Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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Documentation FRequest Version 1.5 ©
written 1992
FRequest runs only under OS >= 2.xx.
It is a quiet powerfull tool which enables you, to select a
file by using the ASLFileRequester and then execute almost every
programm with the selected file or dir name.
FRequest (FR) uses a lot of OS 2.xx features so it is not able
to run under 1.3 or 1.2.
The requester is full user definable. That means you CAN specify
a lot of the settings but you don`t HAVE to do this.
There are a lot of PARAMETERS you can specify. Look below for
further details (Section PARAMETERS).
FR has the ability to start a given command line as if it is
typed directly in a shell window. The commandline has the same
syntax as an alias for the AMIGAShell. '[]' are replaced by the
selection if there is one.
You can use FR also to start programs on its own without any
arguments or parameters.
Legal Stuff:
This program and all files come with it also the docfiles are
released as FREEWARE.
this means:
everybody may use FRequest,
everybody may copy FRequest, if:
1. you copy all included files see list below
2. no changes are made , this means the program amd all
included files must stay in the original form.
Exception: you may archieve it ; but in this way you
must also archieve the whole package.
3. if you recompile it, you have to include a notice to
the original author. if you also want to
(re)distribute this program in the new form you have
to send me a copy.
4. you may not sell FRequest
Exception: you`re allowed to take a small copy fee
which may not extend 5$.
5. if you want to include FRequest or one of the
included files as a part of a commercial package,
you must have written permission of the author
(address see below)
I take no warranty or garanty for the function of this program.
The whole risk of using it stays by the user.
This package should include the following files:
FRequest [ the Binary Version 1.5 ]
FRequest.doc [ Docfile ]
Examples.doc [ Docfile for the Example Scripts ]
Summary.doc [ short Doc ]
FRequest.r [ Info see below (Other from H.P.G)
Examples (dir) [ the whole Examples diretory
containing scripts for the
AmigaDOS and Csh SHELL ]
FR is written in MANX Aztec C Compiler Version 5.0d. Its
size is relative small ( unlike other programs of this
kind ). This is because of using a lot of System Library
calls instead of using C.lib functions.
You can specify the Directory displayed in the dir StrGadget
of the requester. If you do not the current work directory
is inserted.
You can specify the file displayed in the file StrGadget. If
you do not it stays empty
You can specify patterns displayed in the pattern StrGadget.
If you do not '#?' is inserted.
You can specify the positive and the negative gadget text
of the requester. If you do not they content 'OKAY' and
You can chose a hail string appearing as the title of the
requester if you do not it is 'Please Select a File'.
You can specify a commandline that would be sent to the
shell by replacing the '[]'s with the selection. If you do
not inlude a '[]' then the selection simply will be added at
the end of the specified commandline.
If you do not specify a commandline the selection will be
sent to STDOUT e.g. the SHELL window but the commandline
will not be executed (this is very useful for testing the
settings or the commandline without executing anything).
You can also call FR to start a cli program without any
You can switch on the QUIET flag. No information about the
selection will then be putted to STDOUT.
FR has the following CLI SYNTAX:
( look at the AmigaDOS doc for more details about flags)
Syntax: Frequest [HAIL/K][OK/K][CANCEL/K][DIR/K][FILE/K][PAT/K]
HAIL: this should be a string. If more than one word
is given, the string must be enclosed in "".
This is the title of the requester. The default
title is 'Please Select A File'
OK: this should be a string with at maximum 8
characters length. This is the text of the
positive gadget. The default text is 'OKAY'.
CANCEL: this should be a string with at maximum 8
characters length. This is the text of the
negative gadget. The default text is 'CANCEL'.
DIR: this is also a string. If you specify this
option the requester opens with displaying the
specified directory. The default directory is
the current work directory.
FILE: this is also a string. If you specify this
option the requester opens with displaying the
specified filename in the file StrGadget.
The default Filename is ''
PAT: this is also a string. If you specify this
option the requester opens with the specified
patterns in the patterns StrGadget.
The default pattern is '#?'.
QUIET: this is a BOOLEAN flag. FR usually displayes the
commandline before execution. If you do not want
this, you can specify QUIET. ( this is useful
e.g in batchfiles with an AUTO shell window ).
The default is FALSE
EXE: this is a BOOLEAN flag. If you do not specify
COM (see below) and not EXE then FR only
displays the selection in the Shell window. If
you specify EXE then FR executes the selection
without any arguments as a program.
COM: this is a string. The length should not be
larger than 255 chars. This is the commandline
that FR tries to execute. You must enclose the
commandline with '""'s. If this Line includes
a '[]', then this will be exchanged with the
selection. If you do not include '[]' then the
selection simply will be added at the end of
the given commandline.
OTHERS: In general if you canceled the requester, no
command will be executed and no output will be
made. If you just want to test the settings
you`ve made, you can call FRequest without
specifying EXE and COM.
If you specify COM and EXE, FR just terminates
and displayes a short help text. This is also
if there appears any syntax errors.
Very simple. Just copy FRequest to your C: directory or
any other directory in your AmigaDOS searchpath. done.
1. Here is the simplest example of calling FR
SHELL 1.> FRequest
- FR openes the requester with the title
'Please Select File' and displayes the contents
of the current directory. The gadget texts are
'OKAY' and 'CANCEL'. if you do a selection the
result will be prompted to the Cli window. e.g.
2. To use FR in an alias to reassign the fonts dir.
SHELL 1.> alias FAss FRequest HAIL "Please Select the New
"assign fonts:" <return>
SHELL 1.> FAss
- FR opens the requester with the title 'Please Select
the New FONTS: DIR' and displayes the contents of the
current directory.
The gadget texts are 'ASSIGN' and 'STOP'. If you do a
selection the result will be added to the commandline
and be executed as assign fonts: <selection>
3. Specifying all what is to specify. this is a script
to copy a file or a whole directory asking file by
file for confirmation to another one.
.ket {
.bra }
; SRCDIR : this is the dir from which we want to copy
; files
Frequest HAIL "What File should I copy ?" OK "COPY"
PAT "#?.(c.h)" DIR {SRCDIR} COM
"copy {SRCDIR}/[] to $DSTDIR"
quit 0
Hans-Peter Guenther
Gruener Weg 5
3501 Fuldatal 2
B.R.D (Germany)
List of files:
(If you miss any of the files below your release is incomplete)
FRequest : The english binary
FRequest_D : The german binary
FRequest.doc : The english manual
FRequest.dok : The german manual