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ScreenSnap V1.12
a tool for saving foreign screens
This program is in the public domain and can be freely distributed without
making any profit. The distribution via non-commercial BBS-Systems is allowed.
The distribution of the program with any commercial product requires the
written permission of the author.
Author : T.O.M. Software Wuppertal
Oliver Graf
Gewerbeschulstr. 75
5600 Wuppertal 2
Federal Republic of Germany
Documentation :
ScreenSnap is a tool that allows to take a look to the current screenlist of
your system. You also can close "lost" screens or save screens to disk.
Simply start ScreenSnap with it's name from CLI or with a doubleclick on
it's icon from Workbench. If started from CLI, ScreenSnap will detach itself
from CLI so that you can use it in background.
Important note : ScreenSnap requires AmigaOS 2.0 Revision 37.175 or higher.
ScreenSnap opens it's own screen with the list of screens and a couple of
gadgets. A minimum list must contain the entries "Workbench Screen" and
"ScreenSnap V1.02".
The gadgets :
The list
The list of screens is handled by gadtools.library as a single Gadget. You
can scroll the list using the slider gadget on the left side. With a single
click you can select an entry of the list and it is shown in the string gadget
below the list. All actions will be done with the selected item. This list
is updated by ScreenSnap itself. Attention : ScreenSnap patches the
OpenScreen() and CloseScreen() functions of intuition.library ! This can
cause some serious effects on other programmes that do so.
Screen To Front
The selected screen will appear at the top of all.
Screen Info
This function opens a window cotaining all important information about the
selected screen. Leave it with a click on the window's closegadget.
Close Screen
You can close a screen with this function. A security check will appear
because the closing of a screen of a running task can crash system. You
only should use this operation on screens that are still open after exiting
the task. Important : You can't close ScreenSnap's screen.
Save Screen
Allows you to save the selected screen to an IFF File. The asl.library File-
Requester appears to select the file to save to. After selecting the
destination file the screen's bitmap will be saved.
Gives some information to the program.
Quit Program
Shutdown ScreenSnap.
Versionhistory :
Version Date Changes
1.00 01.12.91 first public release
1.01 04.12.91 bug fix : ScreenSnap didn't free it's gadget list
1.02 02.01.92 Source ported from Manx Aztec C to DICE
1.10 19.01.92 SaveScreen now saves to ILBM compressed format and
uses iffparse.library
1.11 21.01.92 Removed 'Refresh List' Gadget, now ScreenSnap patches
Intuition OpenScreen() for updating the list.
1.12 27.01.92 Now using the Workbench's Busy Pointer while saving.
To do :
- Print Screen Function
- window list editor
Credits :
Marc 'Kleiner' Schröer for the DICE detach source