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DCBack.lib 1.2
---> Auto detach, OS2.0 style commandline-parsing startup code for DICE <---
Jan van den Baard
This program is
and remains (c) Copyright 1991 Jaba Development
except for the somewhat adjusted "wbmain.a"
which is (c) Copyright 1990 by
Matthew Dillon
The author cannot be held liable for the suitability or accuracy of this
program. Any damage directly or indirectly caused by the use or misuse of
this program is the sole responsibility of the user her/him self.
DCBack.lib is a tiny link-library which alows you to write auto-detachable
programs with DICE. I wrote this program mainly for my text reader View
but it can be used for all sorts of applications. To make your DICE program
detachable you must define the following globals somewhere in your source:
_procname: This should be a pointer to a 0-terminated string which will
be the name of the detached process.
_template: This should be a pointer to a 0-terminated shell commandline
template string. Please read the documentation on the
ReadArgs() routine for more information about the syntax of a
template string. NOTE: If you don't need commandline
parsing just make this 0.
_exthelp: This should be a pointer to a 0-terminated string which
should contain some extended information about the command
line. If you don't want this you should make this 0.
_stack: This should be a 32-Bit integer which specifies the stacksize
in bytes CreateProc must allocate for the process. If you
specify 0 here a stack of 4096 bytes is used.
_priority: This should be a 32-Bit integer which specifies the priority
of the created process.
_BackGroundIO: Any value other than 0 will open a file which allows you to
write to the shell window it was called from. Note however
that no input can be received from this shell window. This
will also disable the closing of the shell window that
the program was run from until the program terminates.
The startup code will automatically parse the commandline using the
ReadArgs() routine. The startup code calls the same entry points that
the original DICE startup code does:
Shell: main( long argc, long *argv );
Workbench: wbmain( wbmsg );
As you can see the shell entry point is called with other arguments than it
is with the standard DICE startup code. The arguments passed to main have the
following contents:
argc : The startup code counts the number of arguments it can expect
by counting the commas in the template string and then adding
one to the that amount. 'argc' contains the result of that
argv : When the startup code has counted the number of expected
arguments it allocates a long-word array with 'argc' slots.
Then it calls ReadArgs() which will fill this array with the
result of the parse. 'argv' contains a pointer to the
initialized argument array.
For the workbench the startup code automatically set's the current
directory to the directory from which the program is started.
The link-library comes in two versions. One called "dcback.lib" which uses
the standard DICE routine calling conventions and one called "dcbackr.lib"
which uses the registered routine calling conventions. Please read the DICE
docs for more info about this.
Bug reports, suggestions, postcards, flames, criticism, contributions,
ideas, gifts, multiscan monitors, etc., etc., etc......... to:
Jan van den Baard
Bakkerstraat 176
3082 HE, Rotterdam
The Netherlands
FIDO: 2:500/29 (Jan van.den.Baard)