Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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The Web System Data Collection and Management Program Suite
-- Demonstration Edition --
1992 July 1
Concepts 31 5%
The Demonstration Package 117 15%
Distribution 159 20%
Getting Started 210 24%
Prerequisites and Package Components 233 26%
Brief Overview of the Master Screen 293 33%
The Control Buttons 326 37%
The Project Menu 466 54%
Temporary Windows 488 55%
Loading Configurations from File 498 57%
CLI command line for the Web 531 60%
The Demonstration Modules 561 62%
Module Parameter Panels 659 72%
Principles 823 88%
Rather than being a single program, the Web should be thought of as
a configurable, easily extensible suite of programs for the integrated
management of data collection and processing. The one invariant is the
Web Master control program, giving the user a visual "flow diagram"
representation of the configuration that he or she can manipulate with
ease -- even while data is flowing.
The underlying concept is of a series of data processing elements,
beginning with a data `source' -- which might be acquiring input directly
from a hardware channel, from a disk file, or even as in the demonstration
generating it itself -- and subsequent `filters' that act on the data.
The elements are connected by paths along which the data flows; each
element takes some specific action with respect to the data, then passes
it along the path (perhaps modified, perhaps not).
A path may be more elaborate than just beginning at a source and passing
through some filters in straight sequence. It may contain branches, where
the data flow is duplicated into separate streams. Alternatively, more
than one stream may converge on an element; most filters can accept several
input connections, although the data all flows on through a single output
In addition to the simple Sources and Filters exemplified by the modules
here, it is possible for a single element to have multiple input and
output connections, each with a different function. A multi-connection
`Path-Synchronization' module has been included in the set to give some
idea of this.
Naturally the system takes full advantage of the Amiga's multitasking:
several flow paths -- either independent or connected -- can be working on
their own data simultaneously. On the other hand, the design is such as to
avoid unnecessary task-switching; typically a single process handles most
of the data manipulation algorithms that are chained into one path.
The data to be processed is purely the concern of the Modules "plugged
in" to the Web. The Master program itself has no interest in, or control
over, the data format: it solely determines the paths over which the data
will flow. The only inherent assumption is that the data can be maintained
as "packets" in some way, so that each "station" on a path can work on a
packet at a time. There is complete freedom as to what form a packet
should take, and what may happen to it on its travels.
By the way, those of you familiar with products for other platforms that
look superficially similar, be cautious about equating the Web's function
with these. For instance, the Web is not a `Simulation' package: such
typically compute the state of the whole system repetitively at specific
time-steps, based on the state at the previous time-step; calculations are
performed `synchronously' for all the elements, and each generates one
data-point per step. In contrast, the Web is designed for processing
real-time data, and has essentially an asynchronous `data-flow' approach,
with many data-points (as many as possible for efficiency) in each packet.
[Note to prospective purchasers: the Web Master and SHADOW library
themselves are proprietary, but sources will be available (by licence
arrangement) for most of the existing data modules -- with the exception,
I believe, of the FFT code, which is copyright by others. Header files
and documentation for the protocols used by the Web will be included in
the full package.]
Although the modules included here are directed toward a particular
application, the system is designed to be adaptable to a wide range
of needs. "Sampler" modules can be written to acquire data from
any available source that can connect to the Amiga; output of data
to channels other than display or disk could also easily be arranged.
The packet structure is also totally flexible, and can be designed
to suit the purpose. With suitably written modules, some examples of
possible applications that spring to mind are: neural spike recording
and analysis, MIDI event processing... even image processing, where a
series of transforms is to be applied in sequence to an image.
The modules included in this demonstration edition are a subset of those
designed for its initial application -- the collection and analysis of
"acoustic events". Absent are the actual data collection modules that
would interface with hardware such as a GPIB card, and the modules which
write the data to disk files. The data source here is simply a random
wave generator (although a FileRead module and some sample data are also
provided). Included, though, are modules for scaling and limiting the
signals, cutting segments out of the waveform, and FFT and inverse FFT,
as well as an audio output and two display modules: a straightforward
"Scope", and an X-Y "Lissajous" display. Up to sixteen channels of
waveform can be held in a packet.
The Demonstration Package
This demonstration edition of the Web Master has all the capabilities
of the full program, except that a configuration cannot be recorded to
a disk file. Two Demo startup icons are supplied, as well as an initial
installation icon (see below for how to get started).
The first icon starts up the full environment, with all the modules, and
loads a trivial configuration -- a random generator connected to a scope.
From that starting point, you can experiment with the features of the
The second Demo loads a more complex configuration that connects all
the available types of module in a chain (with one branch). Two channels
of random wave are first FFTransformed, and a gate is used to extract
narrow segments of the transformed data; this is then inverse-transformed
to produce a narrow-band signal, which is boosted a bit by a scaler and
passed to both audio and visual displays. (The branch at the end of the
path is just for demonstration: it is actually more efficient to have all
the elements in-line, because they are then managed by a single process.)
Explore this one by using the `Select' and `Param' operations to see what
each element in the chain is doing. In particular, bring up the parameter
control panel for the Gating element and try changing the cut limit sliders
for channels 0 and 1 to see the effect on the output waves.
A third demonstration configuration is included, but it has no icon to
load it. You will have to have started the Web with one of the icons
for the other demos, then use the `Load Config' menu option to load
`Data_Demo'. (To ensure it runs at full speed, you should preferably
clear the original configuration with `New' from the same menu first,
but this is not necessary. All three demos may be running at the same
time, if you wish.) This demo displays some actual recorded data in X-Y
form, to give you some idea of its "real world" use. (The range of data
displayed has been kept short enough so that the program should be able
to read it from (DOS) buffer storage, rather than continually reading it
off disk. If this isn't so in your case, and you are running from a
floppy, you might want to copy everything -- or just the DATA directory --
to RAM: and try again.)
This suite of programs and its documentation is copyright, all rights
reserved. This demonstration package is freely distributable, however,
provided that it is kept intact as initially provided, and that no charge
is made for its distribution aside from that necessary to cover duplication
and other reasonable overheads.
The full package with the complete existing set of modules is available
from the authors, price by arrangement depending on needs. We are willing
to write modules for other environments, or to consult in your own
development of such modules. As mentioned above, sources for the
current data modules are included with the full package.
For more information, please contact:
Pete Goodeve
3012 Deakin St #D
Berkeley, CA 94705
phone: (510) 848-2092
Internet: pete@violet.Berkeley.edu
David Navas
7 Avocet Dr. #205
Redwood Shores, CA 94065
phone: (415) 591-2907
Internet: navas@cory.berkeley.edu
For technical information (no orders please), you may also contact:
Kent Polk
Div. 17
Southwest Research Institute
San Antonio TX 78228-0510
phone: (512) 522-2882
Internet: kent@swrinde.nde.swri.edu
Please use the Internet addresses for information requests only. Orders
should only be sent through US Mail.
Getting Started
A full discussion of prerequisites and so on follows, but if you want
to try it out immediately, provided that you are running version 2.04
(or later) of the operating system and have the supplied package available
with all its components in some directory of your system, just follow these
Double-click on the `Install Libs' icon. This will copy two required
library files to your `LIBS:' directory: `ppipc.library' (size about 3K)
and `shadow.library' (24K).
Double-click on `Web DEMO 1'. This will start the Web Master and all
the supplied modules, then load a trivial configuration. You may play
with this as you desire, but for explanations look to the sections below.
To close down the Web when you are done, use the `QUIT' item of the main
menu. This shuts everything down, except for two things: the module Master
program is left sleeping in memory and the Traveller program remains
resident (see later for how to remove these items as well).
Prerequisites and Package Components
The Web program and associated modules need the 2.0 environment, and
ppipc.library and shadow.library must be available in `LIBS:'. (The modules
also use IEEE floating point math, so mathieeedoubbas.library must be there
also.) In the demonstration package an icon is provided ("Install Libs")
that will copy the two special libraries for you, or you may do it yourself.
(They are in the `Libs' subdirectory.)
The system should run on any Amiga, with or without floating point
hardware. It will. however, not show its full speed potential on a
basic 68000 machine (!). The minimum memory needed has not been directly
checked, but it probably should run in a 1MB machine.
Whatever the rest of the environment (Samplers, Filters and so on) three
program files must be available for the Web system to function. One is
the main `Web' program itself, which is normally started at the beginning
of a session and remains running until the end. The `Traveller' program
performs all the data-transfers along the links of the Web, and must be
available -- either as a resident module, or in the path for the CLI from
which Web was invoked -- while Web is running. Things will start up faster
if it is made resident; one Traveller process is started (automatically)
for each Source element in the Web. The third module is `Brancher',
required to manage the forking of data at branch points; this should be
started when other modules are, before any configuration is built or
loaded; only one brancher process runs, however many branch points are
The actual data-handling modules must be run after Web has started, but
before building a configuration. These `Source' and `Filter' modules all
require a common "Module Master" process to be running also before they
will start (distinct from the "Web Master" itself). This program
(`MODULES/Master') may be started either before or after `Web', but
always before the modules.
Note that when the Web Master is eventually shut down, all the Module
and Traveller processes also terminate. The Module Master, however,
does not: it remains in memory (dormant) until explicitly shut down with a
`BREAK' CLI command to its process. (Use the `STATUS' command to find the
right CLI process number `n', then issue `BREAK n', or do the whole thing
in one step with the following command line:
break `status COM=MODULES/Master`
-- note the back quotes.) If the Traveller module has been made resident
(as is done by the demos) you may remove it also with the usual `RESIDENT
traveller REMOVE' CLI command.
The `Demo' icons in this package invoke a script (`run_Web') that performs
all the required startups properly. This is the most convenient way of
starting the system, but the components can be started directly and
individually if preferred, provided that the sequence of startup is
observed. (Direct execution icons are provided for the Web and Brancher;
the Traveller also has an icon, but it is normally pointless to start
this that way; no icons have been included for the modules, but if you
want to add your own there is no problem.)
Brief Overview of the Master Screen
The buttons on the right represent the running modules, those at the
bottom the operations that can be performed. There is a `Project' menu
that contains a fairly standard set of choices: `New', `Load Config',
`Save Config' (inhibited for the demonstration), `About', and `QUIT'.
(The "Direction" Menu over on the right-hand side is not one you are
ever likely to need, but it can be used to change the orientation of
elements placed on the screen. There is also a `Modules' menu which
is only relevant to the full system; it is disabled for the demo.)
Each module appears as a button on the right-hand panel. Clicking on one
of these will select that module for relevant operations, such as "Place"
or "Insert". The name on the button is usually not quite the same as the
filename of the Module it represents (here, the program "RanGen" connects
to the "Random Waves" button, "ClipnScale" is "Scale/Clip", and so on).
An operation mode selected from the lower buttons remains in effect until
another is picked -- except for a couple, like `Cancel', that are
momentary. A description of each button's function follows below.
Other windows will appear on the Web Master screen as well, in the
course of a session. Each Scope element, for instance, has its own display
window, which is maintained as long as that element exists. And in `Select'
mode, clicking on a part of the diagram causes the appearance of one or two
temporary panels: one gives information about the item that was selected,
the other -- if present -- presents a selection of possible actions to
be taken on that item. Most modules, too, have Parameter Control Panels,
which can be displayed for an element by selecting in `Param' mode or
using the `Param' button; they will remain until explicitly closed.
The Control Buttons
Place When this button is engaged, an instance of the
current module (determined by whichever of the
right-hand panel buttons is selected) will --
if possible -- be placed in the main window at
any point at which the (left-hand) mouse button
is clicked.
This is the default initial mode if no file
was specified in the command line.
Link In this mode, elements (instances of modules)
already placed on the screen may be connected
into a chain by data paths. Click first on the
"output connector" (small dot on the right hand
side of the element, usually), and then on one
of the sides other than the output of the element
you wish to connect it to. If you click on
intermediate (empty) points in the window between
these two actions, the path will pass through those
points as well.
You may also begin a new path from an intermediate
point on another (making a `Branch'); simply click
first on the desired branch point rather than on an
output connector. (This action will be refused if
the `Brancher' program is not running.)
Insert This is similar to `Place', except that the element
can only be inserted into an already existing path.
A single click at the desired point in the path will
insert a new instance of the selected module there.
Param In this mode, clicking on any element that has a
control (`Parameter') panel will bring that panel up.
This panel remains on the screen until explicitly
closed. (The screen element the panel refers to will
remain highlighted while the panel is visible, unless
a `Select' or other operation on the same element later
clears this.)
Replace In this mode, clicking on an element will, if
POSSIBLE, replace it with an instance of the
currently selected module. It will fail if the
two elements are not compatible (trying to replace
a filter in a data path with a source, for example).
Elide Is essentially the reverse of `Insert'. Clicking
on an element in a path will remove it but leave
the path intact. It can, of course, only operate
on elements that have exactly one input and one
output connected. (Or, for convenience, on elements
that aren't connected at all.)
Delete Clicking on an element will remove that element
TOGETHER with any flow links currently connected to it
(unless one of these links itself cannot be removed,
in which case the diagram will not be changed).
CUT Link Click on one end of the flow you wish to remove,
then on the other. (It doesn't matter in which
order you do this.)
Note that you cannot remove a link that leads to
a Branch: you must delete one of the branch links
Restore Link IF neither of the elements previously connected
by the last link you cut has been moved in the
meantime, clicking this button will restore the
connection. (This is a single action button --
the current mode remains unchanged.)
Move Click on an element you wish to move, then on
the new position you wish it to have. Any data
paths connected to the element will be suitably
readjusted (to the program's satisfaction, at any
rate! You may want to re-route them yourself).
Route Allows you to specify points you wish a given
existing path to be adjusted to follow. Click
first on the output connector that is the source
of the path, then on the points, in order, that
you want it to go through, then finally on the
(existing) input connection of that path.
Note that you cannot change either of the connection
points themselves with this command; this can only
be done by cutting and re-Linking.
Select In this mode, you can click on any part of the diagram
to bring up an information window about that point; the
window remains visible until you either select another
item or click on some empty space (or `CANCEL').
The contents of the information window depend on whether
you have clicked on an element, a connecting link, a
connection point, or a branch point. (The selected
diagram element is highlighted.)
If the selected item is an element, its current name
is shown within a string gadget, which you may edit
as you desire; a unique default name is initially
assigned by the program (`SRCn' or `FLTn' as
appropriate). (In the full system, this name would
be stored when a configuration file is saved. It is
also passed to the modules for their own use, but as
it is a new addition none of the supplied modules
make use of this yet.)
If appropriate, a window of applicable buttons will
also pop up; the button labels correspond to mode
selections in the main control panel, but only affect
the selected item.
Buttons available when a placed element is selected
are some or all of:
`Param', `Move', `Elide', `Delete'
Buttons for inapplicable operations are suppressed,
except for `Param' (because this is managed by the
module itself).
A selected Link, can be `Cut' (if this is possible).
A selected BranchPoint can be `Move'd.
For a connector on a normal source or filter, only
an information panel appears, but if it is a multi-
connector element, you will also get a panel of
buttons designating the possible choices for that
connection (with the current choice highlighted).
`Select' mode is engaged initially if a file was
specified in the command line (as is actually the
case with both demos).
CANCEL This button will abort any uncompleted action, such
as a Link, Move or Route. It will NOT undo any
operation you have actually completed. (The program
does not currently have an UNDO as such. Sorry.)
The Project Menu
New Clears any current configuration from the screen.
Load Config Brings up a standard File Requester to select a
previously saved Configuration File for loading.
It does not clear the screen first; more than one
configuration may be loaded at a time, provided
that they do not conflict in element positioning
or naming.
Save Config as... Brings up a Standard File Requester to specify
a file into which the configuration is to be saved.
(Inhibited in demonstration edition.)
About Web Version and Copyright information.
QUIT Web Shuts down any running configuration and exits the
Temporary Windows
If you move a temporary window (such as the message panel or the `Select'
information window) to another location while it is open, the next time
it pops up it will again be at the new location. (This does not necessarily
apply to windows managed by the modules themselves, such as parameter
Loading Configurations from File
A Configuration File is a text file that describes the sequence of steps
needed to recreate a diagram, together with any parameter settings for
individual module instances.
A configuration that is being read expects all the modules that it needs
to be running. If the read operation encounters a request to place
an element whose module is *not* yet running, it displays the message
"Waiting for Module xxxx", and waits for this to register itself. If the
module is not already on its way in, you have the choice of either giving
an appropriate CLI command or icon-click to start that module, or aborting
the whole load by clicking `CANCEL'. The Brancher process is treated here
just like any other module.
A Load operation will also abort if there is any conflict between the
file being loaded and what is already on the screen. Such conflicts
include overlapping an already existing element or having the same name
as an existing one. You will usually want to clear the screen (`New' in
the Project Menu) before reading a fresh configuration. However the two
supplied demo configurations (`config.1' and `config.2') have been
constructed so that they can be loaded together.
The `Load' menu operation uses a standard ASL File Requester for selection.
If you try to Load a non-existent file you will get an error message --
which is immediately covered by the reappearance of the file requester!
Each invocation of the requester remembers the context from the previous
time. The Web command line option `DIR' (see later) may be used to specify
the initial default directory for the requester.
CLI command line for the Web
The Web can be invoked from the CLI with command-line parameters.
The switch parameter `LACE' (or `INTERLACE' or `-i') sets Interlace mode
for the Web screen.
The parameter `DIR dirname' sets the initial directory for configuration
A configuration file named in the line will be read immediately on start up.
(More than one name can appear, but there will probably be name conflicts
between elements in the two files unless special precautions have been
There are no tooltypes recognized by Web as yet. In most cases anyway you
will probably want to start the whole environment -- with its modules -- as
a unit, so a script is recommended. Use Xicon or iconX to run that script
from the Workbench.
The common script (`run_Web')used to start up the Web demos accepts up to
three parameters (one of which is the configuration file for that demo,
specified in the command line in the icon). You can invoke it from the CLI
with added arguments (such as `LACE'), or modify the entry in the icon
ToolTypes, if you like.
+ + + + +
The Demonstration Modules
The following modules accompany the demonstration edition of the Web.
The name in brackets is the actual filename of the module (in the MODULES
Random Waves [RanGen]
Generates a random signal in lieu of real audio events.
Data is managed as 8-bit integers for the demonstration
(but is converted to floating point values internally
by some of the modules, such as the scaler and scope).
Scale/Clip [ClipnScale]
Selectably applies either a scaling factor or a sharp-cut
limit to all channels of the data.
Performs either a normal or inverse Fast Fourier Transform
on all channels of the data. The number of points in a
channel (set in the source element for the path) MUST be
a power of two, otherwise NO transform will be performed.
Gating [Gate]
Allows the user to specify `start' and `stop' gating
points on the waveform. This module does not actually
make any change in the waveforms themselves.
Note that in the current implementation only the first
Gating element encountered in a path has any observable
Gate Cut [GCut]
Applies the cut points specified by a previous Gating
module in the chain.
SCOPE [Scope]
Displays all the channels of the data in standard
"time-base" graphical form.
Liss SCOPE [Lissajous]
Displays any two channels of data in X-Y coordinate
Play Audio [Play]
Generates audio signals of various (user selectable)
kinds from the data. This is a very complex, application
specific module that won't be described in detail here.
Note that the audio module cannot accept a further event
while it is still playing the previous one; although the
Traveller that carries the event being played is released
as the sound begins, any further arrival during the sound
period will have to wait until the sound completes.
Only one Audio element can be active at a time for each
of the four audio channels (the first instance placed
grabs the channel); if you set the `Waveform #' for a
channel to 16 (invalid) the channel will become available.
Read Events [FileRead]
Reads previously recorded data from a file (some examples
are provided). Playback rates, ranges, and so on are user
(Naturally, there is a corresponding FileWrite module
in the full system, not included in the Demonstration
Sync This is a demonstration of how multiple connections to
an element are handled. It accepts three `filter'
connections (each with it's own input and output).
Packets passing along `Chan A' and `Chan B' will be
synchronized: whatever the time they arrive on their
respective channels, they will always be passed on
simultaneously. A packet arriving on the `Flush' path,
though, will release any waiting packets (while not
being delayed itself).
Be aware that when you are playing with the more complex
sort of paths that multi-connector modules allow it is
quite easy to lock up the data flow. A full breakdown
of the ways this could happen would be lengthy, but if
you do get into such a lockup, it isn't serious. Simply
delete the offending module and re-link, to start the
data flowing again. (Linking around the module without
deleting it probably won't be enough, because the data
packet is almost certainly waiting at that module, and
won't be affected by breaking the link.)
Module Parameter Panels
Each module has its own set of panel gadgets (brought up for an instance
of that module by `Param' selection in the Web Master). These are detailed
in the sections following.
Random Waves
#Channels -- sets the number of channels of data to be
generated (1-16)
#pts/waveform -- how many points are to be generated for
each channel (per packet).
Pause -- toggles the generation of data On/Off.
Factor -- set a value between 1 and 1000, used as
determined by the cycle gadget below.
[cycle gadget:]
Off -- Data is passed straight through without action.
x Factor/1000
-- Data values are multiplied by the Slider
factor and divided by 1000, thus scaling the
data by a fractional value between 0 and 1.
x Factor/100
-- Multiplies by slider value divided by 100, to
give a maximum magnification of 10 times.
x Factor/10
-- Multiplies by slider value divided by 10, to
give a maximum magnification of 100 times.
Clip -- Slider is taken as a value of n/1000 to clip
the data at plus and minus that value.
Transform Type [cycle between:]
FFT -- direct FFT
IFT -- inverse FFT
Channel -- The channel on which the gadget values
displayed below are to operate. (The
element affects all channels, but you may
select parameters for each individually.
(Channels are labelled 0-15.)
Min -- Sets the lower gate position (scaled as a
fraction n/1000 of the whole waveform period).
Max -- Sets the upper gate position in the same way.
Thresh -- Sets a threshold amplitude value for the
channel, for possible reference by other
modules (only the audio module currently
uses this... in one of the functions not
described here).
Gate Cut
[cycle gadget:]
NoGate -- Gate Marks are ignored; data passed through
Gate Interior -- The waveform BETWEEN the gate marks (set by
a preceding Gating element) is excluded.
Gate Exterior -- The waveform OUTSIDE the gate marks is
Pause -- Freezes the display for that element. It
does NOT stop the flow of data, which just
bypasses the paused element.
Detail of Display -- this controls how the scope handles a case
where there are more points in the waveform
that there are pixels across the display
window. (It has no visual effect if there
are fewer points per waveform than this.)
[cycles between:]
Detail -- All points are plotted, even if several must
be shown in the same single-pixel column.
Average -- Plots the average of the points that would
otherwise appear in the same column.
(Note that this is the slowest of the modes
-- even if no actual averaging is being done.)
Fast -- Plots only the first point of the group that
would appear in one column.
Waves: [16 toggle buttons] -- toggles on or off the display
of the corresponding channel.
Pause -- same as for SCOPE above.
Detail of Display -- same options as for SCOPE, but the
criterion for choosing the number of
points to plot is a little arbitrary.
X-axis Channel -- selects which of the 16 channels is to
be plotted horizontally.
Y-axis Channel -- selects which of the 16 channels is to
be plotted vertically.
Play Audio (Only some functions will be mentioned here -- you
may be able to elicit others by experiment.)
Pause -- Same as for SCOPE etc., but note that it
doesn't take effect until the current sound
has finished.
Channel [cycle] -- selects which of the four audio channels
the remaining gadgets operate on.
Waveform # -- selects the channel from the data that is
to be fed to this audio channel.
Play Type [cycles between:]
WFORM -- Plays the waveform (from the data channel
selected by the `Waveform #' slider directly
as a sample. The `Duration' and `# Reps'
sliders set the play period and number of
repeats for the sample. (The duration is
in milliseconds provided that the number of
points in the waveform is adequate; it will
not maintain this for short data lengths.)
GWFORM -- As for WFORM, but plays only the data within
gate marks.
Tone -- These modes play a tone determined by the time
GTone of the first zero-crossing encountered in
OGTone various ways. (They will not be considered
Tonic -- plays a tone (controlled by the `Scale' slider
and `Scale Type' selector, but otherwise
unaffected by the controls OR the data) for
each packet.
Volume -- Sets the overall volume for that channel.
Read Events -- the controls here should be fairly self explanatory.
I'll leave you to experiment...
+ + + + +
The picture to have of the whole system is of a web of "data processing
elements" or "nodes" linked by paths; the paths are traversed by processes
that carry data packets between the elements, where operations are
performed on the data. Each path begins at a "source" node where the data
initially enters the system; other nodes on the path are generically known
as "filters", because data enters at one point and leaves at another --
possibly after having been altered in form or content. A filter does not
necessarily change the data at all, though: it may perform some other
action such as displaying it or recording it in a file, passing its input
on unchanged.
At the end of a path there will be one filter that has not been given any
output; at this point, the data packet is simply discarded, and the
travelling process goes back to the source for another load. (Note that
there is nothing otherwise special about the terminating filter; the path
could be extended if desired by linking it on to further processing.)
It is possible for a path to "branch". At a branch point, incoming data
is duplicated and passed independently down the two downstream forks. A
branch is thus effectively both a filter, for data passing down one fork,
and a source, for the duplicated data sent down the other.
A running Web configuration comprises quite a number of processes working
cooperatively to perform the desired job. The most visible process is the
`Web' itself, which manages the configuration diagram visible on the
screen. However, this process has no connection with, or even knowledge
of, the data that is flowing through the web. It communicates with the
other processes via `IPCMessages' and the `ppIPC' protocol.
Packets of data are carried between the elements of the configuration by
`Traveller' processes, one such process for each source of data that is
present (remembering that a branch is also considered a source for one of
its outflows). Because there is only one Traveller per source, this must
complete its path and return to that source before another packet of data
can be handled. (In actuality, the Web mechanism does not fundamentally
restrict the number of Travellers that could be associated with a source;
a facility for specifying this number will be provided in a future version.)
Again, though, the Travellers have no real concern with the data they carry
-- this is purely determined by the modules that actually provide and
manipulate the data. A Traveller is started as needed by the Web master
program, but after that it controls its own progress around the Web path
it is assigned, until the source it is associated with is deleted.
The Modules that actually manage the data, and the format they use, can
be written to suit the needs of the environment. As well as working on
the data itself, they will usually provide other functions such as a
"Control Panel" for parameter settings, which can be brought up by a
message sent from the Web master. The protocol the modules need to
register themselves in the Web, and to accept Traveller data and control
messages is well defined, and full information is available to purchasers
who wish to write their own modules.
One point you should keep clear is that there is one, and only one,
running program for each type of module available to the configuration.
You may place as many instances of that type of element as you like in
the diagram (unless there are other constraints -- a module that reads
data from an external hardware channel might be restricted to a single
instance, for example), but that does not start new instances of that
program. Of course for each new source element, a new Traveller process
will be assigned.
Also take note that, although each module has its own process, that process
is often not the one that does the data manipulation. Rather, the Traveller
that arrives at that point in the Web simply makes a `function call' to
code supplied by the Module, and executes that within its own process
context. The alternative used by other Modules -- particularly sources --
is for the module process itself to handle all the data packets from all
the instances of that element; the Traveller sends an IPCMessage
(containing the data) to the Module process, which does the required
operation and passes the message back to the Traveller again.
The disadvantage of the second method is that passing a message from one
process to another also requires that control pass from the first process
to the second, and this involves a delay while the switch takes place.
A simple function call is much faster, and is therefore preferable where
it is appropriate. On the other hand, some operations are better managed
by a single process, especially when you may need to "queue" -- as when a
data source must wait for data (from a hardware channel); in this case it
is simpler for the Traveller to send a message and wait for its return.
It is trivial to switch a module from one mechanism to the other; the data
is maintained in the same IPCMessage structure for both cases.
Branch points are managed by a further program in almost exactly the same
way as each diagram element, except that the program doesn't appear in
the user selectable buttons. The single process manages all branch points,
using the IPCMessage mechanism. An additional Traveller process is used
for one of the forks; the original message continues on down the other.
In most cases each Module must either be a "Source", with just one output,
or a "Filter" with one output and one or more inputs. A normal Filter
-- although it has ony one input "channel", i.e. it applies the same
algorithm to all input -- is permitted to have several input *connections*;
in other words paths can converge on it. It can, however, have no more
than one output connection.
The Web can also handle more specialized modules, with more than one actual
functional connection per element like the `Sync' module in this demo. (The
Branch is basically one such as well -- it has one input and two outputs,
although it does no processing). These modules use a natural extension
of the single Source and Filter mechanism, but will not be described
further here.
+ + + + +
-- Copyright 1992 Peter J. Goodeve --