Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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541 lines
* Extended (M-X) commands.
#include "def.h"
extern char MSG_not_now[];
extern char MSG_func[];
extern char MSG_unk_func[];
extern char MSG_cmd_t_ex[];
extern char MSG_unk_ext[];
extern char MSG_d_b[];
extern char MSG_unbd[];
extern char MSG_bnd_to[];
extern char MSG_ins_self[];
extern char MSG_bnd_file[];
extern char MSG_bld_wall[];
extern char MSG_wall_head[];
extern char MSG_beavrc[];
extern char MSG_null[];
extern char MSG_extended_command[];
extern char MSG_unk_rc[];
char *flook ();
static char *bindnm =
}; /* file name for customized key bindings */
* This function modifies the keyboard
* binding table, by adjusting the entries in the
* big "bindings" array. Most of the grief deals with the
* prompting for additional arguments. This code does not
* work right if there is a keyboard macro floating around.
* Should be fixed.
bindtokey ()
register int s;
register SYMBOL *sp;
register int c;
char xname[NXNAME];
char xname2[NXNAME];
if (kbdmip != NULL || kbdmop != NULL)
writ_echo (MSG_not_now);
return (FALSE);
if ((s = eread (MSG_func, xname, NXNAME, EFAUTO, NULL)) != TRUE)
return (s);
if ((sp = symlookup (xname)) == NULL)
writ_echo (MSG_unk_func);
return (FALSE);
strcpy (xname2, xname);
eputc (' ');
eputc ('K');
eputc ('e');
eputc ('y');
eputc (':');
eputc (' ');
ttflush ();
c = getkey (); /* Read key. */
keyname (xname, c); /* Display keyname. */
eputs (xname);
ttflush ();
if (binding[c] != NULL) /* Unbind old, and */
binding[c] = sp; /* rebind new. */
sp->s_modify |= SBOUND; /* flag as altered key binding */
return (TRUE);
* Extended command. Call the message line
* routine to read in the command name and apply autocompletion
* to it. When it comes back, look the name up in the symbol table
* and run the command if it is found and has the right type.
* Print an error if there is anything wrong.
extend (f, n, k)
int f, n, k;
register SYMBOL *sp;
register char s;
char xname[NXNAME];
if ((s = eread (MSG_cmd_t_ex, xname, NXNAME, EFNEW | EFAUTO, NULL)) != TRUE)
return (s);
if ((sp = symlookup (xname)) != NULL)
return ((*sp->s_funcp) (f, n, KRANDOM));
writ_echo (MSG_unk_ext);
return (ABORT);
* Read a key from the keyboard, and look it
* up in the binding table. Display the name of the function
* currently bound to the key. Say that the key is not bound
* if it is indeed not bound, or if the type is not a
* "builtin". This is a bit of overkill, because this is the
* only kind of function there is.
help ()
register SYMBOL *sp;
register int c;
char b[20];
char buf[80];
writ_echo (MSG_d_b);
c = getkey ();
keyname (b, c);
if ((sp = binding[c]) == NULL)
sprintf (buf, MSG_unbd, b);
writ_echo (buf);
sprintf (buf, MSG_bnd_to, b, sp->s_name);
writ_echo (buf);
return (TRUE);
* Sort the lines in the buffer.
sort_buf (b_ptr, cnt)
BUFFER *b_ptr;
int cnt;
LINE *lp1, *lp2;
bool no_swap;
int loop1, loop2;
for (loop1 = cnt; loop1 > 0; loop1--)
no_swap = TRUE;
lp1 = b_ptr->b_linep->l_fp; /* point to first line */
lp2 = lp1->l_fp; /* point to next line */
for (loop2 = 0; loop2 <= loop1; loop2++)
/* compare strings and swap if necessary */
if (0 < strcmp (&lp1->l_text[HFUNCCOL], &lp2->l_text[HFUNCCOL]))
lp1->l_bp->l_fp = lp2; /* get pointer to first string */
lp2->l_fp->l_bp = lp1; /* make it point to second string */
lp1->l_fp = lp2->l_fp;
lp2->l_bp = lp1->l_bp;
lp1->l_bp = lp2;
lp2->l_fp = lp1;
lp2->l_file_offset = lp1->l_file_offset;
lp1->l_file_offset = lp2->l_file_offset + lp2->l_used;
no_swap = FALSE;
/* if no swap then advance both pointers */
lp1 = lp2;
lp2 = lp1->l_fp;
/* quick exit if sort is finished sooner than expected */
if (no_swap)
* This function creates a table, listing all
* of the command keys and their current bindings, and stores
* the table in the standard pop-op buffer (the one used by the
* directory list command, the buffer list command, etc.). This
* lets the editor produce it's own wall chart. The bindings to
* "ins-self" are only displayed if there is an argument.
wallchart (f, n, k)
int f, n, k;
register char s;
register int key, i, j;
register SYMBOL *sp;
register char *cp1;
register char *cp2;
char buf[64];
if ((s = bclear (blistp)) != TRUE) /* Clear it out. */
return (s);
i = 0;
(void) strcpy (blistp->b_fname, MSG_null);
blistp->b_flag = BFVIEW;
blistp->b_type = BTHELP;
writ_echo (MSG_bld_wall);
sprintf (buf, MSG_wall_head);
if (addline (buf) == FALSE)
return (FALSE);
for (key = 0; key < NKEYS; ++key)
/* For all keys. */
sp = binding[key];
if (sp != NULL &&
(f != FALSE || strcmp (sp->s_name, MSG_ins_self) != 0))
cp1 = &buf[0];
while (cp1 < &buf[HFUNCCOL]) /* Goto column 3. */
*cp1++ = ' ';
if ((sp->s_modify & SBOUND) == 0) /* comment out default binding */
buf[0] = '#';
cp2 = sp->s_name; /* Add function name. */
while (*cp1++ = *cp2++)
while (cp1 < &buf[HKEY]) /* Goto column 32. */
*cp1++ = ' ';
keyname (&buf[HKEY], key);
cp1 = &buf[strlen (buf)];
while (cp1 < &buf[HKEYCODE]) /* Goto column 50. */
*cp1++ = ' ';
sprintf (&buf[HKEYCODE], "%4X", key);
if (addline (buf) == FALSE)
break; /* lets go with what we have */
/* list unbound functions lest they get lost */
for (j = 0; j < NSHASH; j++)
sp = symbol[j];
while (sp != NULL)
if (sp->s_nkey == 0)
cp1 = &buf[0];
while (cp1 < &buf[HFUNCCOL]) /* Goto column 3. */
*cp1++ = ' ';
buf[0] = '#';
cp2 = sp->s_name; /* Add function name. */
while (*cp1++ = *cp2++)
while (cp1 < &buf[HENDCOL])
*cp1++ = ' ';
*cp1 = 0;
if (addline (buf) == FALSE)
break; /* lets go with what we have */
sp = sp->s_symp;
sort_buf (blistp, i); /* sort buffer lines */
popblist ();
writ_echo (MSG_null);
/* make new window the current window */
wp = wheadp;
while (wp != NULL)
if (wp->w_bufp == blistp)
curwp = wp;
curbp = wp->w_bufp;
return (TRUE);
wp = wp->w_wndp;
return (TRUE);
/* check for RC file and read it in if found
* - also, set local file variable for bindtokey for saving new defs
* (this is some what of a hack as it only handles 'bindtokey' changes at
* this time - also local file io !!!)
check_extend (sfname)
char *sfname; /* name of startup file (null if default) */
char *fname; /* resulting file name to execute */
char rc_name[NFILEN]; /* fixed up name of rc file */
char *term;
char *getenv ();
register SYMBOL *sp;
char funcname[NXNAME + 1];
char keybind[NXNAME + 1];
int keyval;
FILE *bindf;
/* look up the startup file */
if ((sfname != NULL) && (*sfname != 0))
fname = flook (sfname, TRUE);
#ifdef UNIX
/* hidden file under unix */
strcpy (&rc_name[0], ".");
strcpy (&rc_name[1], MSG_beavrc);
if ((term = getenv ("TERM")) != 0)
strcpy (&rc_name[strlen (rc_name)], ".");
strcpy (&rc_name[strlen (rc_name)], term);
fname = flook (rc_name, TRUE);
/* if fixed up name is not there then check original */
if (fname == NULL)
/* hidden file under unix */
strcpy (&rc_name[0], ".");
strcpy (&rc_name[1], MSG_beavrc);
fname = flook (rc_name, TRUE);
strcpy (rc_name, MSG_beavrc);
fname = flook (rc_name, TRUE);
#ifdef AMIGA
/* look for .beavrc in the current directory */
if (!fname)
rc_name[0] = '.';
strcpy (&rc_name[1], MSG_beavrc);
fname = flook (rc_name, TRUE);
/* look for .beavrc in S: */
if (!fname)
/* Have a look in startup directory */
rc_name[0] = 'S';
rc_name[1] = ':';
rc_name[2] = '.';
strcpy (&rc_name[3], MSG_beavrc);
fname = flook (rc_name, TRUE);
#endif /* AMIGA */
/* if it isn't around, don't sweat it */
if (fname == NULL)
if (bindf = fopen (fname, "r"))
char buffr[80];
char *buffp;
buffp = buffr;
while (fread (buffp++, sizeof (char), 1, bindf) == 1)
/* scanf is unhappy with commas */
if (buffp[-1] == ',')
buffp[-1] = '-';
/* did we get a whole line */
if (buffp[-1] == '\n')
*buffp = 0; /* terminate line */
buffp = buffr;
sscanf (buffr, "%s %s %x", funcname, keybind, &keyval);
if ((buffr[0] == '#') || (keyval == 0))
/* check if this is a command to execute */
if ((strcmp (funcname, MSG_extended_command) == 0) &&
(keybind[0] > 'Z'))
if ((sp = symlookup (keybind)) != NULL)
(*sp->s_funcp) (TRUE, keyval, KRANDOM);
char temp_b[40];
sprintf (temp_b, "%s %s", MSG_unk_rc, keybind);
writ_echo (temp_b);
if (sp = symlookup (funcname))
if (binding[keyval] != NULL) /* Unbind old, and */
binding[keyval] = sp; /* rebind new. */
sp->s_modify |= SBOUND; /* flag as altered key binding */
fclose (bindf);
/* Look up the existance of a file along the normal or PATH
environment variable. Look first in the HOME directory if
asked and possible
char *
flook (fname, hflag)
char *fname; /* base file name to search for */
int hflag; /* Look in the HOME environment variable first? */
register char *home; /* path to home directory */
register char *path; /* environmental PATH variable */
register char *sp; /* pointer into path spec */
register int i; /* index */
static char fspec[NFILEN * 2]; /* full path spec to search */
char *getenv ();
FILE *bindf;
if (hflag)
home = getenv ("HOME");
if (home != NULL)
/* build home dir file spec */
strcpy (fspec, home);
if (fspec[strlen (fspec) - 1] != '/')
strcat (fspec, "/");
strcat (fspec, fname);
/* and try it out */
if (bindf = fopen (fspec, "r"))
fclose (bindf);
return (fspec);
/* always try the current directory first */
if (bindf = fopen (fname, "r"))
fclose (bindf);
return (fname);
/* get the PATH variable */
path = getenv ("PATH");
if (path != NULL)
while (*path)
/* build next possible file spec */
sp = fspec;
while (*path && (*path != PATHCHR))
*sp++ = *path++;
/* add a terminating dir separator if we need it */
if (sp[-1] != SEPCHAR)
*sp++ = SEPCHAR;
*sp = 0;
strcat (fspec, fname);
/* and try it out */
if (bindf = fopen (fspec, "r"))
fclose (bindf);
return (fspec);
if (*path == PATHCHR)
return (NULL); /* no such luck */
/* interactive method for loading binding file
* (uses above routine, obviously)
load_extend ()
register char s;
char fname[NFILEN];
if ((s = ereply (MSG_bnd_file, fname, NFILEN, NULL)) != TRUE)
return (s);
check_extend (fname);
writ_echo (okmsg);
return (TRUE);
find_keyval (name)
char *name;
int key;
for (key = 0; key < NKEYS; ++key)
/* For all keys. */
sp = binding[key];
if (sp != NULL && (strcmp (sp->s_name, name) == 0))
return (key);
return (0);