Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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Documentation for FileRexx 1.3
This program and the accompanying documentation are © Copyright 1993 by
Michael 'Mick' Hohmann and hartmut Goebel.
IMPORT StdDisclaimer; (* short: use it at your own risk *)
FileRexx has been tested carefully, but there is certainly plenty of room
for bugs.
FileRexx v1.3 is freeware, non-commercial distribution is allowed as
long as the following conditions are met:
* Source, executable and documentation must be distributed together.
FileRexx 10732 ---arwed 16-May-93 23:49:42
FileRexx1.3.DisplayMe 1793 ----rw-d 22-Jun-93 22:57:10
FileRexx.doc 9247 ----rwed 22-Jun-93 22:20:21
FileRexx.doc.info 910 ----rw-d 22-Jun-93 22:42:34
FileRexx.dok 9622 ----rwed 22-Jun-93 22:05:24
FileRexx.dok.info 910 ----rw-d 22-Jun-93 22:42:34
FR-RexxStrings.dfn 2697 ---arwed 25-Apr-93 13:01:10
FR-RexxStrings.dfn.info 849 ----rw-d 22-Jun-93 22:42:34
FR-Test.rexx 193 ---arwed 25-Apr-93 15:58:02
FR-Test.rexx.info 607 ----rw-d 22-Jun-93 22:42:34
RequestFile.ttx 3198 ---arwed 25-Apr-93 10:17:44
RequestFile.ttx.info 607 ----rw-d 22-Jun-93 22:42:34
TTX_Dragon.dfn 13822 ---arwed 16-May-93 23:20:50
TTX_Dragon.dfn.info 849 ----rw-d 22-Jun-93 22:42:34
FileRexx.mod 14582 ---arwed 16-May-93 21:15:08
FileRexx.mod.info 510 ---arw-d 22-Jun-93 23:20:12
MoreIntuition.mod 2475 ---arwed 16-May-93 23:26:16
MoreIntuition.mod.info 509 ---arw-d 22-Jun-93 23:20:12
SimpleRexx.mod 4432 ---arwed 30-Dec-92 02:55:02
SimpleRexx.mod.info 509 ---arw-d 22-Jun-93 23:20:12
and these files must be intact and unmodified (you're _not_ allowed
to make any changes).
* It is not allowed to make any changes to the distribution archive
(FileRexx-13.run). Nothing may be appended or removed from the archive
without written permission from the authors.
* FD disk librarians: you must not charge more than the current
price of a single AmigaLibDisk from Fred Fish (for Germany: not more
than 8 DM / disk)
FileRexx requires AmigaOS V37 or later (in other words, 2.04 or later).
FileRexx opens an ASL-filerequester on the frontmost PublicScreen, and
prints the selected file/directory to StdOut, into an environment-variable
(if choosen), or into an arexx-variable (if FileRexx has opened a
Quitting the filerequester will also quit the program (if NO rexx-host is
open). If the rexx-host is open, the program can be terminated in either
of the following ways:
- sending the Rexx-Command 'Quit' to the rexx-host
- sending a CTRL-C to the FileRexx-Process
- starting FileRexx again with the same hostname as argument
The size of the filerequester will adjust automatically to the actual
visible screensize if not affected from the given arguments.
The program was written because of my need to use the ASL-filerequester
(and especially the MFR) in TurboText. Therefore I included a TTX-makro
and a TTX-definitionfile. The TTX-makro may as well be an example for
using FileRexx through ARexx.
FileRexx - the executable
FileRexx.doc - english documentation (this text ¦=)
FileRexx.dok - german documentation
FR-RexxStrings.ttx - rexx-*strings* for use in TTX-Definitionfiles
(faster than Makros, but FileRexx has to be started
serpately *before* TTX)
FR-Test.rexx - a simple Test-Makro
RequestFile.ttx - the arexx-makro which is used in the
TTX-definitionfile "TTX_Dragon.dfn" (this makro will
load FileRexx if it is not already in memory)
TTX_Dragon.dfn - my TTX-definition, without rexx-strings, the
makro "RequestFile.ttx" is used instead
FileRexx.mod - the source of the main-program
MoreIntuition.mod - a modul which handles the locking of (the frontmost)
SimpleRexx.mod - the main-part of the arexx-interface is defined in
this modul
(from CLI):
FileRexx [FILE name] [PAT | PATTERN string ] [TITLE string] [TOP number]
[LEFT number] [WIDTH number] [HEIGHT number] [PS | PUBSCREEN
(through ARexx):
GETDIR [FILE name] [PAT | PATTERN string ] [TITLE string] [TOP number]
[LEFT number] [WIDTH number] [HEIGHT number] [PS | PUBSCREEN
name] [VAR name]
FILE name
"name" is a fully qualified AmigaDOS-name (e.g. "ENV:sys/palette.prefs").
The filerequester displays the directory (if the name consists of any,
else it displays the current dir) and the file is selected (shown in the
PAT | PATTERN string
"string" is a normal AmigaDOS-pattern (e.g. "#?.prefs")
The filerequester displays only the files which will fit the pattern. Also
the filerequester will have a pattern-stringgadget, where you can change
the pattern manually.
TITLE string
"string" should be in double-quotes (") if you want to use spaces in the
string. Defines the window-title of the filerequester.
TOP number, LEFT number, WIDTH number, HEIGHT number
The filerequester calculates the width/height-proportion automatically per
default, depending on the actual "visible" screensize. In order to get
an other size/topedge of the filerequester you can tell FileRexx which
parameters it should use. Only the given arguments are used, the
remaining will still be calculated from the program.
"name" has to be a existing public-screen-name (e.g. TERM)
ATTENTION: The name is case-sensitive.
The filerequester will open on the frontmost public-screen per default,
but it can be opened on any existing pubscreen by supplying a name after
the keyword.
If this argument is supplied, FileRexx will store the output (the selected
file with full path) in the given env-var (without the argument "LOCAL"
FileRexx will use global envrionment-variables).
If this switch is supplied, FileRexx will use a local env-var instead of
a global. You also have to supply a name for the environment-variable
with the argument "ENVVAR name".
The ASL-filerequester will be opened in the save-mode. That means the
file/dir-listview is inverted.
The filerequester will only display directories.
The program opens an rexx-host and the following arexx-commands can be
sent to the port:
GETFILE - the same as FileRexx has been started from the CLI
GETFILESAVE - dito, but with the SAVEMODE option
GETDIR - dito, but with the DRAWERSONLY option
QUIT - removes the program (and the rexx-host) from memory
The first three commands could be supplied with the arguments listed
above. The parameters are the same as for the CLI-arguments.
Please remember, that FileRexx has to be started with the "run" command,
because it doesn't detaches itself. It can be quited with CTRL-C if it is
not run.
"name" has to be a *unique* portname.
The default portname for the rexx-host is "FILEREXX". If there is a need
for an other portname (if you need to FileRexx with rexx-host's in
memory), FileRexx will use the name supplied after the keyword.
Sbows a short help-text, mainly with the rexx-commands.
FileRexx ENV:sys/palette.prefs PAT=#?.prefs
This will open a filerequester which shows the contents of the directory
"ENV:sys", but only files with the suffix ".prefs". In the
file-stringgadget the file "palette.prefs" is shown.
v1.3 First public Release
v1.2 internal Release (BETA)
v1.1 rexx-host included
v1.0 First useable version :-) (BETA)
v0.x some attempts...
Possible future enhancements
- Should be callable from Workbench (in order to place FileRexx in WBStartup)
Known Problems/Bugs
None so far...
You can contact me via usenet eMail at the following address:
or via snail mail:
Michael-W. Hohmann
Carl-Schilling-Str. 10
D-8701 Kirchheim
Have Fun !
The rexx-host wouldn't have been possible so soon (maybe never ¦=)
without the immense help from hartmut Goebel. Also hartmut helped me
a lot with debugging and programming.
The following people also have helped me a lot with enhancements and
Kai Bolay
Bernhard Möllemann
Franz-Josef Reichert
Steffen Reith
Uwe Röhm
Fridtjof Siebert
Jürgen Weinelt
Special Thanks to
Oliver Knorr for the delicious peanuts ... ¦=)
and Holger Lubitz for correcting this documentation.
Many thanx to all of you.