This Genie will make multiple copies of a box with user specified offset and rotation between copies. You can also scale the copies and set the centre of rotation.
Written by Don Cox July 92.
if ~show("l", "gdarexxsupport.library") then
if ~addlib("gdarexxsupport.library", 0, -30,0) then
call ppm_Inform(1,"Please install the gdarexxsupport.library in your libs: directory before running this Genie.")
cr = '0a'x
address command
call SafeEndEdit.rexx()
units = ppm_GetUnits()
if units = 3 then call ppm_SetUnits(2)
signal on halt
signal on break_c
signal on break_e
signal on break_d
cu = "in"
if units = 2 then cu = "cm"
call ppm_AutoUpdate(0)
call ppm_NewGroup()
box = ppm_ClickOnBox("Click on box to duplicate..")
if box = 0 then exit_msg("No box selected")
call ppm_AddToGroup(box) /* whole set grouped including original box */