Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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DMD V2.00 © 1992 Fergus Duniho
DMD stands for "Duniho's Macros for DME".
A Set of Native and ARexx Macros for DME.
* *
* This product is Tradeware. *
* *
* If you use it, send me a disk of freely *
* distributable software that you find useful, *
* that you think I will find useful, or that *
* you have written. *
* *
* ST/NT/PT and MED Modules, ARexx libraries, *
* ARexx hosts, and complimentary registered *
* copies of your own shareware are *
* particularly welcome. But no matter what *
* you send me, I will appreciate the disk. *
* *
* Send all contributions to: *
* *
* Fergus Duniho *
* 1170 Genesee St. B3 A7 *
* Rochester, NY 14611 *
* *
I. Documentation on a good number of the macros.
A. The Return Key
1. Unmodified:
Splits the line at the cursor and aligns the split part
with the beginning of the line. When there are no more
characters in the line, it aligns the remainder with
the cursor's current column position.
2. Alt:
Soft Return. Moves the cursor to the first non-blank of
the next line. When there is no next line, it adds one.
3. Amiga:
Moves to the next blank line, inserts two new blank
lines, and moves down one line, such that there are
three blank lines between two sections of text, and the
cursor is in the middle line between them, where you
can begin typing in a new section of text.
4. Control:
The paragraphing macro. Splits the line, makes sure
that there is a blank line between the line that was
split and the part that was split off, indents the
split part at column 9, sets the left margin to 0, and
reformats the paragraph that the split part starts.
B. The Tab Key
1. Unmodified: Soft Tab
2. Alt: Moves a line forward to the next tab.
3. Amiga: Moves a line forward four spaces.
4. Control: Hard Tab.
5. Shift: Modifies any of the above combinations, such
that the movement is backwards instead of forwards.
C. The Cursor Keys
1. Unmodified:
a. Up:
Moves cursor up to the previous line. If the cursor
finds itself before the first non-blank of its new
line, it moves to the first non-blank. If it finds
itself beyond the last non-blank in a line, it
moves to the position after it if the last
character is alphanumeric. If the last character is
not alphanumeric, it moves to the next space,
leaving a space between the cursor and the last
character of the line.
b. Down:
Same as Up, but moves down. If you are at the last
line, the down key will not move you down further.
c. Left:
Moves the cursor left. If it can't move left any
further, the cursor will move to the end of the
previous line.
d. Right:
Moves the cursor right. If the cursor is at the end
of a line or beyond, the cursor will move to the
first non-blank of the next line.
2. Alt:
a. Up: Moves to top of the document.
b. Down: Moves to the bottom and end of the document.
c. Left: Moves to the first non-blank.
d. Right: Moves to the end of the line.
3. Amiga: Controls mouse movement.
4. Control:
a. Up & Down: Combine with other cursor key
combinations to block the lines that the cursor
moves across.
b. Left: Move to column 1
c. Right: Move forward one margin length.
5. Shift:
a. Up & Down: Move up or down one page.
b. Left & Right: Move to the previous or next word.
D. Delete and Backspace
1. Unmodified: Delete one character.
2. Alt: Delete to end or beginning of line.
3. Amiga: Delete to the next or previous non-blank.
4. Control: Delete to the top or bottom of the document.
5. Delete: "Del" deletes the remainder of the word; BS
deletes the previous word, or the beginning of the
current word if the cursor was not on the first
character of the word.
E. The Numeric Keypad
1. Unmodified: What the keys say on top.
2. Alt:
a. 0 (Ins): Inserts at the current cursor location a
copy of the last line that was deleted with the
deline command.
b. . (Del): Deletes the current line with deline.
(Note: a-z undeletes the last line you deleted with
c. 1 (End): 1
d. 2 (Down Arrow): Moves the current line to the next
e. 3 (Pg Dn): 3
f. 4 (Left Arrow): Moves the current word one word to
the left.
g. 5: 5
h. 6 (Right Arrow): Moves the current word one word to
the right.
i. 7 (Home): 7
j. 8 (Up Arrow): Moves the current line up to the
previous row.
k. 9 (Pg Up): 9
l. - : Makes the screen half size.
m. + : Makes the screen full size.
n. Enter: Lets you use the an ARexx calculator. You
type in what you want calculated on the command
line, and the answer appears in the title bar.
3. Amiga:
a. 0 (Ins): Toggles insertmode.
b. . (Del): .
c. 1 (End): ?
d. 2 (Down Arrow): Moves to the next outline section of
the same level.
e. 3 (Pg Dn): Moves to the beginning of the next
section of text.
f. 4 (Left Arrow): Moves to the beginning of text in
an outline section.
g. 5: Blocks a section of text.
h. 6 (Right Arrow): Moves to the end of an outline
i. 7 (Home): Moves to the beginning of an outline
j. 8 (Up Arrow): Moves to the previous outline
section of the same level.
k. 9 (Pg Up): Moves to the beginning of the previous
section of text.
l. - : Decrements the outline heading by one.
m. + : Increments the outline heading by one.
n. Enter: Nothing
4. Control:
a. 0 (Ins): Inserts 3 lines, and places the cursor on
the second.
b. . (Del): Kills the RAM Buffer.
c. 1 (End): 1
d. 2 (Down Arrow): Moves to the next paragraph.
e. 3 (Pg Dn): 3
f. 4 (Left Arrow): Replace Previous
5. Shift:
a. 0 (Ins): Insert the last word that was read by
scanf. This will often be that last word that was
deleted by Shift-nk., Shift-Del, or Shift-BS.
b. . (Del): Delete the word that the cursor is on.
c. 1 (End): Move to the bottom left corner of the
d. 2 (Down Arrow): Down
e. 3 (Pg Dn): Move down a page, and move the cursor to
column 1.
f. 4 (Left Arrow): Left
g. 5: 5
h. 6 (Right Arrow): Right
i. 7 (Home): Move to the top left corner of the
j. 8 (Up Arrow): Up
k. 9 (Pg Up): Move up one page, and move the cursor
to column 1.
F. Help:
1. Unmodified: Opens S.edrc in a newwindow.
2. Control: Shows what is mapped to the key combination
that you specify in the requester.
3. Shift: Opens S:startup-sequence in a newwindow.
G. The Function Keys:
1. Unmodified:
a. F1: Insert File
b. F2: Replace File
An internal ARexx Macro which works like arpload
except that it retains the path name of the file
that it loads.
c. F3: Open New File
An internal ARexx Macro that opens a new file in a
new window. Like "Replace File," it retains the
path name.
d. F4: New Window
e. F5: Mark current location and move to the last
place that was marked with F5.
f. F6: Save File if Modified, then Iconify
g. F7: Save Block
An internal ARexx Macro that calls the ARP File
Requester and saves the block under the file name
you indicate in the requester.
h. F8: Save File, then Replace File
i. F9: Save File
j. F10: Save File, then Quit (An internal ARexx Macro)
2. Amiga: Pong to the location corresponding to the
function key number. A-F10 = pong 0. A-F1 to A-F6 are
the most useful. Various macros use ping and pong 7
through 0.
3. Control
a. c-F1: AShell
b. c-F2: Arpload
c. c-F3: Arpload in a new window
d. c-F4: Change File Name
e. c-F5: Delete Disk File
This macro calls up a file requester and deletes
each file that you request. After you request a
file, it deletes the file, and comes back so that
you can request another file to delete. When you
are finished deleting files, you should hit
f. c-F6: Move or Rename Disk File
This macro calls up a file requester for you to
select a file you want to move or rename. It then
brings up another requester for you to select the
destination or new name.
g. c-F7: Call ARexx Macro
An internal ARexx macro that brings up a file
requester for you to select an ARexx macro, which
it then calls.
h. c-F8: Run Program
This macro brings up a file requester for you to
select a program that you want to run. This macro
requires that you have runback in C:.
i. c-F9: Preferences
This macro runs Preferences. If you use PPrefs, as
I do, then you should modify this macro.
j. c-F10: Source File
An internal ARexx macro which brings up a file
requester that is initially set to S:.edrc. It
sources whatever file you select with the
4. Shift:
a. s-F1 - s-F6: Mark the current location with a ping
that corresponds to the function key number, and
record its location on the "Goto" menu.
b. s-F7: Print File
c. s-F8: Use PPMore to preview a file that contains
ANSI codes.
d. s-F9: Save File and Change its Name (An internal
ARexx Macro)
e. s-F10: Append Block to File
H. Macros I use with GEnie:
1. a-. sets off and reformats text. I use it when I quote
bulletin board messages I am responding to on GEnie. It
makes text look like this:
**> Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. And all
**> the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty
**> back together again.
2. a-, takes the second two lines of the three-line
identification heading that appears at the top of a
message on GEnie, and it changes it to tell whose
message I am responding to. For instance, it changes
Message 1 Sat Aug 31, 1991
F.DUNIHO [Fergus] at 19:22 EDT
RE: Message 1 by F.DUNIHO [Fergus]
II. The Menus
A. Project
This menu contains macros for opening and saving files, and
some other things. Many are ARexx macros that use the ARP
File Requester. See the appropriate keymap descriptions for
more details.
B. Format
1. Reformat Entire Document: This macro reformats every
paragraph in a document, while preserving the
appropriate left margin for each paragraph. At each
paragraph, it checks for where the second line begins,
and sets the left margin to that column value. It then
reformats the paragraph. If a paragraph has only one
line, it sets the left margin to -1. For this macro to
work properly, each paragraph should be separated by a
blank line.
2. Indent & Reformat Each ¶: When you save a word
processor file in TEXT format, it drops your
formatting, leaving you with a document whose lines are
all left aligned, and whose paragraphs are single
spaced and separated by a blank line between each.
This macro takes such a document, indents every
paragraph in it, and reformats the paragraph.
3. Justify Left & Right, Center, Indent: These can be used
on either one line or a block. When they are used with
a block, they use Justify.dme in REXX:. Center also
uses it for a single line. Indent moves every line in a
block N spaces. I use it to adjust the actual left
margin of a document before I print it, since it gets
printed at the edge otherwise.
4. Single Space: This macro single spaces a block, and it
puts a blank line between each paragraph. Since it
considers any line that doesn't begin at column 1 as
the start of a new paragraph, it will not single space
indented text. You should use A-3 for that.
C. Outline
1. Position Roman Heading (A-r): Positions a Roman numeral
outline heading, and reformats the text of the outline
2. Position Non-Roman Heading (A-h): Same as above, but
works with non-Roman headings. Both A-r and A-h are
needed, for the computer cannot itself distinguish
between Roman numerals and letters. For instance, it
can't tell whether "V." should come after "IV." or
after "U.".
A-r and A-h give you the following outline structure:
I. Capital Roman Numerals Followed by a Period
A. Capital Letters Followed by a Period
1. Arabic Numerals Followed by a Period
a. Lowercase Letters Followed by a Period
i. Lowercase Roman Numerals Followed by a Period.
1) Arabic Numerals Followed by a Right
a) Lowercase Letters Followed by a Right
i) Lowercase Roman Numerals Followed
by a Right Parenthesis.
To write an outline section, type in your heading
anywhere on the line, hit the appropriate macro key,
then type in your text. If you have wordwrap on, your
text will automatically wrap underneath where your text
began, rather than underneath your heading, where you
would otherwise expect it to wrap. When you finish an
outline section, you should hit A-Return and begin your
next section. A-Return will assure that you have a
blank line between each outline section. It is very
important that there be a blank line between each
section, else they may flow into each other, and it
would be impossible to use the macros that move you
from one section to another, for they use recognize the
blank line as a delimiter.
3. Increment Heading:
This macro changes the outline heading on the line of
the cursor to the heading that comes after it. For
instance, it would change "III." to "IV.", the Roman
numeral "I." to "II.", the letter "I." to "J.", the
number "5." to "6.", etc. The heading must be properly
positioned for this macro to work, for it uses the
position to distinguish between Roman numerals and
letters. This is an ARexx macro that makes use of the
ARexx macros Roman.dme and Arabic.dme to convert
between Roman and Arabic numerals for the purpose of
incrementing Roman numerals by converting them to
Arabic, adding 1, then switching back to Roman.
4. Decrement Heading: Same as above, but decrements.
5. Align Section w/ Above Section:
This macro looks at the previous outline section, and
makes the heading of the current outline section into
what should come after the previous one. If the
previous one was "IV.", for instance, then then the
current heading will become "V." no matter what it was
6. Subordinate Section:
This macro looks at the previous outline section, and
makes the heading of the current outline section into
what should be the first sub-section of the previous
heading. If the previous one was "IV.", for instance,
then the current heading will become "A." no matter
what it was before.
7. Reformat Entire Outline:
This macro works best if your entire document is an
outline. For the purpose of reformating an outline,
"Reformat Entire Document" can be used, but I think
that this macro is more reliable. But if your document
is not purely an outline, it will be better to use
"Reformat Entire Document."
8. Renumber Outline Block:
This macro renumbers the blocked portion of an outline.
The outline section should be properly positioned for
this macro to work properly. It uses the first outline
section in the block as a standard for what all the
other headings in the block should be. If the first one
is "I.", then the next one will be "II." if it on the
same level or "A." if it is on the next level. If a
section is not on a higher level, the same level, or
the next lower level as the previous section, the macro
will stop and tell you that there is an error in your
outline. Nothing will be renumbered if this happens.
You must have no errors to successfully renumber an
outline block. An example of an error would be "1)"
coming after "B.".
D. Buffer
These macros affect a buffer on the RAM DISK. Copy puts the
contents of the current line or block into the buffer. Cut
does the same as Copy and then deletes what it has copied
from the file. Paste inserts the contents of the buffer
into the file. Append copies the current line or block to
the end of the buffer without erasing what was previously
in the buffer. Cut & Append is the same as Append, but
deletes what it appends. Swap with Block exchanges the
contents of the buffer with the current block. Sort uses
C:Sort to sort the lines in the buffer. Kill deletes the
buffer. Find & Collect finds every line with the find
string, cuts the first one into the buffer, and cuts and
appends all the rest into the buffer.
E. Block
These are mostly DME's own basic editing commands.
"Exchange w/ Line" exchanges the block with the current
line. "Append to File" appends the contents of the block to
a file that you select with the file requester.
F. Goto
This menu keeps track of where (pong 1) through (pong 6)
will send you--as long as you use this menu or s-F1 through
s-F6 to set these markers.
G. Find
1. Find Requester
This macro uses the RexxArpLib.library to call up a
requester for the find and replace operations. The
requester has string gadgets for the find string, the
replace string, the number of replacements, and case
sensitivity. It stores the find string, the replace
string, and case sensitivity in the the environment
variables F, R, and Case respectively. This allows the
find requester to show the same strings you entered
into it the last time you used it--in case you change
DME's find and replace strings with findstr, repstr,
find, or findr. This also allows you to use other
macros that always use F and R instead of the current
find and replace strings. This is especially important,
since s-bs, s-del, and other macros change these
2. Next F: Finds the next occurence of the string stored
in the environment variable F.
3. Prev F: Finds the previous occurance of F.
4. Next %s: Uses scanf to read the value of the string
under the cursor into the variable $scanf. It then
finds the next occurance of that string.
5. Prev %s: Uses scanf to read the value of the string
under the cursor into the variable $scanf. It then
finds the previous occurance of that string.
6. Replace F w/ R: If the word or phrase that begins at
the cursor matches F, this macro replaces it with the
value of the environment variable R. Otherwise, it
finds the next occurance of F and replaces it with R.
7. Replace %s w/ R (a-r): Replaces the word which begins
at the cursor with R.
8. Replace %s (c-r): Replaces the word which begins at the
cursor with the value of the replace string. The
replace string is whatever value was last set by repstr
or findr. It is not necessarily the same as R. S-BS and
s-Del set the replace string to an empty string.
9. Replace (c-e): If the string that begins at the cursor
matches the find string, this macro replaces it with
the replace string. Otherwise, it is the same as nextr.
10. Set F to %s (A-F): Reads the string which begins at the
cursor into $scanf and sets the environment variable F
equal to $scanf.
11. Set R to %s (A-R): Reads the string which begins at the
cursor into $scanf and sets the environment variable R
equal to $scanf.
H. Misc.
1. Change Colors (a-F2): This macro calls the colour
requester in REQ.library.
2. Count Words (a-F3): An ARexx Macro that counts the
words in either a block of text (if some text is
blocked) or the entire document (if no lines of text
are blocked.) It uses the RexxArpLib.library to display
its results.
3. Set Font (a-F4): Lets you use the ARP File Requester to
select a font for the window. In the requester, the
font name should appear in the Drawer gadget, and the
font size should appear in the File gadget.
4. Set InsLit Font (c-k): Uses the RexxArpLib.library
to call up a string requester, in which you may
specify which font the "Insert Literal" macro
should use. If you click on the close gadget, that will
be the same as specifying "topaz.font 8". You should
specify the font in the same format as you would using
the DME command "setfont". Also, use the same case as
the fontname uses. For instance, "topaz.font 8" works,
but "Topaz.font 8" does not. (If your topaz directory
is capitalized, that may be the other way around for
5. Insert Literal: This uses the RexxArpLib.library
to call up a requester of all characters from ASCII 32
to ASCII 255. Select which one you want with the mouse,
and it will appear in your document.
6. Insert ASCII: This macro calls up the integer requester
from req.library, and asks for a value between 0 and
255. It will insert the character whose ASCII value is
the value you give.
7. Paginate Document: This macro paginates your document
to prepare it for printing.
8. Find & Deline: This macro deletes every line from
the cursor on that contains F in it.
I. Disk
Except for "Preferences," every one of these is an ARexx
macro that calls the ARP File Requester. These macros
performs various disk operations, such as deleting,
copying, and moving files.
These macros insert ANSI codes into your document. In DME,
these will just show up as ugly ANSI codes. In MuchMore,
PPMore, P-Reader, or your printer, they will show up as
italics, boldface, underlining, and different colored text.
FG0 - FG3 insert codes for changing the foreground color.
BG0 - BG3 insert codes for changing the background color.
III. Software used by some of the macros.
A. Freely distributable software
1. From ARP: arp.library, Ares, AShell, Copy, Move, Run,
Sort, Type.
2. MuchMore (or MuchMorePoPa) © 1991 AMOK
3. Runback
4. RexxArpLib.library V2.52 © 1988, 1989, 1990 W.G.J.
5. ReqLibrary, release 2.5 © 1990 Colin Fox & Bruce Dawson
6. Crunch by Nico François (Powerpeak)
7. PPMore by Nico François (Powerpeak)
8. PPrefs © 1989 by Jonathan Potter (If you don't have
this program, open S:.edrc, replace PPrefs with
Preferences, and save S:.edrc.)
9. SpellCheck Evaluation V1.00 © 1992 by me, Fergus
Duniho. This program is included with DMD.
B. Commercial Software
1. ARexx © 1987 William S. Hawes
V. Changes since "Fergus Duniho's DME 1.42 Macro Set V3.00"
A. "Fergus Duniho's DME 1.42 Macro Set V3.10"
1. More complete documentation on installation.
2. Bug fix in "Clear Window".
3. "Delete Disk File" now takes wild cards.
4. The macros that use ARPFileReq.dme can now use file
names with spaces in them.
B. DMD V1.00
1. s-nk0 is smarter. It checks whether the character to
the left is a space. If it isn't, it inserts a space
before it inserts scanf instead of after. So, if you
want to insert scanf before some punctuation mark, such
as a period or a parenthesis, it will not separate them
with a space as it used to, and it will put the space
where it belongs. If, for instance, scanf is "cat", and
the cursor is on the period of
The good boy gave tuna fish to the.
You will get
The good boy gave tuna fish to the cat.
instead of
The good boy gave tuna fish to thecat .
2. A-bs and A-del now delete single words like s-bs and
s-del do. And in addition, they add the value of the
deleted word to the end of the variable Phrase. A-del
should be used for cutting a phrase from a sentence, so
as to reinsert it elsewhere with A-nk0. A-bs should be
used to reverse the order of words. A-nk0 now inserts
the value of Phrase and resets it to an empty string.
3. "Delete Disk File" now deletes the corresponding .info
files along with the files it is told to delete.
4. The following new macros involve a column marker and/or
the variable Phrase. The column marker is a variable
that holds a column position. Phrase is a variable that
holds a string of text.
a. a-@ sets the column marker to the current column
b. as-nk. does one of two things.
i. If the current column position is greater than
the value of the column marker, it deletes the
text between the cursor and the column marker,
and it sets the variable Phrase equal to the
text it deleted.
ii. If the current column position is less than the
value of the column marker, it moves the text
which begins at the current column position to
the column marker.
c. as-nk0 inserts the value of the variable Phrase.
d. as-c sets the value of Phrase to the text of the
e. as-e exchanges the column marker and the current
column position.
f. as-w sets the variable Buf to the value of the
column marker. I have it for use in as-e. But you
might find some use for it from the keyboard.
g. as-b moves the cursor to the column position in
Buf. If you want to move to the column position,
you can press as-w followed by as-b.
5. The following two macros require Crunch, which comes
with PowerPacker.
a. a-f9 saves the contents of the current window in
powerpacked form.
b. a-f10 crunches whatever data file you specify.
Crunch accepts wild cards.
6. HT macros and menu removed, since I never use HT. Disk
menu added. Some macros from the Project menu moved to
the Disk menu.
C. DMD V2.00
Nota Bene: Most of these changes involve ARexx. If you
don't have ARexx, you will be better off with the previous
version of DMD. All you need do if you don't have ARexx is
incorporate the bug fixes in this version into your .edrc
from the previous version.
1. Many of the functions in ARPFileReq.dme have been
replaced by internal ARexx Macros. Since internal ARexx
Macros are defined in .edrc, they don't have to be
loaded from disk, and so pop up as quickly as arpload
and arpsave do.
2. "Word Count" and "Lexical Analysis" have been replaced
by "Count Words". This new ARexx macro merely counts
the words and gives no other information.
3. ARexx Macros that use req.library.
a. New Macros
i. "Change Colors" uses the colour requester.
ii. c-Help uses the string requester to request the
name of a key combination. It then uses another
string requester to display what is mapped to
that key combination.
b. Modified Macros
i. "Insert ASCII" now uses the integer requester.
ii. A-w, which gives the time, now displays its
information with the text requester.
iii. a-Enter, which calculated mathematical
expressions, now calls up a string requester,
which serves as a calculator. It will calculate
any ARexx function. You leave it by clicking on
the close gadget or enter a null string. You
may use the variable "A" to refer to the value
that appears in the title bar.
iv. "Rename File" (c-F4) now uses the string
v. Paginate.dme now uses the integer requester and
the text requester.
4. "Insert Character" and ASCII.dme have been replaced by
"Insert Literal" and InsLit.dme. InsLit.dme is much
faster than ASCII.dme was, and you can select which
font you want to use with it. This is useful when you
are using a font with an IBM character set, for
5. The Find Requester now uses a button gadget for case
sensitivity instead of the string gadget that it used
to use.
6. Many ARexx macros have been streamlined, so that they
take up less disk space.
7. Bugs were fixed in macros mapped to BS, A-r, A-h,
s-right, and perhaps others I don't remember.
8. "Make Directory" and "Set Font" macros added. Both use
the ARP File Requester. For "Make Directory", the new
directory name should appear in the File gadget.
9. Appending blocked text to the buffer is now done by an
ARexx macro instead of by C:Type. Also, "Append Block
to File" (s-F10) no longer uses C:Type. It's now purely
10. Spell Checker. See separate documentation.