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****************************** Legal Stuff ***************** Aug. 18, 1992 *
BackUP V3.5 © Felix R. Jeske
BackUP is a shareware, freely distributable hard drive backup program for
the Amiga under Workbench 2.0. If you like BackUP and regularly use it, I
would appreciate being sent a $15 contribution to the following address:
Felix R. Jeske
3746 North Oleander Avenue
Chicago, IL 60634-3210
Contributors will receive the latest version of BackUP (I am already adding
context sensitive help and a few other goodies) plus a few other programs
I've written but not published. Contributors of $25 or more will receive
the complete copyrighted source.
Suggestions, comments and criticisms (ouch) are also welcome at the above
address. I am quite proud of BackUP and will gladly support it.
********************************* Credits **********************************
Many thanks go to the developers of ARP who have created an extremely
useful collection of routines in one library and have made it easy to
program as well.
Also, thanks go to Holger P. Krekel and Olaf Barthel for use of their
lh.library. This is an excellent version of the LZH compression algorithm
that, again, is very easy to program.
*************************** System Requirements ****************************
BackUP requires Workbench 2.0, 1MB of RAM, a hard drive (obviously) and as
many floppy drives as you can afford. BackUP also requires arp.library V39
(available on FF123, not distributed with BackUP) and lh.library V1
(available on FF436, distributed with BackUP)
***************************** Historical Info ******************************
BackUP was initially developed on a A500 under Aztec C 3.6a. Workbench 2.0
additions were made on a A3000 under Aztec C 5.2a.
V3.5 - First public release
V3.4 - Added compression using lh.library
V3.0 - Discontinued use of req.library and added custom gadgetry
V2.0 - Added gadgets using req.library
V1.0 - Added primitive interface using autorequestors and the console
V0.9 - Initial development of the backup and restore engines
I started developing BackUP after my purchase of a $700 (groan) 30MB Supra
hard drive. Not wanting to spend any more money than I had to, I started
on BackUP after reading about programming the trackdisk.device in an issue
of Transactor for the Amiga by Bob Rakosky (August '89: Vol. 2, Issue 5).
After figuring out how to do raw reads and writes to the floppy drive, I
learned about parsing a partitions directory structure. I heard about ARP
in another issue of Transactor and finally got my hands on it. I
incorporated req.library after buying CygnusEd which uses it quite heavily.
The current version of the code is almost identical to that under
req.library except for cosmetics. I borrowed the current gadgetry style
from AVS (Application Visualization System), a scientific visualization
package I program and use at work on UNIX workstations. Finally, I found
lh.library on Fred Fish Disk #436 and included compression as an option.
******************************** Benchmarks ********************************
The target machine for BackUP is any Amiga with at least two (2) floppy
drives. Being restricted to one floppy drive eliminates the continuous
write feature. BackUP does not support tape drives since I don't have one.
Compression is only recommended for fast machines or if you really want to
save disks (55% compression is typical) as the on-the-fly compression does
slow down the backup. Compression actually speeds up the restore since the
speed bottleneck is the floppy read/write time. The decompression process
is so fast that reading in less data, decompressing it in memory and
writing it out to the hard drive is faster than reading and writing out the
original uncompressed data which took longer to load from the floppy.
My only real comparison of the capabilities of BackUP to other hard drive
backup programs is my experience with HDBackup (shipped with my A3000) and
other PD backup programs I've uploaded. Since most of the PD backup
programs I've obtained are CLI based, I only compare BackUP and HDBackup
since the CLI is not well suited to perform such an operation. Therefore,
the following is a comparison of BackUP and HDBackup working on 294 files
comprising about 1.1MB of data with compression and verify on. It shows
the following:
BackUP HDBackup
------ --------
Executable Size 30K 81K
Memory Usage 430K 475K
While Backing
Time to Backup 2:56 4:03
Number of Disks 1 3
I could not figure out why HDBackup needed three (3) disks to backup 1.1MB
of data, especially when full compression was enabled. In uncompressed
form, it should have only occupied two disks.
******************************* User Docs **********************************
The backup procedure consists of selecting the partition to backup, the
specific directories and files to backup within the partition, selecting
which floppy drives to use during the backup and finally the swapping of
disks in and out of the floppy drives.
When BackUP boots up, it polls the machine for all hard drive partitions
and all floppy drives. A gadget for each is created on the main screen.
The user need only press on one of the labeled partition buttons to start
reading the complete directory contents into memory. When done, a standard
file requestor displays the entire directory structure.
A few methods are available to the user as to how files are selected to be
included in the backup. The order of the methods chosen is important. For
example, selecting a particular file in a directory and then deselecting
the entire directory will deselect that file. The following lists the
order in which the selection process should proceed.
1) The Incremental/Full button changes whether files with their archived
bits set are included in the selected file list.
2) The Include and Exclude wildcard patterns are convenient ways to
include/exclude large groups of files. A file is selected for backup
if it matches the Include pattern and does NOT match the Exclude
pattern. The ARP pattern matching system is used and therefore
asterisks (*) can be used in place of Commodore's global wildcard (#?).
Also patterns can be ORed together via the pipe (|) operator to form
more complex pattern such as:
which would match all files ending with either a .c or .h extension
or files beginning with a.
3) Whole directories can be manually included or excluded by single
clicking on them in the file requestor. Double clicking on a
directory name changes to that directory. All non-empty directories
have a much-greater-than sign (») appended to their name denoting that
they may be entered.
4) Finally, individual files can be selected (unselected) by single
clicking on them in the file requestor.
After choosing the files to be backed up, the user can press the buttons for
each of the floppy drives BackUP will use during the procedure. It is
recommended that as many drives be used as available. BackUP automatically
formats disks as it writes and also switches between drives without any user
intervention (continuous write). This speeds the process up by constantly
writing to one drive while the user is changing the disk in another.
Finally, two options may be set in the menu bar: compression and verify.
BackUP performs on-the-fly compression by reading in small (11K) blocks of
files, compressing them and asynchronously writing them to disk. The
asynchronous part allows BackUP to read from the hard drive and write to
the floppy drive simultaneously. Compression can reduce the number of
disks used by a factor of two (I have seen 2MB written to 1 disk).
Compression can, however, slow down the backup since the compression
process takes time and degenerates the backup to a synchronous process
(read, compress, write).
The verify option specifies whether a read pass of the tracks written to
the floppy is made after the format/write pass. The backup process is sped
up considerably with verify off, however, it is not recommended since the
integrity of the data is unknown.
All of the options (include/exclude wildcards, compression state, verify
state, backup type and floppy drives used) can be saved as the defaults by
choosing the "Save Configuration" option in the menu. Upon subsequent boot
ups, BackUP will load the configuration file and automatically set the
previously saved defaults.
After all this is completed, the user need only press the "Start Backup"
button and begin swapping disks. During the backup, a fuel gauge bar fills
representing the completion of the backup. Also, the current file being
backed-up as well the current disk being written to and the total number of
files and bytes backed-up is constantly updated. The disks should be
labeled by date and disk number since BackUP will request numbered disks
during the restore procedure. The user may halt the process at any time by
pressing the "STOP" button. Note that the process will not actually stop
until the current file is completely written.
After the files are copied to floppy, BackUP writes out the directory
structure. Only the directories that contain backed-up files are written in
order to save space. This means that, on full backups, empty directories
will not be saved, and, therefore, cannot be restored.
The restore procedure is very similar to the backup procedure with the
exception that the list of files is read from the floppy set instead of the
hard drive.
When BackUP boots up, the user need only press the "Start Restore" button
to have BackUP read a partition's directory structure off floppy. BackUP
will request that the last disk of a backup set be inserted into the first
available drive to start this process. BackUP may ask that the previous disk
be inserted depending if the directory structure write overlapped multiple
disks. When finished, the user can select and deselect files just as in the
backup procedure with the exception that the Incremental/Full button is not
After choosing which files to restore the user should press the "Start
Restore" button again. The same window with fuel gauge bar will appear
and BackUP will request particular numbered disks to be inserted in the
available drives. Files are restored to their previous location with date
stamp, file note and protection bits restored as well. Directories will be
made if necessary.
***************************** Known Problems *******************************
There are two known problems with the program. The first is that although
a "CANCEL" button is included on a number of popup requestors, it is not
always implemented and therefore pressing it just brings up the same
requestor. This is true only for requestors with red text (as opposed to
white) that appear in the middle of screen that usually request that a disk
be placed in a drive.
The second problem is with BackUP's handling of bad disks. BackUP makes
three (3) attempts at writing to a track. If all three fail, a requestor
will come up asking if you wish to continue or abort. Aborting will blow
the user out of the program (not graceful). Continuing will simply skip
that track on proceed to the next one (recommended). However, if BackUP
encounters a large number of tracks that are bad sequentially, it seems to
get confused an cannot recover them (ouch). The moral, use known good
These problems are currently being looked into, and, when dealt with, an
update to BackUP will be made.