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MainActor 1.16 Documentation
Warm Up
MainActor is shareware. The program may be freely distributed and
copied as long as the following conditions are acknowledged:
- The sales price must not be higher than the cost of an (empty)
disk plus a nominal copying fee plus costs for shipping. The total
price must not be higher than 6 US$ or 10 DM.
- All parts of the program and the documentation must be complete.
The distribution of single parts is not allowed.
- MainActor or parts of it must not be sold in combination with
commercial software without the written permission of the author.
- Program and documentation must not be changed in any ways. The
repacking of this distribution with different packers is however
- Permission is granted to include this archive in Public-Domain
collections, especially in Fred Fishs Amiga Disk Library (including
CD ROM versions of it).
- The author is not responsible for misuse, or damage caused by
Just copy the MainActor drawer to a device of your choice and add an
assign to your user-startup, like
`assign MainActor: <Path>'
The default configuration file will clone your Workbench, the
positions of the windows are however saved according to my setup and
may look strange on yours.
If you have an older version of MainActor installed, make sure to
delete it before installing the new version (except perhaps the
preferences files).
What is MainActor ?
MainActor is a modular animation package for the `Amiga'. There
exist four different kinds of modules:
1) Animation Loaders
2) Animation Savers
3) Picture Loaders
4) Picture Savers
this can change in the future.
You can handle up to five projects; every project can have an
animation or picture loader, as well as an animation or picture saver.
This makes it possible to convert everything in any ways, the number of
available modules can be easily upgraded.
- Intelligent caching/tracking, MainActor can cache your animations
and picture lists, if you have not enough memory it will directly
access your data from any device. This makes it for example
possible to create/edit/play a 400MB animation on your 2MB Amiga.
- If you run OS 3.0 or higher, you will get an extra speed bonus on
animations through the use of the new graphics routines. For
OS2.0/2.1 users there are specific routines in the modules, which
will give them the best playback speed possible on their system
(and my knowledge :)).
- Under OS 3.0 you will get the extra features of showing pictures or
playing animations in a scrollable, resizable window on your
MainActor or Workbench screen. The colors will be properly
adjusted to your screen attributes.
- The modules have play routines of their own, so it will be possible
to redirect the input/output of special modules to graphic cards
or other hardware.
- The play routines support a timecode per frame option. A Sound
Module (per frame) option will be there in one of the next
- MainActor has a totally user reconfigureable GUI. The settings of
your sessions can be saved, this includes the size/position of
windows as well as the status of the projects.
- MainActor has an arexx port, nearly all functions can be accessed
through it. You can for example scale or dither whole animations
on the fly through the use of an image processor, scripts are
- MainActor lets you setup and save nearly everything concerning the
display mode for playing an animation or showing a picture. For
example you can set the X/Y offsets, the display mode ID of your
screen (view) and so on.
- MainActor supports localization.
New features in v1.1
- You can now map your arexx scripts to the function keys.
- New IFF-Anim8_32, IFF-Anim8_16, PCX modules.
- The new Universal modules allow you to easily load all of the
supported graphic formats. The Universal_Picasso-II modules remap
the output of all modules directly to the Picasso-II graphics
board from Village Tronic.
- MainActor has now an powerful external player named 'MainView', it
can view all animations/pictures for which MainActor has the proper
loader module. It is executeable from the wb or cli and supports,
per tooltypes or cli arguments, all of MainActors view options.
- MainActor now (optionally) saves icons for your newly created
animations or pictures, enabling you to view the
animations/pictures by selecting their icons. These icons support
the same tooltypes as MainView.
- You can now control how many times MainActor/MainView play
- The new 'Flash' option allows you to profile your animations.
The Menus
You are able to access most of MainActor's functions through the
various menu items and their equivalent shortcuts. Some functions can
only be accessed through the menus.
Project Menu
`Open New Project'
will open a new project window. You can open up to five project
windows, see Project Window.
The attributes of the project window will be set, according to the
defaults selectable in the MainActor Preferences Window.
Consists of several submenu items, their functions are identical to
the gadgets of the Project Control Panel Window.
`Open Prefs'
Opens an asl-requester which lets you choose a MainActor preferences
file, saved with one of the two following menu items. When you have
choosen a prefs file, the display AND all projects and their contents
will be closed, MainActor will then be reopened with the settings of
the preferences file.
You can also activate MainActor by simply clicking on the icons of
the preferences files.
`Save Prefs As ...'
Saves your current setup of MainActor; nearly everything will be
saved : the projects informations( All view settings, the actual
project name, the size and position of all windows, the settings of the
system preferences ...).
An self-execuing icon will be created for the preferences file. You
should save every setup you use frequently !
`Save Prefs As Defaults'
This will save your setup as the default preferences file, which will
be automatically loaded when you start MainActor. The default
preferences file is `MainActor:Prefs/Default_Prefs'. Replace the
default by your most used setup.
MainActor will be terminated and the MainActor icon will be placed
on your workbench. If you want to reactivate MainActor, just click on
the icon.
Gives you some informations of the current version of MainActor and
its author.
Will close all projects and quit MainActor.
Text Buffer Menu
MainActor uses the Text Buffer Window for presenting feedback to the
`Print Buffer'
Prints the informations stored in the Text Buffer Window.
`Save Buffer As ...'
Will let you choose a file into which the contents of the Text
Buffer Window will be saved.
`Clear Buffer'
Will clear the Text Buffer Window and its buffer.
Miscellaneous Menu
The menu items of this menu will only be accessable when a project
is loaded in the source project. The `Set Timecode' item will only be
activated if an animation project is loaded in the source project.
`Select All'
Will select all items frames/pictures in your source project.
`Select Range'
A requester will pop up, just enter the start/stop frame for the
range of items to be selected.
`DeSelect All'
This item will deselect all frames/pictures in your source project.
`DeSelect Range'
A requester will pop up, just enter the start/stop frame for the
range of frames/pictures to be deselected.
`Set Timecode'
Enter the timecode in the requester which you want to be applied to
all selected frames in the source project. Remember to hit return after
you typed a new value into the integer gadget. The new timecode will
be set immediately. All timecodes are entered in 1/60 of a second,
MainActor calculates the right timecode for your vertical beam
frequency itself.
Arexx Menu
See The Arexx Interface,for more informations of MainActors arexx
`Install Arexx Scripts'
This menu item will open a window through which you can map your most
used arexx scripts to the function keys. The cycle gadget in the upper
part of the window will let you choose the function key on which you
want to install an arexx script. The function keys are displayed as F1
... F20, F10 ... F20 mean the function key + one of the shift keys.
You can choose the function key by clicking on the gadget or (the
faster method) by simply pressing the appropriate function key.
(Remember that you have to press F1 together with the shift key to get
the F11 key).
Below the cycle gadget are the `Select Script ...' gadget and a
string gadget. The arexx script which is currently associated to the
actual function key displayed in the cycle gadget is visible in the
string gadget. You can enter a new arexx script or edit the name of the
existing one through the string gadget. You can use the `Select Script
...' gadget to choose the arexx script via an asl requester.
The three gadgets in the lower part of the window are labeled `Save',
`Use' and `Cancel'.
saves your definitions of the function keys, they will be
automatically reloaded the next time you start MainActor.
will keep the definitions, but will not save them
ignores the changes you made to the definitions.
`Start Arexx Script'
Will let you choose an arexx script, which will then be executed.
Windows Menu
This menu will let you open/close the different MainActor windows by
simply selecting the desired menu item.
The Windows
The windows are MainActors main interface to the user. Their use is
however optional, you can close all of them (except the Project Windows)
and only use the menus. The choice is yours. The position and status of
the windows will be saved in the preferences files.
The following is a detailed description of MainActors windows and
their gadgets.
Project Window
A new Project Window will be opend by selecting the `Open New
Project' menu item in the Project Menu.
You can open up to five Project Windows, the number of your Project
Window will be displayed in the title bar, in front of the project
name, like `1: HAM8_Animation'. If no project is loaded, the title is
`Unused Project'.
If you have loaded a project, you can find further informations
about it in the screens title bar (when the Project Window is
activated). (CPF stands for Color per Frame, CPA for Color per
The Project Windows are mainly controlled by the Project Control
Panel Window.
`Project Mode Gadget'
Depending on your projects mode, it will be labeled "Source Project",
"Destination Project" or "DeActivated Project".
"The Source Project"
You can only have one source project. This is the project on which
all actions from the Project Control Panel Window will be
executed. The gadgets of the Project Control Panel and the Project
View Settings will be setup according to the source project.
"The Destination Project"
This is the project into which all selected data from the source
project will be appended through the "Append" gadget of the
Project View Settings Window.
There can only be one Destination Project.
"The DeActivated Projects"
These projects are waiting to be switched into the source or
destination mode. There can be more than one DeActivated Project.
You can change the project mode by clicking on the `Project Mode
Gadget', for example if you click on the source projects `Project Mode
Gadget', it will be changed into the destination project and the former
destination project will changed into the source project.
If you click on a DeActivated projects `Project Mode Gadget', it will
change into the source project.
If only one Project Window is open, you cannot change the `Project
Mode Gadget'.
Everytime you switch on the source project, the gadgets in the
Project Control Panel Window and the Project View Settings Window will
be adjusted to the settings of the new source project.
This is a simple toggle gadget. If it is checked, it means that your
Project is cached or is going to be cached in ram.
If you have not enough ram, you will have to disable it. That means
that for example animations will be directly played from your harddisk,
which will be much slower than playing them directly from ram.
You can only toggle the status of the `Caching' gadget when the
project window is unused. As soon as you load a project, it will become
`Select Load Module'
When clicking on this Button Gadget, a requester will appear in which
you can select the loader module for this project.
The cycling gadget in the requester will let you switch between
"Picture Loaders" or "Animation Loaders".
When hitting the `Load' gadget in the Project Control Panel Window,
MainActor executes the animation/picture loader you have selected for
the source project.
The name of the current loader module is visible in a text gadget
directly under the `Select Load Module' gadget. Next to the name is a
small recessed box with an `A' or `P' in it. They stand for
`A'nimation or `P'icture loader.
The `Select Load Module' gadget will be ghosted as soon as you load
a project.
`Select Save Module'
When clicking on this button gadget, a requester will appear in which
you can select the saver module.
The cycling gadget in the requester will let you switch between
"Picture Savers" or "Animation Savers".
When hitting the `Save' gadget in the Project Control Panel Window,
MainActor executes the animation/picture saver you have selected for
the source project.
The name of the current saver module is visible in a text gadget
directly under the `Select Save Module' gadget. Next to the name is a
small recessed box with an `A' or `P' in it. They stand for `A'nimation
or `P'icture saver.
The `Select Save Module' gadget will only be accessable when a
project is loaded.
`The Scrolling Frames/Picture List'
The scroll list will let you choose the frames or pictures you want
to execute a certain operation on.
If you have an animation loader for this project window, the scroll
list will show you the numbered Frames of the Animation along with
their timecodes.
If you have a picture Loader, the scroll list will show you the
names of the pictures you have loaded.
Just (de)select the frame/picture by clicking on its text. For
multiple selection do not release the mouse button and move over the
items to be selected. The list will scroll if you come to the top or
bottom border.
See MainActor Preferences Window, you can select how many items
shall be displayed in the scroll list. You can also select a special
font for it. (The default is Topaz 8 for the font and 8 for the number
of items which shall be visible).
Project Control Panel Window
This window executes its functions on the current source Project
If you have an animation loader selected for the source project, an
requester will appear in which you have to select an animation of the
appropiate type.
If you have an picture loader selected, the first requester will ask
you about the first Picture, after selecting this picture the second
qequester will ask you about the last picture. MainActor will now
alphabetically sort the pictures and load them. For example, if you
have a picture list:
and select Amiga_Pic.00055 in the first requester and
Amiga_Pic.00100 in the next, all pictures from Amiga_Pic.00055 to
Amiga_Pic.00100 will be loaded. The second requester is optional, that
means you can abort it by clicking on `Cancel' if you just want to load
one picture.
The `Load' gadget is only available if you have not loaded a project
into the source project yet.
Is the gadget directly under the `Load' gadget. It will unload the
current project of the source project.
It is only available when you have loaded a project in the source
Is next to the `Load' gadget. It is only available when you have
loaded an animation project in the source project.
If you play your animation on a screen, there are two routines
available. MainActor checks automatically if you run an OS Version
lower than OS 3.0 and will play it the old fashioned way. If you have
OS 3.0 or higher you will profit from the new double buffering routines.
The animation will be played according to the settings of the
Project View Settings Window.
The following keys can be used to control the playing of the
will abort playing the animation
will stop playing the animation. While the animation is stopped
you can use the "TAB" key to flip to the next frame.
will enable the timecodes you see in the scroll list of the source
project and which you can change (These timecodes are default).
scroll the display, the offset changes will be shown in the
Project View Settings Windows x and y offset gadgets.
If you have activated the `Frame Info' option, you can cycle the
color of the info text using N and M up and down.
are used to set the frame rate, they override the defaults. You
can reactivate the defaults by pressing "RETURN".
sets the timecode to 1/60 Second (60 fps)
sets the timecode to 2/60 Second (30 fps)
sets the timecode to 3/60 Second (20 fps)
sets the timecode to 4/60 Second (15 fps)
sets the timecode to 5/60 Second (12 fps)
sets the timecode to 10/60 Second (6 fps)
sets the timecode to 20/60 Second (3 fps)
sets the timecode to 40/60 Second (1.5 fps)
sets the timecode to 60/60 Second (1 fps)
sets the timecode to 120/60 Second (0.333 fps)
Is the gadget under `Play'. It will display all the frames/pictures
you have selected in the source projects scroll list. This gadget is
available for both animation and picture projects.
The frames/pictures will be shown according to the settings of the
Project View Settings Window.
The following keys can be used to control the showing of the
will abort showing the pictures.
will show the next pictures you have selected.
scroll the display, the offset changes will be shown in the
Project View Settings Windows x and y offset gadgets.
If you have an animation saver activated in your source project, it
will ask you about the name of the new animation. Then it will build up
the new animation in the appropriate animation Format. It will only
save the frames you have `SELECTED' in the source projects scroll list.
If you just want to convert or resave the animation, you have to select
all the frames in the scroll list.
If you have a picture saver activated in your source project, a
requester will appear in which you have to select the directory and the
base name of the pictures.
Example: You have activated an animation loader and a picture saver
and loaded an animation. The animation is called `Example_Anim'. Now
you select the first ten frames of the animation and click on the
`Save' gadget. In the requester you type `Ram:' for the Directory and
`Example_Pics' for the base name. The ten pictures will then be saved
This is also valid if you have a picture loader and a picture saver.
If you have a picture loader and an animation saver, some more
gadgets will appear and ask you for some specific attributes of the new
animation: `Palette per Picture' and `Looping Animation'. If you have
an animation loader and saver the saver module will only ask, if you
want to have a looping animation, the color per frame setting will be
set according to the source animation. (You could change this by
executing the `Save' function through an arexx script).
The following combinations are possible:
1. Animation Loader and Animation Saver
2. Animation Loader and Picture Saver
3. Picture Loader and Animation Saver
4. Picture Loader and Picture Saver
In this way, you can easily convert any picture/animation format
into any picture/animation format.
You can append the frames/pictures you have selected in the source
project to the destination project. The destination project has to be
an animation project.
The source projects animation saver has to belong to the
destinations loader module. (For Example the IFF-Anim5 loader and
saver). The destination project must `NOT' be cached.
Some animation types have to fulfill some other attributes, for
example the IFF-Anim5 format can only append to non-looping animations.
When you want to append frames to a loop Anim5 animation, just resave it
and select `NO' in the loop animation requester, then append the frames.
If you want to add a loop to a non-looping animation, just append
two pictures which are identical to the first two, then reload the
See The Modules, for more information about the specific attributes
of the modules.
Project View Settings Window
This window controls the output of the `Play' and `Show' gadgets of
the Project View Settings Window. The values will be set individually
for each project and will be saved with the preferences files.
`Frame Info'
This switch (when activated) will give you informations about the
current frame while playing animations, it is only availaible if the
source project contains an animation.
If playing on a screen you will see the info on the top right edge
of the screen. When you see no info text, use the M and N keys while
playing to cycle the color of the info text up and down.
When playing in a window, the windows title text will display the
infos for the current frame.
This cycle gadget will let you choose between the screen and window
mode. In the screen mode the animation/pictures will be shown on a
screen (view) of its own.
In the window mode the animation/pictures will be shown in a
resizeable, scrollable window on your MainActor screen. THIS OPTION IS
The more colors the MainActor screen has available (see System
Preferences Window), the better is the dithering of your frame/picture.
If you show a 256 color picture on a 4 Color screen, you will be
disappointed by the result. The timecodes of the animation will be
ignored, the animation will be displayed as fast as possible.
`Select Display'
You can choose the resolution/view mode of your animation/picture
with this gadget (makes only sense in the screen mode). This will
override the old value, if you resave the animation/ picture, the new
value will be saved.
`X/Y Offsets'
With these two integer gadgets, you can select the offsets for
showing animations/pictures (again, this makes only sense in the screen
mode). If you scroll a frame (while playing an animation or showing a
picture), the values of the gadgets will immediately be set up to the
new values.
`Number of Repeats'
This integer gadget controls how often MainActor will play an
animation. If it contains for example a "1", MainActor will play it
one time. Possible values are 1 to 9999.
This gadget is only accessable if the source project contains an
If the flash gadget is enabled, MainActor will flash the display
while playing animations when the animation format is not fast enough to
decompress the current frame within the current timeframe. This means
that you can profile your animations using this gadget along with the
`Frame Info' option. The flash is done by shortly changing color 0 of
your animation to red. It is only available if the source project
contains an animation.
- Nearly no bigger animation can decompress every picture in 1/60 of
a second, dont worry if your animations flashes much (press F1 to
get max. speed). If the animations flashes VERY much at 2/60
(press F2) or 3/60 (F3), you should try another (faster) animation
- Flashing slowes the animation down in itself, if you have a lot of
flashing it will play much slower.
- The `Frame Info' option also slowes animations down, you get less
flashing if you turn it off.
- Non-Looping animations will often flash while decompressing
picture 1 (IFF-Anim5,IFF-Anim7,IFF-Anim8).
- You can easily find out the weak spots of your animations (much
flashing), try to smooth the deltas at these points if you use
delta compression. (IFF-Anim5,IFF-Anim7,IFF-Anim8).
System Preferences Window
This window handles everything concerning the outer appearance of
`Select Font'
Choose your font for MainActor. This font will then be used for all
windows, gadgets, menus. Only the list items of the Project Window will
be displayed in a different font, you can select it in the MainActor
Preferences Window.
The actual font and its size are displayed beneath the gadget. The
`Select Font' gadget is not activated when you clone the workbench
`Select Display'
Choose your display mode for your MainActor screen. The current
display mode is displayed beneath the gadget.
This gadget is only activated when
* MainActor has a screen of its own
* You dont clone the workbench screen
`Use own Screen'
If enabled, MainActor uses a screen of its own, if not, MainActor
will use the workbench screen.
`SHANGHAI Windows'
If enabled, MainActor uses the SHANGHAI public screen mode, that
means that for example shell windows will automatically pop up on the
MainActor screen.
This gadget is only activated when you run MainActor on a screen of
its own.
`Screen Size'
This gadget is only available when you have enabled the `Use own
Screen' gadget. You can choose MainActors screen size and its overscan
mode with this cycle gadget. The screen size of the current mode is
displayed in the two integer gadgets to the right of the `Screen Size'
gadget. The screen size depends on the screen mode you selected with
the `Select Display' gadget.
You can select the following screenmodes:
Clones the workbench screen properties (screen size, overscan
mode, display mode, font)
Enter MainActors screen size in the two integer gadgets to the
Use the standard screen size, without overscan ( for Example 640 *
512) at Pal: HighRes Interlace)
"Text Overscan"
The normal overscan mode which the workbench uses
"Video Overcan"
Tries to open as big a screen as possible. Flickers on normal
displays at the right border
"Max Overscan"
Slightly smaller than the "Video Overscan" mode, but as useless on
normal displays due to its flicker
`Palette Size'
Select the colors of your palette with this gadget. The value left
to the slider gadget shows the current colors available on your
MainActor screen.
This gadget only makes sense if you display pictures or play
animations in the window mode. More colors == better dithering of your
frames/ pictures. (the window mode is only available under OS 3.0 +).
This gadget is only activated when
* MainActor has a screen of its own
* You dont clone the workbench screen.
`Use System Preferences'
If you want to enable the changes you have made to your display just
click on this gadget.
MainActor Preferences Window
This window lets you choose/enter some special MainActor attributes.
`Select Default Load Module'
Lets you choose the default load module. Everytime you open a new
project window, the default load module will be the one choosen for
this new projects load module.
`Select Default Save Module'
Lets you choose the default save module. Everytime you open a new
project window, the default save module will be the one choosen for
this new projects save module.
`Select List Item Font'
Choose the font for your list items in your Project Window, this
font must have a fixed with, the current font and its size are
displayed to the right of the gadget, the default is topaz.font 8.
`Number of List Items'
You can enter how many list items will be displayed in the project
windows with this integer gadget, the default is 8.
`Save Icon'
If you enable this gadet, MainActor will save an workbench-icon for
every animation/picture you create. You can then view them by double
clicking on their icons. The icons support the same tooltypes as
MainView, see MainView. The initial settings of the tooltypes clone
the settings of the source project (from which you create the new
`Use MainActor Preferences'
Will enable the changes made to the MainActor preferences.
Text Buffer Window
This window shows and buffers messages for feedback of the user.
You can use the cursor up/down keys to scroll the text one line up/down.
Control+cursor up/down will move to the start/end of the buffer. You
can also use the windows scrollbar to scroll through the buffer.
See Text Buffer Menu, for more functions concerning the text uffer.
The Modules
MainActor has animation and picture modules of which each has loader
and saver modules.
The Animation Modules
Anim Universal
This module examines the animation format and executes the proper
animation module.
The "Append" function will not work if the destination project has
an Universal loader.
Anim Universal_PicassoII
Works in the same way as the `Universal' module but displays all
pictures or animations directly on the Picasso-II board from
It is faster to view animations of the bitmap formats (like
Anim-5,7,8) on the native chipset as these formats have to be converted
to the picassos chunky pixel mode.
The frame info, display mode etc. options have of course no meaning
for this module, the handling of the time codes is however correct and
you can still stop the animation and flip to the next frame like normal.
The function keys also control the speed of the animation.
The IFF-Anim5 specification was created by `Electronic Arts'.
It is a "good at compressing but slow at playing" format.
You cannot append to looping animations. You can bypass this by
resaving it to a non-looping animation and then appending the frames.
You can make a non-looping Animation to a looping animation by
appending two frames which are identical to the first two. (You have
to reload the animation to make the loop appear) There are some bad
animation packers out there, who do not save the first ANHD chunk
before the BODY chunk. In this case MainActor cannot insert the
timecode for the first frame and will give you an error message (the
other timecodes will be set). if you want to time the first frame,
just resave the animation with MainActor to avoid this problem.
The IFF-Anim7 specification was created by `Wolfgang Hofer'.
It is a quit good compromise between speed and animation size. The
IFF-Anim7_16 modules use words (16 bits) the Anim-7_32 modules
longwords (32 bits) for compression. Therefore the 16 bit variant
compresses slightly better than the 32 bit modules, but playback is
The IFF-Anim7_32 modules are, in my opinion, the best choice for
timeable, fast animations.
You cannot append to looping animations. You can bypass this by
resaving it to a non-looping animation and then appending the frames.
You can make a non-looping animation to a looping animation by
appending two frames which are identical to the first two. (You have
to reload the animation to make the loop appear) There are some bad
animation packers out there, who do not save the first ANHD chunk
before the BODY chunk. In this case MainActor cannot insert the
timecode for the first frame and will give you an error message (the
other timecodes will be set). if you want to time the first frame,
just resave the animation with MainActor to avoid this problem. The
modules do NOT support animations with a DLTA chunk instead of a BODY
chunk for the first frame.
The IFF-Anim8 specification was created by Joe Porkka of `ASDG'.
There is no difference in playback speed between the Anim7 and Anim8
You cannot append to looping animations. You can bypass this by
resaving it to a non-looping animation and then appending the frames.
You can make a non-looping animation to a looping animation by
appending two frames which are identical to the first two. (You have
to reload the animation to make the loop appear) There are some bad
animation packers out there, who do not save the first ANHD chunk
before the BODY chunk. In this case MainActor cannot insert the
timecode for the first frame and will give you an error message (the
other timecodes will be set). if you want to time the first frame,
just resave the animation with MainActor to avoid this problem. The
modules do NOT support animations with a DLTA chunk instead of a BODY
chunk for the first frame.
The IFF-AnimBrush specification was created by `Dan Silva' of
Electronic Arts. Anim Brushes are used/saved by DPaint.
There is no saver module at the moment.
The Picture Modules
Picture Universal
This module examines the picture format and executes the proper
picture module.
Picture Universal_PicassoII
Works in the same way as the `Universal' module but displays all
pictures directly on the Picasso-II board from VillageTronic.
The frame info, display mode etc. options have of course no meaning
for this module. The only options you have is to press space for the
next picture or press escape to abort viewing.
This is the standard Interchangeable File Format (IFF), the
specification was designed by `Electronic Arts'.
Starting from MainActor Version 1.02, the IFF modules can load/save
IFF24 (24-Bit) pictures.
`Super Fast Chunky Pixels', the format was created by myself to view
pictures more quickly on my Picasso-II board. It was designed for
maximal speed on chunky pixel devices.
The advantages of this format are :
SFCP uncompresses pictures about 5 to 10 times faster as IFF, at 24
bit it is blazingly fast. SFCP compresses pictures to a size about 10
to 20 percent smaller than IFF in general.
The disadvantages are :
You need a chunky pixel device for fast viewing. It is currently only
working on the Picasso-II board. SFCP compression is not as good as
IFF on 24 bit pictures, but speedup is about 10 times faster.
SFCP pictures will currently only be recognized by the
`Universal_PicassoII' universal module as there is currently no support
for viewing SFCP pictures on the native chipset. Convert the SFCP
pictures you want to view to the IFF format with MainActor if you dont
have a supported gfx board.
PCX is a picture format heavily used on pc's, it was designed by
No save module yet
These modules support the workbench icons.
The saver module will append ".info" to the save name.
The Arexx Interface
MainActors arexx port name is `MAINACTOR'.
Parmaters in these angle brackets have to be supplied
Parameters in square brackets are optional
Vertical bars mean OR and are used to seperate options of which
you can choose one : [ON | OFF]
The result variable contains the result of the operation, its
possible contents are listed in the command reference.
Look at the `MainActor:rexx' directory for examples. Note that
MainActor does not support blanks in filenames which are arexx
The arexx commands integrated in MainActor 1.16 are:
Appends the selected frames/pictures of the source project to the
destination project.
result: -
`Format:' DeSelectAll
Deselects all frames/pictures in the source project.
result: -
`Format:' DeSelectRange <from> <to>
Will deselect all frames/pictures in the source project from the
integer value `from' to `to'
result: -
`Format:' DeSelectRangeRequest
The DeSelectRange requester will appear,letting you choose the
frames or pictures to deselect.
result: -
`Format:' GetSPInfo
Returns information about the current source project:
The width of the source project, followed by its height, followed by
the amount of Colors (`HAM6',`HAM8',`EHB' will be given back literally
for AdPro compatibility), followed by the number of frames/pictures in
your project, followed by `CACHING=NO' or `CACHING=YES' depending if
you have caching en/disabled, followed by `LOOP=YES' or `LOOP=NO'
depending on the loop status and at last `CPF=YES' or `CPF=NO'
depending on your color per frame status.
Picture lists have `LOOP' disabled and `CPF' enabled.
result: width height colors #ofpics caching loop cpf
result=320 256 HAM6 220 CACHING=YES LOOP=YES CPF=NO
result=320 256 16 10 CACHING=YES LOOP=YES CPF=YES
`Format:' GetSPLoader
Returns two arguments, the first is `ANIM' or `PIC' depending of the
loader module type of the source project. The second argument is the
name of the module itself.
result: ModuleType ModuleName
`Format:' GetSPName
If the source project has an animation loaded, it returns the full
animation name with path, else it returns two arguments, the first is
the name of the first picture with full path, the second is the name of
the last picture without its path.
result: Name of animation or name of first and last picture.
`Format:' GetSPSaver
Returns two arguments, the first is `ANIM' or `PIC' depending of the
saver module type of the source project. The second argument is the
name of the module itself.
result: ModuleType ModuleName
`Format:' LoadProject <Name1> [Name2]
LoadProject will load an animation or picture list, according to the
type of the load module of the source project.
`Name1' is the name of the animation or the name of the first picture
of the picture list.
`Name2' is only needed when you want to load a picture list, it is
the name of the last picture.
LoadProject Graphics:CountAnim.00001 Graphics:CountAnim.00010
LoadProject Graphics:CountAnim.00001 CountAnim.00010
LoadProject Graphics:Test/mandel7_32
`Format:' OpenNewProject [CACHING]
Opens a new project window (up to five) If you supply the `CACHING'
parameter, the project window will have caching enabled, otherwise it
will be disabled.
result: -
`Format:' PlayProject
Plays the animation contained in the source project, will fail if
the source project is a picture list.
result: -
`Format:' Quit
Closes all projects and quits MainActor.
result: -
`Format:' PrintTxt <text>
Displays `text' in the Text Buffer Window.
result: -
`Format:' PrintAndStoreTxt <text>
Displays and buffers `text' in the Text Buffer Window.
result: -
`Format:' RequestInteger <InitValue> <text>
This command pops up an integer requester, `text' will be displayed
above the integer value which was initialized with `InitValue'.
RequestInteger 640 "Enter new Width"
result: integer value
`Format:' Save <Name> [CPF=YES|NO] [LOOP=YES|NO]
An animation saver will save the selected frames into a new animation
under the name you put in the `Name' parameter. `CPF' decides wether
you want a color palette per frame or not, `LOOP' decides if you want
to have a looping animation. `LOOP' and `CPF' overrule the normal
behaviour, if you dont supply them, everything will be saved as though
you had activated the `Save' gadget.
If you have a picture saver, `Name' is the base name for the
pictures, `LOOP' and `CPF' have, in this case, no meaning.
result: -
`Format:' ScreenToBack
Flips the MainActor screen to the back.
result: -
`Format:' ScreenToFront
Flips the MainActor screen to the front.
result: -
`Format:' SelectAll
Selects all frames/pictures in the source project.
result: -
`Format:' SelectRange
Will select all frames/pictures in the source project from the
integer value `from' to `to'
result: -
`Format:' SelectRangeRequest
The SelectRange requester will appear, letting you choose the frames
or pictures to select.
result: -
`Format:' ShowPictures
Shows the selected pictures/frames of the source project.
result: -
`Format:' SetSPLoader <ModuleType> <ModuleName>
Sets the load module of the source project to the module type
`ModuleType' with the module name `ModuleName'.
SetSPLoader ANIM IFF-Anim5
result: -
`Format:' SetSPSaver <ModuleType> <ModuleName>
Sets the save module of the source project to the module type
`ModuleType' with the module name `ModuleName'.
SetSPSaver ANIM IFF-Anim5
result: -
`Format:' SetTimecode <Timecode>
Sets `Timecode' (a value from 1 to 999) to the selected frames of
the source project.
result: -
`Format:' SwapDeActivatedToSource
Flips the first deactivated project to the source and the source
project to the destination project.
result: -
`Format:' SwapProjects
Flips the destination project to the source and the source project
to the destination project.
result: -
`Format:' UnloadProject
Unloads the current project of the source project.
result: -
`Format:' Version
Will return the actual version string of MainActor.
result: MainActor xx.xx (xx.xx.xx)
`Format:' WBToFront
Flips the WorkBench screen to the front.
result: -
MainView is MainActors external player. It can display all
animations/pictures for which MainActor has the proper loader modules.
The key commands while playing animations or showing pictures are
the same as if you would view them directly with MainActor. Thats the
reason for not listing them here again, have a look at the Project
Control Panel Window under `Play' and `Show'.
If MainActor saved an icon for the animations/pictures to view,
MainView will take the view settings from this icon (overruling its own
settings) ! You can change this behaviour through the `IgnoreIcons'
You can start MainView from the workbench or form the cli.
`Starting MainView from the Workbench'
If you start MainView from the wb (per icon) you can select the
file(s) to view in an asl-requester. For multi selecting just press one
of the shift keys and select the files with the mouse. (Starting from
OS 2.1+)
MainView supports the following tooltypes:
This tooltype enables the window mode, all animations or pictures
will be displayed in an window on the current public screen. It
is disabled by default.
FrameInfo enables the FrameInfo mode. It Is disabled by default.
Disables caching, with caching disabled MainView plays direct from
the harddisk (or whatever). This allows you to play big animations
even if you have not much ram. It is disabled by default.
Ignores the icons of the animations/pictures It is disabled by
Enables the Flash option. It is disabled by default.
You can directly set the start x offset. Defaults to 0.
The same for the y offset. Defaults to 0.
Repeats the animation <Value> times. For example `Repeat=1' would
play the animation one time. Defaults to 100.
This is the initial directory for the asl-requester.
Chooses the default loader module for animations. Default is the
`Universal' module.
Chooses the default loader module for pictures. Default is the
`Universal' module. If you want to view all pictures for example
on the PicassoII gfx board, choose the `Universal_PicassoII'
`Starting MainView from the cli'
Starting MainView from the cli will give you enhanced functionality.
You can for example define patterns for animations or picture lists.
Usage is : MainView [-<options>] <file>
You can enter as many files as you like.
MainView supports these options :
-w : enables the window mode
-fi : enables the frameinfo option
-nc : turns caching off
-i : ignore the icons for the animations/pictures
-f : enables the flash option
-xvalue : value describes the initial x offset
-yvalue : the same for the y offset.
-rvalue : value describes how often the animation
should be repeated
-amodule : where module is the default animation loader
for example `-aUniversal' selects the universal
loader (default).
-pmodule : where module is the default picture loader
for example `-aUniversal' selects the universal
loader (default).
If you want to remap your pictures to the
PicassoII board enter `-pUniversal_PicassoII'
`MainView -nc -r1 Graphics:Pics/#? Animation/#?8_32' will show all
files in the Graphics:Pics/ directory as well as all files in the
Animation/ directory which end with '8_32' and all animations will be
directly played from the harddisk (one time).
`MainView -pUniversal_PicassoII Graphics:#?_24Bit' will display all
pictures which names end with '_24Bit' on the Picasso-II board.
This tutorial will try to (quickly) explain the tasks you can
perform with MainActor. It is just meant to give you the idea behind
MainActor, you have still to read all of the documentation to get the
most out of MainActor.
`This tutorial will tell you how to'
Load Animations
You need an unused Project to load an animation into MainActor.
Select the `Select Load Module' gadget of the Project Window and select
the proper animation format (if you, for example, want to load an
IFF-Anim5 animation, select the IFF-Anim5 loader or the Universal
loader). If you want to cache the animation (buffer the animation in
memory), enable the `Caching' gadget. Now select the `Load' gadget of
the Project Control Panel Window and select the animation in the
opening asl requester. MainActor will now examine the animation and
load it into memory (if caching is enabled). After that the frames of
the animation are listed in the scroll list area of the project window,
also all gadgets (except the `Load' and perhaps the `Append' gadget) of
the Project Control Panel Window are now enabled.
Load Picture(s)
You need an unused Project to load a picture or a picture list into
MainActor. Select the `Select Load Module' gadget of the projects
window and select the proper picture format (if you, for example, want
to load an IFF picture, select the IFF loader). If you want to cache
the picture(s) (buffer the picture(s) in memory), enable the `Caching'
gadget. Now select the `Load' gadget of the Project Control Panel
Window and select the first picture of the picture list in the opening
asl requester, if you want to load only one picture, you can cancel the
second requester, otherwise select the last picture of the picture list
in the second requester. MainActor will now load the selected
picture(s) and buffer them into memory (if caching is enabled). After
that the picture(s) are listed in the scroll list area of the project
window, also all gadgets (except the `Load' and `Play' and perhaps the
`Append' gadgets) of the Project Control Panel Window are now enabled.
Play Animations
You have to load an animation first. Just click on the `Play'
gadget of the Project Control Panel Window. For further details have a
look into the documentation.
Show Pictures
You have to load an animation or a picture list first. Select the
pictures you want to show in the source projects list view gadget,
after that simply press the `Show' gadget of the Project Control Panel
Window. For further details have a look into the documentation.
Create/Convert Animations
You have to load an animation or a picture list first. Select the
pictures who shall be included in the new animation in the source
projects list view gadget. After that select the `Select Save Module'
gadget and select the proper animation format. Now click on the `Save'
gadget of the Project Control Panel Window and enter the name of the
new animation. MainActor will then create the animation, you may have
to answer some requesters (looping or non looping animation and so on).
For further details have a look into the documentation.
Save Pictures From Animations
The procedure is exactly the same as before, just select a picture
save module instead of an animation module. For further details have a
look into the documentation.
Convert Picture Formats
The procedure is exactly the same as before, just load a picture or a
picture list and select another picture formats save module.
Append To Animations
Load an animation or picture list into the source project and an
animation into the destination project. The name of the source
projects saver module has to equal the name of the destination projects
saver module (Beware of the Universal loader !!) The `Append' gadget of
the Project Control Panel Window should now be enabled. Select the
pictures you want to append (to the destination project) in the source
project. After that select the `Append' gadget, MainActor will now
append the selected pictures of the source project to the animation in
the destination project. For further details have a look into the
Time Animations
Load an animation and select the pictures you want to give a new
timecode. Now select the `Select Timecode' item in the Miscellaneous
Menu and enter the new timecode into the integer gadget. MainActor
will now write the new timecodes to the animation, you can check the
new timecodes by playing the animation.
Execute Arexx Scripts
You can directly execute arexx scripts by selecting the `Start Arexx
Script' item in the Arexx Menu and selecting the arexx scripts. You
can map arexx scripts to the function keys through the `Install Arexx
Scripts' item (again in the Arexx Menu). You can really speed up your
work by using them, take a look at their header to get a short
description what they do.
Show Pictures/Animations On The PicassoII
Just use the `Universal_PicassoII' loader modules, they remap the
output of every module to the picasso board. Note that it is faster to
view animations of the bitmap formats (like Anim-5,7,8) on the native
chipset as these formats have to be converted to the picassos chunky
pixel mode.
The registration fee is `$50' (85 german marks) or any aquivalent
sum in your local currency.
You will get your keyfile per disk or email. If you have an email
address, please include it in your letter.
When the printed manuals are ready, you will get one. If you dont
have ftp access and cant get the updates this way, two free (disk
based) updates are included in the shareware fee. You have to contact
me everytime you want me to send you an upgrade.
You can send cash or international money order to
Markus Moenig
Bruesseler Ring 61
52074 Aachen
Tel.: (49)-241-71844
If you prefer direct transfer:
Markus Moenig
NO. 20011672
Stadtsparkasse Aachen
BLZ 390 500 00 (Germany)
Usage: MainActor
If you have questions/suggestions feel free to contact me through email:
Fido 2:242/7.13
Internet moenig@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
ADSP markusm@tolkien.adsp.sub.org
The Future
Future enhancements which are on my list:
- an animation loader/saver for VRLIs Vista Pro format (VANIM)
- mpeg and Jpeg loader
- more picture and animation modules (in general)
- user defineable shortcuts ala TurboText
- support of more 24 Bit modules, for example more modules for
- more powerful arexx commands (for example : syncing arexx commands
to animations)
- far more arexx scripts (sinus (de)-acceleration scripts and more)
- German documentation
- sending printed manuals to registered users
- the whole MultiMedia stuff ...
In the long run i want to make a complete `MultiMedia' package out
of MainActor with Sound and Effect modules. The planned sample per
frame option is the first step in that direction, instead of
integrating the samples in the animations/pictures itself, there will
be a new module type : Sound. You will be able to associate sound
modules to every frame/picture. Sound modules could for example be
samples or protracker play routines.
This package was developed by usage of the following products:
- Dice, from Obvious Implementation Corp
- Devpac 3.04, from HiSoft
- WShell2.0 and Arexx, from Wishful Thinking Corp
- TurboText from Oxxi
- ToolManager from Stefan Becker
- MultiTool II from Boris Jakubaschk
Thanks for producing high quality software.
Special thanks to:
- Stefan Becker for his Amiga knowledge, without him this project
would not have been become possible
- all GAMMA and BETA testers
- Norbert Bogenrieder for the icons
- Paul van der Heu for the original Amigaguide conversion of the docs
- Jesper Juul for his optimizing suggestions
Amiga What is MainActor ?
Anim Universal Anim Universal
Anim Universal_PicasssoII Anim Universal_PicassoII
Append Append
Append To Animations Append To Animations
Arexx Menu Arexx Menu
Convert Picture Formats Convert Picture Formats
Create/Convert Animations Create-Convert Animations
Credits Credits
Dan Silva IFF-AnimBrush
DeSelectAll DeSelectAll
DeSelectRange DeSelectRange
DeSelectRangeRequest DeSelectRangeRequest
Electronic Arts IFF-Anim5
Electronic Arts IFF
Execute Arexx Scripts Execute Arexx Scripts
Features Features
GetSPInfo GetSPInfo
GetSPLoader GetSPLoader
GetSPName GetSPName
GetSPSaver GetSPSaver
IFF-Anim5 IFF-Anim5
IFF-Anim7 IFF-Anim7
IFF-Anim8 IFF-Anim8
IFF-AnimBrush IFF-AnimBrush
Installation Installation
Introduction Introduction
Load Animations Load Animations
Load Picture(s) Load Picture(s)
LoadProject LoadProject
MainActor Preferences Window MainActor Preferences Window
MainView MainView
Miscellaneous Menu Miscellaneous Menu
New features in v1.1 New features in v1.1
OpenNewProject OpenNewProject
OS 3.0 Project Control Panel Window
Picture Universal Picture Universal
Picture Universal_PicassoII Picture Universal_PicassoII
Play Animations Play Animations
PlayProject PlayProject
PrintAndStoreTxt PrintAndStoreTxt
PrintTxt PrintTxt
Project Control Panel Window Project Control Panel Window
Project Menu Project Menu
Project View Settings Window Project View Settings Window
Project Window Project Window
Quit Quit
Registration Registration
RequestInteger RequestInteger
Save Save
Save Pictures From Animations Save Pictures From Animations
ScreenToBack ScreenToBack
ScreenToFront ScreenToFront
SelectAll SelectAll
SelectRange SelectRange
SelectRangeRequest SelectRangeRequest
SetSPLoader SetSPLoader
SetSPSaver SetSPSaver
SetTimecode SetTimecode
SFCP_PicassoII SFCP_PicassoII
Show Pictures Show Pictures
Show Pictures/Animations On The PicassoIIShow Pictures-Animations On The PicassoII
ShowPictures ShowPictures
Super Fast Chunky Pixels SFCP_PicassoII
SwapDeActivatedToSource SwapDeActivatedToSource
SwapProjects SwapProjects
System Preferences Window System Preferences Window
Text Buffer Menu Text Buffer Menu
Text Buffer Window Text Buffer Window
The Animation Modules The Animation Modules
The Arexx Interface The Arexx Interface
The Future The Future
The Menus The Menus
The Modules The Modules
The Picture Modules The Picture Modules
The Windows The Windows
Time Animations Time Animations
Tutorial Tutorial
UnloadProject UnloadProject
Version Version
Warm Up Disclaimer
WBToFront WBToFront
What is MainActor ? What is MainActor ?
Windows Menu Windows Menu
Wolfgang Hofer IFF-Anim7
Workbench-Icon Workbench-Icon