68030 (PP&S A3000 Card Only)',$1b,'[0m',$0a,0
usage1 dc.b 'For usage, type -> ',$1b,'[32mSet040 ?',$1b,'[0m',$0a,0
kickstr dc.b $1b,'[0mKickstart physical address ->',$1b,'[32m$%lx',$1b,'[0m',$0a,0
daton dc.b 'DATA CACHE ENABLED ',0
datoff dc.b 'DATA CACHE DISABLED ',0
inson dc.b 'INST CACHE ENABLED ',$0a,$0a,0
insoff dc.b 'INST CACHE DISABLED ',$0a,$0a,0
fastinst dc.b 'FASTROM is installed. ',$0a,0
kickinst dc.b 'KICKROM is installed. ',$0a,0
remstr dc.b $0A,'FASTROM removed OK!',$0a,0
error dc.b 'ERROR -> ',0
unkmmu dc.b 'UNKNOWN MMU SETUP!!',$0a,0
badkick dc.b 'CANNOT REMOVE A KICKROM SETUP!',$0a,0
ourrom dc.b 'FASTROM already installed!',$0a,0
norom dc.b 'FASTROM not installed!',$0a,0
verstr dc.b 'AmigaDOS V2.04 (V37) or greater required.',$0a,0
cpustr dc.b 'A 68040 CPU is not installed in this system.',$0a,0
mmustr dc.b 'MMU already in use, I cannot install FASTROM/KICKROM.',$0a,0
ppserr dc.b 'A PP&S A3000 card must be installed.',0
baddrive dc.b 'Opening drive.',$0a,0
readerr dc.b 'That disk was not a kickstart disk.',$0a,0
notkickf dc.b 'File is not a kickstart file.',$0a,0
memstr dc.b 'Could not get memory for '
strkick dc.b 'KickStart.',$0a,0
strtrans dc.b 'translation tables.',$0a,0
strstruct dc.b 'structure.',$0a,0
chipfast dc.b $0A,'Converting CHIPROM to FASTROM',$0a,0
patch dc.b 'Patching Kickstart to stop MMU being disabled',0
opabo dc.b 'Operation aborted.',$0a,0
memname dc.b 'chip memory',0